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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Generación de planes de desarrollo a partir de procesos formalizados

López Quevedo, Agustín Andrés January 2016 (has links)
Ingeniero Civil en Computación / El contexto de este trabajo de título se enmarca en empresas que pertenecen al rubro de desarrollo de software en Chile. En particular, este trabajo se enfoca en la operación de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PyMEs). Estas son típicamente diferentes a las grandes empresas de software en términos de su operatoria, lo cual hace que la gestión de los proyectos requiera consideraciones particulares para ellas. Un problema de las PyMEs de desarrollo de software chilenas es que carecen de un proceso automático para la generación de planes de desarrollo a partir de sus procesos formalizados. Es decir, a partir de sus procesos formalizados ellos tienen que crear manualmente sus planes de desarrollo, lo que les toma tiempo y esfuerzo considerable. El objetivo general de la memoria es el definir, diseñar e implementar una herramienta capaz de generar, en forma automática, planes de desarrollo para proyectos de software a partir del proceso de desarrollo de una empresa y de la información de los recursos asignados al proyecto. En este proyecto se implementó un sistema capaz de obtener la información de un proceso formalizado, para luego generar de forma automática un plan de desarrollo. Para ello se definieron los requisitos mínimos que el sistema debía cumplir; dentro de los más destacables, se emplean tecnologías open source y las más populares en el rubro. Las herramientas utilizadas fueron: Eclipse Process Framework Composer (EPFC) en la cual se formalizan los procesos de desarrollo de las PyMEs y Redmine, una plataforma web de gestión de proyectos, usada para crear planes de desarrollo. La solución consiste en dos plugins y un artefacto de intercambio. Uno de ellos llamado XmlGen se integra a EPFC y extrae la información del proceso formalizado y la transfiere a un artefacto de intercambio, que en este caso es un archivo XML. Finalmente el segundo plugin, llamado XmlImport, se integra con Redmine, éste lee la información del archivo XML y construye el plan de desarrollo del proyecto en la plataforma. Con el fin de validar la solución propuesta y desarrollada, se utilizó un proceso de desarrollo de software formalizado por la PyME de desarrollo de software Ki Teknology. Con él se presentó una serie de demostraciones del sistema a paneles de expertos que opinaron sobre el funcionamiento de este, lo que conllevó a su validación y, finalmente, a un potencial uso en la operación de las PyMEs. Finalmente se concluye que el sistema desarrollado logra satisfacer el problema planteado: generar automáticamente planes de desarrollo para un proyecto a partir de un proceso formalizado.

Selecting Programs for Urban Transformations Towards Sustainability

January 2015 (has links)
abstract: Despite widespread acknowledgement of the need for transformation towards sustainability, the majority of cities appear stuck in incremental change instead of far-reaching, radical change. While there are numerous obstacles to transformational change, one critical aspect is the process of selecting impactful sustainability programs. The unique and complex nature of sustainability suggests a different approach is needed to program selection than is normal. But, to what extent are cities adapting selection processes in response to sustainability and what effect does this have on sustainable urban transformation? Could there be a more effective process to select programs with greater transformational potential? This dissertation investigates these questions using case studies and action research to add to the general knowledge of urban sustainability program selection and to develop practical knowledge (solutions) for more effective sustainable urban transformation. The dissertation consists of three studies. Study 1 uses a case study approach to investigate existing sustainability program selection processes in three cities: Avondale, USA; Almere, the Netherlands; and Freiburg, Germany. These cities all express commitment to sustainability but have varying degrees of sustainable development experience, accomplishment, and recognition. Study 2 develops a program selection framework for urban sustainable transformation drawing extensively from the literature on sustainability assessment and related fields, and on participatory input from municipal practitioners in Avondale and Almere. Study 3 assesses the usefulness of the framework in a dual pilot study. Participatory workshops were conducted in which the framework was applied to real-world situations: (i) with the city’s sustainability working group in Avondale; and (ii) with a local energy cooperative in Almere. Overall, findings suggest cities are not significantly adapting program selection processes in response to the challenges of sustainability. Processes are often haphazard, opportunistic, driven elite actors, and weakly aligned with sustainability principles and goals, which results in selected programs being more incremental than transformational. The proposed framework appears effective at opening up the range of program options considered, stimulating constructive deliberation among participants, and promoting higher order learning. The framework has potential for nudging program selection towards transformational outcomes and more deeply embedding sustainability within institutional culture. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Sustainability 2015

