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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Heder som motiv - En scoping review om hedersrelaterat våld

Elofsson, Emma, Svensson, Ellinor January 2020 (has links)
This is a scoping review about honor-related violence based on nine articles published by researchers and one report from a Swedish authority, and the aim of this study was to examine how the subject was described in existing literature. We did a concept analysis of the reviewed literature and these concepts where analyzed in relation to symbolic interactionism and intersectional theories. Honor-related violence is a phenomenon that during the 21st century has been acknowledged globally and is known to especially affect women. The result of the scoping review showed that the factors that are most claimed to result in honor-related violence differ. From a cultural point of view advocates claim that the honor is collective and it is also the most significant in a person’s life, thus when someone in the collective acts against what is subscribed to subsidise honor the whole collective is affected and the one who stripped the collective of its honor needs to be punished. The universal, also known as structural, point of view claims that honor-related violence is part of patriarchal structures and thus can be positioned as part of gender-based violence against women, where the aim of the violence is to maintain male dominance. However, this point of view does not explain why also women can be perpetrators in the name of honor, and neither does it explain why men can become victim of honor-related violence and honor-killings. The violence that is exerted is above all consisting of mental abuse such as symbolic violence and threats of different degrees. Physical abuse also occurs and in the most extreme cases an honor-killing takes place. The result also showed gaps in existing knowledge where more research should be done regarding boys and young men as victims of honor-related violence and women as perpetrators of honor-related violence.

Injurias contra el honor. Lima, siglo XVIII

Tantaleán Valiente, Adolfo Gustavo January 2018 (has links)
La presente tesis es de naturaleza cualitativa, busca encontrar en las formas discursivas elementos que muestren cuestiones cotidianas en pos de conseguir el blanqueamiento, como es entendido el honor por sujetos de distintas procedencias étnicas y como las injurias u ofensas de palabras afectaron su forjada preeminencia social. En ese sentido, la investigación tiene por hipótesis demostrar que en el transcurso del siglo XVIII varios sectores de las denominadas castas apelaron a nociones de “blancura” para ascender en la escala social en base al uso de la idea de honor. Bajo esta perspectiva, bien puede decirse, que la movilidad social era más flexible de lo que un sector de la historiografía asumía. Así, mestizos, pardos, chinos, mulatos, entre otros; litigando en el sistema judicial, conformaron identidades que les permitieron afianzar su propio honor en un contexto de grandes cambios como era el del Perú de las Reformas Borbónicas. / Tesis

The Zionist Quest for Honor: France and Jewish Zionist Ideology and Subjectivity

Shatou-Shehadeh, Suad Hanine January 2022 (has links)
This dissertation combines affect, race, history and colonial studies to examine the process of Christian othering of Jews in Europe since the Protestant Reformation, with a focus on the narrative of honor that was used to depict European Jews as lacking it. While the ways Jews were portrayed and constructed have changed as Europe redefined itself through the subsequent centuries, following the Protestant Reformation, this dissertation points out that the essence of Christian perception and depiction of Jews as dishonorable remained unchanged. This study traces how this depiction emerges in French Christian and anti-Semitic representations through a reading of French religious and non-religious texts that have come to gradually produce French Jews, first as a people and then as an ethnic collectivity that does not belong among other nations, all within a narrative of honor. The claim that Jews lack honor came to be internalized subsequently by Zionist Jewish writers and leaders and was spread in Zionist Jewish literature. In providing a history of the constructed social, political, religious and cultural phenomenon of the dishonorable Jew, this dissertation intervenes in the discussions surrounding subjectivity in Zionist thought and how it internalized and adopted the notion of the dishonorable Jew by safeguarding and appropriating Christian and secular Zionist and anti-Semitic sentiments of contempt, disdain, shame and superiority over Diaspora Jews.

Det handlar om att bygga broar mellan de kulturella enklaverna och samhället : En kvalitativ studie om hedersrelaterad utsatthet och integration / It's about building bridges between the cultural enclaves and society : A qualitative study of honor related vulnerability and integration

