Spelling suggestions: "subject:"honorculture"" "subject:"honourculture""
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Unga kvinnors upplevelser av hedersrelaterat våld / Young women’s experiences of honorary-related violence.Shabo, Helen January 2015 (has links)
This is a study of five young women’ experiences of honor-related violence. The purpose of this study is: What experiences does the women show of an honor-related violent relationship? A qualitative method was applied and interviews were done with a total of five young women. To get a better understanding of the subject I have defined the four central concepts that this study is based on: honor, culture, ethnicity and gender. These subjects together describe honor and what it means to live under those circumstances. It also gives an idea of how it can be and reasons why honor-related violence occur. The five women of the study are slightly described to give an idea of how they are and what experiences they have in the matter. From the collected data I could analyze the results and code four themes: fear, guilt and shame of a controlled life, low self-esteem and also strategies for how to survive in an honor-related relationship. The result showed two types of groups where a victim can suffer from honor-related violence. The first group is of the children that are brought up with a relative, usually the father in the family, that is the perpetrator. The second group is the woman who gets in to a relationship with a man that uses honor as a reason to be violent. In conclusion I found that the perpetrator sees the victim as something he owns and control them as if they where his. This honorcode is based on what the surrounding defines as right and wrong towards the honorculture. The violence and the measure of it is based on what the culture defines as right and wrong.
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Att leva i ett kulturellt ingenmansland - En narrativ studie om hur hederskulturen präglar unga mäns identitetsutvecklingAlehesnawi, Hanin, Bakirci, Ilknur January 2020 (has links)
Honour-related violence and oppression is a global problem that affects an enormous number of people. Identity formation is a critical development stage for young people and can be even more problematic when living in an honour-related culture within a modern-day Scandinavia. In this thesis, we focus on the narratives of two young men who highlight the complexity of living across two distinct cultural contexts, a parallel society in other words. We used narrative analysis to examine two autobiographies;one from aDanish setting, the other from a Swedish one. The study set out to examine what an honour culture is and how it affected the lives of the young men who tell their story. Our analysis shows that young men are also exposed to violence and oppression. As a result, they may suffer from various stresses, both physical and psychological, in the form of abuse, forced marriage and compulsory role assignments in the family and broader community. The study provides a clear picture of how life in a parallel society can turn out for young men and how their identity is affected in the process. Furthermore, our study highlights the lived experiences of the young men and examines the resilience required to break away from a culture that undermines one's ability to live an independent life.
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Barnäktenskap en kvalitativ studie om hur hederskultur påverkar barnäktenskap i SverigeWardeh, Shamoun January 2022 (has links)
The reason for the thesis is to show that child marriage not only occurs in Eastern countries, Africa, and Asia, but there are also child marriages here in Sweden. The honor culture is one of the important reasons that contributes to child marriage. Although Swedish law and children’s rights prohibit this, many children are still exposed to marriage. The number of child marriage is increasing year by year. This essay will focus on research of two questions which are "What does the situation look like regarding child marriage in Sweden", and "How does honor culture affect child marriage". The method used in the research is qualitative text analysis. This method is designed to investigate problems in the community. The theoretical framework is the perspective of honor which is related to child marriage. In the conclusion of this thesis, it is shown how the number of children being married off in Sweden is increasing and how the culture of honor plays an important role in child marriage in Sweden. Keywords: Child Marriage, Honor culture, human rights, children’s rights, Sweden.
