Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] POLICY EVALUATION"" "subject:"[enn] POLICY EVALUATION""
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臺灣永續消費政策綱領之研議 / The study of Taiwan's policy guidelines for sustainable consumption廖世机, Liao, Shih Chi Unknown Date (has links)
由於環境迅速惡化的問題愈來愈獲國際社會重視,為了追求人類社會的永續發展,1992年聯合國環境和發展會議通過《廿一世紀議程(Agenda 21)》,並於其第四章「改變消費模式」中提出「永續消費(sustainable consumption)」理念及相關行動方針;1999年國際消費者保護聯盟(CI)並促請聯合國將1985年訂定的「聯合國消費者保護指導綱領」增加第G章「推動永續消費(Section G. Promotion of sustainable consumption)」,從此「永續消費」成為國際推動消費者保護工作的一個新主題。
另就「永續消費」未來可繼續研究的方向,本論文建議包括:發展「永續消費」的其他政策面向;研究發展本土性的政策工具;及針對特定議題或推動困難進行專案研究。 / From the beginning of people exchange goods in primitive society, people need to consume for living, so there were some issues related consumer protection raised. Because of people had consumed too much and the related production activities in modern society, massive amounts of natural resources were consumed and that result to hurt the environment which human live, compelling the area of consumer protection be expended to environment protection.
Due to the problem of environment getting worse be paid attention gradually at global society, for pursuing the sustainable development of human society, the idea of “sustainable consumption” and it’s related action guidelines were addressed in the 4th chapter “Changing consumption patterns” in "Agenda 21" which had passed in United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992. Then after, Consumers International(CI) promoted successfully that “United Nations Guidelines for Consumer Protection” which had passed in 1985 be added the Section G. Promotion of sustainable consumption in 1999, so “sustainable consumption” has become a new subject in consumer protection area from now on.
As a result of the evolution of Taiwan’s society and economy, the events that consumer behavior affect the environment and the affected environment affect the consumer health in turn are becoming more often, but there is still not having the related concrete consumer protection policy in Taiwan now. In order to maintain the environmental quality to live and guarantee Taiwan’s sustainable development, being one of members of global society, Taiwan should share the duty of global environment affected by our people’s consumer behavior, so it is necessary to set up the consumer protection policy related sustainable consumption in Taiwan. Although the CPC (Consumer Protection Commission, Executive Yuan) has begun to promote consumer protection affairs related sustainable consumption according to my preliminary study since 2009, its progress is limited because of lacking a concrete policy framework and content, so it is necessary to establish the policy guidelines that is also the main research motivation and purpose of this dissertation.
I established a policy framework which include the operational definition, policy principles and goals of the policy guidelines for “Consumer Protection - Promotion of sustainable consumption” through collecting, arranging, exploring, analyzing and comparing domestic and foreign information related sustainable consumption and consumer protection development at first, then draw up the first draft of this guidelines by applying the theory of policy formulation according to the policy framework. In order to guarantee the policy guidelines are indeed practicable, I collected extensively the opinions to this guidelines from consumer, scholars and experts by using questionnaire survey and focus group method afterwards. Finally, I integrated, analyzed, evaluated and studied these opinions to revise the first draft as a protocol which will be provided the government as a reference.
There are some important discoveries in the policy formulation and evaluation process in this dissertation, including: redefined the meaning of sustainable consumption and established Taiwan’s policy; to create resolutions to the difficulties of promoting sustainable consumption ; regarding sustainable consumption as consumer’s responsibility or the extensive duty; Taiwan should pay more attention to develop environment friendly product and service for medium-elder people, industry reforming, as well as the issues of sustainable consumption in food, entertainment, education and cultural service, water resources, transportation and communication, medical service and health care, etc; by way of the analysis of questionnaire survey, we realized that most of interviewees not only identify with the idea of sustainable consumption, but also considered that individual ability to improve environmental quality is limited, etc.
