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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelovanje i pretraživanje nad nestruktuiranim podacima i dokumentima u e-Upravi Republike Srbije / Modeling and searching over unstructured data and documents in e-Government of the Republic of Serbia

Nikolić Vojkan 27 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Danas, servisi e-Uprave u različitim oblastima koriste question answer sisteme koncepta u poku&scaron;aju da se razume tekst i da pomognu građanima u dobijanju odgovora na svoje upite u bilo koje vreme i veoma brzo. Automatsko mapiranje relevantnih dokumenata se ističe kao važna aplikacija za automatsku strategiju klasifikacije: upit-dokumenta. Ova doktorska disertacija ima za cilj doprinos u identifikaciji nestruktuiranih dokumenata i predstavlja važan korak ka razja&scaron;njavanju uloge eksplicitnih koncepata u pronalaženju podataka uop&scaron;te ajče&scaron; a reprezenta vna &scaron;ema u tekstualnoj kategorizaciji je BoW pristup, kada je u pozadini veliki skup znanja. Ova disertacija uvodi novi pristup ka stvaranju koncepta zasnovanog na tekstualnoj prezantaciji i primeni kategorizacije teksta, kako bi se stvorile definisane klase u slučaju sažetih tekstualnih dokumenata Takođe, ovde je prikazan algoritam zasnovan na klasifikaciji, modelovan za upite koji odgovaraju temi. Otežavaju a okolnost u slučaju ovog koncepta, koji prezentuje termine sa visokom frekvencijom pojavljivanja u upitma, zasniva se na sličnostima u prethodno definisanim klasama dokumenata Rezultati eksperimenta iz oblasti Krivičnog zakonika Republike Srbije, u ovom slučaju i studija, pokazuju da prezentacija teksta zasnovana na konceptu ima zadovoljavaju e rezultate i u slučaju kada ne postoji rečnik za datu oblast.</p> / <p>Nowadays, the concept of Question Answering Systems (QAS) has been used by e-government services in various fields as an attempt to understand the text and help citizens in getting answers to their questions promptly and at any time. Automatic mapping of relevant documents stands out as an important application for automatic classification strategy: query-document. This doctoral thesis aims to contribute to identification of unstructured documents and represents an important step towards clarifying the role of explicit concepts within Information Retrieval in general. The most common scheme in text categorization is BoW approach, especially when, as a basis, we have a large set of knowledge. This thesis introduces a new approach to the creation of text presentation based concept and applying text categorization, with the aim to create a defined class in case of compressed text documents.Also, this paper discusses the classification based algorithm modeled for queries that suit the theme. What makes the situation more complicated is the fact that this concept is based on the similarities in previously defined classes of documents and terms with a high frequency of appearance presented in queries. The results of the experiment in the field of the Criminal Code, and this paper as well, show that the text presentation based concept has satisfactory results even in case where there is no vocabulary for certain field.</p>

Automatic summarization of mouse gene information for microarray analysis by functional gene clustering and ranking of sentences in MEDLINE abstracts : a dissertation