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Det handlar om att bygga broar mellan de kulturella enklaverna och samhället : En kvalitativ studie om hedersrelaterad utsatthet och integration / It's about building bridges between the cultural enclaves and society : A qualitative study of honor related vulnerability and integrationChachan, Mariham, Henriksson, Susanne January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur professionella inom Sveriges kvinnojourer beskriver vad hedersrelaterad utsatthet innebär på individ –och strukturell nivå och hur hederskontexten och samhället påverkar män och kvinnors förutsättningar för integration och delaktighet i det svenska samhället. Individer som lever i hederkontexten lever med en dubbel utsatthet. Detta innebär att dessa individer är dubbelt förtryckta, dels från kontexten de lever i men även samhället har en bidragande roll till utsattheten då vi har kommit fram till att det finns mycket inbäddad diskriminering i samhället. Integrationen för individer inom hederskontexten påverkas också av faktorer som kan relateras till individerna inom hederskontexten och samhällets bemötande av individerna. Hedersrelaterad utsatthet har ofta förknippats med kulturella normer och våld mot kvinnor, den här uppsatsen vill belysa hur problematiken och integrationen av dessa individer kan se ut ur ett individ – och samhällsperspektiv. Uppsatsen kommer att ha en kvalitativ utgångspunkt där vi besvarar syftet genom att intervjua kvinnojourer från sex av Sveriges kvinnojourers berättelser. Intervjuerna har varit semistrukturerade vilket bidragit till att undersökningen fått fylliga berättelser då intervjupersonerna själva kunnat påverka vad de ansetts som viktigt att belysa. Anledningen till att vi valt kvinnojourer var att de kunde bidra med den information som krävdes då de är insatta i hedersrelaterad utsatthet och deras integration.Vi har tagit hjälp av fem stycken teoretiskautgångspunkter för att kunna förklara den problematik som förekommer inom några av Sveriges familjer och för att förstå hur hederskontexten och samhället påverkar integrationen. Dessa teorier omfattar teorin om patriarkatet och genus, ackulitivering, socialisering och teorin om strukturell diskriminering. / The purpose of this paper is to examine how professionals in some of Swedens shelterhomes describes what honor related vulnerability involves on an individual and structural level and how the honorcontext and society affect men 's and women's opportunities for inclusion and participation in the Swedish society. Individuals living in the honourcontext live with a double vulnerability. This means that these individuals are doubly oppressed, both from the context in which they live but also the society has a contributory role of the vulnerability. We have come to the conclusion that there are a lot of embedded discrimination in society. The integration of individuals within the honorcontext is also affected by factors that can be related to the individuals within the context and societies treatment of individuals. Honour related vulnerability has often been associated with cultural norms and violence against women, this paper wants to illustrate how the honorproblems and the integration of these individuals can look like from an individual - and societal perspective. The essay will have a qualitative perspective where we answer the purpose by interviewing professionals from six of Sweden's shelterhomes. The interviews were semi-structured, which contributed to rich stories when interviewees themselves were able to influence what they regarded as important to highlight. The reason we chose sheltershomes was that they could provide the necessary information about honor related vulnerability and integration. We have taken the help of five theoretical bases to explain the problems that exist in some of Sweden's families and to understand how the honorkontext and society affect integration. These theories include the theory of patriarchy and gender, ackultivisation, socialization and the theory of structural discrimination.
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Att möta flickor i grundskolan som lever i en hederskultur : Skolsköterskors erfarenheter av hälsofrämjande insatser / Meeting girls in primary school who live in an honor culture : School nurses experiences of health-promoting initiativesZöögling, Liza, Babur, Awas January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tusentals kvinnor och flickor mördas årligen på grund av heder internationellt och det är oftast av manliga släktingar för att återta hedern för familjen. Socialstyrelsen beskriver hedersrelaterat våld en kränkning av de mänskliga rättigheterna. Elevhälsoteamet på skolan har ett ansvar att identifiera barn som far illa eller som är i riskzon. Hederskultur bland flickor i grundskolan kan utmärka sig på olika sätt, det kan uppstå situationer där flickor inte får deltaga i olika aktiviteter i skolan på grund av att de blivit tillsagda av sina föräldrar att de inte får, simundervisning är vanligt förekommande exempel. Skolsköterskan har en betydelsefull roll i att via hälsosamtalet kunna identifiera flickor som lever i en hederskultur och ge stöttning och vägledning. Syfte: var att beskriva skolsköterskans erfarenheter av att möta flickor i grundskolan som lever i en hederskultur. Metod: Studien är en empirisk studie utifrån en kvalitativ design med induktiv ansats. