Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] QUANTIFICATION"" "subject:"[enn] QUANTIFICATION""
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Aspectos sintáticos e semânticos da intensificação de grau no Guarani Paraguaio / Syntactic and Semantic aspects of degree intensification in Paraguayan GuaraníLara Frutos 08 April 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os aspectos sintáticos e semânticos da intensificação de grau no Guarani Paraguaio, observando como ela ocorre nos diferentes domínios. Os intensificadores analisados aqui são ite, iterei, rasa e heta. Recuperamos análises que tratam das diferentes posições sintáticas para as expressões de grau e mostramos evidências que sugerem que ite ocupa a posição de núcleo de DegP, enquanto iterei e rasa ocupam posição de adjunto. A partir disso, procuramos estabelecer uma análise em que as posições sintáticas dos modificadores de grau correspondam aos seus tipos semânticos às operações de grau por eles introduzidas. Argumentamos que ite quantifica a variável de grau do adjetivo, enquanto iterei e rasa modificam a forma positiva do predicado já medido por pos. Por fim, apresentamos no último capítulo uma análise da intensificação de grau nos predicados verbais e nominais, associando as leituras escalares disponíveis nestes domínios a propriedades lexicais. Em especial, a atomização semântica será a chave para as dimensões escalares disponíveis nestes domínios. No entanto, não assumimos que esses domínios são lexicalmente graduáveis, por isso heta será responsável por introduzir a dimensão graduável destes predicados. / The main goal of this dissertation is to analyze the syntactic and semantic aspects of degree intensification in Paraguayan Guaraní, observing how it works on different domains. The degree intensifiers analyzed are ite, iterei, rasa, and heta. We compare different approaches that investigate the syntactic structure of degree expressions and show evidence that suggest that ite is a DegP head, while iterei and rasa are adjuncts. Considering this, we establish an analysis in which the syntactic positions of degree modifiers match their semantic types to the extent of the semantic operations they introduce. We argue that ite is responsible for saturating the degree variable of the adjective, while iterei and rasa modify the positive form of the adjective already measured by pos. Finally, in the last chapter we present an analysis of the intensification of nominal and verbal predicates, associating the available readings in those domains to lexical properties. In special, atomization will be the key to the scalar dimensions available in those domains. Nonetheless, we do not assume that the verbal and nominal domains are inherently gradable. That is precisely the reason why heta will be responsible for introducing a gradable dimension for these predicates.
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Primeira aproximação da biblioteca espectral de solos do Brasil: caracterização de espectros de solos e quantificação de atributos / First approach of Brazilian soil spectral library: soil spectral characterization and quantification of attributesMarcus Vinicius Sato 15 July 2015 (has links)
O Brasil é um país expressivo na produção de alimentos, assim para melhorar a eficiência da agricultura se faz necessário seu planejamento. O solo é a base para a agricultura sendo relevante nas questões de segurança alimentar e qualidade ambiental. Dados obtidos por sensoriamento remoto podem auxiliar no levantamento, mapeamento e manejo do solo, que são estratégicos para uma agricultura planejada. As técnicas de espectroscopia de refletância são mais rápidas, menos onerosas e menos poluentes quando comparado aos métodos tradicionais de análise de solos. Um banco de dados com informações de espectros de solo é denominado Biblioteca Espectral (BE). Por meio de uma BE é possível caracterizar classes de solo e estimar atributos. As BEs além de contribuir para o levantamento, mapeamento, manejo de solos e ainda pode auxiliar na agricultura de precisão, modelagem de atributos do solo, monitoramento de solos contaminados, comunicação entre pedólogos e conservação dos solos. Existem Bibliotecas Espectrais de Solos (BES) a nível mundial com amostras de continentes, tais como a Austrália, Europa, Ásia, África e Américas, porém poucas amostras Brasileiras representativas. