Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] PAYMENT"" "subject:"[enn] PAYMENT""
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Villkor för att säkerställa byggnation och bevarande av hyresrätter : En studie om hur kommunerna går tillväga i praktiken / Conditions to ensure the construction and preservation of rental apartments : A study on how municipalities proceed in realityJonassen, Victoria, Brycke, Sara January 2016 (has links)
Sveriges kommuner är enligt lag ansvariga för att skapa goda boendemöjligheter till kommuninvånarna. I dagsläget råder det stor efterfrågan på bostäder, främst i Sveriges storstadsregioner. I kommuner med höga markpriser och växande invånarantal råder stor efterfrågan på hyresrätter. Det är därför av intresse för kommunerna att säkerställa byggnation av hyresrätter samt att ändamålet kvarstår, detta för att förhindra ombildning i spekulations- och vinstsyfte. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur kommunerna kan säkerställa att det byggs och förblir hyresrätter vid försäljning av kommunal mark, med fokus på hur regleringen sker i praktiken. För att ge studien ett bredare perspektiv har även köpare kontaktats i syfte att ta reda på hur de ställer sig till kommunernas krav. I studien har en kvalitativ avtalsgranskning genomförts med kompletterande intervjuer för att undersöka hur kommunerna säkerställer byggnation av hyresrätter i praktiken. En förfrågan om avtal, som reglerar försäljning eller upplåtelse av kommunal mark, skickades ut till Sveriges 20 största kommuner till befolkningen räknat. Av dessa bidrog 16 kommuner med avtal. Val av intervjupersoner gjordes utifrån de inkomna avtalen för att representera samtliga metoder som används för att säkerställa byggnation och bevarande av hyresrätter. Resultatet visar att kommunerna tillämpar tomträtt, tilläggsköpeskilling, vite och förfogandeförbud för att styra upplåtelseform. Vissa av kommunerna väljer att inte styra upplåtelseform i avtal, utan förlitar sig på ett förtroende mellan kommun och byggherre. I dagsläget finns inget verktyg i PBL för att styra upplåtelseform och det finns inte heller någon given lösning att i avtal säkerställa hyresbyggnation och dess bevarande. Avtalsgranskningen visar att det finns skillnader i praktiken gällande hur kommunerna tillämpar de olika metoderna. Sammanfattningsvis kan det konstateras att det finns ett stort intresse från kommunernas sida att utforma en hållbar och fungerande metod. Att bygga och bevara hyresrätter är en svårhanterlig fråga i dagsläget. Det visar sig genom att det råder viss bristande kunskap i en del kommuner gällande avtalens laglighet. Mot bakgrund av detta vore ett tydligare tillvägagångssätt att föredra både för kommun och byggherre. / Sweden's municipalities are legally responsible for creating good housing opportunities for the inhabitants. In the current situation there is a great demand for housing, mainly in Sweden's big-city regions. Municipalities with rather expensive prices on land and growing population create high pressure on the rental apartments. Therefore, it is of interest to local authorities to ensure the construction of rental apartments and that the apartments remain as rental apartments and are not converted to other forms of tenure, in order to prevent conversion of contemplate and profit. The purpose of the study is to examine how local authorities can ensure building strategies and keep tenancy rights to the sale of municipal land, with a focus on how regulation is done in practice. To give the study a broader perspective also the building companies were contacted in order to find out their attitude to the municipalities requirements. The study is conducted through a qualitative contract review procedure with additional interviews to examine how municipality authorities will ensure the construction of rental apartments in practice. A request for an agreement was sent to Sweden's 20 largest municipalities, counted in population size. 16 of the 20 municipalities contributed with agreements. Selection of interviewees was based on the in-originated agreements to represent all methods to ensure the construction and preservation of rental apartments. The result shows that the municipalities apply leasehold, additional consideration, payment and prohibition against conversion to direct tenure. Some municipalities choose not to control tenure in the contract, instead they rely on trust between the municipality and the developer. In the current situation there is no tool in the PBL for controlling tenure and there is neither no obvious solution to contractually guarantee the rental building and its preservation. Con-examination shows that in practice there are differences regarding how local authorities applied different methods. In conclusion, there is a great interest of local authorities to design a sustainable and operational approach. To build and maintain rental apartments is a difficult question in the cur-rent situation. It is manifested by the municipality, that there is some lack of knowledge regarding the legality of contracts. In this perspective it would clearly be preferable for both municipal and builder if the procedure was more explicit.
