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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Engagement paternel en situation de rupture conjugale et de contestation de garde

Leahey, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
Résumé : Le présent essai doctoral vise à définir les facteurs de risque ou de protection de l’engagement paternel chez les pères ayant eu recours à la médiation ordonnée (Mo) et à l’expertise psychosociale (Exp). L’étude de 222 dossiers légaux et la réalisation de 22 entrevues repose sur une approche exploratoire dont les données quantitatives et qualitatives ont été recueillies de façon ponctuelle (entrevues) et en rétrospective (analyse des dossiers). Cet essai présente à notre connaissance des données originales. L'analyse des tendances démographiques nommée « analyse populationnelle dynamique » et les données qui en sont issues sont appelées « données populationnelles ». Elles tracent un portrait des pères qui tient compte du contexte social dans lequel ils évoluent et situent les échantillons sur la courbe normale ou selon le critère évalué. Cette méthode d'analyse soutient avantageusement le modèle écologique de Bronfenbrenner (1979). Les résultats indiquent qu’au-delà des procédures de cour, le facteur de risque le plus important à l’engagement paternel est la difficile communication avec l’ex-conjointe appelée « communication dégradant le lien parental » dont les deux piliers sont la dépréciation et l'obstruction. Le conflit qui oppose les parents est de longue durée et se prolonge parfois sur une décennie. Cette intensité de conflit discrimine le profil des pères utilisant la médiation ordonnée de celui des pères utilisant la médiation volontaire. À ce conflit sont associés des coûts psychologiques chez les pères et leur famille, mais également des coûts financiers attribuables à la longueur des procédures de cour. Ces coûts constituent également un facteur de risque tout comme les caractéristiques des couples présentant des écarts d’âge, de valeurs et de culture. Les recommandations de l’expertise et les ententes de la médiation ordonnée ont un effet de courte durée sur le conflit qui oppose les parents. Les pères perçoivent l’expertise comme un facteur de protection de leur engagement, car leur capacité parentale y est reconnue et les recommandations que contiennent les expertises influencent les décisions de la cour. La capacité des pères à valoriser leur rôle parental et les stratégies utilisées pour contrer une communication dénigrante sont également des facteurs de protection. De ces constats se dégage une série de recommandations visant tant la recherche que les interventions cliniques. // Abstract : This doctoral essay seeks to define the risk or protective factors of paternal involvement among fathers who have recourse to court-ordered mediation (Mo) and custody assessment (Exp). An examination of 222 legal cases and the 22 interviews which were conducted is based on an approach that is exploratory (both quantitative and qualitative), case-by-case (interviews) and retrospective (case-file analysis), which to our knowledge is innovative in many ways. The analysis of demographic trends called "population-based dynamic analysis", while the data derived from it are called "population-based data". They paint a portrait of fathers that takes into account the social context in which they find themselves and place the samples on a normal curve or in accordance with the criterion being evaluated. This method of analysis favorably supports Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model (1979). The results indicate that beyond court procedures, the most significant paternal-involvement risk factor is difficult communication with the ex-wife, called "communication detrimental to the parental relationship", which is based on two major pillars: depreciation and obstruction. These pillars present a conceptual affinity with parental alienation, negative co-parenting and restrictive gatekeeping. The conflict between the parents is long-lasting, sometimes extending over a decade. This conflict intensity distinguishes the profiles of fathers using court-ordered mediation from those using voluntary mediation. Psychological and financial costs for the fathers and their family associated with the length of court procedures constitute a risk factor as well, as do the characteristics of couples of differing ages, values and cultures. Court custody assessments and court-ordered mediation have a short-term effect on parental conflict. However, fathers perceived court custody assessments as a protective factor for their paternal involvement because their parenting ability is thus recognized and recommendations contained in the assessments influence court decisions. The ability of fathers to enhance their parenting role and the strategies they use to counter derogatory communications are also protective factors. These findings result in a series of recommendations aimed both at research and clinical interventions.

O exercício abusivo do poder familiar e os limites da intervenção judicial na família / Abusive exercise of paternal power and the limits of judicial intervention on Family.

