Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SOCIAL CHANGE"" "subject:"[enn] SOCIAL CHANGE""
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Local History of Scania: The Embedded Drivers in Movement from Agriculture to IndustryVu-Thi, Xoan, Stenberg, Emma January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Local-History-of-Scania-the-embedded-drivers-in-movement-from-agriculture-to-industry-Stenberg-Vu-ThiVu-Thi, Xoan, Stenberg, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Scania is well known for its agriculture, previously the region consisted of mostly agricultural landscape and farming. Scania is the wealthiest part in Sweden of agricultural landscape and stands out from the rest of the country’s landscape. In the late eighteenth century the industrialization came to the region and the agriculture developed in pace with the industry. Most previous studies have described the evolution from agriculture to industrialization and urbanization of the region but seemed to fail to investigate the embedded drivers that drove the transformation. Therefore this study investigated embedded drivers during the period from agriculture to industrialization in the region of Scania. The result showed that factors of agricultural transformation, social change and entrepreneurship were the key embedded drivers for transformation.
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Inhabiting DifferenceOng, James Abordo January 2015 (has links)
<p>I investigate how Baruch de Spinoza and Friedrich Nietzsche conceive of difference as bearing a distinctive normative significance for modern social and political life. Both Spinoza and Nietzsche ascribe special importance to the difference embodied by exceptional individuals, and to the attitudes towards difference that such individuals avow when they interact or cooperate with other individuals in society. I then reanimate this neglected aspect of their writings in my own constructive proposal. In particular, I argue that by inhabiting and harnessing our differences, we can realise new yet unknown possibilities that make for deep and meaningful social change. </p><p>According to Spinoza, exceptional individuals--namely, free men or those who live solely by the guidance of reason--avow the attitude of generosity towards individuals they engage. That is to say, the free man actively seeks to establish close friendships with other individuals in society, so that he may increase their power of acting through direct and dynamic interactions. In such interactions, the free man initiates others to the life of reason by getting them to directly experience what it is like to exercise their own powers of thinking, feeling, and acting. Nietzsche criticises Spinoza for diluting the depth and richness of human experience with the formulas and categories of logic, reason, or conscious thought. For instance, Spinoza credits his own affirmative stance towards all things to logical necessity, thus eliding what Nietzsche takes joyful affirmation to involve, namely, experiencing every moment of one's own existence "as good, as valuable, with pleasure." For Nietzsche, we modern individuals have come to develop ways of thinking and feeling that preclude us from harnessing our own lived experiences, and thus the expanse of difference between any one self and another. We have instead become inclined to affects like envy, pity, vanity, or ressentiment, whereby we gain our sense of well-being or power by placing ourselves on par with the persons with whom we associate. To these affects, he contrasts the pathos of distance, in which the lure or influence of one's value perspectives derives from the depth of one's immersion in one's own lived experiences and from the expanse of the difference between oneself and others. Nietzsche nonetheless believes that the pathos of distance can only thrive in an aristocratic social order, with its living hierarchy of rank and value distinctions. </p><p>I argue that we need not follow Nietzsche in this. I develop an alternative account of the pathos of distance as an affect whereby the difference one embodies engenders neither opposition nor exclusion, but rather triggers the drive for self-overcoming in those who are receptive to it. On my account, exceptional individuals cultivate and embody a way of life that wields a nourishing and life-transfiguring effect on other individuals, albeit only to the extent that they also value one another's singularities or differences. Exceptional individuals still play a distinctive role in society but not through "living structures of domination."</p><p>To illustrate this account, I present and analyse a specific kind of social change, in which people who are disadvantaged and oppressed harness their own lived experiences, with the help of exceptional individuals, to drive deep and creative forms of social change. I call this `organic social change.' Through this analysis, I inaugurate an attitude towards difference that I call `inhabiting difference.' In relation to our own specificity, we inhabit our own difference when we harness the hitherto latent powers and inchoate possibilities that our own lived experiences afford. In relation to the specificity of others, we inhabit their difference to the extent that we avow an attitude of open and abiding patience towards the singularity of their lived experiences, and cultivate direct and dynamic relationships in which they may harness powers and possibilities out of their own lived experiences. To establish the distinctive importance of inhabiting difference, I show how it facilitates empowering modes of social cooperation, and thus helps us realise new yet unknown social and political possibilities.</p> / Dissertation