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é elaborar uma primeira versão da BE de solos do Brasil (BESB), caracterizar os espectros das classes de solos e quantificar atributos do solo (argila e areia). O banco recebeu amostras de 17 colaboradores e instituições de diversos estados brasileiros, que incluem: Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Goiás, Maranhão, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará, Paraíba, Pará, Roraima, Amazonas e Distrito Federal. No total 19.537 curvas espectrais de solo provenientes de tradagens e perfis foram caracterizados, essas amostras são de várias classes de solos do Brasil. Perfis de solo e seus horizontes representativos tiveram seus espectros caracterizados em curvas multi-espectrais em profundidade. Foi gerado um modelo de quantificação dos atributos baseado na regressão dos mínimos quadrados parciais (PLSR). Os resultados obtidos para os modelos de quantificação foram utilizados para calibração da fração argila (calibração R2 = 0,82; RMSE = 46,75 g/kg, validaçãp R2 = 0,83 ; RMSE = 46,75 g/kg; RPD = 4,57) e areia (calibração R2 = 0,81; RMSE = 60,9 g/kg, validação R2 = 0,79, RMSE = 60,85 g/kg; RPD = 4,16). Foi possível distinguir diferentes classes de solos através da Análise dos Componentes Principais (ACP), como Organossolos, Latossolos, Argissolos e Nitossolos. A elaboração da BESB permite estabelecer padrões espectrais dos solos e auxilia nos avanços das técnicas de quantificação de atributos. / Brazil is a significant country in food production and to improve efficiency of agriculture is necessary to be planned. Soil is the basis for agriculture, which is relevant for food safety and environmental issues. Mapping and soil management are strategies for planned agriculture and can be assisted by remote sensing. Spectroscopy techniques are faster, less honorable and less polluting when compared to traditional methods. Soils Spectral Library (SSL) composes a diverse and varied database with soil spectra information. Through SSL soil types can be characterize and soil attributes estimated. SSL besides contribute to the soil survey, mapping and soil management it can support precision agriculture, soil attribute modeling, soil contaminated monitoring, communication between the soil scientists and soil conservation. There are SSL worldwide with soil samples from continents, such as Australia, Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas, but there are few Brazilian samples representative. Thus, the objectives of this study were first to create a Brazilian Soil Spectral Library (BSSB), second to characterize soil spectra of BESB soil classes and finally to quantify soil properties (clay and sand). The BSSL bank received samples from 17 collaborators and institutions from various Brazilian states, including Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Goiás, Maranhão, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará, Paraíba, Pará, Roraima, Amazonas and Distrito Federal. The Spectral Library has 19,537 soil samples from auger and profiles. Spectra of several Brazilian soil classes were characterized. Soil profiles and their horizons had their representative spectra characterized with multi-depth analysis. Quantification model of soil attributes was based on partial least squares regression (PLSR). Prediction models were obtained to quantify clay (calibration R2 = 0,82; RMSE = 46,75 g/kg, validaçãp R2 = 0,83 ; RMSE = 46,75 g/kg; RPD = 4,57) and sand (calibration R2 = 0,81; RMSE = 60,9 g/kg, validação R2 = 0,79, RMSE = 60,85 g/kg; RPD = 4,16). In addition, we distinguish different soil classes by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Organossolos, Latossolos, Argissolos and Nitossolos were well separated. BESB assembly assisted to establish spectral patterns of land and it could improve advancing attributes techniques measurement.
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Quantificação de PBDEs em amostras de sedimentos de Ribeirão Preto e avaliação da toxicidade do BDE-209 em células HepG2 sob influência de indução autofágica / Quantification of PBDEs in sediments samples of Ribeirão Preto and evaluation of toxicity of BDE-209 in HepG2 cells under autophagy induction.Ferrari, Raíssa Santos 03 November 2016 (has links)
Os éteres difenílicos polibromados (PBDEs) são compostos amplamente utilizados como retardantes de chamas que foram introduzidos por volta da década de 1970, em uma gama de produtos industrializados, especialmente em aparelhos eletrônicos. No entanto, em contrapartida ao seu papel benéfico como dispositivo de segurança, esses compostos apresentam uma estrutura química que proporciona ao homem preocupantes efeitos tóxicos que, de acordo com vários estudos, são responsáveis por desencadearem problemas neurotóxicos e hormonais, assim como influenciarem no desenvolvimento de algumas doenças. Além disso, suas características físico-químicas permitem que eles sejam bioacumulados e persistentes no meio ambiente. Diante desses fatores, tornam-se importantes estudos que melhor caracterizem o mecanismo de ação desses compostos e, portanto, a proposta do projeto foi analisar os efeitos do congênere 2, 2\' ,3, 3\' ,4, 4\' ,5, 5\' ,6, 6\' decabromodifenil éter (BDE-209) em células de hepatocarcinoma humano do tipo HepG2, aplicando como método de análise os ensaios de citotoxicidade durante indução autofágica. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o BDE-209, como observados em outros estudos do nosso laboratório, não apresentou toxicidade acentuada em comparação aos outros congêneres, pois mostrou resultados significativos apenas nas maiores concentrações. A indução autofágica, por sua vez, não proporcionou efeitos protetivos contra a citotoxicidade do BDE, pelo contrário, ela foi capaz de perturbar ainda mais a homeostasia celular e de causar necrose na presença de 25 µmol.L-1 do congênere. Suplementariamente, foram coletadas amostras de sedimentos provenientes de uma lagoa pertencente à área de recarga do aquífero Guaraní no município de Ribeirão Preto para a quantificação de PBDEs com o objetivo de determinar o nível de contaminação desse ambiente. Estas amostras foram analisadas por cromatografia gasosa com detector por captura de elétrons (CG-ECD), após um processo de extração, clean up e pré-concentração. Os resultados obtidos mostraram a presença de seis BDEs com somatórias de suas concentrações nos valores de 4,03 ng.g-1 e 5,38 ng.g-1 em duas amostras coletas, tendo como congênere em destaque o 2, 2\', 4, 4\' tetrabromodifenil éter (BDE-47). / The polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are compounds widely used as flame retardants, introduced around 1970, in a diversity of industrial products especially electronics. However, in contrast to its beneficial role as a safety device, these compounds have a chemical structure, which provides to humans worrisome toxic effects, because according to several studies, they are responsible for triggering neurotoxic and hormonal problems, as well as influence in the development of some diseases. Moreover, its chemical composition allows them to be bioaccumulated, which gives potential effects, since they are persistent in the environment. Given these factors, studies that can better describe these compounds action mechanism are important. Therefore, the proposal of this project was to analyze the effect of 2, 2\' ,3, 3\' ,4, 4\' ,5, 5\' ,6, 6\'-decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) using as model the human hepatocellular carcinoma cells, HepG2, applying cytotoxicity assays during autophagic induction. The results showed that BDE-209, as observed in other studies of our group, induced no severe toxicity like other congeners as it showed significant results only in higher concentrations. The autophagic induction had no protective effects against the BDEs cytotoxicity, on the contrary, it was able to affect cells homeostasis and cause necrosis in the presence of 25 mol.L-1 of the congener. Additionally, sediment samples were collected from a recharge point of Guaraní aquifer in Ribeirão Preto for quantification of these compounds to determine the level of contamination in this environment. These samples were analyzed by gas chromatography with electron capture detector (CG-ECD) after a process of extraction, clean up and preconcentration. The results showed the presence of six BDEs with total concentration of 4.03 ng.g-1 and 5.38 ng.g-1 in two samples collected, which the main congener was 2, 2\', 4, 4\' tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47).
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A new dynamic model for non-viral multi-treatment gene delivery systems for bone regeneration: parameter extraction, estimation, and sensitivityMuhammad, Ruqiah 01 August 2019 (has links)
In this thesis we develop new mathematical models, using dynamical systems, to represent localized gene delivery of bone morphogenetic protein 2 into bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and rat calvarial defects. We examine two approaches, using pDNA or cmRNA treatments, respectively, towards the production of calcium deposition and bone regeneration in in vitro and in vivo experiments. We first review the relevant scientific literature and survey existing mathematical representations for similar treatment approaches. We then motivate and develop our new models and determine model parameters from literature, heuristic approaches, and estimation using sparse data. We next conduct a qualitative analysis using dynamical systems theory. Due to the nature of the parameter estimation, it was important that we obtain local and global sensitivity analyses of model outputs to changes in model inputs. Finally we compared results from different treatment protocols. Our model suggests that cmRNA treatments may perform better than pDNA treatments towards bone fracture healing. This work is intended to be a foundation for predictive models of non-viral local gene delivery systems.
