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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Plan- och bygglagen : Skådeplats för konflikt mellan intressen

Gustafsson, Nina January 2005 (has links)
<p>I takt med att ett samhälle utvecklas förändras de krav som samhällets invånare har på användningen av marken. Istället för ett koloniområde behöver kanske viss mark användas till studentboende. När ett nytt behov konstaterats skall, enligt plan- och bygglagen (1987:10), en intresseavvägning mellan allmänna och enskilda intressen ske. För planering och till viss del även genomförande av en förändring av markanvändningen är den svenska plan- och bygglagen central. Syftet med plan- och bygglagen är att främja en samhällsutveckling med jämlika och goda sociala levnadsförhållanden och en god och långsiktigt hållbar livsmiljö.</p><p>Denna uppsats är inriktad på den intresseavvägning som enligt plan- och bygglagen skall ske vid förändrade krav på markanvändningen. Uppsatsen är till stor del baserad på diskussioner med sakkunniga inom frågor som rör plan- och byggnadslagstiftningen.</p><p>Främst på grund av att själva markanvändningen är präglad av ekonomiska överväganden har en rättsekonomisk metod valts för att analysera den konflikt som kan uppkomma mellan intressen vid prövning av ärenden enligt plan- och bygglagen.</p> / <p>As a society develops the demands of the citizens on the usage of the land changes. A piece of land that is being used for allotments might be needed for student housing. According to the Swedish Planning and Building Act, private and public interests must be balanced when a new demand has been established. This Swedish Act is fundamental to the planning as well as to parts of the carrying out of a changement of the usage of the land. The Swedish Planning and Building Act is purposed to promote the development of a society that has equal and good social living standards and a good and longterm durable environment.</p><p>This thesis is concentrated on the conflict between public and private interests that may occur when a matter is being carried out in accordance with the Planning and Building Act. A large part of this thesis is based on discussions with persons with expertise in matters concerning the Planning and Building legislation.</p><p>Mainly due to the fact that the usage of land is characterized by economical considerations, a law and economics method has been chosen to analyse the conflict between interests that may occure when processing matters in accordance with the Planning and Building Act.</p>

Video coding using compressed transportation plans / Videokodning med komprimerade transportplaner

Lissing, Johan January 2007 (has links)
<p>A transportation plan is a byproduct from the calculation of the Kantorovich distance between two images. It describes a transformation from one of the images to the other. This master thesis shows how transportation plans can be used for video coding and how to process the transportation plans to achieve a good bitrate/quality ratio. Various parameters are evaluated using an implemented transportation plan video coder.</p><p>The introduction of transform coding with DCT proves to be very useful, as it reduces the size of the resulting transportation plans. DCT coding roughly gives a 10-fold decrease in bitrate with maintained quality compared to the nontransformed transportation plan coding.</p><p>With the best settings for transportation plan coding, I was able to code a test sequence at about 5 times the bitrate for MPEG coding of the same sequence with similar quality.</p><p>As video coding using transportation plans is a very new concept, the thesis is ended with conclusions on the test results and suggestions for future research in this area.</p>

PBL-97 i et huseierperspektiv : hvordan bedre dialogen mellom berørte parter og lovgiver i plan- og bygningslovprosessen?

