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萬海物流部門商業計畫書 / Wan Hai Logistics Business Plan

陳建佑, Chen, Darren Unknown Date (has links)
For the shipping industry, due to the financial tsunami of 2008, carriers started to lose huge amount of profit. Further, with new and large size ships were ordered previously, demand and supply in the market became increasingly imbalanced, resulting in a decrease in freight rate levels, which made it even more difficult for the shipping industry to generate profits. Thus, the aim of this business plan is to create new division and new service in Wan Hai to provide customers with more concrete and comprehensive services. This business plan will be demonstrated by business model canvas to display its core value of the new service. Also, author will use competitive analysis - Market demand and supply, Five Forces and SWOT analysis to analyze the feasibility of the new established service. Last, author will illustrate 5 years financial forecast of the new division to show the sound financial plan of the new business plan.

Études de bioéquivalence

Mirzac, Angela January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Dans la pratique clinique, on fait souvent appel aux études de bioéquivalence afin de comparer deux médicaments. Un premier objectif de ce mémoire est d'introduire la notion pharmacocinétique et statistique de ce type d'étude, ainsi que de définir et de présenter l'application des tests d'équivalence à travers les études de bioéquivalence. Pour réaliser l'inférence statistique des études de bioéquivalence, en pratique on utilise le test t de Student. Le second but de ce mémoire est l'utilisation du test de permutations dans le cas où les hypothèses du test paramétrique ne sont pas satisfaites. À travers une étude de simulation des données de plusieurs lois on compare la performance du test de permutations avec le test t de Student et le test de WiIcoxon pour deux échantillons. Ce dernier est le test non paramétrique utilisé dans la pratique courante des études de bioéquivalence. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Bioéquivalence, Tests d'hypothèses, Plan d'expérience croisé, Test de permutation.

Analyse statistique de plans par regroupement et applications à la génomique et à la biostatique

Auger, Pierre January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Dans ce mémoire, nous présentons quelques facettes de l'étude statistique des plans par regroupement, qui nous ont paru particulièrement représentatives. Comme on rencontre les méthodologies faisant appel aux plans par regroupement surtout en génétique, nommément en génétique expérimentale, où du reste ces méthodologies s'y révèlent remarquablement adéquates, nous présentons d'abord en le chapitre l, en guise de préalable à la suite du mémoire, un certain nombre d'éléments de génétique et, en particulier, nous y présentons la notion de sonde, qui est en quelque sorte une « constante », puisque cette notion est sous-jacente à toutes les méthodologies que nous présentons ici, au sens où, plus précisément, cette notion est centrale dans ce qui motive toutes ces méthodologies. Dans le chapitre 2, nous présentons le concept de complexe simplicial. Ce concept a ceci de remarquable qu'il donne lieu à des plans par regroupement grâce auxquels on peut déterminer tous les éléments positifs à partir de la donnée des groupes positifs. Nous introduisons ensuite dans le chapitre 3 une nouvelle espèce de structures, à savoir l'espèce des plans ordonnés. Nous en déduisons ensuite une formule pour l'espérance du nombre d'éléments négatifs indéterminés dans le cas des plans par regroupement ordinaires. Nous présentons aussi une méthode, que nous qualifions d'ensembliste, pour la détermination de probabilités toujours dans le cas des plans ordonnés. Nous pensons avoir détecté une faille dans le cours du raisonnement de l'auteur de cette méthode et en proposons une solution de rechange. Dans le chapitre 4, nous présentons une méthode d'estimation de l'espérance d'un certain estimateur du nombre d'éléments positifs, estimateur que nous y définissons, pour une classe particulière de plans par regroupement, à savoir la classe des plans hypercubiques. Nous présentons ensuite différentes facettes de la mise en application de l'estimateur de Monte Carlo de l'espérance de cet estimateur-là. Cette mise en application nous permet finalement dans le chapitre 5 d'obtenir des tables d'estimations de cet estimateur pour différentes valeurs des paramètres de cette classe de plans, et pour différentes valeurs du paramètre de la loi de probabilité associée. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Génomique, Complexe simplicial, Plan par regroupement, Plan ordonné, Plan hypercubique.

