Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] POLICY EVALUATION"" "subject:"[enn] POLICY EVALUATION""
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Making Socio-Technical Transition Pathways : The establishment of the Swedish Climate Policy Council, an Argumentative Policy Analytical case studyEngström, Eskil January 2021 (has links)
In recent years, several nations have adopted institutional framework laws, so-called Climate Change Acts (CCAs), as means to enforce Paris-compliant mitigation pathways. A key institutional feature to ensure policy stability and compliance with CCAs has been the establishment of independent advisory bodies, tasked with advising on mitigation targets and policy instruments, as well as the, monitoring and evaluation of target attainment. These advisory bodies are endowed with a crucial role in the long-term evaluation and planning process: examining how the low-carbon transition pathways might be achieved. Calling attention to the question of how transition pathways should be conceived and approached, whether it is in 'bio-physical' (climate science), 'techno- economic' (technology assessment/economics) or 'socio-technical' (socio-technical transition field) terms. Recent studies have indicated that a socio-technical transitions is increasingly framed as a question of removing carbon energy from various practices and infrastructures, challenging the dominant techno-economic approach of emissions reductions using carbon-pricing instruments. This thesis explores this challenge, drawing upon a case study of the establishment of the Swedish Climate Policy Council, by means of analyzing the process of institutionalization and how transition pathways are (re)produced discursively through the practices of climate policy evaluation and planning. The main findings of this thesis is that a cross-party consensus behind the Swedish CCA was formed around institutionalizing a 'bio-physical’ mitigation pathway, monitored and safeguarded by the Council which could assign 'political embarrassment' to governments failing to comply with the interim and long-term GHG mitigation targets. Beyond this consensus, the institutional design of the Council is the result of discursive struggles between actor-coalitions supporting techno-economic versus socio-technical transition pathways. However, the recently formed Council has come to challenge previously dominant techno-economic practices of forecasting cost-efficient emissions reductions. This has been accomplished by introducing a novel socio-technical approach to climate policy evaluation: the backcasting of interrelated technological and institutional shifts believed to be necessary in bringing about a low-carbon transition or transformation. Nevertheless, as this socio-technical practice primarily backcasts upon a number of key technological innovations, with limited changes to current industrial patterns of production and consumption, doubts are raised if this approach is to be considered as constitutive of transformative transition pathways.
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Essays on the Role of Information in Human Capital Investments / Essais sur le rôle de l'information dans les investissements en capital humainPernaudet, Julie 20 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse cherche à évaluer le rôle des politiques d’information dans la réduction des inégalités de capital humain.Dans le premier chapitre, co-écrit avec Bruno Crépon, nous étudions l’impact d’une expérimentation visant à augmenter le recours aux soins des jeunes chômeurs en France. Les jeunes en situation de précarité ont plus de risque de sous-investir dans leur santé, ce qui peut avoir des conséquences économiques et sociales à court et long terme. Dans cette étude, nous examinons deux barrières possibles : le coût des soins, et la mauvaise perception des besoins. A l’aide d’une expérience randomisée, nous trouvons qu’informer individuellement ces jeunes sur leurs besoins ainsi que sur le système d’assurance santé permet d’augmenter leurs investissements, en doublant notamment la probabilité de consulter un psychologue. Nos résultats suggèrent également qu’une telle intervention permet de favoriser les entrées en formation. Afin de distinguer les barrières relevant du coût des soins des barrières relevant d’une mauvaise perception des besoins, nous testons aussi une intervention dans laquelle les jeunes reçoivent uniquement l’information sur le système d’assurance santé. A la différence de l’intervention combinée, cette intervention ne permet pas d’augmenter le recours aux soins, ce qui souligne le rôle crucial des perceptions subjectives dans les décisions de santé.Dans le second chapitre, issu d’un travail avec Marc Gurgand, Nina Guyon et Marion Monnet, nous évaluons une politique consistant à orienter des enfants vivant en zones urbaines sensibles (ZUS) en France vers des structures répondant à leurs difficultés. Dans les ZUS, certains enfants ont tendance à cumuler difficultés scolaires, problèmes de santé, de socialisation, et parfois problèmes familiaux. La politique étudiée consiste à mettre en place des interventions individualisées et multidimensionnelles pour les enfants, impliquant leurs parents et leur enseignant. Ces interventions consistent par exemple à inscrire l’enfant dans un club de sport, à réaliser un bilan de santé, à offrir aux parents une assistance administrative, et reposent sur les ressources disponibles au niveau de la commune. Afin d’identifier un effet