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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Potential for improvement of efficiency in health systems : three empirical studies / Potentiel d’amélioration de l’efficience des systèmes de santé : trois études empiriques

Petitfour, Laurène 26 September 2017 (has links)
Dans l'optique du troisième Objectif de Développement Durable ("Santé et Bien-Etre pour tous"), il est nécessaire d'augmenter les ressources consacrées à la santé dans les pays à faible revenus, mais aussi de s'assurer que ces ressources sont allouées de façon optimale. Pour cela, les mesures d'efficience sont un outil d'analyse adapté pour évaluer la performance des systèmes au niveau macroéconomique ou des établissement de santé au niveau microéconomique, afin d'obtenir "plus de santé pour son argent" (Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, 2010). Au travers de ses quatre chapitres, cette thèse s'inscrit dans la littérature empirique de l'évaluation de l'efficience des systèmes de santé.Le premier chapitre est une revue méthodologique des mesures non-paramétriques d'efficience, utilisées dans les trois chapitres empiriques qui suivent. Le second chapitre estime l'efficience d'un échantillon de 120 pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire de 1997 à 2014. On considère que les systèmes de santé produisent des résultats en termes de santé (de la survie maternelle et infantile) grâce à des dépenses de santé. Les résultats montrent que, pour un état de santé identique, les pays de l'échantillon pourraient dépenser 20\% de ressources en moins en moyenne, et que l'inefficience augmente avec le niveau de développement.Les deux derniers chapitres sont des études de cas. Le troisième porte sur un échantillon d'hôpitaux municipaux à Weifang, dans la province chinoise du Shandong. Il met en lumière, grâce à des données d'enquête, le potentiel d'amélioration en termes de performance, et le rôle de certains facteurs sur l'inefficience des hôpitaux: la demande de soins, et la part de subventions dans leur revenu. Le quatrième chapitre traite de l'efficience des établissements de soins de santé primaires à Oulan-Bator, en Mongolie. Avec les mêmes ressources, ils pourraient produire 30\% de soins supplémentaires en moyenne. Le bassin de desserte est positivement associé au niveau d'efficience, mais la faible rémunération du personnel, ainsi qu'un équilibre sous-optimal entre personnel médical et non-médical semblent freiner l'efficience des établissements de santé. / In the perspective of the third Sustainable Development Goal ("Good Health and Well-being"), it is necessary to increase financial resources for health in low income countries, but also to ensure that those resources are optimally allocated. To this purpose, efficiency measures appear as a useful tool to assess the performance of healh systems at the macroeconomic level, or of health facilities as the microeconomic level to get "more health for the money" (WHO,2010). Through its four chapters, this thesis provides some empirical evidence to the assessment of the efficiency of health system.The first chapter is a methodological review of nonparametric efficiency measures, used in the three empirical studies that follow. The second chapter assesses the efficiency of a sample of 120 low and middle income countries over the 1997/2014 period. Production function is defined as health expenditures producing health outcomes (maternal and juvenile survival). It concludes that, for the same health outcomes, countries could spend more than 20\% for the same health outcomes, and that inefficiency increases with the level of development of coutries. The last two chapters are case studies. The third one focuses on Township Health Centers in Weifang, Shandong province, China, relying on survey data. It highlights the potential for performance improvement and the role of demand side determinants and of the share of subsidies in incomes to explain efficiency scores. The fourth chapter deals with the efficiency of primary healthcare facilities in Ulan-Bator, Mongolia. It concludes that efficiency could be spurred by about 30\%. Demand side factors are positively associated to efficiency, but low levels of staff remuneration, as well as a suboptimal balance between medical and non-medical staff seem to hinder activity and efficiency of health facilities.

