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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude de structures de composants micro-électroniques innovants (3D) : caractérisation, modélisation et fiabilité des démonstrateurs 3D sous sollicitations mécaniques et thermomécaniques / Structures study of innovative (3D) microelectronic components : characterization, modeling and reliability of 3D demonstrators under mechanical and thermo-mechanical loading

Belhenini, Soufyane 19 December 2013 (has links)
Cette étude constitue une contribution dans un grand projet européen dénommé : 3DICE (3D Integration of Chips using Embedding technologies). La fiabilité mécanique et thermomécanique des composants 3D a été étudiée par des essais normalisés et des simulations numériques. L’essai de chute et le cyclage thermique ont été sélectionnés pour la présente étude. Des analyses de défaillance sont menées pour compléter les approches expérimentales. Les propriétés mécaniques des éléments constituant les composants ont fait l’objet d’une compagne de caractérisation complétée par des recherches bibliographiques. Les simulations numériques, dynamiques transitoires pour l’essai de chute et thermomécanique pour l’essai de cyclage thermique, ont été réalisées pour une estimation numérique de la tenue mécanique des composants. Les modèles numériques sont utilisés pour optimiser le design des composants et prédire les durées de vie en utilisant un modèle de fatigue. / This work establishes a contribution in an important European project mentioned 3DICE (3D Integration of Chips using Embedding technologies). The mechanical and thermomechanical reliability of 3D microelectronic components are studied by employing standardized tests and numerical modeling. The board level drop test and thermal cycling reliability tests are selected for this study. Failures analysis has been used to complete the experimental study. The mechanical properties of elements constituting the microelectronic components were characterized using DMA, tensile test and nanoindentation. Bibliographical researches have been done in order to complete the materials properties data. Numerical simulations using submodeling technique were carried out using a transient dynamic model to simulate the drop test and a thermomechanical model for the thermal cycling test. Numerical results were employing in the design optimization of 3D components and the life prediction using a fatigue model.

Contribution à l'étude de solutions non destructives pour la détection et la localisation de défauts électriques dans les structures électroniques 3D / Contribution to the study of non-destructive solutions for the detection and the localization of electrical defects in 3 D electronic structure

Courjault, Nicolas 17 June 2016 (has links)
L'objectif de la thèse fut d'étudier plusieurs techniques d'analyse de défaillance (Microscopie magnétique, Thermographie à détection synchrone, Tomographie à Rayons X, Réflectométrie Temporelle) sur leur propriété de localisation de défaut électrique (Court-circuit, circuit ouvert, ouvert résistif, etc.) sur des systèmes et composants électroniques 3D. Des possibilités d'évolution de ces techniques sont suggérées afin de permettre d'assurer la localisation des défauts dans ces nouveaux composants électroniques. Ceci passe notamment par la mise en place d'analyses magnétiques sur des échantillons inclinés ainsi que par l'introduction d'une imagerie de phase, et d'amplitude magnétique. Ce travail a également permis de proposer le couplage d'informations obtenues par microscopie magnétique et tomographique à rayons X dont l'ensemble serait piloté par simulation magnétique 3D. / The thesis purpose was to explore several failure analysis techniques (Magnetic microscopy, Lock-in Thermography, X-rays Tomography, Time Domain Reflectometry) on their capabilities to localize the electrical defect (Short circuit, open circuit, resistive open, etc.) on 3D electronic component and system. Assessment possibilities of these techniques are suggested in order to ensure the defect localization in these new components. In particular, implementations of magnetic analysis in tilted sample as well as introduction of phase and amplitude magnetic images have been realized. This work also proposes to couple information obtain from magnetic microscopy to X-rays Tomography where the all system would be driven by 3D magnetic simulation

Estimativa da razão de carga a partir da análise fratográfica da relação entre a altura e espaçamento inter-estrias de uma liga de Alumínio aeronáutica AMS 7475-T7351 / Estimation of the load ratios by quantitative fractographic analysis of the ratio between height and the striation spacing of an aeronautical aluminium alloy AI AMS 7475-T7351

