Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] PETROL"" "subject:"[enn] PETROL""
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Ecogen?mica de archaea e monitoramento de comunidades de procariotos redutores de sulfato: aplica??es na ind?stria de petr?leo e g?sCarvalho, Ci?xares Magalh?es 14 March 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-03-14 / The human activities responsible for the ambient degradation in the modern world are diverse. The industrial activities are preponderant in the question of the impact consequences for
brazilian ecosystems. Amongst the human activities, the petroliferous industry in operation in Potiguar Petroliferous Basin (PPB) displays the constant risk of ambient impacts in the integrant cities, not only for the human populations and the environment, but also it reaches the native microorganisms of Caatinga ground and in the mangrove sediment. Not hindering, the elaboration of strategies of bioremediation for impacted areas pass through the knowledge
of microbiota and its relations with the environment. Moreover, in the microorganism groups associated to oil, are emphasized the sulfate-reducing prokaryotes (SRP) that, in its anaerobic metabolism, these organisms participate of the sulfate reduction, discharging H2S, causing ambient risks and causing the corrosion of surfaces, as pipelines and tanks, resulting in damages for the industry. Some ancestries of PRS integrate the Archaea domain, group of microorganisms whose sequenced genomes present predominance of extremophilic
adaptations, including surrounding with oil presence. This work has two correlated objectives: i) the detection and monitoring of the gene dsrB, gift in sulfate-reducing prokaryotes, through DGGE analysis in samples of mDNA of a mangrove sediment and semiarid soil, both in the BPP; ii) to relate genomic characteristics to the ecological aspects of Archaea through in silico studies, standing out the importance to the oil and gas industry. The results of the first work suggest that the petrodegraders communities of SRP persist after the contamination with oil in mangrove sediment and in semiarid soil. Comparing the populations of both sites, it
reveals that there are variations in the size and composition during one year of experiments. In the second work, functional and structural factors are the probable cause to the pressure in maintenance of the conservation of the sequences in the multiple copies of the 16S rDNA gene. Is verified also the discrepancy established between total content GC and content GC of the same gene. Such results relating ribosomal genes and the ambient factors are important for metagenomic evaluations using PCR-DGGE. The knowledge of microbiota associated to the oil can contribute for a better destination of resources by the petroliferous industry and the development of bioremediation strategies. Likewise, search to lead to the best agreement of the performance of native microbiota in biogeochemical cycles in Potiguar Petroliferous Basin ecosystem / S?o diversas as atividades humanas respons?veis pela degrada??o ambiental observada no mundo moderno. As atividades industriais s?o preponderantes na quest?o das conseq??ncias impactantes para os ecossistemas brasileiros. Entre as atividades antr?picas, a ind?stria petrol?fera atuante na Bacia Petrol?fera Potiguar (BPP), exp?e a risco constante de impactos ambientais nos munic?pios integrantes, n?o s? as popula??es humanas e o meio ambiente, mas tamb?m atinge os microrganismos nativos do solo da Caatinga e no sedimento do manguezal. N?o obstante, a elabora??o de estrat?gias de biorremedia??o de ?reas impactadas perpassa, dentre outros aspectos, pelo conhecimento da microbiota e suas rela??es com o meio. Entre os grupos de microrganismos associados ao petr?leo, destacam-se os procariotos redutores de sulfato (PRS) que, em seu metabolismo anaer?bico, participam da redu??o do sulfato, liberando g?s sulf?drico, causando riscos ambientais e ocasionando a corros?o de superf?cies,
como tubula??es e tanques, resultando em preju?zos para a ind?stria. Algumas linhagens de PRS integram o dom?nio Archaea, grupo de microrganismos cujos genomas seq?enciados apresentam predomin?ncia de adapta??es extremof?licas, incluindo ambientes com presen?a de petr?leo. Este trabalho tem dois objetivos correlacionados: i) detectar e monitorar o gene dsrB, presente em procariotos redutores de sulfato, por perfis de DGGE gerados a partir de amostras ambientais de mDNA do manguezal de Diogo Lopes, e do solo do semi-?rido da regi?o da BPP; ii) relacionar caracter?sticas gen?micas aos aspectos ecol?gicos de Archaea, ressaltando sua import?ncia para a ind?stria do petr?leo, atrav?s de estudos in silico. Os resultados do primeiro trabalho sugerem que as comunidades petrodegradadoras de PRS persistem ap?s a contamina??o por petr?leo em sedimento de manguezal e do solo do semi?rido. A compara??o entre as popula??es dos dois locais de amostragem revela que as
