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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Un environnement pour le calcul intensif pair à pair / An environment for peer-to-peer high performance computing

Nguyen, The Tung 16 November 2011 (has links)
Le concept de pair à pair (P2P) a connu récemment de grands développements dans les domaines du partage de fichiers, du streaming vidéo et des bases de données distribuées. Le développement du concept de parallélisme dans les architectures de microprocesseurs et les avancées en matière de réseaux à haut débit permettent d'envisager de nouvelles applications telles que le calcul intensif distribué. Cependant, la mise en oeuvre de ce nouveau type d'application sur des réseaux P2P pose de nombreux défis comme l'hétérogénéité des machines, le passage à l'échelle et la robustesse. Par ailleurs, les protocoles de transport existants comme TCP et UDP ne sont pas bien adaptés à ce nouveau type d'application. Ce mémoire de thèse a pour objectif de présenter un environnement décentralisé pour la mise en oeuvre de calculs intensifs sur des réseaux pair à pair. Nous nous intéressons à des applications dans les domaines de la simulation numérique et de l'optimisation qui font appel à des modèles de type parallélisme de tâches et qui sont résolues au moyen d'algorithmes itératifs distribués or parallèles. Contrairement aux solutions existantes, notre environnement permet des communications directes et fréquentes entre les pairs. L'environnement est conçu à partir d'un protocole de communication auto-adaptatif qui peut se reconfigurer en adoptant le mode de communication le plus approprié entre les pairs en fonction de choix algorithmiques relevant de la couche application ou d'éléments de contexte comme la topologie au niveau de la couche réseau. Nous présentons et analysons des résultats expérimentaux obtenus sur diverses plateformes comme GRID'5000 et PlanetLab pour le problème de l'obstacle et des problèmes non linéaires de flots dans les réseaux. / The concept of peer-to-peer (P2P) has known great developments these years in the domains of file sharing, video streaming or distributed databases. Recent advances in microprocessors architecture and networks permit one to consider new applications like distributed high performance computing. However, the implementation of this new type of application on P2P networks gives raise to numerous challenges like heterogeneity, scalability and robustness. In addition, existing transport protocols like TCP and UDP are not well suited to this new type of application. This thesis aims at designing a decentralized and robust environment for the implementation of high performance computing applications on peer-to-peer networks. We are interested in applications in the domains of numerical simulation and optimization that rely on tasks parallel models and that are solved via parallel or distributed iterative algorithms. Unlike existing solutions, our environment allows frequent direct communications between peers. The environment is based on a self adaptive communication protocol that can reconfigure itself dynamically by choosing the most appropriate communication mode between any peers according to decisions concerning algorithmic choice made at the application level or elements of context at transport level, like topology. We present and analyze computational results obtained on several testeds like GRID’5000 and PlanetLab for the obstacle problem and nonlinear network flow problems.

Exploitation efficace des architectures parallèles de type grappes de NUMA à l’aide de modèles hybrides de programmation

Clet-Ortega, Jérôme 18 April 2012 (has links)
Les systèmes de calcul actuels sont généralement des grappes de machines composés de nombreux processeurs à l'architecture fortement hiérarchique. Leur exploitation constitue le défi majeur des implémentations de modèles de programmation tels MPI ou OpenMP. Une pratique courante consiste à mélanger ces deux modèles pour bénéficier des avantages de chacun. Cependant ces modèles n'ont pas été pensés pour fonctionner conjointement ce qui pose des problèmes de performances. Les travaux de cette thèse visent à assister le développeur dans la programmation d'application de type hybride. Il s'appuient sur une analyse de la hiérarchie architecturale du système de calcul pour dimensionner les ressources d'exécution (processus et threads). Plutôt qu'une approche hybride classique, créant un processus MPI multithreadé par noeud, nous évaluons de façon automatique des solutions alternatives, avec plusieurs processus multithreadés par noeud, mieux adaptées aux machines de calcul modernes. / Modern computing servers usually consist in clusters of computers with several multi-core CPUs featuring a highly hierarchical hardware design. The major challenge of the programming models implementations is to efficiently take benefit from these servers. Combining two type of models, like MPI and OpenMP, is a current trend to reach this point. However these programming models haven't been designed to work together and that leads to performance issues. In this thesis, we propose to assist the programmer who develop hybrid applications. We lean on an analysis of the computing system architecture in order to set the number of processes and threads. Rather than a classical hybrid approach, that is to say creating one multithreaded MPI process per node, we automatically evaluate alternative solutions, with several multithreaded processes per node, better fitted to modern computing systems.

