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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proposta metodológica para a identificação e avaliação de aspectos e impactos ambientais em instalações nucleares do IPEN: estudo de caso aplicado ao Centro do Combustível Nuclear / Methodological proposal for identification and evaluation of environmental aspects and impacts of nuclear facilities of IPEN: a case study applied tothe nuclear fuel center

MATTOS, LUIS A.T. de 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:42:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:00:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / O trabalho apresenta uma aplicação da ferramenta metodológica conhecida como FMEA (Failure Mode Effect Analysis) ao processo de identificação de aspectos e impactos ambientais. Tal processo é parte importante na implantação e na manutenção de Sistemas de Gestão Ambiental (SGA), baseados na norma NBR ISO 14001. Além disso, pode contribuir, de forma complementar, para a avaliação e aperfeiçoamento da segurança nuclear da instalação analisada. Como objeto de estudo elegeu-se o Centro de Combustíveis Nucleares (CCN) do IPEN/CNEN-SP, localizado junto ao Campus da Universidade de São Paulo-Brasil, destinado à realização de pesquisas científicas e à produção de elementos combustíveis para o Reator IEA-R1. A partir de um levantamento sistemático de dados, obtidos por meio de entrevistas, documentos e registros operacionais foi possível identificar os processos, suas interações e atividades, cuja análise permitiu definir os diversos modos de falhas potenciais, as respectivas causas e conseqüências para o meio ambiente. Como resultado da avaliação criteriosa dos modos causas foi possível identificar e classificar os principais impactos ambientais potenciais, que constitui uma etapa essencial para a implantação e manutenção de um Sistema de Gestão Ambiental para a instalação em estudo. Os resultados obtidos permitiram demonstrar a validade da aplicação da técnica FMEA aos processos de instalações nucleares, identificando aspectos e impactos ambientais, cujos controles são essenciais para a obtenção da conformidade com os requisitos ambientais do Sistema de Gestão Integrada do IPEN (SGI). Contribuíram também para fornecer uma ferramenta gerencial poderosa para a solução de questões relacionadas ao processo de atendimento de exigências legais aplicáveis no âmbito da Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN) e do Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente (IBAMA). / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Design and Analysis of Integrated Optic Waveguide Delay Line Phase Shifters for Microwave Photonic Application

