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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Família e honra: recrutamento e mobilidade social na Polícia Militar do Pará / Family and Honor: recruitment and social mobility in the Military Police of Pará

Queiroz, Gustavo Ferreira de 19 March 2019 (has links)
A pesquisa analisa as formas como as estratégias de mobilidade social dos policiais militares se articulam com o pertencimento à Polícia Militar do Pará. Procurou-se examinar as trajetórias individuais por meio dos papéis desses policiais no âmbito doméstico-familiar e das chances no mercado de trabalho, para compreender a característica do recrutamento institucional, e, por outro lado, analisar as trajetórias possíveis a partir do acesso à corporação policial-militar. Para tanto, a pesquisa apoiou-se na análise morfológica das distintas posições, sucessivamente, ocupadas pelos policiais, e na comparação entre suas trajetórias com base nos dados referentes à família de origem, escolaridade, ocupações pretéritas no mercado de trabalho, percepção sobre o acesso à corporação e à mobilidade interna com base em dados estatutários grau hierárquico e cargos funcionais. Foram entrevistados 22 praças e oito oficiais, dentre estes três mulheres, todas praças. Os resultados apontaram para a atração majoritária de homens com baixa escolaridade e vindos de ocupações precárias e desqualificadas para o estrato de praças; e de homens com o ensino superior incompleto e completo para o estrato de oficiais. Os praças dependem da continuidade da relação salarial assegurada pelo cargo público, e tendem a permanecer na mesma posição social após o ingresso na instituição, enquanto aos oficiais são possíveis trajetórias de mobilidade social vertical. A dependência social do estrato de praças é justificada internamente por uma retórica familiar, que representa a filiação institucional como uma associação moral baseada na honra familiar dos policiais, que os expõe ao paternalismo do corpo de oficiais e bloqueia suas chances de ascensão social. / The research analyzes the forms of associations of social mobility of the military police are articulated with the belonging to the Military Police of Pará. It was sought to examine individual trajectories through the roles of these police officers in the domestic-family environment and the chances in the labor market to understand the characteristics of institutional recruitment and, on the other hand, to analyze the possible trajectories from access to the corporation. In order to do so, the research was based on the morphological analysis of the different positions, in turn, occupied by the police, and on the comparison between their trajectories based on data referring to the family of origin, schooling, past occupations in the labor market, perception about access to corporate and internal mobility based on statutory data - hierarchical degree and functional positions. Twenty-two enlisted soldiers and eight comissioned officers were interviewed, these are three women, all enlisted. The results pointed to the majority attraction of men with low schooling and coming from precarious and disqualified occupations to the stratum of enlisted soldiers; and men with incomplete and complete higher education for the officers stratum. The enlisted depend on the continuity of the salary relationship assured by the public officers, and tend to remain in the same social position after joining the institution, while officials are possible trajectories of vertical social mobility. The social dependence of the stratum of enlisted soldiers is internally justified by a familiar rhetoric, which represents institutional affiliation as a moral association based on the family honor of the policemen, which exposes them to the paternalism of the corps of officers and blocks their chances of social ascension.

Evolution of inequalities in access to secondary schooling in Uganda / Évolution des inégalités d'accès à l'enseignement secondaire en Ouganda

