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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude de l'interface milieu granulaire : paroi rugueuse par approches expérimentale et numérique : application aux bétons / Experimental and numerical studies of granular medium : Rough wall interface : application to concrete

El Cheikh, Khadija 24 March 2015 (has links)
Lors de la mise en oeuvre du béton dans les coffrages ou lors du pompage du béton, une couche, appelée couche limite, constituée d’eau et de fines, se forme près de l’interface. Diverses études ont montré que le frottement à l’interface béton-paroi dépend essentiellement des propriétés rhéologiques de la couche limite, de sa composition et de la rugosité de la paroi. L’objectif principal de cette étude est de comprendre les phénomènes se produisant à l’interface à l’échelle des grains. Toutefois, compte tenu de la complexité de deux corps en contact : couche limite et paroi, le système étudié est simplifié. La complexité du matériau béton a ainsi été simplifiée, en considérant que ce milieu est constitué de grains sphériques monodisperses et sans cohésion. Par ailleurs, la rugosité de la paroi formée en réalité par des aspérités irrégulières, est représentée par des géométries simples. L’étude repose sur l’utilisation de deux modèles, un modèle analogique et un modèle numérique.L’approche analogique est constituée d’un dispositif expérimental monté sur le tribomètre. Le cisaillement s’effectue en déplaçant, une baguette crénelée placée sous un empilement de billes confiné par une masse. Trois baguettes représentant trois rugosités différentes sont utilisées. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que les conditions à l’interface (vitesse, rugosité, pression) influent sur le frottement et sur les mécanismes à l’interface.L’approche numérique est basée sur la méthode des éléments distincts. La rugosité de la paroi est modélisée par un assemblage de sphères collées sur un plan mobile. Les résultats obtenus montrent une bonne concordance entre les approches numérique et expérimentale. De même, l’étude numérique réalisée en conditions périodiques et pour différentes rugosités montre que les conditions à l’interface influent sur le frottement et sur le comportement du milieu près de l’interface (profils de vitesses, épaisseur de la couche cisaillée, etc.). / When fresh concrete is placed into formworks or during concrete pumping, a layer, called boundary layer, consisting of water and fines, is formed at the interface. Various studies have shown that the friction between the concrete and the wall (form or pipe) is closely linked to the rheological properties of the boundary layer, its composition and the wall roughness. This study aims at understanding the wall-concrete interface phenomena at a grain scale. However, due to the complex nature of the two bodies in contact: boundary layer and wall, a simplified system has been considered. The concrete has been simplified by assuming that it consists of monodispersed spherical grains and without cohesion. Moreover, the irregular asperities of the wall roughness are represented by simple geometries. The study is based on the use of two models, an analog model and a numerical model.The analog approach consists of an experimental device fitted on the tribometer. The test consists in moving rough plates under stacks of confined monodispersed beads. The roughness of the plate is represented by crenels. Three plates representing different roughnesses are used. The experimental results show that the friction and the interface mechanisms are affected by the interface conditions (velocity, roughness, pressure).The numerical approach is based on the Discrete Element Method (DEM). The wall roughness is modeled by an assembly of spheres fixed on a moving plane. The results obtained by numerical simulations compared with those of the analog model show a good confrontation. As well, the numerical study carried out with periodic boundary conditions and for different roughnesses shows that the interface conditions affect the friction and the behavior of the medium near the interface (velocities profiles, thickness of the shear layer, etc.).

Propriedades físicas da resina acrílica para coroas provisórias em função de diferentes técnicas de polimerização (rugosidade, porosidade, microdureza, sorção e solubilidade) / Physical properties of acrylic resin for provisional crowns under different curing techniques

