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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Reducing Postharvest Losses in Persimmon. Pre and Postharvest Aspects Involved in Fruit Quality and New Strategies for Valorization

Quaresma Vilhena, Nariane 07 March 2024 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] En los últimos años España ha experimentado una sobreproducción de caqui, provocando una importante caída del precio y el aumento del desperdicio de fruta. Además, diferentes factores pre y postcosecha, pueden dar lugar a importantes pérdidas tras la cosecha. En este contexto, esta Tesis aborda diferentes estrategias para aumentar la rentabilidad del cultivo del caqui mediante la reducción de pérdidas postcosecha y la revalorización de la fruta descartada y de los excedentes de producción. Para ello, se estudian aspectos pre y postcosecha implicados en la calidad del fruto y se propone el secado de la fruta entera como una nueva estrategia de valorización de los frutos que no se destinan para fresco. Entre los aspectos precosecha, el estado nutricional de la planta es un factor clave que afecta a la composición del material vegetal y a las características del fruto. Los Capítulos I y II abordan el estudio de las concentraciones de macro y micronutrientes en hojas y frutos procedentes de parcelas cultivada bajo condiciones de manejo ecológico y convencional, y su relación con los principales parámetros de calidad del caqui 'Rojo Brillante'. Los resultados obtenidos aportan nueva información sobre la composición nutricional del caqui y refuerzan la necesidad de una fertilización equilibrada para conseguir una buena calidad del fruto. Otro aspecto precosecha a tener en cuenta en el manejo del caqui es la aplicación de fitorreguladores. En 'Rojo Brillante', es habitual el uso de etefón para adelantar la cosecha, y del ácido giberélico (AG3) para retrasar su maduración. Además, el tratamiento postcosecha con 1-MCP se aplica habitualmente para garantizar la calidad de la fruta tras la cosecha. Sin embargo, la aplicación precosecha de 1-MCP es un novedoso tratamiento eficaz para otras frutas. En el Capítulo III, en el que se evaluó este tratamiento en diferentes escenarios, se comprobó que, en fruta tratada con etefón, amplió la ventana de cosecha y prolongó el periodo de comercialización. En la fruta tratada con GA3, el 1-MCP precosecha puede sustituir a la aplicación de 1-MCP postcosecha, lo que lo convierte en una herramienta útil para optimizar las operaciones en las centrales de manejo. En el caso del 'Rojo Brillante', se ha observado un efecto del momento de cosecha sobre el comportamiento del fruto durante la frigoconservación. Para explicar estas diferencias, en el Capítulo IV se llevó a cabo la caracterización fisicoquímica y microestructural de frutos recolectados en cinco momentos y se evaluaron los cambios de firmeza durante el almacenamiento frigorífico. Pequeñas diferencias en la firmeza del fruto en cosecha afectaron de manera importante al mantenimiento de la calidad en conservación, lo que se relacionó con la estructura del parénquima en el momento de recolección. Por otro lado, hay que tener en cuenta que el tratamiento postcosecha de desastringencia se asocia a importantes pérdidas de calidad. En el Capítulo V se estudió el efecto del tratamiento de desastringencia con CO2 y etanol en la calidad postcosecha del cv. Giombo. Los resultados sugieren que, aunque el etanol es el tratamiento habitual de desastringencia para esta variedad, se recomiendan las altas concentraciones de CO2 para conseguir una insolubilización más rápida de los taninos y el mantenimiento de la firmeza de la pulpa durante la frigoconservación. En esta Tesis también se propone el secado de fruto entero como una nueva estrategia para valorizar los frutos descartados y los excedentes de producción del 'Rojo Brillante'. En el Capítulo VI se estudiaron los cambios fisicoquímicos y microestructurales que se producen en el fruto durante el secado natural, revelando que esta variedad es apta para ser sometida al proceso de secado. Para mejorar el proceso, también se evaluó el secado por aire caliente a tres temperaturas (Capítulo VII). Las características finales dependieron de la temperatura de secado, especialmente en términos de textura. / [CA] En els últims anys Espanya ha experimentat una sobreproducció de caqui, provocant una important caiguda del preu i l'augment del desaprofitament de fruita. A més, diferents factors pre i postcollita, poden donar lloc a importants pèrdues després de la collita. En este context, esta Tesi aborda diferents estratègies per a augmentar la rendibilitat del cultiu del caqui mitjançant la reducció de pèrdues postcollita i la revalorització de la fruita descartada i dels excedents de producció. Per a això, s'estudien aspectes pre i postcollita implicats en la qualitat del fruit i es proposa l'assecat de la fruita sencera com una nova estratègia de valorització dels fruits que no es destinen per a fresc. Entre els aspectes precollita, l'estat nutricional de la planta és un factor clau que afecta a la composició del material vegetal i a les característiques del fruit. Els Capítols I i II aborden l'estudi de les concentracions de macro i micronutrients en fulles i fruits procedents de parcel·les cultivades sota condicions de maneig ecològic i convencional, i la seua relació amb els principals paràmetres de qualitat del caqui 'Rojo Brillante'. Els resultats obtinguts aporten nova informació sobre la composició nutricional del caqui i reforcen la necessitat d'una fertilització equilibrada per a aconseguir una bona qualitat del fruit. Un altre aspecte precollita a tindre en compte en el maneig del caqui és l'aplicació de fitorreguladors. En 'Rojo Brillante', és habitual l'ús de etefon per a avançar la collita, i de l'àcid gibberèl·lic (AG3) per a retardar la seua maduració. A més, el tractament postcollita amb 1-MCP s'aplica habitualment per a garantir la qualitat de la fruita després de la collita. No obstant això, l'aplicació precollita de 1-MCP és un nou tractament eficaç per a altres fruites. En el Capítol III, en el qual es va avaluar este tractament en diferents escenaris, es va comprovar que, en fruita tractada amb etefon, va ampliar la finestra de collita i va prolongar el període de comercialització. En