Lobato, Jose Cristobal Aguirre 18 June 2013 (has links)
A família sofreu, no século passado, séc. XX diversas mudanças. As próprias relações mudaram: industrialização e urbanização aceleradas, emancipação da mulher, duas Guerras Mundiais que alavancaram o tema dos direitos humanos, com evidente repercussão nos direitos da personalidade. Tudo isso alterou o perfil da família e das relações que ocorrem em seu seio. Na verdade, estabeleceu-se uma perspectiva limitadora do poder em geral, da ascendência sobre outrem, inclusive no âmbito do pátrio poder, hoje poder familiar. Sem embargo disso, passada a euforia inicial, é hora de buscar caminhos para a plena efetivação desses direitos. Isso dependerá, em grande medida, da própria interpretação judicial, já que na decisão jurisdicional o ordenamento convertido numa fórmula específica para a solução daquela lide atinge o seu ápice. Se a afetividade e a grita por justiça e ética nas relações familiares é inafastável, mais do que isso, é louvável, porque consagra a dignidade da pessoa humana, por outro lado, a ideologia e a patrulha moral em temas existenciais devem ser evitadas. Ativismo judicial não se confunde com invasividade. A intrujice do Estado na família pela função legislativa, executiva ou judiciária deve incentivar um repensar das próprias expectativas que os operadores do Direito, sobretudo do Direito de Família, possuem a respeito do potencial transformativo de seus saberes. Assim, sempre buscando o justo termo, a dissertação examina as hipóteses de intervenção judicial no exercício abusivo do poder familiar, tanto na dimensão patrimonial quanto na dimensão existencial. Na primeira, analisa-se a administração dos bens dos filhos, o usufruto que, por lei, lhe é correlato e sua interpretação à luz do princípio do melhor interesse da criança e do adolescente. Na segunda, o objeto da investigação é o ponto ótimo de equilíbrio entre a intervenção que concretiza os direitos e a intervenção invasiva, errônea. Surgem ponderações sobre a ideologia e sua influência na exegese judicial, em temas como alienação parental e abandono afetivo que habitam o novo léxico deste Direito de Família sequioso de substância o qual, entretanto, não pode abdicar de uma postura autocrítica sob pena de manietar as próprias possibilidades de realização pessoal que alega defender. / Family underwent several changes in the last century, the twentieth century. The very relationships did change: accelerated (rapid) industrialization and urbanization, women´s emancipation, two World Wars, levered the human rights subject, with obvious repercussion on the rights of personality. All of that has modified family profile and the relationships that occur within its core. Actually, in general, a limiting perspective of power was established on the ascendancy over the other, inclusively in the extent of parental power, currently said family, or parental authority. With no embargo of this, after leaving behind the initial euphoria, now is the moment to look for ways towards the thorough accomplishment of these rights. This will depend, largely, on the judicial interpretation, for in the jurisdictional decision converted into a specific formula aimed at the solution of that dispute, it reaches its climax. If, on one hand, affectivity and the outcry for justice and ethics within family relationships cannot be set apart, and, more than that, they are praiseworthy - for they consecrate dignity of the individual - on the other hand, when it comes to existential matters, ideology and moral patrolling ought to be avoided. Judicial activism does not confound with invasiveness. State intrusion on family through legislative, or executive, or judiciary activity, should encourage a review of the very expectations that Law operating professionals have particularly those in the Family Law field regarding the transformational potential of their knowledge. Therefore, looking always for the right boundary, the dissertation investigates the hypotheses for judicial intervening in abusive family authority, considering not only property dimension, but also the existential. On the first we analyze the administration of assets of sons, the usufruct that by force of law correlates to it, and its interpretation in the light of best interest for child and adolescent. On the second, the object of our investigation is the optimal balance point between intervention that makes rights concrete, and the invasive, erroneous interference. We ponder over ideology and its influence on the judicial exegesis, in subjects such as parental alienation and affective abandonment, which dwell in this Family Law new lexicon, avid for substance, but which, however, cannot waive from a self-criticism posture, under penalty of handcuffing the very own possibilities of personal fulfillment it alleges to defend.

Engagement paternel en situation de rupture conjugale et de contestation de garde