Yang, Jianji 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Ph.D. / Medical Informatics and Clinical Epidemiology / Tools to automatically summarize gene information from the literature have the potential to help genomics researchers better interpret gene expression data and investigate biological pathways. Even though several useful human-curated databases of information about genes already exist, these have significant limitations. First, their construction requires intensive human labor. Second, curation of genes lags behind the rapid publication rate of new research and discoveries. Finally, most of the curated knowledge is limited to information on single genes. As such, most original and up-to-date knowledge on genes can only be found in the immense amount of unstructured, free text biomedical literature. Genomic researchers frequently encounter the task of finding information on sets of differentially expressed genes from the results of common highthroughput technologies like microarray experiments. However, finding information on a set of genes by manually searching and scanning the literature is a time-consuming and daunting task for scientists. For example, PubMed, the first choice of literature research for biologists, usually returns hundreds of references for a search on a single gene in reverse chronological order. Therefore, a tool to summarize the available textual information on genes could be a valuable tool for scientists. In this study, we adapted automatic summarization technologies to the biomedical domain to build a query-based, task-specific automatic summarizer of information on mouse genes studied in microarray experiments - mouse Gene Information Clustering and Summarization System (GICSS). GICSS first clusters a set of differentially expressed genes by Medical Subject Heading (MeSH), Gene Ontology (GO), and free text features into functionally similar groups;next it presents summaries for each gene as ranked sentences extracted from MEDLINE abstracts, with the ranking emphasizing the relation between genes, similarity to the function cluster it belongs to, and recency. GICSS is available as a web application with links to the PubMed (www.pubmed.gov) website for each extracted sentence. It integrates two related steps, functional gene clustering and gene information gathering, of the microarray data analysis process. The information from the clustering step was used to construct the context for summarization. The evaluation of the system was conducted with scientists who were analyzing their real microarray datasets. The evaluation results showed that GICSS can provide meaningful clusters for real users in the genomic research area. In addition, the results also indicated that presenting sentences in the abstract can provide more important information to the user than just showing the title in the default PubMed format. Both domain-specific and non-domain-specific terminologies contributed in the informative sentences selection. Summarization may serve as a useful tool to help scientists to access information at the time of microarray data analysis. Further research includes setting up the automatic update of MEDLINE records; extending and fine-tuning of the feature parameters for sentence scoring using the available evaluation data; and expanding GICSS to incorporate textual information from other species. Finally, dissemination and integration of GICSS into the current workflow of the microarray analysis process will help to make GICSS a truly useful tool for the targeted users, biomedical genomics researchers.

Generierung von natürlichsprachlichen Texten aus semantischen Strukturen im Prozeß der maschinellen Übersetzung - Allgemeine Strukturen und Abbildungen

Rosenpflanzer, Lutz, Karl, Hans-Ulrich 14 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
0 VORWORT Bei der maschinellen Übersetzung natürlicher Sprache dominieren mehrere Probleme. Man hat es immer mit sehr großen Datenmengen zu tun. Auch wenn man nur einen kleinen Text übersetzen will, ist diese Aufgabe in umfänglichen Kontext eingebettet, d.h. alles Wissen über Quell- und Zielsprache muß - in möglichst formalisierter Form - zur Verfügung stehen. Handelt es sich um gesprochenes Wort treten Spracherkennungs- und Sprachausgabeaufgaben sowie harte Echtzeitforderungen hinzu. Die Komplexität des Problems ist - auch unter Benutzung moderner Softwareentwicklungskonzepte - für jeden, der eine Implementation versucht, eine nicht zu unterschätzende Herausforderung. Ansätze, die die Arbeitsprinzipien und Methoden der Informatik konsequent nutzen, stellen ihre Ergebnisse meist nur prototyisch für einen sehr kleinen Teil der Sprache -etwa eine Phrase, einen Satz bzw. mehrere Beispielsätze- heraus und folgern mehr oder weniger induktiv, daß die entwickelte Lösung auch auf die ganze Sprache erfolgreich angewendet werden kann, wenn man nur genügend „Lemminge“ hat, die nach allen Seiten ausschwärmend, die „noch notwendigen Routinearbeiten“ schnell und bienenfleißig ausführen könnten.

