Spelling suggestions: "subject:"vita"" "subject:"vie""
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Om straffande vitens skälighet : Och gränsdragningen mellan normerat skadestånd samt straffviteBullarbo, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Entreprenadvitets tillämpning och funktioner : Särskilt om jämkning av entreprenadviteSandberg, Mina-Niqole January 2019 (has links)
Denna uppsats har haft till syfte att utreda entreprenadvitet; vilka syften och funktioner ett entreprenadvite har, hur entreprenadvitet tillämpas och i vilka sammanhang det finns möjlighet att jämka ett entreprenadvite. Genom att parterna i förväg avtalar om att vite skall utgå vid entreprenörens dröjsmål, tydliggörs parternas riskfördelning och entreprenörens kostnad för kontraktsbrott. Entreprenadvitet har flera syften och funktioner som är tätt sammanflätade i varandra. Ett huvudsakligt syfte med avtalat entreprenadvite är att skapa förutsebarhet för båda parter. Från beställarens perspektiv är ett huvudsakligt syfte med entreprenadvitet att fungera som påtryckning för att entreprenören ska prestera i enlighet med avtalet. Vidare är entreprenadvitet en ersättningsgaranti vid entreprenörens dröjsmål utan att denne behöver bevisa någon skada. Från entreprenörens perspektiv medför entreprenadvitet en kalkylerbarhet av olika scenarier då entreprenörens kostnad för dröjsmål begränsas till entreprenadvitet även om beställaren skulle ha lidit en större skada. Vidare kan entreprenadvitet ha ett signalvärde i förhållande till beställaren. I framställningen redogörs också för flera syften och funktioner. Entreprenadvitet är en exklusiv ersättning. I entreprenadavtal stipuleras ett par undantag då det är möjligt att jämka ett vite, bland annat till följd av att beställaren före färdigställandet tagit entreprenaden, eller del därav, i bruk eller i sammanhang när beställaren haft en icke väsentlig ekonomisk nytta av annat ibruktagande av entreprenaden eller del därav. Därutöver finns en möjlighet att jämka ett entreprenadvite genom en helhetsbedömning i enlighet med 36 § avtalslagen. I framställningen konstateras dock att Högsta domstolen hittills har varit mycket restriktiv med att jämka viten mellan kommersiella parter. / The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the liquidated damages clause due to the Contractor’s delay; what purposes and functions such liquidated damages clause may have, how the liquidated damages clause is applied, and in which contexts the liquidated damages clause can be subject to reasonable modification. By using the General Conditions of Contract for Building and Civil Engineering Works and Building Services, AB 04, the contracting parties knows the division of responsibilities for the performance of the works on the contractor. By agreeing upon a liquidated damages clause in case of the Contractor’s delay in the Contract Document, the parties’ risks due to the Contractor’s delay are clarified. The purposes and the functions of a liquidated damages clause are several, and most of them are inseparably intertwined. A main purpose, for both parties, for using a clause like this is to make the risks and the costs foreseeable. Out of the Employer perspective a main purpose with the use of a liquidated damages clause is for it to work as pressure upon the Contractor in order for the Contractor to perform accordingly with the contract. In addition, the clause is a guaranteed compensation due to the Contractor’s delay, without the Employer needing to prove there has been any actual liquid damage. Out of the Contractor’s perspective the liquidated damages clause results in a possibility for the Contractor to calculate the Contractor’s cost due to delay. The clause also limits the cost for a delay, even if the Employer’s liquid damage would be larger than what the liquidated damages clause stipulates. In addition, the clause may have a signal value for the Contractor relative to the Employer. The thesis also presents and describes for other purposes and functions a liquidated damages clause may have and in which contexts the liquidated damages clause can be subject to reasonable modification.