Various extensions in the theory of dynamic materials with a specific focus on the checkerboard geometry

Sanguinet, William Charles 01 May 2017 (has links)
This work is a numerical and analytical study of wave motion through dynamic materials (DM). This work focuses on showing several results that greatly extend the applicability of the checkerboard focusing effect. First, it is shown that it is possible to simultaneously focus dilatation and shear waves propagating through a linear elastic checkerboard structure. Next, it is shown that the focusing effect found for the original €œperfect€� checkerboard extends to the case of the checkerboard with smooth transitions between materials, this is termed a functionally graded (FG) checkerboard. With the additional assumption of a linear transition region, it is shown that there is a region of existence for limit cycles that takes the shape of a parallelogram in (m,n)-space. Similar to the perfect case, this is termed a €œplateau€� region. This shows that the robustness of the characteristic focusing effect is preserved even when the interfaces between materials are relaxed. Lastly, by using finite volume methods with limiting and adaptive mesh refinement, it is shown that energy accumulation is present for the functionally graded checkerboard as well as for the checkerboard with non-matching wave impedances. The main contribution of this work was to show that the characteristic focusing effect is highly robust and exists even under much more general assumptions than originally made. Furthermore, it provides a tool to assist future material engineers in constructing such structures. To this effect, exact bounds are given regarding how much the original perfect checkerboard structure can be spoiled before losing the expected characteristic focusing behavior.

Methode multigrilles parallèle pour les simulations 3D de mise en forme de matériaux / Methode multigrilles parallèle pour les simulations 3D de mise en forme de matériaux

Vi, Frédéric 16 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le développement d’une méthode multigrilles parallèle visant à réduire les temps de calculs des simulations éléments finis dans le domaine de la mise en forme de pièces forgées en 3D. Ces applications utilisent une méthode implicite, caractérisées par une formulation mixte en vitesse/pression et une gestion du contact par pénalisation. Elles impliquent de grandes déformations qui rendent nécessaires des remaillages fréquents sur les maillages tétraédriques non structurés utilisés. La méthode multigrilles développée suit une approche hybride, se basant sur une construction géométrique des niveaux grossiers par déraffinement de maillage non emboîtés et sur une construction algébrique des systèmes linéaires intermédiaires et grossiers. Un comportement asymptotique quasi-linéaire et une bonne efficacité parallèle sont attendus afin de permettre la réalisation de simulations à grand nombre de degrés de liberté dans des temps plus raisonnables qu’aujourd’hui. Pour cela, l’algorithme de déraffinement de maillages est compatible avec le calcul parallèle, ainsi que les opérateurs permettant les transferts de champs entre les différents niveaux de maillages partitionnés. Les spécificités des problèmes à traiter ont mené à la sélection d'un lisseur plus complexe que ceux utilisés plus fréquemment dans la littérature. Sur la grille la plus grossière, une méthode de résolution directe est utilisée, en séquentiel comme en calcul parallèle. La méthode multigrilles est utilisée en tant que préconditionneur d’une méthode de résidu conjugué et a été intégrée au logiciel FORGE NxT et montre un comportement asymptotique et une efficacité parallèle proches de l’optimal. Le déraffinement automatique de maillages permet une compatibilité avec les remaillages fréquents et permet à la méthode multigrilles de simuler un procédé du début à la fin. Les temps de calculs sont significativement réduits, même sur des simulations avec des écoulements particuliers, sur lesquelles la méthode multigrilles ne peut être utilisée de manière optimale. Cette robustesse permet, par exemple, de réduire de 4,5 à 2,5 jours le temps de simulation d’un procédé. / A parallel multigrid method is developed to reduce large computational costs involved by the finite element simulation of 3D metal forming applications. These applications are characterized by a mixed velocity/pressure implicit formulation with a penalty formulation to enforce contact and lead to large deformations, handled by frequent remeshings of unstructured meshes of tetrahedral. The developed multigrid method follows a hybrid approach where the different levels of non-nested meshes are geometrically constructed by mesh coarsening, while the linear systems of the intermediate and coarse levels result from the algebraic approach. A close to linear asymptotical behavior is expected along with parallel efficiency in order to allow simulations with large number of degrees of freedom under reasonable computation times. These objectives lead to a parallel mesh coarsening algorithm and parallel transfer operators allowing fields transfer between the different levels of partitioned meshes. Physical specificities of metal forming applications lead to select a more complex multigrid smoother than those classically used in literature. A direct resolution method is used on the coarsest mesh, in sequential and in parallel computing. The developed multigrid method is used as a preconditioner for a Conjugate Residual algorithm within FORGE NxT software and shows an asymptotical behavior and a parallel efficiency close to optimal. The automatic mesh coarsening algorithm enables compatibility with frequent remeshings and allows the simulation of a forging process from beginning to end with the multigrid method. Computation times are significantly reduced, even on simulations with particular material flows on which the multigrid method is not optimal. This robustness allows, for instance, reducing from 4.5 to 2.5 days the computation of a forging process.

