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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Composés amphiphiles originaux à propiétés gélifiantes : synthèse et caractérisations physico-chimiques. Application à la formulation de produits de préservation du bois hydrosolubles / Amphiphilic compounds originals gelling properties : synthesis and physicochemical characterizations. Formulation of products soluble wood preservatives

Obounou Akong, Firmin 02 October 2012 (has links)
Les biomatériaux de type hydrogel ou organogel obtenus à partir de molécules de faible masse molaire suscitent de plus en plus un vif intérêt autant sur le plan fondamental que sur le plan applicatif. Le travail, exposé ici, a pour objectif de synthétiser des composés amphiphiles présentant des variations de structure afin de pouvoir établir des relations entre la structure de ces composés et leurs propriétés gélifiantes. Nous avons été amenés à synthétiser des composés (bimodulaires et trimodulaires) avec et sans motif de jonction de type polyoxyéthylénique entre la partie peptidique et le module hydrophobe. Dans un deuxième temps, d?autres molécules amphiphiles gélifiantes ont été préparées, en substituant le motif polyoxyéthylénique par une entité dérivée du glycérol, pour permettre d'obtenir des composés d'origine renouvelable mais également pour diversifier la source de matières premières. Les composés visés ont été obtenus et leur comportement en solution a été étudié par différentes techniques (tensiométrie, conductimétrie, infrarouge,...). Certains d'entre eux, présentant des propriétés gélifiantes, associés aux sels de bore, ont été utilisés pour préserver le matériau bois (Pin Sylvestre). Les essais effectués se sont révélés concluant en termes de réduction du lessivage du bore car les tests avec Poria Placenta (champignon) cultivé sur un milieu gélosé ou avec les Réticulitermes Flavipès (termites) ont montré qu'un bois traité par l'association « borax-hydrogel » reste protégé même après lessivage / Biomaterials hydrogel or organogel obtained from low molecular weight molecules give rise to an increasing interest both in terms on the fundamental and application domain. The work outlined here, aims to synthesize amphiphilic compounds with structural changes in order to establish relationships between the structure of these compounds and their gelling properties. We were asked to synthesize compounds (bimodular and trimodular) with and without cause polyoxyethylene type junction between the peptide and the hydrophobic unit. In a second step, other gelling amphiphilic molecules were prepared by substituting the polyoxyethylene pattern derived by an entity glycerol, allowing to obtain compounds from renewable sources but also to diversify the source of raw materials. The target compounds were obtained and their behavior in solution has been studied by different techniques (tensiometry, conductivity, infrared,...). Some of them, with gelling properties, associated with boron salts have been used to preserve the wood material (Scots pine). The tests proved conclusive in terms of reducing the leaching of boron as tests with Poria placenta (mushroom) grown on an agar medium or with Reticulitermes flavipes (termite) showed that wood treated with the association "borax-hydrogel" is protected even after leaching

Preparation of PVA / Bioactive Glass nanocomposite scaffolds : in vitro studies for applications as biomaterials : association with active molecule / Préparation du PVA / verre bioactif échafaudages nanocomposites : des études in vitro pour des applications en tant que biomatériaux : association avec molécule active