causal, nous mettons en place des méthodes d’appariement que nous combinons avec un estimateur en différence-de-différences. Nous trouvons que le dispositif n’a d’effet ni sur le comportement des enfants, ni sur leurs compétences cognitives, et un effet négatif sur la socialisation et la motivation scolaire. Il réduit en revanche l’absentéisme. Une comparaison avec d’autres dispositifs suggère qu’il est nécessaire d’intervenir dès le plus jeune âge et de manière plus intensive pour améliorer la situation de ces enfants défavorisés.Dans le troisième chapitre, j’examine dans quelle mesure les politiques d’information destinées à guider les lycéens dans la transition vers le supérieur permettent d’augmenter le recours aux bourses parmi les étudiants défavorisés au Canada. Les doutes de plus en plus nombreux quant à la capacité des politiques d’aides financières à réduire les inégalités d’accès à l’enseignement supérieur conduisent à s’interroger sur leurs conditions d’efficacité. Cette étude vise à mieux comprendre les barrières informationnelles auxquelles les étudiants sont confrontés. Sur la base d’une expérience contrôlée, je modélise la demande de bourse comme étant fonction de l’utilité perçue de l’université, qui elle-même dépend du niveau d’information des jeunes. J’utilise ensuite le modèle pour simuler différentes politiques d’information souvent mises en œuvre, mais rarement évaluées. Informer les jeunes sur le système d’aides financières s’avère particulièrement efficace. Rencontrer un conseiller scolaire ou faire un test de compétences et d’orientation permet également d’augmenter le recours aux aides. Les simulations suggèrent que de tels dispositifs pourraient égaliser la demande entre étudiants favorisés et défavorisés. / This dissertation attempts to assess the role information policies may play in the reduction of human capital inequalities.In the first chapter, which is a joint work with Bruno Crépon, we study the impact of an experiment aimed at increasing the use of healthcare services among unemployed youth in France. Economically disadvantaged youth are particularly at risk of under-investing in their health, which can have short and long term negative consequences on a variety of socioeconomic outcomes. In this study, we investigate two possible factors of under-investment: cost of healthcare, and misperception of health needs. Relying on a randomized experiment, we find that providing them with personalized information on their health needs as well as on public health insurance raises their health investments, in particular it doubles the proportion of people consulting a psychologist. Our results suggest that such policies also have a potential for increasing participation to training programs. To distinguish between financial constraints and misperception of health needs, we also test a program providing information on public health insurance only. In contrast, this limited program does not induce any health investments, which highlights the crucial role of subjective perceptions of needs in health decisions among disadvantaged youth.In the second chapter, which is based on a joint work with Marc Gurgand, Nina Guyon and Marion Monnet, we evaluate a policy that consists in directing 2 to 16 year-old children living in deprived areas in France to the local resources they need. In deprived areas, some children tend to cumulate academic difficulties with health, social and sometimes family difficulties. In this paper, we evaluate a policy consisting in individualized and comprehensive programs that involve both the child, the parents and the teacher. Interventions range from sport activities or health diagnosis for the child to administrative assistance for the parents, and use existing local resources. Our identification strategy relies on propensity score matching combined with difference-in-differences estimation. We find no impact of the policy on children behavior and cognitive skills, and on their parents’ relation to school, and negative impacts on the relation to other children and on school motivation. By contrast, school attendance increases among treated children. Comparison with other comprehensive programs suggests that more intensive or earlier interventions might be required to significantly improve the situation of deprived children.In the third chapter, I assess the extent to which information policies aimed at guiding high school students in their transition to higher education can raise the take-up of grants among disadvantaged students in Canada. Growing concerns about the capacity of grant policies to reduce the socioeconomic gap in college enrollment call to investigate the conditions required for these policies to reach their target. This paper aims at better understanding the information barriers disadvantaged students may face. Based on a lab-in-the-field experiment, I model the demand for grants as a function of the perceived utility of university, which depends on the level of information on higher education and on the labor market students have. I use the model to simulate several information policies that are commonly implemented in high schools, but rarely studied. While receiving information on the financial aid system demonstrates to be particularly effective, meeting a school counsellor or taking a skills and interests test also significantly raises the take-up of grants among disadvantaged students. Simulations suggest these policies could close the take-up gap with their more advantaged counterparts.