JSreal : un réalisateur de texte pour la programmation web

Daoust, Nicolas 09 1900 (has links)
La génération automatique de texte en langage naturel est une branche de l’intelligence artificielle qui étudie le développement de systèmes produisant des textes pour différentes applications, par exemple la description textuelle de jeux de données massifs ou l’automatisation de rédactions textuelles routinières. Un projet de génération de texte comporte plusieurs grandes étapes : la détermination du contenu à exprimer, son organisation en structures comme des paragraphes et des phrases et la production de chaînes de caractères pour un lecteur humain ; c’est la réalisation, à laquelle ce mémoire s’attaque. Le web est une plateforme en constante croissance dont le contenu, de plus en plus dynamique, se prête souvent bien à l’automatisation par un réalisateur. Toutefois, les réalisateurs existants ne sont pas conçus en fonction du web et leur utilisation requiert beaucoup de connaissances, compliquant leur emploi. Le présent mémoire de maîtrise présente JSreal, un réalisateur conçu spécifiquement pour le web et facile d’apprentissage et d’utilisation. JSreal permet de construire une variété d’expressions et de phrases en français, qui respectent les règles de grammaire et de syntaxe, d’y ajouter des balises HTML et de les intégrer facilement aux pages web. / Natural language generation, a part of artificial intelligence, studies the development of systems that produce text for different applications, for example the textual description of massive datasets or the automation of routine text redaction. Text generation projects consist of multiple steps : determining the content to be expressed, organising it in logical structures such as sentences and paragraphs, and producing human-readable character strings, a step usually called realisation, which this thesis takes on. The web is constantly growing and its contents, getting progressively more dynamic, are well-suited to automation by a realiser. However, existing realisers are not designed with the web in mind and their operation requires much knowledge, complicating their use. This master’s thesis presents JSreal, a realiser designed specifically for the web and easy to learn and use. JSreal allows its user to build a variety of French expressions and sentences, to add HTML tags to them and to easily integrate them into web pages. / Site web associé au mémoire: http://daou.st/JSreal

Dokumentenbasierte Steuerung von Geschäftsprozessen

Reichelt, Dominik 10 October 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Geschäftsprozesse im Verwaltungs- und Dienstleistungsbereich werden häufig durch den Eingang von Dokumenten angestoßen. Hierfür ist es unerlässlich, dass sie den richtigen Mitarbeiter im Unternehmen oder der Organisation erreichen. Oftmals sind jedoch dem externen Sender die internen Organisationsstrukturen nicht klar, so dass eine zentrale Stelle angeschrieben wird. Diese muss dann das Dokument, basierend auf seinem Inhalt, an die zuständigen Kollegen weiterleiten. Dies kann beträchtlichen personellen Aufwand mit sich bringen. In der Forschungsarbeit wird ein System entwickelt, das diese Aufgabe maschinell erfüllen soll. Hierzu werden verschiedenartige Klassifikationsverfahren erprobt und hinsichtlich ihrer Verlässlichkeit beurteilt. Weiterhin werden Verbesserungen gegenüber gängigen maschinellen Verfahren angestrebt.

The mat sat on the cat : investigating structure in the evaluation of order in machine translation

McCaffery, Martin January 2017 (has links)
We present a multifaceted investigation into the relevance of word order in machine translation. We introduce two tools, DTED and DERP, each using dependency structure to detect differences between the structures of machine-produced translations and human-produced references. DTED applies the principle of Tree Edit Distance to calculate edit operations required to convert one structure into another. Four variants of DTED have been produced, differing in the importance they place on words which match between the two sentences. DERP represents a more detailed procedure, making use of the dependency relations between words when evaluating the disparities between paths connecting matching nodes. In order to empirically evaluate DTED and DERP, and as a standalone contribution, we have produced WOJ-DB, a database of human judgments. Containing scores relating to translation adequacy and more specifically to word order quality, this is intended to support investigations into a wide range of translation phenomena. We report an internal evaluation of the information in WOJ-DB, then use it to evaluate variants of DTED and DERP, both to determine their relative merit and their strength relative to third-party baselines. We present our conclusions about the importance of structure to the tools and their relevance to word order specifically, then propose further related avenues of research suggested or enabled by our work.

