Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] EGO-SKIN"" "subject:"[enn] EGO-SKIN""
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Image inconsciente du corps familial et liens familiaux à l'épreuve du syptôme obésité à l'adolescence / Unconscious image of family body and family bonds to the test of symptom adolescent obesitySchwailbold, Marie-Anne 05 December 2014 (has links)
L’obésité est un véritable problème de santé publique. De nombreuses études ont été menées à l’échelle de l’individu mais le phénomène ne cesse de s’amplifier surtout chez les enfants et les adolescents. Nous proposons donc un angle de vue différent à savoir l’étude du fonctionnement familial en vue d’apporter un nouveau sens au symptôme en le resituant au cœur des relations intersubjectives. Pour cela, nous avons opté pour une perspective psychanalytique à travers l’utilisation d’outils projectifs spécifiquement groupaux à savoir l’épreuve de génographie projective (ou dessin libre de l’arbre généalogique) et l’épreuve de spatiographie projective (ou dessin de la maison de rêve). Ces outils, par un processus de projection, investiguent les dimensions diachronique et synchronique permettant une approche complète de l’image inconsciente du corps familial. Nous avons donc effectué une étude longitudinale sur 43 familles dont un adolescent est atteint d’obésité. Les résultats mettent en évidence une grande fragilité du groupe familial notamment en ce qui concerne son enveloppe. Sur le plan des liens intersubjectifs, nous avons repéré une indifférenciation psychique conduisant à des liens de type isomorphique. Enfin, nous avons repéré que la séparation entre l’adolescent et sa famille s’est effectuée sur un mode traumatique venant réactiver des traumas anciens. Ainsi, les familles mettent en place d’importantes résistances vis-à-vis du changement de l’un des leurs, contraignant l’adolescent à reprendre sa place en reprenant le poids perdu dans le but de préserver l’homéostasie familiale / Obesity has become a real health problem. So far, research has only considered obesity in an individual point of view, but this scourge is still getting increasing, especially among children and teenagers. For this reason, we have decided to bring a new point of view and focus upon the family and the way its members behave with one another, thus placing obesity at the heart of inter-subjective relationships. Hence we chose a psychoanalytical perspective and used groupal projective tools, the projective genography test (a free drawing of a family tree) and the family projective spatiography test (a drawing of the dream house). These projective tests examine the diachronic and synchronic dimensions and materialize a unconscious picture of the family body. We therefore carried out a longitudinal study with a representative sample of 43 families whose teenager suffered from obesity. The results show how weak and vulnerable the envelope of the family group can be. Concerning intersubjective bonds, we spotted a psychic undifferenciation leading to isomorphic relationships. Finally, we noticed that the teenage having been separated from his family proved to be traumatic, and that it reactivated former traumas. Thus families build strong strategies of resistance to counteract the fact that one member is changing, forcing the teenager to regain his previous position within the family, by regaining weight, in order to maintain family homeostasis
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[pt] Esta pesquisa de mestrado foi desenvolvida tendo como principal objetivo compreender o lugar do corpo e das experiências sensoriais no processo de constituição subjetiva à luz dos conceitos de Eu-pele e corpo próprio em Anzieu e Merleau-Ponty, respectivamente. A nossa investigação mostra que, segundo os autores, o Eu é constituído a partir da experiência sensível e que é tarefa do corpo organizar os dados sensoriais, dando sentido às experiências subjetivas. Além disso, o presente trabalho busca evidenciar o aspecto relacional do processo de subjetivação, presente nos dois autores. Este estudo deixa claro que a dimensão da corporeidade, a qual é fundamental para o desenvolvimento psíquico, emocional e cognitivo, pressupõe, sobretudo, a presença do outro. Conclui-se, assim, que tanto Anzieu quanto Merleau-Ponty explicam a psicogênese pela ótica da intersubjetividade, a qual é marcada pela experiência sensível, compartilhada em um espaço intercorporal e interpessoal, um mundo comum de onde podem emergir as subjetividades. / [en] We developed this research aiming to understand the role of the body and the sensitive experiences in the constitution of subjectivity, based on the concepts of Skin ego and own body in Anzieu and Merleau-Ponty, respectively. By analyzing the essencial aspects of both theories it is possible to understand, firstly, that the ego derives from our sensitive experiences and, secondly, that the body not only organizes the sensory data, but also provides meaning to our experiences. In addition, we highlight the relational aspect of the subjectivation process, once both authors pointed out to the fact that corporeity, which is fundamental to psychological, emotional and cognitive development, presupposes another underlying factor: the experience of the Other. Therefore, we gather that both Anzieu and Merleau-Ponty explain psychogenesis from the perspective of intersubjectivity, which is marked by our sensitive experience, shared in an intercorporal and interpersonal space, a common world from where subjectivities can emerge.
