Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] DATA MODELING"" "subject:"[enn] DATA MODELING""
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THE POWER OF CROWD IN THE BUSINESS WORLDDong, Ziqi 08 1900 (has links)
In this work, we focus on two attractive crowd-based business models, i.e., user-generated content creation and freight-matching long-haul trucking. First, as elaborated in CHAPTER 2, we consider a game theoretical modeling approach for understanding the operation of non-profit UGC platforms that rely on users to create content and maintain financial sustainability. In particular, we examine several interesting research questions with practical importance and unique contributions to the literature. These research questions mainly investigate how changes in critical business factors influence the platforms' strategic effort allocation, user participation, and overall performance. Second, in CHAPTER 3, we focus on the flourishing freight-matching businesses that rely on crowdsourced drivers for long-haul trucking. In particular, although the practice suggests that shippers' ordering behaviors of freight-matching services may remarkably impact crowdsourced drivers' bidding behaviors, the literature has yet to examine this issue formally. Therefore, we collect industrial data and construct a strict empirical schema for understanding the association between shippers' order timing and freight-matching performance. Besides, by deliberately building a theoretical modeling framework and using a data-driven estimation of model parameters, we are able to simulate the freight-matching performance of adopting our empirical findings and evaluate the practical value of our study. By investigating these two prominent business models, we aim to understand the advantages of crowdsourcing businesses and the role of crowds in nowadays' business innovations. Besides, we also provide valuable managerial insights for business runners who are interested in this "young" market of crowdsourcing businesses. / Business Administration/Strategic Management
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Estimativa de erosão pela Equação Universal de Perda de Solo (USLE) e transferência de sedimentos para todo território Brasileiro / Estimation of erosion by the Universal soil loss Equation (USLE) and sediment transfer for Brazilian territoryGomez, Javier Dario Pulido 28 August 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho é uma tentativa de validar uma metodologia para estimar a produção de sedimentos para todo território Brasileiro. Foram utilizadas ferramentas de sistemas de informação geográfi ca (GIS), estatística espacial, modelagem e gerenciamento de bancos de dados aplicados a conservação de solos, permitindo combinar a equação Universal de Perda do Solo (USLE) com diferentes modelos de taxa de transferência de sedimentos (SDR). A metodologia utilizou como base de teste dados da rede sedimentométrica brasileira composta de 201 bacias. As estimativas foram analisadas por regressão linear múltipla obtendo valores de R2 de até de 46% entre dados observados e modelados. Observou-se a pouca sensibilidade do modelo USLE em relação ao fator de erosividade (fator R) quando duas observações por métodos diferentes diferem espacialmente em seus valores máximos entre 18000 MJ.mm.ha-1.h-1.ano-1 e 28000 MJ.mm.ha-1.h-1.ano-1 . Por outro lado o modelo mostrou-se sensível ao fator de cobertura do solo (Fator C da USLE) afetando as taxas máximas estimadas de erosão entre 160 Mg.ha-1.ano-1 ate 460 Mg.ha-1.ano-1. Nesse sentido a metodologia sugerida pode ser utilizada para dar indicativos sobre mudanças de uso da terra em escalas regionais e subsidiar tomadas de decisões quanto ao planejamento e gestão territorial. / This work is an attempt to validate a methodology for estimating sediment production for the whole Brazilian territory. Tools were used geographic information systems (GIS), spatial statistics, modeling and database management applied to soil conservation, allowing combine the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) with different models of sediment transfer rate (SDR). The methodology used as test data of Brazilian sedimentometric network composed of 201 basins. The estimates were analysed by multiple linear regression getting values of R2 to 46% between observed and modelled data. Noted the low sensitivity of USLE model in relation to the erosivity factor (R factor) when two observations by different methods differ in their maximum values and spatial distribution of 18000 MJ.mm.ha-1.h-1.year-1 and 28000 MJ.mm.ha-1.h-1.year-1. the other aspects the model proved to be sensitive to soil coverage factor (factor C of USLE) affecting the estimated maximum rates of erosion between 160 Mg.ha-1.year-1 up to 460 Mg.ha-1.year-1.