Developing an enriched natural language grammar for prosodically-improved concent-to-speech synthesis

Marais, Laurette 04 1900 (has links)
The need for interacting with machines using spoken natural language is growing, along with the expectation that synthetic speech in this context sound natural. Such interaction includes answering questions, where prosody plays an important role in producing natural English synthetic speech by communicating the information structure of utterances. CCG is a theoretical framework that exploits the notion that, in English, information structure, prosodic structure and syntactic structure are isomorphic. This provides a way to convert a semantic representation of an utterance into a prosodically natural spoken utterance. GF is a framework for writing grammars, where abstract tree structures capture the semantic structure and concrete grammars render these structures in linearised strings. This research combines these frameworks to develop a system that converts semantic representations of utterances into linearised strings of natural language that are marked up to inform the prosody-generating component of a speech synthesis system. / Computing / M. Sc. (Computing)

A study of the use of natural language processing for conversational agents

Wilkens, Rodrigo Souza January 2016 (has links)
linguagem é uma marca da humanidade e da consciência, sendo a conversação (ou diálogo) uma das maneiras de comunicacão mais fundamentais que aprendemos quando crianças. Por isso uma forma de fazer um computador mais atrativo para interação com usuários é usando linguagem natural. Dos sistemas com algum grau de capacidade de linguagem desenvolvidos, o chatterbot Eliza é, provavelmente, o primeiro sistema com foco em diálogo. Com o objetivo de tornar a interação mais interessante e útil para o usuário há outras aplicações alem de chatterbots, como agentes conversacionais. Estes agentes geralmente possuem, em algum grau, propriedades como: corpo (com estados cognitivos, incluindo crenças, desejos e intenções ou objetivos); incorporação interativa no mundo real ou virtual (incluindo percepções de eventos, comunicação, habilidade de manipular o mundo e comunicar com outros agentes); e comportamento similar ao humano (incluindo habilidades afetivas). Este tipo de agente tem sido chamado de diversos nomes como agentes animados ou agentes conversacionais incorporados. Um sistema de diálogo possui seis componentes básicos. (1) O componente de reconhecimento de fala que é responsável por traduzir a fala do usuário em texto. (2) O componente de entendimento de linguagem natural que produz uma representação semântica adequada para diálogos, normalmente utilizando gramáticas e ontologias. (3) O gerenciador de tarefa que escolhe os conceitos a serem expressos ao usuário. (4) O componente de geração de linguagem natural que define como expressar estes conceitos em palavras. (5) O gerenciador de diálogo controla a estrutura do diálogo. (6) O sintetizador de voz é responsável por traduzir a resposta do agente em fala. No entanto, não há consenso sobre os recursos necessários para desenvolver agentes conversacionais e a dificuldade envolvida nisso (especialmente em línguas com poucos recursos disponíveis). Este trabalho foca na influência dos componentes de linguagem natural (entendimento e gerência de diálogo) e analisa em especial o uso de sistemas de análise sintática (parser) como parte do desenvolvimento de agentes conversacionais com habilidades de linguagem mais flexível. Este trabalho analisa quais os recursos do analisador sintático contribuem para agentes conversacionais e aborda como os desenvolver, tendo como língua alvo o português (uma língua com poucos recursos disponíveis). Para isto, analisamos as abordagens de entendimento de linguagem natural e identificamos as abordagens de análise sintática que oferecem um bom desempenho. Baseados nesta análise, desenvolvemos um protótipo para avaliar o impacto do uso de analisador sintático em um agente conversacional. / Language is a mark of humanity and conscience, with the conversation (or dialogue) as one of the most fundamental manners of communication that we learn as children. Therefore one way to make a computer more attractive for interaction with users is through the use of natural language. Among the systems with some degree of language capabilities developed, the Eliza chatterbot is probably the first with a focus on dialogue. In order to make the interaction more interesting and useful to the user there are other approaches besides chatterbots, like conversational agents. These agents generally have, to some degree, properties like: a body (with cognitive states, including beliefs, desires and intentions or objectives); an interactive incorporation in the real or virtual world (including perception of events, communication, ability to manipulate the world and communicate with others); and behavior similar to a human (including affective abilities). This type of agents has been called by several terms, including animated agents or embedded conversational agents (ECA). A dialogue system has six basic components. (1) The speech recognition component is responsible for translating the user’s speech into text. (2) The Natural Language Understanding component produces a semantic representation suitable for dialogues, usually using grammars and ontologies. (3) The Task Manager chooses the concepts to be expressed to the user. (4) The Natural Language Generation component defines how to express these concepts in words. (5) The dialog manager controls the structure of the dialogue. (6) The synthesizer is responsible for translating the agents answer into speech. However, there is no consensus about the necessary resources for developing conversational agents and the difficulties involved (especially in resource-poor languages). This work focuses on the influence of natural language components (dialogue understander and manager) and analyses, in particular the use of parsing systems as part of developing conversational agents with more flexible language capabilities. This work analyses what kind of parsing resources contributes to conversational agents and discusses how to develop them targeting Portuguese, which is a resource-poor language. To do so we analyze approaches to the understanding of natural language, and identify parsing approaches that offer good performance, based on which we develop a prototype to evaluate the impact of using a parser in a conversational agent.

