Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] IMMUNIZATION"" "subject:"[enn] IMMUNIZATION""
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Rekombinante bovin-humane Parainfluenzaviren Typ 3 als Impfvektoren gegen nicht-virale AntigeneSchomacker, Henrick 09 June 2008 (has links)
Bei bhPIV3 handelt es sich um ein bovines Parainfluenzavirus Typ 3 (bPIV3), dessen Ober-flächenproteingene gegen jene des humanen Parainfluenzavirus Typ 3 (hPIV3) ausgetauscht wurden. Dieses ursprünglich als experimenteller Impfstoff gegen hPIV3 entwickelte Virus wurde darüber hinaus als Impfvektor zur Expression anderer viraler Antigene verwendet. Im Rahmen der hier vorgestellten Arbeit wurden die ersten bhPIV3-basierten Vektoren für nicht-virale Antigene hergestellt und in einem ersten Versuch evaluiert. Dazu wurden ein reverses Genetiksystem zur Herstellung rekombinanter bhPIV3 in einem neuen Labor aufgebaut und fünf neue rekombinante Viren erhalten, welche zusätzlich Antigene des Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tb.) exprimieren. Balb/c-Mäuse wurden intranasal mit den bhPIV3-Vektoren infiziert, so dass sowohl deren Replikation als auch der induzierte protektive Effekt gegenüber M. tb.-Neuinfektionen getestet werden konnte. In einem ersten Versuch zeigte sich, dass eine Immunisierung mit den rekombinanten Viren allein keine Schutzwirkung entfaltet. Als Boost-Impfung nach Gabe des Bacille Calmette Guérin (BCG) zeigten einige Vektoren jedoch einen signifikanten protektiven Effekt. In einem Folgeversuch konnten diese Beobachtungen jedoch bislang nicht bestätigt werden, so dass weitere Versuche durchzuführen sind, bevor eine endgültige Aussage bezüglich des hervorgerufenen Schutzeffektes getroffen werden kann. In einem weiteren Tierversuch wurde gezeigt, dass die Baumwollratte ein Tiermodell darstellt, in dem bhPIV3 erheblich schlechter repliziert als hPIV3. Trotz der eingeschränkten Replikation induzierte bhPIV3 neutralisierende Antikörpertiter gegen hPIV3, die mit durch hPIV3 induzierten Titern vergleichbar waren. Mit Hilfe eines neu generierten rekombinanten Virus, welches das grün fluoreszierende Protein EGFP exprimiert, konnte ein Weg aufgewiesen werden, die Bestimmung neutralisierender Antikörpertiter deutlich zu vereinfachen. / The initial objective of this project was to establish a reverse genetic system for generation of recombinant bovine/human parainfluenza virus type 3 (bhPIV3), a bovine PIV3 (bPIV3) in which the bhPIV3 glycoprotein genes are replaced by their counterparts of human PIV3 (hPIV3). In addition, methods needed to characterise virus infectivity, genetic integrity and relevant in vitro phenotypes were established. The reverse genetics system was used to add individual mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tb.) open reading frames (ORFs) as supernumerary gene units to the bhPIV3 genome and to rescue bhPIV3 vectors that expressed M. tb. antigens. In addition, a similar vector expressing the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) was constructed. Following the in vitro characterization of the derived viral vectors, the M. tb. vectors were evaluated for their efficacy to protect against M. tb. aerosole challenge in the Balb/c mouse model for tuberculosis. Although, in a single experiment, vaccination with bhPIV3 vectors alone did not confer any protection against M. tb. challenge, a boost with selected bhPIV3 vectors after Bacille Calmette Guérin (BCG) priming was successful in conferring protective efficacy against M. tb. challenge. A repeat of this challenge study could not confirm the initial observation, and further experiments are needed to determine whether the observed protection can be reliably reproduced. Evaluation of the bhPIV3 vectors in the cotton rat model showed that this small animal model is suitable to evaluate the attenuation phenotype of bhPIV3 compared to human parainfluenza virus type 3 (hPIV3). Although replication of bhPIV3 was highly restricted compared to hPIV3, hPIV3 neutralizing antibody titers induced by bhPIV3 infection were similar to those induced by hPIV3 infection. Studies with bhPIV3 expressing EGFP led to a new fluorescence based assay to determine hPIV3 neutralizing antibody titers. This assay could save time and resources in hPIV3 serology.
