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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Women Empowerment in Bangladesh : A Study of the Village Pay Phone Program

Hultberg, Linda January 2008 (has links)
The purpose with this study is to find out how the mobile phone and the Village Pay Phone from Grameen Telecom have been implemented into women’s life in rural Bangladesh. It also aims to study how the women have become empowered by this program. The sample constitutes sixteen female owners. A purposeful cluster sampling was used to depict six villages from various parts of Bangladesh. When arriving in the villages a snowball sampling method was used to find female VPP owners. The sampling method was chosen to include a sample of various characteristics. The study has a hermeneutic phenomenological approach, which aims to find out how the women experience the VPP and what meaning the women put in it. To collect empirical data interviews with open questions were used that opened up for conversation and the possibility to understand a range of experiences and nuances of meanings. The findings indicate that the majority of the women handed over the VPP to their husband or a male relative. The reason why is the families’ pressure on them to adjust to Purdah and seclusion, too much domestic work, lack of education, or because of the attitude among men and women both that business is a male domain. The study shows that women mostly gained some prestige. Also, they got a greater self-esteem to meet strangers since the VPP made them meet more people. But it has also brought quarrels and broken some friendships. All women are now more able to call family and relatives when they needed or wanted to and said that they have full access to use the mobile phone for this purpose. Still many are put in a dependency relation to others as they need help to use it. The women, however, are no longer owners of a status symbol because the mobile phone is more available for others today, but they are still known by name. Their homes do no longer attract visitors as it once did during the initiation of the program. There has also been a significant decrease in demand for the VPP that has lessened the income much and some have become even poorer from the VPP and women seldom benefitted personally from the profit. A few of the women mentioned that the family atmosphere had improved but most of them did not say that they had gained influence in the family as a result of the VPP.

Mobiliųjų telefonų duomenų apskaitos automatizavimas / Accounting system in a mobile telecommunications

Josas, Aidas 11 January 2005 (has links)
New technologies gives us possibility to step to new, more automated, level and to guarantee bigger efficiency. It requires comprehensive perfection and stepping to higher level. The ability of human being to analyze and process information flows is quite limited and requires big time recourses, that’s why complex of technical and programmable instrumentality would be needed to guarantee exactness of information, timeliness, automated information processing. In these days companies more are discussing about the possibilities how to computerize the activity process than about the need of this process generally. In any activity important is exact, timeliness and automated information. By the way, we must not forget that any program equipment will not fulfill all the job: to fulfill the tasks we need to have human recourses who will be able to use this program equipment as a tool, who will have ability to analyze and estimate received results. Only in this way there is possibility to increase efficiency with the help of program equipment. There are four production lines connected in one mill, that can work separately according their production capacity. Many big companies in their activity already long time are using mobile telecommunications. But only in these years, when the amount of jobs and speed of life is increasing and after new technologies came in to the life, mobile technologies are more and more entering to the business of big or middle companies as well as... [to full text]

E-paslaugų sprendimai naudojant mobiliąsias NFC technologijas / E-service solutions using mobile NFC technology

Stasiukynas, Andrius 11 August 2009 (has links)
Magistrinio darbo tikslas yra – atlikti NFC technologijos ir su ja suderinto mobiliojo telefono analizę bei pasiūlyti įvairių paslaugų realizavimo mobiliajame NFC telefone sprendimus. Šiame darbe išsiaiškinama NFC technologijos veikimas bei panaudojimo sritys ir teikiama nauda. Nagrinėjama Nokia 6131 NFC mobiliojo telefono architektūra ir sprendžiamos jo panaudojimo galimybės elektroninių paslaugų įgyvendinimo uždaviniuose. Pateikiamas NFC telefono naudingumas pritaikant jį elektroninėms paslaugoms. Suprojektuoti viešojo transporto elektroninio bilieto įgyvendinimo modeliai. Pateikti siūlomų sprendimų pranašumai. Išanalizuotas ir pateiktas keleto paslaugų talpinimo mobiliajame telefone sprendimas. Aprašomas telefono atminties paskirstymas paslaugoms bei jų valdymas. Pasiūloma elektroninių paslaugų naudojant NFC mobiliąsias technologijas diegimo ir aptarnavimo infrastruktūra Panaudojant emuliatorių pademonstruojami pasiūlytiems sprendimams spręsti tinkamų aplikacijų pavyzdžiai. / The goal of Master Thesis is - the NFC technology and the coordinated analysis of the mobile phone and offer a variety of marketing services for mobile NFC phone solutions. In this paper, clear NFC technology and the use of areas of operation and benefits. Examining the Nokia 6131 NFC mobile phone architecture and its use in addressing the possibility of the electronic services of the tasks. Provide mobile NFC phone utility of the electronic services. Designed for the public transport e-ticket implementation models. Provide the advantages of the proposed solutions. Analyzed and presented in a number of hosting services for mobile phone solution. Describes the distribution of services in the phone memory, and their management. Offered e-services using NFC mobile technology implementation and service infrastructure. Using the emulator showing the proposed solutions address the application of appropriate examples.