la fruita tractada amb GA3, el 1-MCP aplicat en precollita pot substituir a l'aplicació de 1-MCP postcollita, la qual cosa ho converteix en una eina útil per a optimitzar les operacions en les centrals de maneig. En el cas del 'Rojo Brillante', s'ha observat un efecte del moment de collita sobre el comportament del fruit durant la frigoconservació. Per a explicar estes diferències, en el Capítol IV es va dur a terme la caracterització fisicoquímica i microestructural de fruits recol·lectats en cinc moments i es van avaluar els canvis de fermesa durant l'emmagatzematge frigorífic. Xicotetes diferències en la fermesa del fruit en collita van afectar de manera important al manteniment de la qualitat en conservació, la qual cosa es va relacionar amb l'estructura del parènquima en el moment de recol·lecció. D'altra banda, cal tindre en compte que el tractament postcollita de desastringència s'associa a importants pèrdues de qualitat. En el Capítol V es va estudiar l'efecte del tractament de desastringència amb CO¿ i etanol en la qualitat postcollita del cv. Giombo. Els resultats suggereixen que, encara que l'etanol és el tractament habitual de desastringència per a esta varietat, es recomanen les altes concentracions de CO¿ per a aconseguir una insolubilització més ràpida dels tanins i el manteniment de la fermesa de la polpa durant la frigoconservació. En esta Tesi també es proposa l'assecat de fruit sencer com una nova estratègia per a valorar els fruits descartats i els excedents de producció del 'Rojo Brillante'. En el Capítol VI es van estudiar els canvis fisicoquímics i microestructurals que es produeixen en el fruit durant l'assecat natural, revelant que esta varietat és apta per a ser sotmesa al procés d'assecat. Per a millorar el procés, també es va avaluar l'assecat per aire calent a tres temperatures (Capítol VII). Les característiques finals van dependre de la temperatura d'assecat, especialment en termes de textuta. / [EN] In recent years Spain has experienced overproduction, which has led to important economic losses and increased fruit waste. Moreover, different preharvest factors, which affect fruit quality, and an inadequate postharvest management, can lead to important postharvest losses. In this context, the objective of the present Thesis is to study strategies to increase persimmon crop profitability by reducing postharvest losses and revalorizing discarded fruit and surplus production. Thus, the pre- and postharvest aspects involved in persimmon fruit quality are discussed and the whole fruit drying is proposed as a new valorization strategy. Of the preharvest aspects related to fruit quality parameters, the plant nutritional status is a major factor that can affect plant material composition and fruit characteristics. Thus, Chapters I and II addressed the study of macro- and micronutrients concentrations in the leaves and fruit from organic and conventional management systems, and their relation to the main fruit quality parameters in 'Rojo Brillante' persimmon. The results obtained in this study provide new information about the nutritional composition of persimmon and reinforce the need for balanced fertilization to achieve good fruit quality. Another important preharvest aspect is the application of phytoregulators to prolong the harvesting season. For 'Rojo Brillante', ethephon use is normal to advance harvest, as is gibberellic acid (GA3) to delay maturation. These treatments can affect fruit quality at both harvest and postharvest. Therefore, the postharvest 1-methylciclopropene (1-MCP) treatment is commonly applied to guarantee fruit quality. However, the preharvest 1-MCP application has been shown to be a novel effective treatment for other fruit. In Chapter III, in which this treatment was evaluated in different scenarios for persimmon, it was proved that it extended the harvest window and prolonged the commercialization period when applied to the ethephon-treated fruit. In the GA3-treated fruit, the preharvest 1-MCP can replace the 1-MCP postharvest application, which could be a useful tool for optimizing handling operations in packinghouses. For 'Rojo Brillante', an effect of harvest moment on fruit behavior during cold storage has been commercially documented. To explain these differences, in Chapter IV an in-depth physico-chemical and microstructural characterization of fruit during five commercial harvests is carried out and the changes in fruit firmness changes during cold storage was evaluated. The minor differences revealed in persimmon firmness at harvest strongly influenced fruit postharvest behavior, which was associated with structural parenchyma of flesh fruit at harvest. On the other hand, it is noteworthy that deastringency treatment is a critical step of postharvest handling because it directly influences fruit quality. This thesis (Chapter V) addressed the study of the effect of deastringency treatment with CO2 and ethanol on postharvest quality of cv. Giombo. The results suggested that, although ethanol is the usual deastringency treatment for this variety, high concentrations of CO2 are recommended to achieve faster insolubilization of tannins and to maintain higher fruit quality during cold storage. To valorize discarded persimmon fruit and surplus production, whole fruit drying is proposed as a new strategy for 'Rojo Brillante'. A first study (Chapter VI), which deals with the physicochemical and microstructural changes that occur during natural air drying, shows that this variety is suitable for drying as whole fruit. To improve the process, convective hot-air drying is also evaluated at three temperatures (Chapter VII). The results showed that the higher the drying temperature, the faster the drying process was, and the final product characteristics depended on the drying temperature, especially in texture terms. / This research was funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain, through project RTA2017-00045-C02, the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) through Project IVIA-51910 and by the company Agrofresh Spain / Quaresma Vilhena, N. (2023). Reducing Postharvest Losses in Persimmon. Pre and Postharvest Aspects Involved in Fruit Quality and New Strategies for Valorization [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203088 / Compendio