Honnungar, Rajini V January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Microwave Photonics(MWP) has been defined as the study of photonic devices which operate at microwave frequencies and also their applications to microwave and optical systems. One or more electrical signals at microwave frequencies are transported over the optic link ,with electrical to optical and optical to electrical conversion on the transmission and receiving side respectively. The key advantages of microwave photonic links over conventional electrical transmission systems such as coaxial cables or waveguides ,includes reduced size, weight and cost, immunity to electromagnetic interference ,low dispersion and high data transfer capacity. Integrated Optics is the name given to a new generation of opto-electronic systems in which the familiar wires and cables are replaced by light-waveguiding optical fibers, and conventional integrated circuits are replaced by optical integrated circuits (OICs).Microwave Photonics with photonic integration can add the benefits of reduction in system size, losses, short path lengths leading to more efficient cost effective systems. In this thesis, a new approach for using 1-D linear arrays of curved waveguides as delay lines is presented. We propose a design for a passive phase shifter obtained by curved waveguide delay lines. The modulated RF signal obtains the phase shift in the optical domain which is transferred to the RF signal by heterodyning techniques .This phase shift is independent of the RF frequency and hence the Beam squinting which occurs in the conventional RF phase shifter systems is avoided in the proposed system. Switching between different lengths of the bent/curved waveguides can produce variable phase shifts ranging from 0 to 2 radians. The use of curved waveguides for delay generation and optimization of various parameters are the main topics of the research problem. The need for delay line is large and most of these were implemented previously using long optical fiber cables. More precise delays could be obtained by using waveguide delay lines as compared to fiber delay lines. Waveguides paves way for design in smaller dimensions ranging from m to nm in integrated optics. The differential phase shift for a signal propagating in a waveguide from waveguide theory is given as which clearly indicates that the differential phase shifts could be obtained in accordance with differential path lengths Δl with β as the propagation constant. S-bend waveguide sections of different lengths along with straight waveguide as reference for each section are employed. The phase delay is passively obtained by a differential path length change, where various phase shift values can be obtained by switching between different differential path lengths. Since the optical phase delay generated is in- dependent of the input RF frequency. A shift in the RF frequency, at the input will not change the phase or beam pointing angle when the phase shifter is employed for beam pointing in case of Phased Array Antenna applications. A 1-bit phase shifter is the firrst step in the design which could be further extended to n-bit phase shifter. Here 1-bit or n-bit ,is one where n can take any integer value. Each bit is composed of a reference phase signal pathway and a delayed phase signal pathway. When the optical signal goes every single bit through the reference phase the phase shift is ‘0’ radians ,the other is through the delayed path which is . For every n-bit, 2n delays can be obtained. For the 1-bit,2 delays are obtained. Switching between the path lengths is done using the directional coupler switches. Th optimization of different parameters of the S-bend waveguide delay line has been realized and studied. The design and optimisation of a 1-bit optical RF phase shifter is discussed which could be extended to n-bit phase shifters. These S-bends are studied analytically. Beam Propagation Method (BPM)is employed for modeling and simulation of the proposed device. An interferometric configuration is considered for practical measurement of optical phase. In this configuration the phase change is translated into amplitude or intensity measurement. One of the arms of the Maczehdner Interferometer has no path length change while the other arm has an S-bend structure which provides the path length difference as compared to the reference path, and hence produces the necessary phase shift at the output of the interferometer as required. By changing the path length difference between the two arms of the interferometer ,a change in intensity is produced at the output of the interferometer. In this study, integrated optic curved waveguide delay line phase shifters are designed and analyzed, considering the Titanium Di used Lithium Niobate Technology. This is because it has good electro-optic properties necessary for designing switches used for switching between delay segments. Practical parameters that can be fabricated are employed in the design and simulation studies reported here. Fabrication is also done using the Lithium Niobate Technology. However the fabrication studies are excluded from the main stream, as further fabrication studies are necessary to realise the actual devices de- signed. The fabrication aspects are left as scope for further development. The fabricated devices are shown as appendix to the thesis. Organisation of the thesis Chapter 1 gives the introduction to the fields of Microwave Photonics and Integrated optics and its applications. Chapter 2discusses the curved waveguide theory and design with coverage of materials and methods employed in the proposed system. Chapter 3 discusses the different types of delay lines and the design of the 1-bit phase shifter which can be extended to the design of a n-bit phase shifter with both analytical and simulation results. Chapter 4 discusses the method of phase measurement for the n-bit phase shifter and the possible applications where the phase shifter could be employed. Chapter 5 discusses conclusions and future work in the proposed area of work. Appendix A discusses the loss calculations for the Cosine S-bend waveguide. Appendix B gives the fabrication details. The references form the end part of the thesis.

Modélisation du rayonnement acoustique dans les guides traités par des matériaux absorbants à réaction localisée ou non localisée en présence d'écoulement par la méthode des éléments finis / Modeling by the finite element method of acoustic radiation in waveguides lined with locally or non locally reacting absorbent materials in the presence of flow

Ouedraogo, Boureima 28 September 2011 (has links)
On s'intéresse dans ce travail au problème de propagation acoustique dans des guides à parois traitées avec des matériaux absorbants à réaction localisée ou non localisée en présence d'écoulement. En effet, dans les systèmes industriels comme les turboréacteurs d'avions, les silencieux d'échappement et les systèmes de ventilation, le bruit est le plus souvent canalisé vers l'extérieur par des guides de géométries plus ou moins complexes. Une étude des guides d'ondes permet donc de prédire et de comprendre les phénomènes physiques tels que la réfraction, la convection, l'absorption et l'atténuation des ondes. Dans l'étude des guides d'ondes, on considère souvent qu'ils sont infiniment longs afin de s'affranchir de certains phénomènes (réflexion par exemple) à leurs extrémités. Résoudre le problème de propagation dans les guides infinis par la méthode des éléments finis nécessite de tronquer le domaine infini par des frontières artificielles sur lesquelles des conditions limites transparentes doivent être écrites. Dans ce travail, les conditions limites transparentes sont écrites sous forme d'un opérateur Dirichlet-to-Neumann (DtN) basé sur une décomposition de la pression acoustique sur la base des modes propres du guide étudié tout en prenant en compte l'influence des paramètres comme l'écoulement et le traitement acoustique avec des matériaux absorbants. La propagation acoustique dans le guide est régie par un modèle scalaire basé sur l'équation de Helmholtz et les matériaux absorbants utilisés sont des matériaux absorbants d'impédance locale Z et des matériaux poreux. Nous nous sommes intéressés en particulier aux matériaux poreux ? squelette rigide que l'on modélise par un fluide équivalent car la propagation acoustique dans ces matériaux est aussi gouvernée par l'équation de Helmholtz comme dans un milieu fluide. Des résultats d'étude de la propagation acoustique dans des guides rectilignes uniformes traités en présence d'un écoulement uniforme ont permis de valider la méthode développée pour tronquer les domaines infinis. L'étude a aussi été menée avec succés pour des guides non uniformes traités en présence d'un écoulement potentiel. / Our concern in this work is the problem of acoustic propagation in guides lined with locally or non locally reacting materials with the presence of mean fluid flow. In several industrial systems such as aircraft jet engines, mufflers exhaust and ventilation systems, noise is mostly channeled outside by guides of more or less complex geometries. A study of waveguides makes it possible to predict and understand the physical phenomena such as refraction, convection, absorption and wave attenuation. In waveguides studies, guides are often considered infinitely long to get rid of some phenomena (reflection for example) at their ends. Solving the problem of acoustic propagation in infinite guides by finite element method requires to truncate the infinite domain by artificial boundaries on which transparent boundary conditions must be written. In this work, the transparent boundary conditions are written as a Dirichlet-to-Neumann (DtN) operators based on sound pressure decomposition on the eigenmodes basis of the studied guide by taking into account the influence of parameters such as flow and acoustic liners in the guide walls. Acoustic propagation in the guide is governed by a model based on the scalar Helmholtz equation and the used liners are locally reacting materials of local impedance Z and porous materials. In this study, we focused particularly rigid porous materials modelized by an equivalent fluid because the acoustic propagation in these materials is also governed by the Helmholtz equation as in a fluid medium. Results of studies of acoustic propagation in uniform straight lined guides with a uniform flow allowed to validate the method developed to truncate infinite domains. The study was also done successfully for non uniform lined guides with a potential mean flow.

