Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] ROTOR"" "subject:"[enn] ROTOR""
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Modelagem dinâmica de rotores de unidades hidrogeradoras. / Dynamic modeling of rotors of hidro-generating units.Fernando Cunha Tralli 13 June 2018 (has links)
Com o intuito de otimizar o projeto de unidades hidrogeradoras e, por conseguinte, aumentar a sua disponibilidade, uma previsão mais precisa do seu comportamento dinâmico é de fundamental importância. Assim, o presente trabalho se propôs a modelar uma unidade hidrogeradora de forma mais completa, considerando os efeitos do empuxo magnético, mancais, perturbações hidráulicas, desbalanceamento e selos labirintos de turbina Francis. A partir do modelo construído, foram realizadas análises modais, temporais e espectrais. Os resultados numéricos são comparados com os dados experimentais de uma unidade hidrogeradora de grande porte. Tanto sinais de tendência temporal, como órbitas, e espectros de frequência dos fenômenos envolvidos são analisados e comparados. Dessa forma, pretende-se obter o modelo menos complexo possível, mas que seja capaz de representar de forma aceitável a dinâmica da unidade hidrogeradora sujeita a diferentes condições de operação. A maior dificuldade encontrada foi na representação das excitações externas ao sistema, principalmente quando a máquina está operando em regime parcial. Constatou-se uma importante influência do selo labirinto na simulação do comportamento dinâmica da turbina Francis operando em carga parcial. Ao final, os aspectos do modelo que podem ser aprimorados são discutidos. / In order to optimize the design of hydro-generating units and therefore increase their availability, a more accurate forecast of their dynamic behavior is of fundamental importance. Thus, the present work has proposed to model a more complete hydrogenerator unit, considering the effects of magnetic pull, guide bearings, hydraulic perturbations, unbalance and Francis turbine labyrinths. From the this model, modal, temporal and spectral analyzes were performed. The numerical results are compared with experimental data of a large hydrogenerator unit. Temporal trend signals, orbits and frequency spectrum of the phenomena involved are analyzed and compared. In this way, it is intended to obtain the less complex model possible, but that is able to represent in an acceptable way the dynamics of the hydrogenerator unit under different operation conditions. The greatest difficulty found was in the representation of external excitations to the system, mainly under partial load. It was observed an important influence of the labyrinth seal in the simulation of the dynamic behavior of the Francis turbine operating in partial load. Finally, aspects of the model that can to be improved are discussed.
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Estudo de técnica de determinação de posição inicial de rotor em máquinas síncronas de ímã permanente com controle sensorless / Technical study for determination of initial rotor position of permanent magnet synchronous machines with sensorless controlFernando Pegoraro Silva 20 April 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar e avaliar uma técnica de determinação de posição inicial de rotor em máquinas síncronas de ímã permanente de superfície. A técnica de determinação de posição inicial é baseada na aplicação de pulsos ao motor. É proposto também um algoritmo de ajuste automático desses pulsos de forma a criar um mecanismo genérico de determinação de posição inicial de ângulo de rotor para o tipo de máquina em estudo. Simulações são realizadas de forma a garantir funcionamento correto do algoritmo que foi implementado em código C com matemática de ponto fixo. A implementação foi realizada utilizando-se um microcontrolador comercial de baixo custo que não possui hardware para aritmética de ponto flutuante. Um descritivo detalhado da implementação, do sistema de testes e resultados são apresentados ao longo do texto. / This work aims the study and evaluation of a rotor initial angle estimation technique in surface mounted permanent magnet synchronous machine. The technique of the rotor initial angle estimation is based on pulse injection to the motor. It is also proposed in this work an automatic pulse adjustment algorithm in order to create a generic mechanism to estimate rotor initial angle for the machine type under study. Simulations are performed in order to ensure the proper functionality of the algorithm which was implemented in C code with fixed point mathematics. The implementation was performed using a comercial low cost microcontroller which does not have floating point arithmetic capability. A detailed description of the implementation, test system and results are presented in this text.
