Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] PETROL"" "subject:"[enn] PETROL""
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Avalia??o da incorpora??o combinada dos res?duos de cascalho de perfura??o de po?o de petr?leo e de polimento do porcelanato em cer?mica vermelhaSilva, Moacir Guilhermino da 10 February 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-02-10 / Among the industries, those that produce ceramic porcelain for use in construction industry and oil, during the exploration and production period, play an important role in the production of waste. Much research has been carried out both by academia and the productive sector, sometimes reintroducing them in the same production line that generated them, sometimes in areas unrelated to their generation, as in the production of concrete and mortar for the construction, for example, but each one in an isolated way. In this research, the aim is to study the combined incorporation of the waste drill cuttings of oil well and the residue of the polishing of porcelain, generated in the final stage of finishing of this product in a clay matrix, for the production of red pottery, specifically bricks, ceramic blocks and tiles. The clay comes from the municipality of S?o Gon?alo, RN, the drilling waste is from the Natal basin, in Rio Grande do Norte, and the residue of the polishing proceeds from a ceramic porcelain of the State of Para?ba. For this purpose, we used a mixture of a plastic clay with a non-plastic, in a ratio of 50% each, settling formulations with the addition of these two residues in this clay matrix. In the formulations, both residues were incorporated with a minimum percentage of 2.5% and maximum of 12.5%, varying from 2.5% each, in each formulation, which the sum of the waste be no more than 15%. It should be noted that the residue of the polishing of ceramic porcelain is a IIa class (not inert). The materials were characterized by XRF, XRD, TG, DTA, laser granulometry and the plasticity index. The technological properties of water absorption, apparent porosity, linear shrinkage of burning, flexural tensile strength and bulk density were evaluated after the sintering of the pieces to 850 ?C, 950 ?C and 1050 ?C, with a burning time of 3 hr, 3 hr and 30 minutes, and 3 hr and 50 minutes, respectively, with a heating rate of 10 ?C/minute, for all formulations and landing of 30 minutes. To better understand the influence of each residue and temperature on the evaluated properties, we used the factorial planning and its surfaces of response for the interpretation of the results. It was found that the temperature has no statistical significance at a 95% of reliability level in flexural tensile strength and that it decreases the water absorption and the porosity, but increases the shrinkage and the bulk density. The results showed the feasibility of the desired incorporation, but adjusting the temperature to each product and formulation, and that the temperatures of 850 ?C and 950 ?C were the one that responded to the largest number of formulations / A ind?stria de produ??o de porcelanatos para uso na constru??o civil e a do petr?leo, na fase de explora??o e produ??o, exercem um papel importante na produ??o de res?duos. Muitas pesquisas t?m sido realizadas tanto pela academia quanto pelo setor produtivo, ora reintroduzindo esses res?duos na mesma linha de produ??o que os gerou, ora em setores alheios ao de sua gera??o, como na produ??o de concretos e argamassas para a constru??o civil, por exemplo, mas cada um de forma isolada. O objetivo desta pesquisa ? estudar a incorpora??o combinada do res?duo de cascalho de perfura??o de po?o petrol?fero e do res?duo do polimento do porcelanato, gerado na fase de acabamento final do produto, numa matriz argilosa, para a produ??o de cer?mica vermelha - especificamente tijolos, blocos cer?micos e telhas. A argila utilizada ? oriunda do munic?pio de S?o Gon?alo do Amarante, RN; o res?duo de perfura??o, da bacia potiguar, no Rio Grande do Norte; e o do polimento ? de uma cer?mica de porcelanato do Estado da Para?ba. Utilizou-se a mistura de uma argila pl?stica com uma n?o pl?stica, numa propor??o de 50 % de cada uma (que ? o percentual de mistura adotado na cer?mica fornecedora dessa argila), estabelecendo-se formula??es com a incorpora??o dos dois res?duos nessa