According to the above discoveries, the main suggestions of this dissertation are: firstly, at the aspect of development of policy idea, including: to revise consumer protection law, consumer protection basic policy, national action plan of sustainable development and other policy documents; to pay attention to the international development of sustainable consumption and consumer protection, and take part in and share positively the duty of impacts of global environment which is caused by consumption; to regard sustainable consumption as a guidelines in the new consumer protection era of Taiwan; to provide the disadvantaged consumer with economy assistance and consumer education; to encourage the servant pursue further education and have a study related their practice, as well as provide the administrative assistance. At the aspect of the execution of the policy guidelines later, including: to propagate and promote the idea of the policy guidelines actively; to intensify the function of promoting and executive organization; to explore the detail of execution, according to experts’ suggestions in the focus group meeting.
In addition, at the aspect of the continued study for sustainable consumption in the future, the suggestions of this dissertation are including: to develop other policy aspect than consumer protection; to study and develop policy tools which are fit to Taiwan; and to conduct special research to specific issues or difficulties of promoting.
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我國「兩性工作平等法」有關母性保護規定之政策評估李芸慧, Lee ,Yun-Huei Unknown Date (has links)
作者所使用的政策評估標準採用William Dunn的六大政策評估標準,「效能」、「效率」、「公平」、「充分性」、「回應性」、「適當性」、「公正性」來作為設計深度訪談問卷的依據。訪談對象以台灣本島地區正式公務人員為主,以立意抽樣選出十八位,比較男女、主管與部屬、地區差異之間的看法,作一歸納比較。
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Greening Potentials and Limits of Eco-Labelling Schemes in the EU : A policy evaluation with a focus on small firms in the German coffee-processing sectorBerkmann, Anna January 2015 (has links)
As SMEs transformation to sustainable practices in manufacturing, processing and services, is declared to be the key to a green growth model, the research in this thesis aims to understand in what way eco-labelling can be a part of that. In order to approach this complex issue, the thesis aims to identify the greening potential and the limits of contemporary eco-labelling schemes for SME product within the German coffee-processing sector. With regard to that, the thesis applied the policy evaluation method "Program Theory Evaluation" (PTE), which assesses a policy in place and thus provides information how the introduction and the function of eco-labelling schemes is observed and perceived by German coffee-processing SMEs (GCPS). Hence, based on a policy evaluation from a rational perspective, which has the focus on the policy’s problem-solving process and implementation cycle, the thesis reveals how eco-labelling schemes’ underlying theoretical greening strategy act in practice to German coffee-processing SME (GCPS). Thereby it could be evaluated that eco-labelling schemes imply shortcomings to address and green GCPS high quality coffee products. As the PTE-method aims also on optimizing the policy’s rationalisation, the inappropriate or failed implementation of eco-labelling schemes by GCPS has been further explored. To grasp the eco-labelling schemes extent of limits to green GCPS products, the thesis compares and analyses the policy evaluation results against the backdrop of eco-labelling schemes’ normative theoretical policy conception and in the light of "Environmental Authority of Political Consumerism (Ecological Modernisation Theory)". With regard to that, the thesis fosters a policy learning process and uncovers that eco-labelling scheme eco-labelling schemes potential to green GCPS products is limited and conditioned to this a lower level of sustainable value as they are focused to supply mainly the demand for mainstream coffee products. Hence, the thesis concludes that it is not the underlying rationality of eco-labelling schemes, namely being a consumer-oriented and market-based policy instrument that does not apply to green GCPS products. However, this opens up a new perspective as it points out a sustainable quality gap between products using eco-labelling schemes and non-labelled GCPS high quality products. In return this raises considerations in terms of improving eco-labelling schemes’ contribution to sustainable development. Thus the thesis argues to optimize their rationalization with regard to GCPS high quality products as frontrunners of tomorrow’s sustainability.
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地方政府服務創新政策評估:以新北市新店區跨區服務為例 / Policy Evaluation of Local Government Service Innovation: A Case Study of Cross-District Service in Xindian District,New Taipei City鄧素如 Unknown Date (has links)
而政府資源「取之於民,用之於民」,任何政策的推動不應因為大部份民眾的漠視與無考量成本與公共利益的旨向,而貿然推動缺乏照顧弱勢的福利政策。故本文以服務創新文獻以及政策評估之相關理論為基礎,評估新北市政府於102年推動「跨區服務」政策產生之副作用為何,藉以提出短、中長期之政策建議。採用之評估模型則以Vedung之副作用模型(side-effect model)為基礎,結合Dunn所提出之評估的標準形式,即效能性、效率性、充分性、公平性、回應性、適當性等面向,從政策規劃端、政策執行端與政策接收端(含受益者與其利害關係人)三類別為分析面向,從深度訪談與描述性統計角度,探討該政策在人力、成本與服務上所產生之可預期與非預期之副作用。 / Due to rapid change of social environment, the public sector no longer plays a passive role in service delivery. It is essential for it to take a more active role. It is especially true for local governments, as their functions are closely related to the people’s daily lives. In order to meet the expectations of the people and get them moved, various local governments are not only aware of the importance of "service" and "innovation", but also continue to formulate various innovation and convenience measures to enhance the people's trust to the government. "Service innovation" has become a symbol to show an activism of local governments.
