Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] DISTURBANCES"" "subject:"[enn] DISTURBANCES""
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Simulating Disturbance Impact on Wildlife with Agent-based Modeling Approach: A Study of Tropical Peatland Fire and Orangutan HabitatWidyastuti, Kirana 28 June 2023 (has links)
Ecosystem disturbances are a significant and ongoing threat to wildlife, caused by both natural environmental changes and human impacts. These disturbances can have a range of impacts, but one of the most crucial is on the wildlife habitat. In tropical forests, one such disturbance that is occurring at an alarming rate is peat fires. Peatfires impact the forest structure and fragmentation, which in turn directly relate to the wildlife habitat, ultimately threatening the population and even risking extinction for certain species. Of particular concern is the population of orangutans in Indonesia, which is at risk due to the impact of peat fires.
This research used an agent-based modelling approach to explore the impact of ecosystem disturbances on wildlife habitat. The focus was on the orangutan population in tropical forests affected by peat fires. A systematic review of agent-based models revealed a shift towards a more mechanistic representation of entities in wildlife response to disturbances. However, fire disturbances and primate species such as orangutans still have a limited number of models.
To address this gap, two agent-based models are presented: PeatFire, a model of the ignition and spread of tropical peatfire, validated using data from a fire pattern in South Sumatra; and the BORNEO model, which simulates the movement behaviour of orangutans in a disturbed forest using real tree inventory data and orangutan tracking data from the Sebangau forest in Central Kalimantan. The models were calibrated and validated using state-of-the-art methods and high-performance computing.
The study demonstrates the ability of ABM to tackle complex research problems in various fields, including wildlife response to disturbances. The models developed in this study are important examples of the shift towards a more mechanistic representation of agents in ABM, and contribute to advancing the field in this direction. The research offers insights into the impact of ecosystem disturbances on wildlife habitat and highlights the potential of ABM in addressing these issues.
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Omni-directional locomotion for mobile robotsCarter, Brian Edward January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Herb Layer Dynamics and Disturbance Response in the Mixed Mesophytic Forest Region of Southeastern OhioSmall, Christine Jodie 11 October 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Applications of battery energy storage to mitigate disturbances and uncertainties in power systems with high penetration of renewable energy resourcesSharma, Roshan 30 April 2021 (has links)
Solar photovoltaic (PV) is the fastest-growing energy resource. The price of energy generation from residential PV has dropped from $0.50 to $0.10 per kWh in the past decade. One challenge with this resource is that the amount of power available depends on the solar irradiance and temperature. Abrupt changes in solar irradiance can cause disturbances to the hosting electricity network and lead to voltage and frequency oscillations. The impact is more severe in a weak grid with high penetration of such resources. Evolving grid interconnection standards are imposing requirements to limit the impacts of these disturbances on the grid. Battery energy storage (BES) technology has also experienced a significant price drop (e.g., from $1100 to $156 per kWh for lithium-ion batteries) in the past decade. Therefore, complementary PV+BES solutions are increasingly considered. A BES of sufficient capacity equipped with appropriate controls can respond to both abrupt and long-term PV power variations. Properly formulating the problem and developing efficient control systems is crucial. These define the scope and objective of this research. This research develops two BES solutions. In the first one, the BES is co-located with the PV and connects to its dc output terminals. The BES controller ensures that the PV+BES system exhibits a desirable power ramp rate set by the user. In the second solution, the BES is not co-located with the PV. It detects the disturbances from their signatures on its locally measured signals and takes proper actions. An approach based on capacitor emulation combined with a droop mechanism is developed and optimally designed to provide dynamic and static supports. The BES can respond to the disturbances from more than one PV system and non-PV sources, such as load disturbances. The dissertation presents detailed modeling and control of the BES system. Optimal control techniques are developed to ensure robust and fast responses. For the simulation study, the proposed BES systems are implemented in a hybrid dc/ac study system and the effect on both dc and ac subsystems are investigated. The real-time results obtained by implementing the proposed controllers on laboratory-scale hardware prototypes are also presented.
