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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tradução, adaptação transcultural, validade e fidedignidade de um instrumento para identificação do perfil motor de crianças entre 3 e 5 anos de idade / Translation, transcultural adaptation, validity and reliability of an instrument to identify the motor profile of children between 3 and 5 years old

Juliana Stefanoni Iwamizu 11 March 2013 (has links)
Para algumas crianças ações motoras típicas do cotidiano infantil tornam-se desafios que elas não conseguem superar adequadamente. Para intervir nesse quadro, é necessário selecionar instrumentos para identificar essas crianças com dificuldades motoras na idade mais precoce possível e, concomitantemente, identificar seus déficits para futura intervenção. O presente estudo teve como objetivo a tradução e adaptação transcultural do Early Years Movement Skills Checklist (CHAMBERS; SUGDEN, 2006) e a verificação de sua validade concorrente e fidedignidade (teste-reteste e entre observadores) no contexto da pré-escola da cidade de São Paulo. Para tanto, foram desenvolvidos quatro Estudos. Estudo 1 tradução e adaptação transcultural: foram adotados procedimentos sugeridos na literatura e como resultado foi produzida a Lista de Checagem das Habilidades Motoras na Primeira Infância (LCHMPI), a qual foi considerada adequada. Estudo 2 validade concorrente: 245 crianças (entre três e cinco anos de idade) foram avaliadas por suas professoras por meio da LCHMPI e pela pesquisadora por meio do Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2- Test (HENDERSON; SUGDEN; BARNETT, 2007) MABC-teste 2. Observou-se que 76,7% das crianças tiveram a mesma classificação nas duas avaliações, entretanto o coeficiente Kappa foi de apenas 0,20 e o coeficiente de correlação de postos de Spearman (- 0,10) não foi significante (p = 0,087). Apenas para o grupo de cinco anos de idade (n = 150) o coeficiente de correlação de postos de Spearman (- 0,204) foi considerado significantemente diferente de zero (p = 0,012). Dessa maneira, foi observada baixa concordância da LCHMPI com o MABC-teste 2. Apenas para a idade de cinco anos foi verificada melhor concordância. Estudo 3 fidedignidade teste-reteste: 39 crianças do Estudo 2 foram reavaliadas por suas professoras por meio da LCHMPI. Observou-se que 87,2% das crianças obtiveram a mesma classificação nas duas avaliações, porém o coeficiente Kappa foi de apenas 0,23 e o ICC de 0,67. Por meio do teste de postos com sinais de Wilcoxon não foi encontrada diferença significativa entre as pontuações das duas avaliações (p = 0,353). Dessa maneira, a fidedignidade teste-reteste foi considerada razoável. Estudo 4 fidedignidade entre observadores: 18 crianças foram avaliadas por dois diferentes avaliadores. Foi observada, entre as duas avaliações, concordância de 77,8%, com coeficiente Kappa de 0,75 e ICC de 0,80. Dessa maneira, a fidedignidade entre observadores foi considerada boa. Como conclusão, entendeu-se que o procedimento de tradução e adaptação foi satisfatório e a LCHMPI adequada. Porém, a verificação de suas características psicométricas mostrou que essas não foram mantidas da sua versão original. Entendemos que a LCHMPI pode vir a auxiliar na identificação de dificuldades motoras, porém seus resultados ainda devem ser analisados com cautela. Alguns resultados apontam que a LCHMPI pode não ter sido aplicada de maneira adequada por alguns professores, dessa maneira, acreditamos que a eficiência do instrumento pode ser melhorada se for oferecido melhor treinamento aos professores para sua utilização / For some children, typical daily motor actions become a challenge they cannot overcome properly. To intervene in this context it is necessary to select instruments to identify children with motor difficulties at the earliest age and, concomitantly, identifying their deficits for future intervention. The objective of the present study was to translate and adapt (transcultural) the Early Years Movement Skills Checklist (CHAMBERS; SUGDEN, 2006) and verify its concurrent validity and reliability (test-retest and inter-rater) in the context of São Paulo citys pre-school. For this end, we developed four Studies. Study 1 - translation and transcultural adaptation: it was adopted a process suggested in the literature and, as a result, the Lista de Checagem das Habilidades Motoras na Primeira Infância (LCHMPI) was produced. The LCHMPI was considered adequate. Study 2 - concurrent validity - 245 children (between three and five years old) were assessed by their teachers using the LCHMPI, and by the researcher using the MABC-test 2 (HENDERSON; SUGDEN; BARNETT, 2007). It was observed that 76.7% of children obtained the same classification in both evaluations, however the Kappa coefficient was only 0.20 and Spearman´s rank coefficient correlation (- 0.10) was not statistically significant (p = 0.087). The Spearman´s rank coefficient correlation of - 0.204 was significant (p = 0.012) only for the five year-old group (n = 150). There was poor agreement with the MABC-test 2. Only the five year-old group showed a better agreement. Study 3 - test-retest reliability: 39 children from Study 2 were reassessed by their teachers using the LCHMPI. It was observed that 87.2% of the children obtained the same classification in both assessments, but the Kappa coefficient was only 0.23. The ICC was 0.67 and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test showed no significant difference between the scores of the two assessments (p = 0.353). The test-retest reliability was considered reasonable. Study 4 - inter-rater reliability: 18 children were assessed by two different evaluators using the LCHMPI. It was observed an agreement of 77.8%, a Kappa coefficient of 0.75 and an ICC of 0.80 among the different evaluations. The inter-rater reliability was good. In conclusion, the process of translation and transcultural adaptation was considered satisfactory and LCHMPI was considered adequate. However, the verification of its psychometric characteristics showed that they were not retained from the original version. Thus, we conclude that the LCHMPI may help in the identification of motor difficulties, but its results must be carefully analyzed. The results point to problems in the use of the instrument by some teachers. Then, we believe the efficiency of the instrument can be improved if the teachers were offered more training for its use

