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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identificação endonasal do ápice orbitário / Endonasal orbital apex identification

Miguel Soares Tepedino 17 December 2014 (has links)
Introdução: As doenças que envolvem a órbita representam um complexo problema cirúrgico, principalmente as localizadas no ápice orbitário, por onde passam estruturas críticas e um espaço pequeno. O uso do endoscópio por via endonasal para abordagem cirúrgica das lesões do ápice orbitário é uma técnica recente, com poucas citações na literatura. É necessário o estudo de referências anatômicas objetivas que tornem a cirurgia mais segura. Objetivo: Descrever os parâmetros anatômicos utilizados na abordagem cirúrgica endonasal endoscópica, assim como avaliar a concordância entre os hemicrânios do mesmo cadáver e as diferenças conforme o gênero. Casuística e métodos: Estudo anatômico em 30 cadáveres adultos, ambas as fossas nasais foram dissecadas (n=60 hemicrânios). Sob visibilização endoscópica endonasal, realizou-se a dissecção do ápice orbitário. Mensuramos a distância entre a crista etmoidal e o arco coanal para o forame óptico e para a fissura orbitária superior. Os resultados foram registrados na ficha de protocolo do estudo. Resultados: Foram dissecados 30 cadáveres, 60 hemicrânios ou lados. O sexo masculino foi mais prevalente, representando 63,3% dos cadáveres (19/30), enquanto o sexo feminino representou 36,7% (11/30). 43,3% dos cadáveres eram da raça branca (13/30), 20%, pardos (6/30), e 36,7%, negros (11/30). A correlação entre os valores conforme o lado nas seguintes aferições foi observada: Crista etmoidal - Forame óptico, (r=0,748, p=0.0001); Crista etmoidal - Fissura Orbitária Superior (r=0.785, p=0.0001), Arco coanal - Forame óptico (r=0,835, p=0.0001); Arco coanal - Fissura orbitária superior (r=0.820, p=0.0001). Foi obtido um Kappa de 0,444 na avaliação da concordância entre os lados em relação ao posicionamento da artéria etmoidal anterior no forame óptico. Conclusões: A sistematização da abordagem do ápice orbitário facilita seu acesso cirúrgico e a compreensão da anatomia. A crista etmoidal e o arco coanal se mostraram estruturas relevantes e com medidas constantes nos cadáveres estudados. Os valores do coeficiente de correlação de Spearman (r) foram maiores que 0,7, o que revela uma boa correlação entre as medidas dos hemicrânios do mesmo indivíduo. Ao analisarmos a concordância do posicionamento da artéria oftálmica entre os hemicrânios de um mesmo cadáver, podemos observar que a concordância foi moderada, o que representa assimetria e variação de localização da artéria. Ao compararmos as medidas aferidas entre os lados, observou-se que os valores são semelhantes e não houve diferença estatística das distâncias em nenhuma das referências anatômicas propostas para o estudo / Introduction: Diseases that affect the orbit pose a complex surgical challenge, particularly those involving the orbital apex, a small space through which critically important structures course. Endoscopic endonasal approaches to the surgical treatment of orbital apex lesions are a recent technique, with few citations in the literature. Research is still needed into objective anatomic landmarks that can improve surgical safety. Objective: To describe the anatomic landmarks used in endoscopic endonasal surgical approaches and assess agreement between placement of these landmarks in midsagittal sections of cadaver skulls and potential gender differences. Materials and methods: In this anatomic study, the nasal fossae of 30 adult cadavers were dissected (n=60 half-skulls). The orbital apex was dissected under endoscopic endonasal visualization. The distances between the ethmoidal crest and choanal arch to the optic foramen and to the superior orbital fissure were measured and recorded. Results: Overall, 30 cadavers were dissected for a total of 60 half-skulls or sides. The sample was predominantly male (63.3%, 19/30 cadavers); females accounted for the remaining 36.7% (11/30). Regarding skin color, 43.3% of cadavers were white (13/30), 20% were brown (6/30), and 36.7% were black (11/30). The following correlations between measurements according to side were observed: ethmoidal crest to optic foramen, r=0.748 (p=0.0001); ethmoidal crest to superior orbital fissure, r=0.785 (p=0.0001); choanal arch to optic foramen, r=0.835 (p=0.0001); choanal arch to superior orbital fissure, r=0.820 (p=0.0001). Analysis of the agreement of ophthalmic artery location within the optic foramen between skull halves revealed a kappa of 0.444. Conclusions: The approach systematization to the orbital apex will facilitate surgical access and improve understanding of the anatomy. In the cadavers studied in this sample, the ethmoidal crest and choanal arch were relevant structures and exhibited consistent measurements. Spearman correlation coefficients (r) were greater than 0.7, which is indicative of good correlation between measurements obtained in the skull halves of each cadaver. Analysis of the position of the ophthalmic artery in each skull half of the same cadaver revealed moderate agreement, which indicates asymmetry and variation in the location of this artery. Comparison of the measurements obtained in different sides showed similar values, with no statistically significant differences in the distances between any of the proposed anatomic landmarks

