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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ORLANDO COSTAS: ENSAIOS NO CAMINHO PARA UMA PASTORAL EVANGÉLICA LATINO-AMERICANA / Orlando Costas: Analysis on the Road to a Latin- American Evangelic Pastoral

Lima, Ricardo Barros 26 August 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T12:20:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ricardo Barros Lima.pdf: 823062 bytes, checksum: cc0edadf6b910df065a95127113c5bf4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-08-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research proposes an analysis of the Latin American evangelic pastoral proposed by Orlando Costas. An expert in missions and pastoral theology from Puerto Rico, Costas elaborated a pastoral method and methodology based on his evangelical, religious confession in ecumenical dialogue and in critical consonance with the political, economical, social and religious circumstances of Puerto Rico and Latin America. Costas, together with Emilio Castro, were the first theologians to offer the basis for an evangelic pastoral vision based on the experiences of Latin American people. He criticized North-Atlantic pastoral theology as a pastoral action centered on the pastor, which was professionally and ecclesiastically centered. The research is presented in three chapters. The first chapter presents the religious, social, economic and political context of the experience of Orlando Costas in Puerto Rico; the second deals with his conversion experience in the context of his religious tradition, and; the third presents his pastoral proposal, and analyses its theological and historical development, emphasizing the conferences, movements, institutions, and theologians who influenced Costas thought. It also demonstrates the vision of mission and theological basis for his evangelic pastoral. It demonstrates that Costas pastoral is missiological and pastoral, because it assumes the missi Dei as an architectonic principle and the pastoral as a hermeneutic principle for pastoral and mission action. The research concludes that Costas pastoral proposal is evangelic and ecumenical, contextual and autochthonous, both within and beyond the church.(AU) / Nesta pesquisa se propõe analisar a pastoral evangélica latino-americana elaborada por Orlando Costas. Teólogo pastoralista, missiólogo e de origem porto-riquenha, Costas elaborou método e metodologia de pastoral a partir de sua confissão religiosa evangelical em diálogo ecumênico e em consonância crítica com a situação política, econômica, social e religiosa de Porto Rico e da América Latina. Costas, juntamente com Emilio Castro, foi um dos primeiros a lançar as bases para uma pastoral evangélica visando ao homem latino-americano. Criticou o modelo da teologia pastoral norte-atlântica centrada no pastor com sujeito da ação pastoral da igreja alegando ser; repetitiva, profissional e eclesiocêntrica. A pesquisa foi realizada em três passos, que se realizam nos capítulos um, dois e três, respectivamente, compreender o contexto político, econômico, social e religioso da vida de Orlando Costas a partir de Porto Rico, suas experiências de conversão-ruptura dentro da sua tradição religiosa e a nova percepção pastoral; analisar o desenvolvimento histórico teológico da pastoral evangélica, ou seja, os movimentos, conferências, instituições e teólogos que influenciaram o pensamento de Costas; e, apresentar os fundamentos missiológicos e teológicos da pastoral evangélica, em que se demonstra que a pastoral de Costas é missiológico-pastoral, pois assume a missio Dei como princípio arquitetônico e a pastoral como princípio hermenêutico para a ação missional e pastoral. Conclui-se que a proposta de Costas é de uma pastoral evangélica e ecumênica, contextual e autóctone, dentro e fora da igreja.(AU)

Família no contexto pós-moderno: como utilizar referenciais teóricos da sociologia e da filosofia contemporâneas à luz da teologia

Roberto Marcelino de Oliveira 13 May 2011 (has links)
A família é uma unidade fundamental na constituição da personalidade humana que tem sofrido transformações ao longo dos séculos. O Aconselhamento Pastoral está presente no tratamento das tragédias que acometem as famílias na sociedade pós- moderna. Nós nos valemos de leituras sobre direito da família, sociologia e antropologia como ferramentas para a compreensão da família, procurando identificar um modo de utilizá-las durante o aconselhamento. Na teologia católica, há uma orientação do Vaticano, com sua colaboração bíblica e pastoral no campo da família. Finalmente, nós assinalamos tópicos pertinentes para nortear o aconselhamento pastoral na vida familiar na sociedade pós-moderna. / The family is a fundamental unit in the constitution of the human personality that over centuries has undergone transformations. Pastoral counseling is visible in the tragedies of the families in postmodern society. We read from the introductory family law, sociology and anthropology as a tool in understanding the family and, above all, how can we use them in line with the advice. In Catholic theology there is a look from the Vatican with its biblical and pastoral collaboration in the field of family. Finally, we point out pertinent points for guidance in pastoral counseling in family life in postmodern society.