Projeto e análise de controladores robustos aplicados a inversores trifásicos de fontes ininterruptas de energia (UPS)

Barden, Alisson Thomas January 2016 (has links)
O objetivo principal deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de controladores robustos baseados no princípio do modelo interno, em referenciais síncrono e estacionário, para aplicação ao estágio de saída de uma fonte ininterrupta de energia (UPS) a fim de minimizar a distorção na tensão de saída causada pela conexão de cargas não lineares balanceadas e desbalanceadas. A formulação em referencial estacionário (abc) é realizada através da aplicação de controladores com múltiplos modos ressonantes, a fim de se estabelecer erro nulo ao seguimento de referência senoidal e rejeição de distúrbios na tensão de saída devido às correntes com elevado conteúdo harmônico drenadas pelas cargas. Além disso, o controle é formulado em referencial síncrono (dq0) utilizando controladores Proporcional-Integral (PI) convencionais muito difundidos na maioria das aplicações comerciais de UPS. O projeto de ambos controladores é realizado utilizando uma metodologia de controle robusto com realimentação de estados, onde os parâmetros dos controladores são determinados através da resolução de um problema de otimização convexa sujeito a um conjunto de restrições na forma de desigualdades matriciais lineares (LMI). Uma análise comparativa de desempenho é realizada entre controladores com um modo ressonante (sintonizado na fundamental) e o PI em dq0, pois apresentam estruturas funcionalmente equivalentes sob a ótica do princípio do modelo interno aplicada a seus respectivos referenciais. Além do mais, demonstra-se a melhoria no desempenho com o uso dos controladores múltiplo ressonantes em referencial estacionário onde escolhe-se as frequências de ressonância de cada modo de maneira a suprimir os efeitos de harmônicas específicas na tensão de saída da UPS. A análise comparativa entre os controladores propostos é realizada através de simulações numéricas, utilizando os procedimentos de ensaio dinâmico e estático e as exigências estabelecidas pela norma internacional IEC 62040-3. / The main objective of this work is the development of robust controllers based on the internalmodel principle, in synchronous and stationary frames, applied to the output stage of an uninterruptible power supply (UPS), in order to minimize the output voltage distortion caused by the connection of balanced and unbalanced nonlinear loads. The formulation in stationary abc-frame is accomplished through the aplication of a multiple resonant controller, so that, it is possible to achieve zero-error tracking of the sinusoidal reference and disturbances rejection on the output voltage due to the high amount of harmonic currents drained by the loads. Moreover, a controller in synchronous reference frame (dq0 axis) is formulated through the application of conventional Proportional-Integral (PI) controllers which are widely used in comercial UPS applications. The design of both controllers is formulated using a state-feedback robust controlmethod, in which the controller parameters are determined by solving a convex optimization problem subject to a set of LMI constraints. A comparative analysis on the performance of the single-mode resonant controller (tuned at the fundamental frequency) and the PI controller is performed, because these controllers are functionally equivalent in the sense of the internal model principle applied to their respective frames. Furthermore, the improvement in performance is demostrated with the use of multiple resonant controllers in stationary abc-frame where the resonance frequencies are chosen to suppress the effects of a specific harmonic in the UPS output voltage. The comparative analysis of the proposed controllers is performed through numerical simulations, making use of the dynamical and steady-state test methods and performance requirements defined by the IEC 62040-3 international stardard.

Projeto em tempo discreto de controladores ressonantes aplicados a fontes ininterruptas de energia

Keiel, Guilherme January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo da discretização de controladores ressonantes aplicados a fontes ininterruptas de energia (UPSs, do termo em inglês, Uninterruptible Power Suppllies). Primeiramente, diferentes métodos de discretização serão considerados na obtenção de um modelo em tempo discreto da UPS. Além disso, estes métodos serão comparados do ponto de vista frequencial para a definição da formulação do controlador ressonante a ser utilizado. Então, uma metodologia de projeto robusto do controlador ressonante em tempo discreto é proposta a partir de uma representação em espaço de estados do sistema em malha fechada e os parâmetros do controlador são obtidos através da solução de um problema de otimização convexa sujeito a restrições na forma de Desigualdades Matriciais Lineares (do inglês, Linear Matrix Inequalities - LMIs). A estratégia proposta foi validada por meio de resultados de simulação e experimentais obtidos com um inversor comercial de 3,5 kVA considerando os critérios estabelecidos na norma IEC 62040-3. Nestas condições, demonstrara-se um desempenho melhor do que os obtidos com a discretização do controlador projetado em tempo contínuo, sobretudo quando consideradas frequências de amostragem menores. / This work presents a study about discrete-time resonant controllers applied to uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs). First, different discretization methods are considered to obtain an equivalent UPS discrete-time model. Moreover, these methods are compared in the frequency domain in order to define the resonant controller structure to be employed. Then, a robust design methodology to the discrete-time resonant controller is proposed using a state-space representation of the closed-loop system and the controller parameters are obtained by solving a convex optimization problem subject to constraints in the form of Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs). The proposed strategy was validated by means of simulation and experimental results obtained with a 3.5 kVA commercial inverter taking into account the IEC 62040-3 norm requirements. In this conditions, a better performance was achieved than those obtained through discretization of a continuous-time controller, especially when considering smaller sampling frequencies.