mesmas apresentam varia??es em seu tamanho e composi??o ao longo de um ano de experimento. No segundo trabalho especula-se que fatores funcionais e estruturais s?o a causa
da press?o para a manuten??o da conserva??o das seq??ncias nas m?ltiplas c?pias do gene 16S rDNA. Verifica-se tamb?m a discrep?ncia observada entre o conte?do GC total e conte?do GC do mesmo gene. Tais resultados relacionando genes ribossomais a fatores ambientais s?o importantes para avalia??es metagen?micas empregando PCR-DGGE. O conhecimento da microbiota associada ao petr?leo pode contribuir para uma melhor destina??o de recursos por parte da ind?stria petrol?fera e o desenvolvimento de estrat?gias de biorremedia??o. Outrossim, busca contribuir para o melhor entendimento da atua??o da microbiota nativa nos ciclos biogeoqu?micos em ecossistemas da Bacia Petrol?fera Potiguar
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Analise dos impactos socioambientais da instalacao das unidades de bombeio de petroleo na area urbana de Mossoro - RNDomingues, Marcela Galizia 06 March 2014 (has links)
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MarcelaGR_DISSERT.pdf: 2954725 bytes, checksum: 0494debe8f3938079df1e5d62d828b50 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-03-06 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / O objetivo central desta pesquisa foi averiguar e analisar os impactos socioambientais decorrentes da instala??o das Unidades de Bombeio na ?rea urbana de Mossor? (RN), sistema utilizado para a extra??o de petr?leo. O petr?leo, junto ao sal e a fruticultura irrigada, formam o trip? da economia mossoroense. Sua descoberta foi central no processo de reestrutura??o urbana recente de Mossor?, transformando suas fun??es e atribuindo-lhe uma nova posi??o na hierarquia urbana. No contexto atual, em que as preocupa??es com o meio ambiente t?m alcan?ado maior visibilidade, bem como a sociedade civil procura reivindicar suas demandas de forma mais organizada, nos ocupamos da discuss?o acerca dos riscos trazidos pelas unidades de bombeio que encontram-se alocadas em ?reas de adensamento urbano. Para tanto, buscamos compreender como se d? a atua??o de dois grandes agentes produtores do espa?o urbano mossoroense: de um lado, a Petrobras, empresa de economia mista, de import?ncia global e com ineg?vel influ?ncia na cidade; de outro, o poder p?blico local, enquanto agente normativo e gestor do territ?rio municipal. Foi objetivo secund?rio dessa pesquisa, analisar as rela??es entre ambos os agentes, bem como o papel assumido por cada um deles, considerando a atividade petrol?fera em sua import?ncia econ?mica para a cidade, mas tamb?m em seu ?nus ambiental e social. Para tal, nos valemos das legisla??es ambientais e urbanas, analisadas em escala nacional, estadual e local, cujo objetivo era verificar o cumprimento destas por parte da Petrobras. Nos empenhamos tamb?m em averiguar sobre o entendimento da popula??o local acerca do significado real e simb?lico das unidades de bombeio
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A regulamenta??o do sistema de certifica??o de conte?do local na ind?stria do petr?leo como instrumento de desenvolvimento nacionalGuerra, Renato Morais 21 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-10-04T22:09:48Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-21 / O presente trabalho tem por contexto o desenvolvimento e suas percep??es, tido como elemento jur?dico integrador do sistema de normas brasileiras, especialmente diante de sua predile??o em todo o corpo Constitui??o da Rep?blica. Sua conceitua??o transborda o crescimento num?rico da economia e tangencia a concep??o senesiana que conjuga desenvolvimento e liberdade. Essa inser??o serve ? investiga??o das origens e dos prop?sitos da pol?tica brasileira de Conte?do Local no setor de petr?leo. Essa descoberta leva inexoravelmente ao sistema de certifica??o de Conte?do Local, logo percebido como ferramenta ? disponibilidade do desenvolvimento do pa?s. Abordar-se-?, ao longo da pesquisa, a rela??o intuitiva entre a Constitui??o e o Desenvolvimento, no contexto da ind?stria