Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] GASIFICATION"" "subject:"[enn] GASIFICATION""
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Fluidised bed gasification of high-ash South African coals : an experimental and modelling study / André Daniël EngelbrechtEngelbrecht, André Daniël January 2014 (has links)
South Africa has large coal reserves and produces approximately 74% of its primary
energy from coal. Coal gasification using moving bed gasifiers is one of the most
important coal utilisation technologies, consuming ± 17.5% of locally produced coal.
This study was motivated by the need to investigate alternative coal gasification
technologies for the utilisation of fine, high-ash and caking coals for future Integrated
Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) and coal to liquids (CTL) plants. These coals
are estimated to form a large percentage of the remaining coal reserves in South
Africa and could be difficult to utilise efficiently in moving bed gasifiers.
Fluidised bed gasification was identified as a technology that could potentially utilise
these coals. Coals from the New Vaal and Grootegeluk collieries were selected as
being suitable for this investigation. The coals were subjected to detailed
characterisation, bench-scale and pilot-scale fluidised bed gasification tests.
The results of the pilot-scale atmospheric bubbling fluidised bed gasification tests
show that stable gasification is possible at temperatures between 880 °C and 980 °C.
The maximum fixed carbon conversion achievable in the pilot plant is, however,
limited to ± 88% due to the low reactivity of the coals tested and to thermal
fragmentation and attrition of the coal in the gasifier. It was found that oxygen
enrichment of the gasification air from 21% to 36% by means of oxygen addition
produces a significant increase in the calorific value of the gas (3.0 MJ/Nm3 to
5.5 MJ/Nm3). This observation has not previously been reported at pilot-plant scale.
A mathematical model for a bubbling fluidised bed coal gasifier was developed based
on sub-models for fluidised bed hydrodynamics, coal devolatilisation, chemical
reactions, transfer processes and fines generation. A coal devolatilisation sub-model
to predict the products of coal devolatilisation in a fluidised bed gasifier was
developed and incorporated into the model. Parameters associated with the rates of
the gasification reactions and the devoltilisation process were obtained by means of
bench-scale tests. The heat loss parameter (Q) in the model was estimated by means
of a heat loss calculation.
The results from the pilot-scale gasification tests were used to evaluate the predictive
capability of the model. It was found that for temperature, fixed carbon conversion
and calorific value of the gas the difference between measured and predicted values
was less than 10%. Recommendations are made for further refinement of the model to
improve its predictive capability and range of application.
The model was used to study the effect of major operating variables on gasifier
performance. It was found that increasing the reactant gas (air, oxygen and steam)
temperature from 250 °C to 550 °C increases the calorific value of the gas by ± 9.3%
and the gasification efficiency by ± 6.0%. Increasing the fluidised bed height has a
positive effect on fixed carbon conversion; however, at higher bed heights the benefit
of increasing the bed height is less due to the inhibiting effects of H2 and CO on the
rates of char gasification. / PhD (Chemical Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Instrumentation and tar measurement systems for a downdraft biomass gasifierHu, Ming January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering / Wenqiao Yuan / Biomass gasification is a promising route utilizing biomass materials to produce fuels and chemicals. Gas product from the gasification process is so called synthesis gas (or syngas) which can be further treated or converted to liquid fuels or certain chemicals. Since gasification is a complex thermochemical conversion process, it is difficult to distinguish the physical conditions during the gasification stages. And, gasification with different materials can result in different product yields. The main purpose of this research was to develop a downdraft gasifier system with a fully-equipped instrumentation system and a well-functioned tar measurement system, to evaluate temperature, pressure drop, and gas flow rate, and to investigate gasification performance using different biomass feedstock.
Chromel-Alumel type K thermocouples with a signal-conditioning device were chosen and installed to monitor the temperature profile inside the gasifier. Protel 99SE was applied to design the signal conditioning device comprised of several integrated chips, which included AD 595, TS 921, and LM 7812. A National Instruments (NI) USB-6008 data acquisition board was used as the data-collecting device. As for the pressure, a differential pressure transducer was applied to complete the measurement. An ISA1932 flow nozzle was installed to measure the gas flow rate.
Apart from the gaseous products yield in the gasification process, a certain amount of impurities are also produced, of which tar is one of the main components. Since tar is a critical issue to be resolved for syngas downstream applications, it is important to determine tar concentration in syngas. A modified International Energy Agency (IEA) tar measurement protocol was applied to collect and analyze the tars produced in the downdraft gasifier. Solvent for tar condensation was acetone, and Soxhlet apparatus was used for tar extraction.