Aristides Alves Messias Filho 19 May 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho visa determinar a razão de carga cíclica R através da medida, na superficie de fratura, da relação entre a largura inter-estrias (s) e a altura da estria (H). É de conhecimento que o espaçamento (s) se correlaciona com a taxa de crescimento da trinca da/dN, enquanto que a curva da/dN x &#916K depende da razão de carga R. Para esta avaliação, corpos de prova do tipo compacto C(T) foram extraídos na orientação LT do centro de uma placa laminada da liga de alumínio SAE-AMS 7475 T7351 para realização dos ensaios de propagação de trinca por fadiga. Estes ensaios foram realizados de duas formas diferentes. A primeira, para obtenção de dados relativos à região II da curva da/dN x &#916K, sendo, neste caso, utilizadas quatro diferentes razões de carga (R=O,1; R=0,3; R=0,5; R=0,7). No outro caso, os ensaios de fadiga foram realizados sob &#916K constante e utilizados os mesmos quatro níveis de razão de carregamento R para determinação da curva da/dN x &#916K constante. Os níveis de &#916K aplicados foram tomados na região de Paris da curva da/dN x &#916K. A análise fratográfica por microscopia eletrônica foi conduzida nas superfícies dos corpos de prova do ensaio de fadiga com &#916K constante. Isto foi feito para determinar os espaçamentos inter-estria (s) e a altura H das estrias para cada nível de &#916K aplicado. Observou-se que a taxa de crescimento da trinca (da/dN) e o espaçamento inter-estrias (s) sofrem influência direta com a variação do fator de intensidade de tensão (&#916K), entretanto, observou-se, também, que a relação de proporcionalidade de 1:1 entre eles somente é válida para níveis de da/dN variando entre 0,1 a 1 &#956/ciclo. Os valores da morfologia da estrias (H/s) sofrem influência significativa com o aumento da razão de carga R, entretanto, ficou evidenciado que o fator de intensidade de tensão máxima Kmáx. não tem influência nesta relação. Evidenciou-se que a largura da estria corresponde à taxa de crescimento da trinca (da/dN), e que a relação entre a altura e o espaçamento da estria (H/s) possui uma correspondência direta com a razão de carga R, que tem influência significativa sobre a propagação de trinca por fadiga. / This work aims at to method to determine the load ratio R through of measure, on the fractured of surfaces the relation between the width striation spacing (s) and the height of the striation (H). It is of knowledge that the spacing (s), if correlates with the fatigue crack growth rates da/dN, whereas the curve da/dN x &#916K depends on the load ratio R. For this evaluation compact tension C(T) specimens had been extracted in the L- T orientation of a laminate plate of the aluminum alloy SAE-AMS 7475 T7351.These test had been carried out of two different forms. The first one, for attainment of relative data to region II of the curve da/dN x &#916K, being, in this in case that used four different load ratios (R=O,1; R=0,3; R=0,5; R=0,7). In the other in case that, the fatigue crack growth rates had been carried out under &#916K constant and used same the four levels of load ratios R for determination of the curve of constant da/dN x &#916K. The applied levels of &#916K had been taken in the region II of the curve da/dN x &#916K. The fractographic analysis for electronic microscopy was lead on the surfaces of the specimens tested in fatigue with constant &#916K. This was made to determine the striation spacing (s) and height (H) of the striations for each constant level of &#916K. It was observed that the fatigue crack growth rates (da/dN) and the striation spacing (s) suffers direct influence with the variation of &#916K. Also, was observed that the relation of proportionality of 1:1 between them is only valid for levels of da/dN in the range of 0,1 to 1,0 mm/cycle. The values of the relationship of the striation dimensions (H/s) suffer significant influence with the increasing of load ratios R. However, were evidenced that the value of Kmax. does not have influence in this relationship. It was found that the width of the striation corresponds to the value of (da/dN) and that the relation between the height and the striation of spacing (H/s) had a direct correspondence with the load ratios R that has signifficant effect on the fatigue crack growth rates.

Analyse des mécanismes de défaillance dans les transistors de puissance radiofréquences HEMT AlGaN/GaN / Failure mechanisms analysis in radiofrequency power AlGaN/GaN HEMTs.

Fonder, Jean-Baptiste 22 October 2012 (has links)
Les HEMT AlGaN/GaN sont en passe de devenir incontournables dans le monde de l'amplification de puissance radiofréquence, grâce à leurs performances exceptionnelles. Cependant,en raison de la relative jeunesse de cette technologie, des études de fiabilité dans plusieurs modes de fonctionnement sont toujours nécessaires pour comprendre les mécanismes de défaillance propres à ces composants et responsables de leur vieillissement. Cette étude porte sur l'analyse des défaillances dans les transistors HEMT AlGaN/GaN de puissance,en régime de fonctionnement de type RADAR (pulsé et saturé). Elle s'appuie sur la conception d'amplificateurs de test, leur caractérisation et leur épreuve sur bancs de vieillissement. La mise en place d'une méthodologie visant à discriminer les mécanismes de dégradation prépondérants, conjointement à une analyse micro-structurale des composants vieillis, permet d'établir le lien entre l'évolution des performances électriques et l'origine physique de ces défauts. / AlGaN/GaN HEMTs are on the way to lead the radiofrequency power amplificationfield according to their outstanding performances. However, due to the relative youth of this technology, reliability studies in several types of operating conditions are still necessaryto understand failure mechanisms peculiar to these devices and responsible for their wearingout. This study deals with the failure analysis of power AlGaN/GaN HEMTs in RADARoperating mode (pulsed and saturated). This is based on the design of test amplifiers, theircharacterization and their stress on ageing benches. The setting up of a methodology aimingat discriminating predominant degradation modes, jointly with a micro-structural analysisof aged devices, permits to link the evolution of electrical performances with the physicalroots of these defects.