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Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Antikörpern gegen Triacetontriperoxid (TATP)Walter, M. Astrid 07 February 2014 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Herstellung und Charakterisierung der ersten Antikörper gegen Triacetontriperoxid (TATP), einem hoch empfindlichen und unkonventionellen (nicht-kommerziellen) Initialsprengstoff. Entscheidend dafür war die Synthese eines TATP-imitierenden Haptens, welches die typische nonagonale Struktur des TATP mit seinen drei Peroxid- und sechs Methylgruppen nahezu perfekt nachbildet, aber den Vorzug einer zusätzlichen Carboxygruppe zur kovalenten Kopplung an Proteine aufweist. Dadurch konnte das TATP-Hapten an Rinderserumalbumin (BSA) gebunden werden, um ein immunogenes Konjugat zu erzeugen, welches die erfolgreiche Immunisierung zweier Säugetierarten, Maus und Kaninchen, ermöglichte. Der Verlauf der In vivo-Immunisierungen wurde durch die Analyse der Tierseren in regelmäßigen Abständen mittels enzymgekoppeltem Immunoassay (ELISA) verfolgt. Die polyklonalen Antikörper beider Spezies waren ungewöhnlich selektiv gegenüber TATP. Jedoch unterschied sich die Affinität der Antikörper der zwei Spezies um das 5000-fache, wobei die Kaninchenseren den Mausseren überlegen waren. Entsprechend war auch die mit Kaninchenserum erreichbare TATP-Nachweisgrenze von 0.01 µg/L deutlich besser im Vergleich zu 50 µg/L, die mit Mausserum erzielt wurden. Der Messbereich des TATP-ELISA mit Kaninchenserum deckte zudem mehr als vier Zehnerpotenzen ab, wie mittels Präzisionsprofil bestimmt wurde. Die erhaltenen TATP-Antikörper aus Kaninchen stehen damit Anwendungen in Nachweissystemen für die sehr empfindliche Detektion von TATP zur Verfügung, die u. a. in sicherheitsrelevanten Bereichen zum Einsatz kommen könnten. Als erste Anwendung wurde ein TATP-ELISA realisiert, der im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ausführlich optimiert wurde. Außerdem wurden erste Schritte zur Entwicklung eines TATP-Schnelltests (LFA) unternommen. Weitere Biosensoren auf Grundlage der neu entwickelten TATP-Antikörper sind denkbar. / The present work decribes the production and characterization of the first antibodies against triacetone triperoxide (TATP), a highly sensitive and improvised (non-commercial) primary explosive. Crucial to this work was the synthesis of a TATP-related hapten that mimics almost perfectly the typical nonagonal structure of TATP with its three peroxide and six methyl groups. Advantageously, it has an additional carboxylic acid group, which provides a conjugation site for covalent attachment to proteins. Thus, the TATP hapten could be linked to bovine serum albumin (BSA) to produce an immunogenic conjugate, allowing the successful immunization of two different mammalian species, mouse and rabbit. The in vivo immunization progress was followed by periodically analyzing the animals’ sera using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The polyclonal antibodies of both species were remarkably selective to TATP. The affinity of these TATP-antibodies was, however, different between the two species, with the rabbit sera showing an affinity about 5000-fold superior than the murine one. Consequently, the TATP detection limit of 0.01 µg/L was considerably better using the sera from rabbit in contrast to 50 µg/L when mouse serum was used. The working range of the TATP-ELISA with rabbit sera covers more than four decades, calculated from a precision profile. The obtained TATP antibodies from rabbit are now available for applications in highly sensitive detection systems for TATP, which could be employed, among others, in security-relevant areas. The first application was the realization of a TATP-ELISA, which was extensively optimized within the course of this work. Furthermore, the first steps towards the development of a lateral flow assay (LFA) targeting TATP were taken, making conceivable further biosensor platforms based on the newly developed TATP antibodies.
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Perceptions of the R48 primary health care trained nurses regarding the implementation of expanded programme of immunization in Tshwane DistrictMashikinya, Mabatho Sarah 11 1900 (has links)
PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to explore the perception of the R48 trained professional nurses with regard to implementation of the EPI in Tshwane District Gauteng Province.
METHODOLOGY: A qualitative research design was followed. Data were collected through in-depth qualitative interviews from a purposive sample of eight (8) R48 trained professional nurses. Eight steps of Tech’s inductive, descriptive open coding technique was followed.
