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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Šiaulių regiono saugomų teritorijų būklė ir perspektyvos / The state and perspectives of the protected territories of the Siauliai region

Paulauskas, Robertas 11 August 2009 (has links)
Spartus saugomų teritorijų tinklo kūrimas Šiaulių regione prasidėjo po Lietuvos nepriklausomybės atkūrimo. Šiuo metu saugomos teritorijos regione užima 114158 ha arba 13,4% visos teritorijos, šalies mastu - 15,3%. Europos Sąjungos valstybių vidurkis- 18%. Perspektyvoje saugomų teritorijų plotas turėtų didėti, kadangi valstybinės saugomų teritorijų tarnybos strateginiuose veiklos planuose iki 2015m. numatyta jų plotą padidinti iki 16,7%. Nuo 2000 m. regione prasidėjo Europos ekologinio tinklo NATURA 2000 kūrimo procesas, šį tinklą sudaro paukščių apsaugai svarbios teritorijos (PAST) ir buveinių apsaugai svarbios teritorijos (BAST). NATURA 2000 teritorijos Šiaulių regione užima 7,1 % teritorijos, Lietuvoje- 6%, Europos Sąjungos valstybių vidurkis-14%. Didžioji dalis ekologinio tinklo įkurta jau saugomose teritorijose- draustiniuose, biosferos poligonuose. PAST jau yra patvirtintos Europos Komisijos, o vietovės, atitinkančios buveinių apsaugai svarbių teritorijų atrankos kriterijus, bus patvirtintos per artimiausius 4 metus. NATURA 2000 tinklo kūrimas prisidės prie nykstančių rūšių populiacijos išsaugojimo, atlikus tyrimą paaiškėjo, kad Šiaulių regione iš 162 saugomų į Lietuvos Raudonąją knygą įrašytų rūšių: 76 (47%) rūšys yra ties išnykimo riba arba sparčiai nyksta. Siekiant užtikrinti biologinės įvairovės apsaugą ir darnaus miškų ūkio plėtojimą, Šiaulių regiono miškuose inventorizuota 743 kertinės miško buveinės (KMB), kurių plotas- 2005 ha. tai sudaro 1,2 % miškų ploto... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Rapid creation of the Protected Territories Net in the Siauliai region began after the restoration of Lithuanian independence. Today protected territories in the region cover 114158 ha or 13,4% of the whole territory, to the country extend it makes 15,3%. The average in the European Union counties makes 18%. The area of the protected territories should be increased in the perspective as the strategic plans of activity of the State Service for Protected Areas suppose to expand these territories up to 16,7% before the year 2015. The creation process of the European Ecological Net NATURA began in the region in the year 2000; the Net consists of territories important for birds’ protection (TIBP) and territories important for residence protection (TIRP). The NATURA 2000 covers 7,1% of the region territory and 6% of the State territory, the average in the European Union counties makes 14%. The greater part of the Ecologic Net is established in the territories which are already protected, in the biosphere ground. TIBP have been confirmed by the European Commission and the territories meeting the selection criteria of the territories important for residence protection will be confirmed during the next 4 years. The creation of the NATURA 2000 will promote the preservation of the endangered population species. After the conduction of the research it appeared that there are 162 protected species in the Siauliai region, which are registered in the Lithuanian Red Data Book: 76 (47%)... [to full text]

Est?tica do apocalipse: (re) considera??es acerca da (des) arboriza??o urbana de Natal e seu contributo ? sa?de p?blica