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<p></p><p></p><p>Peatlands are the most efficient natural carbon sink on the planet. They are the most carbon-intensive storages than any other vegetation types. However, recent studies indicate that global peatlands can potentially release 6% of the global soil carbon into the atmosphere when they are drained or deforested. They cover only about 3% of the total global land area, but sequester over 30% of the Earth’s soil organic carbon. Peatlands in northern mid-to-high latitudes (45°-90°N) occupy ~90% of the global peatland area and account for ~80% of the total global peat organic carbon stock. Those peatlands are mainly located in Canada, Russia, and the USA. Peatlands in tropical regions cover ~10% of the global peatlands area and store 15-19% of the global peat organic carbon. They are mainly distributed in Southeast Asia and South and Central America. The temperature at the global scale has been rising since the middle of the last century and has accelerated during the last 40 years and the warming will continue in this century. The large storage of soil organic carbon within the peatlands can significantly respond to the changing climate by varying the roles between their carbon sink (from atmosphere to soil) and source (from soil to atmosphere) activities. This dissertation focuses on quantifying the soil organic carbon dynamics in North America and South America using mechanistically-based biogeochemistry models. </p><p></p><p>Peatlands in Alaska occupy 40 million hectares and account for ~10% of the total peatland area in northern mid-to-high latitudes. The regional soil organic carbon dynamics and its response to climate are still with large uncertainty. Most of the studies on peatlands to date are based on short-term site-level observation. This dissertation first used an integrated modeling framework that coupled the dynamics of hydrology, soil thermal regime, and ecosystem carbon and nitrogen to quantify the long-term peat carbon accumulation in Alaska during the Holocene. Modeled hydrology, soil thermal regime, carbon pools and fluxes and methane emissions were evaluated using long-term observation data at several peatland sites in Minnesota, Alaska, and Canada. The model was then applied for a 10,000-year (15 ka to 5 ka; 1 ka = 1000 cal yr before present) simulation at four peatland sites. The model simulations matched the observed carbon accumulation rates at fen sites during the Holocene (R^2= 0.88, 0.87, 0.38 and -0.05 for four sites respectively using comparisons in 500-year bins from 15 ka to 5 ka). The simulated (2.04 m) and observed peat depths (on average 1.98 m) also compared well (R^2 = 0.91). The early Holocene carbon accumulation rates, especially during the Holocene thermal maximum (HTM) (35.9 g 〖C m〗^(-2) yr^(-1)), were estimated up to 6-times higher than the rest of the Holocene (6.5 g 〖C m〗^(-2) yr^(-1)). It suggested that high summer temperature and the lengthened growing season resulted from the elevated insolation seasonality, along with wetter-than-before conditions might be major factors causing the rapid carbon accumulation in Alaska during the HTM. The sensitivity tests indicated that, apart from climate, initial water-table depth and vegetation canopy were major drivers to the estimated peat carbon accumulation. </p><p></p><p>To further quantify the regional long-term soil organic carbon accumulation rates and the current carbon stocks in Alaska, the second part of my research focused on quantifying the soil organic carbon accumulation in multiple Alaskan terrestrial ecosystems over the last 15,000 years for both peatland and non-peatland ecosystems. Comparable with the previous estimates of 25-70 Pg carbon (C) in peatlands and 13-22 Pg C in non-peatland soils within 1-m depth in Alaska using peat core data, our model estimated a total SOC of 36-63 Pg C at present, including 27-48 Pg C in peatland soils and 9-15 Pg C in non-peatland soils. Current living vegetation stored 2.5-3.7 Pg C in Alaska with 0.3-0.6 Pg C in peatlands and 2.2-3.1 Pg C in non-peatlands. The simulated average rate of peat soil C accumulation was 2.3 Tg C yr^(-1) with a peak value of 5.1 Tg C yr^(-1) during the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM) in the early Holocene, four folds higher than the average rate of 1.4 Tg C yr^(-1) over the rest of the Holocene. The accumulation slowed down, or even ceased, during the neo-glacial climate cooling after the mid-Holocene, but increased again in the 20th century. The model-estimated peat depths ranged from 1.1 to 2.7 m, similar to the field-based estimate