FINDINGS: The study established that EPI programme is important in R48 training. The implementation of integrated approach was viewed as beneficial leading to the reduction of diseases. The successful implementation would be more beneficial if it is consistently coupled with support from programme managers and regular in-service on up-dates of new vaccines and technologies are introduced within the programme / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)
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Utilization of expanded programme on immunisation and integrated management of childhood illnesses for tracking and management of HIV-exposed babiesMagagula, Anne Rose Nthabiseng 26 October 2015 (has links)
The study sought to determine the meaning and interpretation by facility managers and nurses on utilisation of expanded programme on immunisation and integrated management of childhood illnesses (EPI and IMCI) programmes for follow-up and antibody testing of HIV-exposed infants (HEI) at 18 months. Also to understand the factors within the health systems that influence the follow-up and antibody testing. The study setting selected was six facilities in Steve Tshwete subdistrict in Nkangala district of Mpumalanga province in South Africa.
The study used a hermeneutic phenomenology using in-depth interviews for collecting data from 4 facility managers and 12 nurses. The major themes that emerged from the interviews were referral, defaulting, integration, stigma, and off-site ART initiation within the health system. These were found to influence the utilisation of HEI and IMCI services for follow-up and management of HEI. It was also found that the importance of integrating the management of HEI into the EPI and IMCI cannot be overemphasised. It was concluded that the Health Department needs to be vigilant and use all available resources to manage HEI to meet the MDG 4 of prevention of infant mortality / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)
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Acceptance of an Emergently Released Vaccine by the General Public: 2009 H1N1 Influenza Pandemic VaccineNguyen, Trang 13 September 2012 (has links)
The recent experience with the 2009 H1N1 pandemic has drawn attention to the need to better understand the public’s response to emergently released vaccines (ERV). This study applied a mixed methods approach to examine the causal pathways underlying the vaccination behaviour during a public health emergency. The integrated evidence from empirical and theoretical-based findings highlights a number of factors to consider in interventions to improve vaccination rates with an ERV. These factors include: 1) providing clear risk messages around the disease and the ERV, 2) improving accessibility to the vaccine, 3) encouraging primary healthcare providers to provide recommendations for vaccination, 4) implementing strategies to increase seasonal influenza vaccination prior to the next public health emergency, 5) developing strategies to target sub-populations more reluctant to accept an ERV. Developing theory-based interventions that are behaviour-specific may be more likely to result in behaviour change within the public in future emergency vaccination campaigns.
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Kretanje utvrđenih profesionalnih zaraznih oboljenja kod radnika na teritoriji Vojvodine / Trends of the established occupational communicable diseases among workers in the territory of VojvodinaŠpanović Milorad 22 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Profesionalna infektivna oboljenja nastaju kao posledica izloženosti mikroorganizama u radnoj sredini. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje vrsta profesionalnih štetnosti koje dovode do profesionalnih infektivnih oboljenja i njihove incidencije u privrednim delatnostima Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine, kao i predloga adekvatnih mera za njihovu prevenciju. Profesionalna infektivna oboljenja su činila 13,4% od ukupno 464 slučaja utvrđenih profesionalnih oboljenja u Autonomnoj Pokrajini Vojvodini u toku dvadesetogodišnjeg perioda od 1992. do 2011. godine. Od ukupno utvrđenih 62 slučaja profesionalnih infektivnih oboljenja dve trećine su činili profesionalni virusni hepatitisi, 31% profesionalne antropozoonoze i 3% profesionolana tuberkuloza. Dve trećine obolelih od profesionalnih infektivnih bolesti bile su osobe ženskog pola što je statistički značajno više u poređenju sa osobama muškog pola, dok su zaposleni muškog pola činili 57%, a ženskog 43% ukupno zaposlenih na teritoriji Vojvodine. Najčešća profesionalna infektivna oboljenja bila su virusni hepatits B 52%, kju groznica 18%, virusni hepatitis C 15%, lajmska bolest 6%, leptospiroza 5%. Utvrđeno je da je došlo do statistički značajnog sniženja incidencije