A Framework for Requirements Triage Process

Veeramachaneni, Ramya Chowdary, Uppalapati, Niroopa January 2011 (has links)
ABSTRACT Context: Requirements triage is a crucial activity in requirements engineering process for market-driven products. Triage deals with selection of appropriate requirements from large number of requirements for particular release plan. If triage is not performed initially, selection and management of a large number of requirements would be difficult in requirements engineering process. In market-driven product development triage is followed by estimation and prioritization of requirements to be selected for a particular release plan, also termed as requirements selection. Product development is done based on the set of requirements selected in requirements selection process. Objectives: The objective of the thesis is to find whether there is a need to improve existing requirements triage process or not, identify the challenges and shortcomings of the existing requirements triage and selection solutions and suggest improvements to address identified challenges and shortcomings. Methods: In order to identify existing requirements triage and selection solutions (method, model, tool, technique, process, and others), challenges addressed by existing requirements triage and selection solutions, and the shortcomings faced while implementing them, a systematic literature review has been done. A list of challenges and shortcomings, identified through the analysis of systematic literature review results, was used as an input to industrial survey to confirm most applicable (relevant) challenges and shortcomings and to identify possibilities to address those challenges and shortcomings. Results: A process framework for requirements triage has been proposed to address the challenges faced by practitioners during triage. The steps and solutions proposed within the framework also enable to alleviate the shortcomings of the existing requirements triage solutions. Conclusions: The results of the survey have been analyzed from different perspectives: size of organization, number of requirements handled per month and experience of professional doing triage. Therefore, the proposed process framework is usable and useful for both small-scale and large-scale organizations. The initial effort required to put framework process steps in place would be high, however, later the effort will reduce not only for requirements triage but also for later phases in requirements engineering. As a spin off effect the quality of triage decision is increased.


DANIEL ABADI ORLEAN 12 March 2004 (has links)
[pt] A Web Semântica já está deixando de ser uma visão de Tim Berners-Lee para virar uma realidade. Diversos projetos em todo mundo já exploram as potencialidades dessa segunda geração da Web para tornar seu conteúdo processável por máquinas. Infelizmente (ou felizmente!), os computadores não são capazes de desenvolver por livre e espontânea vontade uma linguagem consensual de comunicação. É nesta etapa que entram em cena as ontologias. Conhecida no ramo da filosofia como teorias sobre a natureza da existência, as ontologias têm sido encaradas de maneira consideravelmente diferente no universo computacional. Representam um entendimento comum e compartilhado sobre um domínio específico e têm como o objetivo principal permitir a comunicação entre organizações, pessoas e o uso de metodologias, processos e/ ou métodos bem definidos. Com o aumento de sua importância, o projeto e desenvolvimento de ontologias vêm deixando de ser uma arte para se transformar em um processo de engenharia. Diversas propostas já foram apresentadas para o problema de engenharia de ontologias, muitas delas apoiadas por estudos acadêmicos e industriais. No entanto, é importante notar que nenhuma dessas metodologias - que em muitos casos resumem-se apenas a heurísticas extraídas da experiência de seus autores ou a orientações sobre como alcançar bons resultados - atende por completo aos requisitos potenciais do projeto de uma ontologia. O que se propõe neste trabalho é a unificação de disciplinas e atividades oriundas de metodologias distintas em um framework de processos abrangente, entitulado KUP - Knowldge Unified Process, que permite um adequado projeto e desenvolvimento de ontologias e bases de conhecimento. Entende-se como um processo um conjunto de atividades e resultados associados a essas atividades com o objetivo de garantir a geração de um produto final, seja este produto um software, uma ontologia ou uma ontologia associada a sua base de conhecimento. A unificação deste processo segue as melhores práticas em engenharia de software existentes na indústria e é apoiada por um framework de avaliação de metodologias consolidado na academia. Foram realizados dois estudos de caso para este framework de processos, um envolvendo o desenvolvimento de uma solução de gestão de conhecimento em segurança da informação e outro envolvendo a integração de uma ferramenta de gestão de competências para ambientes de educação a distância. / [en] The Semantic Web is now a reality. Several projects all around the world are already using tools technologies developed to support the second generation of the Web to provide machine-processable content for software agents, web services and applications. However, computers can not agree on a consesual language by themselves. Ontologies can be used as a way to provide this shared conceptualization, making posssible the desired communication among organizations, people and apllications. Several proposals have been already presented regarding ontology engineering - many supported by academic and industrial case studies. However, none of them encompasses all the requirements identified for an ontology construction project. This work describes the unification of different features extracted from those methodologies to build a process framework named KUP - the Knowledge Unified Process. This unified process is based on several industry best practices and on a well accepted ontology methodology evaluation framework. Two case studies were developed so as to support and validate this process framework. The first was the development of a semantic web solution for security information knowledge management and the second one was the integration of a skill management tool to a learning management system, through ontologies.