Fabrication and characterization of thermo-plasmonic routers for telecom applications / Fabrication et caractérisation de routeurs thermo-plasmoniques pour les applications telecom

Hassan, Karim 12 July 2013 (has links)
Les guides d’ondes plasmoniques à rubans dielectriques (DLSPPW) sont récemment apparus comme une des solutions possible pour le transport de signaux optiques et électriques sur puce. Néanmoins, dans le contexte particulier des interconnections optiques, des fonctionalitées avancées telles que filtrage, commutation, et routage sont nécessaires afin de remplacer dans le futur les composants electroniques équivalents trop gourmands en énergie et aussi réduire leur empreinte. Après une présentation des intérêts et limitations de la technique de micro- scopie à fuite radiative, nous montrons plusieurs composants actifs utilisant pour diélectrique des polymères thermo-sensibles controlés électriquement par eet Joule. Par la suite nous démontrons la faisabilité de systèmes tout optique que ce soit par dopage du polymère par des nanoparticules metalliques ou par eet thermo-plasmonique d’un second mode plasmon permettant un échauement localisé de forme choisie. L’activation dynamique de nos composants thermo-optiques est réalisée grâce à un montage fibre-à-fibre créé spécialement nous permettant d’investiguer le temps de réponse d’un chauage plasmonique ainsi que la transmission de signal télécom. Des améliorations de performances du concept DLSPPW original sont proposées par l’ajout d’un mur métallique sur le côté du ruban de polymère. Ce système peut alors fonctionner comme un convertisseur de polarisation compacte et athermique / The Dielectric Loaded Surface Plasmon Polariton Waveguides (DLSPPWs) have recently emerged as a possible solution to carry both optical and electrical signals on- chip. However, in the particular context of optical interconnects, advanced functionalities such as filtering, switching, and routing are required in order to replace in the future the equivalent electronic components which are too much power consumer and also to reduce their footprints. After presenting the interest and limitation of the leakage radiation microscopy method used all along this work, we show several active devices using thermo-sensitive polymers as the dielectric load driven electrically by Joule heating. Then we demonstrate the feasibility of all-optical systems by either doping the dielectric with metallic nanoparticles or by plasmo-thermal eect of a second plasmonic mode providing a localized heating of controlled shape. The dynamic activation of our thermo- optical devices is performed using a homemade fiber-to-fiber setup which allows us to investigate the response time of a plasmo-thermal heating as well as true datacom transmission. Some improvements of the original DLSPPWs performances are proposed by adding a metallic wall on one side of the polymer ridge. This system can act as a compact and athermal polarization converter

Guides d’ondes dans un cristal de niobate de lithium périodiquement polarisé : fabrication et étude par des techniques de microscopie à sonde locale / Creation of optical waveguides with periodical domain structures in lithium niobate single crystals and their study by scanning probe microscopy methods