The gasifier along with the instrumentation system and tar measurement method were tested. Woodchips, Corncobs, and Distiller’s Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS) were employed for the experimental study. The gasifier system was capable of utilizing these three biomass feedstock to produce high percentages of combustible gases. Tar concentrations were found to be located within a typical range for that of a general downdraft gasifer. Finally, an energy efficiency analysis of this downdraft gasifer was carried out.
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Cogasification of coal and biomass : impact on condensate and syngas productionAboyade, Akinwale Olufemi 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Gasification provides a proven alternative to the dependence on petroleum for the
production of high value products such as liquid fuels and chemicals. Syngas, the
main product from gasification can be converted to fuels and chemicals via a number
of possible synthesis processes. Coal and natural gas are currently the main
feedstock used for syngas production. In South Africa (SA), Sasol operates the largest
commercial coal-to-liquids conversion process in the world, based on updraft fixed
bed gasification of low grade coal to syngas. Co-utilizing alternative and more
sustainable feedstock (such as biomass and wastes) with coal in existing coal-based
plants offers a realistic approach to reducing the costs and risks associated with
setting up dedicated biomass conversion plants.
An experimental and modelling investigation was performed to assess the impacts of
co-gasifying two of the most commonly available agricultural wastes in SA
(sugarcane bagasse and corn residue) with typical low grade SA coals, on the main
products of updraft fixed bed gasification, i.e. liquid condensates and syngas.
Condensates are produced in the pyrolysis section of the updraft gasifier, whereas
syngas is a result of residual char conversion. An experimental set-up that simulates
the pyrolysis section of the gasifier was employed to investigate the yield and
composition of devolatilized products at industrially relevant conditions of 26 bars
and 400-600°C. The results show that about 15 wt% of coal and 70 wt% of biomass
are devolatilized during the pyrolysis process. The biomass derived condensates
were determined to comprise of significantly higher quantities of oxygenates such as
organic acids, phenols, ketones, and alcohols, whereas coal derived hydrocarbon
condensates were dominated by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, creosotes and
phenols. Results of investigation into the influence of coal-biomass feedstock mix
ratio on yields of products from pyrolysis show limited evidence of non-additive or
synergistic behaviour on the overall distribution of solid, liquid and gas yields. On the
other hand, in terms of the distribution of specific liquid phase hydrocarbons, there
was significant evidence in favour of non-additive pyrolysis behaviour, as indicated by the non-additive yield distribution of specific chemicals. Synergistic trends could
also be observed in the thermogravimetric (TGA) study of pyrolysis under kinetically
controlled non-isothermal conditions. Model free and model fitting kinetic analysis
of the TGA data revealed activation energies ranging between 94-212 kJ mol-1 for the
biomass fuels and 147-377 kJ mol-1 for coal. Synergistic interactions may be linked to
the increased presence of hydrogen in biomass fuels which partially saturates free
radicals formed during earlier stages of devolatilization, thereby preventing
secondary recombination reactions that would have produced chars, allowing for the
increased formation of volatile species instead.
Analysis of char obtained from the co-pyrolysis experiments revealed that the fixed
carbon and volatile content of the blended chars is is proportional to the percentage
of biomass and coal in the mixture. CO2 reactivity experiments on the chars showed
that the addition of biomass to coal did not impose any kinetic limitation on the
gasification of blended chars. The blended chars decomposed at approximately the
same rate as when coal was gasified alone, even at higher biomass concentrations in
the original feedstock blend. Based on these observations, a semi-empirical
equilibrium based simulation of syngas production for co-gasification of coalbiomass
blends at various mix ratios was developed using ASPEN Plus. The model
showed that H2/CO ratio was relatively unaffected by biomass addition to the coal
fuel mix, whereas syngas heating value and thermal efficiency were negatively
affected. Subsequent evaluation of the production cost of syngas at biomass inputs
ranging between 0-20 wt% of coal reflected the significant additional cost of pretreating
biomass (3.3% of total capital investment). This resulted in co-gasification
derived syngas production costs of ZAR146/tonne (ZAR12.6/GJ) at 80:20 coalbiomass
feedstock ratio, compared to a baseline (coal only) cost of ZAR130/tonne
(ZAR10.7/GJ). Sensitivity analysis that varied biomass costs from ZAR0 ZAR470
revealed that syngas production costs from co-gasification remained significantly
higher than baseline costs, even at low to zero prices of the biomass feedstock. This
remained the case even after taking account of a carbon tax of up to ZAR117/tCO2.