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Natürliche Waldentwicklung unter dem Einfluss des Borkenkäfers im Nationalpark Berchtesgaden / Bestandesstruktur und Biodiversität im Verlauf von Störung und Sukzession / Natural forest dynamics following bark beetle outbreaks in the Berchtesgaden National Park / Forest structure and biodiversity during disturbance and successionWinter, Maria-Barbara 17 June 2016 (has links)
Störungen sind ein integraler Bestandteil von Waldökosystemen. Von einzelbaumweiser Seneszenz bis hin zu großflächigem Windwurf, Waldbrand oder Insektenbefall prägen sie natürlicherweise Artenzusammensetzung, Generationswechsel und Verjüngungsprozesse von Waldbeständen. Aufgrund wirtschaftsbedingt hoher Anteile an sekundären reinen Nadelholzbeständen und sich ändernden klimatischen Bedingungen ist der Einfluss großflächiger Störungen im letzten Jahrhundert in Mitteleuropa angestiegen und wird vermutlich auch zukünftig weiter an Bedeutung gewinnen. Das ökosystemare Verständnis über die Wirkung dieser Störungsereignisse auf Artenzusammensetzung und natürliche Waldentwicklung ist wesentlich für eine nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung. Im Wirtschaftswald kann der Einfluss natürlicher Störungen aufgrund stetiger Einflussnahme durch Räumung, Pflanzung und Durchforstungen schwerlich untersucht werden. Großflächige Schutzgebiete mit dem Prozessschutz dienenden unbewirtschafteten Kernzonen bieten hingegen diese Möglichkeit.
Am Beispiel des Nationalparks Berchtesgaden im südlichen Oberbayern (Deutschland) wurde daher exemplarisch für die Nördlichen Kalkalpen die natürliche Waldentwicklung unter dem Einfluss des Borkenkäfers und die Veränderungen von Bestandesstrukturen und Biodiversität im Verlauf von Störung und Sukzession untersucht. Durch den großen Holzbedarf der regional ansässigen Salinenindustrie ab dem 16. Jahrhundert, der jahrhundertelangen Kahlschlagswirtschaft und den hohen Wilddichten im Bayerischen Hofjagdgebiet wurden die natürlicherweise in den montane Lagen stockenden Bergmischwälder aus Europäischer Buche, Weißtanne und Gemeiner Fichte in überwiegend reine, sekundäre Fichtenwälder umgewandelt. Seit Einrichtung des Nationalparks Berchtesgaden 1978 kam es besonders nach den Winterstürmen Vivian/Wiebcke 1990 und Kyrill 2007 zu stärkerem Borkenkäferbefall. Luftbildauswertungen belegen ein zerstreutes und eher kleinflächiges Befallsgeschehen außerhalb des Maßnahmenbereichs Borkenkäferbekämpfung. Mittlere Befallsflächengrößen lagen bei 0,07 ha (1990-1997) und 0,29 ha (2007-2012); die Gesamtbefallsflächen betrugen 30 ha (1990-1997) und 260 ha (2007-2012). Mit der Methodik einer unechten Zeitreihe konnte auf 140 Probeflächen die Entwicklung unbefallener Fichtenaltbestände über das beginnende frühsukzessionale Stadium (1-5 Jahre nach Borkenkäferbefall) hin zum fortgeschrittenen frühsukzessionalen Stadium (17-25 Jahre nach Borkenkäferbefall) von montaner bis subalpiner Höhenstufe in sonn- und schattseitigen Lagen erfasst werden.
Das Absterben der Fichtenaltbestände durch den Borkenkäferbefall führte zu einer signifikanten Reduktion der Bestandesvolumina und der Kronenüberschirmung auf den Befallsflächen bei gleichzeitig massiver Zunahme an stehendem Totholz. Erhebliche Anteile des stehenden Totholzes brachen bei fortschreitender Zersetzung im Verlauf der untersuchten etwa 20-jährigen Sukzession zusammen. Humusabbau und signifikante Veränderungen des Mesoklimas durch die Störung waren nicht nachzuweisen. Die durch das Absterben des Kronendachs erhöhten Anteile an direkter Strahlung am Waldboden führten zu einer zunehmenden Deckung und Höhe der Bodenvegetation.