Study of a Particle Based Films Cure Process by High-Frequency Eddy Current Spectroscopy

Patsora, Iryna, Tatarchuk, Dmytro, Heuer, Henning, Hillmann, Susanne 28 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Particle-based films are today an important part of various designs and they are implemented in structures as conductive parts, i.e., conductive paste printing in the manufacture of Li-ion batteries, solar cells or resistive paste printing in IC. Recently, particle based films were also implemented in the 3D printing technique, and are particularly important for use in aircraft, wind power, and the automotive industry when incorporated onto the surface of composite structures for protection against damages caused by a lightning strike. A crucial issue for the lightning protection area is to realize films with high homogeneity of electrical resistance where an in-situ noninvasive method has to be elaborated for quality monitoring to avoid undesirable financial and time costs. In this work the drying process of particle based films was investigated by high-frequency eddy current (HFEC) spectroscopy in order to work out an automated in-situ quality monitoring method with a focus on the electrical resistance of the films. Different types of particle based films deposited on dielectric and carbon fiber reinforced plastic substrates were investigated in the present study and results show that the HFEC method offers a good opportunity to monitor the overall drying process of particle based films. Based on that, an algorithm was developed, allowing prediction of the final electrical resistance of the particle based films throughout the drying process, and was successfully implemented in a prototype system based on the EddyCus® HFEC device platform presented in this work. This prototype is the first solution for a portable system allowing HFEC measurement on huge and uneven surfaces.

Acoplamento massa-energia na descrição de secagem de produtos cilíndricos. / Mass-energy coupling in the drying description of cylindrical products.