Ovariectomia em cadelas por notes híbrida ou total: estudo de viabilidade técnica, análises álgica e de cortisol plasmático / Ovariectomy in bitches by hybrid or pure notes: techinical viability, algic and plasma cortisol concentrations study

Linhares, Marcella Teixeira 20 January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to compare two transvaginal NOTES ovariectomy (OVE) techniques in bitches regarding technical issues, surgical time, complications, as well as plasma cortisol concentration and postoperative pain scores. A sample of 16 dogs was divided into two groups: GNH patients (n=8) underwent transvaginal hybrid-NOTES OVE; and GNT dogs (n=8) were submitted to transvaginal total-NOTES OVE. The surgical time was not different between groups. None of the dogs required rescue analgesic during or after surgery at any time point. Groups did not differ significantly from each other regarding pain scores, except for 72 hours after extubation on visual analogue scale (EVA) assessment. GNH group presented higher pain score than GNT at 72 hours. Plasma cortisol did not differ between groups in most time points. However, GNT group presented higher plasma cortisol at the baseline. Cortisol peaked at the immediate postoperative period in both groups, but was significantly raised only in the GNH group. Both NOTES OVE techniques were feasible and safe in dogs. However, proper patient selection is advised. Techniques showed similar results for all assessment. Both techniques presented low complications rates and reduced pain during and after surgery. / O presente estudo busca comparar duas novas técnicas de ovariectomia (OVE) por NOTES transvaginal em cadelas quanto a viabilidade técnica, tempo cirúrgico e incidência de complicações trans e pós-operatórias, bem como quanto à concentração de cortisol plasmático e escores de dor no período pós-operatório. Para tanto, uma amostra de 16 cadelas foi separada em dois grupos, sendo os pacientes do GNH (n=8) submetidos à OVE por NOTES transvaginal híbrida e os do grupo GNT (n=8) submetidas à OVE por NOTES transvaginal total. Os tempos cirúrgicos não diferiram entre os grupos experimentais. Nenhum dos cães requereu resgate analgésico nos períodos trans ou pós-operatório. Quanto ao escore de dor, os grupos não diferiram significativamente entre si na maioria dos tempos estudados, com exceção da avaliação nas 72 horas após extubação, na escala visual analógica (EVA), onde o GNH demonstrou índices mais elevados de dor que o grupo GNT. Os valores do cortisol plasmático não diferiram entre os grupos na maioria dos tempos, exceto no basal, onde os do grupo GNT foram superiores. Os valores mais elevados de cortisol para ambos os grupos experimentais foram encontrados no pós-operatório imediato, porém considerados significativos apenas para o grupo GNH. Ambas as técnicas de NOTES propostas se mostraram viáveis e seguras na realização de OV em cadelas, desde que executadas em pacientes selecionados quanto às condições anatômicas. As duas técnicas apresentaram resultados semelhantes para os parâmetros avaliados, com baixas taxas de complicações e reduzido estímulo álgico nos períodos trans e pós-operatório.