of 2.29 m for the region. The changes in vegetation and their distributions were the main factors to determine the spatial variations of SOC accumulation during different time periods. Warmer summer temperature and stronger radiation seasonality, along with higher precipitation in the HTM and the 20th century might have resulted in the extensive peatland expansion and carbon accumulation. </p><p>Most studies on the role of tropical peatlands have focused on Indonesian peatlands. Few have focused on the Amazon basin, where peatlands remain intact and have been a long-term carbon sink. To address the problem, my third study quantified the carbon accumulation for peatland and non-peatland ecosystems in the Pastaza-Marañon foreland basin (PMFB), the most extensive peatland complex in the Amazon basin from 12,000 years before present to 2100 AD. Model simulations indicated that warming accelerated peat carbon loss while increasing precipitation accelerated peat carbon accumulation at millennial time scales. The uncertain parameters and spatial variation of climate were significant sources of uncertainty to modeled peat carbon accumulation. Under warmer and presumably wetter conditions over the 21st century, the warming effect on increasing peat carbon loss might overwhelm the wetter effect on increasing peat carbon accumulation. Peat soil carbon accumulation rate in the PMFB slowed down to 7.9 (4.3~12.2) g C m^(-2) yr^(-1) from the current rate of 16.1 (9.1~23.7) g C m^(-2) yr^(-1) and the region might turn into a carbon source to the atmosphere at -53.3 (-66.8~-41.2) g C m^(-2) yr^(-1) (negative indicates source), depending on the level of warming. Peatland ecosystems showed a higher vulnerability than non-peatland ecosystems as indicated by the ratio of their soil carbon density changes (change of soil carbon/existing soil carbon stock) ranging from 3.9 to 5.8). This was primarily due to larger peatlands carbon stocks and more dramatic responses of their aerobic and anaerobic decompositions in comparison with non-peatland ecosystems under future climate conditions. Peatland and non-peatland soils in the PMFB might lose up to 0.4 (0.32~0.52) Pg C by 2100 AD with the largest loss from palm swamp. The carbon-dense Amazonian peatland might switch from a current carbon sink into a source in the 21st century.</p><p>Peatlands are important sources and sinks for greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide and methane). Their carbon (C) balance between soil and atmosphere remains unquantified due to the large data gaps and uncertainties in regional peat carbon estimation. My final study was to quantify the C accumulation rates and C stocks within North America peatlands over the last 12,000 years. I find that 85-174 Pg C have been accumulated in North American peatlands over these years including 0.37-0.76 Pg C in subtropical peatlands in this region. During the 10- 8 ka period, the warmer and wetter conditions might have played an important role in stimulating peat C accumulation by enhancing plant photosynthesis. The enhanced peat decomposition due to warming through the Holocene slows down carbon accumulation in the region.</p><div><br></div><p><br></p>
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Modelagem de dados espaciais para Sistemas de Informações Geográficas: pesquisa na emergência médica / Spatial data modeling for Geographic Information Systems: research in medical emergencySá, Lucilene Antunes Correia Marques de 22 March 2001 (has links)
Os sistemas de Informações Geográficas foram desenvolvidos com os avanços das Ciências da Computação, com base nos conceitos das Ciências Geodésicas, para serem aplicados em áreas onde os dados espaciais são utilizados. Procura-se obter uma otimização desta tecnologia, possibilitando o desenvolvimento de sistemas aplicativos interativos. Abordam-se conceitos relativos a modelagem de dados espaciais. Analisam-se a aplicação no mundo real e no modelo conceitual decorrentes. Formula-se um modelo físico com base na Emergência Médica, obtendo-se um sistema que integra programas de saúde para localização de pacientes. / The Geographic Information Systems has been developed based on the progress of the computer sciences, using concepts of the geodesic sciences, to by applied where spatial data are need. This technology is optimized and interactive systems are made. Concepts relative to spatial data modeling are discussed. The application on the real world and the conceptual model is analyzed. The physical model is formulated based on the medical emergency, to obtain a system that integrates health programs to find patients.