Government resources come from the people, so they should be used for the people. We should not take no account of cost and public interest in figuring out a welfare policy for the disadvantaged. Therefore, this thesis makes use of the literature of service innovation and the theory of policy evaluation to assess the side effects generated by the "cross-district service" policy initiated by the New Taipei City Government in 2013, in order to suggest some short-, medium- and long-term recommendations. The evaluation model this thesis adopts is based on Vedung’s side effects model accompanied with Dunn’s evaluation criteria: effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, fairness, responsiveness and appropriateness. The analytical dimensions are composed of the points of policy planning, policy implementation and policy receiving (including beneficiaries and other stakeholders). Through in-depth interviews along with descriptive statistical analysis, it explores anticipated and unanticipated side effects of the policy generated in terms of manpower, cost and service.
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Politikgestaltung durch institutionalisierte Evaluationsverfahren? : Eine Analyse am Beispiel der Forschungspolitik der Europäischen Union / Shaping policy by institutionalizing evaluation? : an analysis based on the example of the European Union's research policyBuchholz, Claus January 2013 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit einer klassischen aber noch immer zentralen und aktuellen Frage der Evaluationsforschung, der Hinterfragung der Verwendung bzw. Wirksamkeit von Evaluationsverfahren.
Vor dem Hintergrund der seit Ende der 1990er Jahre vor allem in Europa starken Zunahme von institutionalisierten Politik-Evaluationsverfahren sowie der zugleich zunehmenden Kritik dieser Verfahren in Wissenschaft und Praxis, untersucht die Arbeit diese Wirksamkeit am Fallbeispiel der Forschungspolitik der Europäischen Union. Aufbauend auf einer Aufarbeitung des Forschungsstandes zur Evaluationsverwendungsforschung und einer Vorstellung des gewählten Politikfeldes sowie der spezifischen Evaluationspraxis, erfolgt dazu eine systematische Gegenüberstellung der zentralen Evaluationsempfehlungen und der Entwicklung im Politikfeld über die vergangenen 15 Jahre.
Im Ergebnis kommt die Arbeit zu der Feststellung eines (überraschend) hohen Ausmaßes an Entsprechung der Evaluationsempfehlungen mit der Politikentwicklung im untersuchten Fallbeispiel. Auf der Basis der Untersuchung des Fallbeispiels aber auch unter Heranziehung weiterer empirischer Beiträge in der Literatur ist damit der Behauptung der fehlenden Wirksamkeit der institutionalisierten Evaluation auf die Politikgestaltung klar zu widersprechen.
Eine weitergehende Diskussion des Ergebnisses der Fallstudie legt darüber hinaus nahe, dass einige spezifische Faktoren und Bedingungen die Wirksamkeit der Evaluationsverfahren im untersuchten Fallbeispiel positiv zu beeinflussen scheinen. Im Einzelnen sind dies: der Charakter und die Ausprägung der Evaluationsempfehlungen, das spezifische institutionelle Umfeld der Evaluation sowie das spezifische 'politische Klima'.
Aus dem Ergebnis lässt sich andererseits aber auch folgern, dass insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Akzeptanzproblematik eine Verstärkung der Bemühungen zur Wahrnehmung der Evaluations-wirksamkeit auf Seiten aller Beteiligten geboten scheint. Die Arbeit stellt hierzu abschließend einige Vorschläge und Ideen zusammen, die diese Wahrnehmung verbessern können. / The present paper discusses a classic but still essential and prevailing problem in evaluation research, the analysis of the utilization and effects of evaluation results.
