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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Performance of a symmetrical converging-diverging tube differential pressure flow meter

Ilunga, Luc Mwamba January 2014 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Master of Technology: Civil Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at the CAPE PENINSULA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 2014 / The current problems of orifice, nozzle and Venturi flow meters are that they are limited to turbulent flow and the permanent pressure drop produced in the pipeline. To improve these inadequacies, converging-diverging (C-D) tubes were manufactured, consisting of symmetrical converging and diverging cones, where the throat is the annular section between the two cones, with various angles and diameter ratios to improve the permanent pressure loss and flow measurement range. The objective of this study was firstly to evaluate the permanent pressure loss, secondly to determine the discharge coefficient values for various C-D tubes and compare them with the existing differential pressure flow meter using Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, and finally to assess the performance of these differential pressure flow meters. The tests were conducted on the multipurpose test rig in the slurry laboratory at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology. Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids were used to conduct experiments in five different C-D tube flow meters with diameter ratios (β) of 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7, and with angles of the wall to the axis of the tube (θ) of 15°, 30° and 45°. The results for each test are presented firstly in the form of static pressure at different flow rates. It was observed that the permanent pressure loss decreases with the flow rate and the length of the C-D tube. Secondly, the results are presented in terms of discharge coefficient versus Reynolds number. It was found that the Cd values at 15° drop earlier than at 30° and 45°; when viscous forces become predominant, the Cd increases with increasing beta ratio. The Cd was found to be independent of the Reynolds number for Re>2000 and also a function of angle and beta ratio. Preamble Performance of a symmetrical converging-diverging tube differential pressure flow meter Finally, the error analyses of discharge coefficients were assessed to determine the performance criteria. The standard variation was found to increase when the Reynolds number decreases. The average discharge coefficient values and their uncertainties were determined to select the most promising C-D tube geometry. An average Cd of 0.96, with an uncertainty of ±0.5 % for a range of Reynolds numbers greater than 2,000 was found. The comparison between C-D tubes 0.6(15-15) and classical Venturi flow meters reveals that C-D 0.6(15-15) performs well in turbulent range and shows only a slight inaccuracy in laminar. This thesis provides a simple geometrical differential pressure flow meter with a constant Cd value over a Reynolds number range of 2000 to 150 000.

Sutura endoscópica para perfuração gástrica nos procedimentos cirúrgicos endoscópicos translumenais por orifício natural, utilizando dispositivo T-Tag associado à câmara plástica protetora: factibilidade e resultados - estudo experimental / Endoscopic suturing for gastric perforation in natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery procedures, using T-Tag device and a plastic protection chamber: feasibility and results- experimental study

Pablo Rodrigo de Siqueira 02 October 2014 (has links)
A perfuração gástrica por endoscopia é a consequência de alguns de seus procedimentos, e atualmente, com o advento das cirurgias endoscópicas translumenais por orifícios naturais, um meio de manipulação dos órgãos abdominais. Esse é o motivo pelo qual os endoscopistas estão procurando um reparo endoscópico seguro. O objetivo foi avaliar a factibilidade e os resultados do fechamento da abertura gástrica similar àquelas realizadas nos procedimentos cirúrgicos endoscópicos translumenais por orifícios naturais utilizando-se o T-Tag associado à câmara plástica protetora. Sob anestesia geral, dez porcos Landrace foram submetidos a uma perfuração gástrica calibrada em 18 mm de diâmetro. A abertura foi fechada pelo novo método apresentado, composto de fios cirúrgicos conectados em uma âncora metálica (T-Tag) posicionados pela parede gástrica através de uma agulha. Uma câmara protetora plástica foi adaptada à extremidade distal do endoscópio para proteger os órgãos abdominais adjacentes da punção da agulha fora do estômago. Seis dispositivos T-Tag foram posicionados na maioria dos casos e os fios atados com um apertador de nó metálico endoscópico formando três pontos de sutura. O teste de vazamento foi realizado com uma pinça endoscópica e distensão da câmara gástrica com ar. Os animais receberam líquidos no mesmo dia do procedimento. Uma dose de antibiótico diária por dois dias foi administrada. Nenhuma complicação foi detectada no período pós-operatório. Um mês depois, a endoscopia revelou a presença de cicatriz em todos os animais, e a maioria apresentava materiais da sutura aderidos à superfície mucosa da região. A região do antro gástrico apresentava poucas aderências identificadas na laparotomia realizada no mesmo momento. O reparo endoscópico utilizando o T-Tag e a câmara protetora plástica é factível, fácil de ser realizada e seguro. São necessários estudos adicionais para mostrar o real valor desse tipo de procedimento / The endoscopic gastric perforation is a consequence of some endoscopic procedures and now a way to manage abdominal organs. This is the reason why endoscopists are studying a safe endoscopic repair. The objective was to evaluate feasibility and results of the gastric opening closure similar to those performed in natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery procedures using T-Tag associated with the plastic protection chamber. Ten Landrace pigs underwent a gastric perforation of 1.8 cm in diameter under general anesthesia. The opening was repaired with stitch assembled in a T-Tag anchor placed through the gastric wall with a needle. A plastic transparent chamber, adapted to the endoscope tip protected the abdominal organs from the needle puncture outside the stomach. Six T-Tags were placed in most cases and the stitches were tied with a metallic tie-knot, forming three sutures. The leakage test was performed with a forceps and by air distention. The animals received liquids in the same operative day. One daily shot antibiotic during two days was used. No complication was detected in the postoperative course. One month later the endoscopy revealed a scar in all animals, and the majority of these with suture material. The antral anterior gastric wall was clear with few adhesions in the laparotomy performed in the same time. The endoscopic repair using T-Tag and a protector chamber is feasible, easy to perform and safe. Further studies are needed to show the real value of this kind of procedure