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Implicações funcionais de eventos de splicing alternativo no proteoma humano / Functional implications of alternative splicing in the human proteomePassetti, Fabio 16 May 2007 (has links)
A pós-genômica surgiu como um próspero campo para que as infinidades de seqüências provenientes dos projetos genoma tenham os seus significados biológicos elucidados. Um dos mecanismos descritos na literatura capaz de gerar surpreendente diversidade protéica é o splicing alternativo (AS). Próximo de 22% das proteínas com estruturas tridimensionais resolvidas por difração de raios-X ou ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN) são humanas e pouco se sabe dos efeitos de eventos de splicing alternativo em suas funções. Uma vez que estas estruturas tridimensionais (3D) protéicas humanas são de alguma forma redundantes, o conjunto de genes humanos únicos que as correspondem é muito reduzido, em torno de 1%. Hoje em dia ainda são escassos os exemplos de duas isoformas de splicing alternativo de um mesmo gene com estruturas tridimensionais experimentais disponíveis. A variedade de proteínas que este evento pode potencialmente produzir é demasiado grande para que projetos de genômica estrutural em andamento consigam determinar suas estruturas. Isto tem inviabilizado, ainda que temporariamente, estudos sobre implicações funcionais de splicing alternativo no proteoma quando se utilizando dados estruturais experimentais. Entretanto, a bioinformática possibilita estudos deste porte com base nos dados de mapeamento no genoma, tanto de transcritos como de proteínas com estrutura tridimensional (3D) determinada. Torna-se possível, então, a prospecção de genes com isoformas de AS com estruturas 3D contendo informação adicional quando comparada à isoforma de AS. Produzimos para tal finalidade uma nova metodologia para detecção de eventos de AS no transcriptoma humano utilizando matrizes binárias para cada transcrito e estrutura de proteína 3D. Selecionadas as isoformas protéicas putativas, foram construídas 73 estruturas 3D utilizando conceitos de modelagem molecular por homologia. Foram escolhidas aleatoriamente 21 isoformas de AS para simulações por dinâmicas moleculares (SDM), e que cerca de 80% destes modelos se apresentaram estruturalmente estáveis. A anotação biológica relativa a cada fragmento não inserido na seqüência da proteína devido à sua remoção no mRNA resultante do evento de AS foi obtida e mostrou que mais de 80% delas possuem algum tipo de relevância funcional para a proteína. Concluímos que, para o nosso conjunto de dados, os eventos de splicing alternativo produzem isoformas que podem atuar como dominantes negativas, antagonistas ou atenuadoras da sua atividade biológica. / The post-genomic era has emerged as one prosper field to deal with the huge amount of sequences produced by genome projects and increase the understanding of its biological meaning. One of the most surprising mechanisms capable to generate a lot of protein diversity is alternative splicing in immature mRNAs. No more than 22% of the known protein structures elucidated by X-ray diffraction or nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) were made using human proteins and the knowledge about alternative splicing functional implications is weak. Since those human protein three-dimensional structures (3D) are redundant, the unique number of human genes represented by them is estimated around 1%. Nowadays there are only a few cases describing two isoforms that have their own protein 3D structures done experimentally. The variety that alternative splicing can produce is large enough to structural genome projects undergoing could determinate its structures, fact that have negating, at least for a while, large-scale studies about functional implications of alternative splicing using experimental data. However, bioinformatics turn possible this kind of projects using the mapping onto the genome of transcripts and the sequence of the known protein 3D structures. Using this approach we searched for alternative splicing isoforms which have at least one known protein structure with additional biological information when compared against the isoform. We have produced a new methodology for detecting alternative splicing in the human transcriptoma using binary matrices for each transcript and known 3D protein structure. After the selection of putative isoforms, there were constructed 73 3D protein using concepts of molecular modelling by homology. There were randomly selected 21 of them to the submitted to molecular dynamics simulations and 80% of them showed that they were structurally stable. The biological annotation of each non-inserted fragment due to alternative splicing shows that 80% of them have in some degree functional importance. Then, we conclude that, for our dataset, the alternative splicing events produce isoforms that can act as negative dominants, antagonists or even regulators of their biological activity.
