Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] DAMAGE"" "subject:"[enn] DAMAGE""
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Odpovědnost za škodu v soudní judikatuře / Liability for domage in the judicial practiceŘezníček, Oldřich January 2016 (has links)
Résumé Liability for damage in the judicial practice The intention of my thesis is to analyze the contemporary state of legal regulation concerning liability for damage in employment relations, considering not only the respective provisions of Act N. 262/2006 Sb., the Labour Code, as amended, but also with respect to the significant judicial practice. The composition of this topic basically follows the systematics of the Labour Code. The script is composed of six chapters, each of which is further subdivided in order to preserve a certain sequence and hierarchy. The opening chapter is dedicated to the theoretical conception of legal liability for damage in general, concluding with a brief article about the General liability for damage according to the Civil Code. Chapter two describes the integration and the purpose of the practice of the courts in relation to the Czech legal order. The third chapter provides a description of liability for damage in employment relations, including the explanation of the legal terms of "damage" and "immaterial harm". An article about the prevention from damage is attached as well. Chapter four focuses on the liability for damage of an employee. In the first place, it deals with the employee's general liability and then subsequently with all of the three special types of...
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The Damage Done and Other StoriesLarson, Jamie 18 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Settlement Preferences of the Pacific Sea Nettle, Chrysaora fuscescens, and the Socioeconomic Impacts of Jellyfish on Fishers in the Northern California CurrentConley, Keats 03 October 2013 (has links)
Few data are available on distribution, abundance, and ecology of scyphozoans in the Northern California Current (NCC). This thesis is divided into four chapters, each of which contributes to our understanding of a different stage of the scyphozoan life history. The first study describes the settlement preferences of Chrysaora fuscescens planulae in the laboratory. Planulae were found to respond to the interaction of substrate and orientation. Artificial substrates were identified as viable habitat for C. fuscescens. In the second chapter, a population of scyphistomae in Charleston, Oregon were identified to species-level using DNA barcoding techniques. The third and fourth chapters focus on the medusa stage of the life history. Using surveys mailed to fishers in the Pacific Region, this study provides baseline data on the types and magnitudes of economic damages caused by jellyfish on different fisheries and helps assess fishers' perceptions of jellyfish population trends in the NCC.
This thesis includes previously unpublished co-authored material.
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Nová úprava soukromoprávního vymáhání náhrady škody způsobené protisoutěžním jednáním / New Regulation of Private Law Enforcement of Compensation for Damage Caused by Anti-competitive BehaviourPetráková, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
This paper deals with the problematics of private enforcement with main focus on the legislation comprised in the act no. 262/2017 col. on Compensation of Damages in the Area of Competition Law in the context of the evolution of the approach of the European Union and the Czech Republic towards private enforcement. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the impact of the new law on legal status of persons, who have suffered harm caused by competition law infringement, when claiming for compensation for his or hers loss. The author of the paper critically evaluates the way the European law was transposed into the Czech legal environment and its real impact on the legal relationships in the area of private enforcement of competition law. The author examines in detail the newly established framework of limitation periods which differs significantly from those of the general civil law both before and after its recodification. The Act on Compensation of Damages in the Area of Competition Law does not comprise transitional provisions concerning limitation periods. Therefore the intertemporal conflicts of the new act with other civil law acts are dealt with in depth. Consequently the area of compensation for loss is discussed. Within this area the author analyses the problematics of presumption of existence...