Neradovskiy, Maxim 17 June 2016 (has links)
Nous avons étudié l'influence de la fabrication de guides d'ondes optiques par échange protonique doux(SPE) sur les cristaux de niobate de lithium (LN) polarisé périodiquement et nous avons montré que,dans certains cas, ce processus conduit à la création de nanodomaines en surface. Ces nanodomaines enforme d'aiguille peuvent être responsables de la réduction de l'efficacité de conversion non linéaireobservée dans les guides qui sont affectés. Nous avons également étudié l'influence de différents typesd'échange protonique sur la formation, par application d'un champ électrique, de domaines dans le LNcongruent. Cette étude montre que le seuil de nucléation peut être fortement réduit par la présence duguide d'onde et que l'apparition et le développement des domaines en forme de traits est fortementmodifiée. Elle montre également que la fusion des nanodomaines existants au voisinage des parois dedomaine aboutit à la formation de parois élargies et de domaines en forme de dendrites. En irradiantavec un faisceau d'électrons la surface Z- d'un échantillon de LN préalablement soumis à un échangeprotonique doux et recouvert d'une couche de résine électronique, nous avons réussi à former desdomaines avec des formes arbitraires. Par cette technique, nous avons fabriqué des domainespériodiques d'excellente qualité dans des cristaux présentant des guides canaux SPE. Des expériences degénération de deuxième harmonique dans ces guides nous ont permis d'obtenir des efficacités deconversion de 48%/W.cm2 ce qui est conforme aux prédictions ainsi que la forme des spectres d'accordde phase que nous avons observés. Ceci démontre tout l'intérêt de ce processus / The investigation of influence of the soft proton exchange (SPE) optical waveguide (WG) creation onperiodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) has been done. It has been shown that the WG fabricationprocess can induce the formation of needle like nanodomains, which can be responsible for thedegradation of the nonlinear response of the WG created in PPLN crystals. The domain structure (DS)evolution has been studied in congruent lithium niobate (LN) crystals with surface layers modified bythree different proton exchange techniques. The significant decrease of the nucleation threshold fieldand qualitative change of domain rays nucleation and growth have been revealed. The formation of abroad domain boundary and dendrite domain structure as a result of nanodomains merging in front ofthe moving rays has been demonstrated. The formation of DS in LN with SPE by irradiation of coveredby electron resist polar surface of LN has been investigated. Formation of domains with arbitrary shapesas a result of discrete switching has been revealed. Finally, it has been demonstrated that electron beamirradiation of lithium niobate crystals with surface resist layer can produce high quality periodical domainpatterns after channel waveguide fabrication. Nonlinear characterizations show that the conversionefficiencies and the phase matching spectra conform to theoretical predictions, indicating that thiscombination presents a great interest for device fabrication. Second harmonic generation withnormalized nonlinear conversion efficiency up to 48%/(W cm2) has been achieved in such waveguides

Approximations unidirectionnelles de la propagation acoustique en guide d'ondes irrégulier : application à l'acoustique urbaine / One-way approximations of acoustic propagation in irregular waveguides : application to urban acoustic