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Modélisation du comportement dynamique des rotors d’hélicoptères / Modeling the dynamics of helicopter's rotorVelkova, Cvetelina Vladimirova 17 October 2013 (has links)
Modélisation du comportement dynamique des rotors d'hélicoptèresL'objectif de la thèse est l'étude et la modélisation du comportement dynamique et aérodynamique du rotor de l'hélicoptère en considérant à la fois les forces d'inertie et les forces aérodynamiques et en tenant compte des déformations élastiques des pales. L'algorithme de couplage proposé permet d'effectuer le calcul transitoire avec échange de données entre les solveurs fluide et structure à chaque pas de temps.La particularité de cette étude est l'utilisation du modèle aérodynamique de la ligne active, qui représente les forces de pale appliquées au fluide par des termes sources. Ces termes sources sont répartis dans les cellules de maillage à l'emplacement de la pale. Ainsi, la rotation, la torsion et le battement de la pale peuvent être représentés sans aucune déformation du maillage. Un avantage de la ligne active est que la simulation utilise un nombre réduit de nœuds, car des conditions aux limites «lois des parois» ne doivent pas être modélisées.Le cas d'un petit rotor expérimental d'hélicoptère est étudié en vol d'avancement. Les solveurs de fluide et de structure sont couplés pour calculer le comportement aérodynamique et dynamique du rotor. Pour ce faire, un algorithme de couplage faible en série décalé est appliqué. Les calculs itératifs sont contrôlés par un code spécialement conçu. Au début de chaque itération, le code calcule et répartit les termes sources dans le domaine fluide. A la fin du pas de temps, le code exécute le solveur de calcul de structure pour calculer un seul pas de temps. Ce solveur calcule le déplacement de la pale sous l'effet des forces aérodynamiques, élastiques et d'inertie et renvoi les résultats au solveur fluide. Les déplacements de la pale calculés servent de référence pour le solveur fluide au pas de temps suivant, pour distribuer les termes sources. Le calcul s'arrête lorsque le critère de convergence est vérifié.Afin de valider le cas simulé, des expérimentations sont réalisées en soufflerie. La puissance et la poussée aérodynamique du rotor sont mesurées. La Vélocimétrie par images de particules (PIV) est utilisée pour obtenir le champ de vitesse autour du rotor. Les mesures PIV à phase bloqué dans des plans azimutaux ont permis de reconstituer le champ d'écoulement 3D. La comparaison entre les résultats numériques et les expériences montre un bon accord et permet de valider la méthode de couplage proposée. / MODELING THE DYNAMIC BEHAVIOR OF HELICOPTER ROTORThe aim of the thesis is the investigation and modeling of dynamic and aerodynamic behavior of helicopter rotor considering both inertial and aerodynamic forces and taking into account the elastic deformation of the blades. The proposed coupling algorithm allows the transient calculations with data exchange between the fluid and structure solvers at each time step.The particularity of this research is the use of an actuator line aerodynamic model, which represents the blade forces applied to the fluid as source terms. These source terms are distributed in the grid cells where the blade is located. Thus the rotation, flapping and torsion of the blade can be represented without any grid deformation. An advantage of the actuator line is that the simulation uses a reduced number of nodes, because the “wall” boundary conditions do not need to be modeled.The case of small experimental helicopter rotor is studied in forward flight. The fluid and structure solvers are coupled to calculate aerodynamic and dynamic behavior of the rotor. For this purpose, a loosely coupling serial staggered algorithm is applied. The iterative calculations are controlled by specially developed code. At the beginning of each iteration, this code calculates and distributes the source terms in the fluid domain. At the end of the time step, the code runs the structural solver to execute a single time step. This solver calculates the blade displacement under aerodynamic, elastic and inertial forces, and the results are returned to the fluid solver. The calculated blade displacements serve as reference in the next fluid step to distribute the source terms. The calculation stops when the convergence criteria are met.In order to validate the simulated case, measurements are carried on in the wind tunnel. The power and aerodynamic thrust of the rotor are measured. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is used to obtain the velocity field around the rotor. Phase locked measurement in azimuth planes enabled to reconstruct 3D flow field. The comparison between numerical results and experiments shows good agreement and permits to validate the proposed coupling method.