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Exploring the Feasibility of Economic Incentives for Reforestation in the Fond D’Or Watershed, St. LuciaRichardson, Amanda 08 October 2008 (has links)
This thesis examines the feasibility of economic incentives for reforestation, with improved water quality being one potential benefit, in the Fond D’or watershed of Saint Lucia. Population growth, economic development, and the onset of climate change have decreased the environmental quality in Small Island Developing State (SIDS) while increasing risk to the islands’ water security. The unique topography and geology of Caribbean island nations contribute to the challenges of managing freshwater resources. The governments of SIDS often lack the human and financial resources to provide potable water for their citizens, as well as to monitor and enforce environmental regulations limiting land use in watersheds. Therefore, a new approach to watershed management in Saint Lucia is imperative for the provision of valuable ecosystem services at the local, regional, and global scales. Payments for ecosystem services (PES) are a promising approach to the protection and maintenance of public ecosystem services where there is little incentive for private landowners to provide them. The first article explores household willingness-to-pay (WTP) for reforestation in Fond D’or watershed. The contingent valuation method was used to obtain residents’ WTP for a hypothetical scenario in which an increase in water users’ fees are used to fund a program where farmers in the upper watershed are compensated for taking land near water sources out of agricultural production for reforestation. The findings from 294 household surveys provide a description of the state of water quality and quantity in the Fond D’or, domestic water uses and sources, as well as attitudes and opinions about current water service. Bivariate analyses were performed to identify underlying factors that influence WTP, revealing that increased WTP is not a result of higher education and income. Rather, residence in a particular community group likely influences opinions about water, ultimately shaping WTP. Lastly, I discuss WTP in terms of its potential contribution to a PES scheme in Saint Lucia; WTP by local beneficiaries represents one potential funding source for PES mechanisms as well as public support for environmental improvement programs. The second article describes a methodological approach to constructing a PES scheme in the Fond D’or watershed. Of the five environmental policy approaches— prescription, penalties, property rights, persuasion, and payments—payment is likely to be the most feasible method to influence private land management decisions for the provision of ecosystem services for the public good. This article draws upon existing PES schemes for hydrological services around the globe to provide key lessons for expanding the use of the instrument to Saint Lucia. I apply these lessons to the social, political, and institutional context of Saint Lucia, identifying opportunities for and challenges to developing local or regional payment schemes for ecosystem services in the Fond D'or watershed. I outline the steps to constructing a PES and recommend further research to Saint Lucian policymakers.
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The Importance of Target Audience Selection for Kano Model Effectiveness : A Case Study of Klarna GroupPetrovski, David, Pestana, Joao Pedro January 2017 (has links)
The Kano model is a technique for a better understanding of the customers’ requirements, thus increasing the customers’ satisfaction. The process of identifying the customers’ requirements and increasing the customers’ satisfaction, by improving the offerings, is costly for the companies. In order not to waste resources, companies should firstly identify who their target audience is, through a market research. When companies understand who their target audience is, they are able to identify their requirements, in order to try to meet them, and increase customers’ satisfaction. The process of segmentation and targeting, helps companies to save time, money and effort, since the messages are directly delivered to those who are their target audience, and are really interested. Moreover, the companies using the focus groups and in-depth interviews can collect target audience’ requirements, in order to later on meet those requirements and increase the customers’ satisfaction. Furthermore, the findings revealed that for the companies in the online payment industry it is crucial to have a good reputation and be trustworthy.