Doc, Jean-Baptiste 07 November 2012 (has links)
L'environnement urbain est le siège de fortes nuisances sonores notamment générées par les moyens de transport. Afin de lutter contre ces nuisances, la réglementation européenne impose la réalisation de cartographies de bruit. Dans ce contexte, des travaux fondamentaux sont menés autour de la propagation d'ondes acoustiques basses fréquences en milieu urbain. Différents travaux de recherche récents portent sur la mise en œuvre de méthodes ondulatoires pour la propagation d'ondes acoustiques dans de tels milieux. Le coût numérique de ces méthodes limite cependant leur utilisation dans un contexte d'ingénierie. L'objectif de ces travaux de thèse porte sur l'approximation unidirectionnelle de la propagation des ondes, appliquée à l'acoustique urbaine. Cette approximation permet d'apporter des simplifications à l'équation d'onde afin de limiter le temps de calcul lors de sa résolution. La particularité de ce travail de thèse réside dans la prise en compte des variations, continues ou discontinues, de la largeur des rues. Deux formalismes sont utilisés : l'équation parabolique et une approche multimodale. L'approche multimodale sert de support à une étude théorique sur les mécanismes de couplages de modes dans des guides d'ondes irréguliers bidimensionnels. Pour cela, le champ de pression est décomposé en fonction du sens de propagation des ondes à la manière d'une série de Bremmer. La contribution particulière de l'approximation unidirectionnelle est étudiée en fonction des paramètres géométriques du guide d'ondes, ce qui permet de mieux cerner les limites de validité de cette approximation. L'utilisation de l'équation parabolique a pour but une application à l'acoustique urbaine. Une transformation de coordonnées est associée à l'équation parabolique grand angle afin de prendre en compte l'effet de la variation de la section du guide d'ondes. Une méthode de résolution est alors spécifiquement développée et permet une évaluation précise du champ de pression. D'autre part, une méthode de résolution de l'équation parabolique grand angle tridimensionnelle est adaptée à la modélisation de la propagation acoustique en milieu urbain. Cette méthode permet de tenir compte des variations brusques ou continues de la largeur de la rue. Une comparaison avec des mesures sur maquette de rue à échelle réduite permet de mettre en avant les possibilités de la méthode. / The urban environment is the seat of loud noise generated by means of transportation. To fight against these nuisances, European legislation requires the achievement of noise maps. In this context, fundamental work is carried around the propagation of acoustic low-frequency waves in urban areas. Several recent research focuses on the implementation of wave methods for acoustic wave propagation in such environments. The computational cost of these methods, however, limits their use in the context of engineering. The objective of this thesis focuses on the one-way approximation of wave propagation, applied to urban acoustics. This approximation allows to make simplifications on the wave equation in order to limit the computation time. The particularity of this thesis lies in the consideration of variations, continuous or discontinuous, of the width of streets. Two formalisms are used: parabolic equation and a multimodal approach. The multimodal approach provides support for a theoretical study on the mode-coupling mechanisms in two-dimensional irregular waveguides. For this, the pressure field is decomposed according to the direction of wave propagation in the manner of a Bremmer series. The specific contribution of the one-way approximation is studied as a function of the geometric parameters of the waveguide, which helps identify the limits of validity of this approximation. Use of the parabolic equation is intended for application to urban acoustic. A coordinate transformation is associated with the wide-angle parabolic-equation in order to take into account the variation effect of the waveguide section. A resolution method is developed specifically and allows an accurate assessment of the pressure field. On the other hand, a solving method of the three-dimensional parabolic-equation is suitable for the modeling of acoustic propagation in urban areas. This method takes into account sudden or continuous variations of the street width. A comparison with measurements on scaled model of street allows to highlight the possibilities of the method.