Medeiros, Eug?nio Mariano Fons?ca de 18 November 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T13:57:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EugenioMFM_cap1_ate_cap3.pdf: 4243028 bytes, checksum: 0824b5a3ad87d2c5552820ffd0431fe8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-11-18 / This study intends to establish a relation between environmental degradation, particularly the devastation of the green canopy, and public health. Utilizing a mapping of the trees included in the researched area, each individual tree was analyzed according to its age, taxonomic listing, architecture, shape and size (determined by aesthetic/convenience reasons or deformed by pruning). Initially investigated were the covert reasons lying underneath the constant aggression against trees (which many times seem to contain elements of hatred and contempt) within the urban environment. In addition to that, the aspects concerning environmental modifications and the consequent impact on public health were also assessed. Two main problems promptly emerged as a result of the removal of trees: a) without a canopy to protect the areas, they became subject to winds directly blown from SW Africa and impregnated with aerosol partic les, which are common causes for respiratory disorders and, b) direct UV solar radiation, which causes some types of skin cancers and eye disorders. To reach such results, we studied the origins and formation of UV radiation induced cancers and searched for the UV radiation spectra of action, e.g., usual intensity and quantity reaching clear and shadowed spaces in a certain area and its consequences. In a second instance, we also searched for pertinent data resources in order to confirm the increase of skin cancer cases due to exposure to UV radiation and the relation between the destruction of the green canopy and the above mentioned problems. We believe that a few significant results have been achieved by this study, namely: the relation between a culture based on medieval beliefs and its consequences on the environment; how this culture exploits and deforms nature in pursuit of financial and psychological interests to a point of transforming the landscape into a copy of something devoid of any relation to latitude and altitude; and above all, the indifference concerning the alarming results carried by these modifications / O presente trabalho teve como principal objetivo, verificar o estado de conserva??o da coberta vegetal da cidade de Natal e sua rela??o com a qualidade de vida. No entanto, ao longo dessa ingl?ria trajet?ria de contar ?rvore a ?rvore em seus lugares e estado de conserva??o, nos deparamos com algo muito mais sinistro e preocupante do que somente a destrui??o do patrim?nio verde: a associa??o muito pr?xima entre o desaparecimento dessa coberta vegetal e o surgimento de aspecto degenerativos e m?rbidos da sa?de de humanos inseridos nessa paisagem, o que causou uma modifica??o na estrutura da pesquisa que terminou por estabelecer a rela??o entre modismos paisag?sticos, ignor?ncia e gan?ncia administrativas, suas mesquinhas causas e desastrosos efeitos, na sa?de p?blica. Para evitar que outros n?o tivessem as d?vidas que tivemos, adentramos os mist?rios da est?tica: dos cl?ssicos aos renovadores locais; do meio ambiente: do simples gr?o de areia ? forma??o da paisagem; das condicionantes ambientais: do sol ? radia??o ultravioleta; do c?ncer: do DNA ? Oncog?nese, e deste ? morbidade em Natal e no RN; terminado por esbo?ar um pequeno e pr?tico guia de sobreviv?ncia nessa que se proclama a cidade mais saud?vel do mundo, apesar dos ?ndices e evid?ncias contradit?rios

Theme of despair in Charles Mungoshi's Shona works : a critical study

Mangoya, Esau 11 1900 (has links)
The study makes an analysis of Charles Mungoshi's Shona works from a Modernist perspective. In this study, Modernist literature is shown as full of change and adventure that has seen characters failing to catch up with the speed at which their social lives are going. The change is continuos and has resulted in many characters continuously failing to cope, which in turn has resulted in continuous frustrations, here described as despair. The study also shows how the despair is being nurtured in the circumstances of crumbling social institutions which, in the past, had acted as the haven for devastated individuals. The crumbling social institutions are shown to be triggering the despair and the characters are given no room to recuperate. The study makes an analysis of what brings this despair and how in the end, particular individual characters fight to ward off the despair. / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)

Theme of despair in Charles Mungoshi's Shona works : a critical study

Mangoya, Esau 11 1900 (has links)
The study makes an analysis of Charles Mungoshi's Shona works from a Modernist perspective. In this study, Modernist literature is shown as full of change and adventure that has seen characters failing to catch up with the speed at which their social lives are going. The change is continuos and has resulted in many characters continuously failing to cope, which in turn has resulted in continuous frustrations, here described as despair. The study also shows how the despair is being nurtured in the circumstances of crumbling social institutions which, in the past, had acted as the haven for devastated individuals. The crumbling social institutions are shown to be triggering the despair and the characters are given no room to recuperate. The study makes an analysis of what brings this despair and how in the end, particular individual characters fight to ward off the despair. / African Languages / M.A. (African Languages)

Книнска крајина - географска студија / Kninska krajina - geografska studija / Knin Krajina - Geographic study