Прилог истраживању струјања гаса кроз мерне бленде са вишеотвора / Prilog istraživanju strujanja gasa kroz merne blende sa višeotvora / Contribution to Gas Flow Research Through Multi Hole Orifices

Đurđević Marko 18 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Уз растуће цене енергената, данас је од пресудног значаја тачно мерење<br />протока флуида у индустријским процесима. Због своје једноставности,<br />поузданости и једноставног одржавања, мерне бленде су често<br />распрострањени мерни инструменти у многим индустријама.<br />Конвенционална мерна бленда са једним отвором (БЈО) је широко<br />заступљен мерни инструмент на бази диференцијалног притиска, али овај<br />инструмент има и одређене недостатке, који се могу превазићи мерном<br />блендом са више отвора (БВО). Предмет истраживања докторске<br />дисертације је била БВО. За истраживање су се користиле<br />експериментална и нумеричка метода, а истражили су се однос површине<br />отвора бленде и површине попречног пресека цеви &beta;, пад притисака,<br />губитак притисака, утицај угла излазне ивице мерне бленде, утицај<br />влажности гаса и утицај равних деоница испред и иза мерне бленде на<br />тачност мерења. Такође поред овога одредио се и губитак снаге који<br />настаје код различитих мерних бленди, поврат притиска, коефицијент<br />протока тј. коефицијент пада притиска. Представљени резултати у оквиру<br />докторске дисертације су показали бројне предности БВО у односу на БЈО.</p> / <p>Uz rastuće cene energenata, danas je od presudnog značaja tačno merenje<br />protoka fluida u industrijskim procesima. Zbog svoje jednostavnosti,<br />pouzdanosti i jednostavnog održavanja, merne blende su često<br />rasprostranjeni merni instrumenti u mnogim industrijama.<br />Konvencionalna merna blenda sa jednim otvorom (BJO) je široko<br />zastupljen merni instrument na bazi diferencijalnog pritiska, ali ovaj<br />instrument ima i određene nedostatke, koji se mogu prevazići mernom<br />blendom sa više otvora (BVO). Predmet istraživanja doktorske<br />disertacije je bila BVO. Za istraživanje su se koristile<br />eksperimentalna i numerička metoda, a istražili su se odnos površine<br />otvora blende i površine poprečnog preseka cevi &beta;, pad pritisaka,<br />gubitak pritisaka, uticaj ugla izlazne ivice merne blende, uticaj<br />vlažnosti gasa i uticaj ravnih deonica ispred i iza merne blende na<br />tačnost merenja. Takođe pored ovoga odredio se i gubitak snage koji<br />nastaje kod različitih mernih blendi, povrat pritiska, koeficijent<br />protoka tj. koeficijent pada pritiska. Predstavljeni rezultati u okviru<br />doktorske disertacije su pokazali brojne prednosti BVO u odnosu na BJO.</p> / <p>Nowadays, with rising energy prices, accurate flow measurement is playing an<br />important role in industrial processes. Due to its simplicity, reliability and ease of<br />maintenance, orifice flow meters are very common measuring instruments in<br />many industries. Conventional single-hole orifice (SHO) flow meter is widely<br />used differential pressure-based instrument, but this instrument has some<br />disadvantages that can be overcome by multi-hole orifice (MHO) flow meter. The<br />subject of the doctoral dissertation research was MHO flow meter. Experimental<br />and numerical methods were used for the research, whereas the ratio of the<br />orifice area and the cross-sectional pipe area &beta;, pressure drop, pressure loss,<br />angle of bevel influence, gas humidity influence and straight sections upstream<br />and downstream of the orifice influence on measurement accuracy were<br />investigated. Also, power loss for different orifice flow meters, pressure recovery,<br />discharge coefficient i.e. pressure drop coefficient were determined. Results<br />presented within the doctoral dissertation showed numerous advantages of<br />MHO compared to SHO.</p>

