Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] ROTOR"" "subject:"[enn] ROTOR""
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Estimação de velocidade angular de geradores síncronos para estudo da estabilidade a pequenas perturbações em sistemas de potência / Estimation of rotor speed of synchronous generators for small-signal stability assessment in power systemsTatiane Cristina da Costa Fernandes 20 February 2017 (has links)
Nesta tese de doutorado é proposta uma abordagem para estimar a velocidade angular de geradores síncronos conectados em um sistema elétrico de potência, a partir de sinais que podem ser facilmente mensurados, tais como a corrente e a tensão na barra do lado de alta tensão do transformador que conecta o gerador em análise ao restante do sistema. Uma vez que informações precisas sobre o comportamento dinâmico do sistema são de elevada importância para um controle efetivo do SEP, especialmente com o aumento da complexidade da rede, a abordagem proposta nesta tese fornece uma estimativa do sinal de velocidade que pode ser aplicada no estudo da estabilidade a pequenas perturbações para mitigar os problemas inerentes a presença das oscilações eletromecânicas mal amortecidas nos SEPs. A abordagem desenvolvida é composta por dois métodos sendo cada um deles aplicável dependendo das características do problema a ser resolvido e das informações disponíveis para tanto. No primeiro método, uma técnica de sensibilidade da trajetória é aplicada ao sinal de diferença entre a resposta obtida pelo modelo simulado e aquela fornecida por dados amostrados no sistema real emulado. A partir desse sinal de erro e das curvas de sensibilidade, a técnica possibilita calibrar os coeficientes de um modelo linear do SEP e, consequentemente, descrever de forma precisa a resposta da velocidade do gerador em análise. No segundo método, uma técnica de filtragem é utilizada (filtro de Kalman Unscented) a qual fornece uma estimativa adequada para a velocidade angular do rotor mesmo quando elevadas discrepâncias são observadas entre a saída do modelo simulado e a resposta amostrada no sistema real. Os resultados obtidos sobre diferentes sistemas testes evidenciam a eficiência da abordagem proposta. / In this thesis, an approach is proposed to estimate the rotor speed of synchronous generators connected to an electric power system (EPS), from signals that can be easily sampled by measuring equipment, such as current and voltage in high voltage side of the step-up transformer of the power plant. Accurate information about the dynamic behavior of system is essential for effective control and reliable operation of EPS, especially with the increasing complexity of the grid. Hence, the main aim of this work is to provide an estimate of the rotor speed signal that can be applied in the area of small-signal stability, in order to mitigate the detrimental effects of poorly damped electromechanical oscillations in EPSs. The developed approach is composed of two methods, where each of them is applicable depending on the characteristics of the problem to be solved and the available information. In the first method, a trajectory sensitivity technique is applied on the mismatch between the simulated output in the system linear model and the response of the real system. Using this error signal and the sensitivity curves, this method allows to identify and to calibrate some coefficients of the linear model and, consequently, to adequately describe the speed response of the generator under analysis. In this second method, a filtering technique is used, the Unscented Kalman Filter, which provides an adequate estimate for rotor speed even when high discrepancies are observed between the linear model and the sampled response of real system. The results obtained on test systems with different characteristics show the efficiency of the proposed approach.