matriz argilosa. Nas formula??es, os dois res?duos foram incorporados com um percentual m?nimo de 2,5 % e m?ximo de 12,5 %, variando-se em 2,5 % cada um, em cada formula??o, de modo que a soma dos res?duos fosse no m?ximo 15 %. ? oportuno registrar que o res?duo do polimento do porcelanato ? de classe IIa (n?o inerte). Os materiais foram caracterizados por FRX, DRX, TG, DTA, granulometria a laser e pelo ?ndice de plasticidade. As propriedades tecnol?gicas de absor??o de ?gua, porosidade aparente, retra??o linear de queima, tens?o de ruptura ? flex?o e massa espec?fica aparente, foram avaliadas ap?s a sinteriza??o das pe?as a 850 ?C, 950 ?C e 1050 ?C, com ciclo de queima de 3 h , 3 h e 30 min e 3 h e 50 min, respectivamente, com taxa de aquecimento de 10 ?C/min. e patamar de 30 min., para todas as formula??es. Para melhor compreender-se a influ?ncia de cada res?duo e de cada temperatura nas propriedades avaliadas, utilizou-se o planejamento fatorial e suas superf?cies de resposta para interpreta??o dos resultados. Verificou-se que a temperatura n?o tem signific?ncia estat?stica no n?vel de 95 % de confiabilidade na tens?o de ruptura ? flex?o e que ela diminui a absor??o de ?gua e a porosidade, mas aumenta a retra??o e a massa espec?fica aparente. Os resultados mostraram a viabilidade da incorpora??o pretendida, adequando-se a temperatura a cada produto e cada formula??o, e as temperaturas de 850 ?C e 950 ?C foram as que atenderam ao maior n?mero de formula??es
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Diagn?stico da poss?vel influ?ncia da atividade petrol?fera em sedimentos de fundo da Bacia Piranhas-A?u, regi?o Baixo A?u/RNNascimento, Luciana Ara?jo 19 September 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-09-19 / It is located in an area of increasing oil exploration, the region of the Lower A?u is at the mercy of a possible pollution generated by this economic activity, which includes various chemical substances harmful to health, such as metals. This thesis aims to, diagnose
the areas of River Piranhas-A?u, a region of the Lower A?u, which are polluted by traces factors and more. In this study, it was determined the concentration of the chemica elements Al, CD, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, P, Pb, V and Zn, through the technique of ICP-OES analysis and the size of sediments and their contents organic matter. Were mapped by GPS, 12 points from collections. The interpretations of the results, together associating
that allowed pollution to a possible contamination by oil activity. The results showed tha some regions have low concentrations of cadmium, lead, copper, manganese and zinc unable to promote damage to human health. However, there are places where the concentrations of certain metals chromium, iron and zinc are moderately polluted compared to the results with the reference values of literature and others that are highly
polluted by iron. However, due to a greater number of wells in production in those locations, those higher concentrations, it can be suggested a possible influence of oi production in some areas with concentrations of chromium and lead are higher than the
rest of the points of monitoring. Moreover, it is observed that the highest levels of metals found in sediment of finer texture and more organic matter content / Por estar situada em uma ?rea de crescente explora??o petrol?fera, a regi?o do Baixo A?u encontra-se ? merc? de uma poss?vel polui??o gerada por esta atividade
econ?mica, que inclui diversas subst?ncias qu?micas prejudiciais ? sa?de, tais como os metais. Esta disserta??o tem como objetivo, diagnosticar as ?reas do Rio Piranhas-A?u, regi?o do Baixo A?u, que se encontram polu?das por elementos maiores e tra?os. Neste estudo, determinou-se a concentra??o dos elementos qu?micos Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, P, Pb, V e Zn, atrav?s da t?cnica de ICP-OES e das an?lises granulom?tricas dos sedimentos e seus respectivos teores de mat?ria org?nica. Foram mapeados por GPS, 12 pontos de coletas. As interpreta??es dos resultados, em conjunto, possibilitaram associar essa polui??o a uma poss?vel contamina??o pela atividade petrol?fera. Os resultados mostraram algumas regi?es que apresentam baixas concentra??es de c?dmio, chumbo, cobre, mangan?s e zinco, incapazes de promover preju?zos ? sa?de humana. No entanto, h? localidades nas quais as concentra??es determinadas dos metais cromo, ferro e zinco s?o moderadamente polu?das, comparando-se esses resultados com valores de refer?ncia da literatura e outras que s?o altamente polu?das por ferro. No entanto, devido a uma maior quantidade de po?os em produ??o nessas localidades, essas maiores concentra??es, pode-se inferir uma poss?vel influ?ncia da