Leahey, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
R??sum?? : Le pr??sent essai doctoral vise ?? d??finir les facteurs de risque ou de protection de l???engagement paternel chez les p??res ayant eu recours ?? la m??diation ordonn??e (Mo) et ?? l???expertise psychosociale (Exp). L?????tude de 222 dossiers l??gaux et la r??alisation de 22 entrevues repose sur une approche exploratoire dont les donn??es quantitatives et qualitatives ont ??t?? recueillies de fa??on ponctuelle (entrevues) et en r??trospective (analyse des dossiers). Cet essai pr??sente ?? notre connaissance des donn??es originales. L'analyse des tendances d??mographiques nomm??e ?? analyse populationnelle dynamique ?? et les donn??es qui en sont issues sont appel??es ?? donn??es populationnelles ??. Elles tracent un portrait des p??res qui tient compte du contexte social dans lequel ils ??voluent et situent les ??chantillons sur la courbe normale ou selon le crit??re ??valu??. Cette m??thode d'analyse soutient avantageusement le mod??le ??cologique de Bronfenbrenner (1979). Les r??sultats indiquent qu???au-del?? des proc??dures de cour, le facteur de risque le plus important ?? l???engagement paternel est la difficile communication avec l???ex-conjointe appel??e ?? communication d??gradant le lien parental ?? dont les deux piliers sont la d??pr??ciation et l'obstruction. Le conflit qui oppose les parents est de longue dur??e et se prolonge parfois sur une d??cennie. Cette intensit?? de conflit discrimine le profil des p??res utilisant la m??diation ordonn??e de celui des p??res utilisant la m??diation volontaire. ?? ce conflit sont associ??s des co??ts psychologiques chez les p??res et leur famille, mais ??galement des co??ts financiers attribuables ?? la longueur des proc??dures de cour. Ces co??ts constituent ??galement un facteur de risque tout comme les caract??ristiques des couples pr??sentant des ??carts d?????ge, de valeurs et de culture. Les recommandations de l???expertise et les ententes de la m??diation ordonn??e ont un effet de courte dur??e sur le conflit qui oppose les parents. Les p??res per??oivent l???expertise comme un facteur de protection de leur engagement, car leur capacit?? parentale y est reconnue et les recommandations que contiennent les expertises influencent les d??cisions de la cour. La capacit?? des p??res ?? valoriser leur r??le parental et les strat??gies utilis??es pour contrer une communication d??nigrante sont ??galement des facteurs de protection. De ces constats se d??gage une s??rie de recommandations visant tant la recherche que les interventions cliniques. // Abstract : This doctoral essay seeks to define the risk or protective factors of paternal involvement among fathers who have recourse to court-ordered mediation (Mo) and custody assessment (Exp). An examination of 222 legal cases and the 22 interviews which were conducted is based on an approach that is exploratory (both quantitative and qualitative), case-by-case (interviews) and retrospective (case-file analysis), which to our knowledge is innovative in many ways. The analysis of demographic trends called "population-based dynamic analysis", while the data derived from it are called "population-based data". They paint a portrait of fathers that takes into account the social context in which they find themselves and place the samples on a normal curve or in accordance with the criterion being evaluated. This method of analysis favorably supports Bronfenbrenner???s ecological model (1979). The results indicate that beyond court procedures, the most significant paternal-involvement risk factor is difficult communication with the ex-wife, called "communication detrimental to the parental relationship", which is based on two major pillars: depreciation and obstruction. These pillars present a conceptual affinity with parental alienation, negative co-parenting and restrictive gatekeeping. The conflict between the parents is long-lasting, sometimes extending over a decade. This conflict intensity distinguishes the profiles of fathers using court-ordered mediation from those using voluntary mediation. Psychological and financial costs for the fathers and their family associated with the length of court procedures constitute a risk factor as well, as do the characteristics of couples of differing ages, values and cultures. Court custody assessments and court-ordered mediation have a short-term effect on parental conflict. However, fathers perceived court custody assessments as a protective factor for their paternal involvement because their parenting ability is thus recognized and recommendations contained in the assessments influence court decisions. The ability of fathers to enhance their parenting role and the strategies they use to counter derogatory communications are also protective factors. These findings result in a series of recommendations aimed both at research and clinical interventions.

Engagement paternel en situation de rupture conjugale et de contestation de garde