GAMA, Fernando José de Almeida. 23 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-04-23T16:23:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FERNANDO JOSÉ DE ALMEIDA GAMA - TESE PPGEP 2014..pdf: 3506912 bytes, checksum: c91b94e7df5d978098c9d79aa8eb7487 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-23T16:23:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FERNANDO JOSÉ DE ALMEIDA GAMA - TESE PPGEP 2014..pdf: 3506912 bytes, checksum: c91b94e7df5d978098c9d79aa8eb7487 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-19 / Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar o fenômeno da difusão transiente de transferência de calor e massa em sólidos com forma geométrica de um cilindro infinito. O estudo apresenta soluções para a equação de difusão com condição de contorno do terceiro tipo. Foram desenvolvidas ferramentas numéricas para a descrição da difusão de calor e massa em produtos com as formas mencionadas. Para as soluções numéricas propostas, a equação de difusão unidimensional foi discretizada usando o método dos volumes finitos, com uma formulação totalmente implícita, usando coordenadas cilíndricas. Para a solução numérica em coordenadas cilíndricas, foram desenvolvidos dois softwares na plataforma Windows, um para a migração de massa e outro para a propagação de calor, utilizando a linguagem de programação Fortran, opção Quick Win Application. O software foi validado usando-se soluções conhecidas para cilindros tanto com parâmetros termofísicos constantes quanto variáveis. Pode-se concluir que as ferramentas desenvolvidas foram adequadas para o estudo de problemas difusivos em geral. As ferramentas desenvolvidas foram usadas para descrever o processo de secagem de bananas inteiras. Na descrição, foram considerados volume e difusividade de calor e massa variáveis. Pode-se concluir que o modelo proposto para descrever o processo apresentou excelentes indicadores estatísticos na descrição da cinética de transferência de calor e massa. Pode-se concluir, também, que a exclusão do aquecimento do vapor nos cálculos efetuados não altera de forma significativa os resultados e que o uso do calor latente da água livre ao invés desta propriedade no produto não produz efeitos significativos. Por outro lado, o desprezo do calor latente de vaporização e a consideração da densidade e do calor específico do produto como propriedades constantes devem ser evitados. / This work aims to study the phenomenon of the transient diffusion of heat and mass in solids with geometric form of an infinite cylinder. The study presents solutions for the diffusion equation with boundary condition of the third kind. Numerical tools for describing the diffusion of heat and mass in the ways mentioned were developed. For the numerical solutions proposed, the one-dimensional diffusion equation was discretized using the finite volume method with a fully implicit formulation, using cylindrical coordinates. For the numerical solution in cylindrical coordinates, two software have been developed on the Windows platform, one for mass migration and one for the heat transfer, using the Fortran programming language, Quick Win Application option. The software was validated using solutions known for cylinders with both constant and variable thermophysical parameters. It can be concluded that the developed tools were appropriate for the study of diffusion problems in general. The above tools were used to describe the process of drying whole banana. In the description, we considered the volume and diffusivities with variables values. It can be concluded that the proposed model to describe the process showed excellent statistical indicators to describe the kinetics of heat and mass transfer. One can also conclude that the exclusion of the vapor heating in the calculations performed does not significantly alter the results. In addition that using the latent heat of free water instead of this property in the product does not produce significant effects. On the other hand, discard the latent heat of vaporization and the consideration of density and specific heat of the product as constant properties should be avoided.

Parâmetros de produção e caracterização de produto seco de maytenus ilicifolia Martius ex Reissek - celastraceae - em torre de secagem por aspersão / Process parameters and characterization of Maytenus ilicifolia Martius ex Reissek – Celastraceae spray dried products

Oliveira, Olivia Werner January 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a influência dos parâmetros tecnológicos do processo de secagem por aspersão sobre as características do produto obtido a partir de extrato seco de Maytenus ilicifolia. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo exploratório, utilizado um desenho experimental fatorial, analisando quatro parâmetros: a concentração de dióxido de silício coloidal (10 e 30 %), o tempo de dispersão em meio líquido das matérias-primas (0,5 e 4 horas), a temperatura de entrada do ar de secagem na torre de aspersão (150 e 180 ºC), e a velocidade de rotação do disco aspersor (9.500 e 11.000 rpm). O teor de umidade residual, a morfologia, a distribuição granulométrica e o fluxo dos pós obtidos, assim como o rendimento do processo e a concentração do marcador catequina foram considerados como respostas ao desenho fatorial. O aumento da temperatura de entrada conduziu a produtos com umidade reduzida e a maior eficiência do processo. A concentração do dióxido de silício coloidal afetou principalmente as propriedades de fluxo e o teor de catequina nos pós produzidos. A maior velocidade de rotação influenciou de modo positivo somente sobre o rendimento do processo. / The present study aimed to evaluate the influence of technological parameters related to the spray drying process over the product obtained from a Maytenus ilicifolia spray dried extract. Therefore, an exploratory study was carried out using an experimental factorial design assessing four parameters: colloidal silicon dioxide concentration (10 – 30 %), dispersion time of the feed material (0.5 – 4 h), air inlet temperature in the spray dryer (150 – 180 ºC), and atomizer speed (9,500 – 11,000 rpm). According to an experimental factorial design four parameters were assessed: colloidal silicon dioxide concentration (10 – 30 %), mixing time (0.5 – 4 h), inlet temperature (150 – 180 ºC), and atomizer speed (9,500 – 11,000 rpm). Moisture content, morphology, particle size, flow, process yield and catechin concentration were considered as responses of the factorial design. Increasing inlet temperature led to dried products with reduced moisture content and higher process yield. Aerosil content mainly affected flow properties and catechin content in the powders. Atomizer speed at high level only enhanced process yield.

