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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Monkey business : Can a portfolio with randomly selected shares beat the market?

Keitsch, Sandra January 2010 (has links)
<p>Actively managed mutual funds underperform the index and investors are recommended to invest in index funds since they give higher returns (Dagens Industri Debatt, 2010). In this thesis it is investigated if partly indexated portfolios with randomly selected stocks beat the benchmark index and thus are a valid option of portfolio construction for the individual investor. For this purpose sixteen portfolios are constructed partly by an index and partly by randomly selected stocks from the Swedish stock market in the time period of 2007.01.01 to 2010.01.01. Risk and return measures are used in order to analyse if the portfolios beat the benchmark index. The results are also compared to an index mutual fund in order to validate the results further.</p><p>The results suggest that partly indexated portfolios with randomly selected stocks are able to outperform both the benchmark index and the comparing index mutual fund. When dividends were included in the portfolios all of the sixteen portfolios had beaten the benchmark index. The two stock portfolio is a valid alternative when investing in mutual funds since it has superior returns with only marginally higher risk than the benchmark index.</p>

Monkey business : Can a portfolio with randomly selected shares beat the market?

Keitsch, Sandra January 2010 (has links)
Actively managed mutual funds underperform the index and investors are recommended to invest in index funds since they give higher returns (Dagens Industri Debatt, 2010). In this thesis it is investigated if partly indexated portfolios with randomly selected stocks beat the benchmark index and thus are a valid option of portfolio construction for the individual investor. For this purpose sixteen portfolios are constructed partly by an index and partly by randomly selected stocks from the Swedish stock market in the time period of 2007.01.01 to 2010.01.01. Risk and return measures are used in order to analyse if the portfolios beat the benchmark index. The results are also compared to an index mutual fund in order to validate the results further. The results suggest that partly indexated portfolios with randomly selected stocks are able to outperform both the benchmark index and the comparing index mutual fund. When dividends were included in the portfolios all of the sixteen portfolios had beaten the benchmark index. The two stock portfolio is a valid alternative when investing in mutual funds since it has superior returns with only marginally higher risk than the benchmark index.

Black-Littermans allokeringsmodell : En empirisk studie av prognosvariansen och dess betydelse för portföljprestationen / The Black-Litterman Allocation Model : An empirical study of the views variance and its importance to portfolio performance

Andregård, Victor, Pezoa, Christopher January 2016 (has links)
Black-Litterman är en allokeringsmodell som gör det möjligt att förena historiska avkastningar med personliga övertygelser om framtida avkastningar från en enskild investerare. Denna studie jämför två kvantitativa metoder i framtagande av felskattningen för framtida prognoser i syfte att kunna minska Black-Littermans subjektivitet. Tidigare litteratur har testat dessa metoder enskilt men aldrig ställt dem mot varandra. De metoder som undersöks använder varianser proportionella mot varianser i marknadsjämvikten, samt varianser från residualer i en faktormodel. Resultatet visar att tillämpandet av varianser framtagna av en GARCH (1,1)-modell är den metod som genererar högst avkastning, samt ger upphov till en fördelning av tillgångar som bidrar till lägst marknadskänslighet. Utifrån denna studie rekommenderas därmed tillämpningen av varianser från residualer i en faktormodel som tillägg för att minska modellens godtycklighet. / The Black-Litterman allocation model unifies historical returns with investor personal views of future returns. The study compares two quantitative methods for the estimation of uncertainty in future views with the goal to mitigate the subjectivity of the Black-Litterman model. Previous literature have investigated and tested these methods independently but a comparison has never been made between them. The two methods consist of using variances in proportion to the variances of market equilibrium and operating the residual variance of a factor model. Results show that the usage of variances estimated by a GARCH (1,1) will generate the highest average returns with an allocation distribution that contributes to least market sensitivity. Furthermore, the study recommends the implementation of variances from residuals with the addition of a factor model to diminish the subjectivity of the Black-Litterman model.

Šikmost v teorii optimalizace a eficience portfolia / Šikmost v teorii optimalizace a eficience portfolia

Mikulík, Petra January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis we study models, which search for an optimal portfolio from a set of stocks. On the contrary to the classical approach focusing only on expected return and variance, we examine models where an additional crite- rion of skewness is included. Furthermore we formulate a model for measuring performance of a portfolio defined as the distance from the Pareto efficient frontier. In numerical experiments we apply the models on historical prices and stock data from the electronic stock market NASDAQ. We analyze the stock data from companies listed in the index NASDAQ-100. We conclude by comparing of optimal portfolios created using different models among each other, with trivial single-stock portfolios and the with NASDAQ-100 index itself.

