Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] MODEL-BASED DESIGN"" "subject:"[enn] MODEL-BASED DESIGN""
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Visualisierungsdesign für 3D-Benutzerschnittstellen unter Verwendung komponierter DarstellungsverfahrenWojdziak, Jan 24 February 2014 (has links)
Das computergrafische Abbildungsverfahren zur Verwirklichung von dreidimensionalen Darstellungen ist ein wichtiges Instrument für die Gestaltung interaktiver 3D-Benutzerschnittstellen. Die Betrachtung von Projektionsverfahren abseits des bisher angestrebten Fotorealismus dokumentiert, dass durch nichtlineare und multiperspektivische Darstellungen spezifische Eigenschaften und Charakteristiken eines Datenbestandes vermittelt werden können. Dabei wird deutlich, dass konzeptionelle und methodische Unzulänglichkeiten den erfolgreichen Einsatz von unkonventionellen linearen sowie nichtlinearen Darstellungsformen in 3D-Anwendungen bisher einschränken. In dieser Arbeit werden daher Darstellungstechniken analysiert und systematisiert, die durch den computergrafischen Projektionsvorgang erzeugt und für die Verwirklichung von Visualisierungszielen eingesetzt werden können. Ferner werden für den spezifischen Einsatz von komponierten Visualisierungsverfahren in 3D-Benutzerschnittstellen Gestaltungshinweise formuliert. Darauf aufbauend erfolgt die Einführung einer modellbasierten Vorgehensweise, durch welche die systematisierten Visualisierungsformen in einem methodischen und ferner entwurfsmustergestützten Entwurfsprozess zur Entwicklung interaktiver 3D-Interfaces eingebunden und weiterhin in einer interaktiven 3D-Anwendung eingesetzt werden können.
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Evaluation of Automated Test Generation for Simulink : A Case Study in the Context of Propulsion Control SoftwareRoslund, Anton January 2020 (has links)
Automated Test Generation (ATG) has been successfully applied in many domains. For the modeling and simulation language Simulink, there has been research on developing tools for ATG with promising results. However, most tools developed as part of academic research and are not publicly available, or severely limited in their ability to be integrated into an industrial workflow. There are commercial ATG tools for Simulink, with Simulink Design Verifier (SLDV) as the de-facto standard tool. For this thesis, we perform an empirical comparison of manual tests to those generated by SLDV. For the comparison, we used 180 components from the propulsion control software developed by our industry partner. All except two components are compatible for test generation to some extent. The majority of components are partially compatible, requiring block replacement or stubbing. Approximation of floating-point numbers is the primary reason for block replacement, which can be performed automatically by SLDV. Two components were incompatible, and 14 required full stubbing of blocks. Using a pre-processing step, the generated tests achieve similar coverage as the manual tests. We performed a Mann–Whitney U test with the hypothesis that the generated tests achieve higher coverage than the manual tests. There are no statistically significant differences for either decision coverage (0.0719), or condition coverage (0.8357). However, for Modified Condition/Decision Coverage, the generated tests achieve higher coverage, and the difference is significant (0.0027). The limitations of ATG were explored by looking at the cases where the generated tests achieved lower coverage than the manual test. We found that the use of floating-point arithmetic and temporal logic increases the time required for test generation, and causes the analysis to hit the time limit. The test generation does not support all custom S-functions and perform stubbing of these blocks. This made the tool unable to reason about persistent storage. Configuration constants have limited support, which was the reason for the coverage difference in three cases. We have concluded that while much effort is required for custom tooling and initial setup, ATG can prove useful for early fault detection in an industrial workflow. ATG would prove especially useful in an automated continuous integration workflow for integration-level conformance testing.