A study of the use of natural language processing for conversational agents

Wilkens, Rodrigo Souza January 2016 (has links)
linguagem é uma marca da humanidade e da consciência, sendo a conversação (ou diálogo) uma das maneiras de comunicacão mais fundamentais que aprendemos quando crianças. Por isso uma forma de fazer um computador mais atrativo para interação com usuários é usando linguagem natural. Dos sistemas com algum grau de capacidade de linguagem desenvolvidos, o chatterbot Eliza é, provavelmente, o primeiro sistema com foco em diálogo. Com o objetivo de tornar a interação mais interessante e útil para o usuário há outras aplicações alem de chatterbots, como agentes conversacionais. Estes agentes geralmente possuem, em algum grau, propriedades como: corpo (com estados cognitivos, incluindo crenças, desejos e intenções ou objetivos); incorporação interativa no mundo real ou virtual (incluindo percepções de eventos, comunicação, habilidade de manipular o mundo e comunicar com outros agentes); e comportamento similar ao humano (incluindo habilidades afetivas). Este tipo de agente tem sido chamado de diversos nomes como agentes animados ou agentes conversacionais incorporados. Um sistema de diálogo possui seis componentes básicos. (1) O componente de reconhecimento de fala que é responsável por traduzir a fala do usuário em texto. (2) O componente de entendimento de linguagem natural que produz uma representação semântica adequada para diálogos, normalmente utilizando gramáticas e ontologias. (3) O gerenciador de tarefa que escolhe os conceitos a serem expressos ao usuário. (4) O componente de geração de linguagem natural que define como expressar estes conceitos em palavras. (5) O gerenciador de diálogo controla a estrutura do diálogo. (6) O sintetizador de voz é responsável por traduzir a resposta do agente em fala. No entanto, não há consenso sobre os recursos necessários para desenvolver agentes conversacionais e a dificuldade envolvida nisso (especialmente em línguas com poucos recursos disponíveis). Este trabalho foca na influência dos componentes de linguagem natural (entendimento e gerência de diálogo) e analisa em especial o uso de sistemas de análise sintática (parser) como parte do desenvolvimento de agentes conversacionais com habilidades de linguagem mais flexível. Este trabalho analisa quais os recursos do analisador sintático contribuem para agentes conversacionais e aborda como os desenvolver, tendo como língua alvo o português (uma língua com poucos recursos disponíveis). Para isto, analisamos as abordagens de entendimento de linguagem natural e identificamos as abordagens de análise sintática que oferecem um bom desempenho. Baseados nesta análise, desenvolvemos um protótipo para avaliar o impacto do uso de analisador sintático em um agente conversacional. / Language is a mark of humanity and conscience, with the conversation (or dialogue) as one of the most fundamental manners of communication that we learn as children. Therefore one way to make a computer more attractive for interaction with users is through the use of natural language. Among the systems with some degree of language capabilities developed, the Eliza chatterbot is probably the first with a focus on dialogue. In order to make the interaction more interesting and useful to the user there are other approaches besides chatterbots, like conversational agents. These agents generally have, to some degree, properties like: a body (with cognitive states, including beliefs, desires and intentions or objectives); an interactive incorporation in the real or virtual world (including perception of events, communication, ability to manipulate the world and communicate with others); and behavior similar to a human (including affective abilities). This type of agents has been called by several terms, including animated agents or embedded conversational agents (ECA). A dialogue system has six basic components. (1) The speech recognition component is responsible for translating the user’s speech into text. (2) The Natural Language Understanding component produces a semantic representation suitable for dialogues, usually using grammars and ontologies. (3) The Task Manager chooses the concepts to be expressed to the user. (4) The Natural Language Generation component defines how to express these concepts in words. (5) The dialog manager controls the structure of the dialogue. (6) The synthesizer is responsible for translating the agents answer into speech. However, there is no consensus about the necessary resources for developing conversational agents and the difficulties involved (especially in resource-poor languages). This work focuses on the influence of natural language components (dialogue understander and manager) and analyses, in particular the use of parsing systems as part of developing conversational agents with more flexible language capabilities. This work analyses what kind of parsing resources contributes to conversational agents and discusses how to develop them targeting Portuguese, which is a resource-poor language. To do so we analyze approaches to the understanding of natural language, and identify parsing approaches that offer good performance, based on which we develop a prototype to evaluate the impact of using a parser in a conversational agent.