Plavša Jovan 13 March 1995 (has links)
<p>Саобраћајно-географски и стратешки положај Книнске Крајине, условљавају сталну присутност овог подручја у балканским и европским збивањима, мада значај природних потенцијала није томе адекватан. Овим простором су пролазиле многе војске и владале бројне империје. Кроз бурне догађаје неки природни елементи су деградирани (вегетација, земљиште, укупан пејсаж), а дешавале су се и потпуне смене становништва, те рушења и паљења, што се веома негативно одражавало на привредну активност. Виталност становништва дуго је успешно надокнађивала стална исељавања. Међутим, стално погоршавање укупних природно-друштвених елемената, као и савремени привредни токови, поспешили су процес исељавања, па је крајем двадесетог века број становника у многим насељима пао на ниво из средине деветнаестог века. Сточарство је вековима било доминантна активност, али су деградација природне средине, слаба улагања и стално исељавање утицали на знатно опадање значаја ове гране. Ипак за равномеран развој, осим индустријализације, мора бити добро организована и пољопривредна производња. Пољопривредна делатност, на овом простору, мора тражити своју будућност и у производњи здраве хране, како у ратарству тако и у сточарству. Концентрација индустрије у Книну није добра за равномеран развој, а пошто изградња малих погона у неколико мањих наеља показује позитивне ефекте, мора се наставити у том правцу. Територијалне и политичке промене на простору бивше СФРЈ, утичу на појачање централних функција Книна, те он постаје значајан међурегионални и републички центар. Побољшању укупног развоја треба да допринесе и туристичка привреда, али и правилно валоризовање саобраћајног положаја и неких природних богатстава. Да би што боље оживела сеоска насеља, мора се побољшати функционално-комунална опремљеност локалних центара.</p> / <p>Saobraćajno-geografski i strateški položaj Kninske Krajine, uslovljavaju stalnu prisutnost ovog područja u balkanskim i evropskim zbivanjima, mada značaj prirodnih potencijala nije tome adekvatan. Ovim prostorom su prolazile mnoge vojske i vladale brojne imperije. Kroz burne događaje neki prirodni elementi su degradirani (vegetacija, zemljište, ukupan pejsaž), a dešavale su se i potpune smene stanovništva, te rušenja i paljenja, što se veoma negativno odražavalo na privrednu aktivnost. Vitalnost stanovništva dugo je uspešno nadoknađivala stalna iseljavanja. Međutim, stalno pogoršavanje ukupnih prirodno-društvenih elemenata, kao i savremeni privredni tokovi, pospešili su proces iseljavanja, pa je krajem dvadesetog veka broj stanovnika u mnogim naseljima pao na nivo iz sredine devetnaestog veka. Stočarstvo je vekovima bilo dominantna aktivnost, ali su degradacija prirodne sredine, slaba ulaganja i stalno iseljavanje uticali na znatno opadanje značaja ove grane. Ipak za ravnomeran razvoj, osim industrijalizacije, mora biti dobro organizovana i poljoprivredna proizvodnja. Poljoprivredna delatnost, na ovom prostoru, mora tražiti svoju budućnost i u proizvodnji zdrave hrane, kako u ratarstvu tako i u stočarstvu. Koncentracija industrije u Kninu nije dobra za ravnomeran razvoj, a pošto izgradnja malih pogona u nekoliko manjih naelja pokazuje pozitivne efekte, mora se nastaviti u tom pravcu. Teritorijalne i političke promene na prostoru bivše SFRJ, utiču na pojačanje centralnih funkcija Knina, te on postaje značajan međuregionalni i republički centar. Poboljšanju ukupnog razvoja treba da doprinese i turistička privreda, ali i pravilno valorizovanje saobraćajnog položaja i nekih prirodnih bogatstava. Da bi što bolje oživela seoska naselja, mora se poboljšati funkcionalno-komunalna opremljenost lokalnih centara.</p> / <p>The regional trafffic, geographic and strategic position of Knin Krajina was the main cause for its constant presence in Balcan and European events, though the inportantce its natural resources had not been adequate. Many armies passed through this region and a number of empires ruled it. Thruogh the turmoils of these events some natural elements were degraded (vegetation, soil, the whole scenery), total changes in its population emerged, destructions and arsons which had an-extremely negative effect on public economy. Vitality of the population had for a long time been successful in substituting for the constant migrations. However, constant deteriorating of natural and social elements, as well as modem natural movements, had influenced the speed of depopulation process, so that at the end of the XX centry a number of people in many settlements had decreased to the level equal to the middle XIX century period. Forming used to be dominant for centuries but the degradation of the nature and its qualities, poor investments and constant depopulation had affested it and made it inferior. Still, in order to have a balanced growth, apart from industralisation and agricultural production also needed to be very well organised. Agriculture, in this area, had to search for its future prospects in production of healthy food, both in cattle-breeding and in farming. The concentrated industry in Knin is not sufficiently good for a balanced growth and since building of new little factories in a few of small communities has showed positive effects, this direction should be followed. Changes in territory and in politics in the area of exYugoslavia, affects the increasing growth of central functions in Knin and therefore it has become an important internacional and republic center. Tourism should also contribute to the total development, and a proper evaluation of its traffic position and some natural resources as well. To make village communities more active some functional and communal facilities in local centres have to be improved.</p>

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