Given the notable increase of institutionally conducted policy-evaluations as of the late 1990's in especially in Europe accompanied by an equally notable increase of criticism from both academics and practitioners towards the utilization of evaluation, the paper examines the actual utilization of evaluation based on the example of the European Union research policy. Following an extensive literature review on evaluation utilization research and a presentation of the selected policy field including the specific evaluation context and arrangements, the paper conducts a detailed and systematic comparison of the key evaluation recommendations and the successive development in the policy field during the past 15 years.
The comparison and subsequently the paper demonstrate a (surprisingly) high degree of correlation between the evaluation recommendations and the policy development in the chosen example. Based on these results together with further empirical evidence identified in evaluation research literature, the criticism towards the general non-utilization of evaluation results is clearly to be opposed.
In addition, a further discussion and analysis of the results of the case study suggests that certain factors and conditions have contributed positively to the evaluation utilization in the chosen example. In particular these are: the characteristics of the evaluation recommendations, the specific institutional context of the evaluation and the specific 'political climate' in research policy.
Finally, based on the result of the study, the paper also invites to reflect on the appropriateness and further development of means to enhance the visibility and recognition of the (actual) evaluation utilization by all parties concerned. In its final section the paper therefore proposes a number of means qualified to contribute to this recognition.
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Deposições irregulares de resíduos da construção civil na cidade de Parnaíba - PI /Feijão Neto, Francisco Gonçalves. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Manuel Baldomero Rolando Berrios Godoy / Banca: Silvia Aparecida Guarnieri Ortigoza / Banca: Salvador Carpi Junior / Resumo: A presente pesquisa consistiu em investigar possíveis causas que levam à persistência da deposição irregular de Resíduos da Construção Civil - RCD -, em vias e logradouros públicos da cidade de Parnaíba/PI, de forma a gerar subsídios para a implementação de políticas públicas relacionadas à limpeza urbana municipal, com a finalidade de contribuir para a melhoria da saúde, bem como, também, para a qualidade de vida e ambiental no município. Para a definição das causas sociais que geram o problema, buscou-se identificar as categorias participantes que, direto ou indiretamente, estão envolvidas com o processo das deposições irregulares de RCD, que relações se estabelecem entre elas, quais as expectativas de umas em relação às outras, e que sanções existem, e são aplicadas, para cada categoria de participantes, quando da tentativa de controlar o comportamento de outras categorias envolvidas. As possíveis causas da persistência da deposição irregular de RCD em áreas de domínio público da cidade de Parnaíba estão relacionadas à inexistência de política pública municipal que considere os problemas dos RCD; aos altos investimentos de recursos na coleta corretiva, com a contínua remoção dos resíduos sólidos em geral, sem um acompanhamento efetivo; à falta de expressividade e à não efetividade de ações de controle por parte da administração municipal local, quanto à questão das deposições irregulares em vias e logradouros públicos do município; à indiferença da administração municipal quanto à legislação dos serviços de saneamento, no sentido de fazer valer as regulamentações federais e municipais; à substancial economia obtida pelos geradores e transportadores, que externam para a cidade os custos de transporte e deposição; ao recebimento de valores significativos por parte de empresas contratadas pela administração municipal, ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This research consists in investigating possible reasons which lead to the persistence of irregular deposition of construction and demolition waste (CDW) in public ways and streets in Parnaíba-PI, in a manner of generating subsidies for implementation of public policy connected with the municipal urban sanitation, with the purpose of contributing for the health improving, as also, for the quality of life and ambient in the Municipality. To define the social reasons that generate the problem, it was necessary to identify the participant categories that, in a direct or indirect way, are involved with the irregular deposition of Construction and Demolition Waste process, what kind of connections are established among them, what are their expectations, and what sanctions exist and are applied for every participant categories regarding the attempt to control the behavior of others involved categories. The possible causes of the persistence of irregular CDW in public domain areas in Parnaíba-PI are connected with: the inexistence of a Municipal public policy that looks upon the problems of the CDW; the high investments of resources about the corrective collect with the continuous removal of solid waste, in general without an effective monitoring; the inexpressive and ineffective actions from the Municipal Administration about the irregular deposition of construction and demolition waste in public ways and streets; the indifference of the Municipal Administration about the