produ??o de petr?leo em algumas ?reas cujas concentra??es de cromo e chumbo s?o mais elevadas que o restante dos pontos de monitoramento. Al?m disso, observa-se que os maiores teores de metais ocorrem em sedimento de textura mais fina e com
maior teor de mat?ria org?nica
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Ambiente computacional paradesenvolvimento de aplica??es de controladores l?gicos program?veis baseado em linguagens SFC e STCouto, Felipe C?sar Alves do 30 June 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-06-30 / This work proposes an environment for programming programmable logic controllers applied to oil wells with BCP type method of artificially lifting. The environment will have an editor based in the diagram of sequential functions for programming of PLCs. This language was chosen due to the fact of being high-level and accepted by the international standard IEC 61131-3. The use of these control programs in real PLC will be possible with the use of an intermediate level of language based on XML specification
PLCopen T6 XML. For the testing and validation of the control programs, an area should be available for viewing variables obtained through communication with a real PLC. Thus, the main contribution of this work is to develop a computational environment
that allows: modeling, testing and validating the controls represented in SFC and applied in oil wells with BCP type method of artificially lifting / Este trabalho prop?e um ambiente computacional para programa??o de controladores l?gicos program?veis aplicados aos po?os de petr?leo com m?todo de eleva??o artificial do tipo BCP. O ambiente ter? um editor para programa??o de PLCs baseado principalmente no diagrama de fun??es sequenciais (SFC). Esta linguagem foi escolhida por ser considerada de alto n?vel e por ser aceita pelo padr?o internacional IEC 61131-3. O uso destes programas de controle em PLCs reais ser? poss?vel com a utiliza??o de uma linguagem de n?vel intermedi?rio baseada na especifica??o TC6 XML pela organiza??o PLCopen. Para os testes e a valida??o dos programas de controle, dever? ser disponibilizada uma ?rea para visualiza??o das vari?veis obtidas atrav?s da comunica??o com um PLC real. Desta forma, a principal contribui??o deste trabalho ? desenvolver um ambiente computacional que permita: modelar, testar e validar os controles representados em SFC e aplicados nos po?os petrol?feros com m?todo de eleva??o artificial do tipo BCP
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Inova??o e gest?o do conhecimento no setor petrol?fero do RNLima, Gabriel Constantino de 19 May 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-05-19 / Este trabalho apresenta um estudo da Gest?o do Conhecimento (GC) no sistema petrol?fero do Rio Grande do Norte, considerando poss?veis inova??es resultantes dessa
gest?o. Inicialmente, foi feita uma abordagem com rela??o as caracter?sticas do sistema de petr?leo e g?s do RN, com base em conceitos dispon?veis na literatura. Visou atender aos
seguintes objetivos: diagnosticar a rede de empresas do setor petrol?fero do RN, identificando qual o est?gio de GC em que elas se encontram; identificar e avaliar as pr?ticas de GC
utilizadas internamente na Petrobras e nas suas intera??es dentro da aglomera??o; caracterizar a ocorr?ncia das rela??es entre a UFRN (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte) x Petrobras. Para alcan?ar tais objetivos foi desenvolvido um formul?rio baseado em indicadores de GC e na PINTEC2005 (IBGE), o qual foi aplicado em tr?s grupos:
PETROBRAS, Fornecedores da PETROBRAS e UFRN. Como resultados obtidos t?m-se: uma an?lise da GC na PETROBRAS, da GC nos Fornecedores e da coopera??o para inova??o
entre os participantes do sistema, sendo apresentado um estudo da parceria para inova??o entre a UFRN x PETROBRAS. Conclui-se que o sistema ? uma aglomera??o e que apresenta