Analyse théorique et numérique des équations de la magnétohydrodynamique : application à l'effet dynamo / Theoretical and numerical analysis of the magnetohydrodynamics equations : application to dynamo action

Luddens, Francky 06 December 2012 (has links)
On s'intéresse dans ce mémoire aux équations de la magnétohydrodynamique (MHD) dans des milieux hétérogènes, i.e. dans des milieux pouvant présenter des variations (éventuellement brutales) de propriétés physiques. En particulier, on met ici l'accent sur la résolution des équations de Maxwell dans des milieux avec des propriétés magnétiques inhomogènes. On présentera une méthode non standard pour résoudre ce problème à l'aide d'éléments finis de Lagrange. On évoquera ensuite l'implémentation dans le code SFEMaNS, développé depuis 2002 par J.-L. Guermond, C. Nore, J. Léorat, R. Laguerre et A. Ribeiro, ainsi que les premiers résultats obtenus dans les simulations de dynamo. Nous nous intéresserons par exemple au cas de la dynamo dite de Von Kármán, afin de comprendre l'expérience VKS2. En outre, nous aborderons des cas de dynamo en précession, ou encore le problème de la dynamo au sein d'un écoulement de Taylor-Couette. / We focus on the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations in hetereogeneous media, i.e. media with (possibly brutal) variations on the physical properties. In particular, we are interested in solving the Maxwell equations with discontinuous magnetic properties. We introduce a method that is, to the best of our knowledge, new to solve this problem using only Lagrange Finite Elements. We then discuss its implementation in SFEMaNS, a numerical code developped since 2002 by J.-L. Guermond, C. Nore, J. Léorat, R. Laguerre and A. Ribeiro. We show the results of the first dynamo simulations we have been able to make with this solver. For instance, we present a kinematic dynamo in a VKS setup, as well as some results about dynamo action induced either by a Taylor-Couette flow, or by a precessionnally driven flow.

Instrumentation optimale pour le suivi des performances énergétiques d’un procédé industriel / Optimal sensor network design to monitor the energy performances of a process plant

Rameh, Hala 07 November 2018 (has links)
L’efficacité énergétique devient un domaine de recherche incontournable dans la communauté scientifique vu son importance dans la lutte contre les crises énergétiques actuelles et futures. L'analyse des performances énergétiques, pour les procédés industriels, nécessite la connaissance des grandeurs physiques impliquées dans les équilibres de masse et d'énergie. D’où la problématique : comment choisir les points de mesure sur un site industriel de façon à trouver les valeurs de tous les indicateurs énergétiques sans avoir des redondances de mesure (respect des contraintes économiques), et en conservant un niveau de précision des résultats ? La première partie présente la formulation du problème d’instrumentation ayant pour but de garantir une observabilité minimale du système en faveur des variables clés. Ce problème est combinatoire. Une méthode de validation des différentes combinaisons de capteurs a été introduite. Elle est basée sur l’interprétation structurelle de la matrice représentant le procédé. Le verrou de long temps de calcul lors du traitement des procédés de moyenne et grande taille a été levé. Des méthodes séquentielles ont été développées pour trouver un ensemble de schémas de capteurs pouvant être employés, en moins de 1% du temps de calcul initialement requis. La deuxième partie traite le choix du schéma d’instrumentation optimal. Le verrou de propagation des incertitudes dans un problème de taille variable a été levé. Une modélisation du procédé basée sur des paramètres binaires a été proposée pour automatiser les calculs, et évaluer les incertitudes des schémas trouvés. Enfin la méthodologie complète a été appliquée sur un cas industriel et les résultats ont été présentés. / Energy efficiency is becoming an essential research area in the scientific community given its importance in the fight against current and future energy crises. The analysis of the energy performances of the industrial processes requires the determination of the quantities involved in the mass and energy balances. Hence: how to choose the placement of the measurement points in an industrial site to find the values of all the energy indicators, without engendering an excess of unnecessary information due to redundancies (reducing measurements costs) and while respecting an accepted level of accuracy of the results ? The first part presents the formulation of the instrumentation problem which aims to guaranteeing a minimal observability of the system in favor of the key variables. This problem is combinatory. A method of validation of the different sensors combinations has been introduced. It is based on the structural interpretation of the matrix representing the process. The issue of long computing times while addressing medium and large processes was tackled. Sequential methods were developed to find a set of different sensor networks to be used satisfying the observability requirements, in less than 1% of the initial required computation time. The second part deals with the choice of the optimal instrumentation scheme. The difficulty of uncertainty propagation in a problem of variable size was addressed. To automate the evaluation of the uncertainty for all the found sensor networks, the proposed method suggested modeling the process based on binary parameters. Finally, the complete methodology is applied to an industrial case and the results were presented.