Elektroninių pinigų modelio realizacija standartinėse ir ribotų aritmetinių funkcijų sistemose / Electronic money model implementation in standard and limited arithmetics systems

Palevičius, Paulius 30 September 2013 (has links)
Tobulėjant mobiliesiems telefonams ir kitoms technologijoms, atsiranda galimybė pakeisti arba papildyti rinkoje naudojamus grynuosius pinigus jiems ekvivalenčiais elektroniniais pinigais. Elektroniniai pinigai yra viena naujausių atsiskaitymo formų ir jos realizacija rinkoje yra ribota. Darbe buvo realizuotas Stefan Brands elektroninių pinigų modelis naudojant Java platformas kompiuteryje ir mobiliajame telefone. Buvo ištirtas šių realizacijų efektyvumas ir pastebėta, kad realizacija kompiuteryje yra 100 kartų greitesnė negu mobiliajame telefone. Buvo pasiūlyta ir realizuota aritmetinių funkcijų (sudėties, skirtumo, modulio, modulinės eksponentės, postūmio į dešinę) klasė Java Card platformoje. Modulinė eksponentė buvo realizuota RSA algoritmo pagalba. Darbe pateiktas šios realizacijos greičio įvertis. Dėl lėto funkcijų vykdymo pasiūlytas mišrus vartotojo dalies protokolų realizacijos modelis. Darbe pateikiama techninės ir programinės įrangos analizė, reikalinga norint atlikti elektroninių pinigų realizaciją. Taip pat atlikta kriptografinių ir matematinių metodų apžvalga, naudojamų Stefan Brands elektroninių pinigų modelyje. / As mobile phones and technology advance new opportunities for implementation of elektronic money systems become possible. Electronic money is one of the latest methods for paying for goods and there are just a few implementations. In this work implementation of Stefan Brands electronic money model was performed. Stefan Brands protocol was implemented using Java langauge in standard computer and in mobile phone. Efficiency of these implementations was estimated and it was found that implementation on mobile phone is approximetly 100 times slower using Java ME platform. A library for for doing arithmetic operations like addition, subraction, modulus, modular exponentiation, right shift, etc. was implemented using smart card enviroment. As it is not possible to use cryptographic processor directly, RSA encryption scheme was used to perform modular exponention. Results of implementation speed were given and it was concluded that whole client side implementation using Java Card enviroment was two slow so mixed model was suggested. This work also consist of technical and software analysis needed to perform electronic money implementation. Also a brief review of cryptographic ant mathematic methods used in Stefan Brands digital cash system was performed.

Artimo lauko ryšio identifikacija panaudojant mobiliuosius telefonus / NFC identification using mobile phone