Towards a front end innovation process for digital innovation : Managing the uncertainty of digitalization in incumbent manufacturers / Mot en process för att hantera digital innovation i tidiga skeden : Hantera osäkerheten kring digitalisering hos etablerade tillverkare

Olofsson, Hanna, Frisk, Olle January 2024 (has links)
Purpose: Currently, there is no outlined process for the front end of innovation suited for digital innovation. Thus, incumbent manufacturers face challenges when striving to execute their digital innovation initiatives and tend to invest in unfeasible initiatives. Therefore, the purpose of this master thesis is to bridge identified research gaps in order to enhance digital innovation through creating a front-end innovation process. Method: In order to fulfill the purpose of this master thesis, an abductive, qualitative research approach has been adopted. We build on a case study of an incumbent manufacturer within the aerospace industry. Specifically, we leverage 20 explorative and semi-structured interviews with various roles involved in digital innovation initiatives. To derive findings through the interviews in combination with previous research, a thematic analysis was conducted. Findings: Through this master thesis, three key barriers to digital innovation in incumbent manufacturers were identified; difficulties in securing appropriate data, constrained digital development resources, and uncertainties in the value digital innovation may generate. Furthermore, a front-end innovation process with three phases has been constructed in order for firms to better handle the early phases of digital innovation. The phases included in the process are; digital idea generation, digital feasibility recognition, and evaluation. Theoretical contributions: This study extends the current research within front end innovation and digital innovation and thus bridges the gap among these research fields. Specifically, we add to the literature by illustrating principles and key activities for a revised front end process for digital innovation and provide novel decision criteria and principles for evaluating and prioritizing digital innovation initiatives. Managerial implications: The managerial implication of this study is that we provide practical guidelines for leveraging digital innovations in early stages of development. Firms tend to invest in ideas with low feasibility, however, our process framework enables decision–makers to minimize uncertainty and streamline their front-end innovation process for digital innovation. The framework further forces decision-makers to understand the foremost determinants of feasibility and further embrace decreased investment costs in failing innovation. Limitations and future research: To make the process framework as intuitive and easy-to-follow as possible, we sought to simplify the process by reducing the number of steps required. Furthermore, we sought to simplify any technical aspects that have been brought up during interviews with certain respondents, to further make the process framework easy to follow for any manager working within innovation. For the future, we hope other researchers further validate our process framework within other industries, especially within industries driven by digitalization. Moreover, future research pinpointing who is responsible for making decisions throughout the process framework would be of relevance to further extend the knowledge regarding front end innovation for digital innovation. / Syfte: För närvarande finns det ingen process för att hantera de tidiga stadierna av digital innovation. Följaktligen uppstår utmaningar då bolag ska exekvera digital innovation vilket ofta leder till att bolag investerar resurser i digitala initiativ som inte är genomförbara. Därav ämnar denna studie överbrygga gapet mellan digital innovation och innovation i tidiga skeden i syfte att förbättra digital innovation. Metod: För att uppfylla syftet med studien har en abduktiv och kvalitativ forskningsansats använts. Mer specifikt bygger studien på 20 explorativa och semi-strukturerade intervjuer med respondenter som har erfarenhet inom digital innovation. Vidare analyserades insamlad data genom en tematisk analys och genom det kunde slutsatser dras. Resultat: Studien resulterade i tre barriärer för digital innovation; svårigheter i att anskaffa