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Design of new elastomeric composites used in manufacturing engineering : effect of vulcanization processing conditions on the physical, chemical, mechanical and viscoelastic properties / Conception de nouveaux composites élastomères utilisés en ingénierie de fabrication : effet des conditions de traitement de vulcanisation, les propriétés physiques, chimiques, mécaniques et viscoélastiquesZaimova, Diana 24 January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse a plusieurs objectifs différents. La première est de concevoir de nouveaux composites élastomères charge renforcée sur la base de mélange de deux types d'élastomères différents vulcanisés dans des conditions différentes (température de vulcanisation, système de vulcanisation etc.) afin d'obtenir de meilleures performances de traitement et de propriétés. La deuxième est de caractériser les mélanges nouvellement créées en utilisant différentes méthodes et différentes conditions de fonctionnement. Le troisième est d'étudier la possibilité de remplacer une partie de la charge conventionnelle (noir de carbone) avec de la résine époxy ou l'utilisation de particules fines comme le SiC et Al2O3. Au stade final de la thèse, nous avons proposé des conditions de travail optimales et les applications industrielles. Une proposition très pratique a été donnée pour l'optimisation de la composition pour différentes applications industrielles. À la suite de la recherche à l’échelle industrielle qui est l'objet de cette thèse, nous avons proposé des compositions originales de haute qualité adaptés pour différentes applications. / This thesis has several different aims. First one is to design new filler-reinforced elastomeric composites based on mixing together of two different types of elastomers vulcanized under different conditions (vulcanization temperature, vulcanization system, etc.) in order to obtain better processing and performance properties. Second one is to characterize the newly created mixtures by using variety of methods and different operating conditions. The third one is to investigate the possibility to replace part of the conventional filler (carbon black) with epoxy resin or the use of fine particles as SiC and Al2O3. At the final stage of the thesis, we have suggested the optimal working conditions and industrial applications. A very practical proposal was given for the optimization of the composition for different industrial applications. As a result of the full scale investigation which is the object of this thesis, we have proposed original high quality compositions suitable for different engineering applications.
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Sobre a formulação de um modelo de dano para o concreto / On the formulation of damage model for the concretePituba, José Julio de Cerqueira 28 March 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho trata da formulação de leis constitutivas para meios elásticos, que uma vez danificados passam a apresentar diferentes comportamentos em tração e em compressão e certo grau de anisotropia. Inicialmente é revista uma formulação para meios elásticos anisótropos e bimodulares, sendo a mesma, então, estendida para incorporar os casos de meios elásticos com anisotropia e bimodularidade induzidas pelo dano. Seguindo os conceitos da mecânica do dano contínuo e a extensão mencionada da formulação, propõe-se um modelo constitutivo para o concreto assumindo por hipótese fundamental, a equivalência de energia entre meio danificado real e meio contínuo equivalente. Tal hipótese garante a simetria do tensor constitutivo e a sua consistência termodinâmica. De acordo com o modelo proposto, o material é considerado como um meio elástico inicialmente isótropo que passa a apresentar anisotropia induzida pela evolução do dano. Além disso, a danificação pode também induzir uma resposta bimodular no material, isto é, respostas elásticas diferentes para estados de tensão de tração ou de compressão predominantes. Nesse sentido, dois tensores de dano governando as rigidezes em regimes predominantes de tração ou de compressão são introduzidos. Sugere-se então, um critério afim de caracterizar os estados dominantes. As deformações permanentes induzidas pelo dano são, de uma forma geral, desconsideradas. No entanto, propõe-se uma versão unidimensional do modelo que permite a sua consideração. Por outro lado, os critérios para a ativação inicial dos processos de danificação e de sua posterior evolução são escritos em termos de densidade de energia de deformação. Os parâmetros do modelo podem ser identificados mediante experimentos, onde estados de tensão uniaxial e biaxial são induzidos. Também propõem-se leis de evolução de dano com base nos resultados experimentais. A boa coerência do modelo é ilustrada comparando-se uma série de respostas experimentais e numéricas no concreto relativas a estados de tensão uni, bi e triaxiais. Por fim, o modelo é empregado em análises unidimensionais e planas de vigas e pórtico em concreto armado com o objetivo de mostrar a sua potencialidade. / This thesis deals with the formulation of constitutive laws for elastic media that start to present different behaviours in tension and compression and some anisotropy degree when damaged. Initially a formulation for bimodular and anisotropic elastic media is reviewed; then it is extended to take into account the bimodularity and anisotropy induced by damage. Following the concepts of the continuum damage mechanics and the formulation extension, a constitutive model is proposed here by exploring the fundamental hypothesis of energy equivalence between real and continuous medium. Such hypothesis guarantees symmetry to the constitutive tensor and its thermodynamic consistency. According to the proposed modeling, the material is assumed as an initial elastic isotropic medium presenting anisotropy induced by damage evolution. Moreover, damage can also induce a bimodular response in the material, i.e., distinct elastic responses whether traction or compression stress states prevail. To take into account the bimodularity conveniently, two damage tensors governing the rigidity in traction or compression regimes are introduced. A criterion is proposed in order to characterize the dominant states. In general, the permanent strains induced by damage are disregarded. However, a one-dimensional version of the model that allows considering permanent strains is proposed. On the other hand, damage criteria indicating the initial and further evolution of damage are expressed in terms of strain energy densities. The model parameters can be identified from experiments where one-axial and two-axial stress states are induced. Damage evolution laws are also proposed on the basis of experimental results. The good performance of the model is illustrated by comparing a variety of numerical and experimental responses, from one to three-axial stress states. Finally, the model is used in one-dimensional and plane analysis of reinforced concrete beams and frame in order to show its potentiality.