energ?tica petrol?fera, bem como a inclus?o do sistema de certifica??o nesse bin?mio, al?m dos pr?prios comandos constitucionais que guardam particular interesse n?o s? com a promo??o do desenvolvimento da ind?stria e do pa?s, mas tamb?m com a pr?pria legitimidade a pol?tica de Conte?do Local, de modo que o seu sistema de certifica??o deixa de estar ? disponibilidade e passa a ser instrumento do interesse p?blico desenvolvimentista. O alcance desses objetivos se dar? com a ado??o dos processos metodol?gicos dedutivo e dial?tico e de t?cnicas de coleta de documenta??o indireta, com pesquisa documental e pesquisa bibliogr?fica, m?todos que revelar?o as lacunas hodiernamente existentes no modelo posto, sobretudo diante da n?o consecu??o dos desideratos desenvolvimentistas pensados no in?cio da pol?tica, dado o alto ?ndice de n?o cumprimento da cl?usula de Conte?do Local. / This present work has as its context the development and its perceptions, all in the intente of framing it as integrating juridical element of the Brazilian system of norms, especially with its predilection by the Constitution. Your conceptualization overflows the numeric growth of the economy and tangents the Senesian conception that combines development and freedom. This insertion serves to investigate the origins and purposes of the Brazilian local content policy in the petroleum sector. This discovery leads inexorably to the local content certification system, soon perceived as a tool for the availability of the country's development. To this purpose, an intuitive relationship between the Constitution and Development will be tackled throughout the research, all in the context of the oil industry, not only with a promotion of the development of industry and the country, but also with a political legitimization of Local content, so that your certification system is no longer available and passes through an instrument of public interest. These objectives will be achieved through the adoption of deductive and dialectical methodological processes and indirect documentation collection techniques, with documentary research and bibliographical research, methods that will reveal the existing gaps in the model post, especially in the face of the failure to achieve the developmentalist ideals thought at the beginning of the policy, given the high rate of non-compliance with the Local Content clause. It is intended to emphasize the developmental aspect of this system, establishing it as the ultimate goal of the local content policy, proposing, moreover, a more protective model and closely linked to the fundamental objectives of the Republic of guaranteeing national development and the reduction of regional inequalities.
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CFD simulace proudění výfukových plynů přepouštěcím ventilem turbodmychadla pro zážehové motory / CFD simulation of exhaust gases flow through the wastegate of petrol engines turbochargerTrška, Andrej January 2012 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá turbodmychadly a CFD simulací turbodmychadla s integrovaným přepouštěcím ventilem pro benzínový motor. Cílem je poskytnout všeobecný přehled o přeplnování a konstrukci turbodmychadel. Práce popisuje proces tvorby 3-rozměrného virtuálního modelu sestavy turbínové skříně, extrakci negativního objemu plynů, tvorbu meshe a nastavení počítačové CFD simulace, která je v závěru práce vyhodnocena. Výsledky simulace slouží pro návrh odlišného provedení turbínové skříně za účelem zlepšení rozložení teplot výfukových plynů na výstupu a zkrácení aktivační doby výfukového katalyzátoru.
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Stanovení emisí CO2 výfukových plynů u CNG, benzinových a naftových vozidel / Determination of CO2 exhaust emissions for CNG, petrol and diesel vehiclesChytil, Ivo January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the topic of Carbon dioxide emissions that are created by Petrol, Diesel and CNG vehicles. In the first part of the thesis, the results of theoretical calculations are compared with the values of the manufacturer of the specific vehicle. In the second part, a specific method has been selected for calculations with real data from transport. The savings of CO2 produced by the specific vehicle are expressed in percentage – depending on the fuel used. The operating expenses from the real data are calculated and compared with hybrid and electric vehicles. In the final part of the thesis, the ratio of fleet type vehicles to the financial/ecological aspect was proposed.