Mabrouk Mohamed, Mostafa 11 June 2014 (has links)
Le Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA) a été associé aux verres élaborés dans un système quaternaire (BG) 46S6 par les procédés cités (fusion, sol-gel et sacffolds). Différents paramètres intervenant dans les synthèses des verres bioactifs ont été étudiés, nous citons à titre d’exemple : la température, le pH, la taille des particules, le rapport Polymère / verres, la microstructure, la porosité et la biodégradation. Les caractéristiques thermiques des verres élaborés ont été également déterminées après chaque synthèse par analyse thermique différentielle (DSC/TG, DTA/TG). Ainsi, la température de fusion, la température de transition vitreuse et la température de cristallisation ont été élucidées. Ces caractéristiques thermiques changent lorsque la composition chimique du verre est modifiée. A ce titre, les compositions chimiques ont été étudiées par Fluorescence (XRF) et Inductively Coupled Plasma-Opticale Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) après chaque synthèse pour s’assurer de la pureté des verres bioactifs élaborés et destinés à des applications médicales. Plusieurs techniques physico chimiques d’analyses (DRX, MEB, MET, FT-IR, XRF, ICPOES) ont été mises en oeuvre pour déterminer les propriétés physico chimiques de nos verres bioactifs avant et après expérimentations « in vitro ». Le nano composite Polymère-Verres scaffolds que nous avons obtenu présente des particules de tailles comprises entre 40 et 61 nm et une porosité d’environ 85%. La biodégradation des verres scaffolds décroît lorsque la teneur en verre scaffolds dans le nano composite croît. Les expérimentations « in vitro » montrent qu’après immersion de ces nano composites dans un liquide physiologique synthétique (SBF), une couche d’apatite (phosphate de calcium) se forme à leur surface. L’épaisseur de la couche formée dépend clairement de la taille des particules et du rapport polymère / verre scaffolds. / The aim of the present work is the preparation of Bioactive Glass (BG) 46S6 by different techniques. Fabrication of composite scaffolds by using of Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA) and quaternary BG (two methods melting and sol-gel) with different ratios to the prepared scaffolds was carried out. Different factor affecting the final properties of the prepared composite scaffolds were investigated in this study, such as; temperature of treatment, BG particle size, polymer/glass ratio, microstructure, porosity, biodegradation, bioactivity, and drug release. The thermal behavior of the prepared bioactive glass by sol-gel and melting techniques were identified using Differential Scanning Calorimetric/Thermo Gravimetric (DSC/TG) or Differential Thermal Analysis/Thermo Gravimetric (DTA /TG). The elemental composition of the prepared bioactive glasses was determined by X-rays Fluorescence (XRF) to confirm that the prepared bioactive glasses have the same elemental compositions and high purity for biomedical applications. The particle size of the prepared bioactive glass was determined by Transmission Electron Microscopic (TEM). Nano-bioactive glass could be obtained by modified sol-gel and the obtained particle size ranged between 40 to 61 nm. The prepared bioactive glass by both applied methods has the same amorphous phase and all identified groups as well as. The porous scaffold has 85% porosity with a slight decrease by increasing the glass contents. The degradation rate decreased by increasing of glass content in the prepared scaffolds. The bioactivity of the prepared composite scaffolds was evaluated by XRD, FTIR, SEM coupled with EDX and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectroscopic (ICP-OES). It has been observed that after soaking in Simulated Body Fluid (SBF), there was an apatite layer formed on the surface of the prepared samples with different thickness depending on the glass particle size and polymer/glass ratio.

Caractérisation physicochimique et étude des effets toxiques sur des cellules pulmonaires BEAS-2B des polluants particulaires de la ville de Dakar (Sénégal) / Physicochemical characterization and toxic effects on pulmonary BEAS-2B cell line of particulate matter collected in Dakar city (Senegal)