However, for range of carbon tax values suggested by the SA treasury (ZAR70 tCO2 to ZAR200 tCO2), the avoided carbon tax due to co-feeding biomass can offset between
40-96% of the specific retrofitting cost at 80:20 coal-biomass feedstock mass ratio.
In summary, this dissertation has showed that in addition to the widely recognized
problems of ash fouling and sintering, co-feeding of biomass in existing coal based
updraft gasification plants poses some challenges in terms of impacts on
condensates and syngas quality, and production costs. Further research is required
to investigate the potential in ameliorating some of these impacts by developing
new high value product streams (such as acetic acid) from the significant fraction of
condensates derived from biomass. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vergassing bied 'n beproefde alternatief vir die afhanklikheid van petroleum vir die
produksie van hoë waarde produkte soos vloeibare brandstof en chemikalieë.
Sintese gas, die belangrikste produk van vergassing, kan omgeskakel word na
brandstof en chemikalieë deur 'n aantal moontlike sintese prosesse. Steenkool en
aardgas is tans die belangrikste grondstowwe wat gebruik word vir sintese gas
produksie. In Suid-Afrika (SA) bedryf Sasol die grootste kommersiële steenkool-totvloeistof
omskakelingsproses in die wêreld, gebaseer op stygstroom vastebed
vergassing van laegraadse steenkool na sintese gas. Die gebruik van alternatiewe en
meer volhoubare grondstowwe (soos biomassa en afval) saam met steenkool in die
bestaande steenkool-gebaseerde aanlegte bied 'n realistiese benadering tot die
vermindering van die koste en risiko's wat verband hou met die oprigting van
toegewyde biomassa omskakelingsaanlegte.
'n Eksperimentele en modelleringsondersoek is uitgevoer om die impak van
gesamentlike vergassing van twee van die mees algemeen beskikbare landbouafvalprodukte
in Suid-Afrika (suikerriet bagasse en mieliereste) met tipiese
laegraadse SA steenkool op die vernaamste produkte van stygstroom vastebed
vergassing, dws vloeistof kondensate en sintese gas, te evalueer. Kondensate word
geproduseer in die piroliese gedeelte van die stygstroomvergasser, terwyl sintese
gas 'n resultaat is van die omskakeling van oorblywende houtskool. 'n
Eksperimentele opstelling wat die piroliese gedeelte van die vergasser simuleer is
gebruik om die opbrengs en die samestelling van produkte waarvan die vlugtige
komponente verwyder is by industrie relevante toestande van 26 bar en 400-600°C
te ondersoek. Die resultate toon dat ongeveer 15% (massabasis) van die steenkool
en 70% (massabasis) van die biomassa verlore gaan aan vlugtige komponente tydens
die piroliese proses. Daar is vasgestel dat die kondensate afkomstig van biomassa uit
aansienlik hoër hoeveelhede suurstofryke verbindings soos organiese sure, fenole,
ketone, en alkohole bestaan, terwyl koolwaterstofkondensate afkomstig uit
steenkool oorwegend bectaan uit polisikliese aromatise verbindings, kreosote en fenole. Die resultate van die ondersoek na die invloed van die verhouding van
steenkool tot biomassa grondstof op piroliese opbrengste toon beperkte bewyse van
nie-toevoegende of sinergistiese gedrag op die algehele verspreiding van soliede,
vloeistof en gas opbrengste. Aan die ander kant, in terme van die verspreiding van
spesifieke vloeibare fase koolwaterstowwe, was daar beduidende bewyse ten gunste
van 'n sinergistiese piroliese gedrag. Sinergistiese tendense is ook waargeneem in die
termogravimetriese (TGA) studie van piroliese onder kineties beheerde nieisotermiese
toestande. Modelvrye en modelpassende kinetiese analise van die TGA
data het aan die lig gebring dat aktiveringsenergieë wissel tussen 94-212 kJ mol-1 vir
biomassa brandstof en 147-377 kJ mol-1 vir steenkool.