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Etude comparative de l'investissement psychique de l'habitat en France et aux Etats-Unis / Comparative study of psychic investment in housing in France and the United StatesMortet, Jérôme 10 February 2015 (has links)
En cette période de mondialisation des modes d’habitation et d’uniformisation desagencements de l’espace, est-ce qu’il subsiste des différences au niveau du fonctionnementfamilial dans les pays occidentaux ? Et si ces différences subsistent, comment se transposent-ellessur l’habitat réel ? Ainsi cette recherche universitaire propose une étude comparative del’investissement psychologique de l’habitat entre la France et les Etats-Unis. Le test projectifnommé « l’épreuve familiale de spatiographie projective » élaboré par Patrice Cuynet (1999-2000) a pour objectif de comprendre l’image du corps familial à travers l’analyse du dessincollectif de leur maison de rêve. Ce test a été administré à 30 familles françaises et 30familles américaines. Nous sommes partis du postulat que l’habitat est une enveloppe, unepeau réelle et fantasmée de la famille (A. Eiguer, 1983) qui fonctionne comme le Moi-peau(D. Anzieu, 1985). Grâce à cette méthodologie, nous allons pouvoir établir un diagnostic surla structuration familiale et comparer les résultats obtenus en France et aux Etats-Unis. / In this current period of globalization of the housing arrangements and of thestandardization in the space layouts, are some differences subsisting in the family functioningin western societies? And if these differences remain, how do they reflect on the real housingenvironment? This thesis will approach a comparative study of the psychological investmentof the housing environment between France and the United States. The projective test named" the family test of spatiography projective " developed by Patrice Cuynet (1999-2000) set outto gain a better understanding of the image of the family body through the analysis of thecollective drawing of their dream house. This test was assigned to 30 French families and 30American families. We started from the postulate that the housing environment is anenvelope, a real skin and fantasized over the family (In. Eiguer on 1983) which works as theEgo-skin (D. Anzieu on 1985). Thanks to this methodology, we are going to be able toestablish a diagnosis on the family structuring and compare the results obtained in Franceand in the United States.
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Construction(s) du féminin dans l’anorexie de l’adolescente : - Apport de la clinique projective (Rorschach et T.A.T.) de patientes souffrant d’anorexie-restrictive et d’anorexie-boulimie / Feminine identity construction(s) in adolescent girls with anorexia : contribution of projective techniques (Rorschach and TAT) for patients with restrictive anorexia and anorexia with bulimiaGaspari, Maïte 07 March 2011 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse propose d’approfondir la compréhension de l’anorexie de l’adolescente à partir d’une méthodologie projective (Rorschach et T.A.T.).Il révèle notamment la présence d’une instabilité des frontières du Moi et un dépassement insuffisant des conflits prégénitaux venant influer sur la construction du féminin et favoriser le recours à des défenses de type phalliques narcissiques permettant d’éviter tout autant le vécu de séparation que celui de dépendance.Ce travail met par ailleurs en évidence un traitement singulier des fantasmes de séduction marqué par un renversement de la construction hystérique, l’insuffisance du refoulement et l’impossibilité à investir une position passive venant entraîner un vécu spécifique marqué par une exacerbation des angoisses persécutives qui paraît liée au caractère insuffisamment sécurisé des frontières propres et à la difficulté de régulation de l’excitation pulsionnelle.Dans son approche différentielle, ce travail révèle également chez les patientes présentant un profil restrictif une plus grande efficience des défenses narcissiques en comparaison des patientes présentant un tableau d’anorexie-boulimie où la problématique de porosité des enveloppes et les difficultés de maniement pulsionnel se dévoilent davantage. Les problématiques mobilisées paraissent néanmoins semblables. L’apport de cette recherche se situe davantage dans la mise en évidence de mouvements de clivage au Moi pouvant conduire à deux types d’aménagements distincts venant s’exercer soit sur un mode persécutif, soit sur un mode adhésif, avec une influence sur le type de structuration psychique de ces