lämplig data, begränsade resurser för digital innovation och svårigheter i att fastställa värdet av digital innovation. Vidare skapades ett processramverk innehållande tre faser som ska möjliggöra att bolag på ett mer adekvat sätt kan hantera digital innovation. De tre faserna är digital idégenerering, digital genomförbarhet och utvärdering. Teoretiskt bidrag: Studien adderar till nuvarande forskning inom digital innovation och innovation i tidiga faser genom att överbrygga gapet mellan de olika områdena. Mer specifikt bidrar vi genom att illustrera principer och nyckelaktiviteter för digital innovation i tidiga skeden och genom att fastställa beslutskriterier och principer för att prioritera och utvärdera digital innovation. Praktiskt bidrag: Studiens praktiska bidrag är vägledning för att utveckla digital innovation i tidiga skeden. Bolag tenderar att investera i digital innovation som inte är möjlig att genomföra och därav möjliggör vårt processramverk att beslutsfattare kan minska osäkerheten och effektivisera deras process för digital innovation. Vidare skapar ramverket en förståelse för de viktigaste aspekterna av genomförbarhet kopplat till digital innovation, vilket möjliggör att bolag inte behöver investera resurser i digital innovation som inte är genomförbar. Begränsningar och vidare forskning: För att öka användbarheten av vårt processramverk, förenklade och reducerade vi antalet steg i ramverket. I syfte att öka läsbarheten av rapporten har vi även förenklat tekniska aspekter, då rapporten ska kunna förstås av alla anställda som arbetar med digital innovation, utan krav på teknisk kunnighet. För att vidareutveckla vårt ramverk och den teori vi skapat inom FEI, önskar vi som ett nästa steg att ramverket kan valideras i andra industrier och kontexter, särskilt i de industrier som huvudsakligen är drivna av digitalisering. Bortsett från det önskar vi att framtida forskning kommer utreda vidare kring ansvarighet inom beslutsfattande om digital innovation, exempelvis vem som bör ansvara för att gå igenom ramverket, för att ytterligare skapa förståelse över hur bolag bör arbeta med tidiga skeden av digital innovation.

An investigation into quality assurance of the Open Source Software Development model

Otte, Tobias January 2010 (has links)
The Open Source Software Development (OSSD) model has launched products in rapid succession and with high quality, without following traditional quality practices of accepted software development models (Raymond 1999). Some OSSD projects challenge established quality assurance approaches, claiming to be successful through partial contrary techniques of standard software development. However, empirical studies of quality assurance practices for Open Source Software (OSS) are rare (Glass 2001). Therefore, further research is required to evaluate the quality assurance processes and methods within the OSSD model. The aim of this research is to improve the understanding of quality assurance practices under the OSSD model. The OSSD model is characterised by a collaborative, distributed development approach with public communication, free participation, free entry to the project for newcomers and unlimited access to the source code. The research examines applied quality assurance practices from a process view rather than from a product view. The research follows ideographic and nomothetic methodologies and adopts an antipositivist epistemological approach. An empirical research of applied quality assurance practices in OSS projects is conducted through the literature research. The survey research method is used to gain empirical evidence about applied practices. The findings are used to validate the theoretical knowledge and to obtain further expertise about practical approaches. The findings contribute to the development of a quality assurance framework for standard OSSD approaches. The result is an appropriate quality model with metrics that the requirements of the OSSD support. An ideographic approach with case studies is used to extend the body of knowledge and to assess the feasibility and applicability of the quality assurance framework. In conclusion, the study provides further understanding of the applied quality assurance processes under the OSSD model and shows how a quality assurance framework can support the development processes with guidelines and measurements.