Dieme, Denis 09 November 2011 (has links)
La pollution atmosphérique particulaire constitue un facteur de risque majeur pour la santé humaine. En dépit des nombreuses études réalisées, les mécanismes d'action sous-jacents à l'exposition aux particules et responsables des effets physiopathologiques observés restent encore mal connus. Notre travail a consisté en la collecte d'aérosols particulaires sur 2 sites urbains (Fann et Faidherbe) dans la ville de Dakar (Sénégal) et un site rural (Ngaparou). Les sites urbains sont caractérisés par un trafic automobile dense avec le site de Fann présentant une circulation majoritaire de véhicules de transport en commun alors qu'à Faidherbe le trafic est constitué en majorité de véhicules particuliers. la caractérisation physico-chimique des trois échantillons particulaires a montré une granulométrie fine (96% < 2,5 μm), donc capables de pénétrer profondément dans les poumons, des surfaces spécifiques comprises entre 8 et 13m²/g pouvant adsorber à leur surfaces des substances potentiellement toxiques. Leur composition chimique, riche en éléments inorganiques et organiques, démontre la diversité de leur sources (naturelle et anthropique). Après évaluation de leur cytotoxicité dans les cellules épithéliales bronchiques humaines (BEAS-2B), nous avons montré la capacité de ces aérosols particulaires à induire l'activation métabolique de leur fraction organique par l'induction de l'expression génique des enzymes de métabolisation CYP1A1, 1B1 et NQO1. Nous n'avons pas observé de réponse significative dans le processus d'altération oxydative via la péroxydation lipidique (MDA) et le statut du glutathion (GSSG/GSH). En revanche nous avons montré l'implication de ces aérosols particulaires dans le développement de la réponse inflammatoire par l'expression et la sécrétion significative de cytokines TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 et IL-8. / Airborne Particulate Matter (PM) is an important risk factor for human health. In spite of the numerous studies that have been carried out, the underlying mechanisms of action involved in particulate matter physiopathological effects are still unclear. In this work, PM samples were collected in two urban sites (Fann and Faidherbe) in Dakar (Senegal) and in a rural site (Ngaparou). The two urban sites mainly differ in the type of motor vehicles circulating in the area : most of the traffic is made of buses in Fann, whereas they are absent from Faidherbe. The physical characterization of the three samples showed their fine size distribution (96% < 2,5 μm), with surface areas ranging from 8 to 13m²/g. Collected PM were then able to reach deep lung, and to adsorb potentially toxic substances. Their chemical composition, rich in inorganic and organic compounds demonstrated the diversity of emission sources. After assessing their cytotoxicity in human epithelial bronchial cells (BEAS-2B), we showed that these PM could induce gene expression of metabolizing enzymes CYP1A1, 1B1 and NQO1, and therefore the metabolic activation of their organic fraction. No significant response to oxidative damage through lipid peroxidation (MDA) or glutathione status modification (GSSG/GSH) was observed after cells exposure to particulate matter. However, this exposure induced an inflammatory response by a significant increase in expression and secretion of cytokines TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8.


FLAVIA DE MIRANDA GONCALVES 17 June 2021 (has links)
[pt] Resíduos de biomassas são de grande interesse por serem matérias primas para a geração de energia renovável. Neste trabalho foram estudados os processos de conversão térmica de pirólise lenta e de carbonização hidrotermal, empregando os resíduos de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar, bagaço de malte e casca de coco. A cinética e a termodinâmica das reações foram determinadas experimentalmente pelo cálculo da energia de ativação, fator de frequência, energia livre de Gibbs, entalpia e entropia do complexo ativado. A pirólise foi avaliada empregando a termogravimetria em atmosfera inerte, para uma faixa de temperatura do ambiente até 1.000 graus Celsius e aplicando diferentes taxas de aquecimento. A carbonização hidrotermal procedeu em um reator tipo autoclave Parr modelo 452HC2, em diferentes temperaturas e tempos de operação. Modelos cinéticos da pirólise para métodos Model-free, denominados Kissinger, Flynn- WallOzawa (FWO) e Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose (KAS), e Model-fitting, intitulado Coats-Redfern, foram investigados. Para os modelos KAS, FWO e Coats-Redfern foram analisados 19 tipos de mecanismos reacionais e respectivos coeficientes de determinação (R2) foram determinados. O bagaço de cana-de-açúcar se ajustou ao método de Kissinger (R2 de 0,9973) e ao Coats-Redfern, entretanto os métodos FWO e KAS não se adequam a este material. Os testes com bagaço de malte e casca de coco se ajustaram a todos os métodos aplicados, apresentando valores de R2 elevados (0,9 a 0,9999). O modelo para a cinética da carbonização hidrotermal foi aplicado, onde as três biomassas apresentaram a ordem variando de 3 a 3,49, valor compatível com a literatura. Adicionalmente foram feitas caracterizações físico-químicas nos resíduos de biomassa e nos biocarvões produzidos na carbonização hidrotermal, incluindo análise elementar e imediata, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, espectroscopia de infravermelho, densidade aparente, pH, condutividade e poder calorífico. / [en] Biomass residues are of great interest because they are raw materials for the generation of renewable energy. In this work, the processes of thermal conversion of slow pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonization were studied using the residues of sugarcane bagasse, malt bagasse and green coconut shell. The kinetics and thermodynamics of the reactions were determined experimentally by calculating the activation energy, frequency factor, Gibbs free energy, enthalpy and entropy of the activated complex. Pyrolysis was evaluated using thermogravimetry in an inert atmosphere, from a room temperature up to 1,000 Celsius and applying different heating rates. Hydrothermal carbonization was carried out in a Parr autoclave type 452HC2 reactor, at different temperatures and times of operation. Kinetic models of pyrolysis for Model-free methods, called Kissinger, Flynn-WallOzawa (FWO) and Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose (KAS), and Model-fitting, entitled Coats-Redfern, were investigated. For the KAS, FWO and Coats-Redfern models, 19 types of reaction mechanisms were analyzed and their determination coefficients (R2) were evaluated. Sugarcane bagasse was adjusted to the Kissinger method (R2 equal to 0.9973) and Coats-Redfern, however the FWO and KAS methods are not suitable for this material. The tests with malt bagasse and coconut fiber were adjusted to all applied methods, showing high R2 values (0.9 to 0.9999). The model for the kinetics of hydrothermal carbonization was applied, where the three biomasses presented the order varying from 3 to 3.49, a value compatible with the literature. In addition, physical-chemical characterizations were carried out for the biomass residues and biochar produced by hydrothermal carbonization, including elementary and immediate analysis, scanning electron microscopy, infrared spectroscopy, apparent density, pH, conductivity and calorific value.