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Adaptive Middleware for Self-Configurable Embedded Real-Time Systems : Experiences from the DySCAS Project and Remaining ChallengesPersson, Magnus January 2009 (has links)
Development of software for embedded real-time systems poses severalchallenges. Hard and soft constraints on timing, and usually considerableresource limitations, put important constraints on the development. Thetraditional way of coping with these issues is to produce a fully static design,i.e. one that is fully fixed already during design time.Current trends in the area of embedded systems, including the emergingopenness in these types of systems, are providing new challenges for theirdesigners – e.g. integration of new software during runtime, software upgradeor run-time adaptation of application behavior to facilitate better performancecombined with more ecient resource usage. One way to reach these goals is tobuild self-configurable systems, i.e. systems that can resolve such issues withouthuman intervention. Such mechanisms may be used to promote increasedsystem openness.This thesis covers some of the challenges involved in that development.An overview of the current situation is given, with a extensive review ofdi erent concepts that are applicable to the problem, including adaptivitymechanisms (incluing QoS and load balancing), middleware and relevantdesign approaches (component-based, model-based and architectural design).A middleware is a software layer that can be used in distributed systems,with the purpose of abstracting away distribution, and possibly other aspects,for the application developers. The DySCAS project had as a major goaldevelopment of middleware for self-configurable systems in the automotivesector. Such development is complicated by the special requirements thatapply to these platforms.Work on the implementation of an adaptive middleware, DyLite, providingself-configurability to small-scale microcontrollers, is described andcovered in detail. DyLite is a partial implementation of the concepts developedin DySCAS.Another area given significant focus is formal modeling of QoS andresource management. Currently, applications in these types of systems arenot given a fully formal definition, at least not one also covering real-timeaspects. Using formal modeling would extend the possibilities for verificationof not only system functionality, but also of resource usage, timing and otherextra-functional requirements. This thesis includes a proposal of a formalismto be used for these purposes.Several challenges in providing methodology and tools that are usablein a production development still remain. Several key issues in this areaare described, e.g. version/configuration management, access control, andintegration between di erent tools, together with proposals for future workin the other areas covered by the thesis. / Utveckling av mjukvara för inbyggda realtidssystem innebär flera utmaningar.Hårda och mjuka tidskrav, och vanligtvis betydande resursbegränsningar,innebär viktiga inskränkningar på utvecklingen. Det traditionellasättet att hantera dessa utmaningar är att skapa en helt statisk design, d.v.s.en som är helt fix efter utvecklingsskedet.Dagens trender i området inbyggda system, inräknat trenden mot systemöppenhet,skapar nya utmaningar för systemens konstruktörer – exempelvisintegration av ny mjukvara under körskedet, uppgradering av mjukvaraeller anpassning av applikationsbeteende under körskedet för att nå bättreprestanda kombinerat med e ektivare resursutnyttjande. Ett sätt att nå dessamål är att bygga självkonfigurerande system, d.v.s. system som kan lösa sådanautmaningar utan mänsklig inblandning. Sådana mekanismer kan användas föratt öka systemens öppenhet.Denna avhandling täcker några av utmaningarna i denna utveckling. Enöversikt av den nuvarande situationen ges, med en omfattande genomgångav olika koncept som är relevanta för problemet, inklusive anpassningsmekanismer(inklusive QoS och lastbalansering), mellanprogramvara och relevantadesignansatser (komponentbaserad, modellbaserad och arkitekturell design).En mellanprogramvara är ett mjukvarulager som kan användas i distribueradesystem, med syfte att abstrahera bort fördelning av en applikation överett nätverk, och möjligtvis även andra aspekter, för applikationsutvecklarna.DySCAS-projektet hade utveckling av mellanprogramvara för självkonfigurerbarasystem i bilbranschen som ett huvudmål. Sådan utveckling försvåras avde särskilda krav som ställs på dessa plattformarArbete på implementeringen av en adaptiv mellanprogramvara, DyLite,som tillhandahåller självkonfigurerbarhet till småskaliga mikrokontroller,beskrivs och täcks i detalj. DyLite är en delvis implementering av konceptensom utvecklats i DySCAS.Ett annat område som får särskild fokus är formell modellering av QoSoch resurshantering. Idag beskrivs applikationer i dessa områden inte heltformellt, i varje fall inte i den mån att realtidsaspekter täcks in. Att användaformell modellering skulle utöka möjligheterna för verifiering av inte barasystemfunktionalitet, men även resursutnyttjande, tidsaspekter och andraicke-funktionella krav. Denna avhandling innehåller ett förslag på en formalismsom kan användas för dessa syften.Det återstår många utmaningar innan metodik och verktyg som är användbarai en produktionsmiljö kan erbjudas. Många nyckelproblem i områdetbeskrivs, t.ex. versions- och konfigurationshantering, åtkomststyrning ochintegration av olika verktyg, tillsammans med förslag på framtida arbete iövriga områden som täcks av avhandlingen. / DySCAS
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Zuverlässigkeitsorientierter Entwurf und Analyse von Steuerungssystemen auf Modellebene unter zufälligen HardwarefehlernDing, Kai 08 July 2021 (has links)
Model-based design is a common methodology in the development of embedded complex control systems. Control system engineers typically prefer to use MATLAB® Simulink® and suitable automatic code generators for the development and deployment of software. Embedded systems are subject to random hardware faults; bit-flips, for example, may affect random access memory (RAM) cells and central processing unit (CPU) registers and cause data errors that may propagate to critical system outputs and result in system failures.