Parâmetros de produção e caracterização de produto seco de maytenus ilicifolia Martius ex Reissek - celastraceae - em torre de secagem por aspersão / Process parameters and characterization of Maytenus ilicifolia Martius ex Reissek – Celastraceae spray dried products

Oliveira, Olivia Werner January 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a influência dos parâmetros tecnológicos do processo de secagem por aspersão sobre as características do produto obtido a partir de extrato seco de Maytenus ilicifolia. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo exploratório, utilizado um desenho experimental fatorial, analisando quatro parâmetros: a concentração de dióxido de silício coloidal (10 e 30 %), o tempo de dispersão em meio líquido das matérias-primas (0,5 e 4 horas), a temperatura de entrada do ar de secagem na torre de aspersão (150 e 180 ºC), e a velocidade de rotação do disco aspersor (9.500 e 11.000 rpm). O teor de umidade residual, a morfologia, a distribuição granulométrica e o fluxo dos pós obtidos, assim como o rendimento do processo e a concentração do marcador catequina foram considerados como respostas ao desenho fatorial. O aumento da temperatura de entrada conduziu a produtos com umidade reduzida e a maior eficiência do processo. A concentração do dióxido de silício coloidal afetou principalmente as propriedades de fluxo e o teor de catequina nos pós produzidos. A maior velocidade de rotação influenciou de modo positivo somente sobre o rendimento do processo. / The present study aimed to evaluate the influence of technological parameters related to the spray drying process over the product obtained from a Maytenus ilicifolia spray dried extract. Therefore, an exploratory study was carried out using an experimental factorial design assessing four parameters: colloidal silicon dioxide concentration (10 – 30 %), dispersion time of the feed material (0.5 – 4 h), air inlet temperature in the spray dryer (150 – 180 ºC), and atomizer speed (9,500 – 11,000 rpm). According to an experimental factorial design four parameters were assessed: colloidal silicon dioxide concentration (10 – 30 %), mixing time (0.5 – 4 h), inlet temperature (150 – 180 ºC), and atomizer speed (9,500 – 11,000 rpm). Moisture content, morphology, particle size, flow, process yield and catechin concentration were considered as responses of the factorial design. Increasing inlet temperature led to dried products with reduced moisture content and higher process yield. Aerosil content mainly affected flow properties and catechin content in the powders. Atomizer speed at high level only enhanced process yield.

Qualidade de café (Coffea arabica L.) pré-processado por via seca / Quality of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) pre-processed in coconut