Trotz der verstärkten Konkurrenzsituation mit der Bodenvegetation kam es, besonders in montaner Lage, zu einer zügigen Verjüngung der Befallsflächen mit Jungwuchsdichten von im Median rund 5.000 Pflanzen > 50 cm Höhe und weiteren etwa 5.000 Pflanzen < 50 cm Höhe pro Hektar, zwei Jahrzehnte nach dem Borkenkäferbefall. Hochmontan war diese Entwicklung verzögert zu beobachten. Hier nahm Bedeutung des Totholzes als Keim- und Wuchssubstrat mit zunehmender Zersetzung zu. Der Jungwuchs wurde von Gemeiner Fichte, Bergahorn und Vogelbeere dominiert. Die natürlichen Hauptbaumarten des Bergmischwaldes – Europäische Buche und Weißtanne – fehlten jedoch aufgrund der historischen Bewirtschaftung und mangelnden Samenbäumen auch im Jungwuchs weitgehend. Die Störung führte unter anderem durch das räumlich unregelmäßige Aufkommen des Jungwuchses zu einer erhöhten strukturellen Heterogenität auf Bestandes- und Landschaftsebene. Entgegen der Erwartungen spielte die Vorausverjüngung für die Verjüngung nach dem Störungsereignis eine vernachlässigbar geringe Rolle. Mehr als 90 % der Jungwuchsindividuen waren nach dem Störungsereignis gekeimt und bestätigten damit eine große Resilienz der Bergwälder nach mittelgroßen Störungsereignissen unter der Voraussetzung angepasster Schalenwildbestände.
Bei den untersuchten epigäischen Artengruppen waren keine Veränderungen (Käfer, Spinnentiere, Mollusken), bzw. ein Rückgang der Artenvielfalt (Springschwänze) aufgrund fehlender Streunachlieferung nach der Störung zu beobachten. Die licht-, nährstoff- und totholzbedürftigen Arten profitierten hingegen von den temporären Lückenbedingungen und reagierten überwiegend mit einem Anstieg der Artenvielfalt im Verlauf der Sukzession. Dieser Anstieg war auch zwei Jahrzehnte nach dem Störungsereignis trotz zunehmender Verjüngungsdichten noch zu beobachten. Dies verdeutlicht die Relevanz von sich langsam schließenden Bestandesöffnungen für eine vollständige Entwicklung der Biodiversität heliophiler Artengruppen in Waldökosystemen. Durch das Mosaik verschiedener, kleinräumig verbreiteter Sukzessionsstadien auf Landschaftsebene zeigten besonders die totholzbesiedelnden Pilze und Käfer eine hohe Gamma-Diversität im Gebiet. Die Artengemeinschaften der Gefäßpflanzen ähnelten sich hingegen stark in ihrer Artenzusammensetzung in den drei untersuchten Sukzessionsstadien und zeichneten sich mehr durch eine Verschiebung der Dominanzverhältnisse aus.
Räumung und Pflanzung auf Befallsflächen innerhalb des Maßnahmenbereichs Borkenkäferbekämpfung führten im Vergleich zu den unbehandelten Befallsflächen nicht zu einer Erhöhung der Jungwuchsdichten im beginnenden frühsukzessionalen Stadium, aber zu einer Steigerung der Anteile an Weißtanne und Europäischer Buche im Jungwuchs. Mollusken, Wanzen und bestäubende Käferarten reagierten auf die tendenziell höheren Strahlungsmengen am Waldboden und zeigten höhere Artenzahlen auf den geräumten Flächen. Zeitgleich veränderte die Räumung des befallenen Totholzes die Artenzusammensetzung vieler der untersuchten Artengruppen und reduzierte die Artenvielfalt der xylobionten Käfer.