Ontleding van die houtskool verkry uit die gesamentlike piroliese eksperimente het
aan die lig gebring dat die onmiddellike kenmerke van die gemengde houtskool die
geweegde gemiddelde van die individuele waardes vir steenkool en biomassa
benader. CO2 reaktiwiteitseksperimente op die houtskool het getoon dat die
byvoeging van biomassa by steenkool nie enige kinetiese beperking op die
vergassing van gemengde houtskool plaas nie. Die gemengde houtskool ontbind
teen ongeveer dieselfde tempo as wanneer steenkool alleen vergas is, selfs teen
hoër biomassa konsentrasies in die oorspronklike grondstofmengsel. Op grond van
hierdie waarnemings is 'n semi-empiriese ewewig-gebaseerde simulasie van sintese
gas produksie vir gesamentlike vergassing van steenkool-biomassa-mengsels vir
verskeie mengverhoudings ontwikkel met behulp van Aspen Plus. Die model het
getoon dat die H2/CO verhouding relatief min geraak is deur biomassa by die
steenkool brandstofmengsel te voeg, terwyl sintese gas se verhittingswaarde en
termiese doeltreffendheid negatief geraak is. Daaropvolgende evaluering van die
produksiekoste van sintese gas vir biomassa insette wat wissel tussen 0-20%
(massabasis) van die hoeveelheid steenkool het die aansienlike addisionele koste van
die vooraf behandeling van biomassa (3.3% van die totale kapitale belegging) gereflekteer. Dit het gelei tot 'n produksiekoste van ZAR146/ton (ZAR12.6/GJ) vir sintese gas afkomstig uit gesamentlike-vergassing van 'n 80:20 steebkool-biomassa grondstof mengesl, in vergelyking met 'n basislyn (steenkool) koste van ZAR130/ton (ZAR10.7/GJ). Sensitiwiteitsanalise wat biomassa koste van ZAR0 - ZAR470 gevarieër
het, het aan die lig gebring dat sintese gas produksiekoste van gesamentlike
vergassing aansienlik hoër bly as die basislyn koste, selfs teen 'n lae of nul prys van
biomassa grondstof. Dit bly die geval selfs nadat koolstof belasting van tot
ZAR117/tCO2 in ag geneem is.
In opsomming het hierdie verhandeling getoon dat, bykomend tot die wyd-erkende
probleme van as besoedeling en sintering, die gesamentlike gebruik van biomassa in
bestaande steenkool stygstroom vergassingsaanlegte groot uitdagings inhou in
terme van die impak op die kwaliteit van kondensate en sintese gas, asook
produksiekoste. Verdere navorsing is nodig om die potensiaal te ondersoek vir die
verbetering van sommige van hierdie impakte deur die ontwikkeling van nuwe hoë
waarde produkstrome (soos asynsuur) uit die beduidende breukdeel van kondensate
wat verkry word uit biomassa.
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High temperature interactions of alkali vapors with solids during coal combustion and gasification.Punjak, Wayne Andrew January 1988 (has links)
The high temperature interactions of alkali metal compounds with solids present in coal conversion processes are investigated. A temperature and concentration programmed reaction method is used to investigate the mechanism by which organically bound alkali is released from carbonaceous substrates. Vaporization of the alkali is preceded by reduction of oxygen-bearing groups during which CO is generated. A residual amount of alkali remains after complete reduction. This residual level is greater for potassium, indicating that potassium has stronger interactions with graphitic substrates than sodium. Other mineral substrates were exposed to high temperature alkali chloride vapors under both nitrogen and simulated flue gas atmospheres to investigate their potential application as sorbents for the removal of alkali from coal conversion flue gases. The compounds containing alumina and silica are found to readily adsorb alkali vapors and the minerals kaolinite, bauxite and emathlite are identified as promising alkali sorbents. The fundamentals of alkali adsorption on kaolinite, bauxite and emathlite are compared and analyzed both experimentally and through theoretical modeling. The experiments were performed in a microgravimetric reactor system; the sorbents were characterized before and after alkali adsorption using scanning Auger microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, mercury porosimetry and atomic emission spectrophotometry. The results show that the process is not a simple physical condensation, but a complex combination of several diffusion steps and reactions. There are some common features among these sorbents in their interactions with alkali vapors: In all cases the process is diffusion influenced, the rate of adsorption decreases with time and there is a final saturation limit. However, there are differences in reaction mechanisms leading to potentially different applications for each sorbent. Bauxite and kaolinite react with NaCl and water vapor to form nephelite and carnegieite and release HCl to the gas phase. However, emathlite reacts to form albite and HCl vapor. Albite has a melting point significantly lower than nephelite and carnegieite; therefore, emathlite is more suitable for lower temperature sorption systems downstream of the combustors/gasifiers, while kaolinite and bauxite are suitable as in-situ additives.