Dark Night of the Soul, Crisis of Faith, and Pastoral Leadership Implications

Gray, R. Neal, Jr. 01 March 2018 (has links)
<p> In seminary education (other than perhaps in a Catholic seminary), the concept of the dark night is rarely examined, if ever. Therefore, a seminary-trained Protestant pastor may well enter into the dark night of the soul without any warning and without any understanding about what is happening. Unfortunately, the pastor who has never heard of this phenomenon may discern this gracious work of God in his or her life as a personal mental problem, such as a form of depression, or even a spiritual failure on their part. Thus the pastor may enter into a crisis of faith in their pastoral service and thereby miss the benefit of the experience. </p><p> The modern Christian psychologists researched in this study fail to answer the question, &ldquo;Why do bad things happen to good people?&rdquo; The biblical theology presented by Saint John of the Cross does answer that question, providing a sufficient and satisfying understanding of why troubles do indeed arise in everyone&rsquo;s life. This researcher&rsquo;s hypothesis is that many pastors are largely unaware of the teachings of Saint John of the Cross and are very unaware of the biblical theology of the purpose of sorrow and suffering. Thus when sorrow and suffering come into their lives and ministry, their leadership effectiveness in pastoral ministry is negatively affected. This study attempts to validate that hypothesis.</p><p>

Disaffection in Southern Baptist Churches| Perspectives of the Marginalized

Dowdle, Sondra Robertson 17 May 2018 (has links)
<p> The changing relationship of Americans to their churches has been documented but has not been explained. This is a narrative qualitative research inquiry for the purpose of exploring the perspectives of members of Southern Baptist churches who experienced disaffection as a result of marginalization within the church as they practiced their religious faith. Using Social Identity Theory (SIT) and the microaggressions literature, this study described negative interactions and explained the group processes that marginalize church members and motivate their disaffection from the church. The narratives of this study extend the literature on negative interactions in the religious community, describing and examining antecedents and consequences. Two semistructured interviews with ten participants who were once members of Southern Baptist churches informed this study. Four Southern Baptist churches were represented by the ten participants. Data analysis was aided by NVivo 11. In spite of the inclusive mission of the church, the results of this study clearly place microaggressions, with their accompanying marginalization, within the church. Characteristic of microaggressions, this study found that microaggressions in the church: a) leave the responsibility of reparation with the target; b) deny the existence of microaggressions within their congregation; and c) breed a sense of rejection as a result of marginalization. This study affirms and extends Pargament&rsquo;s (2002) suggestion that short-term distress may lead to long-term spiritual growth. This study also emphasizes the need to address issues of faith as a dimension of diversity.</p><p>

Perichoresis, pot plants, prayer cards and poiesis : a renewed pastoral paradigm emerging out of care of those with a dual diagnosis and conversations with midwives and obstetricians

Prince, Alastair January 2015 (has links)
This research arose from my experiences as a curate in England’s Northwest seeking to embody God’s love in the pastoral care of men with addiction and mental health issues (dual diagnosis), reflecting a wider societal issue around the care of people with that combination of problems, and the under-recognised role of clergy as unofficial ‘front-line mental health workers’. This is a role that clergy get little training to discharge effectively, and so the research methodology employed was that of a Constructivist Grounded Theory as I’ve attempted to use insights from a variety of disciplines to act as a ‘scaffold’ in order to work out what clergy could meaningfully and consistently offer. Treatment for those with a dual diagnosis is difficult and often unsuccessful because it requires a collaborative relationship between patient and carer where often there may be a lack of acceptance that the issues exist. Insights were sought then from a related, but different field, namely midwifery and obstetrics, engaging with intrauterine death – where the mother may not have completely accepted the realities that they face. Interviews were conducted with clergy in the field, midwives and obstetricians. Accounts of the experiences of dual diagnosed individuals were sought through existing evidence in the public sphere to minimise the risk of harm for research subjects. Analysis of the research data revealed that pastoral care in those situations of complex bereavement are about embracing the tension between absence and presence, and helping people through that liminality, to reappropriate their grief and expectations of what life ‘should be’ to ‘how life is’ and ‘how life might be in the future’. The significance of the role of objects is explored with particular emphasis on ‘memory boxes’, and their nearest equivalents in the field of dual diagnosis. These insights are connected to the academic study of the Doctrine of the Trinity, particularly focussing on the work of Sarah Coakley, with a thorough exploration of the metaphor of dance that has evolved around the concept of ‘perichoresis’ with connections made between doctrine and modern insights from dance studies. The result is a renewed pastoral paradigm that is collaborative, dynamic, liminal, and with an acceptance that care is not simply about ‘being present’, but about resourcing people for ‘absence’ as well through a poiesis that emphasises the freedom of the cared for, whilst encouraging and seeking what will motivate them to enter into the liminal space, a movement through which will enable their greater flourishing. This paradigm has implications beyond those with a dual diagnosis, and can be extended into pastoral care in its widest sense.