caracter?sticas de um Cluster. Conclui-se ainda que a GC na PETROBRAS encontra-se em fase avan?ada de implanta??o no ?mbito da corpora??o, e a parceria entre UFRN e Petrobras
pode ser utilizada como modelo de sucesso de integra??o entre empresas e institui??es de pesquisa. Ao final s?o apresentados, em especial, os resultados obtidos com rela??o ? gest?o do conhecimento para a inova??o na rede de empresas que operam o sistema petrol?fero no Rio Grande do Norte, objetivo principal desta disserta??o
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La stabilisation des contrats pétroliers / The stability of petroleum investment contractsEl Kailani-Chariat, Ebtissam 28 November 2017 (has links)
Le contrat d'investissement étranger, soulève en pratique une longue série de problèmes juridiques très complexes. Une complexité qui est particulièrement accentuée lorsque l'investissement étranger concerne les ressources naturelles, en particulier le pétrole qui restent à ce jour la ressource la plus précieuse en matière de développement socio-économique. Cette complexité autour du contrat d’investissement pétrolier s’explique par deux facteurs principaux. La première concerne la nature diffèrent et même contradictoire des cocontractants ainsi que de leurs droits découlant du contrat lui-même. La deuxième concerne les éléments de risque qui entourent le contrat pétrolier et qui peuvent interrompre son exécution.Alors qu’une étude qui porte sur la stabilité, la sécurité et de la continuité du contrat d’investissement pétrolier exigent une interrogation accrue de doubles mesures. Le premier porte sur un examen profond fin d’identifier les droits et obligations des deux cocontractants «État-hôte et investisseur privé», au vu du droit national et international. Il s’agit aussi de classer et identifier la nature juridique du contrat pétrolier lui-même ainsi que la nature des lois qu’il régissent. Alors que la deuxième mesure porte sur une analyse sur les solutions législatives et contractuelles ainsi que de leurs applications apportées par le droit international et les droits nationaux afin d’apercevoir une stabilité plus sûre et plus durable. / The direct foreign investment contract raises, in practice, a long series of very complex legal problems. A Complexity that is particularly accentuated when a foreign investment concerns natural resources, and especially petrol, which remains to this day the most valuable resource for global socio-economic development.This complexity around the petroleum investment contracts can be explained by two main factors. The first factor concerns the differences and even contradictory nature of the contracting parties as well as of their rights stemming from the contract itself. The second factor touching the elements of risk surrounding the petroleum industry as well as its affect on petroleum investment contracts which interrupts their execution.While an investigation into the stability, security and continuity of the petroleum investment contracts requires work decided into two different steps. The first is an interrogation in order to identify the rights and obligations of the two contracting parties "host State and private investor", In view of national and international law. It is also a question of classifying and identifying the legal nature of the petroleum contract as well as the nature and sources of the laws that govern its relation. While the second step focuses on an analysis of the legislative and contractual solutions as well as their applications by international law, national law and the doctrine, in order to perceive a more secure and lasting stability.
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Ensaios em finan??as p??blicas municipaisWanderley, Cl??udio Burian January 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009 / Funda????o Jo??o Pinheiro / Esta tese busca discutir problemas relacionados ??s finan??as p??blicas municipais
no pa??s. Um aprimoramento de nosso federalismo fiscal, com maior descentraliza????o de recursos e implementa????o de regras de transfer??ncias federativas com maiores incentivos pr??-efici??ncia ??? aumentando os incentivos pr??-obten????o de melhores resultados sociais por parte das unidades subfederadas ??? pode se revelar instrumento importante na melhoria de nossas condi????es sociais. Para isto, dividiu-se esta tese em quatro partes distintas.