Contrôle acoustique actif du bruit dans une cavité fermée / Active acoustic noise control in a closed cavity

Boultifat, Chaouki Nacer 27 March 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le contrôle acoustique actif (ANC) dans une cavité. L’objectif est d’atténuer l’effet d’une onde sonore perturbatrice en des points ou dans un volume. Ceci est réalisé à l’aide d’un contre-bruit généré, par exemple, par un haut-parleur. Cette étude requiert l’utilisation de modèles dynamiques rendant compte de l’évolution des pressions aux points d’intérêt en fonction des bruits exogènes. Ce modèle peut être obtenu par une identification fréquentielle des réponses point-à-point ou en utilisant le modèle physique sous jacent (équation des ondes). Dans ce dernier cas, la recherche d'un modèle de dimension finie est souvent un préalable à l’étude conceptuelle d'un système d’ANC. Les contributions de cette thèse portent donc sur l’élaboration de différents modèles simplifiés paramétrés par la position pour les systèmes acoustiques et sur la conception de lois de commande pour l’ANC. Le premier volet de la thèse est dédié à l’élaboration de différents modèles simplifiés de système de propagation acoustique au sein d’une cavité. Pour cela, les simplifications envisagées peuvent être de nature spatiale autant que fréquentielle. Nous montrons notamment qu'il est possible, sous certaines conditions, d’approximer le système 3D par un système 1D. Ceci a été mis en évidence expérimentalement sur le banc d’essai LS2NBox. Le second volet porte sur la conception de lois de commande. En premier lieu, les stratégies de commandes couramment utilisées pour l’ANC sont comparées. L'effet dela commande multi-objectif H en différents points voisins des points d'atténuation est analysé. La possibilité d’une annulation parfaitedu bruit en un point est aussi discutée. / This thesis deals with active noise control (ANC) in a cavity. The aim is to mitigate the effect of a disturbing sound wave at some points or in a volume. This is achieved using ananti-noise generated, for example, by a loudspeaker. This study requires the use of dynamic models that report changes in pressure at points of interest in response to exogenous noises. Such models can be obtained by frequency identification of point-to-point responses or by using the underlying physical model (wave equation). In the latter case, the search for a low-complexity model (finite dimensional model) is often a prerequisite for the conceptual study of an active control system. The contributions of this thesis concern the development of different simplified models parameterized by the spatial position for acoustic systems, and the design of control laws for noise attenuation. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to the development of various simplified models of acoustic propagation system within a cavity. For that, the simplifications envisaged can be of spatial nature as much as frequential. We show in particular that it is possible, under certain conditions, to approximate the 3D system by a 1D system. This has been demonstrated experimentally on the prototype system, LS2NBox. The second part of the thesis deals with the design of control laws. First, the control strategies commonly used for ANC are compared. The effect of multi-objective H control at different spatial positions close to the attenuation points is analyzed. The possibility of perfect noise cancellation at one point is also discussed.