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Modélisation des interactions rotor-stator par une méthode d'équilibrage harmoniqueGuedeney, Thomas 29 November 2012 (has links)
Malgré les progrès faits dans les dernières décennies en CFD, les techniques RANS instationnaires pour les turbomachines multi-étages sont toujours très couteuses en temps de calcul, réduisant leur intérêt en conception industrielle. Grâce à une analyse de Fourier, les équations instationnaires de Navier-Stokes peuvent être considérées comme 2N+1 équations stationnaires couplées par un terme source. Cette approche calcule efficacement les écoulements instationnaires périodiques et montre de forts gains en terme de temps de calcul. Cependant, l’expression du terme source est algébrique, ce qui provoque des difficultés dans le calcul de l’inverse de la transformée de Fourier directe. Afin d’améliorer la robustesse et la précision de la méthode, une approche basée sur un échantillonnage temporel non-uniforme est adoptée. Pour réduire le domaine de calcul à un unique passage inter-aube des conditions aux limites de chrochronicité sont développées. Dans un premier temps, un rotor et un stator sont simules avec en une entrée du domaine de calcul une injection qui modélise le sillage de la roue directrice d’entrée. Ainsi, deux fréquences fondamentales sont vues par le rotor. L’influence du contenu fréquentiel dans le rotor (i.e. le nombre d’harmoniques de la fréquence de passage des roues et leurs combinaisons) est analysée. Les résultats sont valides contre ceux obtenus avec des simulations instationnaires classiques. Ensuite, la méthode est appliquée a deux compresseurs industriels, le compresseur transsonique ECL4 et le compresseur d’étude CREATE. / Despite the progress made in the last decades in CFD, the unsteady RANS techniques for multistage turbomachines are still very costly in computation time. Thanks to Fourier analysis, the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations can be seen as 2N + 1 equations coupled by a source term. This approach efficiently computes unsteady flows and showed significant savings in computation time. However, the source term of the method is algebraic, thus entailing some difficulties in the computation of the inverse of the direct Fourier transform. In order to enhance the robustness and the precision of the HBT, non-uniformly sampled time levels are chosen. To reduce the computational domain to a single blade passage, phaselag boundary conditions are developped. First, a rotor and a stator configuration with a wake injection at the inlet (accounting for an inlet guide vane) is modelled. Thus, two fundamental frequencies are seen by the rotor. The influence of the spectrum in the rotor is addressed. The results are validated against classical unsteady RANS simulations. Then the method is applied to two industrial : the transonic compressor ECL4 and the study compressor CREATE.
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Simulations aéro-mécaniques pour l'optimisation de rotors d'hélicoptère en vol d'avancement / Aeromechanical simulations for the optimization of helicopter rotors in forward flightRoca León, Enric 14 October 2014 (has links)
Un cadre d'optimisation multi-Objectif pour les pales d'hélicoptère est développé en utilisant des modèles de simulation de haute fidélité. Des fonctions objectives caractérisant la performance de l'hélicoptère en vol stationnaire et d'avancement sont retenues. Deux solveurs sont utilisés afin de prédire la performance du rotor: le code général HOST et le solveur CFD elsA. Le premier axe de recherche porte sur la caractérisation de la précision des méthodes de prédiction. L'influence de la prise en compte de la souplesse de la pale, du trim rotor et/ou de l'utilisation de modélisations aérodynamiques simplifiées est caractérisée pour chaque cas de vol en utilisant des mesures en soufflerie. Un cadre numérique adapté à l'optimisation est développé. Le deuxième axe de recherche porte sur des techniques d'optimisation multi-Objectif de pales en vol stationnaire et d'avancement. Deux algorithmes novateurs basés sur la compétition (Jeux de Nash) et la coopération (Descente à Gradients Multiples) sont présentés comme des alternatives aux approches traditionnelles pour traiter le problème multi-Objectif. Afin de réduire le coût des simulations, un cadre de simulation basé sur des métamodèles est développé y compris une stratégie multi-Fidélité pour prédire la performance du rotor en vol d'avancement. Ces techniques sont appliquées à un cas réaliste de rotor, en utilisant des simulations CFD trimmées avec pale souple pour le cas du vol d'avancement et des simulations CFD avec pale rigide en vol stationnaire. Les résultats sont ensuite analysés, démontrant le potentiel de ces techniques pour l'obtention de conceptions réalistes représentant des bons compromis entre les objectifs. / This work addresses the development of a multi-Objective optimization framework for helicopter rotor blades using high-Fidelity simulation models. In particular, objective functions corresponding to hover and forward flight are considered. Two solvers are used to predict the rotor performance: the comprehensive rotor code HOST and the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solver elsA. The first research axis of this work is the characterization of the accuracy of each available prediction method. The influence of considering the blade elasticity, the rotor trim and/or simplified aerodynamics is characterized for each flight case using wind-Tunnel data. As a result, a numerical framework adapted to the optimization is developed. The second part of this work concerns the formulation and development of techniques adapted to the multi-Objective optimization of rotor blades in hover and in forward flight. Innovative algorithms based on competition (Nash Games) and cooperation (Multi-Gradient Descent) are presented as alternatives to traditional multi-Objective approaches. In order to reduce the simulation costs, a surrogate-Based framework is developed, including a multi-Fidelity strategy to predict the rotor performance in forward flight. These techniques are finally applied to a realistic rotor, considering trimmed elastic CFD computations in the forward flight case and rigid blade CFD computations in the hover case. The results are subsequently analyzed, demonstrating the potential of these techniques to obtain realistic designs realizing interesting trade-Offs.