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Validated High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method for Buprenorphine Quantification in Oral Veterinary Solution for Application Toward a Beyond-Use Date DeterminationKirk, Loren, Brown, Stacy D. 01 February 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Formalité liée aux algèbres enveloppantes et étude des algèbres Hom-(co)Poisson / Formality related to universal enveloping algebras and study of Hom-(co)Poisson algebrasElchinger, Olivier 12 November 2012 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est d'étudier quelques aspects algébriques du problème de quantification par déformation. On considère d'une part la formalité dans le cas des algèbres libres et de l'algèbre de Lie so(3), et on s'intéresse d'autre part à la quantification par déformation pour des structures Hom-algébriques. Suivant le résultat de formalité de Kontsevich en 1997 pour les algèbres symétriques, on étudie dans la première partie de cette thèse les algèbres libres, qui sont un cas particulier d'algèbres enveloppantes, et on montre qu'il n'y a pas formalité en général, sauf dans les cas triviaux. On montre aussi qu'il n'y a pas formalité pour l'algèbre de Lie so(3). Les techniques utilisées sont de type homologiques. On calcule la cohomologie de ces algèbres et on procède à la construction du L-infini-quasi-isomorphisme entre l'algèbre de Lie différentielle graduée des cochaînes de Hochschild munie du crochet de Gerstenhaber et l'algèbre de la cohomologie munie du crochet de Schouten. Dans la seconde partie de ce travail, on utilise un principe de déformation par twist pour les structures Hom-algébriques, pour construire de nouvelles structures de même type, ou encore pour déformer une structure classique en une Hom-structure correspondante à l'aide d'un morphisme d'algèbres. En particulier, on applique ce procédé aux structures de Poisson et aux star-produits de Moyal-Weyl. Par ailleurs, on établit une correspondance entre les algèbres enveloppantes d'algèbres Hom-Lie possédant une structure Hom-coPoisson et les bigèbres Hom-Lie. / This thesis aims to study some algebraic aspects of the deformation quantization problem. On one hand, we consider formality for free algebras and the Lie algebra so(3), and on the other hand we study deformation quantization for Hom-algebraic structures. Following Kontsevich's formality result in 1997 for symmetric algebras, we study in the first part free algebras, which are a particular case of envelopping algebras, and show that there is no formality, except for the trivial cases. We also show that there is no formality for the Lie algebra so(3). The tools used are homological ones. We compute the cohomology of these algebras and proceed to the construction of the L-infinity-quasi-isomorphism between the differential graded Lie algebra of the Hochschild cochains endowed with the Gerstenhaber bracket and the cohomology algebra endowed with the Schouten bracket. In the second part of this work, we use a principle of deformation by twist for Hom-algebraic structures, to construct new structures of the same type, or to deform a classical structure in the corresponding Hom-structure using an algebra morphism. In particular, we apply this method to Poisson structures and Moyal-Weyl star-products. Besides, we establish a correspondance between enveloping algebras of Hom-Lie algebras endowed with a Hom-coPoisson structure and Hom-Lie bialgebras.
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Fusion TEMP-TDM en imagerie cardiaque : vers une sectorisation spécifique de la perfusion myocardiqueChauvet, Cindy 07 July 2011 (has links)
La tomoscintigraphie myocardique (TMS) et la coronarographie par tomodensitométrie àmultidétecteurs (coro-TDM) sont deux techniques d’imagerie utilisées pour l'évaluation noninvasive de la maladie coronarienne. La TMS fournit une représentation 3D de la perfusionmyocardique. Le coro-TDM apporte des informations anatomiques liées à l’arbre artériel etpermet de détecter la présence de sténoses coronaires. La combinaison des informationscomplémentaires fournies par ces deux modalités permet aux médecins nucléaires debénéficier de repères anatomiques et d'isoler la sténose responsable de la souffrance et del'insuffisance coronaire du patient.La segmentation des artères coronaires est une étape préliminaire importante pour lavisualisation de l'anatomie des vaisseaux avec la perfusion myocardique. Nous proposons uneméthode de segmentation des vaisseaux sans détection de la ligne médiane fondée sur lamorphologie mathématique et la croissance de région. Cette méthode s'avère être un boncompromis entre temps de calcul et précision.La seconde partie de ces travaux concerne le recalage des images TSM et coro-TDM. Cetteétape nécessite la mise en place de méthodes adaptées aux modalités anatomiques etfonctionnelles mises en jeu. Notre méthode repose sur un formalisme d'information mutuelleexploitant un modèle non paramétrique de densité par noyaux de Parzen, rendu robuste grâceà l'estimation des matrices de largeurs de bande de rang plein, et sur un schéma d'optimisationstochastique fondé sur le filtrage particulaire.La TSM et les artères coronaires sont projetées et fusionnées sur un bull's eye pour permettreune analyse conjointe de la localisation des sténoses et des anomalies de la perfusionmyocardique. La nouvelle quantification proposée intègre la fusion des informationsanatomiques et fonctionnelles : chacun des 17 segments du ventricule gauche est affecté demanière spécifique à l'artère coronaire dont la distance géodésique à la surface du myocardeest la plus faible.L'application proposée est adaptée pour une utilisation en routine clinique en cardiologienucléaire. L'absence de gold standard pour l'évaluation du recalage en imagerie cardiaquenous a conduit à utiliser une base de données d'IRM de cerveau. Puis, l'approche a été testéesur un fantôme cardiaque et des données cliniques. Les artères coronaires peuvent êtresegmentées jusqu'à 1 mm de diamètre. La précision de la méthode de recalage est de l'ordrede la résolution de la TSM. L'étude de faisabilité de la quantification spécifique patient de laperfusion myocardique a montré une meilleure discrimination entre les territoires coronaires. / No abstract available