Application de techniques de commande avancées dans le domaine automobile. / Applications of advanced control techniques in the automotive field

Pita, Guillermo 28 March 2011 (has links)
Les travaux effectués lors de cette thèse se sont focalisés sur les applications des méthodes et techniques d’Automatique avancée à des problématiques actuelles de l’automobile. Les sujets abordés ont porté sur trois axes fondamentaux en s’appuyant sur des techniques telles que la synthèse H infini LTI et q-LPV, la linéarisation par bouclage dynamique, la retouche de correcteurs de type PI en particulier et l’optimisation des pondérations des filtres nécessaires aux synthèses H infini :• Contrôle de la trajectoire d’un véhicule automobile. Nous avons proposé une structure de commande reprenant une démarche classiquement mise en œuvre dans le milieu aéronautique ou spatial.• Contrôle de la chaîne d’air d’un moteur essence, turbocompressé. Nous avons proposé une formulation novatrice de type q-LPV du modèle du moteur. Cette formulation d’un nouveau modèle de commande nous a permis de synthétiser des correcteurs évolués à paramètres variables qui s’adaptent automatiquement au point de fonctionnement.• Contrôle du freinage d’un véhicule électrique. Pour cette partie, nous avons précisé la motivation et l’intérêt des véhicules électriques, puis étudié le gain d’autonomie potentiellement accessible par la mise en œuvre d’une récupération d’énergie au freinage. Finalement, des solutions permettant de réduire les oscillations induites dans la chaîne de traction par des demandes de couple freineur à la machine électrique ont été développées. / The work achieved in this PhD thesis is dedicated to applications of advanced control methodologies to problems currently faced in the automotive field. Three main areas of investigation were successively considered, using advanced techniques such as H infinity LTI and q-LPV design procedures, dynamic feedback linearization, retuning of controllers, in particular PI-type, and optimization of filters required by the H infinity design procedure:• Trajectory control of automotive vehicle. A control structure has been proposed which is based on the procedure classically developed in the aeronautics field.• Robust nonlinear control of the air path of an internal combustion engine. An innovative q-LPV formulation of the motor has been proposed, which has enabled design of advanced controllers with varying parameters. These parameters are automatically updated according to the operating point.• Optimal control laws for brakes’s torque blending on electrical vehicle. Motivation and interest for electrical vehicle has been first detailed, then potential gain in autonomy due to regenerative braking has been studied. Finally, solutions which reduce oscillations in the power train chain induced by torque demand to the electrical machine during braking phases has been developed.

Contribution à la modélisation et la commande robuste de robots manipulateurs à articulations flexibles. Applications à la robotique interactive. / Contribution to modeling and robust control of flexible-joint robot manipulators – Applications to interactive robotics

Makarov, Maria 21 May 2013 (has links)
La problématique traitée dans cette thèse concerne la commande de robots manipulateurs à articulations flexibles. Les méthodes développées visent à satisfaire les spécifications de performance et de robustesse en suivi de trajectoire, ainsi qu’à assurer un niveau de sécurité compatible avec un scénario de fonctionnement interactif dans lequel l’homme et le robot partagent un même espace de travail. Seules les mesures moteur sont utilisées dans un contexte d’instrumentation réduite. Le premier objectif de performance de la commande de mouvement est atteint grâce à l’identification expérimentale d’un modèle flexible représentatif du système, et l’usage de ce modèle pour la synthèse de lois de commande avancées intégrées au sein d’une structure cascade. Deux approches complémentaires fondées d’une part sur la commande prédictive de type GPC (Generalized Predictive Control), et d’autre part sur la commande Hinfini, sont considérées pour la synthèse de lois de commande à deux degrés de liberté, prédictives et robustes. Les performances de ces deux approches sont analysées et évaluées expérimentalement. Le deuxième objectif de sécurité est abordé à travers un algorithme de détection de collisions du robot avec son environnement, sans capteur d’effort et en présence d’incertitudes de modélisation. Afin de séparer efficacement les effets dynamiques des collisions de ceux des erreurs de modélisation, une stratégie adaptative de filtrage et de décision tenant compte de l’état du système est proposée. La validation expérimentale montre une très bonne sensibilité de détection, compatible avec les normes et les recommandations de sécurité relatives à la robotique collaborative. / The present thesis addresses the problem of motion control of flexible-joint robot manipulators using motor sensors only. The global objective is to guarantee tracking performance and robustness with respect to modeling uncertainties, together with safe human-robot interaction in a collaborative scenario where the robot and the human operator share the same workspace. The first objective of performance is achieved through the experimental identification of a flexible model of the system and the use of this model for the design of advanced control laws implemented in a cascade structure. Two complementary approaches, based either on predictive (Generalized Predictive Control, GPC) or Hinfinity control frameworks, are considered to design predictive and robust two degrees-of-freedom controllers. Experimental evaluation and analysis of the proposed strategies is provided. The second objective of safety is addressed by a novel algorithm for human-robot collision detection, without force sensors and in the presence of modeling uncertainties. In order to efficiently separate the dynamic effects of the collisions from the effects due to modeling errors, the proposed approach includes adaptive filtering and uses dynamic thresholds depending on the robot state. Experimental evaluation demonstrates a good detection sensitivity which is consistent with safety standards and recommendations for collaborative robotics.