From a dependability perspective, the design space of control systems includes the selection of a suitable (reliable) implementation of a control algorithm. Such algorithm can be implemented with model-based software development frameworks, such as Simulink using different, but functionally equivalent implementations. However, these functional equivalents may exhibit completely different reliability properties. This thesis proposes an analytical method for the evaluation of the reliability properties of control systems that are designed with Simulink models. The method is based on a transformation of the assembly code, which is generated from the Simulink model,
into a formal stochastic error propagation model as well as its quantification through underlying Markov chain models and state-of-the-art probabilistic model-checking techniques. The application of the method to the functionally equivalent implementations can determine which one is less vulnerable to data errors due to random hardware faults.
Fault tolerance is significant to dependable system design. Control systems can be protected with fault tolerance mechanisms to increase the reliability. Redundancy is the key underlying concept for achieving fault tolerance that is usually implemented at the hardware or software level. In the case of model-based development, redundancy mechanisms are preferable for direct application at the model level (Simulink model level). This thesis introduces a systematic classification of fault-tolerant design patterns. Such patterns can be applied to the Simulink model to tolerate random hardware faults, and taken into account during the control system design. In addition, it is more transparent and convenient for control system engineers to directly protect vulnerable parts with fault tolerance mechanisms at the model level.
The rigorous reliability assessment of the embedded control systems must be conducted at the assembly level based on the modeling of data errors that occurred in RAM and CPU. However, the scalability of the assembly-level assessment method is challenging and even problematic in view of the state space explosion (SSE) problem of the underlying Markov chain models. The computational complexity may increase exponentially as the assembly code size increases. Moreover, the transformation from the Simulink models to the assembly code is a complicated procedure. It is also more convenient for control engineers to already be able to estimate reliability properties and implement possible reliability improvements at the model level in the early design phase, when the model-based design is actually applied. Therefore, this thesis proposes a model-level reliability evaluation of Simulink models to address the aforementioned problems. The efficiency of the proposed modellevel evaluation is verified by a comparison of the reliability properties that are assessed at the assembly and model levels.:1. Introduction
2. Preliminaries
3. Reliability evaluation of control algorithm implementations at the assembly level
4. Fault-tolerant design patterns
5. MORE: MOdel-based REdundancy for Simulink models
6. Model-level assessment of Simulink models
7. Conclusion
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Méthode de conception de systèmes temps réels embarqués multi-coeurs en milieu automobile / Methodology of designing embedded real-time multi-core systems in automotiveKlikpo, Enagnon Cédric 13 March 2018 (has links)
La complexité croissante des applications embarquées dans les voitures modernes augmente le besoin de puissance de calcul. Pour répondre à ce besoin, le standard automobile AUTOSAR introduit l'utilisation de plates-formes multi-cœurs. Cependant, l'utilisation du multi-cœurs pour des applications temps-réel critique automobile soulève plusieurs problématiques. Notamment, il faut respecter la spécification fonctionnelle et garantir de manière déterministe les échanges de données entre cœurs. Dans cette thèse, nous considérons des systèmes multi-périodiques spécifiés et validés fonctionnellement avec des modèles Matlab/Simulink. Ainsi, nous avons développé un framework pour déployer des applications Matlab/Simulink sur AUTOSAR multi-cœurs afin de garantir le déterminisme fonctionnel et temporel tout en exploitant au mieux le parallélisme. Notre contribution a porté sur trois axes. Premièrement nous avons identifié les mécanismes d'échanges de données imposés dans le modèle fonctionnel Matlab/Simulink. Nous avons montré que ces mécanismes pouvaient s'exprimer en utilisant le formalisme des Synchronous Dataflow Graph (SDFG). Ce modèle est un excellent outil d'analyse pour exploiter le parallélisme car il est très populaire dans la littérature et largement étudié pour le déploiement d'applications flow de données sur plateforme multi/many-cœurs. Par la suite, nous avons développé des méthodes pour réaliser le flux de données exprimés par le SDFG dans un ordonnancement temps-réel préemptif. Ces méthodes utilisent des résultats théoriques sur les SDFGs pour garantir les contraintes de précédence de manière déterministe sans utiliser des mécanismes de synchronisation bloquants. De cette sorte, nous garantissons à la fois le déterminisme fonctionnel et temporel des applications. Finalement, nous caractérisons l'impact des contraintes de flux de données sur l'ordonnancement des tâches. Nous proposons une technique de partitionnement qui minimise cet impact. Nous montrons alors que cette