Chachan, Mariham, Henriksson, Susanne January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur professionella inom Sveriges kvinnojourer beskriver vad hedersrelaterad utsatthet innebär på individ –och strukturell nivå och hur hederskontexten och samhället påverkar män och kvinnors förutsättningar för integration och delaktighet i det svenska samhället. Individer som lever i hederkontexten lever med en dubbel utsatthet. Detta innebär att dessa individer är dubbelt förtryckta, dels från kontexten de lever i men även samhället har en bidragande roll till utsattheten då vi har kommit fram till att det finns mycket inbäddad diskriminering i samhället. Integrationen för individer inom hederskontexten påverkas också av faktorer som kan relateras till individerna inom hederskontexten och samhällets bemötande av individerna. Hedersrelaterad utsatthet har ofta förknippats med kulturella normer och våld mot kvinnor, den här uppsatsen vill belysa hur problematiken och integrationen av dessa individer kan se ut ur ett individ – och samhällsperspektiv. Uppsatsen kommer att ha en kvalitativ utgångspunkt där vi besvarar syftet genom att intervjua kvinnojourer från sex av Sveriges kvinnojourers berättelser. Intervjuerna har varit semistrukturerade vilket bidragit till att undersökningen fått fylliga berättelser då intervjupersonerna själva kunnat påverka vad de ansetts som viktigt att belysa. Anledningen till att vi valt kvinnojourer var att de kunde bidra med den information som krävdes då de är insatta i hedersrelaterad utsatthet och deras integration.Vi har tagit hjälp av fem stycken teoretiskautgångspunkter för att kunna förklara den problematik som förekommer inom några av Sveriges familjer och för att förstå hur hederskontexten och samhället påverkar integrationen. Dessa teorier omfattar teorin om patriarkatet och genus, ackulitivering, socialisering och teorin om strukturell diskriminering. / The purpose of this paper is to examine how professionals in some of Swedens shelterhomes describes what honor related vulnerability involves on an individual and structural level and how the honorcontext and society affect men 's and women's opportunities for inclusion and participation in the Swedish society. Individuals living in the honourcontext live with a double vulnerability. This means that these individuals are doubly oppressed, both from the context in which they live but also the society has a contributory role of the vulnerability. We have come to the conclusion that there are a lot of embedded discrimination in society. The integration of individuals within the honorcontext is also affected by factors that can be related to the individuals within the context and societies treatment of individuals. Honour related vulnerability has often been associated with cultural norms and violence against women, this paper wants to illustrate how the honorproblems and the integration of these individuals can look like from an individual - and societal perspective. The essay will have a qualitative perspective where we answer the purpose by interviewing professionals from six of Sweden's shelterhomes. The interviews were semi-structured, which contributed to rich stories when interviewees themselves were able to influence what they regarded as important to highlight. The reason we chose sheltershomes was that they could provide the necessary information about honor related vulnerability and integration. We have taken the help of five theoretical bases to explain the problems that exist in some of Sweden's families and to understand how the honorkontext and society affect integration. These theories include the theory of patriarchy and gender, ackultivisation, socialization and the theory of structural discrimination.

Talgoxar : inomartskonkurrens vid trädplacering och födosök

Hamrin, Jessica January 2006 (has links)
Min studie handlar om hur inomartskonkurrensen ser ut hos talgoxen, Parus major, när det gäller födosök, trädplacering och säkerhet. Är det så att fåglarna lever i ”mansdominerade” samhällen, att det är hanen som söker föda på de bästa och säkraste delarna av trädet jämfört med honan. För att undersöka detta har 31 talgoxar studerats under nio dagar i sin naturliga miljö. Här noterades var i trädet de placerade sig och hur de sedan förflyttade sig i tre födosök. För att visa på skillnader gjorde jag icke- parametriska tester som visade att det fanns signifikanta skillnader mellan hur honor och hanar placerar sig i träden vid födosök.

Titel und Orden nach der Reichsverfassung vom 11. August 1919 /

Kattner, Georg. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität Heidelberg.

Unga kvinnors upplevelser av hedersrelaterat våld / Young women’s experiences of honorary-related violence.

Shabo, Helen January 2015 (has links)
This is a study of five young women’ experiences of honor-related violence. The purpose of this study is: What experiences does the women show of an honor-related violent relationship? A qualitative method was applied and interviews were done with a total of five young women. To get a better understanding of the subject I have defined the four central concepts that this study is based on: honor, culture, ethnicity and gender. These subjects together describe honor and what it means to live under those circumstances. It also gives an idea of how it can be and reasons why honor-related violence occur. The five women of the study are slightly described to give an idea of how they are and what experiences they have in the matter. From the collected data I could analyze the results and code four themes: fear, guilt and shame of a controlled life, low self-esteem and also strategies for how to survive in an honor-related relationship. The result showed two types of groups where a victim can suffer from honor-related violence. The first group is of the children that are brought up with a relative, usually the father in the family, that is the perpetrator. The second group is the woman who gets in to a relationship with a man that uses honor as a reason to be violent. In conclusion I found that the perpetrator sees the victim as something he owns and control them as if they where his. This honorcode is based on what the surrounding defines as right and wrong towards the honorculture. The violence and the measure of it is based on what the culture defines as right and wrong.

Samhällets insatser mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck / Society efforts against honor-related violence and oppression

Custovic, Lejla, Tahiri, Valmir January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to analyze society's efforts for girls who are victims of honorrelatedviolence and oppression. More specifically its aim was to examine what efforts thesociety can offer girls who are exposed to honor-related violence and oppression, and howsocial services and shelters cooperate on issues of honor. We have chosen to focus on girlswho are victims of honor-related violence, but we are aware that even boys and men face thisproblem. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach through interviews. Tocomplete the study we have conducted eight interviews throughout Sweden. We haveinterviewed staff at three different social services and four different shelters. This was toexamine how society operates with honor-related problems but also to investigate how thedifferent services and activities interact. The key findings that emerged from our study arethat girls from honor cultures find themselves in a dilemma when they decide to seek helpbecause of violence and oppression. On one hand, they are unable to live by familyconstraints while on the other hand they do not get the possibility of total freedom if they fleethe home. Society's efforts today include protection, support and guidance for these girls, butaccording to our informants, this is not enough. They feel that what is missing is an effort tohelp the girls after their stay at shelters because they often become isolated when they begin anew life, in a new city, all alone.