Do Inequalities in Access to Fruits and Vegetables Exist between a Low-Income and a Middle-Income Region of the City of Atlanta, Georgia

Avasthi, Jessica Anne 14 September 2009 (has links)
Purpose: There is a growing body of evidence that income indicators and racial compositions of urban neighborhoods mediate access to food stores and healthy foods. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there were any differences in access (availability, quality and cost) to fruits and vegetables between two racially homogeneous regions, one considered low-income and the other middle-income, in the City of Atlanta, Georgia. Methods: This was a cross-sectional, exploratory study. A convenience sample of 56 food stores (convenience, grocery and supermarket) was assessed over a three-week period. The stores were surveyed using an instrument developed to capture availabilities of fresh items, the quality of these and the ability of the food stores to meet the Thrifty Food Plan (TFP) 2006 fruit and vegetable categories for a reference family of four. Each category had constraints (variety and weights), and lowest-cost items were identified to meet these. Store to 10,000 population ratios and percent median income required to fulfill the TFP fruits and vegetables were calculated. Fisher’s Exact Tests and Chi Square were used to analyze categorical data. ANOVA analyses were used to determine differences in costs between the regions for the complete TFP fruit and vegetable basket and for price differences for each fruit and vegetable category among stores within each region. Results: The food store to 10,000 ratios were 5.8 and 3.7, respectively, for the low-income region and middle-income region. The low-income region grocery store ratio was 2.7, compared to 0.9 for the middle-income. Access to fresh items, quality of these and numbers of stores meeting each category and the complete TFP basket were not significantly different between the regions. The low-income region had a significantly greater number of stores that met whole fruits (p=0.03) and the variety constraint for other vegetables, which was four types (p=0.05). The TFP category weights were difficult to achieve with most categories in deficits. The majority of the lowest-cost items identified were canned fruits and vegetables. There were no significant differences between the regions for the costs of each category. The low-income region had a significantly greater number of stores charging more than the mean ($52.91±14.85) for the complete TFP fruit and vegetable basket (p=0.04). Store types and not income was the significant factor contributing to the price differences between the regions for the complete TFP basket. Within region analyses indicated significant price differences for several categories among the store types. Typically, convenience stores and/or grocery stores charged significantly more for certain categories than did supermarkets. Conclusion: There were few differences in overall availability, quality and category comparisons. The low-income region potentially pays more for the TFP 2006 fruits and vegetables for a family of four. Cost has been cited as a barrier to complying with healthy diets. More research needs to be undertaken to aid in policy development in consideration of healthy food cost implications for low-income families. Further education efforts are required to guide low-income families on how the TFP can be met optimally on a budget.

What is a City but the People?: An Evaluative Study of the Development and Implementation of a 10-Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness in Macon, Georgia

Gazy, Michael G 23 November 2010 (has links)
Introduction: Contemporary circumstances have increased the occurrence and risk of homelessness for millions of Americans. The Macon Coalition to End Homelessness (a group of homeless service providers in the Macon-Bibb County) has noted the need for a comprehensive, evidenced-based plan which would more efficiently coordinate and dispense services for homeless people; with the eventual goal of preventing/mitigating the influence of factors which initiate, perpetuate, and prevent the pathways that would lead one to establish an independent life. Aim: The explicit purpose of this capstone project is to analyze the processes inherent in the development and implementation of a community-based intervention aimed at homeless populations: the 10-Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness in Macon, Georgia. The development of preventive policy initiatives and the intended target of the community-based initiatives are direct public health measures. Methods: This evaluative study tracks the initial development, planning, writing of a community-based intervention. The study tracks the progress of the various phases of the development of the plan. It should be noted that the author of this study was also a member of the 10-Year Plan Steering Committee and the primary author of the 10-Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness in Macon, Georgia. These dual roles allowed the author to have unrestricted access and support regarding information pertinent to these processes. Results: The study analyzes the steps needed in completing a successful implementation of a 10-year Plan. Additionally, this project delivers a draft of the 10-Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness in Macon, Georgia. Discussion: Finally, suggestions for further steps to be taken by the MCEH for successful buy-in and establishment of a 10-Year Plan are made. This includes strict adherence to the tenets of other succesful10-Year Plans; increased community support (both financial and in terms of volunteerism/direct service) including but not limited to governmental sponsorship, community-wide awareness, and strong private-sector support; and, the development and reliance upon systems which utilize measurable objectives – of note, this would include a more accurate census mechanism. Further examination of factors such as these should result in a tailored, highly-effective preventative community-based intervention