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Protikorozní ochrana povrchu u rotorů parních turbín / Anticorrosive protection of steam turbines rotors surfaceŠpičková, Petra January 2011 (has links)
This project was elaborated under the graduate major program 2307 of masters engineering studies. It presents a proposal of anticorrosive protection of steam turbines rotors surface. Based on a literature recherché on automated welding and surfacing under flux, an optimized technology of surfacing of anticorrosive and antierosive layers at output parts of low-pressure sections of rotors will be presented. The optimization of the welding technology will be performed to minimize the possibility of hidden cracks due to application of anticorrosive protective surface and will be evaluated on test samples provided by the company SIEMENS.
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Relationship between Rotor Wake Structures and Performance Characteristics over a Range of Low-Reynolds Number ConditionsSutkowy, Mark Louis, Jr. January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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An Integrated Design Approach of Rotor Assembly for Radial Flux Surface-Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous MotorsManikandan, Akshay January 2023 (has links)
Enhancing the dependability and power density of a SPMSMs is crucial for its extensive utilization in the automotive and aerospace sectors. One major concern regarding these machines is the significant thermo-mechanical loads experienced by the overall rotating assembly due to high rotational speeds and a wide operational temperature range from $50^\circ C$ to $150^\circ C$. This poses a considerable challenge in maintaining structural integrity among the components. Redesigning components to reduce assembly complexity and weight necessitates careful consideration of boundary conditions and contact modeling to prevent catastrophic failures like magnet fly-by conditions. To reduce model complexity, a simplified approach involves integrating the hub and shaft; both machined from AISI 4340. Additionally, the application of a carbon fiber sleeve is investigated through 3-dimensional composite modeling to enhance structural integrity. The primary objective of this thesis is to scientifically justify the design and validation of an integrated rotor hub and shaft using efficient FEM and integration strategies, with the aim of maximizing the durability of a $150kW$ radial flux SPMSMs spinning at $20,000 rpm$. The integrated topology optimization is evaluated using a multiphysics platform alongside studies on motor assembly eigenfrequency. By employing the integrated approach and utilizing AISI 4340 for both the shaft and rotor hub, a weight reduction of $1.84kg$ is achieved, eliminating the need for standard components such as balancing end clamp plates, locknuts, and washers. Furthermore, introducing a carbon fiber sleeve enhances structural integrity, thereby reducing adhesive stress. The design and optimization of the rotating components ensure that the maximum von Mises stress is $50\%$ lower than the material's yield strength. Reduced masses lead to lower centrifugal forces, thereby diminishing radial stress and promoting component and assembly stiffness. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc) / This thesis aims to increase the reliability and power density of a surface-mounted permanent magnet synchronous machine (SPMSMs), a commonly used traction motor in the automotive and aerospace industries. One of these machines' main challenges is designing their components to withstand the high mechanical loads caused by their fast rotational speeds. The studies performed in this thesis use a computer modeling technique called Finite Element Modeling (FEM) to strategize and design an integrated rotor hub/shaft by maximizing the durability of a 150kW radial flux SPMSMs rotating at 20,000 rpm. Upon evaluating the integrated design using a variety of physics-based simulations, the design was found to save 1.84kg in weight, reducing centrifugal forces and improving the overall stiffness of the motor assembly. This research could lead to more efficient and durable electric SPMSMs for various applications.
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Flux Estimation, Parameter Adaptation And Speed Sensorless Control For Vector Controlled Induction Motor DriveBhattacharya, Tanmoy 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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hp-Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element In Time For Rotor Dynamics ProblemGudla, Pradeep Kumar 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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