Hulpbronne tot die beskikking van die pastor in die proses van beraad

Swift, Thomas James 16 July 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Practical Theology) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

The challenge to pastoral caregivers in the event of sudden death

Gabobonwe, Ohentse Hamilton 07 October 2011 (has links)
Death, and in special ways, sudden death has struck the church and various families at different times in our lives. The grief in the bereaved has challenged the church, in numerous ways including having to deal with people who are out of possibility with regard to the competencies of the church due stress disorders. This has asked serious theological questions about the pastoral care of the church who is expected to be the custodian of healing through faith. Sudden death as a stressor, has grown to be more common in recent years, and having checked a number of church registers and finding out that there are more funerals than baptisms the church has to conduct, one looks and evaluate the effectiveness of the counseling done through funerals that the church has had to handle---whether there is still meaning accorded to such services or not---whether there is any attempt to engage the bereaved during their mourning in the sound theological reflection on to the questions:<ul><il> “Where, o death, is your victory? “Where, o death, is your sting? (1 Cor. 15: 55).</ul></il> Paul puts it in his address to the Corinthians “the sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. This understanding, and several others usually cited has needed theological reflection in helping the people in grief for their loved ones snatched from them by sudden death, especially when it is through no fault of their own. Quiet practically, many people have befallen prey to stresses of different kinds trying to cope with big losses through sudden death, and this has manifested itself differently. In the event of lack of knowledge of what to do to help such people, the church and pastoral care givers have either conducted many ordinary services (common to those done usually) or have coincidentally engaged one or more of the other fields namely: <ul><il> The medical sciences</il> <il><br> Psychological sciences and/or</il> <il><br> Psychiatrical sciences. </il></ul></il> The work enquires into the improvements that have happened in the course of time in the theological sciences in dealing with people stricken by sudden death through pastoral care, and attempts to allow theology to claim her responsibility in the midst of all mentioned sciences. The work attempts to empower the church and guide all pastoral care givers to skillfully deal with such circumstances as sudden death, invoking the methodology of shepherding to alley the sting of death that has found the church to be lacking, and questioned her credibility on the subject. Effort is put into comparing sudden death with the common ‘bad luck’ perception brought about by cultural traditions. It will attempt to craft the common ground from which the church and all the sciences mentioned can cooperate fruitfully for common goals and better assistance to the people we all serve today. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Who cares for the people in Zimbabwe? : a challenge to pastoral caregivers in South Africa

Steyn, Tobias Hertzog van Reenen 10 November 2010 (has links)
This dissertation concerns itself with the task of creating a pastoral care model in order to offer care for the people in Zimbabwe, whilst the political instability causes much suffering to these people. It was motivated from the author's personal relationships with various Zimbabweans and his understanding that Zimbabweans are his neighbours in need. Through Narrative Therapy, the author used his understanding of Christian hope, creating positive future stories with Zimbabweans. The hope and focus of this dissertation is to research the problem in Zimbabwe, in order to help the Church in its role as prophet and pastoral caregiver. However, this dissertation would have been to no avail, if it did not attempt to create a model of caring which will empower the South African Church to become pastoral caregivers towards the Church in Zimbabwe. <ul><li> Firstly, the author will strive to clarify the problems faced by the Zimbabwean Church. </li><li> Secondly, the author will seek to bring an awareness of this problem in Zimbabwe to the Church in South Africa, through its prophetic voice. </li><li> Thirdly, the author hopes to create a model of pastoral care that will not only care spiritually for the people, but will also meet some of the physical and emotional needs of the people in Zimbabwe.<br> </li></ul> / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Traumatic experience of teenage pregnancies by married men: A challenge to pastoral care

Nemutanzhela, Thikhathali Sydney 19 November 2007 (has links)
Teenage pregnancies by married men are challenges and serious problems that are affecting Vhurivhuri, and other areas within the Vhembe district. The aim of this research is to add value towards a way of unfolding impacts regarding teenage pregnancies by married men, especially of those teenagers who are impregnated by married men who end up dampening them with the responsibility of raising their children alone. Another issue which this research study is focusing on is the issue of betrayal that these traumatised teenagers undergoes when married men who impregnated them refuses the responsibilities of caring for the child, and to the extend of no longer fulfilling their promises of marriage. This research study is focused on the traumatic experiences that these teenagers goes through as they continue with their lives, their studies happen to be affected as some of them discontinues their studies. This research study explored a model of pastoral care in which the affected teenagers have to be helped to acquire healing after trauma counselling by the pastoral care givers who are empowered through this research. A model which has been employed in this research includes the one of the shepherding method of Charles Gerkin and of Adams which is on pastoral care as shepherding of flocks which belonging to God. The word of God has been used to explore where the author wanted to show His love towards his people even when they are under difficult circumstances. <p This research study has also indicated roles of different groups and individuals who should contribute to the sake of healing which traumatised teenagers in this problem. It also have to include the issue of HIV/AIDS as a problem which is having a connection with teenage pregnancies by married men which endangers lives of teenagers who are affected as they get into sexual relationship with unfaithful married men, this is another gap to be researched on in future either in my doctoral level or by someone else. If teenage pregnancies by married men continue within our society, our future is at high risk of HIV/AIDS as there are some practices of unprotected sex involved. This problem not only affects teenagers but their faithful wives who are married to these unfaithful men. By addressing this issue of teenage pregnancies by married men and associate it with HIV/AIDS, one solution will lead to the other. At the end of this research study, these are concluding which will lead to recommendation that readers have to take note of. / Dissertation (MA (Practical Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Practical Theology / MA / unrestricted

A liberating pastoral response to domestic violence against women and mothers in the Zambian context

Mbambo, Henry 24 July 2008 (has links)
No abstract available / Dissertation (MA (Theology) : Practical Theology)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

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