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Mathematical programming techniques for solving stochastic optimization problems with certainty equivalent measures of riskVinel, Alexander 01 May 2015 (has links)
The problem of risk-averse decision making under uncertainties is studied from both modeling and computational perspectives. First, we consider a framework for constructing coherent and convex measures of risk which is inspired by infimal convolution operator, and prove that the proposed approach constitutes a new general representation of these classes. We then discuss how this scheme may be effectively employed to obtain a class of certainty equivalent measures of risk that can directly
incorporate decision maker's preferences as expressed by utility functions. This approach is consequently utilized to introduce a new family of measures, the log-exponential convex measures of risk. Conducted numerical experiments show that this family can be a useful tool when modeling risk-averse decision preferences under heavy-tailed distributions of uncertainties. Next, numerical methods for solving the rising optimization problems are developed. A special attention is devoted to the class p-order cone programming problems and mixed-integer models. Solution approaches proposed include approximation schemes for $p$-order cone and more general nonlinear programming problems, lifted conic and nonlinear valid inequalities, mixed-integer rounding conic cuts and new linear disjunctive cuts.
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Unsteady Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Validation and Uncertainty Quantification for a Confined Bank of Cylinders Using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)Wilson, Brandon M. 01 May 2012 (has links)
This work made publicly available electronically on May 9, 2012.
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Study of shoulder flow zone formation in thick section FSW of 6061 Al alloy using scroll shoulder toolYan, David January 2008 (has links)
Friction stir welding (FSW) is a relatively new solid-state welding technology invented at The Welding Institute of UK in 1991. It is versatile and has been widely adopted to join various materials. There has been strong research activity on revealing the details of the material flow pattern in the nugget zone induced by the conventional shoulder tool. However, there is insufficient understanding on the aspects of the scroll shoulder tool design and the shoulder flow zone formation utilizing this type of tool. The major objective of this study was to conduct experiments, analyse results and then reveal the shoulder flow zone forming mechanism for the scroll shoulder tool. The method used was to identify the flow pattern in the shoulder flow zone using a ‘marker insert’ technique, and then to suggest the forming mechanism of the shoulder flow zone based on the obtained flow pattern; although the ‘marker insert’ technique has never been used to study the shoulder flow zone flow pattern induced by the scroll shoulder tool. Experiments were conducted to examine the thick sections 6061 aluminium ‘marker insert’ welds, which were welded using a scroll shoulder tool at a range of welding parameters. These were followed by quantifying the mass of the accumulated work piece material within the scroll groove (pick up material-PUM), evaluating the effect of welding parameters on the shoulder flow zone formation, and documenting the shoulder flow zone flow pattern. The major finding was that there is a simple banded structure which forms in a layer to layer manner in the bottom portion of the shoulder flow zone, but it disappears in the top portion of the shoulder flow zone. Accordingly, the forming mechanism of the shoulder flow zone for the scroll shoulder tool was suggested as follows. Firstly, the tool pin is plunged into the work piece; the work piece material is extruded by the pin and pushed up into the scroll groove forming the PUM. Secondly, after the tool shoulder is plunged into the work piece to a certain depth, the scroll groove is fully filled up with the PUM. Finally, during the forward movement of the tool, the central portion of PUM is driven downward by the root portion of the pin and then detaches from the pin (tip portion) in a layer to layer manner. It has also found that the thickness of the shoulder flow zone varies with a thicker on the advancing side than on the retreating side, and there is a positive linear relationship between the mass of PUM and the weld quality. This study has revealed for the first time the forming mechanism of the shoulder flow zone, and has improved the understanding of the shoulder flow zone formation using a scroll shoulder tool. It is recommended that a ‘shoulder-breaking’ technique is developed to break the rotating shoulder suddenly and hence embed it into the work piece during FSW, in which a real-time shoulder-work piece couple could be produced for a better three-dimensional examination of the shoulder flow zone.
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