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A comprehensive model for the implementation of national public policies and guidelines : Empangeni Education District / Bhekefini Sibusiso Vincent MthethwaMthethwa, Bhekefini Sibusiso Vincent January 2014 (has links)
The phenomenon of the public policy process, which encapsulates the public policy implementation, has been in existence long before the political transformation that took place in South Africa in 1994. However, the ushering in of the new dispensation saw the integration of the existing public policies. In addition, it inevitably heralded the introduction of the new public policies and national guidelines across all sectors of the South African public institutions. Public policy implementation, as an integral stage of the public policy process, emerged as indispensable towards effective and efficient public service. The basic education, as a public institution, could also not be exempted from such inevitability of heightened public policy implementation.
The introduction of the new education related public policies included the developmental appraisal system (DAS), the whole school evaluation (WSE), the integrated quality management systems (IQMS) and the discipline and safety national guidelines (DSNG). This, consequently, bears testament to what became an inevitable transformation process in South African basic education. Using the DAS, the WSE, the IQMS and the DSNG as points of departure and Empangeni education district as a reference area, the focus of this study has been the public policy process, the internal organisational arrangements and structures for public policy implementation, the public policy implementation process together with its inherent challenges and an improved model aimed at alleviating or even eradicating such public policy implementation challenges.
The theoretical models, both descriptive and prescriptive, suggest that the public policy process, which entails namely: public policy agenda, public policy formulation, public policy adoption, public policy implementation and public policy evaluation, is premised on the public policy models. Of all the above-listed public policy process stages, public policy implementation stands out as the pinnacle around which the public policy process revolves. The public policy implementation stage, therefore, suggests a point where the influence, the impact and the successes or failures of the public policy process unfold. In light of this inextricable link of the public policy implementation stage to the general public policy process that is influenced by models, the effective public policy implementation is, subsequently, embracive of attributes and lessons derived from the public policy models. Some of these attributes and lessons, inter alia, include; the mutual participation by all actors involved, rather than dominance by an elite group (derived from the elite/mass model), the identification of institutional structures responsible for the public policy implementation (derived from the institutional model) and the accommodation of the implementation review as well as feedback (all indicative of the systems model).
The literature review and the empirical data analyses show convergent views that suggest that the effective public policy implementation is directly proportional to the extent of internal organisational arrangements and structures as well as to the basic functionality of schools as centres for the implementation process. This implies that where internal institutional arrangements and structures are evident and functional, the implementation of public policies is bound to be effective and efficient, while the contrary also holds.
Given Empangeni education district being the focal point of the study, it has emerged that the use of personnel from other units and the absence of a district unit designated to solely oversee the coordination, the implementation and the evaluation of the education related public policies, inhibit the potential of adequately achieving the intended objectives of the education related public policies implemented. In case of schools as the institutional centres for public policy implementation, empirical data analyses have established an inter-connection between the public policy implementation and the schools‟ basic functionality. Consequently, it is in functional schools (i.e. schools where the school management teams and school governing bodies are visible, effective and work collaboratively), where public policy implementation thrives and is effective.
The contextualisation of the empirical research analyses to the study focus area, Empangeni Education District (EED), established that its current implementation model faces public policy implementation challenges. The most evident challenges, inter alia, include: * the inadequate advocacy of the education related public policies to be implemented; * the two or three days, currently accepted as a capacity building period by those expected to implement education related public policies, are not proportional to the volume of work to be covered and it suggests an inadequate time-frame for capacity development in the EED's current model; * the material and mechanisms used to perform functional work do not accommodate all role-players (also called actors in this study) according to their demographical needs, like language, which renders them inept to perform to their optimum level; * the primary structure of the current EED's public policy implementation model is a top-down directional structure which underscores the top-down cascading model; * current communication technology employed, do not take advantage of the 21 century‟s information computer technology in order to make the work environment more user-friendly, efficient and effective; * the simultaneous implementation of education related public policies poses a challenge to internal organisational arrangements, such as public policy implementation (PPI) structures and personnel, for effective implementation of such policies; and * the evident inadequate continuous and deliberate monitoring of implemented education related public policies.
