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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La question de l'indépendance de l'Autriche pour la France et la Grande-Bretagne durant l'entre-deux-guerres

Désautels, Audrey January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

PAX : the history of a Catholic peace society in Britain 1936-1971

Flessati, Valerie January 1991 (has links)
In 1936 the founders of PAX aimed at 'resistance to modern warfare on grounds of traditional morality'. Believing that 'just war' criteria could no longer be met, they called themselves pacifists. Although most members were Roman Catholic Pax did not claim to be a 'Catholic society' because the RC Church at that time took an opposing view, particularly of conscientious objection. Church authorities attempted to censor Pax literature and instructed clergy to resign from the society. Pax supported conscientious objectors during the Second World War. When membership declined afterwards it continued to publish the Pax Bulletin and to provide a forum where Catholics could debate theological and practical questions of war and peace. By the 1960s Pax had gained some distinguished sponsors and a branch in the United States - support which enabled it to influence debate at the Second Vatican Council in 1965. The Council endorsed the right to conscientious objection. In 1971 Pax merged with Pax Christi, the international Catholic peace organisation which began in France in 1944/45. This is the first detailed historical study of the Roman Catholic element in the British peace movement. The story of Pax demonstrates the part that even a small pressure group can play in changing public opinion through patient work. Eventually, despite apathy and opposition, Pax helped bring the RC Church to a recognition of the right to conscientious objection and played a crucial role in the development of a more widespread peace movement within the Church

La implicació de Hollywood en la Segona Guerra Mundial: el cas "Why we fight"

Girona, Ramon, 1965- 21 June 2006 (has links)
La tesi analitza set pel·lícules documentals de propoganda que sota el títol genèric de "Why We Fight" va produir el director Frank Capra per a l'exèrcit nord-americà, durant la Segona Guerra Mundial. La seva anàlisi permet d'establir quins són els trets ideològics bàsics dels Estats Units i fer un recorregut per la producció cinematogràfica nord-americana de finals dels anys 30 i principis del quaranta. / The thesis analyses "Why We Fight", seven propaganda documentaries films that Frank Capra produced by the American army, during the Second World War. The thesis establishes the main ideological sources of the American think and permits to know some of the most important American films produced during the last years of 30th decade and the first years of 40th.


VAGNER CAMILO ALVES 28 June 2002 (has links)
[pt] A literatura concernente à política exterior brasileira antes e durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial e aos motivos subjacentes ao envolvimento brasileiro no conflito, é ampla e de reconhecida qualidade. A literatura tratando dos aspectos estratégicos da Guerra, centrada na interação entre as grandes potências mundiais, suas escolhas políticas e interesses no conflito, é de igual ou até maior valor. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é mostrar o quanto o último aspecto influiu de maneira decisiva no primeiro. Como um sistema internacional em processo e já imerso em guerra total e global agia sobre todos os atores internacionais, e como tais condicionamentos eram preponderantes para o entendimento das ações e do envolvimento dos atores periféricos do sistema durante a guerra.É a partir destes marcos que o caso brasileiro é analisado. Ao correr dos três capítulos procura-se descrever e explicar a política exterior nacional, do período da diplomacia comercial, imediatamente anterior ao inicio da guerra na Europa, passando pelo gradual envolvimento brasileiro no conflito entre 1939-42, que redundou em reais ganhos para o país, até a declaração formal de guerra do Brasil ao Eixo europeu, em agosto de 1942. A razão primordial para isto são os condicionantes existentes num sistema internacional extremamente conflituoso, que abrangia todo o planeta. / [en] The literature about Brazilian foreign policy before and throughout the Second World War and about the inner motivations that caused Brazilian involvement in the struggle, is lengthy and has renowned quality. The literature concerning the strategic aspects of the War, the Great Powers policies and interests, and their interactions, is of equal or indeed more value. The main goal of this work is to show how much the latter aspect decisively influenced the former. How the international system, in process and completely plunged in a total and global war, acted on the international actors, and how those constraints were the primary cause for the understanding of the involvement and behavior of the peripherical actors of the international system during the war. It s in this backdrop that Brazilian case is analyzed. Throughout the three chapters, the national foreign policy is described and explained, from the period of commercial diplomacy, immediately before the war s outset in Europe, through the gradual Brazilian engagement in the conflict between 1939-42, that realized real gains for the country, to the formal declaration of war to the European Axis, in August 1942. The main reason for this is the existent constraints in the extremely conflicted international system, encompassing all the planet.