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Otkrivanje kvara rotora kaveznog asinhronog motora primenom tehnika analize terminalnih veličina / Induction motor broken bar fault detection based on the analysis of motorterminal quantitiesReljić Dejan 21 September 2017 (has links)
<p>U disertaciji je predložena metoda za pouzdano otkrivanje kvara rotora<br />trofaznog kaveznog asinhronog motora. Metoda je zasnovana na<br />identifikaciji obeležja kvara rotora iz signala terminalnih veličina<br />jednofazno napojenog trofaznog kaveznog motora u stacionarnom stanju<br />pogona. Predložena metoda eliminiše potrebu za postojanja opterećenja<br />motora, što je osnovna prednost u odnosu na rešenja iz literature. Sva<br />teorijska razmatranja su praćena odgovarajućim rezultatima računarskih<br />simulacija, da bi se potom sprovela eksperimentalna verifikacija i<br />potvrdila efikasnost predložene metode. Takođe, predstavljen je<br />postupak za kvantitativnu procenu oštećenja štapnih provodnika rotora.</p> / <p>In this Doctoral dissertation, a novel method for broken rotor bar fault detection<br />in a three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor (IM) is introduced. The proposed<br />method is non-invasive and it is based on the analysis of the IM terminal<br />quantities in a single-phase steady-state operating condition. Compared to<br />conventional fault detection techniques, the developed method does not require<br />any loading on the motor, which is the main benefit of the method. The faulty<br />condition of broken rotor bars was investigated analytically, while the<br />effectiveness of the proposed method was proven by the variety of computer<br />simulations and experimental results. Based on these results, a methodology for<br />the quantification of broken rotor bars in the IM has been presented.</p>
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Implementations of Fourier Methods in CFD to Analyze Distortion Transfer and Generation Through a Transonic FanPeterson, Marshall Warren 01 June 2016 (has links)
Inlet flow distortion is a non-uniform total pressure, total temperature, or swirl (flow angularity) condition at an aircraft engine inlet. Inlet distortion is a critical consideration in modern fan and compressor design. This is especially true as the industry continues to increase the efficiency and operating range of air breathing gas turbine engines. The focus of this paper is to evaluate the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Harmonic Balance (HB) solver in STAR-CCM+ as a reduced order method for capturing inlet distortion as well as the associated distortion transfer and generation. New methods for quantitatively describing and analyzing distortion transfer and generation are investigated. The geometry used is the rotor 4 fan geometry, consisting of one rotor and one stator. The inlet boundary condition is a 90-degree sector total pressure distortion profile with total pressure and swirl held constant. Multiple HB simulations with varying mode combinations and distortion intensities are analyzed and compared against full annulus Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) simulations. Best practices and recommendations for the implementation of the HB solver are given. The pre-existing Society of Automotive Engineers Aerospace Recommended Practice (SAE-ARP) 1420b descriptors are demonstrated to be inadequate for the purposes of analyzing distortion transfer and generation on a stage-to-stage basis. New implementations of Fourier methods are presented as an alternative to the SAE-ARP 1420b descriptors. These Fourier descriptors are shown to describe distortion transfer and generation to a higher degree of fidelity than the SAE-ARP 1420b descriptors. These new descriptors are demonstrated on the analysis of full annulus URANS and HB simulations. The HB solver is shown to be capable of capturing distortion transfer, generation and performance degradation. Recommendations for the optimal implementation of the HB method are given.
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Static Balancing of the Cal Poly Wind Turbine RotorSimon, Derek 01 August 2012 (has links)
The balancing of a wind turbine rotor is a crucial step affecting the machine’s performance, reliability, and safety, as it directly impacts the dynamic loads on the entire structure.
A rotor can be balanced either statically or dynamically. A method of rotor balancing was developed that achieves both the simplicity of static balancing and the accuracy of dynamic balancing. This method is best suited, but not limited, to hollow composite blades of any size. The method starts by quantifying the mass and center of gravity of each blade. A dynamic calculation is performed to determine the theoretical shaking force on the rotor shaft at the design operating speed. This force is converted to a net counterbalance mass required for each blade. Despite the most careful methodology, there may still be large errors associated with these measurements and calculations. Therefore, this new method includes a physical verification of each blade’s individual balance against all other blades on the rotor, with the ability to quantify the discrepancy between blades, and make all balance adjustments in situ. The balance weights are aluminum plugs of varying lengths inserted into the root of each blade with a threaded steel rod running through the middle. The balance adjustment is thus not visible from outside. The weight of the plug and rod represent the coarse counterbalance of each blade, based on the dynamic