Horjen, Johan Fredrik January 2001 (has links)
<p>Den 1. juli 1997 trådte en omfattende revisjon av Plan- og bygningsloven (PBL-97) i kraft. Den 1. juli 1997 trådte en omfattende revisjon av Plan- og bygningsloven (PBL-97) i kraft. Det ble innført nye regler for ansvar, kontroll, saksbehandling, og godkjenning av yrkesutøvere. Hensikten med reformen var å heve kvaliteten i byggevirksomheten. For å få dette til ble det samfunnsmessige ansvaret for byggeprosjektene overført fra huseierne til de profesjonelle som huseier engasjerer. Huseierne som i stor grad består av uprofesjonelle engangsbyggherrer ble ikke ansett som skikket til å ivareta samfunnets krav i sin byggevirksomhet.</p><p>Reformen har ført til et omfattende dokumentasjonssystem mellom myndighetene og de PBLansvarlige som mange opplever som ufornuftig, byråkratisk og kostbart. Lovreformen har skapt til dels betydelige frustrasjoner blant mindre håndverksbedrifter og blant huseierne som bærer kostnadene med reformen. I avhandlingen blir PBL-97 studert ut fra et huseierperspektiv.</p> / <p>On July 1, 1997, a new and comprehensively revised version of Norway’s Building Act (PBL-97) took effect. New regulations were introduced concerning responsibility, supervision, procedures and standards for the approval of craftsmen. The aim of the reform was to improve standards in the building trade. To achieve this, responsibility for building standards was transferred from the owner to the professionals whom these owners contract to build for them. The former group – consisting mainly of unprofessional, one-off “builders” – was regarded as unqualified to meet public requirements where building standards are concerned.</p><p>The reform has given rise to a comprehensive documentation system involving extensive exchanges of paperwork between the authorities and those responsible for complying with PBL-97 which many people in the trade find unreasonable, bureaucratic and costly. The reform of the Building Act has created frustration – often serious frustration - among small contracting firms (plumbers, carpenters, electricians, etc.) and among the owners of buildings who have to carry the costs of the reform. In the dissertation, PBL-97 is studied from the viewpoint of the owner.</p>

Genomförande av detaljplaner : en jämförelse mellan kommuner över tiden

Edgren, Gunilla, Larsson, Pia January 2006 (has links)
<p>Vi har valt att titta på genomförandefrågor i detaljplaner. Främst har vi riktat in oss på genomförandebeskrivningen. Hur omfattande är den och vad tar man upp? Är den lätt att förstå för alla berörda? Hur kan den förändras om den pågående PBL-utredningen går igenom? För att se om det är skillnad mellan kommuner har vi tittat på sex olika. Det är Uddevalla, Trollhättan och Kungälv i Västra Götalands Län samt Kungsbacka, Varberg och Falkenberg i Hallands Län. Från dessa sex kommuner har vi fått ett antal detaljplaner med tillhörande dokument där vi främst gått igenom genomförandebeskrivningen punkt för punkt. Vi har också skickat ut en frågeenkät till kommunerna med lite allmänna frågor angående genomförandet av planer. Dessutom har vi läst vad PBL-kommittén kommit fram till i sitt slutbetänkande när det gäller genomförandefrågor. Även om grunden är samma i de olika kommunerna skiljer det en del på hur man lägger upp arbetet och redovisar genomförandebeskrivningen. Detta kan också skilja sig något åt mellan olika planer inom samma kommun. Vi har här försökt få fram vad vi tycker är ett bra och tydligt sätt att presentera genomförandefrågorna på men också tagit upp sådant vi tror skulle kunna förändras enligt PBL- kommitténs intentioner.</p>

Åtgärdsprogram - till vilken nytta? : En studie i hur det skriftliga åtgärdsprogrammet bidrar i arbetet med elever i matematiksvårigheter.

Bergström, Inga-Lill, Hedberg, Carola January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>All students in the Swedish elementary school that do not reach the educational objectives in mathematics have a legal right to receive support in order to reach these objectives. An action plan shall be created, where it should be visible what supportive measures the student is given to reach the objectives. The purpose of our final thesis is to investigate how the action plan can contribute to the work with students that experience difficulties within mathematics.</p><p>The study is performed on 7-9<sup>th</sup> grade schools, and the empirical material is gathered through reading of hundreds of action plans, observations, and interviews of students, teachers, remedial teachers and headmasters. The theoretical frame used is hermeneutics, constructivism and perspective on special education.</p><p>The result of the study is that action plans do play an important role in the work with students that experience difficulties within mathematics, but the quality of the programs seems to vary. Some action plans are clearly stated, contain tangible actions, both on individual as well as on a group level, that help the student in their learning, whereas other programs are unclear and aimed only at what the student himself should perform to reach the objectives, i.e. only on an individual level. The remedial teaching support is often categorical, they are assuming that the student is the owner of the problem, and the support is also given from that perspective. That means that the student is given support in the format of individual education by a remedial teacher or by education in a smaller group.</p>