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Villkor för att säkerställa byggnation och bevarande av hyresrätter : En studie om hur kommunerna går tillväga i praktiken / Conditions to ensure the construction and preservation of rental apartments : A study on how municipalities proceed in realityJonassen, Victoria, Brycke, Sara January 2016 (has links)
Sveriges kommuner är enligt lag ansvariga för att skapa goda boendemöjligheter till kommuninvånarna. I dagsläget råder det stor efterfrågan på bostäder, främst i Sveriges storstadsregioner. I kommuner med höga markpriser och växande invånarantal råder stor efterfrågan på hyresrätter. Det är därför av intresse för kommunerna att säkerställa byggnation av hyresrätter samt att ändamålet kvarstår, detta för att förhindra ombildning i spekulations- och vinstsyfte. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur kommunerna kan säkerställa att det byggs och förblir hyresrätter vid försäljning av kommunal mark, med fokus på hur regleringen sker i praktiken. För att ge studien ett bredare perspektiv har även köpare kontaktats i syfte att ta reda på hur de ställer sig till kommunernas krav. I studien har en kvalitativ avtalsgranskning genomförts med kompletterande intervjuer för att undersöka hur kommunerna säkerställer byggnation av hyresrätter i praktiken. En förfrågan om avtal, som reglerar försäljning eller upplåtelse av kommunal mark, skickades ut till Sveriges 20 största kommuner till befolkningen räknat. Av dessa bidrog 16 kommuner med avtal. Val av intervjupersoner gjordes utifrån de inkomna avtalen för att representera samtliga metoder som används för att säkerställa byggnation och bevarande av hyresrätter. Resultatet visar att kommunerna tillämpar tomträtt, tilläggsköpeskilling, vite och förfogandeförbud för att styra upplåtelseform. Vissa av kommunerna väljer att inte styra upplåtelseform i avtal, utan förlitar sig på ett förtroende mellan kommun och byggherre. I dagsläget finns inget verktyg i PBL för att styra upplåtelseform och det finns inte heller någon given lösning att i avtal säkerställa hyresbyggnation och dess bevarande. Avtalsgranskningen visar att det finns skillnader i praktiken gällande hur kommunerna tillämpar de olika metoderna. Sammanfattningsvis kan det konstateras att det finns ett stort intresse från kommunernas sida att utforma en hållbar och fungerande metod. Att bygga och bevara hyresrätter är en svårhanterlig fråga i dagsläget. Det visar sig genom att det råder viss bristande kunskap i en del kommuner gällande avtalens laglighet. Mot bakgrund av detta vore ett tydligare tillvägagångssätt att föredra både för kommun och byggherre. / Sweden's municipalities are legally responsible for creating good housing opportunities for the inhabitants. In the current situation there is a great demand for housing, mainly in Sweden's big-city regions. Municipalities with rather expensive prices on land and growing population create high pressure on the rental apartments. Therefore, it is of interest to local authorities to ensure the construction of rental apartments and that the apartments remain as rental apartments and are not converted to other forms of tenure, in order to prevent conversion of contemplate and profit. The purpose of the study is to examine how local authorities can ensure building strategies and keep tenancy rights to the sale of municipal land, with a focus on how regulation is done in practice. To give the study a broader perspective also the building companies were contacted in order to find out their attitude to the municipalities requirements. The study is conducted through a qualitative contract review procedure with additional interviews to examine how municipality authorities will ensure the construction of rental apartments in practice. A request for an agreement was sent to Sweden's 20 largest municipalities, counted in population size. 16 of the 20 municipalities contributed with agreements. Selection of interviewees was based on the in-originated agreements to represent all methods to ensure the construction and preservation of rental apartments. The result shows that the municipalities apply leasehold, additional consideration, payment and prohibition against conversion to direct tenure. Some municipalities choose not to control tenure in the contract, instead they rely on trust between the municipality and the developer. In the current situation there is no tool in the PBL for controlling tenure and there is neither no obvious solution to contractually guarantee the rental building and its preservation. Con-examination shows that in practice there are differences regarding how local authorities applied different methods. In conclusion, there is a great interest of local authorities to design a sustainable and operational approach. To build and maintain rental apartments is a difficult question in the cur-rent situation. It is manifested by the municipality, that there is some lack of knowledge regarding the legality of contracts. In this perspective it would clearly be preferable for both municipal and builder if the procedure was more explicit.