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Nationalization of electricity and oil in core and periphery: Norway versus MexicoWilm, Johannes January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to find the historical differences of nationalization in a peripheral and in a central country. I will look at and compare the development and the processes of nationalization of the petroleum and hydropower industries in Mexico and Norway and how these differed from a world system perspective. The question of nationalization of resources and the countries' respective history in this field are oftentimes invoked in discourses in both countries. The latest examples thereof were the debate about the need to join the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), a regulator that all EU members are part of without most even being aware that their country is participating in it, but that in the case of Norway's decision to join it in spring 2018 lead to massive campaigns involving trade unions and environmental organizations, and which the Norwegian Labor party have a large internal debate on whether joining an organization that regulated energy trade would have negative consequences for Norway1. In Mexico, the theme of oil is one of the favorite themes of newly elected President Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador. He promised that he would stop any privatization efforts of either electricity or petrol sector should he win. Given that the question seems so important to each country, one has to wonder why the outcome is so different.
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O princ?pio constitucional da efici?ncia aplicado ? outorga e ? cobran?a da ?gua produzida na explora??o petrol?feraNascimento, L?via Melo do 27 April 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-04-27 / Water production is unavoidable during a petrol well s lifetime. The amount of produced water associated with oil varies a lot. It can reach values which account to 50% in volume up to nearly 100%, at the end of the well s economic life. It could be verified that, once the water reaches the productive wells, there must be a management of this produced water. Its destiny is defined after a precise study, after which the best option is chosen between relieving it into the environment, re-injecting it into the producing container or disposing it into non-producing formations. Whichever option is made by the involved professionals, after the necessary analysis, it shall consider, besides the technical and economical aspects, also the alternatives which entail less environmental impact. The purpose of the present research is to conduct a study about the application of the constitutional principle of efficiency on the instruments worked out by the public administration on water management, specifically the water use licence and charging for the use in the management of water resources applicable to water production at the petrol wells. In this attempt, before entering the proper approach of the efficiency of the mentioned instruments, it was necessary not only bring to light the doctrinal perception about the constitutional principle of administrative efficiency, but also make some considerations concerning to the structure of the national water resources management, set by the Federal Constitution (1988) and the federal legislation (9433/97) / A produ??o de ?gua ? inevit?vel durante a vida ?til do po?o de petr?leo. A quantidade de ?gua produzida associada com ?leo varia muito, podendo alcan?ar valores da ordem de 50% em volume a pr?ximo de 100%, ao fim da vida econ?mica dos po?os. Verifica-se que, visto a ?gua atingir os po?os produtores, entra em cena o gerenciamento de ?gua produzida. O seu destino ? definido ap?s um minucioso estudo, optando-se pela melhor alternativa entre o seu descarte no meio ambiente, reinje??o no reservat?rio produtor ou descarte em forma??es n?o produtoras. Seja qual for a op??o escolhida pelos profissionais envolvidos, ap?s as an?lises necess?rias, ela dever? considerar, al?m dos aspectos t?cnicos e econ?micos, tamb?m as alternativas de menor impacto ambiental. O intuito da presente pesquisa ? realizar estudo acerca da aplica??o do princ?pio constitucional da efici?ncia aos instrumentos de gest?o dos recursos h?dricos operacionalizados pela Administra??o P?blica, especificamente dos instrumentos da outorga dos direitos de uso e da cobran?a pelo uso na gest?o dos recursos h?dricos, no ?mbito da explora??o e produ??o petrol?fera, por traduzirem efetiva interfer?ncia estatal na esfera pessoal dos administrados, conferindo-lhes direitos espec?ficos. Nesse intento, antes de adentrar propriamente na abordagem da efici?ncia dos instrumentos mencionados por meio dos quais a Administra??o interv?m para alcan?ar os objetivos colimados, fez-se necess?rio, n?o s? trazer a lume a percep??o doutrin?ria acerca do princ?pio constitucional da efici?ncia administrativa, mas, tamb?m, realizar algumas considera??es pertinentes ? estrutura nacional da gest?o dos recursos h?dricos, configurada pela Constitui??o Federal de 1988 e pela Lei 9.433/97
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Multifraktální analýza cen benzínu a motorové nafty v České republice / Multifractal analysis of petrol and diesel prices in the Czech RepublicBaletka, Martin January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines scaling properties of petrol and diesel prices in the Czech Republic and a crude oil price over the period from January 2004 to February 2013. Using generalised Hurst exponent and multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis techniques we find out that crude oil market is efficient, do not contain long memory and the returns exhibit monofractal behaviour. On the other hand, petrol and diesel markets in the Czech Republic are not efficient, because their returns contain long-range dependence in autocorrelations and exhibit multifractal behaviour caused mostly by fat-tailed distribution. Thus, fuels can be modelled by complex methods like Markov switching multifractal model. JEL Classification C15, C16, C46 Keywords petrol, diesel, crude oil, long memory, multifrac- tality, GHE, MF-DFA Author's e-mail martin.baletka@ies-prague.org Supervisor's e-mail kristoufek@ies-prague.org Abstrakt Tato práce zkoumá škálování cen benzínu a motorové nafty v České repub- lice a ceny ropy na datech v období od ledna 2004 do února 2013. Použitím metod zobecněného Hurstova exponentu a multifraktální detrendované fluk- tuační analýzy jsme zjistili, že trh s ropou je efektivní, bez přítomnosti dlouhé paměti v autokorelacích a výnosy na trhu s ropou vykazují monofraktální...