legislation concerning the sanitation services in order to enforce the federal and municipal regulations; the substantial saving obtained from the generators and transporters, who externalize to the city the costs of transport and deposition; with the receiving of highly expressive values, from companies contracted for the Municipal Administration, as payment for public cleaning services, - collect, weeding and sweeping ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Essays in partial identification and applications to treatment effects and policy evaluationMourifié, Ismael Yacoub 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Avaliação de políticas públicas: uma análise da experiência de licitações sustententáveis da UNIVASFNeves, Sileide Dias das January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabiany Feitosa (fabiany.sousa@ufba.br) on 2016-09-15T19:39:49Z
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Neves, Sileide Dias das.pdf: 1526159 bytes, checksum: e5b3838e81e2e980df50adf1e53a4482 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Angela Dortas (dortas@ufba.br) on 2017-03-13T17:55:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Neves, Sileide Dias das.pdf: 1526159 bytes, checksum: e5b3838e81e2e980df50adf1e53a4482 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-13T17:55:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Neves, Sileide Dias das.pdf: 1526159 bytes, checksum: e5b3838e81e2e980df50adf1e53a4482 (MD5) / A pesquisa teve como objetivo central apresentar o paradigma na implantação da Política de Licitações Sustentáveis (CPS) na concepção da prática administrativa no campus Sede da UNIVASF e avaliou as evidências administrativas que revelam o cumprimento das obrigações estabelecidas no contrato de serviço terceirizado de limpeza e conservação predial da universidade. Para tanto, identificou-se um referencial teórico e metodológico crítico capaz de abarcar as duas dimensões que integram uma ação administrativa e com base nessa teoria definiu-se um modelo de análise que integrou as duas dimensões propostas: a Gestão (pensar) e a Gerência (agir), garantindo, desse modo, articular aspectos teóricos e práticos do objeto investigado. Como resultado da experiência da avaliação de um contrato de licitação sustentável na UNIVASF foi proporcionado um instrumento de matriz de análise que tem como pressuposto teórico-metodológico central a teoria da Administração Política, com ênfase nos aspectos institucionais (planejamento) e dinâmica organizacional (desempenho), de modo a verificar o nível de integração e/ou desarticulação entre a concepção e o modo de funcionamento do modelo/padrão da política sustentável, ferramenta que pode ser utilizada pela gestão da UNIVASF e por outros órgãos da administração pública com o objetivo de avaliar a política das contratações públicas sustentáveis e contribui para identificar as lacunas entre as dimensões da concepção (gestão) e do executar (gerência). Como sugestão de trabalho futuros, temos o desafio da avaliação do custo da política da sustentabilidade para a administração pública e seu efetivo retorno social no longo prazo. O estudo é de ampla relevância no tocante ao que pode contribuir em relação a estudos futuros sobre o tema licitação sustentáveis no âmbito de distintos entes da administração direta ou indireta, devendo considerar o modelo de análise desenvolvido com as duas dimensões indissociáveis da ação administrativa: Gestão e Gerência, sendo a dimensão Gestão responsável por conceber e planejar o futuro das instituições. / The research had as main objective to present the paradigm in the implementation of the Sustainable Procurement Policy (CPS) in the design of administrative practice UNIVASF headquarters campus and assessed administrative evidence to show compliance with the obligations set out in the outsourced service contract cleaning and conservation university building. Therefore, we identified a theoretical and critical methodological capable of embracing the two dimensions that are part of an administrative action and based on this theory set up an analytical model that integrated the two proposed dimensions: Management (thinking) and Management (act), ensuring thereby articulate theoretical and practical aspects of the investigated object. As a result of the experience of the evaluation of a sustainable procurement contract in UNIVASF it was provided an analysis matrix tool whose central theoretical and methodological fundamentals of theory of management policy, with emphasis on institutional aspects (planning) and organizational dynamics (performance) in order to verify the level of integration and / or disconnection between the design and operation of the model / standard sustainable policy tool that can be used for managing the UNIVASF and other public administration bodies in order to assess the policy of sustainable public procurement and helps to identify gaps between the dimensions of design (management) and execute (run). As future work suggestion, we are assessing the challenge of the cost of the sustainability policy for public administration and its effective social returns in the long run. The study is of wide relevance as to what may contribute towards future studies on the subject of sustainable procurement under separate entities of the direct or indirect administration, should consider the analysis model developed with the two linked dimensions of administrative action: Management and Management, the management dimension is responsible for designing and planning the future of the institutions.
