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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv směnných relací na zahraniční obchod ČR a hospodářský růst v letech 2005 - 2015 / Terms of trade: impact on the czech international trade and economic growth in 2005 - 2015

Dulovec, Adam January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the changes in the terms of trade in Czech international trade in the term of from 2005 to 2015, as the period after the Czech Republic joined the European Union. The terms of trade are an important indicator of the benefits and loses of international trade. The main aim is to analyze the changes of terms of trade, the causes of their changes, and the impact on the real economy. The direction of the overall terms of trade index was highly unsettled, and did not actually generated additional gains in the economy not over the reporting period. The overall terms of trades were most influenced by the price development of two groups of the Standard International Trade Classification, Crude materials and lubricants, and machinery and transport equipment. The prices of Crude materials and lubricants are determined mainly by changes in the oil prices. These were very volatile in the reporting period, the especially the collapse of the prices in both 2009 and 2014-2015, had a significant impact on the import prices of the Czech economy. The thesis also analyzes the impact of exchange rate on the international trade prices, in the period since November 2013, i.e. after the Czech National Bank has committed to maintain the rate of Czech koruna against the Euro above the level of 27 CZK/EUR, which helped to protect the economy from deflations and enhance the economic growth. The effect of the weak crown, that favored the Czech exporters, however a faded over time.

Climate change and agriculture / Changement climatique et agriculture

Gallic, Ewen 02 June 2017 (has links)
Le climat de la planète se réchauffe et ses effets sont entachés d'une forte incertitude. Une hausse de la température et de la fréquence d'événements extrêmes tels des inondations ou des sécheresses est prévue. La forte dépendance de l'agriculture aux conditions climatiques en fait de facto un champ d'application privilégié. Cette thèse se destine ainsi à étudier la relation entre climat et agriculture, afin d'évaluer les conséquences potentielles du changement climatique, en mêlant travaux empiriques et théoriques. Les deux premiers chapitres se concentrent sur les pays en développement au travers de deux études examinant la production et les profits agricoles ainsi que les décisions de consommation des ménages agricoles indiens. Les divers scénarios climatiques envisagés montrent un effet global négatif sur la production et les profits, particulièrement pour les ménages agricoles du sud du pays. L'irrigation tout comme le mélange des cultures permettent toutefois de réduire les dommages subis, notamment pour les petits exploitants. Les deux chapitres suivants considèrent des pays économiquement développés, en commençant par une étude des rendements céréaliers européens. Les projections sous les différents scénarios climatiques indiquent une faible croissance des rendements du blé d'ici à la fin du XXIe siècle, comparativement aux observations des 25 dernières années. Ces gains faibles sont toutefois accompagnés d'une forte hétérogénéité régionale. Pour le maïs, des faibles gains d'ici la moitié du XXIe s'effacent derrières de plus fortes pertes dans le long terme. L'approche partielle est ensuite délaissée pour laisser place à une analyse en équilibre général s'attachant à étudier les effets de court terme des chocs climatiques sur les cycles économiques, à travers leur impact sur l'agriculture. Une hausse de la variance des chocs climatiques conformément à celle prévue par des scénarios climatiques entraîne un accroissement substantiel de variables macroéconomiques telles la production et l'inflation. / Global climate is warming, and the effects of climate change are associated with a lot of uncertainty. Not only average temperatures are expected to rise, but also the occurrence of extreme events such as floods or droughts. Agriculture is particularly at risk, due to the importance of weather conditions in production. This thesis therefore aims at investigating the relationship between weather variations and agricultural production, to better assess the potential effects of climate change on agriculture, relying on both theoretical and empirical methods. The first two chapters focus on developing countries and provide two empirical studies based on Indian data at the individual farm level that link climate to agricultural production and profits and to consumption decisions. We find contrasted results, with an overall damaging effect of climate change scenarios on Indian agricultural production and profits, especially for farmers in southern India. Irrigation may however help mitigating the losses, as well as crop mixing, particularly for small farms. The last two chapters consider developed countries. The first step focuses on crop yields in Europe. Under the tested climate scenarios, wheat yields are projected to slightly increase by the end of the 21$^\textrm{st}$ century relative to the observed yields from the past 25 years. These small gains are however accompanied by a lot of regional heterogeneity. For European corn yields, the projections highlight small gains in by the middle of the 21$^\textrm{st}$ century, followed by relatively higher losses in the long run. The second step relies on a general equilibrium approach, and aims at investigating the short-run impacts of weather shocks on business cycles, through their damaging effects on agriculture. Increasing the variance of climate shocks in accordance with forthcoming climate change leads to a sizeable increase in the volatility of key macroeconomic variables, such as production and inflation.