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Arbete i linje med yrkeskompetensen! : En postkolonial analys av projektet Nå MåletJägerlöv, Maja January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om, och i så fall hur, postkoloniala tankestrukturer kommer till uttryck i Nå Målets verksamhet under en begränsad period. Undersökningsperioden sträcker sig från den 14 mars till den 12 maj 2011. Avsikten med undersökningen är att analysera de eventuella postkoloniala tankestrukturer som kommer till uttryck. Empirin utgörs av intervjuer med, och observationer av, Nå Målets personal och deltagare samt övriga aktörer i projektet. Resultatet visar att postkoloniala tankestrukturer gör sig gällande i Nå Målets verksamhet. Det framgår också att projektet i sig är ett motstånd mot rådande samhällsstrukturer.
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Den vite generalen : Baptistpastorn Albert Wickmans kamp för fred / The white general : Baptistpastor Albert Wickmans struggle for peaceAndréasson, Pascal January 2021 (has links)
This thesis set out to analyse early baptistic peace-activities in Sweden in the 1900s, through a micro-historical analysis of Albert Wickman (1884-1942) who was a Swedish Baptist pastor and peace-agitator. In nonconformist-churches we find the earliest pacifists and Wickman started out as a theological trained Baptist, but he founded an independent organisation with ideas based on teachings by Leo Tolstoy. His Anti-war organisation was organised much like the Salvation Army and had as key-concept to gather members who claimed they would not kill another human being. Another idea was to create an army of volunteers who would be willing to put themselves between fighting nations. The organisation had many thousands member but existed only between 1912-1918 and it never practiced it go-in-between ideas. In the 1920s Wickman was involved with the oldest Swedish peace-society, “Svenska Freds och Skiljedomsföreningen”, and raised their membership from 4 000 in 1922 to 49 000 in 1930, but he also led this organisation to almost bankruptcy. This thesis gives an account of who Albert Wickman was and through him offers contexts and world-views on his pacifistic thinking in the first decades of the 1900s and how peace was promoted at the time in Sweden.
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Säkerhet och viten i genomförandeavtal – Byggherrens ställande av säkerhet för ekonomiska åtaganden gentemot kommunen vid exploatering / Guarantee and fines in implementation agreements – The developers’ providing of guarantee for economical commitments to the municipality at urban developmentTiidus, Sandra, Åhman, Julia January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Oggigiorno diversi tipi di chiusure sono disponibili sul mercato e, tra queste, le chiusure a vite che sono molto diffuse nei paesi emergenti nel settore viti-vinicolo.
L’uso dei tappi a vite, comunque, non è attualmente diffuso in relazione ai vini da invecchiamento o di alta qualità poiché a tale chiusura è associato un ambiente riducente che viene considerato poco idoneo alla conservazione di vini rossi da invecchiamento.
Lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato quello di valutare, tramite analisi chimiche e sensoriali, l’evoluzione del vino tappato con diverse tipologie di chiusure a vite rispetto al sughero tradizionale e la bontà di diverse possibili condizioni di imbottigliamento.
Nel corso dei tre anni di attività di dottorato sono state condotte diverse prove per testare capsule in fase di sperimentazione in confronto con chiusure a vite già impiegate in ambito enologico e con tappi sintetici e di sughero. Differenti tipologie di vino, associate a diverse tipologie di imbottigliamento e di tappi, sono state utilizzate. Alcune prove sono state condotte a termine nel breve periodo (9 mesi) mentre altre hanno richiesto tempi più lunghi.
In linea generale, i risultati evidenziano, per tutti i vini, che il tempo di conservazione in bottiglia incide in maniera più significativa delle chiusure sull’evoluzione compositiva ed organolettica dei prodotti.
Nel caso dei vini bianchi, il breve periodo di maturazione in bottiglia considerato non ha evidenziato differenze di composizione significative imputabili alla chiusura.