Simões, Rodrigo de Oliveira 16 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:23:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 2293485 bytes, checksum: a74ed7d0d350ed68a2888bbcca886ec0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-16 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The maturity stage physiological of coffee fruit after their harvest may influence on the physiological quality of grains and the final quality of coffee drink, mainly because of their peculiarities. The objective of this study was to verify some aspects of pre-process of coffee in coconut, harvesting at different percentages of cherry maturation stage, relating the influence of this stage of maturation, during processing of coffee in physical-chemical composition and quality of the drink. The coffee fruits were harvested in four percentages of cherry maturation stage by Derric manual system on the cloth, characterizing were investigated with four lots, Lot 1 (90.9%), Lot 2 (81.5%), Lot 3 (65.4%) and Lot 4 (44.7%). After collected, the individual lots were washed, and the fruits of higher density were separated andtransported to the cement terrace, where they remained for two days to reduce the initial water content of around 70% wet basis (wb). After this period, each lot was divided; one part remained in cement terrace and another court transferred to suspendeded terrace. The fruits were spread daily with using a squeegee on cement terrace and suspendeded terrace. These fruits formed layer with approximately three cm, which at dusk were stacked and covered with bags of plastic canvas and sackcloth. At dawn, these fruits were spread again on terraces, this process was repeating until the lots of coffee in coconut reach to 11% bu. (the recommended moisture content for storage). Every two days, in end of afternoon, samples of three liters of coffee were collected to determination of water content and water activity, and after step of washing, the coffee transferred from cement terrace to suspendeded terrace to detection and identification of fungi in the end of process of drying. After completing of process of drying, the coffee lots in coconut enhanced, capability the grains to separating with visible defects, and retained in sieves of 16 circular sieves above used to analysis of electrical conductivity and potassium leaching. These grains were ground with using a sieve of 30 "Meshes" to analysis of total acidity, fat acidity, ether extract, pH and color index of sensory analysis (proof cup). The experiment of physical-chemical analysis was conducted the second factorial 4x2 (four lots of coffee in coconut in different percentages of maturation stage and two types of terrace during the drying) in a complete randomized design (CRD) with three replications. Data were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and means were compared with using Tukey test at 5% probability (SAEG version 9.1). The data for detection and identification of fungi were expressed in percentage of species found in peel and coffee beans. Statistical analysis of sensory evaluation was conducted following the same schedule described factor to physical-chemical analysis with randomized block design (RBD) and program of SAS® PROC GLM, version 8.0. We verified the correlations (r) of Pearson with &#945;=0.05 between the physical-chemical and sensory attributes by the PROC CORR program of SAS®, version 8.0. The results showed, the adverse environmental conditions at certain periods during the drying process were instrumental in the absorption of moisture of the coffee and that this effect was more intense in cement terrace, because suspendeded terrace was more protected from the weather change. The behaviors of the curves of drying and water activity were similar, resulting in an exponential curve adjusted to form the type y = y0 + ae(-bx). The low water activity, 0.533; the end of drying process was the direct responsible parameter to the reduction which was identified in the percentage of fungi. There were significant differences (P<0.05) measured in all physical and chemical parameters, the results showed that better quality of grain in lots that had higher percentages of fruits. These differences were also observed between the types of terrace employees; suspendeded terrace presented better quality of grain compared to grains in the yard of dry cement. However, these differences were not significant determinants to the point of adversely affecting the final quality of the drink of coffee, since they have not been significant differences between the sensory attributes that rank as being of lower quality. The significant correlations between variables of physical chemical and sensory evaluating during the processing of coffee in coconut, suggest that the damage of cell membranes of coffee beans are the main indicators to describe properly the final quality of coffee. / O estádio de maturação fisiológico com o qual os frutos de café são colhidos pode influenciar na qualidade fisiológica dos grãos e na qualidade final da bebida de café, principalmente em função das suas particularidades. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de verificar alguns aspectos do pré-processamento do café em coco, colhido em diferentes porcentagens do estádio de maturação cereja, relacionando a influência deste estádio de maturação, durante o processamento do café, na composição físicoquímica e na qualidade da bebida. Os frutos de café foram colhidos em quatro porcentagens do estádio de maturação cereja, pelo sistema de derriça manual no pano, caracterizando-se assim os quatro lotes estudados, Lote 1 (90,9%), Lote 2 (81,5%), Lote 3 (65,4%) e Lote 4 (44,7%). Depois de colhido, os lotes individualizados foram lavados, separando-se os frutos de maior massa específica que foram transportados para terreiro de cimento, onde permaneceram durante dois dias, para redução do teor de água inicial em torno de 70% base úmida (b.u.). Após este período, cada lote foi subdividido, uma parte permanecendo no terreiro de cimento e a outra transferida para terreiro suspenso. Diariamente, os frutos foram espalhados com o auxilio de um rodo, sobre o terreiro de cimento e sobre o terreiro suspenso, formando uma camada de aproximados três cm, que ao entardecer, foram amontoados e cobertos com lona plástica. Ao amanhecer, novamente os frutos foram espalhados nos terreiros, repetindo-se este processo até que os lotes de café em coco atingissem o teor de água recomendado para o armazenamento, 11% b.u.. A cada dois dias, ao final do período da tarde, amostras de três litros de café foram coletadas para as determinações do teor de água, e atividade de água. Para a detecção e a identificação de fungos, coletaram-se amostras de café durante todas as etapas do pré-processamento do café por &#8220;via seca&#8221;. As análises de condutividade elétrica e lixiviação de potássio, acidez titulável total, acidez graxa, extrato etéreo, pH e índice de coloração foram feitas com grãos de café beneficiados sem defeitos visíveis, retidos em peneiras de crivo circular 16 acima. A avaliação dos atributos sensoriais (prova de xícara) foi feita com grãos selecionados utilizando-se os mesmos critérios das análises físico-químicas, devidamente torrados (torra média) e apresentados sob a forma de café expresso. O experimento para as análises físico-químicas foi conduzido segundo esquema fatorial 4x2 (quatro lotes de café em coco, em diferentes porcentagens do estádio de maturação cereja e dois tipos de terreiro durante o processo de secagem) no delineamento inteiramente casualizado (D.I.C.) com três repetições. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA) e as médias foram comparadas utilizando o teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade utilizando-se o SAEG versão 9.1. Os dados de detecção e de identificação de fungos foram expressos em porcentagem de espécies encontradas na casca e nos grãos de café. A análise estatística das avaliações sensoriais foi conduzida segundo o mesmo esquema fatorial descrito para as análises físico-químicas, no entanto, no delineamento em blocos casualizados (D.B.C) utilizando o programa SAS® através do PROC GLM, versão 8.0. Foram verificadas as correlações (r) de Pearson com &#945;=0,05 entre as variáveis físico-químicas e os atributos sensoriais através do PROC CORR do programa SAS®, versão 8.0. Verificou-se que as condições ambientes durante o processo de secagem influenciaram na absorção de umidade do café e que este efeito foi mais intenso no terreiro de cimento. A baixa atividade de água, 0,533, ao final do processo de secagem foi o parâmetro responsável pela redução no percentual da maioria dos fungos identificados. Foram verificadas diferenças (P<0,05) em todos os parâmetros físico-químicos avaliados, inferindo melhor qualidade dos grãos para os lotes que apresentaram maiores porcentagens de frutos cereja. Estas diferenças também foram observadas entre os tipos de terreiro empregados, tendo o terreiro suspenso apresentado melhor qualidade dos grãos comparativamente aos grãos secos no terreiro de cimento. Entretanto, tais diferenças afetaram negativamente a qualidade final da bebida de café, haja vista não terem ocorrido diferenças significativas entre os atributos sensoriais que os classificassem como sendo de pior qualidade. As correlações significativas entre as variáveis físicoquímicas e sensoriais, avaliadas durante o processamento do café em coco, sugerem que os danos causados à membrana celular dos grãos de café, sejam indicadores da qualidade final do café.