Finite Element Modeling of the Mitral Valve and Mitral Valve Repair

Baxter, Iain A. January 2012 (has links)
As the most commonly diseased valve of the heart, the mitral valve has been the subject of extensive research for many years. Prior research has focused on the development of surgical repair techniques and mainly consists of in vivo clinical studies into the efficacy and long-term effects of different procedures. There is a need for a means of studying the mitral valve ex vivo, incorporating patient data and the effects of different repair techniques on the valve prior to surgery. In this study, a method was developed for reconstructing the mitral valve from patient-specific data. Three-dimensional transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography (3D-TTE and 3D-TEE) were used to obtain ultrasound images from a normal subject and a patient with mitral valve regurgitation. Geometric information was extracted from the images defining the primary structures of the mitral valve and a special program in MATLAB was created to automatically construct a finite element model of a valve. A dynamic finite element analysis solver, LS-DYNA 971, was used to simulate the dynamics of the valves and the non-linear, anisotropic behaviour of biological tissue. The two models were successful in simulating the dynamics of the mitral valve, with the subject model displaying normal function and the patient model showing the dysfunction displayed in the ultrasound images. A method was then developed to modify the original patient model, in a way that maintains its patient-specific nature, to model mitral valve repair. Four mitral valve repair techniques were simulated using the patient model: the annuloplasty ring, the double-orifice Alfieri stitch, the paracommissural Alfieri stitch, and the quadrangular resection. The former was coupled with the other three techniques, as is standard protocol in mitral valve repair. The effects of these techniques on the mitral valve were successfully determined, with varying degrees of improvement in valve function.

Parní turbína - tvorba a odvod kondenzátu / Steam turbine - condensation formation and discharge

Zouhar, Adam January 2019 (has links)
Master thesis is dealing with the issue of condensate creation and removal from the Nesher Ramle steam turbine during start-up and steady state. At the beginning a preliminary calculation of heat balance and the turbine itself is done. It is followed by description and design of drainage system supplemented by calculation of the steam flow through the orifices. Steam flow calculation was done via S. D. Morris, Pavelek with Kalčík and Ambrož, all three methods were compared. The main goal is the theoretical calculation of the amount of condensate created during start-up which is influenced by its initial state from which it is started. Three default states are considered, cold, warm and hot. In the last chapter the comparison of theoretical calculation with the measured data on real turbine is done and it is supported by the evaluation of the data from the measurement of the steam turbine at steady state on maximum power and half power. From the steady state analysis, percentage of water flow to expander from the total amount of condensate formed in the turbine were obtained.

Měření průtoku vzduchu pomocí víceotvorových rychlostních sond / Flow measurement of air by multiport averaging probes

Šimák, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
Master work deals with the measurement of fluid flow (particularly air) pipe, with orifice and multiport averaging probe. The theoretical part is followed by practical, which verifies the properties of the measured system. In a next part of semestral work are verifies the properties of multiport averaging probes Vavra s.r.o. MQS-011 and Rosemount Annubar 485. Measured values from probes are compared.