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Pulverized coal combustion: Fuel nitrogen mechanisms in the rich post-flame.Bose, Arun Chand. January 1989 (has links)
Chemical kinetic mechanisms governing the fate of coal nitrogen in the fuel-rich stage of a pulverized-coal staged combustion process were investigated. Emphasis was on determination of the effects of coal rank, temperature and stoichiometric ratios on the speciation and rates of destruction of nitrogenous species and correlation of coal data by a unif1ed mechanism. The relative importance of homogeneous and heterogeneous mechanisms during post-flame interconversion reactions of the fuel nitrogen pool was quantified. Experiments with doped propane gas and a high- and low-grade coals, burned under a variety of conditions in a 2 Kg/h downflow combustor, yielded timeresolved profiles of temperature, major (H₂, CO, CO₂, O₂ and N₂), nitrogenous (NO, HeN and NH₃) and hydrocarbon (CH₄ and C₂H₂) species. These profiles allowed global mechanisms describing the speciation and destruction of fuel nitrogen species to be explored, using predictive models of increasing levels of sophistication. Fuel nitrogen speciation varied significantly from coal to coal and depended on stoichiometric ratio and temperature, which were varied independently. A general correlation describing the destruction rate of NO was derived from data. This rate, which was first-order in both NO and NH₃, was generally valid for all coals and all conditions examined. Fuel nitrogen interconversion reactions, especially destruction of NO and HeN, was predominantly homogeneous, but no single elementary reaction was controlling. Temperature quench down the combustor is the origin of OH equilibrium overshoot. Expressions for estimating the OH equilibrium overshoot as a function of the axial temperature decay along the combustor were derived both empirically and kinetically from fundamental considerations using data from doped propane gas runs. These expressions, together with available literature values of gas phase rate coefficients, could adequately describe the post-flame NO and HeN profiles of coal and gas runs. HeN profiles in the far postflame zone of the coal flames are strongly influenced by the slow release of nitrogen from the coal residue. This devolatilization plays a critical role in supplying the HeN that drives the multistep process converting fuel N into molecular nitrogen.
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Development of a pilot scale black liquor gasifier.04 May 2011 (has links)
The use of black liquor gasification as an alternative to conventional chemical and energy recovery systems for spent liquors is an area of particular interest to the pulp and paper industry. The motivation to explore this technology is to improve the thermal efficiency of the recovery process by utilizing the energy content of the spent black liquor more effectively and provide chemical recovery for sodium and sulphur containing liquors for a local pulp and paper mill. A study of the available gasification technologies showed that the steam reforming process marketed by ThermoChem Recovery International is particularly suited to the mill in that it can handle a change to a sulphite pulping chemistry and also handle silica removal which is an
inherent problem with the bagasse raw material that the mill uses. However the technology required further development and confirmation of process suitability before implementation at the mill.
This aim of this project was to build and operate a gasifier based on the TRI concept to determine if this process is suitable for recovery of SASAQ black liquor from bagasse pulping. This included gaining an understanding of the process variables like the black liquor solids
composition and the non-process element levels and required carrying out a mass balance on inorganic components across the reactor as well. The focus of this investigation was primarily on the front end of the project and entailed basic and detailed design of a pilot gasification unit. The pilot unit was subsequently constructed, commissioned and operated to prove the unit met the design intent. Preliminary results showing the conceptual proof of the technology are presented as well as performance tests showing the unit capability of gasifying a 3.1 1Ihr 60% solid content black liquor feed. Problematic areas that could influence the design of a scale-up unit were identified and highlighted for further development, with proposed solutions. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2005.