A workplace skills plan for enhanced service delivery at Nigel Local Municipality / Easter Ballies

Ballies, Easter January 2008 (has links)
The importance of human resource development as a means of ensuring that the organisation and institution maintain their competitiveness cannot be over-emphasised. Training and development of employees are critical to organisations, because it ensures the acquisition of required skills, which is paramount for the provision of effective service delivery, in particular local sphere of government. The Workplace Skills training that refers to the strategic human resource training and development, aims at developing the workforce, labour skills capacity, thereby achieving the institutional goals, policies and objectives of the institution. The Workplace Skills Plan is the key strategic planning document relating to workplace training, career pathing and employment equity for the Municipality. It details the training planned by a municipality in a given financial year as legislated by the Local Government Sector Education Training Authority (LGSETA). Workplace Skills Plan, through LGSETA, the Skills Development Legislative framework and the Employment Equity Act, makes provision, ensuring that employees in the public service should enhance their skills in order to deliver effective services to its customers, the public. For quality and effective service delivery at the Nigel Local Municipality to take place, the implementation of the Workplace Skills training is imperative for the enhancement of a skill workforce that will be able to ensure that the customer is satisfied with the product and service rendered by the employees. / Thesis (M. Development and Management)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2009.

Team behavior recognition using dynamic bayesian networks

Gaitanis, Konstantinos 31 October 2008 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat analyse les concepts impliqués dans la prise de décisions de groupes d'agents et applique ces concepts dans la création d'un cadre théorique et pratique qui permet la reconnaissance de comportements de groupes. Nous allons présenter une vue d'ensemble de la théorie de l'intention, étudiée dans le passé par quelques grands théoriciens comme Searle, Bratmann et Cohen, et nous allons montrer le lien avec des recherches plus récentes dans le domaine de la reconnaissance de comportements. Nous allons étudier les avantages et inconvénients des techniques les plus avancées dans ce domaine et nous allons créer un nouveau modèle qui représente et détecte les comportements de groupes. Ce nouveau modèle s'appelle Multiagent-Abstract Hidden Markov mEmory Model (M-AHMEM) et résulte de la fusion de modèles déjà existants, le but étant de créer une approche unifiée du problème. La plus grande partie de cette thèse est consacrée à la présentation détaillée du M-AHMEM et de l'algorithme responsable de la reconnaissance de comportements. Notre modèle sera testé sur deux applications différentes : l'analyse gesturale humaine et la fusion multimodale des données audio et vidéo. A travers ces deux applications, nous avançons l'argument qu'un ensemble de données constitué de plusieurs variables corrélées peut être analysé efficacement sous un cadre unifié de reconnaissance de comportements. Nous allons montrer que la corrélation entre les différentes variables peut être modélisée comme une coopération ayant lieu à l'intérieur d'une équipe et que la reconnaissance de comportements constitue une approche moderne de classification et de reconnaissance de patrons.

Análisis descriptivo de la evolución de la élite cruceña en élite regional (periodo 1952 - 2005)

Verduguez Linares, René Efrain January 2010 (has links)
Se presenta a continuación la investigación denominada “Análisis Descriptivo de la Evolución de la Élite Cruceña en Élite Política Regional (1952 – 2005)”, misma que pretende clarificar todas las dudas surgidas en base a los grupos de poder del oriente del país, y especialmente del departamento cruceño. El estudio contempla las categorías conceptuales pertinentes para comprender la temática, así como la identificación de un problema de investigación solucionado, provisionalmente, por una hipótesis de trabajo que se someterá a prueba a lo largo del marco práctico a través de sus variables dependiente e independiente. Finalmente, los requisitos metodológicos y las fuentes de información disponibles conforman parte indispensable para lograr los niveles de calidad científica a los que se desean arribar con la temática seleccionada, misma que se encuentra motivada por la imperante necesidad de conocer otra de las facetas de la realidad boliviana