Um programa de elementos finitos em GPU e orientado a objetos para análise dinâmica não linear de estruturas. / An object-oriented finite element program in GPU for nonlinear dynamic structural analysis.

Yamassaki, Renato Toshio 28 March 2014 (has links)
É notório que o emprego de unidades de processamento gráfico (GPU) pode acelerar significativamente métodos numéricos de aplicações científicas. Para suportar essa nova tecnologia, é necessário que programas sejam readaptados, exigindo flexibilidade do código. Nesse trabalho, é apresentada a arquitetura de um programa de elementos finitos (MEF) para a análise de estruturas, com suporte ao processamento em GPU. A orientação a objetos é usada para guiar o desenvolvimento e modelar o código em uma estrutura flexível. A escalabilidade do programa é dada pela extensão de suas funcionalidades através de componentes carregados em tempo de execução. Para ilustrar a robustez do código, o software é aplicado para o estudo de dinâmica estrutural, considerando aspectos complexos de não linearidade de material (plasticidade) e geometria (grandes deslocamentos). A acurácia do código é verificada através da comparação com problemas conhecidos da literatura e com as soluções MEF comerciais (ABAQUS). As comparações mostraram uma boa concordância nos resultados. O speedup da GPU é analisado em relação aos tempos de CPU do próprio programa, sendo observado ganhos de desempenho de até 10 vezes. / It has been recognized that the adoption of graphics processing units (GPU) can significantly boost numerical methods in scientific applications. In order to support such technology, it is necessary to readapt the program, which requires code flexibility. In this work, it is presented the architecture of a finite element (FEM) analysis program for structural analysis with GPU support. Object-oriented design is used to guide development and to build code into a flexible structure. Program scalability is achieved by extensibility of its features, provided by run-time loaded components. In order to demonstrate code robustness, the software is directed to the study of structural dynamics, considering complex non-linear aspects of material (plasticity) and geometry (large displacements). Code accuracy is checked by comparing with known literature problems and with commercial solver packages (ABAQUS). The comparison shows good agreement in the results. The GPU code speedup is analysed against timings of CPU program code, where it is observed performance gain up to 10 times.

Métodos de fronteira imersa em mecânica dos fluidos / Immersed boundary methods in fluid mechanics

Petri, Larissa Alves 24 March 2010 (has links)
No desenvolvimento de códigos paralelos, a biblioteca PETSc se destaca como uma ferramenta prática e útil. Com o uso desta ferramenta, este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre resolvedores de sistemas lineares aplicados a escoamentos incompressíveis de fluidos em microescala, além de uma análise de seu comportamento em paralelo. Após um estudo dos diversos aspectos dos métodos de fronteira imersa, é apresentado um método de fronteira imersa paralelo de primeira ordem. Na sequência, é apresentada uma proposta de melhoria na precisão do método, baseada na minimização da distância entre a condição de contorno exata e aproximada, no sentido de mínimos quadrados. O desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta paralela eficiente é demonstrado na solução numérica de problemas envolvendo escoamentos incompressíveis de fluidos viscosos com fronteiras imersas / In the development of parallel codes, PETSc library has an important position as a practical and useful tool. With this tool, this work presents a study about linear system solvers applied to incompressible flow in microscale problems, furthermore an analysis of the parallel behavior of these methods is presented. After a study of several aspects of immersed boundary methods, and taking advantage of the flexibility of PETSc, a parallel first order immersed boundary method is presented. Thereafter, an improvement in the accuracy of the method is presented, based on the minimization of the distance between exact and approximated boundary conditions, in the least square sense. The development of a parallel and efficient tool is demonstrated in the numerical solution of incompressible viscous flow problems with immersed boundary