ESG investing in the Eurozone : Portfolio performance of best-effort and best-in-class approaches

Andersson, Kajsa, Mårtensson, Simon January 2019 (has links)
The last decades have seen a rapid increase of sustainable investing, also known as ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) investing. There has also been an increasing body of academic literature devoted to whether investors can gain any financial benefits from taking ESG under consideration. Previous literature of portfolio performance in terms of risk-adjusted returns has given much of its attention to best-in-class approaches, which is a strategy that selects top performers in ESG within a sector or industry. The purpose of this study is foremost to investigate a best-effort approach to ESG investing, which is a strategy that focuses on the top improvers in ESG. The purpose is further to compare this with a best-in-class approach, since the findings from earlier studies of this strategy still are inconsistent. The region chosen to perform this study in is the Eurozone. Several theories that have implications for portfolio studies and abnormal returns are taken under consideration in relation to the study and its findings. This includes the efficient market hypothesis, the adaptive market hypothesis and modern portfolio theory. The theoretical framework also cover asset-pricing models and the notions of risk-adjusted returns. A quantitative study with a deductive approach are used to form portfolios, with a Eurozone index as the investable universe. Best-effort and best-in-class portfolios as well as difference portfolios of the two approaches are created, based on ESG data and different cut-off rates for portfolio inclusion. As for risk-adjusted performance measure, the Carhart four-factor model are used. The overall results are mostly insignificant findings in terms of abnormal returns. However, three best-effort portfolios based on the top ESG improvers show significant positive abnormal returns. These findings are strongest for the environmental and social factor. As for the best-in-class approach, only the governance portfolios provided weakly significant results in terms of abnormal returns. Further, the study is not able to significantly distinguish between a best-effort and a best-in-class approach when it comes to risk-adjusted performance. The exception is the environmental factor based on the top performers in each approach, where the best-effort portfolio outperforms the best-in-class portfolio. Finally, none of the portfolios provided significant negative risk-adjusted returns. This can at least be considered as good news for ESG investing, since it indicates that investors do not have to sacrifice risk-adjusted returns in order to invest in a more sustainable way.

Stock returns in family firms : A portfolio-based approach on the Swedish Stock Exchange

Boestad Schön, Gabriel, Ewaldsson, David January 2024 (has links)
The thesis investigates if investors on the Swedish Stock Exchange, Nasdaq Stockholm, are compensated with a premium for holding shares in family firms due to family-specific agency costs between 2015 to 2019. The thesis uses a portfolio-based approach where the risk-adjusted returns are calculated with the Fama-French three-factor model and the Carhart’s four-factor model. A portfolio consisting of family firms displays a positive weekly alpha between 0,14 to 0,21 percent, 7,28 to 10,92 percent on a yearly basis, indicating a premium for holding shares in family firms. Additionally, the results show that firms where families control a majority of the votes lead to higher abnormal returns. A portfolio consisting of family firms with over 50 percent voting rights generate abnormal returns of 0,16 to 0,26 percent weekly, and 10,92 to 13,52 percent yearly. Higher abnormal returns when the control is higher further implies that investors are compensated with a premium for family-specific agency costs when buying shares in family-controlled firms.