Conclusions and inferences drawn from this study suggest that the EED's current public policy implementation model is inadequate to deal with the identified challenges. Finally, this study proposes a strengthened EED public policy model, which accommodates recommendations to EED's public policy implementation challenges. Inherently, the proposed strengthened public policy implementation model is not limited to dealing with the identified challenges only, but it radically embraces the introduction of systems and internal organisational structures that promote inclusive, collaborative and traceable implementation of education related public policies. / PhD (Public Management and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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A comprehensive model for the implementation of national public policies and guidelines : Empangeni Education District / Bhekefini Sibusiso Vincent MthethwaMthethwa, Bhekefini Sibusiso Vincent January 2014 (has links)
The phenomenon of the public policy process, which encapsulates the public policy implementation, has been in existence long before the political transformation that took place in South Africa in 1994. However, the ushering in of the new dispensation saw the integration of the existing public policies. In addition, it inevitably heralded the introduction of the new public policies and national guidelines across all sectors of the South African public institutions. Public policy implementation, as an integral stage of the public policy process, emerged as indispensable towards effective and efficient public service. The basic education, as a public institution, could also not be exempted from such inevitability of heightened public policy implementation.
The introduction of the new education related public policies included the developmental appraisal system (DAS), the whole school evaluation (WSE), the integrated quality management systems (IQMS) and the discipline and safety national guidelines (DSNG). This, consequently, bears testament to what became an inevitable transformation process in South African basic education. Using the DAS, the WSE, the IQMS and the DSNG as points of departure and Empangeni education district as a reference area, the focus of this study has been the public policy process, the internal organisational arrangements and structures for public policy implementation, the public policy implementation process together with its inherent challenges and an improved model aimed at alleviating or even eradicating such public policy implementation challenges.
The theoretical models, both descriptive and prescriptive, suggest that the public policy process, which entails namely: public policy agenda, public policy formulation, public policy adoption, public policy implementation and public policy evaluation, is premised on the public policy models. Of all the above-listed public policy process stages, public policy implementation stands out as the pinnacle around which the public policy process revolves. The public policy implementation stage, therefore, suggests a point where the influence, the impact and the successes or failures of the public policy process unfold. In light of this inextricable link of the public policy implementation stage to the general public policy process that is influenced by models, the effective public policy implementation is, subsequently, embracive of attributes and lessons derived from the public policy models. Some of these attributes and lessons, inter alia, include; the mutual participation by all actors involved, rather than dominance by an elite group (derived from the elite/mass model), the identification of institutional structures responsible for the public policy implementation (derived from the institutional model) and the accommodation of the implementation review as well as feedback (all indicative of the systems model).
The literature review and the empirical data analyses show convergent views that suggest that the effective public policy implementation is directly proportional to the extent of internal organisational arrangements and structures as well as to the basic functionality of schools as centres for the implementation process. This implies that where internal institutional arrangements and structures are evident and functional, the implementation of public policies is bound to be effective and efficient, while the contrary also holds.
Given Empangeni education district being the focal point of the study, it has emerged that the use of personnel from other units and the absence of a district unit designated to solely oversee the coordination, the implementation and the evaluation of the education related public policies, inhibit the potential of adequately achieving the intended objectives of the education related public policies implemented. In case of schools as the institutional centres for public policy implementation, empirical data analyses have established an inter-connection between the public policy implementation and the schools‟ basic functionality. Consequently, it is in functional schools (i.e. schools where the school management teams and school governing bodies are visible, effective and work collaboratively), where public policy implementation thrives and is effective.
The contextualisation of the empirical research analyses to the study focus area, Empangeni Education District (EED), established that its current implementation model faces public policy implementation challenges. The most evident challenges, inter alia, include: * the inadequate advocacy of the education related public policies to be implemented; * the two or three days, currently accepted as a capacity building period by those expected to implement education related public policies, are not proportional to the volume of work to be covered and it suggests an inadequate time-frame for capacity development in the EED's current model; * the material and mechanisms used to perform functional work do not accommodate all role-players (also called actors in this study) according to their demographical needs, like language, which renders them inept to perform to their optimum level; * the primary structure of the current EED's public policy implementation model is a top-down directional structure which underscores the top-down cascading model; * current communication technology employed, do not take advantage of the 21 century‟s information computer technology in order to make the work environment more user-friendly, efficient and effective; * the simultaneous implementation of education related public policies poses a challenge to internal organisational arrangements, such as public policy implementation (PPI) structures and personnel, for effective implementation of such policies; and * the evident inadequate continuous and deliberate monitoring of implemented education related public policies.