Srovnávací studie únosnosti a tuhosti vybraných spojů kovové a kompozitní části konstrukce / A comparative study of ultimate load and stiffness of metal-to-composite joints

Tchír, Michal January 2016 (has links)
V současnosti jedna z metod spojování zejména tlustých a vysoce zatížených kompozitních komponent je šroubový spoj, který je možné rozebrat pro případ opravy na rozdíl od lepeného spoje. Kompozitní konstrukce se tradičně dimenzují tak, aby během provozu nedošlo k porušení první vrstvy laminátu, nicméně důležité je taky poznat chování laminátu po porušení první vrstvy. Pro strukturální analýzu nejenom spojů, ale také dalších komponent se používá metoda konečných prvků a protože moderní nelineání řešiče jsou schopné modelovat chování laminátu po porušení první vrstvy, tato schopnost jednoho z nich byla využita v této práci při zkoumaní chování sklolaminátu spojeného s hliníkovou částí šrouby. Konečno-prvkové modely dvou spojů kovové a kompozitní části konstrukce schopné popsat progresivní porušování laminátu byly postaveny s využitím tří různých poruchových kritérií – kritéria maximálního napětí, kritéria Hill a kritéria Tsai-Wu. Problém byl řešen s využitím řešiče Nastran. Křivky síla-posuv, tuhost-posuv a hodnoty zatížení při hraničním posuvu byly porov-nány s výsledky experimentů. Jelikož faktor zbytkové tuhosti ovlivňuje výsledky ana-lýzy progresivního porušování, byly provedeny citlivostní studie zkoumajíci vliv faktoru na přesnost a stabilitu výpočtu. Shoda výpočtu s experimentem v případe prvního šroubového spoje je méně uspokojivá, nicméně shoda v případě druhého spoje, který má zesilující tenkou ocelovou destičku na spodní straně, je podstatně lepší. Vý-borná shoda je zejména při použití interaktivních kritérií Hill a Tsai-Wu.

Lebensdauermodellierung für gesinterte Silberschichten in der leistungselektronischen Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik durch isotherme Biegeversuche als beschleunigte Ermüdungstests