No primeiro cap??tulo, discutem-se os impactos das receitas petrol??feras sobre as
finan??as p??blicas municipais. As mudan??as legais ocorridas no pa??s na d??cada de
noventa do ??ltimo s??culo - relativas ao setor petrol??fero - levaram a crescente (e
concentrada) transfer??ncia de recursos do setor para os estados e munic??pios
brasileiros. A forte sensa????o que estes estariam sendo desperdi??ados de alguma
forma vem suscitando discuss??es sobre a necessidade de se reformular sua
distribui????o. As recentes descobertas de megacampos petrol??feros no pr??-sal do litoral
brasileiro somente intensificaram este processo. Buscou-se identificar os efeitos
destas transfer??ncias sobre as vari??veis fiscais municipais no pa??s. Detectou-se que
n??o ocorreu substitui????o tribut??ria, ou seja, estes recursos n??o diminu??ram o esfor??o
arrecadat??rio dos munic??pios. Em compensa????o, tanto os recursos cuja distribui????o ?? bem mais concentrada (referentes aos royalties excedentes) quanto aqueles mais bem-distribu??dos (referentes aos royalties originais) levaram as prefeituras a aumentar seus gastos correntes (piorando sua composi????o do ponto de vista social) e diminuir seus investimentos. O contr??rio parece ocorrer com os recursos cuja distribui????o se d?? de forma intermedi??ria (os royalties referentes ??s participa????es especiais. No segundo cap??tulo, discute-se o impacto das receitas petrol??feras sobre a profici??ncia dos alunos at?? a quarta s??rie prim??ria das escolas p??blicas municipais. As receitas petrol??feras ??? agregadas ou n??o ??? n??o se mostraram estatisticamente significativas na explica????o do desempenho observado pelos alunos da quarta s??rie prim??ria das escolas municipais em portugu??s ou matem??tica. Este resultado, entretanto, deve ser olhado com cautela, uma vez que n??o ?? trivial identificar como (e o tempo necess??rio) estes efeitos seriam gerados. Entretanto, diferentes fontes de receitas municipais impactariam de forma diferenciada as profici??ncias observadas nos testes de portugu??s e matem??tica, explicitando a necessidade de se entender melhor estas diferen??as para se desenhar mecanismo mais eficiente de repasse de recursos constitucionais aos munic??pios. No terceiro cap??tulo, estudam-se os impactos das emancipa????es municipais ocorridas na d??cada de 90 sobre o bem-estar das popula????es locais. Devido ?? Constitui????o Federal de 1988, o n??mero de munic??pios no Brasil multiplicou-se fortemente na d??cada de 90 do ??ltimo s??culo. Mais de mil munic??pios foram criados em todo o pa??s, fazendo seu n??mero ultrapassar a casa dos 5.500. Este processo tem sido interpretado de forma bastante negativa. Baseado em evid??ncias aned??ticas, se pressup??e que os atores pol??ticos locais o utilizaram para se apropriar de maior
parcela dos recursos transferidos de outros n??veis governamentais. Entretanto,
nenhum esfor??o mais sistem??tico foi realizado buscando calcular, de maneira efetiva, os resultados sociais l??quidos deste processo. ?? isto que se busca fazer aqui, utilizando dados sobre os munic??pios mineiros - cujo n??mero passa de 723 em 1991
para 853 em 2000. Foram detectados impactos positivos relacionados a diversas
vari??veis educacionais e de sa??de. Ao mesmo tempo, o contr??rio ocorreu com os
indicadores de pobreza e indig??ncia. Este resultado mostra que o movimento observado de emancipa????o municipal talvez tenha sido bastante ben??fico, sinalizando para a exist??ncia de mercados pol??ticos eficientes nestas localidades, o que indicaria a
necessidade de se manter uma maior autonomia local relativa a processos de emancipa????o de distritos. Por fim, no quarto cap??tulo, analisam-se os impactos de lei (implementada em Minas Gerais) que buscou aumentar os incentivos pr??-efici??ncia das prefeituras
municipais a partir das transfer??ncias federativas. Buscando melhorar as condi????es de vida dos munic??pios mineiros, o governo estadual mineiro instituiu, em 1995, a lei
12.040, conhecida como Lei Robin Hood. Esta permitia que 25% dos recursos de ICMS a serem distribu??dos aos munic??pios mineiros se dessem sobre resultados observ??veis em diversas ??reas tais como sa??de, educa????o, conserva????o ecol??gica, entre outras. Ou seja, esta institu??a, em rela????o a estas transfer??ncias, um contrato de alto poder com os munic??pios relacionados ??s pol??ticas p??blicas implementadas. O estudo destas transfer??ncias (relativas ?? educa????o e sa??de) mostrou resultados d??bios. Resultados positivos relativos ?? educa????o e ?? sa??de parecem ocorrer em todo o estado, mas os incentivos dados poderiam ser bem maiores - faz-se necess??rio um refinamento das regras da partilha destas transfer??ncias. Dada a relativa escassez deste tipo de contrato em transfer??ncias federativas, seja no Brasil, seja no restante do mundo, este resultado aponta a necessidade de utiliza????o de instrumentos de maior poder nas rela????es federativas, buscando incrementar as condi????es de vida locais. / This thesis aims to discuss municipal public finance issues. An improvement of the Brazilian fiscal federalism, with greater resources decentralization and the
implementation of high-powered rules for the federative transfers may be an important
tool in the improvement of our social conditions. To do so, this thesis was divided into four distinct parts. The first chapter discusses the oil revenues impacts on municipalities??? public finance. The legal changes that occurred in Brazil in the nineties in the oil and gas sector led to increasing royalties transfers to Brazilians states and municipalities. The
annedoctical evidence that this transfers are not been used properly - in a way that
would increment the local welfare - have originated a important discussion about these
distribution rules. This paper tries to identify this revenues impacts over others
municipalities??? fiscal variables. It seems that this did not impact the others sources of municipalities revenue. Unhappily, some of the resources (which distribution is either more or less concentrated) led the municipalities to increase their current expenditures and diminishes their investments efforts. At the same time, they are not spending this extra money in a way that would increment the local welfare. On the other hand, the resources which distribution is between these two limits has the opposite effect. The second chapter discusses the impact of oil revenues on the proficiency of fourth grade students of primary public schools. The oil revenues - bundled or not - were not statistically significant in explaining the observed student performance in Portuguese and mathematics. This result, however, must be analyzed with caution, since it is not trivial to identify how (and when) these effects would be generated. However, different sources of municipal revenue would impact differently the students???