Conclusions and inferences drawn from this study suggest that the EED's current public policy implementation model is inadequate to deal with the identified challenges. Finally, this study proposes a strengthened EED public policy model, which accommodates recommendations to EED's public policy implementation challenges. Inherently, the proposed strengthened public policy implementation model is not limited to dealing with the identified challenges only, but it radically embraces the introduction of systems and internal organisational structures that promote inclusive, collaborative and traceable implementation of education related public policies. / PhD (Public Management and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Is inflation targeting an appropriate framework for monetary policy? : experience from the inflation-targeting countriesMaumela, Patrick Konanani 05 October 2011 (has links)
Is inflation targeting an appropriate framework for monetary policy? Experience from the inflation-targeting countries countries are optimistic about inflation targeting as a monetary-policy framework. South Africa is also following this trend.
The international literature review of the topic offers lessons to be learnt from the common experience of the countries considered. It shows that inflation targeting is not a universal remedy to modern economic ills -- there is an emerging danger of assigning monetary policy a larger role than that which it can perform; a danger of expecting monetary policy to accomplish tasks that it cannot achieve; and a danger of preventing monetary policy from making the contribution that it is capable of doing. Therefore, inflation targeting cannot address all the macroeconomic problems that face many countries, except for inflation. Nonetheless, it plays a crucial role in improving macroeconomic performance. / Economics / M.A. (Economics)
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Expanding health care services for poor populations in developing countries : exploring India's RSBY national health insurance programme for low-income groupsVirk, Amrit Kaur January 2013 (has links)
Health is deemed central to a nation’s development. Accordingly, health care reform and expansion are key policy priorities in developing countries. Many such nations are now testing various methods of funding and delivering health care to local disadvantaged populations. Similarly, India launched the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) national health insurance programme for low-income groups in 2008. The RSBY intends preventing catastrophic health-related expenditure by improving recipients’ access to hospital-based care. This thesis is an in-depth qualitative evaluation of the RSBY in Delhi state. It examines the RSBY’s effectiveness in fulfilling its goals and meeting local health care needs. Walt and Gilson’s (1994) actors-content-process-context model informs the research design and an actor-centred “responsive” (Stake 1975) or “constructivist” approach guides data analysis. Three research questions are examined: (i). Why was a health insurance programme launched and why now? Why was this model favoured over alternate methods of service expansion? (ii). Is the RSBY delivered as intended? If not, why? (iii) How does the RSBY affect patients’ access to services? The findings are based on documentary sources, observation of implementation sites and activities and 164 semi-structured interviews with RSBY policymakers, insurers, NGOs, doctors, and patients. The results show improved access to curative and surgical care for RSBY patients. However, RSBY’s focus on hospitalisation and omission of primary and outpatient services had undesired negative effects. The lack of ambulatory facilities led RSBY patients to self-medicate or use dubious quality informal providers. By only allowing inpatient care, the RSBY also seemingly encouraged the substitution of outpatient care with costlier hospitalisations. In effect, the RSBY’s design contributed to cost increases and poor patient outcomes. While more funds and human resources were needed to improve RSBY implementation, the performance of frontline agencies could potentially improve through more stable, longer-term contracts. Similarly, modifying RSBY’s monetary incentives for doctors may lead to better service delivery by them. By evaluating the RSBY’s strong points and shortcomings, this thesis provides key lessons on strengthening policy design and health service delivery in developing countries. Thereby, it makes a broader contribution to understanding the determinants of successful policymaking.
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外交政策評估研究-美國智庫與我國對美外交 / A Foreign Policy Evaluation: U.S. Think Tanks and Taiwan’s U.S. Policy馬博元, Ma,Jason Unknown Date (has links)
在確認三主體兩階段之影響力均存在後,本研究彙整各階段研究之結果,並據以擬定智庫工作之模式:「台灣模式(Taiwan Model)」。 / This is a policy evaluation which takes Taiwan’s U.S. policy as it is enacted through U.S. think tanks as the subject for evaluation. The purpose is to evaluate the effectiveness of this policy in practice
In evaluating Taiwan’s work on American think tanks, the core aim is to evaluate Taiwan’s ability to effect U.S. think tanks and, in turn, the ability of U.S. think tanks to influence the U.S. government. Through this study observers will gain a sense of whether Taiwan’s work on U.S. think tanks is effective in terms if achieving specific national goals.
For the purpose described above, this study firstly introduces the historical background to Taiwan-U.S. relations and makes a general survey in the current situation of U.S. think tanks. It also discusses the appropriateness of the classifications “red team” and “blue team”.