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Formulação de um modelo de dissipação concentrada para a análise não-linear de estruturas reticuladas planas em concreto armado / Formulation of a lumped dissipation model for nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete planed frame structuresAraújo, Francisco Adriano de 19 April 2007 (has links)
O trabalho trata da formulação, implementação e aplicação de um modelo para análise não-linear de estruturas reticuladas planas em concreto armado, baseado no conceito simplificado de localização dos processos físicos irreversíveis (dano, plasticidade e histerese) em zonas previamente definidas denominadas rótulas que se localizam nas extremidades de um elemento finito de barra. O modelo proposto tem por objetivo reproduzir os deslocamentos residuais relacionados tanto ao comportamento plástico do concreto danificado quanto ao escoamento do aço, além de possibilitar a reprodução de laços de histerese observados experimentalmente em diagramas momento-rotação, ou equivalentemente força-deslocamento, quando a história de carregamento incluir ciclos de descarregamento e recarregamento. A formulação termodinâmica é desenvolvida fazendo-se referência as variáveis de tensão e deformação generalizadas em razão de sua aplicação no âmbito da teoria clássica de flexão de barras. Neste modelo a não-linearidade do elemento estrutural é totalmente decorrente da dissipação de energia localizada nas rótulas e é representada por três variáveis escalares a elas associadas: a variável adimensional de dano, a rotação plástica e a rotação por escorregamento, que representa o fenômeno físico do escorregamento entre as faces das microfissuras no concreto (encaixe e desencaixe dos agregados). Na fase de aplicações as respostas numéricas obtidas com a utilização do modelo proposto foram avaliadas mediante o confronto com diversos resultados experimentais disponíveis na literatura para estruturas de concreto armado sob solicitações estáticas e dinâmicas. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam o bom funcionamento do modelo no caso das solicitações estáticas, tendo sido obtidos resultados limitadamente satisfatórios no caso das solicitações dinâmicas. / This work deals with the formulation, implementation and application of a model for nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete planed frame structures, based on the simplified concept of localization of the irreversible physical processes (damage, plasticity and hysteresis) in zones previously defined called hinges which are located in the extremities of a bar finite element. The proposed model has as objective to reproduce the residual displacements related to the plastic behavior of the damaged concrete as well as to the steel yielding, moreover making possible the reproduction of hysteresis loops experimentally observed in moment-rotation diagrams, or equivalently force-displacement, when the loading history includes unloading and reloading cycles. The thermodynamic formulation is developed referring to generalized stress and deformation variables due to their application in the scope of the classic theory of bars bending. In this model the nonlinearity of the structural element is totally due to the energy dissipation in the hinges and is represented by three scalar variables associated to them: the non-dimensional damage variable, the plastic rotation and the sliding rotation, which represents the physical phenomenon of sliding between the microcracks faces in the concrete (aggregate interlocking). In the applications phase, the numerical solutions obtained with the use of the proposed model had been evaluated by confrontation with various experimental results available in the literature of reinforced concrete structures under static and dynamic solicitations. The obtained results evidence the good performance of the model in the case of static solicitations, having been obtained limited satisfactory results in the case of dynamic solicitations.