Leahey, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
R??sum?? : Le pr??sent essai doctoral vise ?? d??finir les facteurs de risque ou de protection de l???engagement paternel chez les p??res ayant eu recours ?? la m??diation ordonn??e (Mo) et ?? l???expertise psychosociale (Exp). L?????tude de 222 dossiers l??gaux et la r??alisation de 22 entrevues repose sur une approche exploratoire dont les donn??es quantitatives et qualitatives ont ??t?? recueillies de fa??on ponctuelle (entrevues) et en r??trospective (analyse des dossiers). Cet essai pr??sente ?? notre connaissance des donn??es originales. L'analyse des tendances d??mographiques nomm??e ?? analyse populationnelle dynamique ?? et les donn??es qui en sont issues sont appel??es ?? donn??es populationnelles ??. Elles tracent un portrait des p??res qui tient compte du contexte social dans lequel ils ??voluent et situent les ??chantillons sur la courbe normale ou selon le crit??re ??valu??. Cette m??thode d'analyse soutient avantageusement le mod??le ??cologique de Bronfenbrenner (1979). Les r??sultats indiquent qu???au-del?? des proc??dures de cour, le facteur de risque le plus important ?? l???engagement paternel est la difficile communication avec l???ex-conjointe appel??e ?? communication d??gradant le lien parental ?? dont les deux piliers sont la d??pr??ciation et l'obstruction. Le conflit qui oppose les parents est de longue dur??e et se prolonge parfois sur une d??cennie. Cette intensit?? de conflit discrimine le profil des p??res utilisant la m??diation ordonn??e de celui des p??res utilisant la m??diation volontaire. ?? ce conflit sont associ??s des co??ts psychologiques chez les p??res et leur famille, mais ??galement des co??ts financiers attribuables ?? la longueur des proc??dures de cour. Ces co??ts constituent ??galement un facteur de risque tout comme les caract??ristiques des couples pr??sentant des ??carts d?????ge, de valeurs et de culture. Les recommandations de l???expertise et les ententes de la m??diation ordonn??e ont un effet de courte dur??e sur le conflit qui oppose les parents. Les p??res per??oivent l???expertise comme un facteur de protection de leur engagement, car leur capacit?? parentale y est reconnue et les recommandations que contiennent les expertises influencent les d??cisions de la cour. La capacit?? des p??res ?? valoriser leur r??le parental et les strat??gies utilis??es pour contrer une communication d??nigrante sont ??galement des facteurs de protection. De ces constats se d??gage une s??rie de recommandations visant tant la recherche que les interventions cliniques. // Abstract : This doctoral essay seeks to define the risk or protective factors of paternal involvement among fathers who have recourse to court-ordered mediation (Mo) and custody assessment (Exp). An examination of 222 legal cases and the 22 interviews which were conducted is based on an approach that is exploratory (both quantitative and qualitative), case-by-case (interviews) and retrospective (case-file analysis), which to our knowledge is innovative in many ways. The analysis of demographic trends called "population-based dynamic analysis", while the data derived from it are called "population-based data". They paint a portrait of fathers that takes into account the social context in which they find themselves and place the samples on a normal curve or in accordance with the criterion being evaluated. This method of analysis favorably supports Bronfenbrenner???s ecological model (1979). The results indicate that beyond court procedures, the most significant paternal-involvement risk factor is difficult communication with the ex-wife, called "communication detrimental to the parental relationship", which is based on two major pillars: depreciation and obstruction. These pillars present a conceptual affinity with parental alienation, negative co-parenting and restrictive gatekeeping. The conflict between the parents is long-lasting, sometimes extending over a decade. This conflict intensity distinguishes the profiles of fathers using court-ordered mediation from those using voluntary mediation. Psychological and financial costs for the fathers and their family associated with the length of court procedures constitute a risk factor as well, as do the characteristics of couples of differing ages, values and cultures. Court custody assessments and court-ordered mediation have a short-term effect on parental conflict. However, fathers perceived court custody assessments as a protective factor for their paternal involvement because their parenting ability is thus recognized and recommendations contained in the assessments influence court decisions. The ability of fathers to enhance their parenting role and the strategies they use to counter derogatory communications are also protective factors. These findings result in a series of recommendations aimed both at research and clinical interventions.

O exercício abusivo do poder familiar e os limites da intervenção judicial na família / Abusive exercise of paternal power and the limits of judicial intervention on Family.