Hiramatsu, Daniel Afonso 27 November 2009 (has links)
Foi realizada uma avaliação in vitro da influência de três variáveis sobre a rugosidade, porosidade, microdureza, sorção e solubilidade de uma resina acrílica para coroas provisórias: ambiente de polimerização (ar/água), temperatura e pressão de acordo com 4 técnicas de manipulação, diretas e indiretas. Os corpos de prova foram confeccionados utilizando a resina poli (metilmetacrilato) (PMMA) Dencorcor nº 66. A rugosidade de superfície (Ra) foi verificada por um rugosímetro/perfilômetro. Na análise da porosidade foi utilizado um método quantitativo de contagem dos poros por área delimitada utilizando um microscópio comparador. A análise da microdureza foi feita antes e depois da simulação do desafio ácido ocorrido na cavidade bucal. Para a análise de sorção e solubilidade os espécimes foram submetidos a ciclos de hidratação e ressecamento e através da comparação entre as pesagens iniciais e finais foi possível estabelecer os resultados. Os resultados de Rugosidade foram favoráveis às técnicas indiretas (grupos I e II) com médias de Ra=0,141m e 0,181m, respectivamente, seguidos pelas técnicas diretas (grupos III e IV) com Ra=0,373m e 0,908m. Os resultados de porosidade foram de 0,8 poros por área delimitada para o grupo I, seguido do grupo II com 0,9 poros; grupo III com 7,2 poros e grupo IV com 124 poros. Os resultados de microdureza para todos os grupos evidenciaram diminuição da dureza após a ciclagem ácida com valores que diminuíram de 14,12 para 13,03 no grupo I; de 14,06 para 12,93 no grupo II; de 13,73 para 12,71 no grupo III e de 13,47 para 12,65 no grupo IV. Os resultados de sorção foram de 1,807% para o grupo I; 1,817% para o grupo II; 2,068% para o grupo III e 2,227% para o grupo IV. E os resultados de solubilidade foram 0,036% para o grupo I; 0,054% para o grupo II; 0,184% para o grupo III e 0,212% para o grupo IV. Os maiores valores de rugosidade e porosidade foram alcançados pelos corpos-de-prova confeccionados pelas técnicas diretas e os menores valores se deram nos corpos-de-prova confeccionados segundo as técnicas indiretas e pela técnica do pincel. O desafio ácido reduziu a dureza da resina acrílica, porém não houve diferença nos testes de dureza entre os diferentes grupos. Os espécimes confeccionados pelas técnicas indiretas apresentaram menor sorção e solubilidade quando comparadas às técnicas diretas. Portanto, as técnicas indiretas de confecção de coroas provisórias devem ser preferidas às técnicas diretas. / An in vitro evaluation of the influence of three variables (polymerization medium (air/water), temperature and pressure) on roughness, porosity, microhardness, sorption and solubility of an acrylic resin for provisional crowns was conducted according to 4 techniques (direct and indirect). The samples were prepared using a poly (methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) resin Dencor color No 66. The surface roughness (Ra) was evaluated with a perfilometer. Porosity was analyzed according a quantitative method of counting number of pores per area by using a comparator microscope. Microhardness readings were made before and after acid challenge simulation as in the oral cavity. For sorption and solubility analysis, specimens were subjected to successive cycles of dampening and dehydration to make comparisons of the initial and final weights. Roughness results were lower for indirect techniques (groups I and II) with averages of Ra = 0.141m and 0.181m, respectively, followed by direct techniques (groups III and IV) with Ra = 0.373m and 0.908m. Porosity results were 0.8 pores per area for the group I, 0.9 pores for group II, 7.2 pores for group III and 124 pores for group IV. All groups showed a decrease in hardness after acid cycling with values that ranged from 14.12 to 13.03 in group I, 14.06 to 12.93 in group II, 13.73 to 12.71 in group III, and 13.47 to 12.65 in group IV. Sorption results were 1.807% in group I, 1.817% in group II, 2.068% in group III, and 2.227% in group IV. Solubility results were 0.036% in group I, 0.054% in group II, 0.184% in group III and 0.212% in group IV. Higher values of roughness and porosity were obtained by specimens made by direct technique and lower values were achieved with specimens made by indirect technique and brush technique. The acid challenge statistically decreased hardness of the acrylic resin, but there was no statistical difference among different groups. The specimens prepared by indirect techniques showed lower sorption and solubility when compared to direct techniques. The indirect techniques for making provisional crowns should be preferred compared to direct techniques.

Electron Beam - Powder Bed Fusion Of Alloy 718 : Influences Of Contour Parameters On Surface And Microstructural Characteristics

Schnur, Christopher January 2019 (has links)
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is an uprising manufacturing process for parts with complex geometries and low production quantities. Within the layer-wise building process, less additional processes are needed, to produce the parts. This allows a building of parts within a reasonable time- and costs-range. Especially industries, such as aerospace industry, can profit from AM. Electron beam – Powder bed fusion (EB-PBF) is a common technique, within AM, to produce metallic parts out of special alloys such as Alloy 718. This superalloy is a Nickle-Iron based alloy that has high mechanical properties, even in elevated temperatures (up to 650ºC). The combination of such material properties with high geometrical freedom creates new opportunities for the industry. However, it must be noted that a significant drawback of AM-techniques is the need for post-processing because of surface roughness- and microstructural characteristics. Commonly, the produced parts utilize mechanical post process such as milling to provide good surface roughness and dimensional accuracy. To reduce the surface roughness in the contour region, and therefore reduce the amount of mechanical post-processing, the present survey elaborates the effect of relevant parameters on contours such as the number of contours, scanning speed, focus offset and beam current. By using Design of Experiments (DOE), two batches were carried out: one screening batch and a two-level-full factorial design. In those batches, 15×15×15 mm cubes were printed with various parameters and, after that, analysed by using White light interferometry (WLI), Optical microscopy (OM) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Furthermore, the program ImageJ was used to perform porosity and melt pool measurements. It had been observed that the number of contours had quite a considerable impact on the final surface roughness and the number of defects. Samples with two contours, instead of only one, tend to have a lower surface roughness. Nevertheless, the parameters and their interaction were found to have fundamental effects on the resulting surface roughness and microstructure.