calculations. The threaded steel rod acts as a fine adjustment on the blades’ mass moment when traveled along the plug. A dedicated blade-balance apparatus, designed and constructed in-house, is used to verify and fine-tune each individual blade and compare it to all other blades on the rotor. The resulting blade assembly is verified on a full rotor static balancing apparatus. The full rotor apparatus measures the steady state tilt of the rotor when balanced on a point. Next, the rotors' tilt is related to its overall level of imbalance with quantifiable error. Most error comes from the fact that the hub, comparable in mass to the blades, creates a false righting moment of the assembly not present in operation. The fully assembled rotor is tested, pre and post balance, in operation on the turbine at a series of predetermined speeds. This is accomplished with a 3-axis accelerometer mounted on the main turbine shaft bearing and a control system which regulates and records turbine speed at 100 Hz
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Simulation de l'interaction rotor/stator pour des turbo-machines aéronautiques en configuration non-accidentelleBatailly, Alain 19 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Dans le cadre de la conception de turbo-machines aéronautiques, l'amélioration du rendement est assurée, entre autres, par la diminution du jeu fonctionnel entre les parties tournantes et statiques, telles que les roues aubagées et le carter qui les entoure. Cette stratégie a des conséquences sur le comportement vibratoire des turbo-machines en favorisant l'apparition de contacts structuraux entre les sommets d'aubes et le carter, par exemple. Lorsque plusieurs points de contact co-existent, des phénomènes d'interaction modale peuvent apparaître. La simulation de ces phénomènes, potentiellement dangereux, dans un cadre indutriel est au cœur de notre étude. Du fait de la dimension du problème à traiter, des méthodes de réduction modale sont utilisées : une méthode à interfaces fixes, la méthode de Craig-Bampton, et une méthode à interfaces libres, la méthode de Craig-Martinez. L'étude porte notamment sur la performance de ces méthodes de réduction lorsqu'elles sont associées à une non linéarité de type contact. Le phénomène d'interaction modale est tout d'abord étudié sur des modèles 2D simplifiés avec l'analyse de la sensibilité des régimes d'interaction à la taille des modèles réduits, puis sur les modèles 3D industriels pour lesquels la solution vraie n'est pas accessible. La gestion du contact dans le 3D fait appel aux B-splines bicubiques surfaciques afin d'assurer de meilleures propriétés à la surface de contact et de faciliter la résolution numérique. Les résultats obtenus à l'aide des deux méthodes de réduction modale sont comparés et permettent de déterminer la méthode la plus appropriée pour l'industrialisation du code présentée en annexe de ce mémoire.
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Analyse des écoulements inter-disques en vue d'optimiser les poussées axiales dans les machines hydrauliques utilisées en station hydro-électriqueAbdel Nour, Fadi 03 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Les propriétés de l'écoulement turbulent confiné dans une cavité délimitée par deux disques parallèles coaxiaux dont l'un est en rotation sont très sensibles à la géométrie périphérique du système. De récentes études ont montré que l'écoulement en bloc prévu par la théorie de Batchelor n'est pas systématiquement observé lorsque la cavité est isolée, c'est à dire non soumise à un flux forcé. L'objectif de cette thèse est de mieux comprendre ce phénomène et d'étendre le cadre de l'étude au cas d'un écoulement centripète forcé. La première partie du travail aborde l'aspect théorique du problème. Un premier bilan des échanges de fluide dans les couches limites est réalisé à partir des solutions stationnaires de l'écoulement sur un disque, développées par von Kármán et Bödewadt. Ces solutions sont couplées à de nouvelles hypothèses permettant de tenir compte des échanges de flux hors couches limites et du taux de pré-rotation du fluide. Nous obtenons ainsi des solutions analytiques originales pour les distributions radiales du coefficient d'entraînement du fluide dans le noyau central, de la pression statique pariétale et de la pression totale, que la cavité soit isolée ou soumise à un flux radial forcé. La seconde partie est consacrée aux moyens expérimentaux et numériques nécessaires à la validation de ces solutions théoriques. Elle inclut d'abord une description de l'installation expérimentale, des techniques de mesure, et du programme d'essais réalisé dans le cadre de cette thèse. Les simulations numériques sont réalisées à l'aide du code de calcul industriel FLUENT. Les détails concernant le choix du domaine de calcul, le maillage, les conditions aux limites et le modèle de turbulence retenus sont ensuite fournis. La validation des solutions théoriques fait l'objet des deux derniers chapitres, respectivement consacrés aux cas de la cavité isolée et soumise à un écoulement centripète forcé. L'accord obtenu entre l'expérience, les résultats numériques et la théorie est généralement très bon, ce qui nous conforte dans le choix de nos hypothèses. L'analyse des résultats permet en particulier de comprendre le mécanisme d'apparition de l'écoulement en bloc prévu par Batchelor. Toutefois, l'utilisation des modèles n'est pas universelle car elle nécessite l'ajustement de constantes, pour lesquelles nous tentons de dégager des relations empiriques les plus générales, dans la mesure du possible.