Parâmetros de produção e caracterização de produto seco de maytenus ilicifolia Martius ex Reissek - celastraceae - em torre de secagem por aspersão / Process parameters and characterization of Maytenus ilicifolia Martius ex Reissek – Celastraceae spray dried products

Oliveira, Olivia Werner January 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a influência dos parâmetros tecnológicos do processo de secagem por aspersão sobre as características do produto obtido a partir de extrato seco de Maytenus ilicifolia. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo exploratório, utilizado um desenho experimental fatorial, analisando quatro parâmetros: a concentração de dióxido de silício coloidal (10 e 30 %), o tempo de dispersão em meio líquido das matérias-primas (0,5 e 4 horas), a temperatura de entrada do ar de secagem na torre de aspersão (150 e 180 ºC), e a velocidade de rotação do disco aspersor (9.500 e 11.000 rpm). O teor de umidade residual, a morfologia, a distribuição granulométrica e o fluxo dos pós obtidos, assim como o rendimento do processo e a concentração do marcador catequina foram considerados como respostas ao desenho fatorial. O aumento da temperatura de entrada conduziu a produtos com umidade reduzida e a maior eficiência do processo. A concentração do dióxido de silício coloidal afetou principalmente as propriedades de fluxo e o teor de catequina nos pós produzidos. A maior velocidade de rotação influenciou de modo positivo somente sobre o rendimento do processo. / The present study aimed to evaluate the influence of technological parameters related to the spray drying process over the product obtained from a Maytenus ilicifolia spray dried extract. Therefore, an exploratory study was carried out using an experimental factorial design assessing four parameters: colloidal silicon dioxide concentration (10 – 30 %), dispersion time of the feed material (0.5 – 4 h), air inlet temperature in the spray dryer (150 – 180 ºC), and atomizer speed (9,500 – 11,000 rpm). According to an experimental factorial design four parameters were assessed: colloidal silicon dioxide concentration (10 – 30 %), mixing time (0.5 – 4 h), inlet temperature (150 – 180 ºC), and atomizer speed (9,500 – 11,000 rpm). Moisture content, morphology, particle size, flow, process yield and catechin concentration were considered as responses of the factorial design. Increasing inlet temperature led to dried products with reduced moisture content and higher process yield. Aerosil content mainly affected flow properties and catechin content in the powders. Atomizer speed at high level only enhanced process yield.