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Essays on trade and innovationSantana, Synthia Kariny Silva de 29 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Synthia Santana (synthiak@gmail.com) on 2016-08-25T02:11:00Z
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tese_synthiasantana_fgv_2016.pdf: 773575 bytes, checksum: da0b6a9c0a54bdbdaf151d619733b1b9 (MD5) / Rejected by Letícia Monteiro de Souza (leticia.dsouza@fgv.br), reason: Prezada Synthia,
Favor alterar a ficha catalográfica para o tamanho padrão, pois em seu trabalho ele se encontra diminuído.
Letícia Monteiro
3799-3631 on 2016-08-25T12:43:35Z (GMT) / Submitted by Synthia Santana (synthiak@gmail.com) on 2016-08-25T13:53:29Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-07-29 / The wide availability of data at the firm level in the past twenty years has opened a new range of opportunities for testing important economic theories. In this thesis we aim to explore the complementarity between international trade and investments on innovation in the Brazilian manufacturing industry. In this framework we recognize that innovation is important for firms both because of the positive externalities that it exhibits as with regard to the social returns it provides. For this reason, governments often subsidize these investments, especially the riskiest ones. However, it is still poorly understood how subsidized firms perform over time as we make clear in the first chapter. Although the Economic Subvention Program (ESP) operated by FINEP has aimed at increase innovation activities and the competitiveness of Brazilian companies, the empirical exercise reveals that between 2006 and 2009 there was no significant impact on variables such as productivity, wages per employee, entry/survival in the international market and other relevant policy outcomes. In the second chapter we show that there are gains after entry into the international market for the exporters in the period 1998-2011. Such learning by exporting effects explore innovation as a relevant channel once newly exporting firms have access to inputs, machineries, processes and higher technological standards as those adopted domestically. In the empirical exercise we show that the starters spend significantly more on innovation after entry, compared with extremely similar but essentially domestic firms. The results are robust to several starters categories and are stronger for the period 2004-2008. / A ampla disponibilidade de dados ao nível da firma nos últimos vinte anos abriu um novo leque de oportunidades para o teste de teorias econômicas importantes. Nesta tese pretendemos explorar a complementaridade entre a inserção internacional das empresas e os investimentos em inovação na indústria de transformação brasileira. No arcabouço que exploramos a inovação é importante para as firmas tanto em virtude das externalidades positivas que exibem quanto em termos dos retornos sociais proporcionados. Por este motivo, os governos subsidiam parte desses investimentos, especialmente aqueles que envolvem maior risco. Entretanto, ainda se sabe pouco com relação a como as firmas subsidiadas se comportam ao longo do tempo conforme fica evidente no primeiro capítulo. Embora o Programa de Subvenção Econômica operado pela FINEP tenha por objetivo o aumento significativo das atividades de inovação e o incremento da competitividade das empresas, o exercício empírico revela que entre 2006 e 2009 não houve impacto expressivo em variáveis como produtividade, salário por trabalhador, entrada/permanência no mercado internacional e outros outcomes relevantes. No segundo capítulo mostramos que há ganhos subsequentes à entrada no mercado internacional para as firmas exportadoras com relação ao período 1998-2011. Tal efeito aprendizado do comércio internacional utiliza a inovação como um canal relevante uma vez que tais firmas passam a ter acesso a insumos, equipamentos, processos e padrões tecnológicos superiores àqueles praticados domesticamente. No exercício empírico realizado mostramos que as empresas estreantes no mercado internacional gastam significativamente mais em inovação posteriormente à estreia, comparado com empresas extremamente semelhantes mas essencialmente domésticas. Os resultados são robustos a diversas categorias de estreia e são mais fortes para o período 2004-2008.