Sinteza i karakterizacija nekih derivata pirazola i njihove reakcije sa prelaznim metalima / Synthesis and characterization of some pyrazole derivatives and their reactions with transition metals

Holló Berta 22 September 2011 (has links)
<p style="text-align: justify; ">Reactions of 3,5-dimethylpyrazole-1-carboxamidinium&nbsp;nitrate (dpca∙HNO3) and 4-acetyl-3-amino-5-methylpyrazole (aamp) with transition metals under different reaction conditions are presented. The template reaction of aamp with triethyl orthoformate (teof) in the presence of metal ion is described. Besides, condensation of aamp with thiosemicarbazide (tsc) and the coordination of its product to copper(II) ion is also described. Twelve new complex compounds are synthesized and fully characterized. The characterization of two other, already known complexes is significantly enriched. The influence of HSAB interactions between the metal ions and ligators on the structures of obtained compounds is studied. The influence of the reaction conditions on the composition, structure and quality of crystals obtained in the reactions is investigated. Compounds are characterized by structural&nbsp;analysis, elemental analysis, molar conductivity data, infrared spectrometry and thermal analysis. Some selected complexes are characterized by UV-Vis spectra, magnetic measurements and biological activity tests, too.</p> / <p> Reactions of 3,5-dimethylpyrazole-1-carboxamidinium&nbsp;nitrate (dpca∙HNO3) and 4-acetyl-3-amino-5-methylpyrazole (aamp) with transition metals under different reaction conditions are presented. The template reaction of aamp with triethyl orthoformate (teof) in the presence of metal ion is described. Besides, condensation of aamp with thiosemicarbazide (tsc) and the coordination of its product to copper(II) ion is also described. Twelve new complex compounds are synthesized and fully characterized. The characterization of two other, already known complexes is significantly enriched. The influence of HSAB interactions between the metal ions and ligators on the structures of obtained compounds is studied. The influence of the reaction conditions on the composition, structure and quality of crystals obtained in the reactions is investigated. Compounds are characterized by structural<br /> analysis, elemental analysis, molar conductivity data, infrared spectrometry and thermal analysis. Some selected complexes are characterized by UV-Vis spectra, magnetic measurements and biological activity tests, too</p>

Avaliação das características fisico-químicas de géis de fluor de uso odontológico profissional. / Evaluation of the physicochemical characteristics of fluoride gels for professional dental use. / Evaluación de las características fisicoquímicas de geles de fluor de uso odontológico profesional. / Évaluation des caractéristiques physico-chimiques des gels fluorés à usage dentaire professionnel.

