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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Consci?ncia fonol?gica e ortografia: ensino dos grafemas <s> e <ss> em contexto intervoc?lico / Phonological awareness and orthography: teaching of grapheme <s> and <ss> in intervocalic context

FERNANDES, Carla Cristina Silva 13 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-10-20T17:20:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Carla Cristina Silva Fernandes.pdf: 1702120 bytes, checksum: dac1ea2f24665fae04a8ca9423c5e107 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-20T17:20:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Carla Cristina Silva Fernandes.pdf: 1702120 bytes, checksum: dac1ea2f24665fae04a8ca9423c5e107 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-13 / CAPES / This study investigates the impact of phonological awareness activities in the orthographic representation of students in the final years of elementary school. Phonological awareness is defined as a metalinguistic competence related to the ability of the learner to realize, regardless of meaning, speech can be segmented into smaller units, able to be manipulated. It is currently perceived that many students, because their phonological awareness and weak stimulation on their period of literacy, arrive at the Elementary School II with many difficulties in reading and writing. Many students get this level of education without writing properly - presenting several orthographic deviations - and an incipient literacy, which makes them unable to make competent use of reading and writing in their daily lives and to engage in these social practices. Thus, this research aims to create a proposal of educational intervention, based on phonological awareness, which contributes to the proper orthographic representation in contextual regular relations, of students belonging to the seventh year of elementary school of a public school in Rio de Janeiro. In order to conduct this research, the following specific objectives were established: 1) develop phonemic awareness, through the exploration of sound trace; 2) point the phonographemic regularity in the use of grapheme <s> and <ss> in intervocalic context; 3) demonstrate that there is regularity for reading, however, for writing, the relationships are arbitrary in the context under study; and finally through the answers given by the students, 4) analyse if the formulated activities supported the recognition of the identified contextual regularity. Based on data analysis, it was concluded that some students, because of their gaps in the development of phonological awareness, initially had difficulties in performing some exercises proposed, especially those related to the preparation of rules on the use of the grapheme <s> and <ss> in intervocalic context. However, during the intervention, it was found that phonological awareness activities, specifically phonemic awareness, help in learning contextual phonographemic regularities. / Este estudo investiga o impacto de atividades de consci?ncia fonol?gica na representa??o ortogr?fica de alunos dos anos finais do ensino fundamental. A consci?ncia fonol?gica ? definida como uma compet?ncia metalingu?stica relacionada ? capacidade de o aprendiz perceber, independente do significado, que a fala pode ser segmentada em unidades menores, poss?veis de serem manipuladas. Observa-se, atualmente, que muitos alunos, por n?o terem uma consci?ncia fonol?gica bem estimulada no per?odo da alfabetiza??o, chegam ao Ensino Fundamental II com muitas dificuldades em leitura e em escrita. Muitos chegam a esse n?vel de ensino sem escrever adequadamente ? apresentando diversos desvios ortogr?ficos ? e com um letramento incipiente, que os torna incapazes de fazerem uso competente da leitura e da escrita em seu cotidiano e de se envolverem nessas pr?ticas sociais. Sendo assim, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo geral contribuir, por meio de uma proposta de interven??o pedag?gica baseada na consci?ncia fonol?gica, para a devida representa??o ortogr?fica em rela??es regulares contextuais de alunos pertencentes ao s?timo ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola p?blica do Munic?pio do Rio de Janeiro. A fim de conduzir esta pesquisa, os seguintes objetivos espec?ficos foram estabelecidos: 1) desenvolver a consci?ncia fon?mica, atrav?s da explora??o do tra?o de sonoridade; 2) apontar a regularidade fonograf?mica quanto ao uso dos grafemas <s> e <ss> em contexto intervoc?lico; 3) demonstrar que h? regularidade para a leitura, entretanto, quanto ? escrita, as rela??es s?o arbitr?rias no contexto em estudo; e, finalmente, atrav?s das respostas dadas pelos alunos, 4) analisar se as atividades formuladas auxiliaram no reconhecimento da regularidade contextual identificada. Da an?lise dos dados, concluiu-se que alguns alunos, por apresentarem lacunas no desenvolvimento da consci?ncia fonol?gica, inicialmente, tiveram dificuldades em realizar alguns exerc?cios propostos, principalmente os relacionados ? elabora??o de regras quanto ao uso dos grafemas <s> e <ss> em ambiente intervoc?lico. Entretanto, no decorrer da interven??o, constatou-se que atividades de consci?ncia fonol?gica, mais especificamente de consci?ncia fon?mica, auxiliam na aprendizagem das regularidades fonograf?micas contextuais.