Wave Propagation In Hyperelastic Waveguides

Ramabathiran, Amuthan Arunkumar 08 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The analysis of wave propagation in hyperelastic waveguides has significant applications in various branches of engineering like Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation, impact analysis, material characterization and damage detection. Linear elastic models are typically used for wave analysis since they are sufficient for many applications. However, certain solids exhibit inherent nonlinear material properties that cannot be adequately described with linear models. In the presence of large deformations, geometric nonlinearity also needs to be incorporated in the analysis. These two forms of nonlinearity can have significant consequences on the propagation of stress waves in solids. A detailed analysis of nonlinear wave propagation in solids is thus necessary for a proper understanding of these phenomena. The current research focuses on the development of novel algorithms for nonlinear finite element analysis of stress wave propagation in hyperelastic waveguides. A full three-dimensional(3D) finite element analysis of stress wave propagation in waveguides is both computationally difficult and expensive, especially in the presence of nonlinearities. By definition, waveguides are solids with special geometric features that channel the propagation of stress waves along certain preferred directions. This suggests the use of kinematic waveguide models that take advantage of the special geometric features of the waveguide. The primary advantage of using waveguide models is the reduction of the problem dimension and hence the associated computational cost. Elementary waveguide models like the Euler-Bernoulli beam model, Kirchoff plate model etc., which are developed primarily within the context of linear elasticity, need to be modified appropriately in the presence of material/geometric nonlinearities and/or loads with high frequency content. This modification, besides being non-trivial, may be inadequate for studying nonlinear wave propagation and higher order waveguide models need to be developed. However, higher order models are difficult to formulate and typically have complex governing equations for the kinematic modes. This reflects in the relatively scarce research on the development of higher order waveguide models for studying nonlinear wave propagation. The formulation is difficult primarily because of the complexity of both the governing equations and their linearization, which is required as part of a nonlinear finite element analysis. One of the primary contributions of this thesis is the development and implementation of a general, flexible and efficient framework for automating the finite element analysis of higher order kinematic models for nonlinear waveguides. A hierarchic set of higher order waveguide models that are compatible with this formulation are proposed for this purpose. This hierarchic series of waveguide models are similar in form to the kinematic assumptions associated with standard waveguide models, but are different in the sense that no conditions related to the stress distribution specific to a waveguide are imposed since that is automatically handled by the proposed algorithm. The automation of the finite element analysis is accomplished with a dexterous combination of a nodal degrees-of-freedom based assembly algorithm, automatic differentiation and a novel procedure for numerically computing the finite element matrices directly from a given waveguide model. The algorithm, however, is quite general and is also developed for studying nonlinear plane stress configurations and inhomogeneous structures that require a coupling of continuum and waveguide elements. Significant features of the algorithm are the automatic numerical derivation of the finite element matrices for both linear and nonlinear problems, especially in the context of nonlinear plane stress and higher order waveguide models, without requiring an explicit derivation of their algebraic forms, automatic assembly of finite element matrices and the automatic handling of natural boundary conditions. Full geometric nonlinearity and the hyperelastic form of material nonlinearity are considered in this thesis. The procedures developed here are however quite general and can be extended for other types of material nonlinearities. Throughout this thesis, It is assumed that the solids under investigation are homogeneous and isotropic. The subject matter of the research is developed in four stages: First, a comparison of different finite element discretization schemes is carried out using a simple rod model to choose the most efficient computational scheme to study nonlinear wave propagation. As part of this, the frequency domain Fourier spectral finite element method is extended for a special class of weakly nonlinear problems. Based on this comparative study, the Legendre spectral element method is identified as the most efficient computational tool. The efficiency of the Legendre spectral element is also illustrated in the context of a nonlinear Timoshenko beam model. Since the spectral element method is a special case of the standard nonlinear finite element Method, differing primarily in the choice of the element basis functions and quadrature rules, the automation of the standard nonlinear finite element method is undertaken next. The automatic finite element formulation and assembly algorithm that constitutes the most significant contribution of this thesis is developed as an efficient numerical alternative to study the physics of wave propagation in nonlinear higher order structural models. The development of this algorithm and its extension to a general automatic framework for studying a large class of problems in nonlinear solid mechanics forms the second part of this research. Of special importance are the automatic handling of nonlinear plane stress configurations, hierarchic higher order waveguide models and the automatic coupling of continuum and higher order structural elements using specially designed transition elements that enable an efficient means to study waveguides with local inhomogeneities. In the third stage, the automatic algorithm is used to study wave propagation in hyperelastic waveguides using a few higher order 1D kinematic models. Two variants of a particular hyperelastic constitutive law – the6-constantMurnaghanmodel(for rock like solids) and the 9-constant Murnaghan model(for metallic solids) –are chosen for modeling the material nonlinearity in the analysis. Finally, the algorithm is extended to study energy-momentum conserving time integrators that are derived within a Hamiltonian framework, thus illustrating the extensibility of the algorithm for more complex finite element formulations. In short, the current research deals primarily with the identification and automation of finite element schemes that are most suited for studying wave propagation in hyper-elastic waveguides. Of special mention is the development of a novel unified computational framework that automates the finite element analysis of a large class of problems involving nonlinear plane stress/plane strain, higher order waveguide models and coupling of both continuum and waveguide elements. The thesis, which comprises of 10 chapters, provides a detailed account of various aspects of hyperelastic wave propagation, primarily for 1D waveguides.

Etude des couches minces du système ternaire Ge-Se-Te et fabrication de composants d'optique intégrée IR, briques de base de micro-capteurs optiques de gaz / Study of thin films of the ternary Ge-Se-Te system and manufacture integrated optical IR components, basic elements of optical micro-gas sensors