profesionalnog virusnog hepatitisa B u<br />periodu nakon donošenja odluke o obaveznoj imunizaciji 2002. godine, sa 6,27 na 1,35 na 100.000 zaposlenih, dok nije bilo statistički značajne razlike kada je u pitanju incidencija virusnog hepatitisa C. Profesionalna infektivna oboljenja su u više od dve trećine slučajeva registrovana kod zdravstvenih radnika (69%) sa prosečnom incidencijom od 5,18 na 100.000 zaposlenih, znatno niža bila je incidencija u proizvodnji prehrambenih proizvoda (1,36) i poljoprivredi sa lovom, ribolovom i šumarstvom (1,11). Nešto više od trećine radnika bilo je privremeno nesposobno za rad u toku utvrđivanja profesionalnog oboljenja, jer je lečenje bilo u toku. Kod ovih radnika značajno je naknadno oceniti radnu sposobnost i utvrditi eventualne posledice oboljenja. Pored primene specifičnih mera imunizacije ukoliko postoje, kao i ličnih mera zaštita koje sprečavaju kontakt sa uzročnicima, značajno je sprovođenje edukacije radnika o rizicima i preventivnih lekarskih pregleda radi rane identifikacije obolelih radnika.</p> / <p>Occupational communicable diseases are caused by exposure to microorganism’s in working environment. The aim of this study is to determine the types of occupational hazards that lead to occupational communicable diseases and their incidence in the economic activities of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, as well as the proposal of adequate measures for their prevention. Occupational communicable diseases accounted for 13.4% of the total of 464 cases of occupational diseases identified in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina during the twenty-year period from 1992 to 2011. In the total of 62 identified cases of occupational communicable diseases, occupational viral hepatitis accounted for two-thirds, occupational anthropozoonoses for 31%, occupational tuberculosis for 3%. Two-thirds of patients with occupational communicable diseases were females, significantly more compared to male, while male accounted for 57% and female for 43% of the total employees in Vojvodina. The most frequent occupational communicable diseases were viral hepatitis B 52%, Q fever 18%, viral hepatitis C 15%, Lyme disease 6%, leptospirosis 5%. It was found that there was a statistically significant decrease in the incidence of occupational viral hepatitis B in the period after the decision on obligatory immunization in 2002, from 6.27 to 1.35 per 100,000 employees, while there were no statistically significant differences in the incidence of viral hepatitis C. In more than two-thirds of the cases occupational communicable diseases were registered in health care workers (69%) with the average incidence of 5.18 per 100,000 employees, substantially lower the incidence was in the production of food (1.36), as well as in agriculture, hunting, fishing and forestry (1.11). Just over a third of workers were temporarily unable to work during the verification of occupational disease due to the ongoing treatment. In these workers it is important to assess working ability afterwards and identify the possible consequences of the disease. In addition to the application of specific measures of immunization if any available, as well as personal protection measures that prevent contact with pathogens it is important to implement risk education of workers and preventive medical examinations for early identification of affected employees.</p>
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Seroprevalencija i epidemiološke karakteristike varičele i herpes zostera u AP Vojvodini / Seroprevalence and epidemiological characteristics of varicella and herpes zoster in AP VojvodinaMedić Snežana 28 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Varičela (Varicella, Ovčije boginje) i herpes zoster (Herpes Zoster) su bolesti koje izaziva virus varicella - zoster. Varičela spada u najčešće dečje osipne groznice. Herpes zoster je bolest ljudi starijeg životnog doba. Imunizacija protiv varičele i herpes zostera je dala značajne rezultate u prevenciji ovih bolesti. Raspoloživi epidemiološki pokazatelji nisu dovoljni za uvođenje adekvatnog programa imunizacije protiv ovih bolesti u našoj zemlji. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se na teritoriji Vojvodine utvrde: seroprevalencija varicella-zoster virusnih antitela, epidemiološke karakteristike obolelih od varičele u periodu 1994−2014. godine i obolelih od herpes zostera u periodu 1997−2005, uzrasno specifične incidencije i udeo hospitalizovanih u ukupnom broju obolelih od varičele odnosno herpes zostera u periodu 2010−2014. godine. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje epidemioloških karakteristika varičele i herpes zostera je sprovedeno retrospektivno, analizom podataka iz epidemiološkog nadzora. Seroepidemiološko istraživanje je sprovedeno prospektivno (april 2015−februar 2016). Prikupljeno je 3.570 rezidualnih seruma uz prethodno informisanje i pisanu saglasnost pacijenata. Uzorak je reprezentativan za populaciju Vojvodine, prema mestu stanovanja, polu i uzrastu. Imunokompromitovani i primaoci transfuzije krvi u poslednjih šest meseci su izuzeti iz istraživanja. Testiranje seruma je sprovedeno ELISA testom u Centru za virusologiju Instituta za javno zdravlje Vojvodine. Referentna evropska laboratorija prosledila je referentni panel seruma koji je testiran pre i tokom testiranja banke seruma. Standardizacija rezultata je sprovedena na osnovu jednačine koju je prosledio Public Health England (PHE). Izračunata je i analizirana seroprevalencija antitela u odnosu na uzrast, pol i područje stanovanja. Istraživanje incidencije hospitalizovanih slučajeva varičele i herpes zostera sprovedeno je retrospektivno prikupljanjem podataka o hospitalizacijama. Statistički značajnim smatrane su vrednosti na nivou značajnosti p < 0,05 a visoko statički značajnim p < 0,01. Rezultati: Seroprevalencija antitela protiv virusa varicella-zoster u testiranom uzorku populacije Vojvodine je 84%. Utvrđen je očekivano visok procenat seropozitivne dece do navršenih devet godina života (73,3%). Osim u uzrasnim grupama < 1 i 1−4 godine, seroprevalencija raste sa uzrastom. Varičela se u Vojvodini održava endemo-epidemijski sa visokim incidencijama. U posmatranom periodu, najviša uzrasno specifična incidencija varičele se registruje u uzrastu 5−9 godina (5.824,6/100.000 stanovnika) i 0−4 godine (5.000,7/ 100.000 stanovnika). Od varičele su češće obolevali muškaraci dok su žene značajno ćešće obolevale od herpes zostera (p = 0,000 < 0,01). Incidencije varičele i herpes zostera se značajno razlikuju u odnosu na mesto stanovanja. Udeo hospitalizovanih u ukupnom broju obolelih od varičele bio je od 0,7 do 0,9%. Najviša uzrasno specifična incidencija hospitalizovanih sa varičelom registrovana je u uzrastu 0−4 godine i opada sa uzrastom. Incidencija herpes zostera najviša je kod starijih od 60 godina života (970,2/100,000 stanovnika), dok je incidencija hospitalizovanih slučajeva herpes zostera najviša kod starijih od 65 godina (105,7/100.000). Udeo hospitalizovanih slučajeva herpes zostera u ukupnom broju obolelih od herpes zostera se kretao u rasponu od 2,2 do 3,6 % ( ≥2% ). Zaključak: Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju da varičela i herpes zoster značajno opterećuju zdravstveno stanje našeg stanovništva zbog čega postoji osnov za uspostavljanje epidemiološkog nadzora i kreiranje adekvatnog programa imunizacije.</p> / <p>Introduction: Varicella (Varicella, Chicken pox) and herpes zoster (Herpes Zoster) are diseases caused by the Varicella- zoster virus. Varicella is the most common children's rash-causing fever. Herpes zoster is mainly a disease of elderly people. Immunisation against varicella and herpes zoster have led to significant results in the prevention of these diseases. Available epidemiological indicators are not sufficient for introduction of an adequate program of immunization against these diseases in our country. The aim of the research was to establish: seroprevalence of varicella-zoster virus antibodies, the epidemiological characteristics of patients with varicella in the period 1994-2014. and patients with herpes zoster in the period 1997-2005, age-specific incidence and share of hospitalized patients in the total number of patients with varicella and herpes zoster in the period 2010-2014, in Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Material and methods: The study of epidemiological characteristics of varicella and herpes zoster was conducted retrospectively by analyzing data from epidemiological surveillance. Seroepidemiological study was conducted prospectively (April 2015- February 2016). The total of 3.570 residual sera were collected with previously taken written informed consents of patients. Immunocompromised patients and recipients of blood transfusions in the last six months were not included in the survey. The sample was representative by residence, sex and age for population of Vojvodina. Testing of sera was conducted by ELISA tests at the Center for virusology, Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina. Reference European laboratory forwarded the reference panel serum which was tested before and during the testing of serum bank. Standardization of the results was based on the equation previously sent by Public Health England (PHE). Seroprevalence of antibodies was calculated in relation to the age, sex and area of residence. Incidence of hospitalized cases of varicella and herpes zoster was determined by retrospective collection of hospitalization data. Statistically significant was considered values at a significance level of p < 0,05 and highly statistically significant at p < 0,01. Results: The