Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] KINDERGARTEN"" "subject:"[enn] KINDERGARTEN""
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Anmälningsplikten, ett sätt att se barn som far illa : En kvalitativ studie om hur förskolepersonal ser på sin anmälningspliktStenskog, Karl, Nygård Sundman, Pernilla January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate how kindergarten teachers look at their obligation to report and the possibilities and obstacles they see in reporting a child they think might be a victim of maltreatment. This study has a qualitative approach and six interviews were conducted with the help of both managers of kindergartens and kindergarten teachers. To analyse the empirical data that revealed itself during the interviews we used Johanssons (2007) and Svensson, Johnsson och Laanemets (2008) definition of discretion and the concept of “street level-bureaucrats”. The result showed that our informants experienced the meeting with children who they suspect is being maltreated is important and emotional and they thought that they had a moral responsibility towards these children. It also showed that the relationship the teachers had with the children's parents made a difference in how to act about reporting or not. Its also showed that the workplace itself and the knowledge and experience you have could interfere with reporting. In conclusion we think that more studies should be done in this area and that more knowledge about this should be included in education, which our informants also agreed on.
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”Leta lejon med en ficklampa!” : En kvalitativ studie om förskolebarnens utforskande av enkel vardaglig teknik / ”Find the lions with a torch!” : A qualitative study about preschool children's exploration of simple everyday techniquesVerhaegh-Berg, Tamara January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur förskolebarn i en ålder av tre till fem år utforskar hur enkel teknik fungerar och hur pedagogerna kan hjälpa barnen med detta. En ökad kunskap om barns lärande inom ämnet teknik kan vara till nytta för den vardagliga verksamheten. För att få insikt i barnens utforskande användes ostrukturerade kvalitativa observationer som metod. Även användes kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer för att få kännedom om hur pedagogerna ser på teknik och hur de anser att barn upptäcker teknik. Resultatet visar att barnens utforskande påverkas hur pedagogerna ställer frågor. Dessutom visar observationerna att barn lär sig genom att göra och att de utforskar med hela sin kropp. Det kan även konkluderas att pedagogerna känner sig okunniga inom ämnet. / The purpose of this study is to examine how preschool children at the age of three to five years explore how simple technology works and how teachers can help them with this. A better understanding of children's learning in the subject can be beneficial for daily activities. To gain insight into children's exploratorations, unstructured qualitative observation method was used. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were also used to ascertain how teachers look at technology and how they think children discover technology. The results show that children's exploration is influenced by the way the teachers ask their questions. Moreover, the observations show that children learn by doing, and that they explore with their entire body. It can even be concluded that the teachers feel ignorant on this subject.
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Survival guide for preschool teachers in all disciplined areasVito, Cheryl Rita Marie 01 January 1994 (has links)
No description available.
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Teachers' Perspectives of Best Instructional Practices in Motivating African American Boys to ReadHoward, Jamilia R. 01 January 2020 (has links)
Elementary school officials have reported difficulty motivating young African American boys to read. It is important that teachers understand why these children have not been motivated to read and create classroom environments that encourage reading motivation. The purpose of this basic qualitative study was to explore teachers' perspectives on best instructional practices for motivating 3rd -grade African American boys to read. The conceptual framework for this study consisted of critical race theory, self-determination theory, and the theory of social constructivism. The research questions focused on teachers' perspectives regarding 3rd -grade African American boys' motivation to read and best instructional practices in reading instruction for these students. Through a purposeful sampling strategy, 10 teachers were invited to participate and share their teaching experiences. The criterion for inclusion was that the participant taught reading to 3rd -grade African American boys. Data were collected from 5 teachers who agreed to participate through semistructured interviews. Recordings of the interviews were transcribed and analyzed using axial coding. Axial coding of the transcribed interview data and thematic analysis revealed 3 overarching themes: (a) best instructional practices, (b) motivation for reading, and (c) classroom resources. Results indicated that different types of instructional practices had influenced the teachers' perspectives on motivating these students to read. This study contributes to positive social change by providing school administrators and educational leaders with knowledge that may be beneficial to the initiation of policies, strategies, and procedures to motivate third-grade African American boys to read.
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Early Childhood Teacher Perspectives Regarding Preparedness to Teach Children Experiencing TraumaLombardi-Davis, Christina 01 January 2020 (has links)
In the United States, approximately 26% of children will witness or experience a traumatic event before they turn 4 years old. Therefore, teachers must be prepared to meet the individual needs of children who exhibit symptoms of trauma. However, there is a gap in research regarding teachers' perspectives about how teacher preparation experiences influence teaching strategies and the creation of supportive environments for preschool children who have experienced trauma. Using Bandura's theory of self-efficacy, the purpose of this basic qualitative study was to explore how teachers' perspectives about teacher preparation experiences influenced their teaching strategies and the creation of supportive environments for preschool children who have experienced trauma. In-depth interviews were used to collect data from 10 preschool teachers from a southern state who had varying teaching experience, degrees, and preparation experiences. The continuous data analysis process included organizing the data, reflecting on meaning, and identifying and coding key words and themes to answer the research questions. Results indicated that teacher preparation experiences influenced the participants' teaching strategies and the creation of supportive environments. However, the results also suggested a need for more content specific teacher preparation experiences. Potential social implications of this study include (a) improving teacher preparation opportunities, (b) an increase in teacher self-efficacy, (c) an increase in child development outcomes, and (d) adding to the current literature on teacher preparation and childhood trauma.
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Order! Compare! Estimate! Building Knowledge and Excitement About Foundational Math Concepts for PreschoolersLange, Alissa A. 18 October 2018 (has links)
What do we do before we eat snack? Which tower has more blocks? Will all of these toy cars fit in my bucket? Children ask questions like this all day long, and they have incredible capacity to answer them when equipped with the right tools. We will discuss how to support all children - including children with special needs - to mathematize their worlds. We will focus on three math topics that are less commonly found in preschool: ordering, comparing, and estimating. Through group discussions, video analysis, and hands-on activities, we will explore: 1) how these skills connect to other domains (e.g., retelling storybook events in order) 2) how they develop in children (e.g., what do children need to know to compare numerals?) 3) effective strategies to bring them to life (e.g., including a referent jar when estimating) Participants will leave with example activities to try in the classroom and inspiration to support children as they talk about, play with, and get excited to use math to understand the world around them.
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Early Childhood STEM Professional Development to Improve Outcomes for Educators and ChildrenLange, Alissa A., El-Moslimany, Hebbah 06 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Easy and Effective Literacy Centers on a DimeSharp, L. Kathryn, Facun-Granadozo, Ruth 01 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Revisiting Our Roots: Realigning Our PracticesFacun-Granadozo, Ruth 01 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Fostering Language (and Literacy) Development Among Infants and ToddlersFacun-Granadozo, Ruth 01 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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