Vu Thi, Mai 04 November 2014 (has links)
Dans un contexte où les besoins en capteurs de gaz sont de plus en plus importants, en particulier pour la métrologie de l'environnement, il est proposé dans ce travail la réalisation de guides d'onde droits, de guides spirales, de jonctions Y,…, éléments indispensables pour la fabrication de micro-capteurs optiques infrarouges. La réalisation de ces différents éléments, par empilement et gravure de couches amorphes du système ternaire Ge-Se-Te, a nécessité en premier lieu l'étude du dit système. Des couches minces Ge-Se-Te de compositions très différentes ont été déposées par co-évaporation thermique, puis caractérisées en termes d'homogénéité, stabilité thermique, gap optique et indice de réfraction. L'évolution des propriétés en fonction de la composition a ensuite permis de mettre en évidence un domaine de compositions du système Ge-Se-Te particulièrement attractif : dans ce domaine, correspondant aux compositions riches en sélénium (plus de 55 % atomique) et contenant entre 20 et 30 % de germanium, les couches sont en effet monophasées, caractérisées par des températures de transition vitreuse élevées, une grande stabilité thermique, et un domaine de transparence s'étendant de 1 à 16 µm environ. Dans ce domaine de compositions, deux d'entre elles ont été choisies, Ge25Te10Se65 et Ge25Te20Se55, et utilisées pour fabriquer différents circuits d'optique intégrée. Les éléments les plus simples, à savoir des guides d'onde canaux, ont été réalisés en déposant successivement deux couches (Ge25Te10Se65 puis Ge25Te20Se55) sur un substrat silicium, puis en modifiant la géométrie de la couche supérieure d'indice de réfraction plus élevé par usinage ionique, de sorte à obtenir un confinement bidimensionnel de la lumière. Les pertes de propagation de ces guides ont été estimées à 1 dB.cm-1 à la longueur d'onde 1,55 µm. D'autres éléments plus complexes ont ensuite été fabriqués : des guides d'onde courbes pour lesquels les propriétés de guidage ont été obtenues quel que soit le rayon de courbure, des guides spirales ayant donné lieu à un bon guidage de la lumière, des jonctions Y caractérisées par une division satisfaisante de l'intensité lumineuse, ainsi que des interféromètres de type Mach-Zehnder en sortie desquels la lumière a été correctement recombinée. / In a context where the needs for gas sensors are increasingly important, especially for environmental metrology, it is proposed in this work to achieve straight waveguides, spirals, Y-junctions, ..., elements essential for the fabrication of infrared optical micro-sensors. The realization of these elements, by stacking and etching of amorphous thin films from the Ge-Se-Te ternary system, first required the study of this system. Ge-Se-Te thin films of very different compositions were deposited by thermal co-evaporation and characterized in terms of uniformity, thermal stability, optical band gap and refractive index. The evolution of the film properties with the composition was then used to highlight a particularly attractive area of compositions in the Ge-Se-Te system: in this domain, corresponding to compositions rich in Se (more than 55 atomic %) and containing between 20 and 30 atomic % in Ge, the layers are indeed single-phase, characterized by high glass transition temperatures, high thermal stability, and a transparency window extending from 1 to about 16 microns. In this composition region, two of them were selected, Ge25Te10Se65 and Ge25Te20Se55, and used to realize different integrated optics circuits. The simplest elements, which are channel waveguides, were made by depositing successively two layers (Ge25Te10Se65 then Ge25Te20Se55) on a silicon substrate, and then by modifying the geometry of the higher refractive index top layer by ion beam etching, so as to obtain a two-dimensional confinement of light. Propagation losses of these straight waveguides were estimated at 1 dB.cm-1 at the 1.55 µm wavelength. Other more complex elements were then fabricated: S-bent waveguides for which the guiding properties were obtained whatever the curvature radius, operational spiral waveguides, Y-junctions able of a satisfactory division of the light intensity, and Mach-Zehnder interferometers at the output of which the light was successfully recombined.

Propagation sub-longueur d'onde au sein de nanotubes et nanofils polymères passifs et actifs / Sub-wavelength propagation within nanotubes and nanowires passive and active in polymer