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes där totalt sex stycken deltagare intervjuades. Datainsamlingen analyserades utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet visade att hälsosamtalet är ett viktigt verktyg för att kunna identifiera flickor som lever i en hederskultur. Att ge stöttning till flickorna i skolan som lever i en hederskultur är viktigt och kunde innebära tjejgrupper, där flickorna fick möjlighet att diskutera om normer och värderingar kopplat till hederskultur. Samarbete med hela elevhälsoteamet, lärare och socialtjänst framkom vara viktigt och ett måste för att kunna arbeta hälsofrämjande. Slutsats: För att kunna hjälpa flickor i grundskolan som lever i en hederskultur krävs det att samtliga professioner i skolan erhåller utbildning inom ämnet. Med ett fungerade samarbete kan flickorna tidigt identifieras och erbjudas stöttning och vägledning. Författarna anser att vidare forskning behöver tillämpas inom området. / Background: Thousands of women and girls are murdered every year because of honor, it is often by male relatives to regain the honor of family. The National Board of Health and Welfare describes honor-related violence violations of human rights. The student health team at the school has a responsibility to identify children who are doing badly or who are at risk. Honor culture among girls in primary school can be distinguished in different ways, there may be situations where girls are not allowed to participate in different activities in school due to being told by their parents that they are not allowed, swimming lessons are common examples. The school nurse has an important role in being able to identify girls who live in an honor culture through the health conversation and provide support and guidance. Aim: The aim was to describe the school nurse's experiences of meeting girls in primary school who live in an honor culture. Method: The study was an empirical study based on and qualitative design with an inductive approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted where a total of six participants were interviewed. The data collection was analyzed on the basis of a qualitative content analysis. Results: The results showed that the health conversation is an important tool for being able to identify girls who live in a culture of honor. Giving support to the girls in the school who live in an honor culture is important and could involve girl groups,where the girls had the opportunity to discuss norms and values linked to honor culture. Cooperation with the entire student health team, teachers and social services emerged to be important and a must in order to be able to work to promote health. Conclusion: In order to be able to help girls in elementary school who live in an honor culture, it is required that all professions in the school receive education on the subject. By a working collaboration, the girls can be identified early and offered support and guidance. The authors believe that further research needs to be applied in this area.
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A comparative discourse analysis of honor-based violence in a Swedish media contextLarsson, Fredrik January 2021 (has links)
This thesis aims to highlight the complexity of honor-related violence and femicide in Swedish society and how it is represented in media based on who the victim and perpetrator is depending on ethnic and religious backgrounds. The thesis will be based on a comparative discourse analysis of forty Swedish media articles concerning honor killings (hedersmord) and femicide (kvinnomord) in Swedish translated to English. The analysis focuses on what is associated with each of these words concerning the victim and perpetrator and if it is interpreted as an honor killing or a femicide depending on assumptions of ethnic or religious background in majority and minority contexts. The result of the thesis presents the dichotomy of honor killings as something belonging to practices of the “other” or “non-Swedish” while femicide, being presented as something domestic within Swedish culture it is not presented as something structural or collective as honor killings are.
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Heder ur kuratorers perspektiv : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om kuratorers uppfattningar om arbetet medhedersrelaterat våld och förtryck / Honor through the perspective of counselorsTiba, Ronja, Mohammad, Lavin January 2022 (has links)
This qualitative study focuses on counselors' views on honor-based violence and oppressionwith the purpose of comprehending how they perceive the phenomenon and how they identifyit when working with clients. The counselors' workplace conditions and their perceivedknowledge about the subject were also studied. We conducted semi-structured interviews withseven counselors in Sweden and a thematic analysis was conducted alongside Durkheim andLipsky’s theories to further deepen the analysis of the results. The results were divided intothree parts, each containing two to three identified themes and representing the study’squestions: the definition of honor culture, workplace conditions and state of knowledge. Theresults showed that counselors mainly defined honor culture as a structure with strong normsand gender roles, some of them related the phenomenon to religion and other ethnic cultures.The results also showed how the counselors identify honor-based violence when working withclients and that the workload experienced by the counselors influenced their probability ofkeeping up with new guidelines in their work. Honor-based violence and oppression weredescribed as difficult to identify in clients.