Letramentos cr?ticos, ensino de l?ngua inglesa e forma??o integral no curso t?cnico em agropecu?ria integrado ao ensino m?dio / Critical writing, teaching of English language and integral training in the technical course in agriculture integrated with the secondary education

Feitoza, Veronica DAmasceno de Souza 26 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2018-09-19T12:36:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Veronica Damasceno de Souza Feitoza.pdf: 2782036 bytes, checksum: c536de687b019541962aed082056c5ad (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-19T12:36:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Veronica Damasceno de Souza Feitoza.pdf: 2782036 bytes, checksum: c536de687b019541962aed082056c5ad (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-26 / IFPA - Campus Castanhal / Technical Professional Education projects in Brazil have always been focused on meeting the interests of economic market and aimed at workers as a compensatory training for those who would not have access to higher education, without taking into account their needs as subjects and citizens. Decree 5,154 / 04, while more recent legislation aimed at this stage of Basic Education, despite also being influenced by economic interests, advances in the sense of allowing Technical Professional Education to be offered in the modality Integrated to High School under the articulation of the axes Work, Science, Technology and Culture (BRASIL, 2007). Thus, it is intended that the pedagogical practices of the curricular components for this modality of education surpass the purely technical knowledge for a practice with sights to the broad formation of the subjects. The Curriculum Guidelines for Higher Education (CGHE) in the section on Foreign Languages suggest that the teaching practices of this curricular component should be based on Critical Literacies Theories in order that such practices become the means for the development of a sense of citizenship, creative, critical and open mind (BRAZIL, 2006), in short, knowledge that equips subjects to deal with the current context of constant change and diverse subjects. In this way, this research has sought to investigate in what ways, when they are based on theories of Critical Literacies, the teaching practices in English Language classes - EL - of the Technical Course in Farming Integrated to High School can better contribute to the integral formation of the students of the IFPA ? Castanhal Campus, as advocated by the pertinent legislation. The data collected comes from participant observation and audio recording of EL classes during the execution of a didactic sequence elaborated by me as a researcher teacher, based on these theoretical principles and using authentic multimodal texts. Theoretical studies and research have shown that pedagogical practices guided by Critical Literacies principles can contribute to an education beyond linguistic instrumentation and job market preparation by encouraging students to read themselves and the world critically / Os projetos de Educa??o Profissional T?cnica no Brasil sempre estiveram voltados para atender aos interesses do mercado econ?mico e destinados aos trabalhadores como uma forma??o compensat?ria para aqueles que n?o teriam acesso ao ensino superior, sem levar em conta suas necessidades enquanto sujeitos e cidad?os. O Decreto 5.154/04, enquanto legisla??o mais recente voltada para essa etapa da educa??o B?sica, apesar de tamb?m sofrer influ?ncias de interesses econ?micos, avan?a no sentido de permitir que a Educa??o Profissional T?cnica seja ofertada na modalidade Integrada ao Ensino M?dio sob a articula??o dos eixos Trabalho, Ci?ncia, Tecnologia e Cultura (BRASIL, 2007). Dessa forma, objetiva-se que as pr?ticas pedag?gicas dos componentes curriculares para essa modalidade de ensino superem os conhecimentos puramente t?cnicos para uma pr?tica com vistas ? forma??o ampla dos sujeitos. As Orienta??es Curriculares para o Ensino M?dio ? OCEM ?, na se??o destinada ?s L?nguas Estrangeiras sugerem que as pr?ticas de ensino desse componente curricular sejam embasadas nas Teorias dos Letramentos Cr?ticos com a finalidade de que tais pr?ticas tornemse meios para o desenvolvimento de senso de cidadania, mente aberta, criativa e cr?tica (BRASIL, 2006), enfim, conhecimentos que equipem os sujeitos para lidarem com o contexto atual de mudan?as constantes e sujeitos diversificados. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa buscou investigar de que modos, ao serem balizadas nas teorias dos Letramentos Cr?ticos, as pr?ticas docentes em aulas de l?ngua inglesa ? LI ? do Curso T?cnico em Agropecu?ria Integrado ao Ensino M?dio podem melhor contribuir para a forma??o integral dos alunos do IFPA ? Campus Castanhal, como preconizam as legisla??es pertinentes. Os dados coletados prov?m de observa??o participante e grava??o de ?udio das aulas de LI durante a execu??o de uma sequ?ncia did?tica elaborada por mim, enquanto professora pesquisadora, com base nesses princ?pios te?ricos e utilizando textos multimodais aut?nticos. Os estudos te?ricos e a investiga??o demonstraram que pr?ticas pedag?gicas direcionadas por princ?pios dos Letramentos Cr?ticos podem contribuir com uma forma??o para al?m da instrumenta??o lingu?stica e a prepara??o para o mercado de trabalho por estimularem os alunos a lerem a si mesmos e ao mundo criticamente