Ensinando futuros professores: primeiras experiências em estágio supervisionado

Carvalho, Kézia Costa de Oliveira Rocha 14 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:42:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Kezia Costa de Oliveira Rocha Carvalho.pdf: 852828 bytes, checksum: 5255a854aee6e3588a8eedb9f2168e02 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-14 / In the current context of the Teacher Education s universe, we have found that many studies have been concerned with investigating the quality in Kindergarten s teacher training. As a result of this context, I am concerned to find out if the paths followed in the development of the discipline that I teach in pedagogy course in a private institution in the city of São Paulo have helped students in their initial training for teaching in kindergarten. This dissertation aims to analyze the contribution of obligatory Curricular Internship in preschool and the discipline that goes with the internship in the third semester of the course. To answer this question, the students of the discipline were consulted. This option was important for allowing the voice of the students who were in the field of work and observation in the internships and their reflections about this experience, accordingly with the theory studied in the discipline, which could contribute to the reshaping of educational processes made possible in both contexts: the internship and the discipline. Additionally, the da ta allowed me to reflect on my own teaching practice, opening new avenues for my formation and performance and, consequently, favoring the formation of future teachers. For the methodology I started from the theoretical reference on Learning Teaching, with contributions from Shulman apud Mizukami (2004), Gomes (2009) and Nóvoa (2007), in addition to data collection and interviews with students. The results indicate that the discipline and internship favor the reflection on teaching practice and point to an intervention by the teaching institution to provide the egress student a high quality initial formation. / No contexto atual do universo da Formação de Professores temos encontrado muitas pesquisas que têm se preocupado em investigar a qualidade na formação dos professores de Educação Infantil. Em decorrência desse contexto tenho a preocupação de descobrir se os caminhos percorridos no desenvolvimento da disciplina que ministro no curso de pedagogia de uma instituição privada, da cidade de São Paulo, têm ajudado o aluno em sua formação inicial para a docência na Educação Infantil. Este trabalho visa analisar as contribuições do Estágio Curricular obrigatório em Educação Infantil e da disciplina oferecida semestralmente no terceiro semestre do curso de pedagogia na formação inicial dos futuros professores. Para responder a essa questão foram consultados os alunos do terceiro semestre de 2013. Essa opção foi importante por permitir ouvir a voz dos alunos que se encontravam em campo de atuação, observação nos estágios e a reflexão deles sobre essa experiência, à luz dos autores e conteúdo teóricos estudados na disciplina, o que pode trazer contribuições para a reformulação dos processos educativos possibilitados em ambos os contextos: o estágio e a disciplina. De modo adicional, os dados me permitiram refletir sobre minha própria prática docente, abrindo novos caminhos para minha formação e atuação e, em decorrência, favorecendo a formação dos futuros professores. Para a metodologia parti de referencial teórico sobre a Aprendizagem da Docência, com as contribuições de Shulman apud Mizukami (2004), Gomes (2009) e Nóvoa (2007), além da coleta de dados e entrevistas com as alunas. Os resultados indicam que a disciplina e o estágio favorecem a reflexão sobre a prática docente e apontam para uma intervenção da instituição formadora para proporcionar ao aluno egresso uma formação inicial de qualidade.