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Estimativa de erosão pela Equação Universal de Perda de Solo (USLE) e transferência de sedimentos para todo território Brasileiro / Estimation of erosion by the Universal soil loss Equation (USLE) and sediment transfer for Brazilian territoryJavier Dario Pulido Gomez 28 August 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho é uma tentativa de validar uma metodologia para estimar a produção de sedimentos para todo território Brasileiro. Foram utilizadas ferramentas de sistemas de informação geográfi ca (GIS), estatística espacial, modelagem e gerenciamento de bancos de dados aplicados a conservação de solos, permitindo combinar a equação Universal de Perda do Solo (USLE) com diferentes modelos de taxa de transferência de sedimentos (SDR). A metodologia utilizou como base de teste dados da rede sedimentométrica brasileira composta de 201 bacias. As estimativas foram analisadas por regressão linear múltipla obtendo valores de R2 de até de 46% entre dados observados e modelados. Observou-se a pouca sensibilidade do modelo USLE em relação ao fator de erosividade (fator R) quando duas observações por métodos diferentes diferem espacialmente em seus valores máximos entre 18000 MJ.mm.ha-1.h-1.ano-1 e 28000 MJ.mm.ha-1.h-1.ano-1 . Por outro lado o modelo mostrou-se sensível ao fator de cobertura do solo (Fator C da USLE) afetando as taxas máximas estimadas de erosão entre 160 Mg.ha-1.ano-1 ate 460 Mg.ha-1.ano-1. Nesse sentido a metodologia sugerida pode ser utilizada para dar indicativos sobre mudanças de uso da terra em escalas regionais e subsidiar tomadas de decisões quanto ao planejamento e gestão territorial. / This work is an attempt to validate a methodology for estimating sediment production for the whole Brazilian territory. Tools were used geographic information systems (GIS), spatial statistics, modeling and database management applied to soil conservation, allowing combine the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) with different models of sediment transfer rate (SDR). The methodology used as test data of Brazilian sedimentometric network composed of 201 basins. The estimates were analysed by multiple linear regression getting values of R2 to 46% between observed and modelled data. Noted the low sensitivity of USLE model in relation to the erosivity factor (R factor) when two observations by different methods differ in their maximum values and spatial distribution of 18000 MJ.mm.ha-1.h-1.year-1 and 28000 MJ.mm.ha-1.h-1.year-1. the other aspects the model proved to be sensitive to soil coverage factor (factor C of USLE) affecting the estimated maximum rates of erosion between 160 Mg.ha-1.year-1 up to 460 Mg.ha-1.year-1.