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Sustentabilidade como semântica: sobre as ordens de conservação do mundo e suas dinâmicas de transformação / Sustainability as semantics: on the conservation orders of the world and its dynamics of transformationFiscina, Luciano Alvim 29 April 2013 (has links)
Esta tese é um estudo analítico da semântica do termo sustentabilidade e dos processos sociais de significação dos seus conteúdos constitutivos com o objetivo de desenvolver um sistema de referência que o estruture como um conceito organizador e regulador das ordens de conservação e das dinâmicas de transformação do mundo contemporâneo. A hipótese é que existe uma vacuidade conceitual no uso estratégico do termo de modo que suas projeções semânticas não são suficientes para estruturá-lo como um conceito de organização e transformação social. Assim, seu sentido estruturante se encontraria na necessidade lógica de explicar as ordens de conservação do mundo frente à questão socioambiental. Sob o enfoque desta tese, o termo sustentabilidade se constituiria no interior da atividade psicológica imanente ao sujeito histórico que busca interpretar seu mundo e explicar suas ordens de permanência e transformação. A tese parte da premissa de que a sustentabilidade se estrutura como conceito regulador do pensamento socioambiental contemporâneo, constituindo-se em necessidades de inovação técnocientífica, conservação material e simbólica do mundo vivido e mudança dos panoramas naturais e sociais contemporaneamente experienciados. O método da pesquisa envolve três ordens de derivação do significado do termo sustentabilidade que assumem, subsequentemente, a função de dimensões de análise e são consideradas como forças semânticas reguladoras de categorias analíticas de natureza sintática. O corpus empírico da análise consiste em uma coleção de textos publicados por estudiosos e pensadores especializados na temática em questão, tendo como descritor-síntese a expressão \"teorias socioambientais\". Desta forma, busca-se verificar se, da derivação semântica, pode emergir um sistema de referência de análise capaz de estruturar projeções significativas da estrutura semântica do termo sustentabilidade e do seu emprego estratégico. Interpretam-se as respectivas dimensões analíticas, descritas como pré-lógica, antropológica e geopolítica, como inter-relacionando-se por uma regulação endógena interna à estrutura semântica do termo sustentabilidade e não por interferência ou por redução de uma dimensão a outra. Tais dimensões encerram possibilidades semânticas intracombinatórias de ordem congruente, incongruente e paradoxal. Quanto à ordem congruente, nos referirmos às ordens de conservação do mundo; à ordem incongruente, nos referimos às dinâmicas de transformação que abalam a ordem de conservação do mundo material e simbólico; e à ordem paradoxal, apontamos para interesses que travam os meios de solução das antinomias e dos paradoxos sociais, criando processos com formas convenientes de relação entre as dinâmicas de transformação do mundo e suas ordens de conservação. Consideramos que o método proposto permitiu a identificação de formas emergentes de forças semânticas que emanam das teorias socioambientais, cuja estruturação assume a função de regular as operações de relação das dimensões de significação do termo sustentabilidade. Concluímos, à luz da análise desenvolvida, que as informações científicas que fundamentam o emprego do termo sustentabilidade ainda não são capazes de atingir o conduto da vida social, mediante dispositivos de socialização disparados por seu uso estratégico, pois se estruturam sobre uma incompletude conceitual que não abrange a amplitude e complexidade dos processos sociais reguladores que deveriam influenciar / This thesis is an analytical study of the semantic of the sustainability term and of the social processes of signification of their constituent content with the goal of developing one reference system able of structure it as an organizing and regulator concept of the conservation orders and the dynamics of transformation of the contemporary world. The hypothesis is that there is a conceptual vacuity in the strategic use of the term so that their semantics projections are not yet sufficient to structure it as a concept of organization and social transformation. Thus its structural would be upon the logic necessity of explain the conservation orders face the socio environmental issue. Under the focus of this thesis, the sustainability term would constitute itself as a psychological activity immanent to historical subjects that seek to interpret their world and explain their orders of permanence and transformation. The thesis begins from the premise that sustainability is structured as a regulator concept of the contemporary socio environmental thinking, constituting itself in necessities of technoscientific innovation, conservation of material and symbolic world and changing of the natural and social panoramas contemporaneously experienced. The method involves three derivation orders of the semantic structure of the sustainability term, assuming, subsequently, the function of analytical dimensions of syntactic nature. The corpus of the empirical analysis consists of a texts collection published by scholars and thinkers, with the descriptor-synthesis \"environmental theories.