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Respostas musculares à realização de ações excêntricas em diferentes velocidades e sua influência no efeito da carga repetida / Muscular responses to eccentric action performed at different velocities and its influence in the repeated bout effectSilva, Renato Barroso da 07 December 2007 (has links)
A realização de uma sessão com ações excêntricas provoca dano na estrutura muscular. Durante o processo de recuperação, essa estrutura sofre adaptações que a protegem da ocorrência de dano nas sessões subseqüentes. Essas adaptações são chamadas de Efeito da Carga Repetida (ECR). Esse efeito foi estudado com a realização de apenas duas sessões de exercícios. A velocidade da ação excêntrica também pode contribuir para a variabilidade do dano induzido. O objetivo desse estudo foi investigar através da análise dos indicadores indiretos, creatina quinase (CK), força, dor, circunferência e amplitude de movimento (ADM), o dano induzido por diferentes velocidades da ação excêntrica e o efeito da carga repetida com a realização das diferentes velocidades (60ºs-1 (Exc60) e 180ºs-1 (Exc180)); e verificar se o efeito da carga repetida seria maior com a realização de três sessões de exercícios. Os resultados dos indicadores analisados tiveram alterações semelhantes nos grupos Exc60 e Exc180, sugerindo que as diferentes velocidades parecem não interferir na magnitude do dano induzido. O ECR não foi diferente entre as velocidades, pois o comportamento das variáveis analisadas foi semelhante entre os dois grupos nas duas sessões iniciais. A realização da terceira sessão de exercícios excêntricos não promove o aumento do efeito protetor, visto que não houve diferenças significantes entre a segunda e a terceira sessão. Indicando que o ECR advém principalmente da realização da primeira sessão / Performing a bout of eccentric exercise causes muscle damage. During recovery, some adaptations occur that can protect muscle structure. These adaptations are known as Repeated Bout Effect. However, this phenomenon has been studied with two bouts. Velocity of eccentric action has been referred as one possible factor which can affect the extension of muscle damage. The aim of this study was to investigate muscle damage induced by different velocities, the repeated bout effect with different velocities and to verify if the repeated bout effect could be larger if three bouts of eccentric exercise were performed. Results of indirect markers of muscle damage (CK, DOR, upper-arm circumference, maximal isometric force) showed similar alterations in groups Exc60 and Exc180, suggesting that different velocities do not affect the extension of muscle damage. Repeated bout effect is not different between velocities, because changes in markers were comparable in both groups after the first two bouts. After performing a third bout of eccentric exercise, there was not any significant differences between second and third bouts. It indicates that the first bout is responsible for the adaptations of the repeated bout effect
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Hidrogênio molecular inibe a resposta inflamatória e previne o dano cognitivo em ratos submetidos ao choque séptico / Molecular hydrogen inhibits inflammatory response and prevents cognitive damage in rats submitted to septic shockJesus, Aline Alves de 30 November 2018 (has links)
O sistema nervoso central (SNC) é uma das primeiras regiões a ser acometida durante a sepse e choque séptico, o que contribui para o aumento da taxa de morbidade e mortalidade. Pacientes em choque séptico apresentam disfunção neuronal aguda, tais como o delírio, desorientação e coma. Em longo prazo, o dano cognitivo pode ocorrer ocasionando o comprometimento do aprendizado e formação de memória. Estudos demonstram que durante a resposta inflamatória sistêmica exacerbada, mediadores inflamatórios presentes na circulação sistêmica, são capazes de chegar ao SNC e ocasionar a ativação de células gliais, conduzindo a um estado de neuroinflamação. Nesse processo, algumas estruturas do SNC, tais como o hipocampo são mais vulneráveis à ação de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO), e a mediadores inflamatórios produzidos de forma excessiva durante a sepse. Neste contexto, a investigação de novas estratégias terapêuticas que sejam capazes de atenuar a resposta inflamatória exacerbada se faz necessário. Assim, o presente projeto teve como objetivo investigar prováveis propriedades antioxidante e anti-inflamatória do Hidrogênio molecular (H2), bem como sua possível ação neuroprotetora em ratos submetidos à sepse polimicrobiana, induzida por ligadura e perfuração cecal (CLP). Para isso o projeto foi dividido em dois protocolos experimentais. No primeiro protocolo ratos Wistar submetidos à cirurgia de CLP ou Sham, foram submetidos ao tratamento com inalação do H2 a 2%, por um período de 1h durante 10 dias consecutivos, e logo após foram submetidos a testes comportamentais para avaliação da memória de habituação, discriminativa e aversiva. No segundo protocolo os animais foram tratados com inalação do H2 por um período de 3h, e 24h após ao término da cirurgia de CLP/Sham foram decapitados para coleta do sangue e cérebro. A partir dos resultados dos testes comportamentais observamos que o tratamento com inalação do H2 durante a sepse experimental