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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização e utilização do resíduo da borracha de pneus inservíveis em compósitos aplicáveis na construção civil / Caracterization and utilization of the waste rubber from scrap tires in composites to use in the civil construction

Mara Regina Pagliuso Rodrigues 29 August 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma tecnologia para a atenuação do impacto provocado pelo passivo ambiental gerado por pneus inservíveis, conjuntamente ao desenvolvimento de novos materiais compostos para uso na construção.Os pneus têm uma estrutura física especial, com grande resistência e durabilidade, mesmo ao término de sua vida útil e, por isso, sua deposição em aterros sanitários é inadequada, já que eles não permitem compactação, tornando-se favoráveis para a criação de agentes causadores de enfermidades e oferecem grandes riscos de incêndios, o que acarreta sérios danos ao meio ambiente. A tecnologia desenvolvida utilizou a borracha de pneus inservíveis, após serem picados por processo mecânico, segundo diferentes tamanhos, para a composição de produtos de baixo custo e utilizáveis na construção civil em elementos construtivos, placas de amortecimento sonoro e de revestimento de pisos para edificações, sinalização horizontal em vias públicas, absorvedores de impacto em estradas,etc. O agente de aglomeração utilizado foi a resina poliuretânica derivada do óleo de mamona (Ricinus communis), uma fonte renovável, que também apresenta estabilidade física e química, e um excelente desempenho como aglomerante. O composto obtido foi testado com relação à durabilidade, às propriedades mecânicas como resistência à compressão e tração, módulo de elasticidade e fluência por meio da termo análise, demonstrando resultados satisfatórios e confirmada sua aplicação em vários campos da construção civil. / The objective of this work is to develop a technology for the impact attenuation caused by the passive environmental generated by scrap tires, jointly to the development of new composites for being used in construction. The tires have a special physical structure, with great resistance and durability, also in the term of their useful life, therefore, their deposit in landing fields are inadequate, once they do not allow compacting, becoming favorable for the creation of causes of diseases and they offer great fires risks, what causes serious damages to the environment. The developed technology used the rubber of useless tires, after being fragmented by mechanic process, according to different sizes, for the composition of products of low cost to be used in the civil construction in constructive elements, noise reduction plates and lining of floors for constructions, horizontal signaling in public ways, impact insulating in highways, and so on. The agent of mass used was the polyurethane resin, derived of the castor oil (Ricinus communis), a renewable source that also presents physical and chemical stability, and a good bonding behavior. The obtained composite was tested in relation to durability behavior, mechanical properties which the compression forces and tension, and also its modulus of elasticity and creep by use of thermo analisys, demonstrated satisfactory results and confirmed its application in a many fields of the civil construction.

Reformulation of XFEM and its application to fatigue crack simulations in steel structures / 拡張有限要素法の再定式化とその鋼構造物における疲労き裂進展解析への適用

Shibanuma, Kazuki 24 May 2010 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第15580号 / 工博第3292号 / 新制||工||1497(附属図書館) / 28101 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科社会基盤工学専攻 / (主査)教授 杉浦 邦征, 教授 田村 武, 准教授 宇都宮 智昭 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当

Návrh programovatelného útlumového členu / Design of a programmable attenuator

Pokorný, Rostislav January 2020 (has links)
This Master´s thesis focuses on design and implementation of programmable attenuator. The main aim of this thesis is to create an electronical device that provide continuous setting of attenuation value in the range between 0–150 dB. Setting a value from the range can be performed using buttons and set values are shown on display. For this thesis an attenuator with working frequency between 0–6 GHz was chosen and four–layer printed circuit board was designed. As a result the device is fitted with an 8bit microcontroller ATmega328P–PU using five 6bit digital attenuators connected in series with manual and program settings of attenuation from 0–157,5 dB with step of 0,5 dB. Data are shown on a build–in display. The application for remote settings and value reading over integrated USB (Universal Serial Bus) interface, was created in C#. In conclusion of this thesis there is a measurement evaluation of attenuation measurement performed on the device.