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The Effect of a Nominal Fee on Treatment Choices for Children Needing Dental RehabilitationCole, D'Audra M 01 January 2007 (has links)
Objective: The purpose of the study was to determine if a co-payment resulted in a differential preference for general anesthesia (GA) or oral sedation (OS) and, if so, to examine whether age, the number of appointments, perceived risks of treatment, child's awareness during treatment, or insurance type appeared to play a role in this preference.Methods: Using a cross-sectional survey design, questionnaires were distributed to caregivers of patients in the waiting room of the Virginia Commonwealth University Pediatric Dental Clinic. Two different questionnaires were distributed randomly. Both surveys described a scenario with the need for dental treatment under general anesthesia (GA) or oral conscious sedation (OS). Seventy five surveys required a $50 co-payment for treatment completed under general anesthesia and the other 75 required the same co-payment for treatment completed under oral conscious sedation. Caregivers were asked to choose treatment modalities as well as to rate factors in their decision making including perceived risks and the number of dental visits. Results: Seventy seven survey respondents selected GA as their preferred treatment option for the described scenario. The other sixty six respondents chose OS sedation. For the insured population, the GA/OS odds ratio for the OS-co-payment group versus the GA-co-payment group was OR=2.21 (95% CI = 1.06, 4.60). In terms of the uninsured, the GA/OS odds ratio for the OS-co-payment group versus the GA-co-payment group was OR=17.5 (95% CI = 1.60, 191). The child's age, awareness during treatment, and type of insurance (public versus private) were not significantly related to treatment choice. The importance of the number of appointments was found to be significant (p-value = 0.0170) and outweighed the effect of the co-payment (p-value = 0.1757). The importance of associated risks was found to be significant (p-value = 0.0171) and this outweighed the effect of the co-payment (p-value = 0.8157).Conclusions: The presence of a co-payment does not as significantly impact the GA versus OS preference while the number of appointments and perceived risks associated with the treatment remain significant.
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Medical prescriptions in Cyprus.Papadopoulos, Philippos January 2014 (has links)
MEDICAL PRESCRIPTIONS IN CYPRUS Author: Papadopoulos V. Philippos Tutor: RNDr. Jana Kotlářová, Ph.D. Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic Aim of diploma thesis is to get: current knowledge about medical prescriptions (MP) in Cyprus and rules of their use their basic division according their kinds, formal look, practical handle, payment knowledge of the current Health system of Cyprus Results: The Health system of Cyprus is a unique arrangement in the EU since is a simultaneous participation of public and the private sector which has many phenomena of inequality and non- accessibility mainly from the economically weaker. In the future plans of Ministry of Health is the complete redesign of entire Health System in a direction of electronic services for all the parts of health system chain including doctors, pharmacists and insured patients. The basic and significant informations about medical prescriptions in Cyprus according aim of diploma thesis are demonstrated in the Summary Table at chapter 11. All prescriptions in Cyprus are in common form for all type of drugs and there is no rule for size and color of the paper. Pharmacist is checking the signature of the doctor as well as name of the patient and...
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Činnost poskytovatelů platebních služeb při potlačení legalizace výnosů z trestné činnosti a financování terorizmu / Activities of providers of financial services regarding the suppression of legalization of crime proceeds and terrorism fundingAuxt, Matej January 2015 (has links)
Suppressing the legalisation of the earnings of criminal activities along with the terrorism financing represent the essential aspect of terrorism and predicative crimes (from which the illegal earnings are obtained) prevention. Focusing on concealing the tracks of money transfers, the legalisation of the earnings of criminal activities and terrorism financing is being proceeded throughout a series of money transfers and with the help of other financial services. Therefore, it is crucial to mainly focus on the field of payment services providers when trying to supress these activities. For the purposes of supressing the legalisation of the earnings of criminal activities and terrorism financing the banks and other bodies on the financial market are relevant providers of the payment services. The key legal provision regulating the domain in question is the Act no. 253/2008 Coll. (regarding certain precautions against the legalisation of the earnings of criminal activities and terrorism financing) which puts the payment services providers in the role of liable subjects. The diploma theses analyses individual precautions against the legalisation of the earnings of criminal activities and terrorism financing, whose implementation is posed on the liable subjects by national legislation, as well as the...