影響共同基金績效因素之探討-台灣地區共同基金之實證研究 / Determinants of Mutual Fund Portfolio Performance

吳佩玲, Wu, Pei-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
由於國內股市具有濃厚的投機性質,因此政府於民國八十一年一舉核准十一家新投信成立,使國內的投信家數擴充至十五家,基金數目及種類亦呈快速成長。共同基金具有分散風險及專業操作的優點,對一般投資大眾而言為一良好的投資管道,但究竟應如何選擇操作績效優異之基金亦深深困擾投資人。   本文主要探討三個主題:1、評估國內共同基金的績效;2、探討投資決策、市場擇時及選股能力三者對基金績效之影響;3、檢定基金績效是否具有持續性。由於以往國內有關基金績效的研究主要是採用傳統的Treynor、Sharpe、Jensen等績效指標,或Treynor & Mazuy法、Fama法、M.C.V績效指標、Fabozzi Francis法,較少利用基金持股的資料,因此本研究主要參考Gary P. Brindon, L. Randolph, and Gilbert L. Beebower(1986)及Grinblatt and Titman(1993)之模式,利用基金每月的持股明細來評估國內共同基金的報酬率及影響基金績效最重要的投資決策。   本研究係以在國內募集並投資於國內證券市場的共同基金為研究對象,包括二十一個基金,其中十六個為封閉型股票基金,五個為開放型股票基金。研究期間為民國82年5月至民國84年12月,以月資料為研究單位,共計32期。   經由實證分析獲致以下幾點結論:   1、國內的基金績效雖有差異,卻不具備統計上之顯著性。   2、影響基金績效最大的因素為投資政策,其次為擇時與選股能力。   3、在選股能力及擇時能力的評估方面,國內基金普遍具有正的選股能力,卻不具備擇時能力。   4、國內共同基金績效具持續性,因此過去的績效應可作為未來績效的參考。進一步檢定基金投資政策績效及擇時與選股能力則發現,基金的投資政策績效與選股能力具持續性,但擇時能力則不具持續性。


ADRIANA MARIA RIBEIRO BOUERI 26 July 2002 (has links)
[pt] Muitos dos trabalhos em finanças, como os que envolvem modelos financeiros,concentram-se na busca de formas de rejeitar as suposições sobre as quais estes se baseiam. Contudo, uma questão importante, é verificar se um determinado modelo supera ou é superado pelas alternativas existentes.Assim foi feito nesta pesquisa, que tem como objetivo principal mostrar que o gerenciamento ativo de carteiras dos fundos de pensão, com todas as limitações constantes em sua legislação cria valor, se comparado ao gerenciamento passivo. Ou seja, o gerenciamento ativo supera o gerenciamento passivo de carteiras.Basicamente, neste trabalho são apresentadas as limitantes presentes na legislação dos fundos de pensão e metodologias para a construção de carteiras.A carteira passiva foi construída segundo os conceitos presentes no algoritmo de Elton, Gruber e Padberg.A carteira ativa foi construída segundo um processo proposto por Grinold e Kahn de transformar sinais / informações em alphas / previsões.Para a segunda etapa do processo de geração de uma carteira ativa foram utilizadas três técnicas de construção de carteiras: a metodologia das janelas; a metodologia da estratificação; e a metodologia de programação quadrática onde foi utilizado o programa AEGIS 3.0 da consultoria BARRA. Após a construção das carteiras uma comparação, entre ambas, valida o objetivo proposto. / [en] Many of the works in finance, as the ones that involves financial models, are concentrated in fetching the forms to reject the assumptions on which these are based.However, an important question is to verify if one specific model surpasses or is surpassed by the other alternatives. Thus, it was made in this work, which main objective is showing that the active pension funds portfolio management, with all those legislation restrictions, creates value when it was compared to the passive management. In other words, the active portfolio management surpasses the passive management. Basically, in this work, we present the restrictions of the pension funds legislation and the methodology of the portfolio construction.The passive portfolio was built according to the concepts presented in the Elton, Gruber and Padberg algorithm. The active portfolio was built according to the process considered by Grinold and Kahn to transform signs / information into alphas / forecasts. For the second step of the process of the portfolio construction, there are three generic classes of procedures that cover the vast majority of institutional portfolio management, that are used: Screens; Stratification; and Quadratic Programming, in which we used AEGIS 3.0 of BARRA consult. After the portfolio construction we match the results to validate the main objective.