Digitální forenzní věda a její aplikace při forenzním auditu účetnictví / Digital forensics and its application to forensic audit

Martinka, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This thesis aims to describe a process framework suitable for conducting digital forensics investigation projects as support for forensic audit. Selection of existing digital forensics investigation framework was a subject of criterial comparison. Described new framework is a result of combination and enhancement of those frameworks, which were suitable for the characteristics of forensic audit. Thesis also discusses digital forensics methods for fraud examination and risk assessment as a part of external audit.

Developing services based on Artificial Intelligence

Karlsson, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
This thesis explores the development process of services based on artificial intelligence (AI) technology within an industrial setting. There has been a renewed interest in the technology and leading technology companies as well as many start-ups has integrated it into their market offerings. The technology´s general application potential for enhancing products and services along with the task automation possibility for improved operational excellence makes it a valuable asset for companies. However, the implementation rate of AI services is still low for many industrial actors. The research in the area has been technically dominated with little contribution from other disciplines. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to identify development challenges of AI services and drawing on service development- and value-theory to propose a process framework promoting implementation. The work will have two main contributions. Firstly, to compare differences in theoretical and practical development challenges and secondly to combine AI with service development and value theory. The empirical research is done through a single case study based on a systematic combining research approach. It moves iteratively between the theory and empirical findings to direct and support the thesis throughout the work process. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews with a purposive sample. It consisted of two groups of interview participants, one AI expert group and one case internal group. This was supported by participant observation of the case environment. The data analysis was done through flexible pattern matching. The results were divided into two sections, practical challenges and development aspect of AI service development. These were combined with the selected theories and a process framework was generated. The study showed a current understudied area of business and organisational aspect regarding AI service development. Several such challenges were identified with limited theoretical research as support. For a wider industrial adoption of AI technology, more research is needed to understand the integration into the organisation. Further, sustainability and ethical aspect were found not to be a primary concern, only mention in one of the interviews. This, despite the plethora of theory and identified risks found in the literature. Lastly, the interdisciplinary research approach was found to be beneficial to the AI field to integrate the technology into an industrial setting. The developed framework could draw from existing service development models to help manage the identified challenges. / Denna uppsats utforskar utvecklingsprocessen av tjänster baserade på artificiell intelligens (AI) i en industriell miljö. Tekniken har fått ett förnyat intresse vilket har lett till att allt fler ledande teknik företag och start-up:s har integrerat AI i deras marknads erbjudande. Teknikens generella applikations möjlighet för att kunna förbättra produkter och tjänster tillsammans med dess automatiserings möjlighet för ökad operationell effektivitet gör den till en värdefull tillgång för företag. Dock så är implementations graden fortfarande låg för majoriteten av industrins aktörer. Forskningen inom AI området har varit mycket teknik dominerat med lite bidrag från andra forskningsdiscipliner. Därför syftar denna uppsats att identifiera utvecklingsutmaningar med AI tjänster och genom att hämta delar från tjänsteutveckling- och värde teori generera ett processramverk som premierar implementation. Uppsatsen har två huvudsakliga forskningsbidrag. Först genom att jämföra skillnader mellan teoretiska och praktiska utvecklingsutmaningar, sedan bidra genom att kombinera AI med tjänsteutveckling- och värdeteori. Den empiriska forskningen utfördes genom en fallstudie baserad på ett systematic combining tillvägagångsätt. På så sätt rör sig forskning iterativt mellan teori och empiri för att forma och stödja uppsatsen genom arbetet. Datat var insamlad genom semi strukturerade intervjuer med två separata, medvetet valda intervjugrupper där ena utgjorde en AI expert grupp och andra en intern grupp för fallstudien. Detta stöttades av deltagande observationer inom fallstudiens miljö. Dataanalysen utfördes med metoden flexible pattern matching. Resultatet var uppdelat i två olika sektioner, den första med praktiska utmaningar och den andra med utvecklingsaspekter av AI tjänsteutveckling. Dessa kombinerades med de utvalda teorierna för att skapa ett processramverk. Uppsatsen visar ett under studerat område angående affär och organisation i relation till AI tjänsteutveckling. Ett flertal av sådana utmaningar identifierades med begränsat stöd i existerande forskningslitteratur. För en mer utbredd adoption av AI tekniken behövs mer forskning för att förstå hur AI ska integreras med organisationer. Vidare, hållbarhet och etiska aspekter var inte en primär aspekt i resultatet, endast bemött i en av intervjuerna trots samlingen av artiklar och identifierade risker i litteraturen. Till sist, det tvärvetenskapliga angreppsättet var givande för AI området för att bättre integrera tekniken till en industriell miljö. Det utvecklade processramverket kunde bygga på existerande tjänsteutvecklings modeller för att hantera de identifierade utmaningarna.