\" Thus we seek to verify if from that semantic derivation can emerge one reference system capable of structuring the semantics projections of the sustainability term and of its strategic use. We interpreted the respective analytical dimensions, described as pre-logic, anthropological and geopolitical, as interrelating itself by an endogenous regulating and not by interference or by reducing of one dimension to another. These dimensions contain intra-combinatorial semantics possibilities of congruent order, incongruous and paradoxical order. Regarding the congruent order, we refer to order of conservation of the world; on the incongruous order, we refer to the dynamics of transformation that disrupt the conservation order of the material and symbolic world, and on paradoxical order, we point to concerns that prevent the means of solution of the social processes contradictories, creating convenient forms of relationship between the dynamics of transformation of the world and its conservation orders. We consider that the proposed method allowed the identification of semantics forces that emanate from socio environmental theories, assuming the function of regulating the operations between the dimensions of meaning of the sustainability term. We conclude, at light of the analysis developed, that the scientific information underlying the use of the sustainability term is not yet able to reach the conduit of the social life, through socialization devices triggered by its strategic use, because it is structured on a incompleteness conceptual that does not encompass the breadth and complexity of the regulators social processes which should influence
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O turismo no litoral norte de São Paulo: o caso de Camburi / Tourism in the north coast of São Paulo: the case of CambridgeshireFerreira, Tatiane de Moraes 29 April 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a mudança social no litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo que resultou no crescimento do turismo depois de eventos ocorridos por ações do Estado por volta de 1970. Foi utilizado o estudo de caso da praia de Camburi para analisar a mudança social destes eventos até as suas consequências com o aumento do turismo nos dias atuais / This work aims to analyze social change on the northern coast of São Paulo that resulted in the growth of tourism after the events of shares of the state around 1970. Camburi Beach case study was used to analyze the change social these events to their consequences with ncreased tourism today
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Fogão de Lenha - Chápeu de Palha Jauenses:- herdeiros da rusticidade no processo da modernização / Fogão de Lenha - Chápeu de Palha Jauenses: heritage of rusticity in the modernization processMariano, Neusa de Fátima 19 March 2002 (has links)
O caipira, entendido como um ser cultural singular, cujo modo de vida é caracterizado pela rusticidade dos meios de reprodução, não passa intacto à entrada do capitalismo no campo. Ele se transforma perdendo e modificando alguns de seus elementos culturais, pois a vida passa a se dar numa sociedade mediada pelo dinheiro. A pesquisa tem como preocupação central o entendimento de como se deu este fenômeno em Jaú, município do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Vamos encontrar nas colônias de suas fazendas e nos seus sítios, uma sociabilidade muito forte que favorecia a manutenção de expressões de uma cultura singular, enriquecida pelos imigrantes europeus que vieram ao Brasil para trabalhar nos cafezais, no início do século XX. Com o sistema de salários adotado por lei no campo, na década de 1960, houve a individualização do trabalho, deixando de ser familiar na colônia, para ser assalariado, em que as famílias passaram a morar nas cidades. Nos anos 50, a produção canavieira que se expandia pelo interior do Estado de São Paulo foi, aos poucos, acabando com as pequenas propriedades, pois os sitiantes que se viam sem financiamentos bancários (pois os juros eram altos) acabavam vendendo ou arrendando as suas terras. Os fazendeiros, por sua vez, começaram a substituir o café pela cana-de-açúcar. Tais acontecimentos do setor econômico provocaram uma crise cultural, desvinculando o trabalho da cultura do caipira, desvinculando as suas manifestações culturais do ciclo da natureza, transformando o seu modo de pensar, ser e agir. O que se pretende com esta pesquisa é demonstrar como o capitalismo, transfigurado em uma sociedade moderna mediada pelo mercado, tem o poder de modificar a cultura e o modo de vida do homem rural. Atualmente, por meio de pesquisa empírica, encontramos heranças da rusticidade, pois nem todos os jauenses mantêm na mesma intensidade e maneira, traços de um modo de vida caipira, presente somente no passado; são herdeiros de si próprios, migrantes da temporalidade. / The countryside man, as a peculiar cultural human being, whose life way is characterized by the rusticity of the reproduction ways, was touched by the entry of the capitalism in the field. The countryside man transforms