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Fluidised bed gasification of spent soda and sulphite liquors from the paper industry.Sewnath, Pravesh. January 2004 (has links)
The pulp and paper industry uses pulping chemicals for the treatment of bagasse, straw and wood chips. Spent liquor or effluent liquor, with high carbon content is produced and sent to chemical recovery to recover pulping chemicals. In addition, energy from the spent liquor is recovered and utilised to generate steam for electricity supply, thereby reducing fossil fuel power consumption. Spent liquor is destroyed using conventional incineration technology, in a recovery furnace or recovery boiler, which is the heart of chemical recovery. These units have over the past few decades been prone to numerous problems and are a major concern to the pulp and paper industry. They pose a threat to the environment, are expensive to maintain and constitute a safety hazard. Thus the pulp and paper industry is now looking at a replacement technology; an alternative that will effectively regenerate pulping chemicals and recover energy for generating electricity, ultimately to make the plant energy self-sufficient. Gasification technology may be the chosen technology but is yet to be applied to the pulp and paper sector. However, this technology is not new. It has been integrated and used successfully in the petroleum industry for decades, with applications in coal mining and the mineral industry. The overall objective of tills study is to develop a better understanding of gasification using a pilot-scale fluidised bed reactor which was designed and developed at the University of Natal. The reactor, "the Gasifier", is operated at temperatures below the smelt limits of inorganic salts (<750°C) in the spent liquor. In this investigation, spent liquor is injected
directly into an inert bed of alwninium oxide grit, which is fluidised by superheated steam.
The atomized liquor immediately dries when it contacts the grit in the bed, pyrolyses and the
organic carbon is gasified by steam. Pyrolysis and steam gasification reactions are
endothennic and require heat. Oxidised sulphur species are partially reduced by reaction
with gasifier products, which principally consist of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and
hydrogen. The reduced sulphur is said to be unstable in the gasifier environment, and reacts
with steam and carbon dioxide to form solid sodium carbonate and gaseous hydrogen sulphide. (Rockvam, 2001). The focus of this study will be to determine the Gasifier's ability to gasify spent liquor, from soda and sulphite pulping of bagasse, at different operating conditions. In addition, the fate of process and non-process elements will be investigated. The product gas generated in the gasification of spent soda and sulphite liquors consisted of
hydrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and methane. In the gasification of spent sulphjte liquor, hydrogen sulphide was also produced. The water-gas shift reaction, which
was the main reaction, was found to be temperature dependent. In adilition, organic carbon
conversion increased with temperature. Furthermore, most of the sulphur in the bed
predominated in the form of hydrogen sulphide with very little sulphur in the form of sulphate. This indicated that gasification would reduce sulphate levels, which are responsible
for dead load in a chemical recovery cycle. Finally, an important result was that the aluminium oxide grit was successfully coated. It was previously speculated that this would not be possible. / Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2004.
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Etude des transferts de chaleur et de masse dans des procédés de vapogazéification de char de biomasse innovants (solaire - nucléaire) / Mass and heat transfer study for innovative (nuclear - solar) biochar steam-gasification processesGordillo, Ervin David 07 December 2011 (has links)
La possibilité de produire un gaz combustible (syngaz) à partir des composés carbonés outre que le charbon et le pétrole permettrait aux pays pauvres en ressources énergétiques de se diriger vers une indépendance énergétique.La vapogazéification est un procédé qui permet de produire un gaz riche en hydrogène à partir des matériaux carbonés (par exemple le char de biomasse) et de la vapeur d’eau. Etant donné que la gazéification est un processus endothermique, la source d’énergie est le premier souci à résoudre. Si l’on ne veut pas contribuer au réchauffement de la planète, la source d’énergie et de carbone doivent rester renouvelables. Jusqu’à présent, les ingénieurs concevaient les gazéifieurs en pensant à une uniformité des propriétés à l’intérieur du réacteur, cela simplifie la modélisation et le contrôle des variables, cependant, avec les sources de chaleur innovantes et la possibilité de n’utiliser que de la vapeur d’eau pour la gazéification, on peut conclure qu’un gradient de températures améliore la production d’hydrogène. Les nouvelles technologies de gazéification nécessitent donc une compréhension des phénomènes de transfert afin d’être améliorées et optimisées. Trois types de réacteurs ont modélisés dans le cadre de cette thèse, il est mis en évidence qu’il existe un manque de critères solides à l’heure de choisir le dispositif réactionnel le plus adéquat selon les ressources disponibles. La théorie du gradient de température est conçue à partir des principaux résultats de cette thèse et s’intéresse à la création d’un outil simple à utiliser pour que l’ingénieur puisse prendre des décisions qui aident à améliorer la production de gaz combustible. / The possibility of producing syngas from carbon compounds other than coal or oil would allow countries lacking energy resources to move toward energy independence. The steam gasification is a process that could help to this predisposition, producing a hydrogen-rich gas from carbon-rich materials (e.g. biomass char) and steam. Since gasification is an endothermic process, the energy source is the first concern to be addressed in the gasifierdesign. If we want it to not contribute to global warming, the energy source and carbon must remain renewable.Until now, engineers designed gasifiers thinking about uniformity of properties within the reactor, it simplifies the variables modeling and control, however, with innovative heat sources and the possibility to use only steamfor gasification, it can be concluded that a temperature gradient enhances the hydrogen production, thus the syngas quality is improved. The new gasification technologies therefore require the understanding of transport phenomena to apply this advantage in order to improve the syngas production and quality. Three reactor typesare modeled as part of this work, it is shown that there is a lack of firm criteria to choose the reaction device according to the resources, consequently, the reactors performance could be diminished if the energy source is not properly used. The theory of the temperature gradient is built based on the main results and it is a simple toolto help the engineer to make decisions that will improve the fuel gas production.