seroprevalence of antibodies against Varicella- zoster virus in the sample of the population of Vojvodina was 84%. High percentage of seropositive children under the age of nine years of age (73,3%) was determined, as expected. The seroprevalence increases with age, except in the age groups <1 and 1-4. Varicella in Vojvodina maintains endemo-epidemic mode with high incidence. In the observed period, the highest age-specific incidence of varicella is registered in the age group 5-9 years (5.824,6/100.000 inhabitants) and at the age of 0-4 years (5.000,7/100.000 inhabitants). Varicella was found significantly more often in men while herpes zoster was more often in women (p= 0,000 <0,01). Incidence of varicella and herpes zoster significantly varied among the population of certain municipalities in Vojvodina. The share of hospitalized patients in the total number of patients with varicella ranged from 0,7 to 0,9%. The highest age-specific incidence of hospitalized patients with varicella was registered in the age of 0-4 years and decreases with age. The incidence of herpes zoster is highest in people over 60 years of age (970,2/100.000 inhabitants), whereas the incidence of hospitalized cases of herpes zoster was highest in patients over 65 years (105,7/100.000). Proportion of hospitalized cases in the total number of patients with herpes zoster ranged from 2,2 to 3,6% . Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that varicella and herpes zoster are significant burden of the health status of our population and there is a basis for the establishment of epidemiological surveillance and creation of an adequate program of immunization.</p>
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Description des pratiques vaccinales d’infirmières en situation de refus parental avant et après une formation interactiveJulien, Charlie M. 08 1900 (has links)
Malgré les succès spectaculaires de l’immunisation comme mesure de santé publique, certains parents continuent de refuser de vacciner leurs enfants (Diekema, 2005). C’est pourquoi qu’au cours des dernières décennies, des éclosions de maladies évitables par la vaccination comme la rougeole et la coqueluche ont été observées au Canada, surtout chez la population non vaccinée (Hinman, 2000). Au Québec, depuis l’entrée en vigueur de la loi 90 en 2003, les infirmières peuvent procéder à la vaccination sans ordonnance individuelle ou collective conformément au Protocole d’Immunisation du Québec (PIQ). Les infirmières québécoises peuvent alors influencer positivement la couverture vaccinale (Sauvageau & al, 2005). Le but de cette étude est d’évaluer les retombées de la formation VIP (Vaccination par les Infirmières/Infirmiers-Prévention) sur les pratiques vaccinales rapportées par les infirmières (N=12) de CSSS, auprès des parents d’enfants de 0-5 ans lors d’un refus parental. En premier lieu, nous avons identifié et décrit treize pratiques vaccinales en réponse à un refus parental. Par la suite, nous avons identifié des modifications dans certaines des treize pratiques rapportées tel qu’une augmentation dans la description des pratiques de correction des fausses croyances des parents, une amélioration de la justesse des pratiques d’explication et une personnalisation des pratiques décrites.
En conclusion, la formation offerte aux infirmières doit permettre à celles-ci d’identifier les préoccupations parentales et d’y répondre adéquatement en utilisant une information juste et individualisée. / In spite of the success of immunization as a public health measure, some parents refuse to vaccinate their children (Diekema, 2005). Over the last couple of decades, outbreaks of vaccine-prevented diseases like whooping cough and measles have been observed in Canada, particularly among the non-vaccinated population (Hinman, 2000). Since the adoption of law 90, nurses in Quebec can provide vaccination without a medical prescription while adhering to the PIQ (Quebec immunization protocol). Nurses in Quebec can, therefore, have a positive impact on immunization uptake in the province (Sauvageau, Boulianne, Clouâtre, Lavoie, & Duval, 2005). The goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of the VIP (Vaccination par les Infirmières/Infirmiers- Promotion) teaching program on the practices of community nurses (CSSS) when faced with a parent refusing vaccination. We first described the nursing practices of nurses (N=12) when faced with parents who refused vaccination. We identified and described 13 practices used by nurses when faced with parental refusal. Secondly, we identified modifications in some of the nursing practices after the VIP teaching program.
Nurses must address the fears or questions of parents with pertinent and individualized information. Teaching programs must provide support for nurses to have and maintain an optimal practice.