Bigeon, John 23 October 2014 (has links)
Dans le domaine de la nanophotonique, la compréhension des phénomènes optiques liés au guidage sub-longueur d'onde dans des structures pleines (nanofils) ou creuses (nanotubes) est un enjeu prioritaire. L'objectif de cette thèse a porté sur l'étude de la propagation lumineuse au sein de nouveaux guides d'onde nanométriques passifs et actifs. Pour cela, des nanofils et nanotubes à base de polymère ont été conçus et élaborés par méthode wetting template. Afin de caractériser leur comportement optique et en particulier la propagation sub-longueur d'onde, de nouveaux outils expérimentaux et numériques ont été développés. La modélisation des phénomènes propagatifs dans ces nanofibres a été effectuée par la méthode numérique FDTD. Les effets de la géométrie de ces nanofils et nanotubes, de par leurs dimensions (diamètres externe et interne pour les nanotubes) et du substrat sur le comportement propagatif et le niveau des pertes ont en particulier été déterminés. Sur le plan expérimental, deux types de nanofibres on été utilisés : - des nanofibres "passives" à base de polymère SU8 et - des nanofibres "actives" comportant un polymère guidant la lumière et un luminophore servant de source à l'échelle nanométrique. Pour l'étude des nanofibres de SU8, l'injection directe a été réalisée par le biais d'une fibre optique microlentillée. Un résultat marquant est l'évaluation des pertes optiques mesuré par la méthode cut- back autour de 1,25 dB/mm pour des nanotubes aux diamètres externes et internes respectivement de 240 nm et 120 nm. Cette évaluation de pertes optiques apparaît très compétitif comparativement à d'autres systèmes actuellement envisagés pour la nanophotonique intégrée. Concernant les nanofibres actives qui comportent des luminophores (cluster organométalliques ou polymère fluorescent PFO), nos études ont validé l'excitation du mode propre par caractérisation dans l'espace de Fourier. Nos résultats ont montré le potentiel de ces nanofibres organiques comme briques pour la nanophotonique. / In the field of nanophotonics, the understanding of optical phenomena related to sub-wavelength guiding in filled structures (nanowires) or hollow (nanotubes) is a priority. The objective of this thesis focused on the study of light propagation in new passive and active nanoscale waveguides. For this, nanowires and nanotubes based polymer has been designed and developed by template wetting method. To characterize their optical behavior and in particular the sub-wavelength propagation, new numerical and experimental tools have been developed. Modelling phenomena propagating in these nanofibers was performed by the numerical FDTD method. The effects of the geometry of these nanotubes and nanowires, by their size (outer and inner diameter for nanotubes) and propagating on the substrate and the behavior of losses have been determined in particular. Experimentally, two types of nanofibers have been used: - "passive" nanofibers based on SU8 polymer and - "active" polymer nanofibers having a waveguiding polymer and a luminophor as a source at nanoscale. To study nanofibers SU8, direct injection was performed through an microlensed optical fiber. A striking result is the assessment of optical losses measured by the cut-back around 1.25 dB/mm for nanotubes to external and internal diameters respectively 240 nm and 120 nm. This assessment of optical losses appear very competitive compared to other systems currently envisaged for integrated nanophotonics. Regarding the active nanofibers which comprise luminophors (organometallic cluster or fluorescent polymer PFO), our studies have validated the excitation of mode by characterization in Fourier space. Our results showed the potential of organic nanofibers as bricks for nanophotonics.

Os manuais de instruções para soldados americanos e britânicos na II guerra mundial : uma análise comparativa (1942-1945)

Costa, Anailza Guimarães 28 February 2018 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The objective of this work is to analyze, in a comparative perspective, instructions guides produced by United States and Great Britain in the Second World War. We analyzed the Instructions for American Servicemen in Britain (1942), Instructions for British Servicemen in France (1944), and Instructions for American Servicemen in France During World War II (1944). We also sought to make a counterpoint of these analyses with the leaflet 112 Gripes about the French (1945), whose objective was to list Americans gripes about the French behavior and provide possible solutions. The first manual, produced in 1942, had the function of instructing the American soldiers sent to fight in Great Britain. The second, to guide British fighters who were going to France in 1944. The third, also produced in 1944, had as an objective to indicate to the Americans the behavior before the French. From this, it was possible to identify those guides as part of a military formation project conceived by the American and British states in order to instruct the soldiers concerning to the behavior before the local inhabitant. As a theoretical reference, we use Norbert Elias’ theory of the Civilizing Process, in which the author analyzes the history of customs from the formation of the Modern National State. Therefore, we observed that besides the militarily efficient combatant, the states tried to form the cosmopolitan-citizen soldier, who should represent the image of his homeland and project a behavior in order to insert himself into the allied culture. / O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar, em perspectiva comparada, manuais de instruções produzidos pelos Estados Unidos e Grã-Bretanha na Segunda Guerra Mundial. Analisamos o Instructions for American Servicemen in Britain (1942), Instructions for British Servicemen in France (1944) e o Instructions for American Servicemen in France During World War II (1944). Também, buscamos fazer um contraponto dessas análises com o folheto 112 Gripes about the French (1945), cujo objetivo foi elencar queixas de comportamentos dos americanos em relação aos franceses e dar possíveis soluções. O primeiro manual que foi produzido em 1942, teve a função de instruir os soldados americanos enviados para lutar na Grã-Bretanha. O segundo, para orientar os combatentes britânicos que se dirigiram à França em 1944. O terceiro, também produzido em 1944, teve como objetivo indicar aos americanos o comportamento diante dos franceses. A partir disso, foi possível identificarmos estes manuais dentro de um projeto de formação militar, pensado pelos Estados americano e britânico a fim de instruírem os soldados sobre o comportamento frente ao habitante local. Como referencial teórico, utilizamos Norbert Elias, na teoria do Processo Civilizador, em que o autor analisa a história dos costumes a partir da formação do Estado Moderno. Assim, observamos que além do combatente eficiente militarmente, os Estados tentaram formar o soldado cidadão cosmopolita, aquele que deveria representar a imagem de sua pátria e projetar um comportamento para se inserir na cultura do aliado. / São Cristóvão, SE

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