Políticas e práticas linguísticas: um estudo sobre o ensino de língua espanhola em um contexto multilíngue no Paraná - Brasil / Politics and linguistic practices: a study about Spanish language teaching in a multilingual context in Paraná Brazil

Lemke, Cibele Krause 09 December 2010 (has links)
Esta tese focaliza o ensino de língua espanhola numa região do Centro-Sul do estado do Paraná, Brasil. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter discursivo e etnográfico, que se estrutura a partir de uma dupla articulação, a que se denomina políticas e práticas linguísticas. No que tange à primeira articulação, analisam-se textos produzidos na universidade e textos regulamentadores do ensino, notadamente, parâmetros, orientações e diretrizes curriculares, para investigar como as políticas contidas nestes documentos contemplam a realidade multilíngue do Brasil. Para tanto, apoia-se nas perspectivas discursivas propostas por Bourdieu (1998) e por Authier-Revuz (1998; 1999). No que concerne à segunda articulação, detém-se no estudo de práticas linguísticas escolares, com o intuito de compreender como ocorre a gestão das línguas em um contexto em que convergem o ucraniano e o português como línguas veiculares, e a língua espanhola como a língua estrangeira que se ensina no currículo escolar. Em vista disso, elabora-se uma discussão sobre o conceito de alternância linguística em contextos de aprendizagem, a partir das perspectivas defendidas por Nussbaum (1998) e Py (2004), bem como sobre a gestão das línguas como reflexo do desenvolvimento de uma competência plurilíngue (MOORE, 2009). Os resultados desta pesquisam apontam que, embora as produções e publicações atuais evidenciem um movimento em direção ao estudo das realidades multilíngues, a política linguística que atravessa estes textos ainda pauta-se em ideais monolíngues. Em relação às práticas linguísticas escolares, observou-se que os alunos manifestam um saber elaborado das línguas, ao alternarem entre o português, o ucraniano e o espanhol, e ao negociarem seus conhecimentos linguísticos com as docentes. No entanto, não reconhecem as suas práticas como plurilíngues. Assim, pois, defende-se a necessidade de uma reconceitualização do ensino de línguas, tanto ao problematizar os discursos hegemônicos sobre as línguas, como ao trabalhar para que práticas linguísticas plurilíngues sejam legitimadas, sobretudo, na escola. / This thesis focuses on the Spanish language teaching in the south-central area of the Paranas state, Brazil. Its a discursive and ethnographic research which is structured from a double articulation called politics and linguistics practices. Regarding to the first articulation, texts produced in the universities are analyzed, as the curricular guidelines and orientations, in order to investigate how the politics contained in these documents contemplates the Brazilian multilingual reality. The analysis is supported by the discursive perspectives proposed by Bourdieu (1998) and by Authier-Revuz (1998; 1999). Regarding to the second articulation, it is focused on the study of school linguistic practices, in order to understand how the languages management happens in a context which is used Portuguese and Ukrainian are used as vehicular languages and the Spanish language as a foreign language included in the school curriculum. As a result of this, it is prepared a discussion about the concept of linguistic switches, from the perspectives defended by Nussbaum (1998) and Py (2004), and about the languages management as a reflex of the multilingual competence development (MOORE, 2009). The results of this research point to, though the current productions and publications that show a movement in to the multilingual realities study, the linguistic politic contained in these texts, still, maintain themselves in the monolingual ideal. Concerning the school linguistic practices, it was observed that the students show an elaborated knowledge about the languages, when they switch among Portuguese, Ukrainian and Spanish and, also when they negotiate their linguistic knowledge with the teachers. But they dont recognize their practices as multilingual. Thus, there is a need of language teaching reconceptualization when discussing the hegemonic discourses about the languages, as well when working in order to legitimize the multilingual linguistic practices, mainly, at school.