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Modelagem de dados espaciais para Sistemas de Informações Geográficas: pesquisa na emergência médica / Spatial data modeling for Geographic Information Systems: research in medical emergencyLucilene Antunes Correia Marques de Sá 22 March 2001 (has links)
Os sistemas de Informações Geográficas foram desenvolvidos com os avanços das Ciências da Computação, com base nos conceitos das Ciências Geodésicas, para serem aplicados em áreas onde os dados espaciais são utilizados. Procura-se obter uma otimização desta tecnologia, possibilitando o desenvolvimento de sistemas aplicativos interativos. Abordam-se conceitos relativos a modelagem de dados espaciais. Analisam-se a aplicação no mundo real e no modelo conceitual decorrentes. Formula-se um modelo físico com base na Emergência Médica, obtendo-se um sistema que integra programas de saúde para localização de pacientes. / The Geographic Information Systems has been developed based on the progress of the computer sciences, using concepts of the geodesic sciences, to by applied where spatial data are need. This technology is optimized and interactive systems are made. Concepts relative to spatial data modeling are discussed. The application on the real world and the conceptual model is analyzed. The physical model is formulated based on the medical emergency, to obtain a system that integrates health programs to find patients.
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Modeling geospatial events during flood disasters for response decision-makingHubbard, Shane A. 01 December 2013 (has links)
A model that emphasizes possible alternative sequences of events that occur over time is presented in paper 1 (chapter 2) of this dissertation. Representing alternative or branching events captures additional semantics unrealized by linear or non-branching approaches. Two basic elements of branching, divergence and convergence are discussed. From these elements, many complex branching models can be built capturing a perspective of events that take place in the future or have occurred in the past. This produces likely sequences of events that a user may compare and analyze using spatial or temporal criteria. The branching events model is especially useful for spatiotemporal decision support systems, as decision-makers are able to identify alternative locations and times of events and, depending on the context, also identify regions of multiple possible events. Based on the formal model, a conceptual framework for a branching events model for flood disasters is presented. The framework has five parts, an event handler, a query engine, data assimilator, web interface, and event database. A branching events viewer application is presented illustrating a case study based on a flood response scenario.
A spatiotemporal framework for building evacuation events is developed to forecast building content evacuation events and building vulnerabilities and is presented in paper 2 (chapter 3) of this dissertation. This work investigates the spatiotemporal properties required to trigger building evacuation events in the floodplain during a flood disaster. The spatial properties for building risks are based on topography, flood inundation, building location, building elevation, and road access to determine five categories of vulnerability, vulnerable basement, flooded basement, vulnerable first-floor, flooded first-floor, and road access. The amount of time needed to evacuate each building is determined by the number of vulnerable floors, the number of movers, the mover rate, and the weight of the contents to be moved. Based upon these properties, six possible evacuation profiles are created. Using this framework, a model designed to track the spatiotemporal patterns of building evacuation events is presented. The model is based upon flood forecast predictions that are linked with building properties to create a model that captures the spatiotemporal ordering of building vulnerabilities and building content evacuation events. Applicable to different communities at risk from flooding, the evacuation model is applied a historical flood for a university campus, demonstrating how the defined elements are used to derive a pattern of vulnerability and evacuation for a campus threatened by severe flooding.
Paper 3 (Chapter 4) of this dissertation presents a modeling approach for representing event-based response risk. Surveys were sent to emergency managers in six states to determine the priorities of decision makers during the response phase of flood disasters. Based on these surveys, nine response events were determined to be the most important during a flood response, flooded roads, bridges closed, residential evacuations, residential flooding, commercial flooding, agricultural damage, power outage, sheltering, sandbagging. Survey participants were asked to complete pairwise comparisons of these nine events. An analytic hierarchy process analysis was completed to weight the response events for each decision-maker. A k-means clustering analysis was then completed to form 4 distinct profiles, mixed rural and urban, rural, urban, and high population - low population density. The average weights from each profile were calculated. The weights for each profile were then assigned to geospatial layers that identify the locations of these events. These layers are combined to form a map representing the event-based response risk for an area. The maps are then compared against the response events that actually occurred during a flood disaster in June 2008 in two communities.