Vliv turbulentního modelu na simulace proudění vzduchu v okolí průtokoměru / Effect of the turbulence model for simulation of air flow around flowmeter

Vlček, Josef January 2014 (has links)
Purpose of this thesis is to check influence of turbulent model used for simulation of flow close to primary elementi inserted into piping. The goal is to check if results computed by these models are equal and how precise is their prediction.

La ventilation nasale du nouveau-né : études cliniques d'anomalies congénitales, modélisations numériques de l'écoulement et du réchauffement de l'air / Neonatal nasal breathing : clinical studies of congenital abnormalities, numerical modeling of airflow and air-conditioning

Moreddu, Éric 07 December 2018 (has links)
La ventilation nasale est vitale pour le nouveau-né, respirateur nasal exclusif. Le tiers antérieur des fosses nasales peut être modifié par une sténose congénitale de l’orifice piriforme, tandis leur partie postérieure peut être fermée par une atrésie choanale uni ou bilatérale ou par des lésions du nasopharynx.Les simulations numériques permettent d’analyser l’écoulement et le conditionnement de l’air en contournant les limites techniques et éthiques rencontrées in vivo. Devant la rareté des données dans la littérature, une étude de faisabilité a été nécessaire et concluante : les modèles numériques sont qualitativement proches de la réalité. Un travail sur les conditions physiologiques chez le nouveau-né a ensuite été réalisé, avec une méthodologie retravaillée. La reconstruction tridimensionnelle des fosses nasales est possible dès la naissance. La création d’une sphère centrée sur la pointe du nez, éloignant le domaine d’entrée de la zone d’intérêt, a permis d’analyser le rôle du tiers antérieur des fosses nasales.La valve nasale joue un rôle majeur en inspiration : perte de charge, accélération, guidage des flux et réchauffement de l’air. Les trois quarts du réchauffement ont lieu en amont du cornet inférieur. Une obstruction nasale entraîne une réduction des vitesses et une augmentation des températures de l'air. La simulation de l’inspiration d’air à 0°C a permis de constater que les fosses nasales permettent d’amortir les effets du refroidissement de l’air extérieur.Ce travail constitue une première approche de la physiologie de la ventilation nasale du nouveau-né par modélisation numérique, indispensable à la compréhension de la pathologie nasale néonatale. / Nasal breathing is essential for the newborn, exclusive nasal breather. The anterior third of the nasal fossae may be modified by a congenital stenosis of the pyriform aperture, while their posterior part may be closed by unilateral or bilateral choanal atresia.Numerical simulations are a good means to analyze airflow and air-conditioning: they circumvent the technical and ethical limits encountered in vivo. Given the rarity of available data in the literature, a feasibility study was necessary and was conclusive: numerical models are qualitatively close to reality. A work on the physiological conditions in newborns was conducted, using refined methodology. The three-dimensional reconstruction of the nasal fossae is possible from birth. The creation of a sphere centered on the tip of the nose, moving the boundary conditions away from the area of interest, made it possible to analyze the role of the anterior third od the nasal fossae.The nasal valve plays a major in inspiration: it is a zone of pressure loss, acceleration, flow guidance and air warming. Three-fourths of the warming takes place upstream the inferior turbinate. A partial nasal obstruction modifies these results with lower velocities and higher temperature of the air. The simulation of the inspiration of cold air (0°C) has shown that the nasal fossae can dampen, without canceling, the effects of air cooling. This work is a first approach to the physiology of nasal ventilation of the newborn by numerical modeling, which is essential to the understanding of neonatal nasal pathology.

磁気粘弾性流体の流動特性と応用展開に関する研究 / ジキ ネンダンセイ リュウタイ ノ リュウドウ トクセイ ト オウヨウ テンカイ ニカンスル ケンキュウ

田澤 拓也, Takuya Tazawa 22 March 2022 (has links)
本研究では懸濁系の磁気粘弾性流体の流動特性と圧力特性について四要素モデルを用いて考察を行う.実験では,磁気粘弾性流体がオリフィスを流れる際の圧力損失について,スタートアップの圧力変化と磁場印加時の圧力の過渡的な挙動を測定した.また実験結果の検証として数値解析も行った.その結果,磁気粘弾性流体の流れは,ケルビン力,磁気スピンの作用,物性を決定づける4要素モデルによって数値的に表現されることを明らかにした. / The flow and pressure characteristics of magneto-viscoelastic fluids in suspension systems are discussed in this study using a four-element model. In the experiment, the pressure drop of the magneto-viscoelastic fluid flowing through the orifice was measured in terms of pressure change at startup and transient pressure behavior when a magnetic field is applied. Numerical analysis was also performed to verify the experimental results. The results show that the flow of a magneto-viscoelastic fluid can be numerically described by a four-element model that determines the Kelvin force, the action of magnetic spin, and physical properties. / 博士(工学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Experimental Characterization of Baffle Plate Influence on Turbulent and Cavitation Induced Vibrations in Pipe Flow