Der forstlichen und naturschutzfachlichen Praxis wird aus den Ergebnissen dieser Untersuchung heraus empfohlen, die durch natürlichen Störungen entstandenen Lücken und Strukturen zu nutzen, um den Erhalt von licht-, nährstoff- und totholzbedürftigen Artengruppen zu fördern und, soweit aus Gründen des Lawinen- und Forstschutzes möglich, auf Räumung und direkte Bepflanzung der Flächen zu verzichten. Wo es das Ziel ist, die natürliche Baumartenzusammensetzung der Bergmischwälder kurzfristig wieder herzustellen, müssen Buche und Tanne bei einem Mangel an Samenbäumen künstlich eingebracht werden. Ansonsten weisen die im Gebiet stockenden Bergwälder unter der Voraussetzung angepasster Wildbestände bei mittelgroßen Störungsereignissen eine große Resilienz auf und lassen ein Schließen der Bestandeslücken durch Naturverjüngung erwarten.
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Early-onset restrictive eating disturbances in primary school boys and girlsKurz, Susanne, van Dyck, Zoé, Dremmel, Daniela, Munsch, Simone, Hilbert, Anja 21 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Background. This study sought to determine the distribution of early-onset restrictive eating disturbances characteristic of the new DSM-5 diagnosis, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) in middle childhood, as well as to evaluate the screening instrument, Eating Disturbances in Youth-Questionnaire (EDY-Q).
Methods. A total of 1444 8- to 13-year-old children were screened in regular schools (3rd to 6th grade) in Switzerland using the self-report measure EDY-Q, consisting of 12 items based on the DSM-5 criteria for ARFID.
Results. Forty-six children (3.2%) reported features of ARFID in the self-rating. Group differences were found for body mass index, with underweight children reporting features of ARFID more often than normal- and overweight children. The EDY-Q revealed good psychometric properties, including adequate discriminant and convergent validity.
Conclusions. Early-onset restrictive eating disturbances are commonly reported in middle childhood. Because of possible negative short- and long-term impact, early detection is essential. Further studies with structured interviews and parent reports are needed to confirm this study’s findings.
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Continuity and change in arable land management in the Northern Isles : evidence from anthropogenic soilsGuttmann, E. B. January 2001 (has links)
Human activity can affect the soil in ways which are traceable long after the land has been given over to other uses, and past land management practices can be reconstructed by investigation of these relict characteristics. In some regions the addition of fertilising materials to the arable soils has created artificially deepened anthropogenic topsoils which can be over 1m thick. Such relict soils are found all over the world, and are widespread in north-western Europe. This work focuses on the anthropogenic soils in the Northern Isles, which were formed from the Neolithic period up until the 20th century. Three multi-period sites were investigated using thin section micromorphology, organic/inorganic phosphate analysis, soil magnetism, particle size distribution, loss on ignition and soil pH. Current views of anthropogenic soil formation, based on pedological investigation and historical documentary sources, are that they are formed as a result of the addition of domestic animal manures and turf used as animal bedding to arable areas. This project sets out to test the hypothesis that in fact anthropogenic soils are the result of a wide range of formation processes which took place over extended periods of time. The hypothesis has been tested by analysing soils and associated middens of different dates, which have been sealed and protected by blown sand deposits. The results have shown that in the Neolithic period arable soils were created by cultivating the settlement's midden heaps as well as by adding midden material to the surrounding soils. In the Bronze Age human manure, ash and domestic waste were spread onto the fields around the settlements to create arable topsoils up to 35cm thick. In the Iron Age arable agriculture was intensified by selective use of organic manures on one of the sites investigated, but organic waste material was not used as efficiently as it was in later periods, and on both sites it was allowed to accumulate within the settlements. In the Norse period, when the intensive system used in historical times appears to have originated, organic waste may have been used more efficiently. These changes appear to reflect a greater organisation of land resources and manuring strategies and increased demand for arable production over time.