DANIELLE BARBOSA PAOLIELLO 11 August 2017 (has links)
[pt] Os avanços tecnológicos, a acirrada concorrência entre as empresas e as frequentes mudanças sociais e mercadológicas impõem uma constante busca por métodos, ferramentas e processos efetivos de gestão empresarial. Há firmas que buscam vantagem competitiva sustentável para se destacarem dos demais players que atuam no mesmo segmento de mercado globalizado. Existem também empresas que adotam estratégias com intuito apenas de sobrevivência do negócio e outras cujo foco é estritamente social, visando o desenvolvimento da sociedade, sustentabilidade ambiental, dentre outros. Dentro deste contexto, as práticas de gestão de portfólio de projetos estão sendo cada vez mais adotadas para melhoria de processos ou desenvolvimento de produtos e serviços inovadores. Um dos principais desafios enfrentados pelas organizações é definir de maneira adequada o processo de priorização dos projetos, objetivando cumprir as diretrizes estratégicas definidas pela alta cúpula administrativa. O objetivo do presente trabalho é identificar como esta priorização ocorre em instituições financeiras brasileiras. Os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados são a pesquisa bibliográfica e de campo, por meio de estudos de casos com quatro bancos brasileiros. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam a prática de priorização de projetos pelo comitê executivo composto por representantes de diversas áreas. Os projetos regulatórios atendem à demandas legais e são considerados prioritários. Espera-se que os resultados encontrados contribuam para o aumento do conhecimento sobre a priorização dos projetos, gerando novas reflexões e questionamentos acerca do gerenciamento de portfólio de projetos no Brasil. / [en] The technological advances, the fierce competition among companies and the frequent social and market changes demand a constant search for effective methods, tools and processes of business management. There are firms that look for a sustainable competitive advantage to stand out from the other players that operate in the same globalized market segment. There are also companies that only adopt business survival strategies and others whose focus is strictly social, aiming at the development of society, environmental sustainability, among others. Within this context, project portfolio management practices is being increasingly adopted to improve processes or develop innovative products and services. One of the greatest challenges companies face is to define an appropriate projects prioritization process, to accomplish the strategic goals defined by top management. The objective of this work is to identify how this prioritization occurs in Brazilian financial institutions. The methodological procedures used is mainly bibliographical and field research, through cases studies with four Brazilian banks. The research results present business practices used in project priorization by the executive committee composed of representatives from different areas. Regulatory projects fulfill legal demands and are considered priorities. It is expected that the results should contribute to rise the knowledge about of the prioritization of projects, produzing new questionings about project portfolio management in Brazil.

O efeito da diversidade da carteira de alianças na indústria farmacêutica brasileira

Pellegrino, Leila Rocha 17 November 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:31:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Leila Rocha Pellegrino.pdf: 927284 bytes, checksum: f9fbc9c94a817e05c4d56c9063fdff32 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-11-17 / This study aims to explore the relationship between the constructs Relational Capacity, Diversity and Performance Alliances Portfolio, considering the unit busisness level in the Brazilian Pharmaceutical Industry. The diversity of the portfolio of contractual strategic alliances is controversial subject in the literature. The main theoretical contribution of this work is the finding that the diversity of the portfolio does not impact directly on the performance of the portfolio of contractual strategic alliances. Thus, only in the presence of the portfolio management capacity, the benefits of setting up a diversified portfolio may be perceived by the organization. Another contribution of this work was to propose a multidimensional scale of diversity.The universe considered were the companies operating in the Brazilian pharmaceutical industry. The sample was composed by companies operating in São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Santa Catarina, Ceará, Pernambuco and Rio de Janeiro. The level of analysis were the portfolios of contractual strategic alliances formed by companies in the sector. From the sample, latent variables of first and second order are defined and measurable indicators. Data were collected through structured interviews conducted with managers or persons directly linked to the process of management of organization's strategic aliances portfolio. To test the measurement model proceeded to the analysis of structural equation modeling resolved by Partial Least Square Method. / Este estudo tem como principal objetivo explorar a relação entre os construtos Capacidade Relacional, Diversidade e Desempenho da Carteira de Alianças, considerando-se o nível de unidade de negócios na Indústria Farmacêutica Brasileira. A diversidade da carteira de alianças estratégicas contratuais é objeto controverso na literatura. A principal contribuição teórica deste trabalho está na constatação de que a diversidade da carteira não impacta diretamente sobre o desempenho da carteira de alianças estratégicas contratuais. Assim, somente na presença da capacidade relacional de gestão da carteira, os benefícios da constituição de uma carteira diversificada poderão ser percebidos pela organização. Outra contribuição do trabalho, de natureza metodológica, foi a proposição de uma escala multidimensional de diversidade. O universo considerado foram as empresas atuantes no setor farmacêutico brasileiro. A amostra foi composta por empresas atuantes em São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Santa Catarina, Ceará, Pernambuco e Rio de Janeiro. O nível de análise foram as carteiras de alianças estratégicas contratuais constituídas pelas empresas do setor. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas estruturadas realizadas com gestores ou pessoas diretamente ligadas ao processo de gestão da carteira de alianças estratégicas contratuais da organização. Para testar o modelo de mensuração procedeu-se à análise da modelagem de equações estruturais resolvido pelo método Partial Least Square.

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