technique favorise la construction d'un partitionnement et d'un ordonnancement lorsqu'elle est utilisée pour initialiser des algorithmes de recherche et d'optimisation heuristiques. / The increasing complexity of embedded applications in modern cars has increased the need of computing power. To meet this need, the European automotive standard AUTOSAR has introduced the use of \multicore platforms. However, \multicore platform for critical automotive applications raises several issues. In particular, it is necessary to respect the functional specification and to guarantee deterministically the data exchanges between cores. In this thesis, we consider multi-periodic systems specified and validated with \mat. So, we developed a framework to deploy \mat applications on AUTOSAR \multicore. This framework guarantees the functional and temporal determinism and exploits the parallelism. Our contribution is threefold. First, we identify the communication mechanisms in \mat. Then, we prove that the dataflow in a multi-periodic \mat system is modeled by a SDFG. The SDFG formalism is an excellent analysis tool to exploit the parallelism. In fact, it is very popular in the literature and it is widely studied for the deployment of dataflow applications on multi/many-core. Then, we develop methods to realize the dataflow expressed by the SDFG in a preemptive \rt scheduling. These methods use theoretical results on SDFGs to guarantee deterministic precedence constraints without using blocking synchronization mechanisms. As such, both the functional and temporal determinism are guaranteed. Finally, we characterize the impact of dataflow requirements on tasks. We propose a partitioning technique that minimizes this impact. We show that this technique promotes the construction of a partitioning and a feasible scheduling when it is used to initiate multi-objective research and optimization algorithms. %As such, we reduce the number of design iterations and shorten the design time.
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Elektrické servopohony pro kritické aplikace / Electrical Servo Drives for Critical ApplicationsHubík, Vladimír January 2011 (has links)
The presented work deals with doctoral thesis named “Electrical drives for critical application”, which is solved in the Institute of Production Machines, Systems and Robotics. The paper tries to subsequently describe the progress during development of electric drive and to introduce the findings reached during project solving. The critical application requirements have been defined at the beginning, especially for the aerospace industry point of view. The work deals with the architecture of the control and power electronic, control software algorithms of the brush and brush-less BLDC motor with respect to the final certification aspects. It is also discussed the effectivness of the new development methods based on the modeling and simulation. The Model Based Design approach have been proved and verified during aircraft onboard equipment development. The findings of these are discussed at the end of this work.
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Simulace a návrh inteligentních agentů / Simulation and Design of Intelligent AgentsŠperka, Svatopluk Unknown Date (has links)
Conventional method of development which repeats phases of design, implementation and testing is not adequate for systems like intelligent agents for which complex behavior is required but specification is unclear at the beginning of development process. Incremental design of agent's model during simulation seems more suitable for it enables direct feedback in behavioral changes of a system. This interactivity speeds up development process and helps to uncover parts of a space of all models to designer - thanks to new knowledge acquired during simulation. This thesis aims to provide comparison of suitability of two agent architectures and respective platforms in context of SmallDEVS modeling and simulation framework for this methodology of development. First approach is reactive and decentralized subsumption architecture based on DEVS formalism and the second one is PNagent, framework realizing deliberative BDI architecture using Object Oriented Petri Nets.
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Development of a Series Parallel Energy Management Strategy for Charge Sustaining PHEV OperationManning, Peter Christopher 09 July 2014 (has links)
The Hybrid Electric Vehicle Team of Virginia Tech (HEVT) is participating in the 2012-2014 EcoCAR 2: Plugging in to the Future Advanced Vehicle Technology Competition series organized by Argonne National Lab (ANL), and sponsored by General Motors Corporation (GM) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The goals of the competition are to reduce well-to-wheel (WTW) petroleum energy consumption (PEU), WTW greenhouse gas (GHG) and criteria emissions while maintaining vehicle performance, consumer acceptability and safety. Following the EcoCAR 2 Vehicle Development Process (VDP) of designing, building, and refining an advanced technology vehicle over the course of the three year competition using a 2013 Chevrolet Malibu donated by GM as a base vehicle, the selected powertrain is a Series-Parallel Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) with P2 (between engine and transmission) and P4 (rear axle) motors, a lithium-ion battery pack, an internal combustion engine, and an automatic transmission.