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Optimization of the Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle using mathematical modellingMvelase, Bongani Ellias January 2016 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Chemical Engineering), 25 May 2016 / The Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) is a promising technology in the power generation industry to increase efficiency and reduce environmental emissions associated with fossil fuels. The performance of the gasifier and its economic feasibility largely depends on the gasifier island and many problems experienced during gasification are associated with extreme operating conditions. There is, however, no evidence that the extreme operating conditions in the gasifier yield the maximum possible fuel gas heating value.
The main objective of this research was, therefore, to develop a mathematical model to simulate and optimize the performance of the IGCC, particularly focusing on maximizing the fuel gas heating value. The work carried out in this thesis was divided into three parts. The first part presented a 1-D simulation model for a dry-fed entrained flow gasifier with oxygen and steam used as oxidizing agents. The model was then validated against published models for a similar reactor configuration and then extended to an existing entrained flow gasifier of Elcogas IGCC power plant in Puertollano, Spain. The second part presented the optimization model in which the objective function was to maximize the fuel gas heating value. The last part combined gasifier and the gas turbine models and evaluated the overall performance of the gas path.
The formulated mathematical model which consisted of mass and energy balances of the system was solved in gPROMS platform in order to determine the optimum conditions of the gasifier. Multiflash for Windows was used to obtain the thermodynamic properties of gas phase. The model was first used to replicate three published simulation models, particularly focusing on the carbon conversion, cold gas efficiency, gasification peak temperature and gasifier exit gas temperature. The results obtained during optimization of the Elcogas entrained flow gasifier showed a 14% increase in fuel gas heating value was realized with a decrease of 519K in operating temperature. The pressure did not have a significant impact on the fuel gas heating value, with only less than 2% increase in heating value being achieved by changing the pressure from 2MPa to 5MPa.
Owing to a decrease in operating temperature, the conversion was reduced from 97% to about 63% and that led to a decrease of almost 60% in O2 and 50% in steam used in the gasifier. The results also indicate an almost 2% increase in the efficiency of the gas turbine when burning the gas of the higher heating value. This was mainly due to the increase in the expander inlet temperature. The gas turbine exhaust temperature and the exhaust gas heat capacity also
increased, thereby, increasing the amount of heat available in the heat recovery steam generator. There was also a 7% notable increase of the overall gas path efficiency. A reduction in operating temperature and pressure of the gasifier, therefore, guarantee an extended operating cycle of the gasifier, thereby, improving commercial attractiveness and competitiveness of the technology compared to other available power generation technologies. These new proposed operating conditions, which are less severe, therefore, signify a possible improvement availability and reliability of the IGCC power plant.
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Design and Construction of a Small-Scale Fixed-Bed ReactorPeter E., Akhator January 2014 (has links)
As biomass and municipal solid wastes become increasingly viable fossil fuels alternatives, more researches are being conducted to improve on the processes for their conversion to energy or energy carriers. Gasification is one of such processes and it forms the core of this project. This project presents a specified design of a small-scale fixed-bed reactor for the purpose of investigating the gasification processes of biomass and municipal solid wastes. Gas extraction ports are evenly distributed along the height of the reactor to extract product gases and accommodate thermo-couples for temperature measurement. A cyclone separator was incorporated to clean the gases as well as extract bio-oil from the gases. / Program: Masterutbildning i energi- och material
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