História em quadrinhos na aula de língua estrangeira: proposta de análise de adequação didática e sugestão de exercícios / Comics in the classroom of a foreign language: proposal for analysis of didactics adequacy and suggestions of exercises

Rodriguez, Daví Jaén 11 August 2008 (has links)
O objeto de estudo da presente dissertação é a utilização das histórias em quadrinhos na aula de língua estrangeira, exemplificada a partir da língua alemã. Sua utilização justifica-se por vários motivos: seu caráter motivador e globalizador, a identificação por parte dos aprendizes, sua popularidade e atualidade, a possibilidade de diferentes abordagens, sua capacidade de facilitar os processos de memorização de vocabulário por combinar texto e imagem e porque são autênticos veículos de informações específicas da cultura e do contexto em que se inserem. A didatização das histórias em quadrinhos exige o conhecimento de suas características fundamentais de sistema narrativo composto por dois códigos que interagem (o visual e o verbal) e de uma característica específica: o processo que ocorre na mente do leitor no espaço vazio entre dois quadrinhos, a conclusão. A dissertação apresenta uma introdução a esses conceitos, assim como um procedimento para seleção das histórias em quadrinhos baseado nesses conhecimentos, de forma a otimizar o trabalho do professor de língua estrangeira. O trabalho sugere também um elenco de atividades com histórias em quadrinhos que leva em consideração uma tipologia de exercícios para a aula comunicativa, além de apresentar exemplos de aplicação prática de tais atividades junto a aprendizes brasileiros adultos de alemão como língua estrangeira. / The object of study of this dissertation is the use of comic strips in the foreign language class, exemplified in German language. The use of comic strips is justified for different reasons: its motivating and globalizing aspect, its identification with the learners, its popularity and contemporaneity, the possibility of different language approaches, its ability to facilitate memorization processes of vocabulary by combining text and image, and, finally, because they are authentic media for specific information on the culture and context in which they are inserted. The use of comic strips in class demands knowledge of their fundamental characteristics as a narrative system made up of two codes which interact (both visual and verbal) as well as of a specific characteristic: the process that takes place in the readers mind in the empty space between two panels, the conclusion. The dissertation offers an introduction to these concepts, as well as a procedure for the selection of comic strips based on this knowledge, aiming to optimize the work of the foreign language teacher. Moreover, the work also suggests not only some activities with comics which consider a typology of exercises for the communicative class, but also some instances of practical use of such activities with Brazilian learners of German as a foreign language.

Investigando concepções de língua e cultura no ensino de inglês na escola pública segundo as teorias de letramento / Investigating conceptions of language and culture in English teaching in public schools according to theories of literacies

Marreiro, Samara de Cassia Rodrigues 26 November 2012 (has links)
A presente pesquisa apresenta uma investigação sobre as concepções de língua e cultura decorrentes dos discursos e das práticas de ensino de duas professoras de inglês da escola pública regular de ensino formal. Os registros desta investigação são analisados sob uma perspectiva metodológica qualitativo-interpretativa de caráter etnográfico (GEERTZ, 1978; ANDRÉ, 2008) e servem como insumos para a reflexão e discussão sobre o tema segundo a perspectiva das teorias educacionais dos novos letramentos e multiletramentos. Tais discussões levam em conta as mudanças da sociedade atual (COPE; KALANTZIS, 2000), a influência da globalização (BAUMAN, 1998; HALL, 1992; SUÁREZ-OROZCO, M.M. & QIN-HILLIARD, 2004), mudanças epistemológicas (LANKSHEAR; KNOBEL, 2003; MORIN, 2000; MONTE MÓR 2002, 2008, 2009a), e a ênfase no caráter educacional, cultural e crítico do ensino de línguas estrangeiras na educação formal (OCEM-LE, 2006). Diante das análises decorrentes das observações de aulas, das entrevistas e conversas informais com as professoras, dos questionários respondidos pelos alunos e da análise de documentos, pudemos identificar concepções que evidenciam elementos atribuídos a noções ditas tradicionais de conceber língua e cultura, ou seja, a língua como um sistema abstrato estrutural com base, principalmente, na gramática ou como uma ferramenta de comunicação. Cultura, por sua vez, apresenta-se sob a concepção antropológica e humanista, como um aspecto geralmente dissociado da língua. Identificamos, ainda, que ambas as professoras conhecem e estudam abordagens de ensino de línguas estrangeiras que abarcam concepções de língua e linguagem com viés sociocultural, sem contudo, parecer transpor ou se apropriar de tais concepções de maneira que mudem suas práticas de ensino. Tais evidências, contudo, não surgiram de maneira linear e homogênea, uma vez que as práticas pedagógicas e narrativas das professoras mostraram-se descontínuas e conflituosas. Ambas as professoras mostraram-se bastante preocupadas e comprometidas com o trabalho que realizam e com a contínua busca por tornar suas práticas significativas. / This research presents an investigation regarding the conceptions of language and culture identified in the speeches and teaching practices of two English teachers of formal education in public schools. The reports of this investigation are analyzed under the methodological standpoint of an interpretative-qualitative research, with ethnographic aspects (GEERTZ, 1978; ANDRE, 2008). It serves then as a starting point for a discussion about this theme from the perspective of the educational theories of new literacies and multiliteracies. This discussion takes into account the recent ongoing changes in society (COPE; KALANTZIS, 2000), the influence of globalization (BAUMAN, 1998; HALL, 1992; SUÁREZ-OROZCO, M.M. & QIN-HILLIARD, 2004), epistemological changes (LANKSHEAR; KNOBEL, 2003; MORIN, 2000; MONTE MÓR 2002, 2008, 2009a), and an emphasis on the educational, cultural, and critical aspects of foreign language teaching in formal education (OCEM-LE, 2006). Given the resulting analyzes of classroom observations, interviews and informal conversations with the teachers, questionnaires answered by students, and document analysis, we identified concepts that highlight elements assigned to the so-called traditional notions of language and culture. That is, language as an abstract structural system based mainly on grammar or as a tool of communication. Culture, in turn, is regarded in its anthropological and humanist sense, generally dissociated from language. We also found that both teachers know and study foreign language teaching approaches that encompass sociocultural concepts of language, however, seeming not to apply or relate these concepts to their own teaching practices in a way to transform them. Such indications, however, did not arise in a linear and homogeneous way, since the pedagogical practices and narratives of the teachers were discontinuous and conflicting. Both teachers were quite concerned and committed to their work and to the continuing search for making their practices meaningful.