Visualisation interactive de données hétérogènes pour l'amélioration des dépenses énergétiques du bâtiment / Interactive visualisation of heterogenous data for building energy efficiency

Lange, Benoît 07 November 2012 (has links)
De nos jours, l'économie d'énergie est devenue un enjeu crucial. Les bâtiments des différents pays ont été identifiés comme étant une source importante de perte énergétique. De ce constat a émergé le projet RIDER (Reasearch for IT Driven EneRgy efficiency). Ce projet a pour objectif de développer un système d'information innovant permettant d'optimiser la consommation énergétique d'un bâtiment ou d'un groupe de bâtiments. Ce système est basé sur des composants logiciels, notamment une solution générale de modélisation du bâtiment, une solution de fouille de données, une solution de visualisation. Chacun de ces composants est destiné à améliorer le modèle de données de RIDER. Dans ce manuscrit, nous nous intéressons à la partie visualisation et nous proposons donc une solution d'amélioration du modèle par cette méthode. Dans ces travaux, nous allons présenter les solutions que nous avons mises en place pour modéliser le bâtiment ; pour ce faire nous avons utilisé une solution à base de particules dont la valeur est interpolée par rapport aux différents capteurs du bâtiment. Nous présentons également les différentes solutions mises en place pour visualiser les données et les méthodes d'interactions pour améliorer le modèle du bâtiment. Enfin, notre dernière partie présente les résultats de notre solution au travers de deux jeux de données. / Energy efficiencies are became a major issue. Building from any country have been identified as gap of energy, building are not enough insulated and energy loss by this struc- ture represent a major part of energy expenditure. RIDER has emerged from this viewpoint, RIDER for Research for IT Driven EneRgy efficiency. This project has goal to develop a new kind of IT system to optimize energy consumption of buildings. This system is based on a component paradigm, which is composed by a pivot model, a data warehouse with a data mining approach and a visualization tool. These two last components are developed to improve content of pivot model.In this manuscript, our focus was on the visualization part of the project. This manuscript is composed in two parts: state of the arts and contributions. Basic notions, a visualization chapter and a visual analytics chapter compose the state of the art. In the contribution part, we present data model used in this project, visualization proposed and we conclude with two experimentations on real data.

Computação paralela para reduzir o tempo de resposta da mineração de dados agrícolas

Abreu, Cristian Cosmoski Rangel de 30 April 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T14:19:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cristian Abreu.pdf: 2219271 bytes, checksum: 3d770700a8027fff9a36f6287c8c4e54 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The objective of this study was investigate the use of parallel computing to reduce the response time of data mining in agriculture. For this purpose, a tool, called Fast Weka been defined and implemented. This tool allows running data mining algorithms and explore parallelism in multi-core computers with the use of threads and distributed systems employing peer-to-peer networks. The exploration of parallelism occurs through the data parallelism inherent to the process of cross-validation (folds). The tool was evaluated through experiments using artificial neural networks data mining algorithms applied to a data set of forest cover types. The multi-thread computing and computing on peer-to-peer networks allowed to reduce the response time of data mining activities. The best results were achieved when employed a multiple number of threads or pairs in the number of folds of cross validation. It was observed and efficiency of 87% when used 4 threads to 24 folds and 86% efficiency also in peer-to-peer networks using 24 folds with 11 pairs. / O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a utilização da computação paralela para reduzir o tempo de resposta da mineração de dados na agricultura. Para esse fim, uma ferramenta, chamada Fast Weka foi definida e implementada. Essa ferramenta permite executar algoritmos de mineração de dados e explorar o paralelismo em computadores multi-núcleos com uso de threads em sistemas distribuídos empregando redes peer-to-peer. A exploração do paralelismo ocorre por meio do paralelismo de dados inerente ao processo de validação cruzada (folds). A ferramenta foi avaliada por meio de experimentos de mineração de dados utilizando algoritmos de redes neurais artificiais aplicados em um conjunto de dados de tipos de coberturas florestais. A computação multi-thread e a computação em redes peer-to-peer permitiram reduzir o tempo de resposta das atividades de mineração de dados. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos quando empregados um número múltiplo de threads ou pares em relação ao número de folds da validação cruzada. Observou-se uma eficiência de 87% quando utilizadas 4 threads para 24 folds e 86% de eficiência, também, com 2 folds utilizando redes peer-to-peer co 11 pares.

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