Nutzungsrechtseinräumung und cession unter dem Blickwinkel ihrer Drittwirkungen

Lesinska-Adamson, Anna 18 December 2019 (has links)
Die Nutzungsrechtseinräumung in Deutschland und die cession in Frankreich sind Urheberrechtsverträge, die eine Verwertung des Monopolrechts des Urhebers durch einen Dritten ermöglichen. Häufig will der Urheber über sein Urheberrecht die Kontrolle behalten und der Inhaber von Nutzungsrechten hat ein Interesse an einem Nutzungsrecht, das bestandskräftig ist und ihm erlaubt selbst gegen Verletzer vorzugehen. Dieser Interessenkonflikt spielt bei der Bestimmung der Rechtsnatur der Nutzungsrechte, die diese Verträge vermitteln, eine große Rolle. Im Hinblick auf eine weitergehende europäische Harmonisierung des Urhebervertragsrechts wurde im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit die Rechtsstellung der Inhaber von Nutzungsrechten in Deutschland und Frankreich unter Berücksichtigung der Frage, wie in diesem Verhältnis der Urheberschutz umgesetzt wird, untersucht. Ausgehend von dem in Deutschland anerkannten Dualismus zwischen Schuld- und Sachenrecht folgt aus den Drittwirkungen eines Rechts dessen Qualifizierung als schuldrechtliches oder dingliches Recht. Aus diesem Grund wurden eventuelle Drittwirkungen der im Wege der Nutzungsrechtseinräumung bzw. cession vermittelten Rechte anhand von vier Fallkonstellationen betrachtet, in denen sich die Frage nach der Rechtsnatur dieser Rechte besonders prägnant stellt: die Verletzung des Nutzungsrechts durch Dritte, die nachfolgenden Verfügungen über das Urheberrecht, der Zusammenbruch einer Vertragskette und die Insolvenz des Rechtegebers. / The Nutzungsrechtseinräumung in Germany and the cession in France are copyright agreements which allow a third party to exploit the monopoly right of the copyright owner. Often the copyright owner wants to retain control over his copyright and the owner of rights of use has an interest in a right that is strong and allows him / her to take action against infringers. This conflict of interests plays a big role when determining the legal nature of the rights conveyed by those contracts. With regard to a further European harmonization of copyright contract law, the legal status of the holders of rights of use in Germany and France was examined in the present work, taking into account the question of how the protection of the copy right owner is implemented in this relation. Based on the dualism, accepted in Germany, between contract and property law, third-party effects of a right determine its legal qualification. For this reason possible third-party effects of the rights conveyed by a Nutzungsrechtseinräumung or cession have been examined in four situations, in which the question of the legal nature of those rights arises: the infringement of the right of use by third parties, the subsequent dispositions of copyright, the collapse of a chain of contracts and the insolvency of the initial owner of the rights of use.