Heilmann, Jens 06 February 2020 (has links)
Gesintertes Silber (SAG) stellt eines der vielversprechendsten Materialien für Hochtemperaturanwendungen in der Leistungselektronik dar. Im Vergleich zu konventionellen Loten sind die mechanischen und thermischen Vorteile enorm, allerdings hochgradig prozessabhängig. Zusammen mit den relativ zeitintensiven Ermüdungstestmethoden ist das die Ursache, dass es aktuell nur wenige Lebensdauermodelle dazu gibt. In dieser Arbeit wird am Beispiel solcher SAG-Proben ein mechanisch beschleunigter, isothermer Biegeversuch vorgestellt, welcher das Potenzial hat, die zeitkritischen Temperatur- oder Lastwechselversuche zu ersetzen. Zum Vergleich wurde ein Temperaturwechseltest als Referenzversuch durchgeführt. Hierzu wird zunächst der Stand der Technik des Silber-Sinterns aufgezeigt, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der mechanischen Materialcharakterisierung liegt.Wo das elastische Verhalten als näherungsweise allein porositätsabhängig gelten kann, ist die inelastische Dehnung noch unzureichend untersucht. Besonders die zeitabhängige inelastische Dehnung (Kriechen) zeigt noch kein vollständig konsistentes Bild, wodurch auch die Fehlermechanismen und deren Gewichtung noch nicht grundsätzlich als geklärt gelten können. Die gängigsten Belastungstests, welche in der Literatur zu finden sind, haben schwerwiegende Nachteile. Der hohe Zeitbedarf, die teils schwer quantifizierbaren Fehlerparameter und die fehlende Einstellmöglichkeit des Verhältnisses Kriechdehnung zu plastischer Dehnung sind hier im Besonderen zu nennen. Der rein dehnungsgesteuerte Biegeversuch hat diese Nachteile nicht. Über die Biegegeschwindigkeit ließe sich der Kriechanteil nahezu beliebig erhöhen (ggf. unter Nutzung von Haltezeiten). Die Biegeversuche wurden isotherm bei fünf Temperaturen von 22◦C bis 125◦C mit je drei Amplituden und drei Biegegeschwindigkeiten durchgeführt. Schlecht gesinterte Proben machten sich reproduzierbar als Frühausfall bemerkbar, so dass sich die Methode bereits gleich zu Beginn als hervorragender Qualitätstest bewährte. In puncto Ermüdung konnte ein stabiles und reproduzierbares Ausfallverhalten in Form von vergleichbaren Weibull-Formfaktoren und Ausfallbildern in den metallografischen Schliffen gefunden werden. Mit den Daten der Biegeversuche wurde ein fehlerphysikalisches Lebensdauermodell (Coffin-Manson) aufgestellt, welches erfolgreich den Ausfall des Temperaturwechseltests als Referenzversuch vorhersagen konnte. / Sintered silver (SAG) as die attach material is one of the promising solutions to exploit the advantages of high-gap semiconductors in power electronics. The mechanical and thermal properties are far superior to solders, but severely process-dependent. Combined with the time requirements of the state of the art (SoA) fatigue test methods this is most likely the reason for the lack of profound reliability studies yet. This thesis presents an isothermal bending test, which has the ability to replace the time-consuming thermal shock test as primary fatigue experiment for physics of failure based (PoF) lifetime models. A benchmark against a conventional thermal cycling test was done. The state of the art of the silver-sintering technique will be given with focus on the mechanical material characterization. While the elastic properties are mostly porosity-dependent, the inelastic properties are insufficiently examined yet. Especially the creep does not show a consistent image, what leads to many questions regarding the failure mechanism. The most common fatigue tests in the literature do have serious disadvantages. The time-consumption is high, the failure parameter can hardly be quantified and the ratio of plasticity to creep cannot be adjusted easily. The pure mechanical bending test does not have those disadvantages. By changing the bending-speed and the addition of holding times, the creep can be adjusted almost at will. The bending-experiments were conducted at five different temperatures between 22°C and 125°C and with three bending amplitudes as well as three speeds. Insufficiently sintered samples could be identified very early. This already proofed the value of the test as a quality test. Furthermore, a stable and repeatable fatigue behaviour could be observed, what was given by stable Weibull-exponents and repeatable cross sections. A lifetime-model was established by usage of the bending-test-data, what eventually predicted successfully the lifetime of a thermal cycling reference test.

Mechanical behavior of alternative multicrystalline silicon for solar cells

Orellana Pérez, Teresa 22 May 2013 (has links)
The usage of more inexpensive silicon feedstock for the crystallization of multicrystalline silicon blocks promises cost reduction for the photovoltaic industry. Less expensive substrates made out of metallurgical silicon (MG-Si) are used as a mechanical support for the epitaxial solar cell. Moreover, conventional inert solar cells can be produced from up-graded metallurgical silicon (UMG-Si). This feedstock has higher content of impurities which influences cell performance and mechanical strength of the wafers. Thus, it is of importance to know these effects in order to know which impurities should be preferentially removed or prevented during the crystallization process. Solar cell processing steps can also exert a change in the values of mechanical strength of processed multicrystalline silicon wafers until the fabrication of a solar cell. Bending tests, fracture toughness and dynamic elastic modulus measurements are performed in this work in order to research the mechanical behavior of multicrystalline silicon crystallized with different qualities of silicon feedstock. Bending tests and residual stress measurements allows the quantification of the mechanical strength of the wafers after every solar cell processing step. The experimental results are compared with theoretical models found in the classical literature about the mechanical properties of ceramics. The influence of second phase particles and thermal processes on the mechanical strength of silicon wafers can be predicted and analyzed with the theoretical models. Metals like Al and Cu can decrease the mechanical strength due to micro-cracking of the silicon matrix and introduction of high values of thermal residual stress. Additionally, amorphous silicon oxide particles (SiOx) lower the mechanical strength of multicrystalline silicon due to thermal residual stresses and elastic mismatch with silicon. Silicon nitride particles (Si3N4) reduce fracture toughness and cause failure by radial cracking in its surroundings due to its thermal mismatch with silicon. Finally, silicon carbide (SiC) and crystalline silicon oxide (SiOx) introduce thermal residual stresses but can have a toughening effect on the silicon matrix and hence, increase the mechanical strength of silicon wafers if the particles are smaller than a certain size. The surface of as-cut wafers after multi-wire sawing presents sharp micro-cracks that control their mechanical behavior. Subsequent removal of these micro-cracks by texture or damage etching approximately doubles the mechanical strength of silicon wafers. The mechanical behavior of the wafers is then governed by defects like cracks and particles formed during the crystallization of multicrystalline silicon blocks. Further thermal processing steps have a minor impact on the mechanical strength of the wafers compared to as-cut wafers. Finally, the mechanical strength of final solar cells is comparable to the mechanical strength of as-cut wafers due to the high residual thermal stress introduced after the formation of the metallic contacts which makes silicon prone to crack.