Jose Cristobal Aguirre Lobato 18 June 2013 (has links)
A família sofreu, no século passado, séc. XX diversas mudanças. As próprias relações mudaram: industrialização e urbanização aceleradas, emancipação da mulher, duas Guerras Mundiais que alavancaram o tema dos direitos humanos, com evidente repercussão nos direitos da personalidade. Tudo isso alterou o perfil da família e das relações que ocorrem em seu seio. Na verdade, estabeleceu-se uma perspectiva limitadora do poder em geral, da ascendência sobre outrem, inclusive no âmbito do pátrio poder, hoje poder familiar. Sem embargo disso, passada a euforia inicial, é hora de buscar caminhos para a plena efetivação desses direitos. Isso dependerá, em grande medida, da própria interpretação judicial, já que na decisão jurisdicional o ordenamento convertido numa fórmula específica para a solução daquela lide atinge o seu ápice. Se a afetividade e a grita por justiça e ética nas relações familiares é inafastável, mais do que isso, é louvável, porque consagra a dignidade da pessoa humana, por outro lado, a ideologia e a patrulha moral em temas existenciais devem ser evitadas. Ativismo judicial não se confunde com invasividade. A intrujice do Estado na família pela função legislativa, executiva ou judiciária deve incentivar um repensar das próprias expectativas que os operadores do Direito, sobretudo do Direito de Família, possuem a respeito do potencial transformativo de seus saberes. Assim, sempre buscando o justo termo, a dissertação examina as hipóteses de intervenção judicial no exercício abusivo do poder familiar, tanto na dimensão patrimonial quanto na dimensão existencial. Na primeira, analisa-se a administração dos bens dos filhos, o usufruto que, por lei, lhe é correlato e sua interpretação à luz do princípio do melhor interesse da criança e do adolescente. Na segunda, o objeto da investigação é o ponto ótimo de equilíbrio entre a intervenção que concretiza os direitos e a intervenção invasiva, errônea. Surgem ponderações sobre a ideologia e sua influência na exegese judicial, em temas como alienação parental e abandono afetivo que habitam o novo léxico deste Direito de Família sequioso de substância o qual, entretanto, não pode abdicar de uma postura autocrítica sob pena de manietar as próprias possibilidades de realização pessoal que alega defender. / Family underwent several changes in the last century, the twentieth century. The very relationships did change: accelerated (rapid) industrialization and urbanization, women´s emancipation, two World Wars, levered the human rights subject, with obvious repercussion on the rights of personality. All of that has modified family profile and the relationships that occur within its core. Actually, in general, a limiting perspective of power was established on the ascendancy over the other, inclusively in the extent of parental power, currently said family, or parental authority. With no embargo of this, after leaving behind the initial euphoria, now is the moment to look for ways towards the thorough accomplishment of these rights. This will depend, largely, on the judicial interpretation, for in the jurisdictional decision converted into a specific formula aimed at the solution of that dispute, it reaches its climax. If, on one hand, affectivity and the outcry for justice and ethics within family relationships cannot be set apart, and, more than that, they are praiseworthy - for they consecrate dignity of the individual - on the other hand, when it comes to existential matters, ideology and moral patrolling ought to be avoided. Judicial activism does not confound with invasiveness. State intrusion on family through legislative, or executive, or judiciary activity, should encourage a review of the very expectations that Law operating professionals have particularly those in the Family Law field regarding the transformational potential of their knowledge. Therefore, looking always for the right boundary, the dissertation investigates the hypotheses for judicial intervening in abusive family authority, considering not only property dimension, but also the existential. On the first we analyze the administration of assets of sons, the usufruct that by force of law correlates to it, and its interpretation in the light of best interest for child and adolescent. On the second, the object of our investigation is the optimal balance point between intervention that makes rights concrete, and the invasive, erroneous interference. We ponder over ideology and its influence on the judicial exegesis, in subjects such as parental alienation and affective abandonment, which dwell in this Family Law new lexicon, avid for substance, but which, however, cannot waive from a self-criticism posture, under penalty of handcuffing the very own possibilities of personal fulfillment it alleges to defend.

“Det är så komplext varför man väljer bort en förälder” : En kvalitativ studie om familjerättssekreterares arbete med familjer där föräldrapåverkan misstänks förekomma / “It´s so complex why you reject a parent” : A qualitative study on family law secretaries work with families where parental influence is suspected to occur

Severinsson, Vilma, Dröschler Leo, Isabella January 2024 (has links)
Det förekommer att barn distanserar sig från en förälder till följd av den andra förälderns påverkan, vilket orsakar både kortsiktiga och långsiktiga konsekvenser för barnet. Det råder dock delade åsikter kring om fenomenet existerar eller inte. Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att undersöka hur familjerättssekreterare arbetar med konfliktfyllda familjer där föräldrapåverkan misstänks förekomma. Uppsatsens frågeställningar berörde hantering av dessa ärenden, identifiering av tecken, barnets inkludering samt begreppet föräldraalienations tillämpning. För att besvara dessa har åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med familjerättssekreterare från södra Sverige. Resultatet visade att familjerättssekreterare har svårt att urskilja vad som handlar om föräldrapåverkan respektive ett berättigat avståndstagande. Professionella möter likaså utmaningar i ärenden där föräldrapåverkan misstänks förekomma och till dessa hör att nå fram till föräldrarna samt vara opartisk. Olika metoder används, exempelvis att göra små överenskommelser och ge hemläxor till föräldrarna, vilket anses underlätta arbetet. Familjerättssekreterare är även uppmärksamma på olika typer av tecken hos både barn och föräldrar, för att kunna upptäcka ett sådant här avståndstagande. Vidare genomsyras arbetet av ett barnperspektiv, där barns rättigheter och föräldrarnas skyldigheter betonas. Med grund i att det framkom att det finns en osäkerhet och brist på kunskap gällande fenomenet, är det av stor vikt att professionella förstår de orsaker som kan ligga till grund för barnets avvisande beteende. Detta för att kunna agera i tid och minimera skadan för familjen. / It occurs that children distance themselves from one parent as a result of the other parent’s influence, which causes both short-term and long-term consequences for the child. However, there are divided opinions about whether the phenomenon exists or not. The aim of this qualitative study was to examine how family law secretaries work with conflicted families where parental influence is suspected to occur. The essay’s questions concerned the handling of these cases, identification of signs, the child’s inclusion and the application of the concept of parental alienation. To answer these, eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight family law secretaries from southern Sweden. The results showed that family law secretaries have difficulty distinguishing between parental influence and justified distancing. Professionals also face challenges in cases where parental influence is suspected, and these include reaching out to the parents and being unbiased. Different methods are used, for example making small agreements and giving homework to the parents, which is considered to facilitate the work. Family law secretaries are also aware of different types of signs in both children and parents, in order to detect this kind of distancing. Furthermore, the work is permeated by a children’s perspective, where children’s rights and parents’ obligations are emphasized. Due to the fact that there is an uncertainty and lack of knowledge regarding the phenomenon, it is of great importance that professionals understand the reasons that may underlie the child’s rejecting behavior. This is to be able to act in time and minimize the damage to the family.