La successione nel diritto controverso

De Propris, Luigi 09 February 2021 (has links)
Das erste Kapitel dieser Dissertation befasst sich mit der historischen Entwicklung der Disziplin der Rechtsnachfolge in das streitbefangenen Recht (§ 265 ZPO) vom 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart in Deutschland, Frankreich und Italien. Die Ergebnisse dieses Ansatzes offenbaren eine Konstante in der Anwendung der Disziplin: man hat immer danach unterscheidet, je nachdem ob es sich um die Übertragung eines dinglichen oder eines schuldrechtlichen Rechts während des Rechtsstreits handelt. Ausgehend von dieser Prämisse wird im zweiten Kapitel der Versuch unternommen, zu zeigen, wie diese unterschiedliche Anwendungsweise aufgrund der Charakteristika der verschiedenen Rechtstypen auch heute noch notwendig ist (nicht nur aus historischen, sondern auch aus wirtschaftlichen und rechtstheoretischen Gründen). Daraus lässt sich schließen, dass bei der Abtretung eines Guthabens im Laufe eines Prozesses die Relevanztheorie anzuwenden ist, während bei der Übertragung einer res litigious die Irrelevanztheorie anzuwenden ist. Darüber hinaus wird das international-privatistische Profil des Instituts untersucht, wobei die Herausbildung einer embryonalen Disziplin der Rechtsnachfolge im Europarecht durch die Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs, geprägt von den europäischen Regelungen des internationalen Privatprozessrechts, festgestellt wird. Schließlich wird im dritten Kapitel die Frage nach des Anwendungsbereichs des Rechtsinstituts der Rechtsnachfolge in das streitbefangenes Recht bzw. in den deutschen und italienischen Rechtsordnungen im Hinblick auf die unterschiedlichen Regelungen des Rechtsverkehrs in beiden Ländern behandelt. Abgesehen von den unbestreitbaren Unterschieden zwischen den Rechtssystemen lassen sich einige Analogien aufspüren, wie z.B. die innovative Anwendung des Rechtsinstituts bei der Anfechtung von Gesellschaftsbeschlüssen im Falle der Übertragung des Geschäftsanteils oder der Aktien im Laufe des Prozesses. / The first chapter of this dissertation concerns the historical development of the discipline of the transfer of interest in the context of litigation from the 19th century to the present in Germany, France and Italy. The results of the study’s comparative-historical approach show a fixed feature in how the transfer of interest after pendency is applied: it differs according to whether the transfer concerns a right in rem or a right of claim. On the basis of that, the second chapter attempts to show how this different mode of application is still necessary today (for reasons which are not only historical, but also economic and related to general theory) due to the characteristics of the different types of rights. Accordingly, it is possible to conclude that in the case of assignment of a claim in the course of litigation the Relevanztheorie must be applied; whereas, in the case of transfer of a res litigious, the Irrelevanztheorie must be applied. In addition, the international-privatist profile of the transfer of interest after pendency is investigated. Concerning that, it has been acknowledged that the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice created an embryonic discipline of succession in European law, coined on the basis of European regulations on international private procedural law. Finally, the third chapter addresses the issue of the identification of the scope of application of the transfer after pendency in the German and Italian legal systems in view of the fact that the two countries have different rules for the circulation of rights. Besides the undeniable differences which exist between the two legal systems, it is possible to identify some similarities, such as the innovative application of the transfer of interest during the annulment of a company resolution, in case of transfer of the shareholding during the litigation. / Il primo capitolo della tesi di dottorato si occupa dell’evoluzione storica della disciplina della successione nel diritto controverso a partire dal XIX secolo fino ad oggi tra Germania, Francia e Italia. I risultati di tale approccio storico-comparatistico evidenziano un dato costante delle modalità applicative dell'istituto della successione nel diritto controverso: queste ultime sono diverse a seconda che il trasferimento lite pendente riguardi un diritto reale o un diritto di credito. A partire da tale premessa, nel secondo capitolo si cerca di dimostrare come tale diversa modalità applicativa si impone ancora oggi (per ragioni non solo storiche, ma anche economiche e di teoria generale) in forza delle caratteristiche delle diverse tipologie di diritti. Sarà così possibile concludere che in caso di cessione del credito in corso di causa deve applicarsi la Relevanztheorie; mentre, in caso di trasferimento lite pendente di una res litigiosa, deve trovare applicazione la Irrelevanztheorie. Viene inoltre indagato il profilo internazional-privatistico dell’istituto della successione nel diritto controverso, rilevandosi la formazione, da parte della giurisprudenza della Corte di Giustizia europea, di una embrionale disciplina della successione nel diritto europeo coniata a partire dai regolamenti europei in materia di diritto processuale privato internazionale. Da ultimo, nel terzo capitolo, si affronterà il tema della individuazione del campo di applicazione dell'istituto della successione nel diritto controverso nei diversi ordinamenti tedesco e italiano in considerazione della diversa disciplina di circolazione dei diritti nei due paesi. Al di là delle innegabili differenze tra i due ordinamenti, sarà così possibile rintracciare alcune analogie, come l’applicazione innovativa dell’istituto nelle impugnative di delibere societarie (e condominiali), in caso di cessione della partecipazione sociale in corso di causa.

Convolutional Neural Networks for Indexing Transmission Electron Microscopy Patterns: a Proof of Concept

Tomczak, Nathaniel 26 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Integrated Model Development for Safeguarding Pyroprocessing Facility

Zhou, Wentao 01 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Neural Network-based Optimization of Solid- and Fluid Mechanical Simulations / Neurala nätverksbaserad optimering av mekaniska simuleringar avfasta och flytande ämnen