Commande et planification de trajectoires pour la navigation de véhicules autonomes / Control and path planning for navigation of autonomous vehicles

Tagne Fokam, Gilles 18 November 2014 (has links)
Ces travaux de recherche portent sur la commande et la planification de trajectoires pour la navigation de véhicules autonomes. Ils se situent dans le cadre d'un projet très ambitieux lancé par le laboratoire Heudiasyc sur la conduite autonome à grande vitesses (vitesse longitudinale supérieure à 5m/s ~= 18 km/h). Pour proposer des solutions à cette problématique, après avoir réalisé une large recherche bibliographique sur la commande et la planification des trajectoires des véhicules autonomes, plusieurs contributions ont été présentées. En ce qui concerne la commande des véhicules autonomes, un contrôleur latéral par mode glissant d'ordre supérieur a été proposé. Compte tenu de la ressemblance implicite entre le mode glissant et le principe d'immersion et d'invariance (I&I), deux contrôleurs utilisant le principe d'immersion et d'invariance ont été proposés par la suite pour améliorer les performances par rapport au mode glissant. Le développement de ces nouveaux contrôleurs nous a permis de garantir une stabilité robuste pour tous les gains positifs des contrôleurs I&I. Ce résultat nous a conduit à étudier les propriétés intrinsèques du système. Une étude des propriétés de passivité du système a révélé des caractéristiques de passivité intéressantes. Par la suite, nous avons développé un contrôleur robuste basé sur la passivité. Concernant la navigation, nous avons développé deux algorithmes de navigation basés sur la méthode des tentacules. Ceci dans le but d'améliorer la méthode de base. Les résultats de la simulation montrent que les algorithmes donnent de bons résultats vis-à-vis des objectifs attendus d'évitement d'obstacles et de suivi de la trajectoire globale de référence. Les algorithmes de commande et de planification de trajectoires développés ont été validés en simulation hors-ligne avec des données réelles après avoir été testés sur un simulateur réaliste. / My research focuses on trajectory planning and control of autonomous vehicles. This work is a part of an extremely ambitious project launched by the Heudiasyc laboratory about autonomous driving at high speed (longitudinal speed greater to 5m/s ~= 18 km/h). With regard to the control of autonomous vehicles at high speed, a lateral controler using higher-order sliding mode control is proposed. Given the implicit similarity between the sliding mode and the principle of immersion and invariance, two controllers using the principle of immersion and invariance have been subsequently proposed in order to improve the performance with respect to the sliding mode. The development of these new controllers shows very strong robust stability which leads us to study the intrinsic properties of the system. A study of the passivity properties of the system is also crried out, showing some interesting characteristics of the system. Hence, a robust passivity-based controller has been developed. Regarding the navigation, we have developed two navigation algorithms based on the tentacles method. Subsequently, a feasibility study of trajectory generation strategies for high speed driving is conducted. The outcome of the simulation proved that the algorithms gave out good results with respect to the expected ogjectives of obstacle avoidance and global reference path following. Control and motion planning algorithms developed were validated offline by simulation with real data. They have been also tested on a realistic simulator.