Plant traits and functional diversity effects on runoff and sediment retention : application to soil erosion control in temperate agricultural catchments / Effets des traits et de la diversité fonctionnelle des plantes sur le ruissellement et la rétention des sédiments : application pour le contrôle de l'érosion des sols dans les bassins versants agricoles tempérés

Kervroëdan, Léa 17 December 2018 (has links)
Au sein des communautés végétales, les traits fonctionnels dirigent et influencent les processus sol-plantes. Le ruissellement et l'érosion concentrés, causes principales de la dégradation des sols, peuvent être contrôlés par des végétations herbacées qui créent une rugosité hydraulique induisant la réduction de la vitesse des flux de ruissellement et la rétention des sédiments. L'approche des traits, plutôt que taxonomique, permet de comprendre et caractériser les effets directs de la végétation sur le ruissellement et la rétention des sédiments. Ce projet de recherche vise à approfondir les connaissances vis-à-vis des effets (i) des traits fonctionnels (Chapitre 1), (ii) de la complémentarité des traits (Chapitre 2), et (iii) de la diversité fonctionnelle (Chapitre 3) sur les écoulements concentrés et la rétention des sédiments afin d'évaluer l'efficacité et le design de haies herbacées pour réduire les impacts de l'érosion des sols dans les bassins versants limoneux d'Europe. Parmi les combinaisons de traits principaux identifiées comme augmentant la rugosité hydraulique (densité et diamètre des tiges, et densité et surface foliaire), certains traits sont négativement corrélés. Un meilleur effet pourrait donc être atteint au sein d'assemblage d'espèces par un effet complémentaire des traits. Cependant, des effets non-additifs des diversités en espèces et fonctionnelle ont été trouvés, chacun généré par un effet dominant des traits dans les communautés testées. Ces effets des traits et de la diversité fonctionnelle sur la rugosité hydraulique et la rétention des sédiments constituent une nouvelle avancée dans la compréhension des effets de l'assemblage des traits sur les processus d'écoulement et d'érosion des sols ainsi qu'une base pour le design et la modélisation des haies herbacées pour le contrôle du ruissellement et de l'érosion. / Plant-soil processes are driven and influenced by plant functional traits in vegetation communities. Concentrated runoff and erosion constitute the main cause of soil degradation and can be managed by herbaceous vegetation creating hydraulic roughness that induces flow velocity reduction and sediment retention. Using plant trait-based approach, unlike taxonomical approach, allows to understand and characterise the direct effects of the vegetation on runoff and sediment retention. This research project aims to deepen the knowledge regarding the effects of (i) plant functional traits (chapter 1), (ii) traits' complementarity (chapter 2) and (iii) functional diversity (chapter 3) on concentrated runoff and sediment retention processes, in order to evaluate the efficiency and design of herbaceous hedges to reduce the impacts of soil erosion in loamy European agricultural catchments. The identification of the main efficient traits and traits' combinations towards hydraulic roughness increase (stem density, diameter, leaf area and density) highlighted negatively correlated traits, suggesting that a trade-off could be reached within a plant species assemblage through a complementarity effect of the traits. However, non-additive effects of plant species diversity and functional diversity were found, both driven by dominant traits in the community. The effects of traits and functional diversity on the hydraulic roughness and sediment retention constitute a new advance in the understanding of plant trait assemblage on runoff and soil erosion processes and a baseline for the design and modelling of herbaceous hedges for runoff and erosion control.

Efektivní obrábění nových keramických materiálů / On the Effective Machining of New Ceramic Materials