CARDOSO, Gina Maria Coelho de Souza. 05 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-04-05T19:46:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 GINA MARA COELHO DE SOUZA CARDOSO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPG-CEMat 2014..pdf: 1501065 bytes, checksum: e02311753867e448c8a544a0dd42857f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-05T19:46:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GINA MARA COELHO DE SOUZA CARDOSO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPG-CEMat 2014..pdf: 1501065 bytes, checksum: e02311753867e448c8a544a0dd42857f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-17 / O uso clínico de géis de flúor para aplicação tópica por profissionais está indicado para prevenção e tratamento de cárie e erosão dental devido à capacidade de interação com o processo de desmineralização-remineralização da matriz mineral do dente. O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi avaliar géis com flúor para remineralização dentária de uso tópico profissional quanto às características físico-químicas especificadas nos registros concedidos pela ANVISA. Foi verificada a existência de quinze (15) registros válidos na ANVISA, referentes a dezesseis (16) produtos de gel com flúor de uso tópico odontológico. Quanto a estes produtos, são oito (8) géis de flúor neutro e oito (8) géis de flúor acidulado. Todos os produtos possuem em sua composição fluoreto de sódio e o polímero mais utilizado para formação do gel é hidroxietil celulose, conforme declarado nos processos de registro na ANVISA. Em 60% dos processos de registro válidos há informação sobre o pH dos produtos. Com o levantamento realizado em março de 2014 nas dentais do Distrito Federal (DF), verificou-se a comercialização de dois produtos de um mesmo fabricante, sendo um gel de flúor neutro e um gel de flúor acidulado. Para a caracterização físico-química, foram adquiridos nove frascos de 200 mL de gel de flúor comercializados no DF: três de gel de flúor acidulado dentro da validade, três de gel flúor acidulado fora da validade e três de gel de flúor neutro. Estes produtos foram avaliados pelas seguintes técnicas: Microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), Espectroscopia de energia dispersiva de raios X (EDS), espectroscopia na região de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR), calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC), análise termogravimétrica (TGA) e avaliação do potencial hidrogeniônico (pH). Os elementos químicos identificados na análise por EDS estão condizentes com a composição química dos produtos declarados pelo fabricante à ANVISA. Os resultados de FTIR não demonstraram alterações significativas entre as amostras avaliadas. Foram verificados resultados diferentes entre as amostras, nos ensaios de TGA e DSC, isto provavelmente está relacionado com a desidratação das amostras e a formação de aglomerados. Os produtos avaliados a 25°C apresentaram resultados satisfatórios quanto ao pH. Mais pesquisas sobre a caracterização físico-química para o gel de flúor tópico de uso profissional odontológico são necessárias para embasar o desenvolvimento de normas técnicas específicas. / Clinical use of fluoride gels for topical application by professionals is indicated for prevention and treatment of dental caries and dental erosion due to the ability to interact with the process of demineralization - remineralization of tooth mineral matrix. The general objective of this work was to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics of topical gels for professional dental remineralization specified in the records granted by ANVISA. There were fifteen (15) valid records, relating to sixteen (16) products of fluoride gel use dental topic has been verified. As for these products, there were eight (8) neutral fluoride gels and eight (8) acidulated fluoride gels. All products contain in their composition sodium fluoride and the most used polymer for gel formation is hydroxyethyl cellulose. All acidulated fluoride gels have in their composition 1.23 % fluorine ions and all neutral fluoride gels contain 2 % NaF in its composition, as stated in the registration process at ANVISA. In 60 % of valid registration process there was information about the pH of the product. In the survey conducted in March 2014 in dental stores at Federal District (DF), it was observed the marketing of two products from the same manufacturer, being one neutral fluoride gel and one gel of acidulated fluoride. For physicochemical characterization, nine bottles of 200 ml of fluoride gel were acquired in DF: three of acidulated fluoride gel within the validity, three of acidulated fluoride gel out of date and three of neutral fluoride gel. These products were evaluated by the following techniques: Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry (EDS), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Thermogravimetry (TG) and evaluation of the hydrogen potential (pH). The chemical elements identified by EDS analysis, in regions without clusters and with clusters of dehydrated samples, are consistent with the chemical composition of the products declared by the manufacturer to ANVISA. The FTIR outcomes showed no significant changes among analyzed samples. Different results among samples were observed during DSC and TGA tests, this is probably related to dehydration of the samples and the formation of agglomerates. More studies about the physicochemical characteristics of topical gels for professional dental remineralization are needed to support the development of specific technical standards.

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