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Avalia??o da degrada??o por CO2 supercr?tico da pasta de cimento empregada em po?os de petr?leoDalla Vecchia, Felipe 20 March 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-03-20 / Nos ?ltimos anos, a preocupa??o mundial com a quest?o da emiss?o de gases de efeito estufa para a atmosfera tem se intensificado, particularmente relacionada ?s emiss?es do g?s CO2. O desenvolvimento de tecnologias para mitiga??o de gases de efeito estufa ? apontado como uma resposta adequada para conter o aquecimento global e o seq?estro geol?gico de carbono destaca-se como uma das tecnologias mais importantes, em curto prazo, para este fim. Nesse cen?rio, os campos de explora??o de petr?leo maduros ou abandonados apresentam grande viabilidade para armazenamento de CO2. A integridade do cimento classe G, que foi desenvolvido para ser utilizado na constru??o de po?os de petr?leo, deve ser mantida para evitar que o CO2 escape pelo po?o para a atmosfera. Contudo, esse material pode sofrer degrada??o pelo meio ?cido produzido pelo CO2 na presen?a de ?gua das forma??es geol?gicas. Para avaliar a resist?ncia da pasta de cimento frente ao CO2 supercr?tico foi desenvolvido um sistema experimental constitu?do de reatores que simulam as condi??es encontradas em prov?veis s?tios de armazenamento geol?gico de CO2. Dessa forma, corpos-deprova de pasta de cimento classe G foram submetidos a dois meios de degrada??o ao longo do tempo, CO2 supercr?tico ?mido e ?gua saturada com CO2, nas condi??es de temperatura e press?o de 150?C e 15 MPa, respectivamente. As pastas de cimento foram caracterizadas por meio de medidas de pH, microscopia eletr?nica de varredura (MEV), microscopia ?ptica; microdureza Vickers e ensaios de resist?ncia ? compress?o. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que o CO2 supercr?tico ?mido e CO2 dissolvido em ?gua promovem altera??es na microestrutura e propriedades mec?nicas da pasta de cimento, sendo que a degrada??o ? mais severa no caso da ?gua saturada com CO2.
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The Liberalization Of Downstream Oil Industry In TurkeyOguz, Ender 01 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This study attempts to analyze the deregulation process of downstream oil industry in Turkey and to develop policies concerning Turkish downstream oil industry. Privatization of Petrol Ofisi and TÜ / PRAS and the enactment of the Petroleum Market Law in 2003 were the main implementations of radical deregulation process of downstream oil industry. The main goal of deregulation process has been to create a competitive market. However, establishment of a competitive downstream oil industry has not been achieved, yet. Despite the price liberalization, price competition between distribution companies has not been realized, so far. TÜ / PRAS was transformed to a private monopoly through the privatization. Moreover, price liberalization has increased both the refining margins of TÜ / PRAS and distribution margins of distribution companies at the expense of consumers. A comprehensive competition policy about downstream oil industry should be developed immediately. Furthermore, due to its poor performance since 2003, Energy Market Regulatory Authority&rsquo / s (EMRA) responsibilities in downstream oil industry should be removed and a new regulatory authority which will solely interest with petroleum sector should be established.
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