Med hedern som insats - hedersrelaterat våld i Sverige och Turkiet

Boularbah, Zuraiya Longdewa January 2014 (has links)
Hedersrelaterat våld har inga gränser. Det sker inte endast i ett land, av ett folk med en specifik etnicitet, kultur eller religion. Hedersrelaterat våld existerar världen runt, även i Sverige. Mordet på Fadime Sahindal fick internationell uppmärksamhet och folk var i chock, speciellt den svenska regeringen som länge försökte förneka våldets existens i vårt avlånga jämställda land. Hedersrelaterat våld är en kategori av våld som i de flesta fall drabbar unga kvinnor som vägrar att infinna sig i familjens eller släktens normer och regler. Forskningens syften är att jämföra det hedersrelaterade våldet i Sverige och Turkiet samt att undersöka förklaringarna till fenomenet. Målet är även att undersöka rättsväsendet i de båda länderna gällande hedersrelaterat våld och titta på hur olika organisationer arbetar för att motverka att fler kvinnor blir utsatta för våldet. Feministisk teori är ett verktyg som genomgående har använts i undersökningen och materialet är hämtat både från biografier och intervjuer som genomförts både i Sverige och i Turkiet. Regeringarna i både Sverige och Turkiet måste tydligt ta bättre ansvar för hedersproblematiken och inte lägga det i händerna på hjälporganisationerna. I Turkiet finns det alldeles för få kvinnoorganisationer för kvinnor utsatta för hedersrelaterat våld och i Sverige är boendena överfyllda och kvinnor blir nekade skyddat boende på grund av för få platser. Även polis och socialstyrelsen har fått kritik för deras otillräckliga arbete inom hedersproblematiken. Målet är att det inte skall finnas kvinnojourer, men i dagens läge verkar det som att det bara behövs fler. Det är något som inte stämmer, både i Sverige och i Turkiet. / Honor-related violence has no boundaries. It does not only occur in a particular country or is associated with one specific ethnicity, culture or religion. Honor-related violence exists around the world, even in Sweden. The murder of Fadime Sahindal received international attention and people were in shock, especially the Swedish government which for a long time had tried to deny that such violence existed in our long-standing country of equality. Honor-related violence is a category of violence which in most cases affects young women who refuse to assimilate to their families’ or relatives’ norms and rules. The research objectives are to compare honor-related violence in Sweden and Turkey as well as investigating the reasons for the phenomenon. The aim also includes investigating the judiciary system in both countries regarding honor-related violence and looks at how different organizations work to counter more women from becoming victims of honor-related violence. Feminist theory is a tool which has been used consistently in the investigation and the analyzed information was taken from biographies and interviews which were conducted in Sweden and Turkey. The governments of Sweden and Turkey must clearly take more responsibility for the honor-related violence problem rather than leaving the problem in the hands of charitable organizations. In Turkey, there are far too few women organizations for women exposed to honor-related violence while in Sweden, shelters are overflowing and women are denied accommodation because of too few places. Even the police and authorities have received criticism for their inadequate work towards dealing with honor-related violence. The aim should be for creating a society where there is no need for women shelters; however, with the current situation, it seems that even more are needed. There is certainly something wrong occurring both in Sweden and Turkey.

Hedersförtyck : En studie om socialtjänstens arbete med hedersvåld och hedersförtyck / Honor oppression : A study on the social service's work with honor violence and honor oppression

Hourani, Dania, Akram, Dania January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to get an extended view over social workers work with honor related violence. This topic was classified as a problem in Sweden first when three different women were murdered in results of honor related violence. Thereafter the case where Fadima was murdered  in 2002, the Swedish governments started to discuss possible supports that can help solve this problem. The main purpose was to find out how social services view honor related violence and what support they have for the ones that are abused. Although anybody can be a victim of honor related violence the study has mainly focused on the girls and young women that are a victim of honor related violence.  We wanted to get a more extended view over the issues, therefore we used a qualitative thematic analysis. This method has been executed by semi-structured interviews. The interviews that have been conducted were with social secretaries that work in Social services with honor related violence.  After reviewing our interview results we started analyzing the data. The results show that there are different supports for the girls and young women that are a victim of honor related violence. The problem is that these supports have not always shown achievements. This is not only due to a lack of support from Social Services. This depends on the victim and if the victims will go through with the support. Therefore the government needs to work with the families that expose these girls for honor related violence to try to change their view.

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