Les prisonniers de guerre allemands en mains françaises (1944-1949) : captivité en France, rapatriement en Allemagne / Die deutschen Kriegsgefangenen in französischer Hand (1944-1949) : gefangenschaft in Frankreich, Repatriierung nach Deutschland / German Prisoners of War in French Hands : Captivity in France : repatriation into Germany (1944-1949)

Théofilakis, Fabien 07 December 2010 (has links)
Entre fin 1944 et fin 1948, près d’un million de prisonniers de guerre allemands a été détenu en France métropolitaine par les nouvelles autorités. Figure honnie de l’occupation allemande et de la défaite nazie, ces soldats de Hitler désormais vaincus deviennent un enjeu majeur de la sortie de guerre, ou plutôt des sorties de guerre, tant les temporalités et les modalités diffèrent, parfois divergent selon les nombreux acteurs. Les autorités du GPRF sont tout de suite confrontées à un gigantesque défi logistique : prendre en charge une masse de prisonniers, alors que la France de la Libération peine à subvenir aux besoins de sa propre population. Or ces prisonniers sont avant tout réclamés et gardés comme une main-d’œuvre pour la reconstruction de la France. De militaire, la captivité allemande en mains françaises devient économique et pose avec urgence le problème de l’entretien de cette force de travail. La sortie hors du camp offre certes des solutions, mais diffuse progressivement la gestion à l’ensemble de la société : employeurs, maires, mais aussi populations locales et opinions publiques entrent en contact avec cette nouvelle présence allemande. Et la « question PGA » de devenir une affaire de politique intérieure qui fait rejouer la diversité discordante des vécus de guerre : où se situe la limite entre le traitement économiquement rentable mais politiquement peu patriotique ? Qui doit être prioritaire dans l’affectation de la main-d’œuvre prisonnière ? Le travail de celle-là doit-il revenir à l’employeur ou bénéficier à l’ensemble de la nation ? Les réponses engagent une certaine idée de la Reconstruction. Cette question du traitement des PGA dépasse le cadre national pour devenir un enjeu des relations franco-américaines de l’après-guerre et de facto de la politique allemande des deux alliés au statut si inégal : 70% des prisonniers gérés par les Français ont été cédés par les Américains qui entendent conserver leur responsabilité de puissance détentrice. Avec la fin du conflit, puis le début de la guerre froide, qui bouleverse les priorités américaines, la gestion des PGA à l’échelle internationale permet d’observer comme le bilatéralisme transatlantique est progressivement intégré dans le cadre européen qui lui impose son calendrier. Comment les Français entendent-ils ainsi répondre aux demandes de libération à partir de 1946 sans contrarier le plan Monnet ? / Between the end of 1944 and the end of 1948, almost one million German prisoners of war were detained in metropolitan France by the new authorities. As hated figures of the German occupation and the Nazi defeat, Hitler’s soldiers, henceforth vanquished, became a main issue of how to get out of the war, which involved a large number of actors. The authorities of the provisional government of the French republic were immediately confronted with a huge logistical challenge: to take care of a mass of prisoners, whereas France at the time of Liberation already had some difficulties to provide for its own population. Whereas German prisoners had been claimed and kept above all as labor to rebuild France. From being military in nature, the German captivity in French hands became an economic phenomenon and posed the question of the maintenance of this labor force. Removing the prisoners from camps presented some solutions, but spread progressively the management to the whole society: employers, mayors, but also local populations and public opinions who came in contact with this new German presence. The “German POWs question” became an issue of domestic policy, which made the conflicting diversity of war experiences resonate: Where is the line between the economically profitable treatment, but politically not so patriotic? Who must have priority in the allocation of POW labor? Must the work of this latter be due to the employer or to benefit the whole nation? Answers to these problems defined a certain idea of the reconstruction. This question of the treatment of POWs exceeds the national framework to become an issue of the Franco-American relationships in the after-war period and, de facto, of German policy - decided by two allies with such unequal status: 70% of the prisoners managed by the French had been transferred by the Americans who wanted to keep the responsibility as the detaining power. With the end of the conflict, then the beginning of the Cold War, which changed American priorities, the management of the German POWs at the international scale gives the opportunity to observe how the transatlantic bilateralism was progressively integrated into the European framework which set its own agenda. How could the French authorities meet the claims for liberation from 1946 without thwarting the Monnet plan?