Performance-Based Engineering for Resilient and Sustainable Structures of the Future

Salgado, Rafael de Amorim January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Hierarchical Structure, Properties and Bone Mechanics at Macro, Micro, and Nano Levels

Hamandi, Farah Mohammed Ridha Abdulateef 17 December 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Transiente Methoden der Infrarot-Thermografie zur zerstörungsfreien Fehleranalytik in der mikroelektronischen Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik

May, Daniel 10 March 2015 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurde eine neue fehleranalytische Methode zur industriellen Anwendung an neuen Technologien der Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik entwickelt. Das Verfahren basiert auf der Wechselwirkung von thermischen Wellen und Defekten. Die Besonderheit ist dabei die Zerstörungsfreiheit, die Geschwindigkeit, das Auflösungsvermögen und die durch neueste IR-Detektoren erreichte Temperaturempfindlichkeit. Es wurden grundlegende Studien bezüglich Auflösung und parasitären Effekten bei der Anwendung unter industriellen Randbedingungen durchgeführt. Dabei wurde eine systematische Vorgehensweise bezüglich der Komplexität gewählt. Dies ermöglicht nun u.a. eine Vorhersage der zu erwartenden Prüfdauer zur Auflösung vergrabener Defekte, der Begrenzung der maximalen Anregungsimpulsbreite (bei gegebener Defekttiefe) und die quantitative Ermittlung des Einflusses einer Lackschicht. Methodisch kamen grundsätzlich Simulationen und vergleichende Experimente zum Einsatz. Es wurden spezielle Proben zur Isolierung und Klärung parasitärer Effekte verwendet. Letztlich konnte das Messsystem erfolgreich an industriellen Problemstellung demonstriert werden. Das entwickelte Messsystem zeichnet sich durch hohe Flexibilität aus. Verschiedene problemangepasste Anregungsquellen (interne und externe Anregung durch zahlreiche physikalische Effekte) kommen zum Einsatz. Das Messsystem besteht aus vier Hauptmodulen, der Differenzbild-Methode, der Impulsthermografie, und zwei Varianten der LockIn-Thermografie. Zusammen ist das System in der Lage, Voids, Delaminationen und Risse in verschiedenen Bereichen auch der modernen AVT sicher zu erkennen. Es werden dabei Temperaturauflösugnen bis zu 5 mK und laterale Auflösungen bis 17 µm erreicht. Diese Arbeit legt einen Grundstein für die Anwendung der thermischen Fehleranalytik in der Industrie, indem hier die Grenzen der IR-Messtechnik aufgezeigt und charakterisiert werden. / In this work a new failure analytical method for the industrial application of new technologies in electronic packaging has been developed. The developed method is based on the interaction of the thermal waves and defects. The special fature is non-destructive, speed, resolution and high temperature sensitivity due to latest IR-detectors. It fundamental studies regarding resolution and parasitic effects in the application were carried out cinsidering industrial conditions. Here, a systematic approach regarding the complexity has been selected. This now enables a prediction of the expected test period for detecting buried defects, limits for excitation pulse width (for a given defect depth) and the quantitative determination of the influence of parasitic paints. Methodically always simulations and comparative experiments were used. Simple samples for the isolation and purification of parasitic effects has been used. Finally, the measurement system has been successfully demonstrated on an industrial applications. The developed measurement system is characterized by high flexibility. Different problem-adapted excitation sources (internal and external excitation by numerous physical effects) are used. The measurement system currently consists of four main modules, the difference image method, the pulse thermography, and two variants of LockIn-thermography. Together, the system is capable of detecting voids, delaminations and cracks in various fields of electronic packageing. It will reach temperature resolutions up to 5 mK and lateral resolutions down to 17 µm. This work stes a foundation for the application of thermal failure analysis for industry by showing and charcterization the limits of IR imaging.

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