Tamošauskas, Nerijus 05 November 2013 (has links)
Šiame darbe magrinėtas Artimo Lauko Ryšio (ARL) technologijos panaudojimas identifikacijos protokolo realizacijai mobiliajame telefone. Išnagrinėti esami standartai ir duomenų mainų formatai, jų architektūra ir įrenginių komunikacijos su kitais įrenginiais ar servisais, taip pat saugaus elemento programavimo galimybės. Išanalizuoti keli identifikavimo algoritmai. Atlikta identifikacijos protokolų saugumo analizė prieš pagrindines atakas. Prototipu pasirinktas Li-Wang identifikacijos algoritmas. Nustatytos šio algoritmo silpnos vietos. Pateiktas Li-Wang algoritmo patobulinimas leidžiantis apsisaugoti nuo DOS ir sinchronizacijos atakos. / In this work we will review what Near Field Communication (NFC) is and what standards it use. Which architecture is using to make NFC. How NFC is working between devices and services. We will evaluate threats between technology and devices. After analyze identification algorithms we will choose one of identification method and we will remove its vulnerability. Then we will adjust in mobile phones with NFC. Algorithm will be chosen by mobile phones capability to compute hash functions. We will analyze which hash functions combinations are fasters. How much data between services and mobile device communications we will send.

Exploring adolescents' perceptions of risky behaviour using the mobile phone / N. Gois De Gouveia.

De Gouveia, Natalie Gois January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine adolescent perceptions of risky behaviour using a mobile phone. This research may contribute to creating an awareness of risky and healthy adolescent uses of mobile phones. Anonymous sketches were collected from Grade 10 learners depicting their understanding of risky behaviour using the mobile phone. Thereafter, 12 learners agreed, through informed consent, to participate in semi-structured interviews. All participants considered the mobile phone an integral part of their social lives. Participants noted the benefits of using their mobile phones for their school work, such as searching the internet, taking photos of, and recordings of class work. Participants indicated that engaging in activities that allow for self-expression using the mobile phone, as well as knowing how much information to post, and using the mobile phone for what it was intended for (i.e. communication), was healthy behaviour. Participants indicated that sharing one’s address, phone number, and personal or intimate photographs and videos was risky behaviour. Participants did not extend their definitions of healthy behaviour to include moderate use of the mobile phone on a daily basis, and in fact reported spending an average of 4-5 hours daily on their mobile phones. Participants indicated numerous incidents of cyberbullying (although that term was not explicitly used), such as online racism, creating and distributing demeaning lists, and nude or offensive photographs of one another. Participants’ moral boundaries appeared to be negotiable, due to inconsistent opinions on what was considered acceptable or unacceptable behaviour on their mobile phones. Participants revealed a desire to be trusted with their mobile phones, yet indicated that they hid information from their parents. Findings show that, although the participants knew and understood the risks that exist in mobile interactions, they continued to engage in these risky behaviours. / Thesis (MA (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Exploring adolescents' perceptions of risky behaviour using the mobile phone / N. Gois De Gouveia.

De Gouveia, Natalie Gois January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine adolescent perceptions of risky behaviour using a mobile phone. This research may contribute to creating an awareness of risky and healthy adolescent uses of mobile phones. Anonymous sketches were collected from Grade 10 learners depicting their understanding of risky behaviour using the mobile phone. Thereafter, 12 learners agreed, through informed consent, to participate in semi-structured interviews. All participants considered the mobile phone an integral part of their social lives. Participants noted the benefits of using their mobile phones for their school work, such as searching the internet, taking photos of, and recordings of class work. Participants indicated that engaging in activities that allow for self-expression using the mobile phone, as well as knowing how much information to post, and using the mobile phone for what it was intended for (i.e. communication), was healthy behaviour. Participants indicated that sharing one’s address, phone number, and personal or intimate photographs and videos was risky behaviour. Participants did not extend their definitions of healthy behaviour to include moderate use of the mobile phone on a daily basis, and in fact reported spending an average of 4-5 hours daily on their mobile phones. Participants indicated numerous incidents of cyberbullying (although that term was not explicitly used), such as online racism, creating and distributing demeaning lists, and nude or offensive photographs of one another. Participants’ moral boundaries appeared to be negotiable, due to inconsistent opinions on what was considered acceptable or unacceptable behaviour on their mobile phones. Participants revealed a desire to be trusted with their mobile phones, yet indicated that they hid information from their parents. Findings show that, although the participants knew and understood the risks that exist in mobile interactions, they continued to engage in these risky behaviours. / Thesis (MA (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Cipher cities : creating tools to support and sustain community co-production in the area of mobile game design