La perception des parents non gardiens de leur lien avec leur enfant dans un contexte où les conflits parentaux perdurent à la suite de la séparation conjugale

Lafontaine, Isabelle 08 1900 (has links)
Il est connu que de nombreux enfants vivent la séparation conjugale de leurs parents. Suite à cette séparation, les enfants vivent majoritairement avec leur mère (parent gardien), tout en maintenant des liens avec leur père (parent non gardien). Bien que les principes de droit suggèrent que l’enfant ait le droit de préserver des liens avec chacun de ses parents à la suite de la séparation conjugale, ces liens ne sont plus assurés sur une base quotidienne et peuvent être affectés. Vivant la séparation de ses parents, l’enfant peut être exposé aux conflits parentaux puisque la séparation peut augmenter leur intensité. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de mieux comprendre la perception des parents non gardiens de leur lien avec leur enfant dans un contexte où les conflits parentaux perdurent à la suite de la séparation conjugale. Un sous-objectif est de documenter les facteurs qui influencent les liens entre les parents non gardiens et leur enfant à la suite de la séparation conjugal. Pour ce faire, des entrevues individuelles semi-directives ont été effectuées auprès de huit parents non gardiens. Une analyse de contenu thématique concernant leur perspective sur l’objet de recherche a été effectuée. Selon la perspective des parents non gardiens, les résultats montrent que la qualité de la relation entre eux et leur enfant se maintient positivement. Le facteur le plus prédominant est les conflits parentaux post-séparation. Il en ressort qu’ils alimentent d’autres facteurs, tels que les modalités de garde d’enfant et droits d’accès, la fréquence de contacts entre les parents non gardiens et leur enfant, les comportements des enfants à l’égard de leur parent non gardien, l’engagement parental des parents non gardiens ainsi que la relation parentale post-séparation. / It is known that many children are living with parents who are conjugally separated. With this in mind, following the separation the children mostly live with their mother (resident parent), while maintaining contact with their father (non-resident parent). Although the principles of law suggest that the child has the right to maintain ties with both parents after marital separation, these visits are not always done on a daily basis and the qyality of their relationship can be affected. Living the separation of his parents, the child may be exposed to parental conflict because the separation can increase their intensity. The objective of this thesis is to better understand the perception of the non-resident parents and their relationship with their child in a context where parental conflict persists after marital separation. A fundamental objective is to document the factors that influence the relationship between non-resident parents and their children after the marital separation. In order to achieve these objectives, eight non-resident parents were interviewed using individual, semi-directive interview techniques. An analysis of the thematic content pertaining to their perspective on this research subject was then conducted. From the perspective of the non-resident parents, the results have shown that the quality of the relationship between them and their child remains positive. The most dominant factor is post-separation parental conflict. It appears they feed on other factors such as, child care arrangements and access rights. Also, the frequency of visits between the non-resident parents and their child, the child's attitude towards their non-resident parent, the parental involvement of non-resident parents and the parental relationship post-separation, all have an impact.

Profils individuels et dynamiques interactionnelles des parents et des enfants à risque d’aliénation parentale dans un contexte d’une rupture conjugale litigieuse