Nejistoty měření průtoku páry / Steam Flow Measurement Error Analysis

Barabášová, Iveta January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with analysis of measurement uncertainty. The theoretical knowledge presented in opening chapters is applied on indirect steam flow measurement by orifice plate. Calculation of steam flow is based on knowledge of pressure difference value, static pressure value and temperature. The data are acquired by experimental measurement in laboratory. The mass flow rate uncertainty is determined by normalized procedure (according to standard ČSN EN ISO 5167) and by detailed error analysis (according to standard ČSN ISO 5168) for comparison. Whole numerical computation employs python programming language in Spyder environment. Other computation result is steam consumption of washing cycle.

Návrh clonek pro páru při vysoké tlakové diferenci / Design of orifice plates for steam for high pressure difference

Gajdůšek, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
The work deals with the design of a system of orifices for high pressure difference. The task of this work is to design a device for controlled discharge of steam-gas mixture from a volume compensator with an overpressure of 12,27 MPa to a tank with an overpressure of 0,02 MPa at a constant mass flow of 40 kg/h. The first part of the thesis contains the theory and also the basic principles of calculations. In the next part of the work, the theoretical properties of flow, such as the speed of sound in wet steam, are determined. This knowledge then serves the main goal of the work, namely to design a system of orifices to release steam-gas mixture from the volume compensator.

Softwarové vybavení měřicí trati / Software for measuring track

Pikula, Stanislav January 2011 (has links)
The master's thesis summarizes the theory of flow measurement by differential pressure sensors, especially by Normalized Orifice, and summarizes theory concerning Averaging Pitot Tube. It is briefly described LabVIEW programming environment and flow measuring track for which the software was developed. The thesis describes creation of concept of program and in particular its final realization. The program provide observing actual events on measuring track, saving data to file, detail analysis of stored data and creation of measurement report. The main objective is to determine the Averaging Pitot Tube coefficient.

Analýza nejistot nepřímých měření / Uncertainties Analyze of Indirect Measurement

Fišr, Petr January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis is engaged with problems of expressing measurement uncertainty especially for indirect measurements. This issue is shown here on a few simple examples. Part of this work is a calculation module for the determination of measurement uncertainties, applied to the role of the laboratory 'measurement of the flow orifice.

Membránová stěna kotle s pokročilým řízením průtoku / The membrane wall of the boiler with an advanced flow control

Češla, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The master thesis deals with hydraulic characteristics of once-through boilers and describes the problems which may arise during the flow of water through the evaporator. Especially the formation of aperiodic instability of the evaporator and hydraulic uniformity amongst every steam generating tube. The thesis describes parameters, which cause these problems, and solutions how to deal with them. The calculation has been done for evaporator of the boiler called K2 located in power station in Chvaletice.

Simulace proudění multiclonou pomocí Boltzmannovy kinetické rovnice / Simulace proudění multiclonou pomocí Boltzmannovy kinetické rovnice

Molda, Vojtěch January 2011 (has links)
An attempt to numerically predict flow rate of experimental configuration of orifices in transition between molecular and viscous flow regime is described in detail. Discretization of Boltzmann kinetic equation known as lattice-Boltzmann method is derived and applied unfortunately with very little connection to the original experimental problem due to nearly supersonic nature of the experimental setup. Current quite unsatisfactory state of the art of compressible lattice-Boltzmann method is also presented.