La guerre manquée : Représentations de la Seconde Guerre mondiale dans le roman français (1945-1960) / The Failed War : Representations of the Second World War in the French Novel (1945-1960)

Sigalas, Clément 14 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les représentations de la Seconde Guerre mondiale dans le roman français, de 1945 à 1960. Elle vise à mettre en lumière un corpus de la « guerre manquée », opposé à la vision épique dominante dans l'après-guerre. Elle analyse dans leurs dimensions esthétiques, éthiques et politiques, une vingtaine de romans dont le point commun est de donner à voir une guerre irréelle ou insaisissable, qui a pu constituer pour bien des Français une expérience commune.La première partie analyse la façon dont s’écrit le combat manqué. Ces romans dessinent l’image d’une guerre à la fois fantomatique et violente : observée à distance, presque toujours médiatisée, dissimulée sous des semblants de paix, mais invariablement destructrice.Les romans mettent également en lumière l’échec de la communauté. Par opposition au récit fondateur et unificateur qu’est l’épopée, ils dénoncent très tôt le mythe d’une France tout entière unie dans la lutte. La deuxième partie montre comment se construit l’image d’une nation déchirée ou passive, dont ils incarnent la mauvaise conscience.On s’intéresse enfin à la « pensée du roman », en montrant comment ce dernier a été le vecteur d’une réflexion spécifique sur la communauté. Contre les positions de la Résistance littéraire, puis de l’existentialisme, il a interrogé le primat du rationnel en l’homme ; contre la vogue du document, il a revendiqué la fiction pourexplorer les zones d’ombre ; contre la demande d’exemplarité, enfin, il a constitué un espace d’investigation autonome, attaché à contester les failles et les limites du discours épique. / This thesis deals with the representations of the Second World War found in the French novels published between 1945 and 1960. It aims to shed light on a body of works that depict a “failed war”, unlike the epic vision which prevails in the post-war period. It analyses from an aesthetic, ethical and political perspective twenty novels or so which portray war as an unreal, elusive experience shared by French people.The first part of this work scrutinizes the way writers depict the failure of war. These novels portray the conflict as both spectral and brutal – seen from a distance, almost always mediated, concealed under the appearance of peace, yet unescapably destructive.These novels also throw light on the failure of community. A far cry from the seminal, unifying narrative of the epic, they start attacking the myth of France as unified in the war effort very soon after the end of the conflict.The second part of this thesis looks at the ways they construct the image of a torn or passive nation, as if they were France’s guilty conscience.This study will finally examine the way the novel “thinks”, how it was specifically used to convey a specific reflection on community. Against the discourses of literary Resistance, then Existentialism, it questioned the primacy of rational thinking in men; against the prominence of documents, it embraced fiction as a means to explore dark territories; against the calls for exemplariness, it constituted itself as an autonomous space to investigate the war, as well as to challenge the failures and shortcomings of the epic discourse.

Visions modernes d’une Angleterre éternelle. Généalogies et part hantée de l’œuvre photographique de Bill Brandt (1904-1983) / Modern visions of an everlasting England. Genealogies and haunted roots of Bill Brandt's photography (1904-1983)