Study of a Particle Based Films Cure Process by High-Frequency Eddy Current Spectroscopy

Patsora, Iryna, Tatarchuk, Dmytro, Heuer, Henning, Hillmann, Susanne 28 March 2017 (has links)
Particle-based films are today an important part of various designs and they are implemented in structures as conductive parts, i.e., conductive paste printing in the manufacture of Li-ion batteries, solar cells or resistive paste printing in IC. Recently, particle based films were also implemented in the 3D printing technique, and are particularly important for use in aircraft, wind power, and the automotive industry when incorporated onto the surface of composite structures for protection against damages caused by a lightning strike. A crucial issue for the lightning protection area is to realize films with high homogeneity of electrical resistance where an in-situ noninvasive method has to be elaborated for quality monitoring to avoid undesirable financial and time costs. In this work the drying process of particle based films was investigated by high-frequency eddy current (HFEC) spectroscopy in order to work out an automated in-situ quality monitoring method with a focus on the electrical resistance of the films. Different types of particle based films deposited on dielectric and carbon fiber reinforced plastic substrates were investigated in the present study and results show that the HFEC method offers a good opportunity to monitor the overall drying process of particle based films. Based on that, an algorithm was developed, allowing prediction of the final electrical resistance of the particle based films throughout the drying process, and was successfully implemented in a prototype system based on the EddyCus® HFEC device platform presented in this work. This prototype is the first solution for a portable system allowing HFEC measurement on huge and uneven surfaces.

Vývoj a charakterizace hydrogelů s obsahem huminových látek pro kosmetické a farmaceutické aplikace / Material characterization of novel hydrogels containing humic substances intended for pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications

Pavlicová, Renata January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the development and characterization of hydrogels containing humic substances with possible use in cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. This work follows on the bachelor thesis, theoretical and experimental part is based on already acquired knowledge. The aim of this work was to develop a literature review focusing on the potential use humic gels in practice and also to enhance the consistency of other active ingredients. Based on this literature review, the main aim was to prepare model humic hydrogels with selected active ingredients and their characterization by basic methods of material analysis. These basic methods were especially rheology and visual assessment of consistency during the preparation, then the samples were subjected process of drying and swelling. Experimental results showed considerable influences during the preparation and composition of each sample, which then reflected in their structure and consistency. Furthermore, it was found that the suitable composition and combination of ingredients form hydrogels acceptable characteristics for further use in cosmetic or pharmaceutical applications.

Nichtlineares Deformationsverhalten von Karosserie-Außenhautbauteilen aus Aluminium im Lacktrocknungsprozess

Regensburger, Jochen 18 July 2018 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird die Berechenbarkeit des Deformationsverhaltens von Aluminiumaußenhautbauteilen in einem für die Automobilindustrie typischen Lacktrocknungsprozess um den irreversiblen Kriecheffekt erweitert. Untersucht wird dabei die in Europa oft für Außenhautbauteile eingesetzte Legierung AA6016 mit Hilfe von Zug- und Biegetests, aus denen ein geeignetes Werkstoffmodell für die numerische Simulation abgeleitet wird. Dabei wird auch der Einfluss des Umformgrades im Blechbauteil aus dem Herstellprozess untersucht und bewertet. Die seriennahe Validierung des Werkstoffmodells findet anhand einer eigens ausgelegten Baugruppe statt, die nach dem Wärmeprozess optisch sichtbare Formabweichungen aufweist. Mittels optischer Messungen wird die Baugruppe dabei vor, im und nach dem Wärmeprozess analysiert und die berechneten Formänderungen validiert. Im Ergebnis kann mit dem Werkstoffmodell die Auswirkung thermisch induzierter Spannungen unterhalb der klassischen Streckgrenze auf die Formänderung von Aluminiumblech in der frühen Produktentwicklungsphase prognostiziert werden. / In this work, the computability of the deformation behaviour of aluminium car body panels in a typical automotive paint drying process is enhanced by the irreversible creep effect. The alloy AA6016, which is often used in Europe for aluminium car body panels, is examined with the aid of tensile and bending tests from which a suitable material model for numerical simulation is derived. The influence of the plastic deformation in the sheet metal component due to the manufacturing process is also examined and evaluated. The near-series validation of the material model takes place on the basis of a specially designed assembly which shows optically visible shape deviations after the heating process. Using optical measurements, the assembly is analyzed before, during and after the heating process and the calculated shape changes are validated. As a result, the material model can be used to predict the effect of thermally induced stresses below the classic yield strength on the deformation of aluminium sheet in the early product development phase.

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