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Studying chirality in a ~ 100, 130 and 190 mass regionsShirinda, Obed January 2011 (has links)
Chirality is a nuclear symmetry which is suggested to occur in nuclei when the total angular momentum of the system has an aplanar orientation [Fra97, Fra01]. It can occur for nuclei with triaxial shape, which have valence protons and neutrons with predominantly particle and hole nature. It is expected that the angular momenta of an odd particle and an odd hole (both occupying high-j orbitals) are aligned predominantly along the short and the long axes of the nucleus respectively, whereas the collective rotation occurs predominantly around the intermediate axis of a triaxially deformed nucleus in order to minimize the total energy of the system. Such symmetry is expected to be exhibited by a pair of degenerate DI = 1 rotational bands, i.e. all properties of the partner bands should be identical. The results suggested that spin independence of the energy staggering parameter S(I ) within two-quasiparticle chiral bands (previously suggested a fingerprint of chirality) is found only if the Coriolis interaction can be completely neglected. However, if the configuration is nonrestricted, the Coriolis interaction is often strong enough to create considerable energy staggering. It was also found that staggering in the intra- and inter-band B(M1) reduced transition probabilities (proposed as another fingerprint of chirality) may be a result of effects other than strongly broken chirality. Therefore, the use of the B(M1) staggering as a fingerprint of strongly broken chiral symmetry seems rather risky, in particular if the phase of the staggering is not checked.
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Numerical Investigation of the Aerodynamic Vibration Excitation of High-Pressure Turbine RotorsJöcker, Markus January 2002 (has links)
The design parameters axial gap and stator count of highpressure turbine stages are evaluated numerically towards theirinfluence on the unsteady aerodynamic excitation of rotorblades. Of particular interest is if and how unsteadyaerodynamic considerations in the design could reduce the riskofhigh cycle fatigue (HCF) failures of the turbine rotor. A well-documented 2D/Q3D non-linear unsteady code (UNSFLO)is chosen to perform the stage flow analyses. The evaluatedresults are interpreted as aerodynamic excitation mechanisms onstream sheets neglecting 3D effects. Mesh studies andvalidations against measurements and 3D computations provideconfidence in the unsteady results. Three test cases areanalysed. First, a typical aero-engine high pressure turbinestage is studied at subsonic and transonic flow conditions,with four axial gaps (37% - 52% of cax,rotor) and two statorconfigurations (43 and 70 NGV). Operating conditions areaccording to the resonant conditions of the blades used inaccompanied experiments. Second, a subsonic high pressureturbine intended to drive the turbopump of a rocket engine isinvestigated. Four axial gap variations (10% - 29% ofcax,rotor) and three stator geometry variations are analysed toextend and generalise the findings made on the first study.Third, a transonic low pressure turbine rotor, known as theInternational Standard Configuration 11, has been modelled tocompute the unsteady flow due to blade vibration and comparedto available experimental data. Excitation mechanisms due to shock, potential waves andwakes are described and related to the work found in the openliterature. The strength of shock excitation leads to increasedpressure excitation levels by a factor 2 to 3 compared tosubsonic cases. Potential excitations are of a typical wavetype in all cases, differences in the propagation direction ofthe waves and the wave reflection pattern in the rotor passagelead to modifications in the time and space resolved unsteadypressures on the blade surface. The significant influence ofoperating conditions, axial gap and stator size on the wavepropagation is discussed on chosen cases. The wake influence onthe rotorblade unsteady pressure is small in the presentevaluations, which is explicitly demonstrated on the turbopumpturbine by a parametric study of wake and potentialexcitations. A reduction in stator size (towards R≈1)reduces the potential excitation part so that wake andpotential excitation approach in their magnitude. Potentials to reduce the risk of HCF excitation in transonicflow are the decrease of stator exit Mach number and themodification of temporal relations between shock and potentialexcitation events. A similar temporal tuning of wake excitationto shock excitation appears not efficient because of the smallwake excitation contribution. The increase of axial gap doesnot necessarily decrease the shock excitation strength neitherdoes the decrease of vane size because the shock excitation mayremain strong even behind a smaller stator. The evaluation ofthe aerodynamic excitation towards a HCF risk reduction shouldonly be done with regard to the excited mode shape, asdemonstrated with parametric studies of the mode shapeinfluence on excitability. <b>Keywords:</b>Aeroelasticity, Aerodynamics, Stator-RotorInteraction, Excitation Mechanism, Unsteady Flow Computation,Forced Response, High Cycle Fatigue, Turbomachinery,Gas-Turbine, High-Pressure Turbine, Turbopump, CFD, Design