Teachers' Perceptions of the Implementation of a Multilingual Approach to Language Teaching

Schwab-Berger, Susanna Rosmarie 01 January 2015 (has links)
How teachers perceived and experienced the implementation of a multilingual approach in their classrooms during the first year of implementation in Switzerland is poorly understood by policy makers and teachers. Findings from three pilot studies conducted before the implementation indicated that teachers had transferred only few aspects of the new multilingual approach into practice. Guided by constructivist learning and third language acquisition theories, this study explored how teachers perceived and experienced the implementation of the multilingual approach. A purposeful criterion sample of primary school English language teachers at Grade 5 who had completed a professional development program was targeted for this qualitative case study. Data were collected from interviews with and classroom observations of 8 teachers. Data analysis, conducted using initial and axial coding, revealed that teachers implemented the multilingual approach by closely following the instructions provided in a teacher manual, but needed more time to conceptualize the teaching and learning materials and to collaborate with other language teachers. These results prompted the development of a project to establish professional learning communities (PLCs). In PLCs, teachers will have time to engage in reflection, collaborate with colleagues, and strengthen teachers' classroom practices. This study has implications for social change as teachers who engage in collaboration with colleagues and reflective practice will positively affect student achievement. Students may be taught by teachers who have the knowledge, skills, and attitude required for a successful implementation of a multilingual approach.

Simultaneous Bilingual Middle School Students Becoming Biliterate: What Do Students Think About Their Biliteracy as Taught Through the "Bridge" Strategy in a Humanities Dual Language/Immersion Class?

Diaz-Philipp, Alma Lucinda 23 May 2019 (has links)
In response to the increasing number of United States school students from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds at all grade levels, often called "simultaneous bilinguals," the U.S. school districts are opening schools that offer bilingual instruction. One instructional strategy that seems promising is the "Bridge," where students contrast and connect the literacy skills learned in one language to the literacy skills in their other language. An underlying component of learning a language is student attitude and motivation to learn. Research also seems to indicate that student attitude and motivation toward biliteracy can affect their achievement. There seems to be a lack of research on how students respond to becoming biliterate. The purpose of this study is to explore how simultaneous bilingual middle school students respond to becoming biliterate in Spanish and English as a result of participation in a humanities dual language/immersion class, taught through the instructional strategy the Bridge. This study used a case study design. The focus was on 12 simultaneous bilingual middle school students who had at least three years of bilingual education. The methods used to gather data were: the students' achievement in biliteracy, a survey, a Draw-a-Bilingual-student activity, a narrative response, and a focus group. I identified five themes from the data analysis: (a) Positive role of family in developing biliteracy; (b) Confidence in becoming biliterate; (c) Using their biliteracy skills in the community; (d) Biliteracy valued for their future; and (e) Appreciation of bilingual programs in our schools. Future research should continue to investigate the power of the Bridge strategy in furthering student success in becoming biliterate.