proficiency scores, explaining why we need to better understand these differences to
design more efficient constitutional transfer mechanisms to the municipalities.
In the third chapter, we study the impacts of municipal emancipation occurred in
the 90s on the well-being of local populations. More than a thousand of new
municipalities were created at the nineties in Brazil, due the new Federal Constitution
of 1988. There is anecdotic evidence that this was a pretty harmful process for the
Brazilian welfare, but there were no systematic attempt to valuate it properly. This paper tries to do so using data from Minas Gerais municipalities which number has
grown from 723 to 853 ones in that decade. The results suggest that this process
strongly improved the welfare of the local population. This implies that local political
markets are efficient and it should be allowed for any district to emancipate from its former municipalities, if their population wishes to do so. Finally, in the fourth chapter we analyze the impact of law (implemented in Minas Gerais) who sought to increase the incentives pro-efficiency of municipal governments. In order to improve the welfare of its citizens, the state government of Minas Gerais (Brazil) has imposed, at 1995, the state law 12.040, known as Robin Hood law. It stated that 25% of the revenue transferred to the municipalities should be allocated
through observable results achieved in education, health, environment among others.
In other words, this law established a high power contract between the state
government and the municipalities, which is not very usual. This study shows that this
law had a significant impact on the municipalities??? education and health. But it???s necessary to redesign these transfers??? rules, in order to improve its power and its
results. These results shows that the use of high powered rules in federative transfers
could be a strong mechanism in order to improve the population welfare. / Economia e Finan??as
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O circuito espacial da produ??o petrol?fera no Rio Grande do NorteAlves, Sandra Priscila 22 March 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-03-22 / Our study refers to the state of Rio Grande do Norte against the deployment of oil activity in their territory. In this sense the aim of this work was to analyze the presence of the loop space of the oil production system linked to objects and actions on the Rio Grande do Norte territory. From the so-called "oil shock", an event that caused global developments in several countries, Petr?leo Brasileiro S/A (PETROBRAS) increased investments in drilling geological basins in Brazil. In the year 1973 was drilled in the sea area well which led to
commercial production of oil and gas in Rio Grande do Norte. From that point on were added in some parts of the Potiguar territory, large systems of coupled
objects to actions caused by several agents. In this context, geographic situations have been reorganized due to an unprecedented space circuit production accompanied by a new circle of cooperation. In the state happen all instances of the circuit: the production, distribution and consumption. In light of the theory of the geographical area seek to direct our thoughts to the operation of these bodies, and they are linked to material and immaterial flows multiscales. This perspective allows us to think the territory of Rio Grande do Norte entered into a new territorial division of labor characterized by
specialization regional production. Oil activity was implemented in the territory of Rio Grande do Norte at a time marked by productive restructuring of various
economic sectors. The oil sector has been acting increasingly linked the scientific and informational, with a view to increasing productivity. The presence of this circuit demanded the territory, specifically the Mossor?, an organizational structure that is different from the vast system nationally integrated private commercial corporations to small corporations, all of them relating directly or indirectly to PETROBRAS. The flows between companies whose headquarters are located in distant states and even countries have generated a continuous
movement of goods, people, information and ideas, which is also causing new materialities in the territory / Nosso estudo se remete ao estado do Rio Grande do Norte frente ?