preveniu a perda de memória e o dano cognitivo, bem como foi capaz de diminuir os níveis de citocinas pró-inflamatórias de fase aguda tais como IL-1?, IL-6 e TNF? no córtex pré-frontal e hipocampo. A estratégia também foi capaz de diminuir os níveis de TBARS no plasma. Observamos um aumento da concentração da enzima catalase nos animais tratados com H2. Em conjunto os resultados indicam que o H2 foi capaz de inibir a resposta inflamatória e prevenir o dano cognitivo, agindo como uma substância neuroprotetora em ratos submetidos ao choque séptico experimental / The central nervous system is one of the first regions to be affected during Sepsis and septic shock, which contributes to the increased rate of morbidity and mortality. Patients with severe sepsis may present acute neuronal dysfunction such as delirium, disorientation, and unconscious. In the long term, cognitive damage can occur causing the commitment of learning and memory formation. Studies show that during the exacerbated systemic inflammatory response, inflammatory mediators present in the systemic circulation, are able to reach the CNS and cause the activation of glial cells, leading to a state of neuroinflammation. In this process, some CNS structures such as the hippocampus are more vulnerable to the action of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and to inflammatory mediators produced excessively during sepsis. In this context, the investigation of new therapeutic strategies that are capable of attenuating the exacerbated inflammatory response is necessary. Thus, the present project aimed to investigate the probable antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of molecular hydrogen (H2), as well as its possible neuroprotective action in rats submitted to polymicrobial sepsis induced by ligature and cecal puncture (CLP). In order to check this hypothesis, the project was divided into two experimental protocols. In the first protocol Wistar rats submitted to CLP or Sham surgery were submitted to 2% H2 inhalation treatment for a period of 1h for 10 consecutive days, and soon after they underwent behavioral tests to evaluate habituation memory, discriminative and aversive. In the second protocol the animals were treated with H2 inhalation for a period of 3h and 24h, and at the end of the treatment, they were decapitated for blood and brain collection. Plasma was already used for nitrate dosage, lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzymes and inflammatory cytokines. From the results of the behavioral tests, we observed that treatment with H2 inhalation during the experimental sepsis prevented memory loss and cognitive damage, and was able to decrease the levels of acute-phase inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1?, IL -6 and TNF? in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus. The therapeutic strategy was also able to decrease plasma TBARS levels. We also observed an increase in the concentration of the enzyme catalase in H2-treated animals. Together the results indicate that molecular hydrogen was able to inhibit the inflammatory response and prevent cognitive damage, acting as a neuroprotective substance, in rats submitted to experimental septic shock
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Mecanismos de indução de lesões no DNA pela luz UVA e seus efeitos biológicos. / Mechanisms of induction of DNA lesions by UVA light and its biological effects.Yagura, Teiti 03 April 2012 (has links)
Irradiamos amostras de DNA com luz UVA em diferentes condições para estudar os possíveis mecanismos envolvidos na indução de lesões de DNA por essa radiação. As lesões de DNA formadas após as irradiações foram quantificadas com enzimas de reparo de DNA que reconhecem e clivam os sítios contendo bases oxidadas e dímeros de pirimidina (CPDs). Complementando essas análises, foram realizados ensaios com anticorpos e HPLC-ED. NaCl e uma maior concentração de DNA são capazes de diminuir a indução de CPDs. Danos gerados por estresse oxidativo são inibidos na presença de azida de sódio e quelantes de metais, indicando o envolvimento de oxigênio singlete e reações de Fenton, na geração dessas lesões. Água deuterada e DNA mais concentrado aumentaram a indução de bases oxidadas. Quanto maior a quantidade de DNA irradiado, mais oxigênio singlete é formado, o que indica um possível mecanismo de fotossensibilização endógeno. / DNA samples were irradiated with UVA light in different conditions for studying the possible mechanisms involved in the induction of DNA lesions by this radiation. DNA lesions formed after irradiation were quantified with DNA repair enzymes, which recognize and cleave the sites containing oxidized bases and pyrimidine dimers (CPDs). Complementing these analyses, tests were performed with antibodies and HPLC-ED. NaCl and more concentrated DNA are capable of reducing the induction of CPDs. Damage caused by oxidative stress is inhibited in the presence of sodium azide and metal chelators, indicating the involvement of singlet oxygen and Fenton reactions, in the generation of these lesions. Deuterated water and more concentrated DNA increased the induction of oxidized bases. The bigger the amount of irradiated DNA, the more singlet oxygen is formed, which indicates a possible endogenous photosensitization mechanism.
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