Jeken Rico, Pablo January 2021 (has links)
The following project deals with the optimization of simulation parameters such as the injection location and pitch angle of polyurethane foaming simulations using artificial neural networks. The model's target is to predict quality variables based on the process parameters and the geometry features. Through several evaluations of the model, good parameter combinations can be found which in turn can be used as good initial guesses by high fidelity optimization tools. For handling different mould geometries, a meshing tool has been programmed which transforms variable-sized surface meshes into voxel meshes. Cross-section images of the meshes are then passed together with a series of simulation settings to the neural network which processes the data streams into one set of predictions. The model has been implemented using the TensorFlow interface and trained with a custom generated data set of roughly 10000 samples. The results show well-matching prediction and simulation profiles for the validation cases. The magnitudes of the quality parameters often differ, but the especially relevant areas of optimal injection points are well covered. Good results together with a small model size provide evidence for a feasible and successful extension towards a full 3D application. / Följande projekt handlar om optimering av simuleringsparametrar, såsom injektionsplats och stigningsvinkel för polyuretanskummande simuleringar med hjälp av artificiella neurala nätverk. Modellens mål är att förutsäga kvalitetsvariabler baserat på processparametrarna och geometrifunktionerna. Genom flera utvärderingar av modellen kan man hitta goda parameterkombinationer som i sin tur kan användas som gedigna förutsägelser med högkvalitativa optimeringsverktyg. För hantering av olika geometriska former har ett maskverktyg programmerats som omvandlar ytmaskor med varierande storlek till voxelmaskor. Tvärsnittsbilder av maskor na tillsammans med en serie simuleringsinställningar överförs till det neurala nätverket som behandlar dataströmmarna till en uppsättning förutsägelser. Modellen har implementerats med hjälp av TensorFlow och utbildats med en anpassad genererad datauppsättning på cirka 10000 prover. Resultaten påvisar väl matchande förutsägelser och simuleringsprofiler för valideringsfall. Kvalitetsparametrarnas storlek varierar ofta, men de särskilt relevanta områdena med optimala injektionspunkter är väl täckta. Goda resultat tillsammans med en liten modellstorlek ger bevis för en genomförbar och framgångsrik förlängning mot en fullständig 3D applikation.

Étude de la survie cellulaire lors du processus de myélopoïèse induit par le facteur de transcription PU.1 et la cytokine GM-CSF

Duceppe, Nicolas January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

In situ studies of uranium-plutonium mixed oxides : Influence of composition on phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties / Etudes in situ des oxydes mixtes d'uranium et de plutonium : Influence de la composition sur les équilibres de phase et les propriétés thermodynamiques

Strach, Michal 29 September 2015 (has links)
En raison de leurs propriétés chimiques et physiques, les oxydes mixtes d'uranium et de plutonium sont considérés comme combustibles pour les réacteurs nucléaires de quatrième génération. Dans ce cadre, des études expérimentales complémentaires sont nécessaire, notamment pour mieux comprendre les phénomènes mis en jeu lors de la fabrication ou sous irradiation. L'objet de ce travail est d'étudier le diagramme de phase U-Pu-O dans une large gamme de composition et de températures afin d'améliorer notre connaissance de ce système. La plupart des expériences ont été réalisées par diffraction des rayons X en fonction de la température. La contrôle in situ de la pression partielle en oxygène a permis de faire varier la stœchiométrie en oxygène dans le matériau. L'approche expérimentale a été couplée avec la modélisation thermodynamique par la méthode CALPHAD afin de mieux dimensionner les expériences et interpréter les résultats. Cette méthodologie a permis d'améliorer notre connaissance des équilibres de phase dans le système U-Pu-O. / Due to their physical and chemical properties, mixed uranium-plutonium oxides are considered for fuel in 4th generation nuclear reactors. In this frame, complementary experimental studies are necessary to develop a better understanding of the phenomena that take place during fabrication and operation in the reactor. The focus of this work was to study the U Pu–O phase diagram in a wide range of compositions and temperatures to ameliorate our knowledge of the phase equilibria in this system. Most of experiments were done using in situ X-ray diffraction at elevated temperatures. The control of the oxygen partial pressure during the treatments made it possible to change the oxygen stoichiometry of the sample, which gave us an opportunity to study rapidly different compositions and the processes involved. The experimental approach was coupled with thermodynamic modeling using the CALPHAD method, to precisely plan the experiments and interpret the obtained results. This approach enabled us to enhance the knowledge of phase equilibria in the U–Pu–O system.

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