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“Den största utmaningen är att förstå heder” : En kvalitativ studie av socialarbetarens uppfattningar och arbetssätt kring hedersrelaterat våldAl-Obaidi, Noor January 2023 (has links)
Sammanfattning Denna studie handlar om socialsekreterares uppfattningar kring begreppet hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck och vilka förutsättningar de har i sitt arbete. Studien fokuserar på att lyfta fram socialsekreterarnas definition av HRV och vilka möjligheter och utmaningar de upplever i sitt arbete. För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar har intervjuer genomförts med ett antal socialsekreterare. Dessa intervjuer visar att hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck är en komplex problematik, som förknippas med familjens heder, kultur och kollektivt tänkande. Studiens resultat visar att det inte finns en sammanhängande definition av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck, men samtliga socialsekreterare håller med om att det handlar om heder, kultur och patriarkala synsätt. Socialsekreterare upplever många utmaningar i sitt arbete med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Resultatet av studien lyfter fram att socialsekreterare upplever att det är svårt att komma fram till utsatta personer och erbjuder det stöd som de behöver. Dessutom kommer offren ofta från familjer som präglas av ett kollektivt tänkande och de har svårt att fatta sina egna beslut och söka hjälp. Studien visar att det behövs en mer omfattande definition av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck samt att erbjuda mer information om hur socialtjänsten kan stödja och hjälpa personer som har blivit utsatta för HRV. / abstract This study concerns how social workers perceive the concept of honor-related violence and oppression, and how they relate to that in their work. The study focuses on highlighting the social workers’ definition of honor-related violence and oppression, and the possibilities and challenges that they encounter in their work. To answer the study’s main questions, interviews were conducted with 6 social workers. The results of the study show that the social workers have varying definitions of honor-related violence and oppression. However, they all agree that it is closely related to honor, culture and patriarchal views. Social workers experience many challenges in their work with honor-related violence and oppression. The study’s results highlight that social workers find it difficult to reach people exposed to such violence and provide the needed support. Moreover, the victims of honor-related violence come from families with a collective mentality and they find it hard to make their own decisions and ask for help. The study indicates that a broader and clearer definition of honor-related violence and oppression is needed. Apart from that, the social services need to offer more information about how they can support or help people that have been victims of honor-related violence and oppression.
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Att tala eller tiga : En kritisk diskursanalys av kurslitteratur som berör så kallat hedersvåld för blivande socionomer / To speak or not to speak : A critical discourse analysis of course literature on so called honor related violenceYilmaz, Melis, Nordström, Tove January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyze the different discourses linked to so called honor related violence in course literature from term 1 through 6 during the fall of 2018 at the department of social work at Stockholm university. This due to the extensive debates on the subject that implies varied opinions from both media and the research community. To analyze the different discourses, Fairclough's critical discourse analysis is used by looking for modality, transitivity and intertextuality in the different texts. The analysis circles around three different discourses. One is the “us and them” discourse, which differentiates the Swedish ideals from “others” which are portrayed as worse. The second discourse handles “critique against polarization”, which can be connected to post colonialism that criticizes the “us and them” discourse. The third discourse is the “precautionary” discourse that can be connected to social constructionism, whereas the texts leave room for interpretation as they rarely make any certain statements. Throughout all of these discourses we also found that the perpetrator and the victim rarely is spoken of when talking honor related violence, as compared to “normal violence”, and more often structural explanations rather than individual ones were used.
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Kristen hederskultur : En studie om hedersrelaterad ecklesiologi i pentekostal-karismatisk kontext / Christian Honor Cultures : A study about Honor-related Ecclesiology in a Pentecostal-charismatic contextLundström, Erik January 2020 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen använder hederskulturbegreppets teorier för att undersöka hederskultur inom det pentekostal-karismatiska fältet i Sverige. Materialet består av intervjuer med personer som växt upp i en pentekostal-karismatisk miljö samt av predikningar, litteratur och inlägg i sociala medier. Jag finner att materialet delvis innehåller sådant som kan sägas vara en annan i forskning belagd hederskultur, enkelt uttryckt »traditionell hederskultur« – det vill säga att leva med hedersrelaterade normer och begränsningar. Jag kallar denna variant av hederskultur för »kristen hederskultur«, ett begrepp jag gör ett försök att definiera. Uppsatsens ärende är att granska relationen mellan hederskulturen och kyrkosynen i dessa församlingsmiljöer. Jag finner att renhetsidealen i kyrkosynen – som jag bland annat kallar »fromhetsheder« – bidrar till hederskulturen. Dessa ideal tar i sin tur utgångspunkt i en föreställning om Bibelns auktoritet som rättesnöre för livet vilket gör föräldrarnas uppfostran av barnen i min studie strängare. Den karismatiska förståelsen av världen kan också leda till en alternativ barnuppfostran. Vikten av helighet komplicerar och begränsar även de ungas liv i mitt material. Jag avslutar med att föreslå begreppet »hedersrelaterad ecklesiologi«, en kyrkosyn som jag menar karakteriseras av en ortodox lära, en gemenskap som kräver Guds renhet, en stark församlings-identitet som missionerande, samt en karismatisk praktik.
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