himself, losing and modifying some of his cultural elements, because the life changes to a new society in which the money is the average. The research has, as the main focus, the understanding how this phenomenon occurred in Jaú, São Paulo countryside. We can find inside the colonies of the farms and of the ranches, so strong sociability that benefits the maintenance of expressions of a peculiar culture enriched by European immigrants who came to Brazil to work in the coffee plantation in the beginning of the century XX. Due to the salary system that was adopted by the field law, in 1960 decade, occurred the individualization of the work, changing from being familiar in the colony to receiving a salary. The families started to move to the cities. In the 50\'s, the sugar cane production that extended through São Paulo countryside, was time by time, eliminating the small properties, because the ranchers who were without financing (because of the high interests), started to sell or to rent their lands. The farmers started to replace the coffee by the sugar cane. Such occurrences of economic area provoked a worldwide cultural crisis, freeing the work from the countryside man culture, freeing his cultural manifestations from the cycle of the nature, changing his way of thinking, being and acting. This research intends to demonstrate how the capitalism, transfigured in a modern society in which the market is the average, has the power of modifying the culture and the way of life of the rural man. Nowadays, by an empiric research, we can find heritage of rusticity, because it is not all the Jaú persons who keep in the same intensity and the way, traces of a way of countryside man life, existed only in the past; they are heirs of themselves, migrants of the temporality.
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A mudança social como objeto de estudo: referências introdutórias / Social change as a study object: introductory referencesPaiva Júnior, Paulo Cesar de Abreu 17 December 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho tomará por objetivo, através de uma revisão bibliográfica temática e pesquisa em banco de dados, uma contribuição para o Programa de Pós-Graduação em Mudança Social e Participação Política (PROMUSPP), radicado na Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades da Universidade de São Paulo, ao oferecer uma leitura geral e introdutória sobre a temática da mudança social e um panorama de autores recorrentes, tidos como referência neste campo interdisciplinar recentemente relido e em constante construção. Tendo em vista que, no âmbito do PROMUSPP nenhum estudo tenha proposto tal iniciativa, cremos estar no tempo, momento e local apropriado para tal. Neste sentido, será apresentada uma síntese teórica de caráter introdutório sobre o tema da mudança social como objeto científico de estudo / Through a literature review and data research this work aims to contribute to the Post-Graduate Program in Social Change and Political Participation (PROMUSPP), of School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities of University São Paulo. It will provide a general and introductory reading on the theme of social change, and an overview of recurrent authors, taken as a reference in this recent, and in constant construction, interdisciplinary field. Considering that, in PROMUSPP, no study has proposed such initiative, we believe being on the time and appropriate place to do so. In this sense, will be presented: a brief history on the subject of social change as a scientific object of study and a mapping of modern authors who have addressed the \"social change\" theory on their research
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Understanding the Cultural Changes of Family Creation, Size and Unity Through the Analysis of the Changing Behaviors and Meanings of Their SymbolsUnknown Date (has links)
This study seeks to explore longitudinally the changing behaviors and meanings of the symbols bound to family creation, size and unity in order to understand why and how they changed. The research method fuses historical facts collected from historical literature, the data from the participant’s interviews, and the ethnology of the American family made by David Schneider (1980), using symbolic anthropology as the guiding theoretical framework. The imposed gender differentiation, religious precepts, the shifting economic models, economic recessions, World War I and World War II, intellectual and technological developments, and the ideologies accompanying these events caused changes of human behavior and the redefinition of main cultural meanings of the symbols bound to family creation, size and unity. These resulted over time in a systematic shrinking of family creation and size and caused the re-conceptualizing of family unit. Yet, numbers of American family creation and size did not reach negative extremes, as they did in other developed nations. The resisting behavior emerges from the rich ethnic diversity in the nation that offers behavioral alternatives, the people’s trust their government and the American identity rooted on the founding ideals of the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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O turismo no litoral norte de São Paulo: o caso de Camburi / Tourism in the north coast of São Paulo: the case of CambridgeshireTatiane de Moraes Ferreira 29 April 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a mudança social no litoral norte do Estado de São Paulo que resultou no crescimento do turismo depois de eventos ocorridos por ações do Estado por volta de 1970. Foi utilizado o estudo de caso da praia de Camburi para analisar a mudança social destes eventos até as suas consequências com o aumento do turismo nos dias atuais / This work aims to analyze social change on the northern coast of São Paulo that resulted in the growth of tourism after the events of shares of the state around 1970. Camburi Beach case study was used to analyze the change social these events to their consequences with ncreased tourism today