An Analysis of the Discipleship Strategy of Robert Emerson Coleman

Green IV, John Thomas 23 May 2012 (has links)
ABSTRACT AN ANALYSIS OF THE DISCIPLESHIP STRATEGY OF ROBERT EMERSON COLEMAN John Thomas Green IV, Ph. D. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2012 Chair: Dr. Charles E. Lawless, Jr. This dissertation examines the discipleship strategy of Robert Emerson Coleman. Chapter 1 introduces the ministry and work of Robert Coleman. The chapter also discusses the call to discipleship given by Jesus Christ in the Great Commission and the need for the local church to effectively disciple its members. Chapter 2 presents a biography of Coleman. This chapter highlights his conversion and call to ministry. It also includes details of his ministry as a pastor, professor, and author. Chapter 3 provides an historical analysis of Coleman's discipleship strategy. This chapter notes influences upon Coleman's strategy, including the work of John Wesley. It also describes the historical context in which Coleman's strategy was developed, particularly the states of the evangelical church and the Methodist church. Chapter 4 addresses Coleman's practice of discipleship in his ministry. The chapter includes insight into Coleman's personal discipleship, as well as, his discipleship of his family, churches that he has pastored, and students that he led while teaching. Chapter 5 offers a biblical analysis of Coleman's discipleship strategy, dissecting Scripture used by Coleman to support his principles of discipleship outlined in The Master Plan of Evangelism. The chapter also notes several other works by Coleman to show how he consistently communicated his discipleship strategy. The conclusion offers application of Coleman's strategy in the North American church. Positive contributions of Coleman's work for discipleship in the local church are enumerated. Challenges to implementing his strategy are also shared. This work contends that Coleman has provided a biblical and effective model for discipleship in The Master Plan of Evangelism. His strategy is faithful to the model of Christ with His disciples. Coleman's work provides helpful contributions to discipleship in the local church though it has its challenges in implementation. Although Coleman's discipleship ministry has been conducted largely outside of the local church, his strategy can and should be used in the local church for discipleship.

PBL-97 i et huseierperspektiv : hvordan bedre dialogen mellom berørte parter og lovgiver i plan- og bygningslovprosessen?

Horjen, Johan Fredrik January 2001 (has links)
Den 1. juli 1997 trådte en omfattende revisjon av Plan- og bygningsloven (PBL-97) i kraft. Den 1. juli 1997 trådte en omfattende revisjon av Plan- og bygningsloven (PBL-97) i kraft. Det ble innført nye regler for ansvar, kontroll, saksbehandling, og godkjenning av yrkesutøvere. Hensikten med reformen var å heve kvaliteten i byggevirksomheten. For å få dette til ble det samfunnsmessige ansvaret for byggeprosjektene overført fra huseierne til de profesjonelle som huseier engasjerer. Huseierne som i stor grad består av uprofesjonelle engangsbyggherrer ble ikke ansett som skikket til å ivareta samfunnets krav i sin byggevirksomhet. Reformen har ført til et omfattende dokumentasjonssystem mellom myndighetene og de PBLansvarlige som mange opplever som ufornuftig, byråkratisk og kostbart. Lovreformen har skapt til dels betydelige frustrasjoner blant mindre håndverksbedrifter og blant huseierne som bærer kostnadene med reformen. I avhandlingen blir PBL-97 studert ut fra et huseierperspektiv. / On July 1, 1997, a new and comprehensively revised version of Norway’s Building Act (PBL-97) took effect. New regulations were introduced concerning responsibility, supervision, procedures and standards for the approval of craftsmen. The aim of the reform was to improve standards in the building trade. To achieve this, responsibility for building standards was transferred from the owner to the professionals whom these owners contract to build for them. The former group – consisting mainly of unprofessional, one-off “builders” – was regarded as unqualified to meet public requirements where building standards are concerned. The reform has given rise to a comprehensive documentation system involving extensive exchanges of paperwork between the authorities and those responsible for complying with PBL-97 which many people in the trade find unreasonable, bureaucratic and costly. The reform of the Building Act has created frustration – often serious frustration - among small contracting firms (plumbers, carpenters, electricians, etc.) and among the owners of buildings who have to carry the costs of the reform. In the dissertation, PBL-97 is studied from the viewpoint of the owner.

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