In the following chapters, I examine the ability of U.S. think tanks to influence the U.S. government through both theoretical and channel-observing approaches. I also examine the Taiwan government’s ability to influence U.S. think tanks through both theoretical and statistical approaches. I conclude that this effectiveness exists, and that Taiwan’s work on U.S. think tanks can survive policy evaluations in terms of effectiveness.
In the last chapter, I collate the results from each stage of this study, and frame a model for work on think tanks. I call this the “Taiwan Model”.
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Essays on economic outcomes of immigrants and homosexualsAndersson, Lina (current name Aldén, Lina) January 2009 (has links)
This thesis consists of five essays on the economic outcomes of immigrants and homosexuals on the labour and housing market. Essay I evaluates the effect of an in-work benefit on the labour supply of single immigrant women by means of simulation. Although, on average, there is no significant effect, we find that the in-work benefit increases the working hours of single women with low incomes and slightly decreases the working hours of those with high incomes. The increase in working hours is primarily a result of increased participation. As expected, the positive effect is largest for the immigrant groups with the lowest participation rates and lowest labour incomes. Essay II studies intergenerational transmissions in self-employment. The results show that immigrants transfer general human capital over three generations in the sense that individuals whose fathers and grandfathers are self-employed have a higher self-employment propensity. For natives, only the father’s self-employment affects the son’s probability of becoming self-employed. Furthermore, the results show that natives transfer specific human capital from father to son, which increases the probability of sons becoming self-employed in the industry in which their fathers are self-employed. Essay III explores the effect of self-employment experience on subsequent earnings and the employment of male and female immigrant wage earners. We find that, relative to continued wage employment, self-employment is associated with lower earnings and difficulties in returning to paid employment for both immigrant men and women. The effect is less severe for natives. Among immigrant groups, the results give little support that self-employment experience improves earnings and employment prospects compared to experience from wage employment. Essay IV applies a field experiment to investigate how increasing the information about applicants affects discrimination against male Arab/Muslim applicants on the rental housing market. The Arab/Muslim applicants received fewer responses from the landlords than did the Swedish applicants. All of the applicants gained by providing more information about themselves, but the magnitude of discrimination against the Arab/Muslim applicants remained unchanged, indicating that increasing the amount of applicant information will not reduce discrimination. Essay V studies possible discrimination against lesbians in the rental housing market using a field experiment. We let two fictitious couples, one heterosexual and one homosexual, apply for vacant apartments on the Internet. We then explored if there were differences in callbacks, invitations to further contact and/or showings. The results show no indication of differential treatment of lesbians by landlords.
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Essays in partial identification and applications to treatment effects and policy evaluation.Mourifié, Ismael Yacoub 05 1900 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, je me suis interessé à l’identification partielle des effets
de traitements dans différents modèles de choix discrets avec traitements
endogènes. Les modèles d’effets de traitement ont pour but de mesurer l’impact
de certaines interventions sur certaines variables d’intérêt. Le type de
traitement et la variable d’intérêt peuvent être défini de manière générale
afin de pouvoir être appliqué à plusieurs différents contextes. Il y a plusieurs
exemples de traitement en économie du travail, de la santé, de l’éducation,
ou en organisation industrielle telle que les programmes de formation à l’emploi,
les techniques médicales, l’investissement en recherche et développement,
ou l’appartenance à un syndicat. La décision d’être traité ou pas n’est
généralement pas aléatoire mais est basée sur des choix et des préférences
individuelles. Dans un tel contexte, mesurer l’effet du traitement devient
problématique car il faut tenir compte du biais de sélection. Plusieurs versions paramétriques de ces modèles ont été largement étudiées
dans la littérature, cependant dans les modèles à variation discrète,
la paramétrisation est une source importante d’identification. Dans un tel
contexte, il est donc difficile de savoir si les résultats empiriques obtenus
sont guidés par les données ou par la paramétrisation imposée au modèle.
Etant donné, que les formes paramétriques proposées pour ces types de modèles
n’ont généralement pas de fondement économique, je propose dans cette
thèse de regarder la version nonparamétrique de ces modèles. Ceci permettra
donc de proposer des politiques économiques plus robustes. La principale difficulté dans l’identification nonparamétrique de fonctions
structurelles, est le fait que la structure suggérée ne permet pas d’identifier
un unique processus générateur des données et ceci peut être du soit à la présence
d’équilibres multiples ou soit à des contraintes sur les observables. Dans
de telles situations, les méthodes d’identifications traditionnelles deviennent
inapplicable d’où le récent développement de la littérature sur l’identification dans les modèles incomplets. Cette littérature porte une attention particuliere
à l’identification de l’ensemble des fonctions structurelles d’intérêt qui
sont compatibles avec la vraie distribution des données, cet ensemble est
appelé : l’ensemble identifié. Par conséquent, dans le premier chapitre de la thèse, je caractérise l’ensemble
identifié pour les effets de traitements dans le modèle triangulaire binaire.