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Étude sur les déterminants psychosociaux de la vaccination contre le virus A(H1N1) auprès des parents d’enfants qui fréquentent des services de garde éducatifs de MontréalLanglois, Mathieu 12 1900 (has links)
Introduction En juin 2009, l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) a déclaré l’état de pandémie pour le nouveau virus influenza A(H1N1). Malgré les recommandations des autorités de santé publique, lors de la mise en place de la campagne de vaccination de masse au Québec contre ce virus pandémique, certains groupes de la population ont été plus enclins à être vaccinés que d’autres groupes. Ceci souligne l’importance des déterminants psychosociaux du comportement humain, sujet qui a donné cadre à notre étude. Objectifs Le but de cette étude a été de documenter les attitudes, les connaissances et les influences sociales des parents dont les enfants fréquentent des services de garde éducatifs (SGE) vis-à-vis la vaccination contre la pandémie ainsi que la couverture vaccinale. Méthodologie Un questionnaire auto-administré et anonyme basé sur la théorie des comportements interpersonnels de Triandis a été distribué aux parents d’enfants âgés de 0-59 mois de neuf centres de la petite enfance sur l’île de Montréal. Résultats Le taux de réponse de l’enquête a été de 32,0% (N=185). Le taux de vaccination des enfants s’est retrouvé à 83,4%; ceci représente une couverture plus élevée que la moyenne régionale et nationale. Toutefois, à une question sur l’intention des parents face à une autre pandémie, seuls 46% des parents feraient vacciner leur enfant. Les facteurs les plus significatifs associés à la vaccination de leur enfant ont été les croyances personnelles positives, de bonnes habitudes vaccinales et l’influence des média, tous mesurés par plusieurs indicateurs (RC respectifs de 7,7, 3,1 et 4,2, p<0,05). Conclusion Pour la grippe A(H1N1), plusieurs facteurs contextuels ont joué en faveur des taux de vaccination acceptables chez les enfants. Toutefois, la mise en place d’une campagne de la vaccination par les instances gouvernementales et de santé publique en utilisant divers média pourraient contribuer à un taux de vaccination encore plus élevé en cas d’épidémie ou de pandémie. / Background In June 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the 2009 A(H1N1) swine flu a pandemic. Despite the recommandations from public health authorities when setting up the mass immunization campaign in Quebec against the influenza A(H1N1), some population groups were more likely to be vaccinated than others. This underlines the importance of psychosocial determinants of human behaviour, which gave a framework for our study. Objectives The aim of this study was to document the attitudes, knowledge and social influences of parents whose children attend early childhood centers (ECC) regarding the vaccination against the pandemic and its coverage. Methods A self-administered and anonymous questionnaire based on the theory of reasoned action of Triandis was distributed to parents of children aged 0-59 months in nine childcare centers on the island of Montreal. Results The response rate of the survey was 32.0% (N=185). The vaccination uptake for children was 84%; this represents a higher coverage than the average regional and national levels. However, only 46% of the parents said that they would vaccinate their child again if a new flu pandemic was being declared by the World Health Organization. The most significant factors associated with vaccination uptake were positive personal beliefs, getting seasonal flu vaccines and the influence of media, all measured by several indicators (respective odds ratio 7,7, 3,1 and 4,2, p<0,05). Conclusion Several contextual factors played in favour of acceptable vaccination rates among children. However, the establishment of a campaign of vaccination by government authorities and public health agencies while using various media to spread information could contribute to higher vaccination rates in a future case of epidemic or pandemic.
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Stratégie de vaccination familiale contre la coqueluche (méthode de cocooning) à la maternité : analyse coût-efficacité d'un programme provincialFrere, Julie 08 1900 (has links)
Le manuscrit constituant l'annexe 1 a été publié en décembre 2013 sous la référence : Vaccine. 2013 Dec 9;31(51):6087-91. / Contexte. La coqueluche est une infection endémique dont l’incidence, la morbidité et la mortalité restent élevées chez les nourrissons. Dans ce groupe d’âge, l’exposition à des adultes infectés est un facteur de risque d’infection reconnu. La méthode de cocooning est une stratégie efficace pour protéger indirectement les jeunes nourrissons, cependant, la couverture vaccinale des adultes reste faible. Le fait d’offrir la vaccination de rappel à la maternité augmente la couverture vaccinale des deux parents, comparativement aux structures communautaires. Compte tenu de la limitation des ressources dans le domaine de la santé, le caractère coût-efficace de cette stratégie doit être évalué. Le but est de réaliser une évaluation économique de cette méthode dans la réalité du Québec, car les analyses économiques sont difficilement transposables.
Objectif. L’objectif principal de l’évaluation est de mener une analyse coût-efficacité de l’implantation de la stratégie du cocooning dans les maternités du Québec.