Women, Words, and Work: A study of change and reconstruction in adult TESOL

Angwin, Jennifer, mailto:ja@deakin.edu.au January 1996 (has links)
My dissertation asserts that the discourses which at the present time construct the world of work for teachers in adult TESOL, are no longer adequate to represent the field in these new and rapidly changing times. For the last forty years the discourses that have constructed the field present a totalising, gender free, liberal humanist view of TESOL, rendering women's experience invisible, no longer speaking to or for women teachers who make up more than ninety percent of the teachers in Victorian adult TESOL programs (Cope & Kalantzis 1993, Brodkey 1991, Fine 1992, Peirce 1995). I begin by exploring the work of women teachers in adult TESOL, focusing on women teaching in the fast growing de-institutionalised settings of adult TESOL programs, which remain marginalised from the central programs in terms of administrative policy and practice. I report the findings of a series of projects undertaken by the teachers and the researcher by which new insights and understandings of teachers beliefs about their work and the changes which are currently reconstructing the field of adult language and literacy education in Australia, have been gained. I questions the discourses of applied linguistics which have for the past forty years constructed the field of adult TESOL in Australia and suggests that these lack a social theory (Candlin 1989). From the research findings I questions the possibility of continuing to work in the ways of the past, in the current climate of reconstruction of the field, rapid policy change and continued erosion of resources. I suggest that the previously loose system which held this field of work together, the ways of working, the understandings of practice, have in the light of these new times, been stretched to the limit and are in real danger of collapse. For the women working in TESOL this continued incursion of the systems into their work and the changes that have taken place, the denial of their ways of working, their local knowledge and gendered experiences, can be read against Habermas' concept of the colonisation of the lifeworld of language teaching (Habermas 1987).

Background studies for Vietnamese students of English

Cat, Bui Van, n/a January 1985 (has links)
Recent years have witnessed many developments in the use of the communicative approach in language teaching. This approach aims at developing students' ability to communicate with native speakers of the target language. To achieve this ability, students are required to have not only linguistic competence but also communicative competence. That is why the students need not only the linguistic knowledge but also the background knowledge of the culture in which the language is spoken. Language is a part of culture. Cultural differences always cause problems for speakers of different cultures while communicating. Therefore, the " learning of a second culture is often a part of the learning of a second language " (Brown, 1980: 242 ) . Background Studies, including culture, used to be neglected or taught improperly in the curriculum of the Hanoi Foreign Languages College. In consequence, Vietnamese E.F.L students at the College have a poor background knowledge of the English speaking countries and their people's patterned ways of life. This causes difficulties for them when communicating with native speakers of English, even when they are studying at the College where culture-based textbooks and materials are commonly used. Therefore, Background Studies, including culture, must be seen as a separate and indispensable component of the curriculum of the College which aims at providing the students with the background knowledge of English speaking countries and with an awareness of their people's ways of life, their customs and habits and so on. Various techniques for the teaching of this subject are examined.

Towards a communicative approach to teaching speaking skills to students of commerce in Vietnam

Nguyen, Duc Hoat, n/a January 1985 (has links)
As a result of the development in foreign trade in Vietnam, there is a growing need for trained business executives and business people. A good command of spoken English is one of the most important qualifications of a foreign trade executive who needs English as a means of communicating with English speaking people in various business activities. At present, the responsibility for training students of commerce mainly rests with Hanoi Foreign Trade College. English language teaching in general, and the teaching of speaking skills in particular still leave much,to be desired. The students' oral proficiency is far from satisfactory. The purpose of this report is to explore the two main problematic areas in teaching speaking skills to students of commerce in Vietnam: syllabus design and teaching methods. The report consists of four chapters. Chapter one looks at some major theoretical problems and practical issues in English for Specific Purposes teaching. Chapter two provides an analysis of the teaching and learning situations at Hanoi Foreign Trade College and problems in teaching oral skills. Chapter three is mainly concerned with designing a communicative syllabus for the teaching of speaking skills to students of commerce. Chapter four deals with the theoretical assumptions and processes involved in oral communication and discusses some classroom methods and techniques in the light of the current communicative approach. This report should be regarded as an exploratory attempt in adopting the communicative approach to teaching oral skills to students of commerce in Vietnam.

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