Copetti, Marco Antonio 11 July 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Model-Driven Engineering a new software development paradigm concept. The paradigm predicts that software development core artifact ceases to be the code and becomes the models and software architecture. The concept does not come without impacts to the supporting structures of development. The way the software development process is seen, executed and structured is obliterated. Software engineering has been expanding the its boundaries, creating and tailoring settings, methods and structures to the new paradigm. Software quality is one of the boundaries of software engineering that is expanded, as well as the software development process. This paper presents a study on the evolution of software quality and on the MDE process. Based on this, we propose a process framework for software development in Model-Driven Engineering, integrating quality concepts that were investigated and giving a holistic view to MDE process. The framework was subject to a conceptual evaluation and had its use illustrated. The framework evaluation showed that the proposed framework is adequate, covering all constructs suggested for a good software development process. The framework ultimately aims to integrate and create synergy between the parties participating in model-driven development. / Model-Driven Engineering é o conceito de um novo paradigma de desenvolvimento de software. Esse paradigma prevê que o desenvolvimento de software deixe de ter como artefato central o código e que os modelos e a arquitetura de software tomem esse papel. O conceito não surge sem impactos às estruturas de suporte de desenvolvimento. O modo como o processo de desenvolvimento de software é visto e executado e as organizações relacionadas a ele são obliteradas. A engenharia de software tem se preocupado em expandir os limites da área, criando e adaptando definições, métodos e estruturas para o novo paradigma. A qualidade de software é um dos conceitos de engenharia de software que precisa ser revisto, assim como o processo de desenvolvimento de software. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre os avanços de qualidade de software e do funcionamento do processo de MDE. A partir disso, propõe-se um framework de processo de desenvolvimento de software para desenvolvimento em Model-Driven Engineering, que integra os conceitos de qualidade investigados e dá visão holística ao desenvolvimento em MDE. O processo foi submetido a uma avaliação conceitual e uma ilustração de uso. Na avaliação o framework mostrou abranger os construtos importantes de processo de software. O framework objetiva ultimamente integrar e criar sinergia entre as partes participantes do desenvolvimento orientado a modelos.

Komplexní evaluace soukromého předškolního zařízení s akreditací MŠMT / Comprehensive evaluation of privat pre-school institution with accreditation Ministry of education, youth and sports

Vodová, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
This work deals with a comprehensive evaluation of private nursery schools included in the Register of School Legal Entities. The main research problem is the definition of pre- school facilities accredited by the Ministry of Education based on its comprehensive evaluation. The aim is to completely analyze selected preschool institution accredited by the Ministry and subsequently define the field of education with regard to the research assumptions based on laws, regulations, school government documents and documents selected institutions. The object of this work will be private nursery school accredited by the Ministry and will be subject to evaluation of the operation, ie the evaluation of the organization, control, staffing, content and form of education, educational environment and employee satisfaction school. We will analyze the work and the resources and procedures that must be achieved in order for the organization received accreditation. Subsequently, on the basis of a questionnaire we discover how employees organization meets the system operation or you against him in certain areas defined. Due to objective and comprehensive view we will use subsequent SWOT analysis system, which will set the strategy of the organization. The conclusion of this work we will try to affect the functioning...

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