Méthode. Un modèle statique et compartimental est développé pour représenter la dynamique de transmission et le fardeau de la coqueluche au sein d’une cohorte de 1000 familles avec un nouveau-né, avec ou sans l’immunisation des deux parents contre la coqueluche, à la maternité. La stratégie du cocooning est comparée à la situation actuelle qui tient lieu de référence. Le point de départ est la naissance de l’enfant et l’horizon temporel est dix ans. Les effets observés sont le nombre de cas de coqueluche, le nombre d’années de vie perdues et le nombre d’années de vie pondérées pour la qualité (QALY) perdues. Les ratios coût-efficacité incrémentaux sont présentés selon la perspective du système de soins de santé et selon celle de la société : les coûts du système de soins, les coûts pour les familles et la perte de productivité sont considérés. Tous les coûts sont ajustés pour la valeur du dollar canadien de 2012. Les effets et les coûts sont actualisés selon un taux annuel de 3%. Le modèle est élaboré avec le programme informatique Excel 2010. La valeur des paramètres introduits dans le modèle est extraite de données publiées, d’opinions d’experts et de l’étude pilote menée dans notre institution. Des analyses de sensibilité uni-variées et multi-variées sont réalisées pour tenir compte de l’incertitude.
Résultats. L’analyse de base aboutit à une diminution de 10,5% du nombre de cas de coqueluche lors de l’application de la stratégie du cocooning, et de 19,1% des hospitalisations, 13,3% des séquelles neurologiques et 26,5% des décès liés à la coqueluche. Selon la perspective du système de soins de santé, le rapport coût-efficacité incrémental est de 34 941 CAD$/QALY gagné, et, de 16 945 CAD$/QALY gagné selon la perspective de la société. Les taux d’incidence des cas de coqueluche ont un impact substantiel sur le modèle comme le montrent les analyses de sensibilité uni-variée et multi-variées.
Conclusion. L’implantation de la stratégie du cocooning dans les maternités du Québec augmentera probablement la couverture vaccinale des jeunes parents, et, est un programme potentiellement coût-efficace selon notre analyse de base. Les analyses de sensibilité multi-variées montrent que l’ICER obtenus est cependant très sensible aux taux d’incidence de la coqueluche. / Background. Pertussis disease remains endemic with persistence of peak incidence and highest morbidity and mortality among infants. Exposure to infected adults is a commonly reported risk factor for disease in children. The cocoon strategy is an effective indirect strategy to protect very young infants. However, reaching adults for vaccination is challenging. Unlike community settings, a cocoon strategy implemented in a maternity ward improved vaccine uptake among new parents. In the context of limited public resources, health and economic impact of this particular option has to be evaluated. As studies are hardly transposable, our intention was to evaluate this strategy in the context of the province of Quebec.
Objective. Our main goal is to carry out a cost-effectiveness analysis of the implementation of a cocoon strategy in the maternity wards of the province of Quebec.
Methods. A compartmental and static model is developed to represent the dynamic of transmission and burden of pertussis in a 1000-family cohort with a newborn baby, without or with vaccination of both parents at the time of delivery. The cocoon strategy is compared with the current situation, taken as the reference. The starting point is the birth of a child and the time horizon is 10 years. Outcomes of interest are pertussis disease cases, life-year losses and quality-adjusted life year (QALY) losses. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios are presented in both a health care and societal perspectives: inclusion of health services costs, patients and caretaker costs and costs due to productivity losses. All costs are updated to 2012 CAD$. Human and financial costs are discounted to their present (birth) value using annual rates of 3%. The pseudo-Markov model is developed using Excel 2010 software. Parameters values are derived from published data, expert panel opinion and a pilot study conducted in our institution. One-way and multivariate sensitivity analyses are performed to take into account uncertainties in parameters values.
Results. The base case analysis resulted in a 10,5% reduction in pertussis cases and in a 19,1%, 13,3% and 26,5% reduction in pertussis-related hospitalizations, neurologic sequalae and death, respectively. From a health care system perspective, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio is 34 941 CAD$/ QALY gained and is 16 945 CAD$/QALY gained from a societal perspective. Incidence rates of pertussis cases have a substantial impact on the model as shown in one-way and multi-way sensitivity analysis.
Conclusion. Hospital-based postpartum dTap immunization of both parents is likely to improve vaccine uptake among new parents and is a potential cost-effective strategy from both societal and health care system perspectives, according to our analysis. Multi-way sensitivity analysis show that ICER is highly sensitive to the pertussis incidence rate.
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