Considering uncertainties in power system transient stability analysis / Considerando incertezas na análise de estabilidade transitória em sistemas elétricos de potência

Fortulan, Raphael Luiz Vicente 11 March 2019 (has links)
Alternative renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and bio energy have brought uncertainties into the power flow of electric power systems. Purely deterministic tools and models are suitable to guarantee the safe operation of these systems. A necessity arises to develop and use methods that deal with uncertainties in the analysis. Several methodologies have been proposed to assess the transient stability of power systems considering uncertainties. However, most of these techniques are based on the execution of successive simulations, requiring a high computational effort. Hence, they are limited to off-line applications in small systems. In view of the foregoing, this work proposes the development of two methodologies to assess – in real time – the transient stability of power systems with parametric and operational uncertainties. The first one is an extension of PEBS, which is a direct method for stability assessment. This method, called robust PEBS, employs an interval energy function of the power system to determine a robust estimate critical clearing time. The second one is the use of optimization methods to find a robust estimate critical clearing time. Notably, we employ the Simulated Annealing and Differential Evolution algorithms. Besides developing methods to estimate the critical clearing time, this work also contributes to the analysis of power systems with uncertainties by introducing a technique to reduce the analysis effort. To be specific, a methodology is proposed to identify the most influential parameters for the transient analysis assessment based on a sensitivity analysis of the generator angles with respect to the system parameters. / A utilização crescente de fontes alternativas intermitentes de energia como eólica e solar tem trazido incertezas em relação ao nível de geração e ao fluxo de potência em Sistemas Elétricos de Potência (SEP). Assim, a utilização de modelagem e ferramentas puramente determinísticas na análise de estabilidade não são mais suficientes para garantir a operação segura destes sistemas. Torna-se necessário, então, o desenvolvimento e utilização de métodos que incluam essas incertezas nas análises. Diversas metodologias foram propostas para avaliar a estabilidade transitória de Sistemas Elétricos de Potência considerando incertezas. Porém, grande parte destas técnicas é baseada em execuções de inúmeras simulações e, portanto, exige grande esforços computacionais e são limitadas a aplicações off-line e em sistemas elétricos de pequeno porte. Face ao exposto, propõe-se o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia rápida para a avaliação de estabilidade transitória de SEPs em tempo real considerando incertezas paramétricas. Esta metodologia deverá ser capaz de fornecer rapidamente um resultado robusto sobre a estabilidade. Para tal pretende-se estender a aplicação do método direto PEBS para a análise de estabilidade de sistemas elétricos com incertezas. Além disso, neste trabalho, aplicam-se métodos de otimização para se encontrar o tempo crítico de abertura sem o uso de uma simulação de Monte Carlo e determinam-se os parâmetros que mais influenciam para o estudo de estabilidade transitória utilizando uma análise de sensibilidade dos ângulos dos geradores em relação aos parâmetros do sistema elétrico de potência.

Estudo e implementação de métodos de validação de modelos matemáticos aplicados no desenvolvimento de sistemas de controle de processos industriais. / Research and implementation of mathematical model validation methods applied in the development of industrial process control systems.