Huang, Duzhi Sherwin January 2007 (has links)
My foray into location based gaming started because as a web designer, I felt that I wanted to expand my practice from one that consisted of straightforward interface design, to one that encompassed a wider variety of skills by improving on my knowledge and expertise in the burgeoning field of interaction design. This allowed me at the same time, to incorporate other aspects of design that include the usercentred design of tools for collaboration, content creation and community creation. I take a particular interest in the opportunities afforded by the convergence of web and game based technologies, especially when mobile interaction is afforded by such convergences. This exegesis describes the theoretical underpinnings that have informed the creation of a series of graphical interfaces that serve to bridge the gap between system capabilities as envisaged by the developers and a user's experience facilitated by an interface. The actual research into creation of the interface was preceded by an exploration of the field of location based gaming from which the initial area of interest was derived. Due to the fact that location based gaming is still an emerging field, it required the creation of a custom taxonomy for the works to be systematically separated into their various elements for analysis. The taxonomy to be created involved the combination of three smaller individual taxonomies in a way that has not been attempted previously and in a way that would give a balanced account of what makes up a location based game. The area of interested identified was how location based games might be made more readily available for a wider audience. Cipher Cities, which was a system in development at the time, was one that was already designed for such an application, but now required an interface that would appropriately represent what it aimed to achieve. I joined the team as their interface designer and it became clear that due to the location centric nature of the game, the only feasible way to go about democratising the participation in such games was to make it easy for people to build their own. The issue that arose was how an interface could encourage the creation of as well as participation in location based games. This required reference from current Web 2.0 applications that use members as creators of content as well as research into the theories behind community building, content creation and distribution in support of such an interface. These theories were put into practice and implemented before being evaluated and verified through a series of user testing sessions that served to refine the system in terms of user interface design and system functions. The result of the research is the first interface ever created that works to support a system for the creation of location based games by the public. More importantly, it is a robust, interface that is attractive as well as usable.

Investigating privacy issues in mobile messaging through a role playing game.

Hong, Tianpeng, hodyhong@gmail.com January 2010 (has links)
When internet-mediated messaging and social networking applications were introduced in mobile phones, mobile messaging entered a new paradigm. Users can easily create profiles and communicate with other users instantly at anytime of day and anywhere in the world. This paradigm however, has brought forward new privacy issues. Over the course of this exegesis I aimed to explore different aspects of privacy issues related to mobile messaging, including users' awareness and the control of the privacy issues when using social networking messaging. This was demonstrated by conducting a project, which involved development of a mobile phone application and a role-playing game. The project created a frictional scenario of users communicating via mobile messaging. My research revealed that the participants lacked awareness of privacy violations when using mobile messaging, and tended not to modify their behaviours immediately when privacy breaches arose. This research contributes to the existing body of research in the area of mobile messaging privacy, and advocated user awareness of privacy issues in this domain. It could potentially be used as a base for future research.

The Effects of Simulated Cellular Phone Conversation on Road-Crossing Safety

Murray, Stephen James January 2006 (has links)
The effects that cellular (cell) phone conversation may have on pedestrian road-crossing performance is unknown. A series of experiments was conducted using a virtual reality road crossing simulator to examine this issue. The participants were primarily university students aged between 18 and 24 years old, although one study compared a group aged 18 to 24 to a group between 50 and 67 years old. Two experimental situations were used: a gap-choice situation, in which the participants had to choose a gap to cross through; and an infrequency situation, where vehicles were present on only 10% of the trials. Participants were impaired by a simulated phone conversation task when compared to no-conversation task, as evidenced by longer reaction times, slower walking speeds, poorer gap choices, and more cautious behaviours. Most importantly, conversation was related to a decrease in the mean margins of safety, and the participants were hit or nearly hit by vehicles more often when talking. The general performance of the older participants did not differ from that of the younger participants, and both groups were impaired to a similar extent by the conversation task. Participants were found to use irrelevant distance information to inform their gap-choice decisions, a strategy associated with a decrease in safety as the distance between the vehicles increased. It was also found that their use of time-to-arrival information was impaired when engaged in the conversation task. Overall, talking on a cell phone while crossing a road may represent an unnecessary increase in risk; therefore, care should be taken if these two acts are being conducted concurrently.

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