Genomförande av detaljplaner : en jämförelse mellan kommuner över tiden

Edgren, Gunilla, Larsson, Pia January 2006 (has links)
Vi har valt att titta på genomförandefrågor i detaljplaner. Främst har vi riktat in oss på genomförandebeskrivningen. Hur omfattande är den och vad tar man upp? Är den lätt att förstå för alla berörda? Hur kan den förändras om den pågående PBL-utredningen går igenom? För att se om det är skillnad mellan kommuner har vi tittat på sex olika. Det är Uddevalla, Trollhättan och Kungälv i Västra Götalands Län samt Kungsbacka, Varberg och Falkenberg i Hallands Län. Från dessa sex kommuner har vi fått ett antal detaljplaner med tillhörande dokument där vi främst gått igenom genomförandebeskrivningen punkt för punkt. Vi har också skickat ut en frågeenkät till kommunerna med lite allmänna frågor angående genomförandet av planer. Dessutom har vi läst vad PBL-kommittén kommit fram till i sitt slutbetänkande när det gäller genomförandefrågor. Även om grunden är samma i de olika kommunerna skiljer det en del på hur man lägger upp arbetet och redovisar genomförandebeskrivningen. Detta kan också skilja sig något åt mellan olika planer inom samma kommun. Vi har här försökt få fram vad vi tycker är ett bra och tydligt sätt att presentera genomförandefrågorna på men också tagit upp sådant vi tror skulle kunna förändras enligt PBL- kommitténs intentioner.

Strategi för IKT i skolan – att integrera teknik i ett komplex sammanhang : Mätbart, jämlikt, statusfritt

Tinnsten, Carl January 2012 (has links)
Today there are many studies that have shown positive results in the treatment of ICT at an early age. The focus of the studies vary, and they target everything from the actual implementation of teaching resources in ICT, to student performance with ICT support. Regardless of the amount of studies on the subject, there is no precise strategy for how to implement, working with ICT, integrate ICT in different subjects, utilizing the hardware and software that is or how it will eventually respond to new technologies. This work will there by focusing on trying to develop a basis for further research and hopefully in the future to develop an ICT strategy at a national level.In order to provide a basis, a comparison was made of ten different schools. The schools were entered into a table showing the similarities and differences . To put a framework to this strategy, the teachers' own education "PIM" was included to set the limitations for the school education. It was revealed early in the work that a large divergence between schools and after te processing of the data collected, the recommendation was to try to get schools to start from a common basis. The hope is that the results between the schools in the future will be measurable, when one sees how students assimilate and learn on the same basis instead of having to have a lenient when students learn differently to all schools. The study will also get some key pillars to build a functioning ICT strategy.

Park Management Plans: Understanding Visitor and Tourism Policy

Coburn, Julia January 2011 (has links)
A park management plan is an important tool used in protected areas to successfully develop and achieve goals and objectives. Planning in modern protected area environments is challenging due to the requirement of finding the balance between its primary goal of preserving ecological and cultural features while managing to achieve tourism and visitation objectives. There are different perspectives regarding the purpose of a management plan and the role that the public should play in having an influence over the decision making process, including access to information required. This study evaluated the amount of detail in visitor and tourism policies that was found in park management plans compared to the amount of detail that park stakeholders desired, revealed through a case study of Ontario Provincial Parks. Findings include: a consistently low level of detail provided in park management plans; a large gap between the larger amount degree of detail desired by stakeholders’ compared to the sparse detail contained in plans; and a significant difference in the degree of detail desired by stakeholders affiliated with one park, Algonquin Park, over others. The low level of detail contained in management plans can be a reflection of five elements: 1) a low value of visitation and tourism, 2) a blueprint planning goal of management plans, 3) a weak role of the public in decision making, 4) sparse human resources/finances, and 5) imprecise legislation and guiding provincial policy. The large gap between the detail stakeholders desire compared to the content provided in plans reflect weak public participation and governance principles such as transparency, accountability, and fairness and power sharing. Lastly, differences in the degree of detail desired based on park affiliation suggest that park features, beside park classification and park visitation levels, also have an effect on the degree of detail expected from park stakeholders.

Quién tiene la palabra? : Voces e interculturalidad en el libro de enseñanza del español, Alegría (paso uno) / Who has the voice in the textbook Alegría?

Bengtson, Anna January 2012 (has links)
La tesina tiene como propósito investigar Alegría, paso uno, un libro de enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera, de la editorial Liber para llegar a la conclusión de quién tiene la palabra en el, y si son variados. Además se aborda qué cantidad cumple el contenido del libro con el sistema de valores del Plan de estudios. La intención total es concienciar a profesores en qué grado pueden remitir el sistema de valores al libro. Se ha utilizado el método análisis de contenido donde se cuenta y mide presencias de los fenómenos considerables para llegar a un resultado. También se ha analizado y discutido las consecuencias. El resultado muestra una variedad entre los personajes que tienen la palabra en Alegría. Algunos aspectos, de las que hemos analizado, están representados con una variedad grande (género, sexualidad y origen) y otros aspectos no están representados casi nada o nada (religión y discapacidad). Llegamos a la conclusión de que el profesor no puede confiar en que el libro cumple, enteramente, con el sistema de valores pero que le puede usar como un apoyo, como está construido ser.

HIV/AIDS-politik i Sydafrika : En innehållsanalys av de tre nationella strategiska planerna för HIV/AIDS

Fagerberg, Ebba January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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