Alary, Brigitte 08 1900 (has links)
L’aliénation parentale (AP) est un phénomène connu des intervenants sociolégaux œuvrant auprès des familles éclatées chez lesquelles on retrouve un haut niveau de conflits parentaux. Ce phénomène est peu étudié empiriquement et sa définition et les balises l’entourant demeurent à ce jour non circonscrites et suscitent confusion et controverse. Cette recherche n’a pas comme objectif de trancher sur ce qui est ou n’est pas de l’aliénation parentale, mais porte plutôt sur l’étude du phénomène de Détérioration du lien parent-enfant (DLPE), qui inclut une rupture complète du lien comme dans les cas d’AP, lors de séparations conjugales litigieuses. Cette thèse doctorale a pour objectif principal d’élargir notre compréhension sur les différents facteurs qui interagissent et qui mettent en place une situation familiale de DLPE. Le présent ouvrage est composé de quatre articles, dont trois sont empiriques. Le premier article est une synthèse critique des écrits théoriques et empiriques permettant de dégager les différents facteurs, conduites ou contextes individuels et relationnels associés à une DLPE. Il ressort que la plupart des écrits proviennent de comptes rendus cliniques. De plus, peu d’auteurs abordent ce phénomène dans une perspective systémique incluant une vision multifactorielle de cette situation. Plusieurs aspects demandent à être étudiés davantage : les caractéristiques individuelles, les comportements inappropriés des acteurs et les dynamiques familiales. En définitive, il importe d’établir les facteurs de résilience. Les articles 2, 3 et 4 ont été réalisés suite à une analyse qualitative de 17 dossiers d’expertise psychosociale de familles séparées en litige autour des accès des enfants. Le second article a pour objectif d’apporter un éclairage fouillé sur les structures de personnalité des parents impliqués dans de tels litiges. Il se dégage de cette analyse que les parents contribuent différemment à la dynamique familiale en fonction de leur profil de personnalité. Quatre profils parentaux ont émergé et permettent de discerner en quoi les parents aux conduites aliénantes se distinguent des parents dénigrés au niveau des profils de personnalité et en quoi la personnalité de ces parents est respectivement différente selon qu’ils maintiennent ou pas la relation avec leur enfant. L’analyse approfondie des profils parentaux a permis de formuler certains facteurs de risque et de protection relatifs à la structure de la personnalité des parents à risque d’une DLPE. Le troisième article a pour objectif d’évaluer par une lecture psychodynamique les différentes caractéristiques individuelles des enfants dans l’optique d’établir des pistes pouvant élucider pourquoi un enfant est résistant à une DLPE ou, au contraire, ne l’est pas. L’analyse qualitative fouillée des dossiers d’expertise a permis d’extraire différents facteurs de risque et de protection d’une DLPE chez ces enfants. Le quatrième article cherche à modéliser les différents facteurs de risque ou, au contraire, qui atténuent le risque de DLPE. Trois trajectoires dénotant une dynamique de DLPE ont émergé. Une modélisation systémique reprend l’ensemble des facteurs (dynamiques personnelles et relationnelles, contexte familial, système sociojuridique, personnes tierces et temps) émergeant de l’analyse et leur déploiement spécifique à chaque trajectoire. / Parental Alienation (PA) is a widespread phenomenon among socio-legal professionals working with conflictual separated families. This phenomenon is rarely studied empirically and its definition and markers remain poorly circumscribed and arouse confusion and controversy. We will attempt to stay away from this controversy by focusing on the phenomenon of Deterioration of the Parent-Child Relationship (DPCR), including PA. This thesis main objective is to expand our understanding of the various factors that interact and set in place a family situation of a DPCR. This work consists of four articles, three of which are empirical. The first article is a critical review of the literature that identifies various factors, conduct or individual and relational context associated with DPCR. It appears that very few papers have address this phenomenon in a systemic perspective who could bring an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of this multifactorial phenomenon. Several aspects need to be further investigated: individual characteristics, inappropriate behaviors and family dynamics. Finally, resilience factors need to be addressed. Articles 2, 3 and 4 present the results of a qualitative analysis of 17 psychosocial expertise performed on separated families in litigation around the custody and access to children. The second article intends to provide a refined psychoanalytic insight on the personality profiles of the parents and how it contributes distinctively to the family dynamics. Four parental profiles emerged and helped differentiate parents with alienating behaviors from denigrated ones and, those who maintained a relationship with their child or those who did not. Risk and protective factors associated with the personality profile are formulated. The third paper intends to analyse through a psychodynamic lens, the individual characteristics of children with the aim to understand why a child is resistant to a DPCR or is not. Various risk and protective factors of a DPCR associated with the characteristics of the children are provided. The fourth article seeks to model the different contributing or mitigating variables to a DPCR. Three trajectories denoting a DPCR emerged. A systemic model is proposed and incorporates different factors (personal and relational dynamics, family background, socio-legal system, third parties and time) and their specific deployment to each trajectory.

Síndrome de alienação parental : um estudo através do olhar de psicólogos e assistentes sociais peritos