Nel caso del Barbera Oltrepò Pavese i tempi lunghi di conservazione (36 mesi) hanno evidenziato che la chiusura esercita un effetto di separazione tra i vini.
Quando la temperatura di stoccaggio è elevata (ad esempio 45°C) la shelf-life del prodotto si abbrevia in modo più evidente quando il prodotto è giovane. / Nowadays, there are different types of closures available on the market and, behind these, the screwcaps are very diffused in emerging enological countries.
Screwcaps, however, are not used for premium or aged wines because their use is linked to a reductive environment in bottle, which is not useful for the maturation of aged red wines.
The aim of this work was the evaluation, through chemical and sensorial analysis, of the evolution of wine, bottled with different types of closures and bottling conditions.
During the PhD work time, different trails on experimental capsules and classical screwcaps, synthetic closures and cork closures were carried out.
Several types of white and red wine, bottled in different conditions and with diverse kinds of closures, were studied. Some of the trials ended in a few months while others were longer.
The results showed, for all wines, that the storage period had a significant influence on the wine evolution, more than the closure type had.
The closures used for white wines in short periods of storage had no influence on the wine composition.
For the Barbera Oltrepò Pavese wine, after the long storage period (36 months), the closure type exhibited a separation effect.
The high storage temperature (e.g. 45°C) reduced the shelf-life of the product, particularly in case of young wines.
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Biologia, epidemiologia e controllo della fase sessuale di Erysiphe necator, agente causale dell'oidio della vite. / Biology, epidemiology and control of the sexual stage of Erysiphe necator (Schwein.), the grapevine powdery mildew fungusLEGLER, SARA ELISABETTA 23 February 2012 (has links)
Erysiphe necator (Schwein.) è l’agente causale dell’oidio della vite. Esso è in grado di svernare come ascospore all’interno di corpi fruttiferi, i chasmoteci, oppure come micelio in gemme infette. Le ascospore sono rilasciate nella primavera successiva e causano infezioni primarie che danno origine all’epidemia. Di conseguenza la riduzione dell’inoculo primario svernante potenzialmente riduce le epidemie nella stagione successiva.
I primi sei capitoli di questa tesi riguardano nuove conoscenze sulla biologia, epidemiologia e modellistica del patogeno. Due nuovi modelli meccanicistici che simulano, rispettivamente, la maturazione e dispersione dei chasmoteci e le infezioni ascosporiche sono stati sviluppati ed è stata studiata approfonditamente la dinamica di maturazione e dispersione delle ascospore stesse.
Nei restanti quattro capitoli il controllo del patogeno è stato riconsiderato in accordo con le linee guida della gestione integrata del vigneto. In particolare è stata valutata l’efficacia di diversi fungicidi, dell’iperparassita Ampelomyces spp. e di un olio minerale nel ridurre il numero di chasmoteci prodotti in autunno, nel distruggere gli stessi durante l’inverno e nel controllare le infezione primarie ascosporiche in primavera. / Erysiphe necator (Schwein.) is the causal agent of grapevine powdery mildew. It survives the winter in two ways: as ascospores in overwintering fruiting bodies, the chasmothecia, and as mycelium in infected buds. Ascospores that are repeatedly released and cause primary infections in the following grapevine growing season and trigger powdery mildew epidemics. Consequently, the reduction of the overwintering inoculum may reduce powdery mildew epidemics in the next season. In order to verify this statement and develop sanitation as a relevant strategy to be used in integrated management of grape powdery mildew, different studies were performed during this Doctorate.
The first six chapters of this dissertation pertain to new findings about the biology, epidemiology and modeling of the pathogen. A new mechanistic model predicting maturation and dispersal of chasmothecia was developed, dynamics of ascospore maturation and dispersal were studied and another mechanistic model simulating ascosporic infections was developed.
In the last four chapters the control of the pathogen was redrawn according to the Integrated Pest Management concept: the efficacy of fungicides, the hyperparasite Ampelomyces spp., and mineral oil in reducing chasmothecia production in fall, in killing chasmothecia before bud break, and in controlling ascosporic infections in spring was investigated.