Alvarado, Christiam Segundo Morales 22 June 2017 (has links)
A validação de modelos lineares é uma etapa importante em um projeto de Identificação de Sistemas, pois a escolha correta do modelo para representar a maior parte da dinâmica do processo, dentro de um número finito de técnicas de identificação e em torno de um ponto de operação, permite o sucesso no desenvolvimento de controladores preditivos e de controladores robustos. Por tal razão, o objetivo principal desta Tese é o desenvolvimento de um método de validação de modelos lineares, tendo como ferramentas de avaliação os métodos estatísticos, avaliações dinâmicas e análise da robustez do modelo. O componente principal do sistema de validação de modelos lineares proposto é o desenvolvimento de um sistema fuzzy para análise dos resultados obtidos pelas ferramentas utilizadas na etapa de validação. O projeto de Identificação de Sistemas é baseado em dados reais de operação de uma Planta-Piloto de Neutralização de pH, localizada no Laboratório de Controle de Processos Industriais da Escola Politécnica da USP. Para verificar o resultado da validação, todos os modelos são testados em um controlador preditivo do tipo QDMC (Quadratic Dynamic Matrix Control) para seguir uma trajetória de referência. Os critérios utilizados para avaliar o desempenho do controlador QDMC, para cada modelo utilizado, foram a velocidade de resposta do controlador e o índice da mínima variabilidade da variável de processo. Os resultados mostram que a confiabilidade do sistema de validação projetado para malhas com baixa e alta não-linearidade em um processo real, foram de 85,71% e 50%, respectivamente, com relação aos índices de desempenho obtidos pelo controlador QDMC. / Linear model validation is the most important stage in System Identification Project because, the model correct selection to represent the most of process dynamic allows the success in the development of predictive and robust controllers, within identification technique finite number and around the operation point. For this reason, the development of linear model validation methods is the main objective in this Thesis, taking as a tools of assessing the statistical, dynamic and robustness methods. Fuzzy system is the main component of model linear validation system proposed to analyze the results obtained by the tools used in validation stage. System Identification project is performed through operation real data of a pH neutralization pilot plant, located at the Industrial Process Control Laboratory, IPCL, of the Escola Politécnica of the University of São Paulo, Brazil. In order to verify the validation results, all modes are used in QDMC type predictive controller, to follow a set point tracking. The criterions used to assess the QDMC controller performance were the speed response and the process variable minimum variance index, for each model used. The results show that the validation system reliability were 85.71% and 50% projected for low and high non-linearity in a real process, respectively, linking to the performance indexes obtained by the QDMC controller.

Critérios robustos de seleção de modelos de regressão e identificação de pontos aberrantes / Robust model selection criteria in regression and outliers identification

Guirado, Alia Garrudo 08 March 2019 (has links)
A Regressão Robusta surge como uma alternativa ao ajuste por mínimos quadrados quando os erros são contaminados por pontos aberrantes ou existe alguma evidência de violação das suposições do modelo. Na regressão clássica existem critérios de seleção de modelos e medidas de diagnóstico que são muito conhecidos. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar os principais critérios robustos de seleção de modelos e medidas de detecção de pontos aberrantes, assim como analisar e comparar o desempenho destes de acordo com diferentes cenários para determinar quais deles se ajustam melhor a determinadas situações. Os critérios de validação cruzada usando simulações de Monte Carlo e o Critério de Informação Bayesiano são conhecidos por desenvolver-se de forma adequada na identificação de modelos. Na dissertação confirmou-se este fato e além disso, suas alternativas robustas também destacam-se neste aspecto. A análise de resíduos constitui uma forte ferramenta da análise diagnóstico de um modelo, no trabalho detectou-se que a análise clássica de resíduos sobre o ajuste do modelo de regressão linear robusta, assim como a análise das ponderações das observações, são medidas de detecção de pontos aberrantes eficientes. Foram aplicados os critérios e medidas analisados ao conjunto de dados obtido da Estação Meteorológica do Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas da Universidade de São Paulo para detectar quais variáveis meteorológicas influem na temperatura mínima diária durante o ano completo, e ajustou-se um modelo que permite identificar os dias associados à entrada de sistemas frontais. / Robust Regression arises as an alternative to least squares method when errors are contaminated by outliers points or there are some evidence of violation of model assumptions. In classical regression there are several criteria for model selection and diagnostic measures that are well known. The objective of this work is to present the main robust criteria of model selection and outliers detection measures, as well as to analyze and compare their performance according to different stages to determine which of them fit better in certain situations. The cross-validation criteria using Monte Carlo simulations and Beyesian Information Criterion are known to be adequately developed in model identification. This fact was confirmed, and in addition, its robust alternatives also stand out in this aspect. The residual analysis is a strong tool for model diagnostic analysis, in this work it was detected that the classic residual analysis on the robust linear model regression fit, as well as the analysis of the observations weights, are efficient measures of outliers detection points. The analyzed criteria and measures were applied to the data set obtained from the Meteorological Station of the Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences Institute of São Paulo University to detect which meteorological variables influence the daily minimum temperature during the whole year, and was fitted a model that allows identify the days associated with the entry of frontal systems.

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