Dans le second chapitre, je considère le modèle de Roy discret. Je caractérise
l’ensemble identifié pour les effets de traitements dans un modèle
de choix de secteur lorsque la variable d’intérêt est discrète. Les hypothèses
de sélection du secteur comprennent le choix de sélection simple, étendu et
généralisé de Roy.
Dans le dernier chapitre, je considère un modèle à variable dépendante
binaire avec plusieurs dimensions d’hétérogéneité, tels que les jeux d’entrées
ou de participation. je caractérise l’ensemble identifié pour les fonctions de
profits des firmes dans un jeux avec deux firmes et à information complète.
Dans tout les chapitres, l’ensemble identifié des fonctions d’intérêt sont
écrites sous formes de bornes et assez simple pour être estimées à partir des
méthodes d’inférence existantes. / In this thesis, I have been interested in the nonparametric (partial) identification
of structural potential outcome functions and Average Treatment
Effect (ATE) in various discrete models with endogenous selection and treatment.
This topic of treatment effect concerns measuring the impact of an intervention
on an outcome of interest. The type of treatments and outcomes
may be broadly defined in order to be applied in many different contexts.
There are many examples of treatment in economics (Labor, health, education,
trade, industrial organization) such that Job training programs, surgical
procedures, higher education level, research and development investment,
being a member of a trade union etc. The decision to be treated or not, is
usually not random but is based on individual choices or preferences. In such
a context, determining the impact of the treatment becomes an important
issue since we have to take into account the selectivity bias.
The parametric version of such models has been widely studied in the
literature, however in models with discrete variation, the parametrization is
a strong source of identification. Then, we don’t know if the empirical results
we obtain, are driven by the data or by the parametrization imposed on the
model. I propose to look at a fully nonparametric version of those models, in
order, to have more robust policy recommendations. The central challenge in this nonparametric structural identification is
that the hypothesized structure fails to identify a single generating process
for the data, either because of multiple equilibria or data observability
constraints. In such cases, many traditional identification techniques become
inapplicable and a framework for identification in incomplete models is developing,
with an initial focus on identification of the set of structural functions
of interest compatible with the true data distribution (hereafter identified
Therefore, in the first chapter, I provide a full characterization of the identified set for the ATE in a binary triangular system.
In the second chapter, I consider a model with sector specific unobserved
heterogeneity. I provide the full characterization of the identified set for the
structural potential outcome functions of an instrumental variables model of
sectoral choice with discrete outcomes. Assumptions on selection include the
simple, extended and generalized Roy models.
In the last chapter, I consider a binary model with several unobserved
heterogeneity dimensions, such as entry and participation games. I provide
the full characterization of the identified set for the payoffs in 2 2 games
with perfect information, including duopoly entry and coordination games.
In all chapters, the identified set of the functions of interest are nonparametric
intersection bounds and are simple enough to lend themselves to
existing inference methods.