La Forterie, Maud de 22 May 2018 (has links)
L’œuvre rigoureuse de Bill Brandt, au service d’une incontestable poésie, s’écoule sur près d’un demi-siècle et résume à elle seule les quatre grands genres de la photographie que sont le reportage social, le portrait, le nu et le paysage. Né à Hambourg en 1904, le déni de ses origines allemandes l’amena à s’identifier pleinement à l’Angleterre où il vécut la plus grande partie de sa vie, laquelle prit fin à Londres en 1983. Cette thèse a pour objet de mettre en évidence la trajectoire éminemment moderniste de Brandt, lequel a exploité au maximum le caractère réflexif de la photographie afin de satisfaire au mieux sa quête identitaire. Cette dernière, en prise avec les traversées géographiques et culturelles vécues par le photographe, s’articule autour de registres plus ténus ayant trait à la mémoire ainsi qu’aux perspectives historiques et généalogiques. Aussi, cette reformulation personnelle s’est accompagnée chez Brandt d’une reformulation de son œuvre et de sa pratique du médium jusqu’à en repousser les limites intrinsèques : portée par une appétence scopique, elle a exploré les ressorts spatiaux et diégétiques de l’image avant de tendre vers une sérénité haptique et sculpturale alors que le photographe accédait à sa pleine reconnaissance artistique, proposant ainsi une relecture des apports modernistes. / Bill Brandt's quite rigorous works cover nearly half a century and encompass the four major kinds of photography (i.e. social photo-reportage, portraits, nudes and landscapes) with a true sense of poetry. Born in Hamburg in 1904, the denial of his German origins led him to fully identify himself with England where he lived most of his life in London until his death in 1983. This thesis aims at highlighting Brandt's modernist path as he constantly used the reflexive capabilities of photography as a way to satisfy his own quest for a native English identity. Beyond the geographical and cultural journeys experienced by the photographer before his arrival in England, the root causes of his quest actually lie in more tenuous matters related to memory as well as historical and genealogical perspectives. This personal quest for redefining his identity resulted in a progressive reshaping of his own works and practice of the medium to push back its inner limits: firstly driven by a scopic appetite, he then explored the many spatial and diegetic dimensions of image until finally evolving towards a more haptic and sculptural serenity as he was receiving a proper artistic recognition, hence offering a rereading of his modernist contributions.

Příbram a každodenní život jejích obyvatel v letech okupačních 1939 - 1945 / Příbram and its everyday life during the ocupation 1939 - 1945

ŠORFOVÁ, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The task of this diploma thesis is to describe events in years 1939-1945 which took place in Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and which had also specific impacts on the central-Bohemian town of Příbram. The thesis is based on written sources of information held in State Regional Archive in Příbram, accessible literature and at last but not least memories of personal observers who lived through the war when they were children. In this work I concentrate on the impacts of the war on lives of ordinary people who suffered their personal tragedies and experienced encounters that completely changed their lives. The thesis is divided into 7 chapters. First chapter deals with the history of Příbram beginning with prehistory and finishing with contemporary days. This chapter also mentions Svatá Hora and Březové Hory because these places create an important part of the location. Second chapter describes the situation right before the war and feelings of people towards the declaration of the protectorate. The next chapter talks about the history of Mining Technical University which was a part of the town nearly for 100 years. The university, as well as many other schools of this type, was closed and some of its students were arrested and deported to the concentration camp Sachsenhausen. Fourth charter is about Jewish and Gipsy question which is a quite popular topic even today. Fifth chapter includes description of the atmosphere of everyday life during the war through children´s eyes but also cultural life of the town. Sixth chapter focuses on the period of the great terror after the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, which influenced also people in Příbram. The last chapter speaks about the fight of Czech people to re-establish the independent state in which people from Příbram and its surroundings participated as well. This chapter also deals with the last fight in the central Europe which took place near the town of Příbram. The thesis combines general context and particular events happening in Příbram and it tries to look closely at the period of the Second World War full of anxiety, worries and hope.

Srovnání psychologického a budovatelského románu v literární tvorbě Václava Řezáče / Psychological novel as compared with novel of Socialistic Realism in the literary work of Václav Řezáč

ŠÍMOVÁ, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is focused on Václav Řezáč's novel interpretation. To be more specific, it deals with the formation of the psychological novels (Černé světlo, Svědek, Rozhraní) and novels called as constructive novels (unfinished trilogy Nástup and Bitva). Although all of these works were created gradually over fifteen years, a contemporary situation was developing in the meantime as well. That's why we can find ourselves in two different state systems and in two different period atmospheres which significantly influenced the former art. The essential default method is a new historicism which is enriched by hermeneutic approaches.

Odsun sudetských Němců v literatuře 20.století / Expulsion of Sudetes Germans in 20th century literary fiction

Vrbatová, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with literary depiction of expulsion of Sudetes Germans in the Czech fiction of the second half of the 20th century. Based on analysis of five novels it describes the influence of the period political ideology shaping the literary depiction of the Germans, the boarder areas of Czechoslovakia, the act of explusion itself, as well as Czech national identity across more than six decades.

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