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The Devotional Imagination of Jacopo PontormoMaratsos, Jessica January 2014 (has links)
In Italy the first half of the Cinquecento was marked by both flourishing artistic innovation and deep-seated religious uncertainty, the latter revealing itself most clearly in a widespread impetus towards reform. The relationship between these two cultural spheres--long a fraught problem in art historical scholarship--is made visually manifest in the religious works produced by the Florentine painter Jacopo da Pontormo. By re-examining Pontormo's three monumental religious commissions--the Certosa del Galluzzo (1522-27), the Capponi Chapel (1525-28), and the choir of San Lorenzo (1545-1557)--this dissertation maps the complex dialogue between artistic and devotional practice that characterized this era. Further, in highlighting the active role of the painter in this dynamic I propose a not only a new understanding of Pontormo, but also enrich our current notions of artistic agency in the Renaissance period.
The foundation of these arguments derives from a re-evaluation of the specific historical context on the one hand, and the implementation of a broader framework of visual culture on the other. Taking its cue from Giorgio Vasari's 1568 edition of The Lives of the Artists, modern scholarship has tended to view much of the art from the early sixteenth century through a post-Tridentine lens; paintings are labeled controversial or heretical, when in fact such notions would not have been relevant in these earlier decades. Published five years after the conclusion of the Council of Trent, Vasari's Lives is predominantly characterized by the author's own attempts to codify artistic pedagogy and style in the service of the Medici Duchy, whose newly consolidated ties with the papacy were of primary importance. A further difficulty presented by following Vasari's example is the relatively narrow view of the artistic environment that his account affords. Aimed as it was towards the social elevation of the individual Renaissance artist, Vasari's narrative undervalues the importance of other genres and media--such as prints, Mystery plays, terracotta sculptures, and sacri monti--to the work of well-established painters like Pontormo.
Each chapter examines a single, monumental project, delineating the artist's responsiveness to, and engagement with, the unique devotional and artistic challenges inherent to the individual commission. Chapter One resituates Pontormo's use of the maniera tedesca within the broader contexts of northern devotional practices and the parallels they form with affective strategies employed by other genres including sacre rappresentazioni and sacri monti. Chapter Two focuses on the painter's decision to portray himself the guise of Nicodemus, and the ways in which this identification evoked an entire web of historical associations--linked to hagiographic tradition and local legend--that would have been accessible to contemporary viewers. Finally, in Chapter Three I investigate Pontormo's pictorial approach, which combined an overarching diagrammatic simplicity with a complex, allusive figural language, as a means of communicating to the different levels of Florentine society that would have been his audience in this important parish church.
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Att se världen i svart och vitt : En kritisk granskning av SOS Barnbyars reklamkampanjerCargonja, Diana, Grahovac, Jelena January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to do a critical review of the aid organization SOS Children’s Villages text- and video campaigns, from a postcolonial perspective. Our purpose is divided into two questions: Are there colonial values in the advertising campaigns? Which language- and image strategies are used by SOS Children’s Villages to put across their messages? Our material consists of 10 selected video clips, and four printed ads that are made up of an image and a short text, which are part of a campaign named: Inte ett enda barn ska behöva vara ensamt (translation: Not a single child should have to be alone). We have chosen to use text- and image analysis as a method in our review of the material. The main theoretical base in our thesis is postcolonialism, while”the Other” and ”whiteness” are two concepts we have chosen so that we can reach a deeper analytical level. We have analyzed some of the clips from the concept “The White Man’s Burden”, and have discovered that ”The Western World” tries to insert their own values and ideals into ”The Third World”. We have also discovered that the children, in some sequences, are presented as non-human and differentiated from the “white Westerners”. The last chapter in our thesis problematizes how modern technology, as Smartphones, applications and social media, are used to make it easier to give money to charity. We also discuss how “The Western World” can be seen as a contributor to the current situation in “The Third World”, which makes the aspect of high-technology even more interesting.
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