Semantiska modeller för syntetisk textgenerering - en jämförelsestudie / Semantic Models for Synthetic Textgeneration - A Comparative Study

Åkerström, Joakim, Peñaloza Aravena, Carlos January 2018 (has links)
Denna kunskapsöversikt undersöker det forskningsfält som rör musikintegrerad matematikundervisning. Syftet med översikten är att få en inblick i hur musiken påverkar elevernas matematikprestationer samt hur forskningen ser ut inom denna kombination. Därför är vår frågeställning: Vad kännetecknar forskningen om integrationen mellan matematik och musik? För att besvara denna fråga har vi utfört litteratursökningar för att finna studier och artiklar som tillsammans bildar en överblick. Med hjälp av den metod som Claes Nilholm beskriver i SMART (2016) har vi skapat en struktur för hur vi arbetat. Ur det material som vi fann under sökningarna har vi funnit mönster som talar för musikens positiva inverkan på matematikundervisning. Förmågan att uttrycka sina känslor i form av ord eller beröra andra med dem har alltid varit enbeundransvärd och sällsynt egenskap. Det här projektet handlar om att skapa en text generatorkapabel av att skriva text i stil med enastående män och kvinnor med den här egenskapen. Arbetet har genomförts genom att träna ett neuronnät med citat skrivna av märkvärdigamänniskor såsom Oscar Wilde, Mark Twain, Charles Dickens, etc. Nätverket samarbetar med två olika semantiska modeller: Word2Vec och One-Hot och alla tre är delarna som vår textgenerator består av. Med dessa genererade texterna gjordes en enkätudersökning för att samlaåsikter från studenter om kvaliteten på de genererade texterna för att på så vis utvärderalämpligheten hos de olika semantiska modellerna. Efter analysen av resultatet lärde vi oss att de flesta respondenter tyckte att texterna de läste var sammanhängande och roliga. Vi lärde oss också att Word2Vec, presterade signifikant bättre än One-hot. / The ability of expressing feelings in words or moving others with them has always been admired and rare feature. This project involves creating a text generator able to write text in the style of remarkable men and women with this ability, this gift. This has been done by training a neural network with quotes written by outstanding people such as Oscar Wilde, Mark Twain, Charles Dickens, et alt. This neural network cooperate with two different semantic models: Word2Vec and One-Hot and the three of them compound our text generator. With the text generated we carried out a survey in order to collect the opinion of students about the quality of the text generated by our generator. Upon examination of the result, we proudly learned that most of the respondents thought the texts were coherent and fun to read, we also learned that the former semantic model performed, not by a factor of magnitude, better than the latter.

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