Ana Katarina Leimig Saraiva de Melo 25 September 2013 (has links)
A Alienação Parental é percebida como fenômeno que surge no seio de famílias em conflito de guarda, principalmente no âmbito judicial, e que há pouco tempo tornou-se foco de estudos científicos no campo de atuação da Psicologia, da Psiquiatria e do Direito. Nesse contexto, são necessárias pesquisas e discussões acerca da temática, de forma a contribuir para um maior aprofundamento na prática da Psicologia Clínica, assim como no âmbito do Judiciário, visando aos meios de prevenção e promoção do bem-estar integral da criança e do adolescente vitimados pela Alienação Parental. A presente pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, teve por objetivo compreender as consequências da Síndrome de Alienação Parental (SAP) no núcleo familiar, através do olhar de profissionais da Psicologia e do Serviço Social que lidam com o tema. O instrumento para a coleta de dados, foi a entrevista semiestruturada. Participaram da pesquisa três Psicólogos(as), e três Assistentes Sociais peritos, vinculados ao Poder Judiciário de Pernambuco. Os dados foram analisados através da análise temática descrita por Minayo, possibilitando compreender os significados das falas dos entrevistados, de acordo com os objetivos propostos. Os principais resultados apontam para uma ação desenvolvida de forma gradativa, por parte dos profissionais, com a finalidade de emitir um parecer que busque esclarecer o contexto familiar em que a criança está inserida, e que se preocupe com a forma de atuação dos peritos, visando proteger a criança e/ou adolescente das consequências de uma separação mal elaborada. / Parental Alienation is a phenomenon that borns within the family when they have any custody conflict, mainly in the judicial sphere, that in a short period became focus of cientific studies in Psychology, Psychiatry and Law. In this context, some searches and discutions about this subject are needed, to contribute to a further deepening in practice of Clinic Psychology as Judicial scope, aiming ways of prevention and promotion of total welfare of childs and teenagers victims of Parental Alienation. This research is qualitative aimed to understand the consequences of Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) in the family, through the eyes of Professional Psychology and Social Work dealing with the subject. The instrument for data collection was a semi-structured interview. Participants were three Psychologists and three Social Service experts, linked to the Judiciary of Pernambuco. The data was analyzed using Minayos thematic, enabling to understand the meaning of speech of interviewees according to the proposed objectives. The main results point to a program developed gradually, by professionals, for the purpose of issuing an opinion that seeks to clarify the family context in which children are inserted, and not worry about the way it operates of experts in order protect the child and / or adolescent from the consequences of a bad breakup elaborate.

Síndrome de alienação parental : um estudo através do olhar de psicólogos e assistentes sociais peritos

Melo, Ana Katarina Leimig Saraiva de 25 September 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:08:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ana_katarina_leimig_saraiva.pdf: 897817 bytes, checksum: f3e9e0592156a25ae707949c2df5d3dd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-25 / Parental Alienation is a phenomenon that borns within the family when they have any custody conflict, mainly in the judicial sphere, that in a short period became focus of cientific studies in Psychology, Psychiatry and Law. In this context, some searches and discutions about this subject are needed, to contribute to a further deepening in practice of Clinic Psychology as Judicial scope, aiming ways of prevention and promotion of total welfare of childs and teenagers victims of Parental Alienation. This research is qualitative aimed to understand the consequences of Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) in the family, through the eyes of Professional Psychology and Social Work dealing with the subject. The instrument for data collection was a semi-structured interview. Participants were three Psychologists and three Social Service experts, linked to the Judiciary of Pernambuco. The data was analyzed using Minayo s thematic, enabling to understand the meaning of speech of interviewees according to the proposed objectives. The main results point to a program developed gradually, by professionals, for the purpose of issuing an opinion that seeks to clarify the family context in which children are inserted, and not worry about the way it operates of experts in order protect the child and / or adolescent from the consequences of a bad breakup elaborate. / A Alienação Parental é percebida como fenômeno que surge no seio de famílias em conflito de guarda, principalmente no âmbito judicial, e que há pouco tempo tornou-se foco de estudos científicos no campo de atuação da Psicologia, da Psiquiatria e do Direito. Nesse contexto, são necessárias pesquisas e discussões acerca da temática, de forma a contribuir para um maior aprofundamento na prática da Psicologia Clínica, assim como no âmbito do Judiciário, visando aos meios de prevenção e promoção do bem-estar integral da criança e do adolescente vitimados pela Alienação Parental. A presente pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, teve por objetivo compreender as consequências da Síndrome de Alienação Parental (SAP) no núcleo familiar, através do olhar de profissionais da Psicologia e do Serviço Social que lidam com o tema. O instrumento para a coleta de dados, foi a entrevista semiestruturada. Participaram da pesquisa três Psicólogos(as), e três Assistentes Sociais peritos, vinculados ao Poder Judiciário de Pernambuco. Os dados foram analisados através da análise temática descrita por Minayo, possibilitando compreender os significados das falas dos entrevistados, de acordo com os objetivos propostos. Os principais resultados apontam para uma ação desenvolvida de forma gradativa, por parte dos profissionais, com a finalidade de emitir um parecer que busque esclarecer o contexto familiar em que a criança está inserida, e que se preocupe com a forma de atuação dos peritos, visando proteger a criança e/ou adolescente das consequências de uma separação mal elaborada.

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