adolescentes se révélant indépendante des formes symptomatiques tout en pouvant correspondre à deux temps distincts de la maladie. / This paper attempts to go further into female teen anorexia from the perspective of a projective methodology. It brings particularly to light the presence of a blurred frontier of the Ego and an insufficient expansion of pregenital conflicts which affects the construction of the feminine and facilitates resorting to a narcissistic phallic type of defense which helps avoid the experience of separation as much as that of dependency.This paper brings further to light a particular handling of seduction fantasies marked by a reversal of hysterical construction, insufficient repression and the impossibility to invest a passive position. This leads to a specific real life experience marked by an exacerbation of persecution anxiety which seem to be linked to both the insufficiently secured nature of instinctive excitation and the difficulty to regulate it. From its differential approach, this paper also highlights a better efficiency of narcissist defense in those female patients presenting a restrictive profile compared with those presenting anorexia-bulimia stigmas where porosity of envelopes and difficulty of handling drive are more apparent. However, the issues raised appear to be similar.This research paper brings brings further highlight to the cleavage process phenomenon in the Ego leading of anorectic patients to two distinctive types of psychic adjustments which expresses itself either on a persecution mode or adhesive one. This in turn has an influence on the type of psychic structures in female teens which turn out to be independent from symptomatic forms while they may at the same time correspond to two different stages of the illness.
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[pt] O presente trabalho procurou investigar, à luz da teoria
psicanalítica, algumas
práticas consideradas radicais de marcação do corpo, tais
como tatuagens, piercings,
implantes subcutâneos, escarificações, pocketing, pulling e
suspensão. Para tanto,
procedeu-se inicialmente a uma exposição do contexto em que
tais práticas são
abordadas, a cultura de consumo contemporânea, na qual o
corpo assume lugar de
destaque. Além disto, realizou-se um roteiro histórico das
práticas de marcação do
corpo e seus usos. Incidindo na superfície do corpo, tais
práticas fornecem a este um
novo contorno. A delimitação das bordas corporais nos
remete à temática da
constituição subjetiva, na qual as experiências pele-à-pele
delineiam a fronteira entre
interno e externo, eu e outro. Na relação com um outro, o
corpo é ainda inserido no
registro pulsional, configurando-se como um corpo erógeno,
marcado por
experiências de prazer e desprazer. Se o prazer pode ser
encontrado no desprazer e na
dor, estabelece-se, então, o masoquismo erógeno, base de
todo tipo de masoquismo.
Por fim, utilizando-se o masoquismo como instrumento para
pensar as marcações do
corpo que têm na dor a condição indispensável para sua
realização, efetuou-se uma
apresentação a seu respeito. A dor, além de ser, no
masoquismo, o meio de obter
prazer, fornece ao sujeito a percepção dos contornos de seu
corpo. Assim, através de
práticas dolorosas, o sujeito se encontra em um esforço por
delimitar e manter coesas
suas fronteiras corporais. / [en] The present study sought to investigate, trough a
psychoanalytical perspective,
some radical practices of body marking, such as tattoos,
piercings, subcutaneous
implants, pocketing, pulling and suspension. To do so, it
begins by presenting the
context in which such practices are approached, the
contemporary consuming culture,
in which the body occupies a place of prominence. Further
on, is presented a
historical background of practices of body markings and its
uses. Falling upon the
surface of the body, these practices provide it a new
outline. The delimitation of
corporal borders sends us to the subjective constitution
theme, in which skin-to-skin
experiences delineate the frontier between internal and
external, the ego and the
other. When relating with another, the body is still
inserted in a pulsional register,
becoming hence an erogenous body, marked by experiences of
pleasure and
displeasure. If pleasure can be found in displeasure and
pain, the erogenous
masochism, originally present in all forms of masochism, is
then established. Finally,
using the masochism as an instrument to deal with body
markings that find in pain
the indispensable condition to its realization, a
presentation of the theme was made.