Essays on macroeconomic theory as a guide to economic policy

Ried, Stefan 15 October 2009 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation zu makroökonomischen Themen beinhaltet einen einleitenden Literaturüberblick, drei eigenständige und voneinander unabhängige Kapitel sowie einen technischen Anhang. In Kapitel zwei wird ein Zwei-Länder Modell einer Währungsunion betrachtet, in dem die gemeinsame Zentralbank die Wohlfahrt der gesamten Währungsunion maximieren will, während die zwei fiskalpolitischen Akteure vergleichbare, aber minimal abweichende länderspezifische Verlustfunktionen zu minimieren suchen. Das Konkurrenzverhalten dieser drei Institutionen wird in sieben spieltheoretischen Szenarien analysiert. Beim Vergleich einer homogenen mit einer heterogenen Währungsunion lassen sich für letztere deutlich höhere Wohlfahrtsverluste relativ zum sozialen Optimum feststellen. Die Szenarien mit den geringsten Wohlfahrtsverlusten sind Kooperation aller drei Institutionen und eine Stackelberg-Führerschaft der Zentralbank. Kapitel drei untersucht, inwieweit das Verhältnis von Immobilienpreise zum Bruttoinlandsprodukt als langfristig konstant und nur auf Grund von Produktivitätsschocks von seinem Mittelwert abweichend angesehen werden kann. Hierzu wird ein Zwei-Sektoren RBC-Modell für den Immobiliensektor und einen Konsumgütersektor erstellt. Es wird gezeigt, dass ein antizipierter, zukünftiger Schock auf das Produktivitätswachstum im Konsumgütersektor eine sofortige, deutliche Erhöhung der Immobilienpreise relativ zum Bruttoinlandsprodukt zur Folge hat. In Kapitel vier wird gefragt, ob ein typisches Neukeynesianisches Modell "sechs große Rätsel der internationalen Makroökonomie" erklären kann. Die sechs Rätsel werden in Bedingungen für erste und zweite Momente übersetzt und fünf wesentliche Modellparameter geschätzt. Das Ergebnis ist erstaunlich gut: unter anderem können die empirischen Beobachtungen zur Heimatpräferenz wiedergegeben und die Schwankungsbreite des realen Wechselkurses deutlich erhöht werden. Handelskosten sind für dieses Ergebnis ein wesentlicher Faktor. / This dissertation consists of an introductory chapter with an extended literature review, three chapters on individual and independent research topics, and an appendix. Chapter 2 uses a two-country model with a central bank maximizing union-wide welfare and two fiscal authorities minimizing comparable, but slightly different country-wide losses. The rivalry between the three authorities is analyzed in seven static games. Comparing a homogeneous with a heterogeneous monetary union, welfare losses relative to the social optimum are found to be significantly larger in a heterogeneous union. The best-performing scenarios are cooperation between all authorities and monetary leadership. The goal of Chapter 3 is to investigate whether or not it is possible to explain the house price to GDP ratio and the house price to stock price ratio as being generally constant, deviating from its respective mean only because of shocks to productivity? Building a two-sector RBC model for residential and non-residential capital, it is shown that an anticipated future shock to productivity growth in the non-residential sector leads to an immediate large increase in house prices relative to GDP. In Chapter 4, it is asked whether a typical New Keynesian Open Economy Model is able to explain "Six Major Puzzles in International Macroeconomics". After translating the six puzzles into moment conditions for the model, I estimate five parameters to fit the moment conditions implied by the data. Given the simplicity of the model, its fit is surprisingly good: among other things, the home bias puzzles can easily be replicated, the exchange rate volatility is formidably increased and the exchange rate correlation pattern is relatively close to realistic values. Trade costs are one important ingredient for this finding.

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