Računarska simulacija i analiza novih oblika mernih blendi / Computer simulation and analysis of new forms orifice plates

Halas Dragan 12 August 2020 (has links)
<p>U mnogim granama tehnike javljaju se problemi<br />merenja protoka fluida. Merne blende, zbog svojih<br />mnogih prednosti predstavljaju najzastupljeniji<br />instrument za merenje protoka fluida kroz cevovode. Sa<br />druge strane njihova upotreba povećava tro&scaron;kove rada<br />industrijskih postrojenja. Jedan od ciljeva ove<br />doktorske disertacije bio je ispitivanje novih oblika<br />mernih blendi u cilju u&scaron;tede energije pri njihovom radu.<br />U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji predložen je algoritam<br />ispitivanja novih oblika mernih blendi. Takođe je<br />konstruisana i izrađena laboratorijska aparatura za<br />njihovo ispitivanje kao i diferncijalni &quot;U&quot; manometar<br />za merenje malih razlika pritisaka. U okviru ove<br />doktorske disertacije dizajnirana su i ispitana tri nova<br />oblika mernih blendi. U&scaron;teda energije je postignuta<br />dizajnom koji smanjuje otpor merne blende kao<br />elementa cevovoda. Novi oblici mernih blendi, kao i<br />jedna standardnog oblika koja je poslužila kao<br />referentna, ispitani su prema predloženom algoritmu. U<br />prvom koraku merne blende su dizajnirane u<br />programskom paketu Solid Works. Zatim su, prema<br />predloženom algoritmu, ispitane pomoću računarske simulacije u programskom paketu COMSOL Multiphysics. Po dobijanju zadovoljavajućih rezultata računarske simulacije, merne blende su izrađene na 3D &scaron;tampaču, FDM postupkom i ispitane na laboratorijskoj aparaturi. Rezultati laboratorijskih ispitivanja su upoređeni sa rezultatima računarske simulacije. Upoređeni rezultati računarske simulacije i laboratorijskih ispitivanja su pokazali da je računarska simulacija dobro opisivala situaciju. Rezultati laboratorijskog ispitivanja su pokazali znatan efekat u&scaron;tede energije. Takođe je utvrđeno da se pomoću računarske simulacije mogu dobiti podaci na osnovu kojih se može doneti odluka da li novi oblik merne blende treba korigovati ili ima smisla pristupiti laboratorijskom ispitivanju. Algoritam ispitivanja koji je predložen u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji se pokazao efikasnim.</p><p>&nbsp;</p> / <p>In many domains of technology, there are problems<br />with the measurement of fluid flow. Orifice plates,<br />because of their many advantages, represent the most<br />common instrument for measuring fluid flow through<br />pipelines. On the other hand, their use increases the<br />operating cost of industrial plants. One of the goals of<br />this doctoral dissertation was to test new forms of<br />orifice plates for a reason to save energy during their<br />work. An algorithm for testing new forms of orifice<br />plates is proposed. Also, the laboratory equipment for<br />testing them was designed and made, as well as a<br />differential &quot;U&quot; manometer for measuring small<br />pressure differences. As part of this doctoral<br />dissertation are designed and tested three new forms of<br />orifice plates. Energy-saving was achieved by a design<br />that reduces the resistance of the orifice plate as an<br />element of the pipeline. New forms of orifice plates, as well as a standard shape, which served as a reference, were tested according to the present algorithm. In the first step, orifice plates are designed in the Solid Works software package. Then, according to the proposed algorithm, they were tested using computer simulation in COMSOL Multiphysics software package. After achieving satisfactory results of computer simulation, orifice plates are made on a 3D printer, using the FDM process and tested in the laboratory apparatus. The results of laboratory tests were compared with the results of computer simulations. Compared results of computer simulation and laboratory testing showed that computer simulation described the situation well. The results of the laboratory test showed a significant energy-saving effect. It was also found that computer simulation can obtain data that can decide whether a new form of orifice plate must be corrected or it makes sense to access laboratory testing. The algorithm proposed in this doctoral dissertation has proven effective.</p>

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