Sámelová, Vendula January 2019 (has links)
Advanced ceramics have long held the front of the list of promising materials for high-tech applications. The most common problem is the high cost of design, production and machining of advanced ceramics parts. The main sense of advanced ceramics processing techniques development is affordable, high-volume production. The dissertation is focused on SiC silicon carbide grinding. SiC is used in the design of machine parts due to its excellent properties The deep knowledge of the diamond wheel grinding process is important because it is one of the finishing methods and therefore has a direct impact on the quality and strength of the SiC parts. The key issue here is the overall surface quality of the parts after diamond wheel grinding and the knowledge of the factors that influence the surface quality. These include, in particular, grinding vibrations. The main purpose of the thesis is to create a system of specific scientific and technical information, which will allow applying optimal technological procedures in the processing of ceramic components. The theoretical part of the thesis contains an analysis of the current state of the art in the advanced ceramics machining area, detailed analysis of the ceramics grinding with diamond grinding wheels, signal analysis theory and analysis of surface quality assessment methods. The experimental part contains analysis and discussion of the results obtained during the monitoring of the silicon carbide grinding process with a diamond grinding wheel. Various diagnostic methods have confirmed the presence of vibrations at a frequency close to the speed frequency of the grinding wheel, which had a significant, negative effect on the samples surface quality. Vibration diagnostics has identified a specific source of vibration (clamping of the workpiece) and it has been removed subsequently.

Pokročilé metody vyhodnocování topografie povrchu pro dokončovací obrábění / Advanced methods of surface topography evaluation for finishing technology

Adamus, Petr January 2020 (has links)
The main theme of this thesis is the surface topography evaluation. The theoretical part introduces the fundamental methods of evaluation, measuring instruments and describes profile and surface topographic parameters. In the practical part, the influence of different cutting conditions in high-feed face milling was researched on sample made of aluminium alloy 7475-T7351. For the surface topography evaluation of all samples the measuring device Alicona IF G5 was used. The last part of the diploma thesis is devoted to the economic influence of cutting conditions on the process of high-feed face milling.

Pokročilé metody vyhodnocování topografie povrchu / Advanced methods of surface topography evaluation

Hroděj, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
This paper deals with the analysis of data obtained from the surface of aluminum alloy 7475-T7351 after face milling with a tool inclination of 1°. The theoretical part explains the basic principles of measuring the topography of the surface and instruments that are able to provide relevant data directly from the scanned part. The following part contains the methods of evaluating the information, especially using various types of parameters acquired from ČSN EN ISO standards. The practical part focuses on the data obtained from the sample surface using the Alicona IF-G5. This information determines the character of the surface texture with the tool inclination and the difference between the profile and surface parameters. There is also described surface texture in the tool path and on the edge of the tool path. In the final economic evaluation, the connection between the feed per tooth and the machining price is found.

Powder Bed Surface Quality and Particle Size Distribution for Metal Additive Manufacturing and Comparison with Discrete Element Model

Yee, Irene 01 March 2018 (has links)
Metal additive manufacturing (AM) can produce complex parts that were once considered impossible or too costly to fabricate using conventional machining techniques, making AM machines an exceptional tool for rapid prototyping, one-off parts, and labor-intensive geometries. Due to the growing popularity of this technology, especially in the defense and medical industries, more researchers are looking into the physics and mechanics behind the AM process. Many factors and parameters contribute to the overall quality of a part, one of them being the powder bed itself. So far, little investigation has been dedicated to the behavior of the powder in the powder bed during the lasering process. A powder spreading machine that simulates the powder bed fusion process without the laser was designed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and was built as a platform to observe powder characteristics. The focus for this project was surface roughness and particle size distribution (PSD), and how dose rate and coating speed affect the results. Images of the 316L stainless steel powder on the spreading device at multiple layers were taken and processed and analyzed in MATLAB to access surface quality of each region. Powder from nine regions of the build plate were also sampled and counted to determine regional particle size distribution. As a comparison, a simulation was developed to mimic the adhesive behavior of the powder, and to observe how powder distributes powder when spread.

Posouzení kapacity mostních profilů na toku Bobrava / The assessment of the capacity of bridge profiles on the Bobrava river

Bezděk, Josef January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis “The Assessment of the Capacity of Bridge Profiles on the Bobrava River” focuses on making calculations of a system of bridges by using HEC-RAS PC software. This thesis assesses the capacity of bridges and applies knowledge of model research to design increase the capacity. A model of a stream on Bobrava River will be created. Furthermore, modifications of a river bed and bridge profiles will be realized for safe conversion Q100 by these constructions. Subsequently, a model of the modified stream n Bobrava River will be made. Lengthways profiles of water surface, table and graphic outputs from HEC-RAS PC software and modified designs will be output.

Systém managementu měření / Measurement management system

Aichler, Jaroslav January 2009 (has links)
The subject of diploma thesis is analysis of the European Standard EN ISO 10012, which has a status of a Czech Standard (ČSN EN ISO 10012). It’s focused on roughness measurement. The thesis was written in cooperation with a private company called PLASMAMETAL Ltd. situated in Brno. The company offers coating applications for a variety of materials. Important part of the thesis is a measurement management system improvement manual for PLASMAMETAL Ltd. It’s also dealt with the economical aspect of an investement into a new measurement equipment.

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