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Pěstounská péče na přechodnou dobu - její význam, využití v praxi / The temporary foster's care - importance, practice experienceŠťastná, Radka January 2011 (has links)
The Diploma thesis is oriented into the area of a substitute family care in the Czech Republic. There are family functions disturbances in the respekt to the child specified in the first chapter, focusing mainly on those who most frequently, have an influence on a creation of so called "Infant social orphanage". The second chapter is dedicated to the possibilities of providing of substitute children nurture, mainly to single forms of substitute family care and theoretical recourses used for the optimal option of substitute child nurture. The content of the third chapter is a foster care (historical development, forms, infants indications, applicants motivation) and the newest type - the temporary foster care and its specifications compared to other forms of foster care. The fourth charter includes methodological recourses for an empirical research and thein interpretation. There are the Diploma Thesis findings and possibilities of further development of the substitute family care in the Czech Republic compiled in the fifth chapter.
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Variants of early-onset restrictive eating disturbances in middle childhoodKurz, Susanne, van Dyck, Zoé, Dremmel, Daniela, Munsch, Simone, Hilbert, Anja 12 September 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Objective: This study sought to determine the factor structure of the newly developed self-report screening questionnaire Eating Disturbances in Youth-Questionnaire (EDY-Q) as well as to report the distribution of variants of early-onset restrictive eating disturbances characteristic of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) in a middle childhood population sample. Method: Using the EDY-Q, a total of 1444 children aged 8-13 years were screened in elementary schools in Switzerland via self-report. The factor analysis of the 12 items covering ARFID related symptoms was performed using a principal component analysis (PCA). Results: The PCA showed a four factor solution, with clear allocation to the scales covering three variants of early-onset restrictive eating disturbances and weight problems. Inadequate overall food intake was reported by 19.3% of the children, a limited accepted amount of food by 26.1%, and food avoidance based on a specific underlying fear by 5.0%. Discussion: The postulated factor structure of the EDY-Q was confirmed, further supporting the existence of distinct variants of early-onset restrictive eating disturbances. Avoidant/restrictive eating behavior seems to be a common experience in middle childhood, but results have to be confirmed using validated interviews.
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Utilização da transformada Wavelet para caracterização de distúrbios na qualidade da energia elétrica / Use of the Wavelet transform for the characterization of disturbances in the power qualityDelmont Filho, Odilon 22 September 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre transformada Wavelet aplicada à qualidade da energia elétrica com o intuito de detectar, localizar e classificar eventuais distúrbios que ocorrem no sistema elétrico. Inicialmente é apresentada uma introdução sobre qualidade da energia, mostrando fatos, evoluções e explicando o conceito dos principais fenômenos que interferem na qualidade da energia do sistema elétrico brasileiro, devido, principalmente, à grande demanda de aparelhos eletrônicos produzidos atualmente. Em seguida é mostrada uma revisão dos principais métodos e modelos aplicados atualmente no mundo a respeito do assunto. A transformada Wavelet vem como uma grande ajuda nesta área de análise de sinais, já que é capaz de extrair simultaneamente informações de tempo e freqüência, diferentemente da transformada de Fourier. A simulação dos diversos distúrbios ocorridos no sistema foi realizada através do software ATP (Alternative Transients Program), cujas características seguem corretamente um sistema de distribuição real da concessionária CPFL. Os distúrbios de tensão gerados e analisados foram detectados e localizados através da técnica de Análise Multiresolução e, posteriormente, classificados, utilizando para isto o método da Curva de Desvio Padrão / This dissertation presents a study of Wavelet transform applied to power quality in order to detect, locate and classify disturbances that may occur in the power system. Initially an introduction of power quality is presented, showing facts, evolutions and explaining the concept of the main phenomena that interfere the on power quality of the brazilian power system, due to, mainly, a great demand for electronic devices produced nowadays. A revision of the main methods and models currently applied in the world regarding this subject is also show. The Wavelet transform comes as a great support in the area of signal assessment, as it can extract information about time and frequency simultaneously, differently from the Fourier transform. The simulation of the diverse disturbances occurred in the system was accomplished through ATP software (Alternative Transients Program), whose characteristics correctly follow a system of real distribution of CPFL eletric utility. The generated and analyzed voltage disturbances were detected and located by Multiresolution Analysis technique and later classified by the method of the Standard Deviation
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