Holt, Gavin J. 14 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Turbulent and cavitation induced pipe vibration is a large problem in industry often resulting in pipe failures. This thesis provides an experimental investigation on turbulent flow and cavitation induced pipe vibration caused by sharp edged baffle plates. Due to large pressure losses across a baffle plate, cavitation can result. Cavitation can be destructive to pipe flow in the form of induced pipe wall vibration and cavitation inception. Incipient and critical cavitation numbers are design points that are often used in designing baffle plate type geometries. This investigation presents how these design limits vary with the influencing parameters by exploring a range of different baffle plate geometries. The baffle plates explored contained varying hole sizes that ranged from 0.159 cm to 2.54 cm, with the total through area, or openness, of each baffle plate ranging between 11% and 60%. Plate thickness varied from 0.32–0.635 cm. Reynolds numbers ranged from 5 x 10^4 -85 x 104. The results show that the cavitation design limits are function of size scale effects and the loss coefficient only. The results also show that the loss coefficient for a baffle plate varies not only with total through area ratio, but also due with the plate thickness to baffle hole diameter ratio. Pipe wall vibrations were shown to decrease with increased through area ratio and increased thickness to diameter ratios. An investigation was also performed to characterize the attenuation of vibration in the streamwise direction of a baffle plate. It was show that the attenuation was largely effected by the presence of cavitation. Attenuation was shown to be a function of the geometry of the baffle plate. This work resulted in empirical models that can be used for predicting pipe vibration levels, the point of cavitation inception, and the streamwise distance where the attenuation of vibration levels caused by a baffle plate occurs.

Development of Acoustic Simulation Methods for Exhaust Systems / Utveckling av akustiska simuleringsmetoder för avgassystem

Friberg Femling, Christin January 2021 (has links)
Noise pollution is a growing concern due to its harmfulness to human health. Heavy vehicles powered by internal combustion engines stands for a major part of the environmental noise, why noise reduction is an increasing priority in enginve development. Within this study, an optimization problem is posed in order to minimize acoustic output without impairing the engine's overall performance. In our quest to diversify out noise reduction strategies, innovative ways of investigating this complex subject are essential. Here, we use simulations to investigate the possibility to reduce noise by component settings, as well as methods available to achieve that. Regarding the methods, the results indicates that a built in optimization tool within the simulation software used works well, despite the high complexity of the problem. A significant noise reduction is achieved when adjusting the settings of two of the parameters studied. This is a first attempt to tackle noise reduction in internal combustion engines by component settings. From the promising results, further improvements are expected as the simulation methods are refined and more components can be investigated accurately. / Bullerreducering är en allt viktigare fråga i samhället idag på grund av den negativa påverkan oljud kan ha på vår hälsa. Tunga fordon som driva av förbränningsmotorer står för den största delen av buller i vår omgivning, varför bullerreducering är ett alltmer prioriterat område vid utveckling av dessa motorer och fordon. I denna studie arbetar vi utifrån ett optimeringsproblem för att minimera ljudnivåerna utan att försämra motorns övergripande prestanda. I vår strävan att diversifiera strategier för bullerreducering behövs innovativa sätt att undersöka detta komplexa problem. Här används ett simuleringsverktyg för att undersöka möjligheterna att reducera ljudnivåerna genom att justera komponenternas beskaffenhet. Metoderna för att uppnå detta undersöks och utvärderas också. Resultaten pekar på ett inbyggt optimeringsverktyg i det simuleringsprogram som används hanterar optimeringsproblemet väl, trots dess höga komplexitet. En signifikant bullerreducering uppnås genom justering av inställningar hos två av de komponenter som undersökts. Detta är ett första försök att hantera bullerreducering inom förbränningsmotorer genom simulering av olika komponentinställningar. Med tanke på de lovande resultaten från denna första undersökning förväntas ytterligare förbättringar om simuleringsmodellen kan förfinas och fler komponenter kan undersökas.

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