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A transformação social no discurso de uma organização do Terceiro Setor / The social transformation in the discourse of a Third Sector organization.Calegare, Marcelo Gustavo Aguilar 08 December 2005 (has links)
Os anos 90 foram marcados por inúmeras mudanças no cenário brasileiro. Um dos resultados foi a emergência de um novo padrão organizacional de intervenção social, que carrega a promessa de transformação social da realidade brasileira. Trata-se das organizações do Terceiro Setor, que se assentam sobre o fortalecimento da sociedade civil, o desenvolvimento da democracia e, conseqüentemente, têm na cidadania um pilar fundamental para a viabilidade de tais projetos. A proposta desta dissertação é contribuir para a compreensão do papel transformador atribuído às organizações do Terceiro Setor. Para tanto, apresentam-se diferentes correntes discursivas e interpretativas sobre a transformação social. Primeiramente, apresentaram-se os discursos que sustentam a existência dessas organizações, debatendo-se criticamente sobre suas justificativas. Num segundo momento, realizou-se um estudo de caso com o objetivo de configurar no discurso dos atores institucionais de um projeto de um programa de promoção social de uma organização do Terceiro Setor qual a transformação social concebida. Por fim, abordaram-se os pareamentos entre o conceito de sociedade civil e Terceiro Setor, mostrando a inconsistência dessa operação e marcando os pontos de contato entre os discursos das diferentes disciplinas e aqueles dos atores institucionais do caso estudado. Das análises dos discursos dos atores institucionais, verificou-se que as práticas nomeadas como transformadoras são multifacetadas, apesar da tendência de rotulação das várias ações como sendo iguais e seguindo a mesma direção. Por outro lado, as categorias que modelam as práticas de transformação social da organização não contemplam os fenômenos psicológicos encontrados nessas práticas que são a própria condição dessas categorias. Pela confrontação dos diferentes discursos abordados nessa dissertação, notou-se que o debate sobre a transformação social segue os imperativos de um projeto político dominante, demonstrando que um dos mecanismos dessa uniformização é a substituição ideológica das significações das palavras. Essa aparente unidade é o que dá liga às ações das inúmeras organizações da sociedade civil. / The nineties were marked by several changes in the Brazilian scene. One of its results was the emergence of a new organizational pattern of social intervention, which bears the promise of social transformation of the Brazilian reality. It is the Third Sector organizations, which rely on the strengthening of civil society, the development of democracy and, which consequently, have in citizenship the fundamental pillar for the viability of such projects. The purpose of this dissertation is to contribute for the comprehension of the transforming role attributed to the Third Sector organizations. Therefore, different discourses and interpretative tendencies about the social transformation are presented. Initially, a presentation of the discourse on which these organizations are based has been made, along with a critical discussion of their justifications. After that, a case study is evaluated in order to identify, based on the discourses of the institutional actors enrolled in a social project of a Third Sector organization, the social transformation they conceive. Finally, the paring of the civil society concept and the Third Sector concept are approached, showing the inconsistence of this operation and highlighting the connecting links between the discourses of the different disciplines and those of the institutional actors of the studied case. Through the analyses of the discourses of the institutional actors it was verified that the practices named as transforming were multifaceted, in spite of the tendency of labeling them as equal and following the same direction. On the other hand, the categories that shape the organizations practices of social transformation do not contemplate the psychological phenomena found in those practices which are the condition of theses categories themselves. By the confrontation of the different discourses approached in this dissertation, it was observed that the discussion of social transformation follows the imperatives of a dominating political project. Moreover, it is shown that one of the devices of this uniformization is the ideological substitution of the meanings of words. The apparent unity is what links the actions of several civil society organizations
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