Determining if Custodial Grandparents of Pre-K - Third Grade Students Perceive Delivery of Information and Services Offered as Effective in Decreasing Early Chronic Absence

Cassidy, Kimberly S 01 December 2015 (has links)
This study examined the delivery of information and services offered to grandparents who had become the primary caregivers of pre-k through third grade students to determine if the information and services were effective in decreasing chronic early absence as defined by Chang and Romero (2008). This mixed-method, multi-case study focused on the perceived needs of custodial grandparents and examined if the school system was meeting their needs through delivery of information and services. The researcher sought participation from 5 custodial grandparents who had grandchildren in pre-k, kindergarten, first, second, or third grades in a Northeast Tennessee school system and whose grandchildren had accumulated absences that met the definition of chronic early absenteeism (10% or more absences) as defined by Chang and Romero (2008). Skyward Database provided a list of families who met the aforementioned criteria. The average age of this group of grandparents was 51.8 with a range of ages from 48 to 54.The comparison group, also retrieved from the Skyward Database, included 4 custodial grandparents whose grandchildren had the highest attendance rates (top 5%). The average age of this group was 53 with a range of ages from 48 to 59. Researcher-developed questionnaires and interviews were used to determine outcomes and major findings. [a1] Major findings included 1) A Chi Squared Test determined that children in grandparent-led households were significantly more likely to meet the criteria of chronic early absence than children from parent/other guardian-led households; 2) 100% of grandparents in both groups had not heard of chronic early absence, 33% of teachers had not heard of chronic early absence, and 50% of Family Resource Center Staff had not heard of chronic early absence; 3) 47% of grandparent-led households met the criteria of chronic early absence while only 18% of parent/other guardian-led households met criteria of chronic early absence; 4) 0% of the parents were involved in the child’s life or education in the grandparent-led households while 50% of the parents were involved in the child’s life or education in parent/other guardian-led households; 5) 20% of children in grandparent-led households with chronic early absence had disciplinary actions while 100% of children in grandparent-led households with high attendance had significant disciplinary actions; and 6) Sickness was the primary reason for absences in grandparent-led families with chronic early absence; 7) A majority of grandparents in both groups used verbal communication with teachers and school staff, but written communication was preferred by each group.

Real Classroom Makeovers: Practical Ideas for Early Childhood Classrooms

Isbell, Rebecca T., Evanshen, Pamela 01 January 2012 (has links)
1. The environment matters: design elements to consider : Beauty in everyday environments ; The impact of light ; Sounds make a difference ; A place for everything, everything in its place ; A secure and supportive environment ; Valuing diversity in the classroom ; Setting up appropriate learning environments -- 2. The process of planning for successful change : Creating the vision ; Developing a plan ; Introducing a new feature -- 3. Low-cost, big-impact changes : Decluttering ; Small changes ; Teacher's space -- 4. Building a sense of community in the classroom : Creating a welcoming and inviting entrance ; Developing a sense of place ; Valuing each member of the community ; Having effective group time ; Learning about and practicing responsibility ; Identifying personal spaces for children ; Providing choices for individual work ; Working in small groups -- 5. Real classroom makeovers : The importance of play ; Real classroom makeovers support children's play ; Literacy centers/areas ; Manipulatives/building ; Math and science ; Art and music ; Dramatic play ; Community meeting ; Nurturing environment -- 6. Early learning standards and the classroom environment : Early learning standards ; The unique needs of children ; Adapting the environment to all learners -- 7. The amazing (and real) classroom makeover adventure : The adventure ; Description of the classroom ; Developing a vision with an initial teacher interview ; The change process ; The first element of design considered ; The next element of design considered ; Teacher interview and reflection on the learning environment ; Art ; Books ; Blocks ; Gathering place ; Home living ; Science ; Writing ; Summary ; Teacher comments after the makeover -- Classroom evaluation checklist. / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1063/thumbnail.jpg

Response to Intervention in Meeting Academic Needs of At-Risk Students in Kindergarten Through Second Grade: Teacher Perceptions of Implementation

Valentine, Tammy C., Scott, Pamela H., Good, Donald W. 01 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Bringing 2014 DEC Recommended Practices to Life: Seeking Input from the Field

Winton, Pam, Trivette, Carol M. 13 May 2015 (has links)
One of the hallmarks of being a professional field of practice with a united commitment to a competent and accountable workforce is having a set of agreed upon practice standards that guide practitioners and families about the most effective ways to improve learning and enhance outcomes for young children and their families. The 2014 DEC Recommended Practices represent the practice standards for EI/ECSE. DEC seeks your input and involvement with the dissemination and product development plan to ensure that the 2014 DEC Recommended Practices are understood and implemented across the broad field of early childhood, including Head Start, public pre-k, early care and education, and family support. Share your perspective, brainstorm with colleagues, and strengthen dissemination efforts.

Measurement in the Garden: How to Make Math Fun, Accessible, and Meaningful for Young Children

Lange, Alissa A., Mano, H. 14 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring a Preschool STEM Professional Development Approach in the Context of the Garden

Lange, Alissa A. 03 February 2018 (has links)
Participants will explore a research-based approach to STEM professional development for preschool educators using hands-on explorations and rich discussions in the context of the garden.

DEC Evidence Synthesis Group

Zhao, Hongxia, Garrett, Michael, Trivette, Carol M. 04 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Collaborating to Teach Science to K-3rd Grade Students Using the New Tennessee State Science Standards

Lange, Alissa A., Robertson, Laura 13 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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