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Análise da gestão ambiental no Estado de São Paulo: Programa Município VerdeAzul, gastos públicos e indicadores de saúde / Analysis of environmental management in the State of São Paulo: \"Município VerdeAzul\" Program, public spending and health indicatorsDantas, Marina Kolland 01 September 2016 (has links)
Como consequência da adoção de modelos insustentáveis de desenvolvimento, a sociedade contemporânea encontra-se diante de um cenário ambiental crítico. Logo, torna-se imprescindível a concepção de políticas públicas direcionadas aos princípios da sustentabilidade. No Estado de São Paulo, desde 2007, o Programa Município VerdeAzul (PMVA) fomenta a gestão ambiental, avaliando o desempenho dos municípios mediante o Índice de Avaliação Ambiental (IAA). A revisão da literatura demonstrou que esse tipo de avaliação é recente e que há uma demanda por estudos multidisciplinares com foco no acompanhamento, análise e compreensão dos diferentes resultados obtidos, da esfera global a local, na construção de ambientes saudáveis. Assim, o presente estudo de caráter quali-quantitativo, descritivo e com desenho espaço-temporal objetivou avaliar a gestão ambiental nos municípios paulistas a partir dos resultados da política pública do PMVA, relacionando-os com os gastos públicos e as condições de saúde da população. Para tanto, foram coletados dados de bases públicas oficiais dos municípios do Estado de São Paulo, entre 2008 e 2013. Após a coleta, procedeu-se a análise a partir das técnicas de estatística descritiva, construção de mapas, análise multinível e correlação. Os resultados evidenciaram que o PMVA é uma política com caráter inovador e contemporâneo, entretanto, há uma descontinuidade na participação de diversos municípios ao longo dos anos, sugerindo que as dinâmicas locais, como pressões de ordem política, podem interferir no comprometimento com essa agenda. As análises demonstraram grandes diferenças intraregionais e inter-regionais quanto ao desempenho em gestão ambiental, com destaque para a predominância de baixas notas no extremo sul paulista. Os dez municípios avaliados com os melhores desempenhos ambientais foram: Novo Horizonte, Santa Rosa de Viterbo, Santa Fé do Sul, Itu, Gabriel Monteiro, Sorocaba, Franca, Piacatu, Dirce Reis e Lins. A análise multinível determinou que o porte populacional não explica a variabilidade no desempenho ambiental, sendo esta reflexo de outras características. As análises quanto ao montante de gastos públicos destinados as funções ambientais também salientaram a inexistência de um padrão definido de investimentos. Esta quantidade de gastos ambientais demonstrou estar ligeiramente e positivamente correlacionada com o IAA, corroborando a associação entre a quantidade de recursos financeiros com a capacidade de gestão ambiental. Quanto à integração saúde e meio ambiente, dentre os principais resultados, destaca-se a ausência de correlação para a mortalidade infantil e que os maiores gastos ambientais foram associados a menores taxas de internação por doenças diarreicas em crianças. Entretanto, estas relações demandam maiores investigações. Conclui-se que esta pesquisa colaborou para o avanço das discussões teóricas sobre gestão ambiental municipal, enfatizando a importância destas ações para o equilíbrio entre o ser humano e os limites planetários. Complementarmente, o estudo contribuiu ao integrar dados públicos diversos, gerando análises que podem melhorar a tomada de decisão pública e, consequentemente, a qualidade ambiental ofertada para a sociedade / As a result of the adoption of unsustainable development models, contemporary society is facing a critical environmental scenario. Therefore, it is essential to design public policies to the principles of sustainability. In the State of São Paulo since 2007, the \"Município VerdeAzul\" Program promotes environmental management, evaluating the performance of municipalities by the Environmental Assessment Index (IAA). The literature review has shown that this type of evaluation is recent and there is a demand for multidisciplinary studies focused on monitoring, analysis and understanding of different results, at the global and local level in building healthy environments. Thus, this study of qualitative and quantitative character, descriptive and spatiotemporal design aimed to evaluate the environmental management in the counties from the results of public policy, relating them to public spending and the health conditions of the population. Therefore, data were collected from official public bases of the municipalities of São Paulo, between 2008 and 2013. After collection, the analysis proceeded from the techniques of descriptive statistics, building maps, multilevel analysis and correlation. The results showed that the PMVA is a policy with innovative and contemporary character, however, there is a discontinuity in the participation of several municipalities over the years, suggesting that the local dynamics, as political pressures, may interfere with the commitment to this agenda. Furthermore, analyzes showed large intraregional and interregional differences for performance in environmental management, highlighting the predominance of low grades in São Paulo\'s south. The ten cities evaluated with the best environmental performance were: Novo Horizonte, Santa Rosa de Viterbo, Santa Fé do Sul, Itu, Gabriel Monteiro, Sorocaba, Franca, Piacatu, Dirce Reis, Lins. In this sense, multilevel analysis found that population size do not explain the variability in environmental performance, which is reflective of other features. Analyses on the amount of public spending for environmental functions also highlighted the lack of a defined pattern of investments. The amount of environmental expenses showed to be slightly and be positively correlated with the IAA, corroborating the association between the amount of financial resources to environmental management capacity. Regarding the integration between health and environment, among the main results, there is the lack of correlation for infant mortality, additionally higher environmental expenses were associated with lower hospitalization rates for diarrheal diseases in children. However, these relationships require further investigation. In conclusion, this study helped to advance the theoretical discussions on municipal environmental management, emphasizing the importance of these actions for the balance between human and planetary boundaries. In addition, the study helped to integrate various public data generating analyzes that can improve public decision-making and, consequently, environmental quality offered to society
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