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O PRODETUR e a requalificação da Av. Beira-Mar de Fortaleza: avaliação de uma política de turismo e de suas expectativas socioeconômicas / The PRODETUR and the requalification of Beira-Mar Avenue in Fortaleza:Evaluation of a tourism policy and its socioeconomic expectationsRios, José Gutemberg Frota January 2015 (has links)
RIOS, José Gutemberg Frota. O PRODETUR e a requalificação da Av. Beira-Mar de Fortaleza: avaliação de uma política de turismo e de suas expectativas socioeconômicas. 2015. 157f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós Graduação em Avaliação de Políticas Públicas, Fortaleza (CE), 2015. / Submitted by Gustavo Daher (gdaherufc@hotmail.com) on 2017-06-21T15:28:06Z
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2015_dis_jgfrios.pdf: 3203236 bytes, checksum: 86230fd92a904a5ef0596da538e913ac (MD5) / Rejected by Gustavo Daher (gdaherufc@hotmail.com), reason: on 2017-06-21T15:36:54Z (GMT) / Submitted by Gustavo Daher (gdaherufc@hotmail.com) on 2017-06-21T15:37:32Z
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2015_dis_jgfrios.pdf: 3203236 bytes, checksum: 86230fd92a904a5ef0596da538e913ac (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015 / Public areas rehabilitation in the waterfront has been shown to be a global trend. The so-called “waterfront projects”, in general, are urban projects designed in a “Post-Fordist” prescription that is an urban policy of decentralization inducer and tertiary economic development (production and consumption), focusing on tourism activities as a way of attracting sound money resources, boosting the local economy and strengthening the city’s image. It is in this context that the Rehabilitation Project of Beira-Mar Avenue in Fortaleza-CE, an enlargement and valorization investment in a tourism multifunctional polo integrated to the metropolitan central core’s development dynamic fits. From the Northeast Tourism Development Program (Prodetur/NE) perspective, Beira-Mar Avenue rehabilitation project aims the tourism infrastructure improvement, integrating a set of actions for the historical, cultural and tourist valorization, implementing access facilities, new attractions, comfort and safety. Considering this scenario, this research aims to investigate and evaluate the Rehabilitation Project of Av. Beira-Mar in Fortaleza influence and its socioeconomic impact. The focus is to identify, from Prodetur/NE financing, prospects and future change possibilities in the economic and social dynamics of the new project licensees, especially to Craft Fair and Fish Market workers. It is considered the hypothesis that investments do not meet the interests of the workers, to the extent that the breeding values are intended primarily to infrastructure projects directly benefiting the tourist trade (the hotel and restaurant sectors) and the higher purchasing areas (A and B social classes). Thus, the socio-economic development to small traders and street vendors would be low and slow return. / A requalificação de espaços públicos em orla marítima tem se mostrado uma tendência mundial. Os chamados waterfront projects, em geral, são projetos urbanos formulados em um receituário “pós-fordista”, indutor de políticas urbanas de recentralização e desenvolvimento econômico terciário (de produção e consumo), privilegiando as atividades turísticas como forma de atração de recursos em moeda forte, dinamização da economia local e fortalecimento da imagem da cidade. É neste contexto que se insere o Projeto de Requalificação da Avenida Beira-Mar, em Fortaleza-CE, um investimento de ampliação e valorização de um polo multifuncional de turismo integrado à dinâmica de desenvolvimento do núcleo central metropolitano. Na perspectiva do Programa de Desenvolvimento do Turismo do Nordeste (Prodetur/NE), o Projeto de Requalificação da Avenida Beira-Mar objetiva o melhoramento da infraestrutura turística, integrando um conjunto de ações relativas à valorização do patrimônio histórico, cultural e turístico, com a implantação de facilidades de acesso, novos atrativos, conforto e segurança. Considerando tal cenário, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar e avaliar a influência e a repercussão socioeconômica do Projeto de Requalificação da Av. Beira-Mar em Fortaleza. O foco é identificar, a partir do financiamento do Prodetur/NE, as perspectivas e possibilidades futuras de mudança na dinâmica econômica e social dos permissionários do novo projeto, sobretudo aqueles trabalhadores da Feira de Artesanato e do Mercado dos Peixes. Considera-se a hipótese de que os investimentos realizados não atendem aos interesses desses trabalhadores, na medida em que os valores de monta são destinados basicamente às obras de infraestrutura, beneficiando diretamente o trade turístico (os setores hoteleiro e de restaurantes) e as camadas de maior poder aquisitivo (classes A e B). Assim, o incremento socioeconômico dos pequenos comerciantes e ambulantes seria baixo e de lento retorno.
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