implanta??o da atividade petrol?fera em seu territ?rio. Nesse sentido o objetivo
geral do trabalho consistiu em analisar a presen?a do circuito espacial da
produ??o petrol?fera vinculado ao sistema de objetos e de a??es presentes no
territ?rio norte-rio-grandense. A partir do chamado choque do petr?leo ,
acontecimento mundial que causou desdobramentos em v?rios pa?ses, a
Petr?leo Brasileiro S/A (PETROBRAS) aumentou os investimentos em
perfura??es nas bacias geol?gicas brasileiras. No ano de 1973 foi perfurado
em ?rea mar?tima o po?o que deu origem ? produ??o comercial de petr?leo e
g?s no Rio Grande do Norte. Desse momento em diante foram acrescentados
em algumas parcelas do territ?rio potiguar, grandes sistemas de objetos,
juntamente, ?s a??es provocadas por agentes diversos. Nesse contexto,
situa??es geogr?ficas foram reorganizadas em fun??o de um in?dito circuito
espacial de produ??o acompanhado de um novo c?rculo de coopera??o. No
estado acontecem todas as inst?ncias do circuito: a produ??o, a distribui??o e
o consumo. ? luz da teoria do espa?o geogr?fico procuramos direcionar as
nossas reflex?es ao funcionamento destas inst?ncias, estando elas ligadas a
fluxos materiais e imateriais multiescalares. Essa perspectiva nos autoriza a
pensar o territ?rio norte-rio-grandense inserido em uma nova divis?o territorial
do trabalho marcada pela especializa??o regional produtiva. A atividade
petrol?fera implantou-se no territ?rio norte-rio-grandense em um momento
marcado pela reestrutura??o produtiva de diversos segmentos econ?micos. O
setor petrol?fero passou a atuar cada vez mais atrelado ?s bases cient?ficas e
informacionais, tendo em vista o aumento da produtividade. A presen?a desse
circuito demandou ao territ?rio, mais especificamente a Mossor?, uma diversa
estrutura organizacional que ocorre desde o vasto sistema nacionalmente
integrado de corpora??es comerciais privadas at? as pequenas empresas,
todas elas relacionando-se diretamente ou indiretamente com a PETROBRAS.
Os fluxos entre empresas, cujas sedes localizam-se em estados e mesmo
pa?ses distantes, t?m gerado um movimento cont?nuo de produtos, pessoas,
informa??es e ideias, o que vem provocando tamb?m novas materialidades no
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Strategie rozvoje podniku / Development Strategy of the CompanyMarcinčák, Petr January 2018 (has links)
Subject of this diploma thesis is to formulate development strategy for a company operating petrol station, hotel and restaurant. Specifically, it is about executing strategic analysis, analysis of internal and external factors to identify strengths and weaknesses of the company. Implementation of the proposed measures aims to improve company’s existing market position and secure its functioning even with major changes of environment.
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Podnikatelský plán založení čerpací stanice / Business Plan for Petrol StationZatloukalová, Nikola January 2014 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to create business plan for the establishment of the petrol station operating as BENZINA franchise. Entrepreneurship, requirements of the business plan, franchising and definition of used analysis are described in the theoretical part. Necessary analyses are performed in the analytical part. Suggested business plan and schedule of its implementation are described in the last part of this thesis.
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Zvýšení pružnosti zážehového motoru přeplňováním / Increasing SI Engine Performance by TurbochargingHájek, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with the question of petrol engine boosting by rotary turbochargers. The objective of the thesis is to project suitable turbocharger for defined single-cylinder petrol engine. After selecting the suitable turbocharger type it will follow the construction of the computational model of the single-cylinder turbocharged petrol engine in the Lotus Engine Simulation software. In the computational model is boost pressure regulated by the turbine waste gate valve. The result will be the boost pressure values scheme for the highest possible torque so that the maximum combustion pressures will not exceed the value of 9,5 MPa. There are summarized findings and results in the conclusion of the thesis.
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