Development of a charge sustaining control strategy for this vehicle involves coordination of controls for each of the main powertrain components through a distributed control strategy. This distributed control strategy includes component controllers for each individual component and a single supervisory controller responsible for interpreting driver demand and determining component commands to meet the driver demand safely and efficiently. For example, the algorithm accounts for a variety of system operating points and will penalize or reward certain operating points for other conditions. These conditions include but are not limited to rewards for discharging the battery when the state of charge (SOC) is above the target value or penalties for operating points with excessive emissions. Development of diagnostics and remedial actions is an important part of controlling the powertrain safely. In order to validate the control strategy prior to in-vehicle operation, simulations are run against a plant model of the vehicle systems. This plant model can be run in both controller Software- and controller Hardware-In-the-Loop (SIL and HIL) simulations.
This paper details the development of the controls for diagnostics, major selection algorithms, and execution of commands and its integration into the Series-Parallel PHEV through the supervisory controller. This paper also covers the plant model development and testing of the control algorithms using controller SIL and HIL methods. This paper details reasons for any changes to the control system, and describes improvements or tradeoffs that had to be made to the control system architecture for the vehicle to run reliably and meet its target specifications. Test results illustrate how changes to the plant model and control code properly affect operation of the control system in the actual vehicle. The VT Malibu is operational and projected to perform well at the final competition. / Master of Science
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[pt] A avaliação de uma interface de usuário pode ser feita em diferentes fases
do ciclo de desenvolvimento de um software. Avaliações formativas são aquelas
feitas ao longo do processo de design, antes do sistema estar concluído, e muitas
vezes, antes de uma única linha de código estar escrita. No âmbito da engenharia
semiótica, a linguagem de modelagem MoLIC (Modeling Language for
Interaction as Conversation) visa apoiar a reflexão do designer durante o design
de IHC. No entanto, não há um método específico para avaliar soluções de
interação elaboradas com a MoLIC. Visando apoiar o processo de avaliação de
uma solução representada em MoLIC, este trabalho apresenta a MoLIC WOz,
uma ferramenta computacional que permite emular a interação usuário-sistema
representada em um diagrama de interação MoLIC. A ferramenta torna possível
essa interação através da técnica Wizard of Oz (WOz), onde um usuário interage
com o sistema sendo operado por uma outra pessoa (o Wizard). O objetivo desse
trabalho foi verificar de que maneira a MoLIC WOz promove reflexão ao seu
usuário, aquele que interage com a emulação da interação do sistema em
avaliação. Para avaliar essa proposta, foi realizado um estudo com doze
participantes interagindo com a ferramenta. Os resultados do estudo indicam que a
MoLIC WOz tem potencial para ajudar na avaliação da comunicabilidade de
diagramas de interação por promover e motivar reflexão. Novos estudos com a
ferramenta são sugeridos para verificar outras formas de apoio à avaliação
formativa desse modelo. / [en] A user interface can be evaluated at different stages of the software
development cycle. Formative evaluations are those that are made throughout the
design process, before the system is finished, and often before a single line of
code is written. Within semiotic engineering, the modeling language MoLIC
(Modeling Language for Interaction as Conversation) aims to support the
reflection of the designer during the HCI design. However, there is no specific
method to evaluate interaction solutions prepared with MoLIC. Aiming to support
the evaluation process of a solution represented in MoLIC, this work presents
MoLIC WOz, a computational tool that emulates the user-system interaction
represented in a MoLIC interaction diagram. The tool makes this interaction
through the Wizard of Oz (WOz) technique, where a user interacts with the system
being operated by another person (the Wizard). The goal of this work was to
analyze how MoLIC WOz promotes reflection to its user, who plays the role of
experiencing the emulation of system’s interaction. To assess this proposal, we
conducted a study with twelve participants interacting with the tool. The results of
this study indicate that MoLIC WOz has potential to support the communicability
evaluation of MoLIC interaction diagrams through induced reflection. Further
studies with the tool are suggested to verify other ways that support formative
evaluations of this model.
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Řízení stejnosměrného bezkartáčového motoru za podmínek ztráty napájecího napětí / Brushless dc motor control under power loss conditionŠedivý, Jozef January 2014 (has links)
Táto diplomová práca sa zaoberá implementáciou bezpečnostnej funkcie pre elektrický aktuátor, ktorá spočíva v riadení BLDC motora, po výpadku napájacieho napätia, keď je aktuátor poháňaný vstavanou pružinou.. Celé riadenie motora je navrhnuté v prostredí Matlab-Simulink technikou nazývanou návrh systému z modelu. Následne pomocou automatického generovania kódu bol získaný zdrojový kód, ktorý bol použitý v reálnom aktuátore a odtestovaný v reálnych podmienkach. Cieľom týchto testov bolo overiť reálnu možnosť nasadenia vyvinutých algoritmov v reálnych, komerčne dostupných produktoch.
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