Pain, besides being, in masochism, a way of obtaining
pleasure, supplies the subject
the perception of the outline of his body. That way, trough
painful practices the
subject finds himself in an effort to delimitate and keep
tied his bodily borders.
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L'agitation comportementale des enfants à l'école : expression des procédés hors-jeu au Scéno-Test / The behavioral excitement of the children at the school : expression of the offside processes in Scéno-TestGuillot, Mireille 27 June 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche concerne l’agitation comportementale de neuf enfants à l’école et utilise la médiation projective du Scéno-Test.En référence au concept de Moi-peau, la pratique clinique intersubjective des contenants de pensée dans l’institution fonde un regard sur la psychopathologie face à la Loi de février 2005 qui considère l’enfant agité comme handicapé. A l’intérieur de ces contenants en partie réducteurs sont analysés les trajets émotionnels des familles des enfants rencontrées, capables, à partir d’un groupe de professionnels au travail, de transformation psychique des dits contenants.En référence à la théorie des enveloppes psychiques, cette recherche propose, dans le cadre de l’examen psychologique, un dispositif consistant en la passation de 4 séances de Scéno-Test pour chaque enfant qui tient compte d’une pensée du "hors" significative de sa potentielle éjection de l’école.Dès lors, l’expression des procédés hors-jeu au Scéno-test relance par le moyen d’un jeu permis le psychisme de l’enfant.Au regard du concept de retournement, c’est la notion de fil projectif élaborée à partir d’une pensée du blanc du couvercle de jeu et la notion du négatif utilisée par le clinicien chercheur qui permettent de penser l’élaboration des réponses. Au sein d’enveloppes projectives, tel l’écran du rêve dans la dialectique de la veille et du sommeil, telle l’hallucination négative dans la dialectique de l’absence et de la présence, l’enfant reconstruit une scène d’origine traumatique.L’ensemble des données recueillies montre que l’enfant instable est en danger, même à l’école. Sa capacité au Scéno-Test à figurer, malgré les angoisses impensables, les secrets et/ou les dénis familiaux, lui permet de réaménager au sein de ces enveloppes projectives un espace interne suffisamment sécurisant pour être réinvesti.Ces premiers résultats permettent d’établir que le Scéno-Test, épreuve thématique, peut aussi être utilisé comme une épreuve structurale paradoxale. / This research concerns the behavioral excitement of nine school children and uses the Scéno-Test projective mediation.In reference to the "Ego-skin" concept, the intersubjective clinical practice of thought containers in the institution a glance on the psychopathology in front of Act of February 2005 considering the restless child as an handicapped person. Inside these partially reducing containers are analyzed the emotional families axes encountered who, from a group of professionals in the work, can transform these containers.In reference to the psychic envelopes theory, this research proposes, as part of the psychological examination, a device consisting of the signing of 4 sessions of Scéno-Test for every child who takes into account a thought of "except" significant of his potential ejection of the school.From then on, the expression of the offside processes in Scéno-test stimulus by means of an allowed game helped the psyche of the child.Towards the concept of reversal, it’s the notion of thread projectif elaborated from a thought of the blank cover game and the notion of the negative used by the clinician researcher that allow to think of the elaboration of the answers. Within projectives envelopes, such as dream screen in the dialectic of waking and sleep, such as the negative hallucination in the dialectic of the absence and the presence, the child reconstructs a scene of traumatic origin.The overall results show that unstable child is in danger, even at school. Its ability to appear and represent capacity in Scéno-Test, despite the unthinkable fears and the family secrets and/or denials, allows him to reorganize within these projectives envelopes an internal space enough reassuring to be reinvested.
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