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Medical prescriptions in GreeceNaoum, Panagiotis January 2014 (has links)
MEDICAL PRESCRIPTIONS IN GREECE Author: Naoum I. Panagiotis Tutor: RNDr. Jana Kotlářová, Ph.D. Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic Aim of diploma thesis: The aim of diploma thesis is: to get current knowledge about medical prescriptions (MP) in Greece and rules of their use; to prepare its basic division according their kinds, formal look, practical handle with them and their payment; to get sample of different MP and finally to describe the current Greek health, pension and insurance system as a secondary aim. Results: In this diploma thesis it has been described the existing model of medical prescriptions in Greece and have been given adequate information about their basic divisions, their kinds, their formal look, and their compensation. Also it is described the course of the prescription, from the doctor to the pharmacist, harmonized with modern electronic prescribing. In the recent years (from 2009), Greece started the pilot implementation of e-prescribing for the modernization of public administration. This reform was established in order to fight against impunity and seemingly anti-ethical actions. The measure was certified by the laws of the Greek State, whereas the first results are starting to show...
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Bankovní obchody a jejich právní úprava / Banking transactions and their legal regulationNevrlý, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
/ Banking transactions and their legal regulation The aim of my diploma thesis is to analyse banking transactions and to inform about their substential elements, legislation in the Czech legal order and business conditions used by banks. I did not explain all the kinds of banking transactions conducted by banks in this diploma thesis due to their extensive range, but I just focused on the most important transactions in my point of view. The thesis is composed of four chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of banking operations. Chapter One is introductory and defines basic facts about banks and legal conditions of their running activities. The chapter consists of three parts. Part One focuses on concept of banking transactions. Part Two investigates divisions of banking transactions and Part Three addresses the issues of bank as an entrepreneur. It also describes relevant legal regime necessary to obey to perform banking transactions and question of acquiring banking licence. Chapter Two is subdivided into two parts and provides explanation of active banking transactions. Part One illustrates single credits, which are subdivided into five parts focused on credit bureaus, residential and commercial mortgages, consumer credits, current account credits and discount credits. Part Two...
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Elektronický platební rozkaz v civilním procesu / Electronic payment order in civil procedureSpurná, Julie January 2012 (has links)
Electronic payment order in civil procedure Abstract Electronic payment order is introduced into the Czech legal system by the amendment of the Civil Judicial Procedure Rules no. 123/2008 Sb. implementing a new institution within the payment order procedure. Electronic payment order is presented as an institution able to help the Czech judiciary system within the shortened civil procedure by the application of the computerization of civil procedure. I decided to begin my thesis with a chapter trying to clarify the role of electronic payment order within the frame of the computerization of justice. I provided a brief account of the development and contemporary trends related to the computerization of justice and I approached the individual institutions which I regarded as appropriate to mention in order to understand the given institution within the whole context. The third chapter deals with reasons for which the institution was implemented into the Czech legal system. I carried out a detail analysis of the explanatory report to the Act introducing the institution of electronic payment order and I made an effort to outline the main reasons for the amendment and to arrange the objectives intended to be achieved by the implementation of the new institution. The third chapter focuses on the institution of the...
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Placení autorských odměn za provozování vysílání na pokojích lázeňských zařízení / Payment of Royalties for Performing the Broadcast in the Bedrooms of Spa FacilitiesGantner, Filip January 2013 (has links)
A b s t r a c t Title: Payment of Royalties for Performing the Broadcast in the Bedrooms of Spa Facilities The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the issue of payment of royalties for performing broadcast in the bedrooms of spa facilities, namely by the form of case study. The introduction shortly presents chosen subject and highlights the inconguity of jurisprudence in legal disputes relating to payment of royalties by spa facilities. Chapter one is dedicated to historical progression of different versions of the exceptions contained in section 23 of the Czech Copyrigt Act, which is also the cause for spa facilities to conclude that they are not liable for paying royalties to appropriate collecting society. Chapter two examines relavant jurisprudence by Regional Courts, High Courts and the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic. The jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union is also mentioned. Chapter three is composed of the introduction to the case study which illustrates the circumstances of the origin of hypothetic legal dispute which is to be solved by this thesis. Chapter four is the focal point of the thesis and it is presented by the judgement issued by a Regional Court in the legal dispute between the collecting society as a plaintiff and the spa facility as a respondent. The...
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