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Efficient Trim In Helicopter Aeroelastic AnalysisChandra Sekhar, D 12 1900 (has links)
Helicopter aeroelastic analysis is highly complex and multidisciplinary in nature; the flexibility of main rotor blades is coupled with aerodynamics, dynamics and control systems. A key component of an aeroelastic analysis is the vehicle trim procedure. Trim requires calculation of the main rotor and tail rotor controls and the vehicle attitude which cause the six steady forces and moments about the helicopter center of gravity to be zero. Trim simulates steady level flight of the helicopter. The trim equations are six nonlinear equations which depend on blade response and aerodynamic forcing through finite element analysis. Simulating the behavior of the helicopter in flight requires the solution of this system of nonlinear algebraic equations with unknowns being pilot controls and vehicle attitude angles. The nonlinear solution procedure is prone to slow convergence and occasional divergence causing problems in optimization and stochastic simulation studies. In this thesis, an attempt is made to efficiently solve the nonlinear equations involved in helicopter trim.
Typically, nonlinear equations in mathematical physics and engineering are solved by linearizing the equations and forming various iterative procedures, then executing the numerical simulation. Helicopter aeroelasticity involves the solution of systems of nonlinear equations in a computationally expensive environment. The Newton method is typically used for the solution of these equations. Due to the expensive nature of each aeroelastic analysis iteration, Jacobian calculation at each iteration for the Newton method is not feasible for the trim problems. Thus, the Jacobian is calculated only once about the initial trim estimate and held constant thereafter. However, Jacobian modifications and updates can improve the performance of the Newton method. A comparative study is done in this thesis by incorporating different Jacobian update methods and selecting appropriate damping schemes for solving the nonlinear equations in helicopter trim. A modified Newton method with varying damping factor, Broyden rank-1 update and BFGS rank-2 update are explored using the Jacobian calculated at the initial guess. An efficient and robust approach for solving the strongly coupled nonlinear equations in helicopter trim based on the modified Newton method is developed.
An appropriate initial estimate of the trim state is needed for successful helicopter trim. Typically, a guess from a simpler physical model such as a rigid blade analysis is used. However, it is interesting to study the impact of other starting points on the helicopter trim problem. In this work, an attempt is made to determine the control inputs that can have considerable effect on the convergence of trim solution in the aeroelastic analysis of helicopter rotors by investigating the basin of attraction of the nonlinear equations (set of initial guess points from which the nonlinear equations converge). It is illustrated that the three main rotor pitch controls of collective pitch, longitudinal cyclic pitch and lateral cyclic pitch have significant contribution to the convergence of the trim solution. Trajectories of the Newton iterates are shown and some ideas for accelerating the convergence of trim solution in the aeroelastic analysis of helicopter are proposed.
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Contributions à l'étude des petites machines électriques à aimants permanents, à flux axial et à auto-commutation électroniquePop, Adrian Augustin 15 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Les travaux de recherche présentés dans cette thèse concernent les petites machines à aimants permanents, à flux axial et à auto-commutation électronique ayant la topologie d'un rotor intérieur discoïdal avec des aimants Nd-Fe-B montés en surface et de deux stators extérieurs identiques, chacun avec enroulement triphasé distribué dans des encoches. Après l'examen des topologies candidates pour applications d'entraînement direct basse-vitesse, une modélisation électromagnétique analytique de pré-dimensionnement d'un prototype de telles machines est réalisée. Ensuite, une approche numérique originale est développée et couplée à l'optimisation géométrique des aimants rotoriques en vue de réduire les harmoniques d'espace de l'induction magnétique dans l'entrefer et aussi les ondulations du couple électromagnétique. Des nombreux tests expérimentaux sont effectués sur le prototype de machine pour vérifier son dimensionnement ainsi que pour valider la stratégie d'auto-commutation électronique et de contrôle de base
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