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Wi-Max tinklo duomenų modelio sudarymas ir tyrimas / Wi-Max network data modeling and analysisKostkevičius, Arvydas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe “Modeling and analysis of Wi-Max network data” supažindinama su plačiajuosčio bevielio ryšio technologija – Wi-Max. Analizuojama literatūra, kuri aprašo Wi-Max veikimo principą, nagrinėjami šios technologijos ypatumai, ji lyginama su kitomis bevielio ryšio technologijomis. Apžvelgiamos šios technologijos perspektyvos. Tinklo duomenų modelis suteikia galimybę teikti papildomas paslaugas vartotojams, leidžia stebėti ir analizuoti Wi-Max duomenų perdavimo tinklą. Rementis IEEE 802.16e standartu, sudaryta metodika tinklo duomenų modeliui kurti. Išanalizuota Wi-Max technologijos tinklo duomenų struktūra, kuri sėkmingai pritaikyta tinklo duomenų modelio metodikos kūrimui. Sudarytos tinklo duomenų modelio specifikacijos ir pagal jas sukurtas tinklo duomenų modelis. Atliktas tinklo duomenų modelio eksperimentinis tyrimas ir pateikti šio tyrimo rezultatai. Rementis eksperimento rezultatais įvertintos Wi-Max technologijos realios galimybės. / This master‘s thesis familiarizes with the wireless broadband networking technology – WiMAX. The work includes literature analysis of WiMAX performance principles, research of technological peculiarities and comparison with other wireless technologies. The perspective of this technology is also overviewed. The model of network data allows providing additional services to the customers, as well as monitoring and analyzing of WiMAX data transmission network. The methodology of creating the model is based on IEEE 802.11e standard. Structure of WiMAX data networks is analyzed and successfully applied to implementation of methodology for model of WiMAX network data. The specifications for network data model were created and the model implemented according to them. The experimental analysis of the model was performed and results presented herein. The realistic capabilities of WiMAX technology were evaluated using the results of experiment.
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Modeling and enacting complex data dependencies in business processesMeyer, Andreas, Pufahl, Luise, Fahland, Dirk, Weske, Mathias January 2013 (has links)
Enacting business processes in process engines requires the coverage of
control flow, resource assignments, and process data. While the first two aspects are well supported in current process engines, data dependencies need to be added and maintained manually by a process engineer. Thus, this task is error-prone and time-consuming. In this report, we address the problem of modeling processes with complex data dependencies, e.g., m:n relationships, and their automatic enactment from process models. First, we extend BPMN data objects with few annotations to allow data dependency handling as well as data instance differentiation. Second, we introduce a pattern-based approach to derive SQL queries from process models utilizing the above mentioned extensions.
Therewith, we allow automatic enactment of data-aware BPMN process models.
We implemented our approach for the Activiti process engine to show
applicability. / Die Ausführung von Geschäftsprozessen in Process Engines benötigt Informationen über den Kontrollfluss, die Rollenzuordnungen und die Datenabhängigkeiten. Während die ersten beiden Aspekte bereits automatisiert von Process Engines unterstützt werden, müssen die Datenabhängigkeiten durch einen Prozessingenieur manuell hinzugefügt und gewartet werden. Allerdings ist diese Aufgabe sehr fehleranfällig und zeitintensiv. In diesem Report zeigen wir wie Prozesse mit komplexen Datenabhängigkeiten, z.B. m:n Beziehungen, modelliert und automatisiert ausgeführt werden können. Dazu erweitern wir zuerst BPMN Datenobjekte mit wenigen Annotationen, um das Handling von Datenabhängikeiten sowie die Differenzierung von Datenobjektinstanzen zu ermöglichen. Danach beschreiben wir einen Pattern-basierten Ansatz, um SQL-Queries, unter Nutzung der oben erwähnten Erweiterungen, aus Prozessmodellen abzuleiten. Damit erlauben wir die automatisierte Ausführung von Daten-orientierten BPMN Prozessmodellen. Um die Anwendbarkeit unseres Ansatzen zu demonstieren, implementierten wir ihn für die Process Engine Activiti.
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