Kakuba, Christian 25 November 2014 (has links)
Alors que l’accès à l’éducation est au cœur du développement, le fait qu’une éducation soutenue et de qualité soit un facteur critique pour l’émancipation d’individus et de sociétés entières ne fait plus l’objet de débats. En effet, la myriade d’avantages liés à une éducation de masse soutenue et de qualité présuppose qu’elle soit à la portée de tous, comme il est décrit dans l’objectif 2 de l’Education pour tous et les buts 2 et 3 des Objectifs du millénaire pour le développement. L’Ouganda étant l’un des premiers pays d’Afrique Subsaharienne à introduire l’éducation primaire et secondaire universelle, respectivement en 1997 et 2007, cette thèse s’attache à comprendre jusqu’à quel point ces politiques de démocratisation de l’éducation ont permis de réduire les inégalités d’accès à l’école secondaire. Ce travail utilise principalement les données des enquêtes nationales de ménages de 2005/2006 et 2009/2010 qui procurent des informations sur le profil éducatif des membres du ménage ainsi que d’autres caractéristiques qui, selon les études préalables influent sur les parcours scolaires. Par le moyen de modèles multivariés pertinents, il a été possible de décrire l’évolution des inégalités d’accès à l’école secondaire, de transition du primaire au secondaire, et d’accès aux internats, ce pour l’ensemble des enfants de 13 à 24 ans. L’universalisation de l’éducation au niveau primaire comme secondaire n’a ni pu améliorer l’achèvement du cycle primaire ni réduire les inégalités d’accès au secondaire. En effet, achever le cycle primaire et accéder au secondaire demeurent principalement la prérogative d’enfants issus de milieux socio-économiques privilégiés, de zones urbaines et de la région centrale. Lorsque le chef de ménage n’est pas lui-même allé au secondaire, ou que le ménage se situe en deçà du 25e percentile de revenus, lorsqu’il est en milieu rural, ou situé dans l’Est, l’Ouest ou le Nord du pays, ses jeunes membres demeurent largement exclus du cycle secondaire. En outre, alors que les internats (dont certains sont des écoles publiques) sont connus pour offrir une éducation de meilleure qualité qui permettrait la mobilité sociale pour les enfants défavorisés, ils sont généralement inaccessibles aux pauvres selon la politique sur les internats ce qui accroît les inégalités d'accès à l'enseignement secondaire de qualité. Alors que les inégalités d’accès au niveau secondaire pour tous les enfants persistent, la transition du primaire au secondaire, pour les enfants de milieux socio-économiques les moins aisés, semble plus difficile dans le passé récent qu’auparavant, ce qui implique que la plupart des enfants qui se trouvaient dans un cercle vicieux du désavantage, très probablement y demeureront. / While access to basic education is at the heart of development, the fact that sustained and meaningful education is critical for emancipation of the individual and entire society is no longer a matter of debate. Indeed, the myriad of advantages associated with sustained and quality mass education presuppose that it should be enjoyed by all as espoused in Education for All Goal 2 and Millennium Development Goals 2 and 3. Since Uganda was one of the first countries in Sub-Saharan Africa to introduce universal primary and secondary education in 1997 and 2007 respectively, this study endeavored to understand the extent to which the said democratization of education has eclipsed inequalities in accessing secondary schooling. This study largely used Uganda National Household Survey data for 2005/6 and 2009/10 that had information on schooling profiles of the household population and other characteristics that have been found to explain schooling outcome differentials. Through appropriate multivariate models, it was possible to map the evolution of inequalities in accessing secondary schooling for all children aged 13-24, making a transition for the ones that completed primary and accessing boarding facilities. Universalizing education at both levels has failed both to enhance completion of primary and dampen inequalities in accessing secondary schooling. Indeed, completion of primary and transition to secondary remain a prerogative of largely children from better socio-economic backgrounds, urban areas and the central region. Children in households below the 25th top percentile of household income, those in the rural, East, West and North, and those under household heads with less than secondary education, remain largely excluded from secondary schooling. Besides, whereas boarding schools (some of which are government schools) are known to offer better quality education that would enable social mobility for disadvantaged children, they are largely inaccessible to the poor as a matter of policy and this exacerbates inequalities in accessing quality secondary schooling. While inequalities in accessing secondary education for all eligible children have largely persisted, making a transition by children from poorer socio-economic backgrounds seems to be more difficult in the recent past than before implying that most children previously entangled in a vicious cycle of disadvantage, are most likely to remain so.

Estado nutricional, escolarização e mobilidade social no Brasil / Inequalities, social mobility and health nutrition in Brazil

Baraldi, Larissa Galastri 04 October 2010 (has links)
Introdução: A relação entre mobilidade social e saúde tem sido estudada em diversos países. No Brasil, a análise da relação entre saúde e classes sociais é estudada majoritariamente pela ótica da desigualdade concentrando-se, assim, em apenas uma das manifestações dessa complexa relação. A análise das várias possibilidades de movimentação na estrutura socioeconômica e sua associação com a saúde e, mais especificamente, com a nutrição, demanda estudos mais aprofundados e que enfoquem de maneira mais abrangente alguns dos fatores influentes nesse processo e seus vetores. Objetivo: Analisar a associação entre estado nutricional e mobilidade social no Brasil em coortes nascidas no século XX. Métodos: A população de estudo será constituída por jovens e seus pais em três inquéritos nacionais: ENDEF (1974/75), PNSN (1989) e POF (2002-2003). Inicialmente serão descritos o estado nutricional, características socioeconômicas e perfil demográfico dos adultos das coortes reconstituídas a partir dos três inquéritos. A seguir serão analisadas as associações intergerações entre indicadores sociais e antropométricos entre famílias com filhos jovens, segundo estratos sociais. A tendência da mobilidade social será comparada nos períodos 1974/75 a 1989 e 1989 a 2002-2003.Resultado: A análise descritiva mostra que houve aumento na média da escolaridade e da altura tanto entre os três períodos quanto entre as coortes. A queda na correlação da escolaridade de pais e filhos entre os períodos evidencia aumento do capital humano e provável mobilidade social entre os períodos. Em relação à altura de pais e filhos, as regressões com modelos idade-coorte-período apontam o avanço positivo no estado nutricional, indicando melhores condições socioeconômicas e de saúde na infância. Conclusão: Os filhos apresentaram médias superiores de nutrição e escolaridade do que seus pais ao longo dos períodos, contudo não se observou linearidade deste efeito ao longo das coortes de nascimento ou nas correlações favoráveis à mobilidade social / Introduction: The relation between social mobility and health has been studied in many countries. In Brazil,in general, the relation between health and social classes is usually studied from the point of inequality, thereby focusing only in one manifestation of this complex relationship. The analysis of the several possibilities of movement in the socioeconomic structure and their association with health, and more specifically with nutrition, demands further studies which address the influencing factors and their vectors in this process more broadly. Objective: To assess the association between nutritional states and social mobility in Brazil in two different periods between 1970 and 2000. Methodology: The population of study will comprise young adults and their parents in three national surveys: ENDEF (1974/75), PNSN (1989) and POF (2002/03). Firstly, nutritional status socioeconomic characteristics and demographic profile of the families selected from the three surveys will be described. Then, the intergeneration associations between social and anthropometric indicators in each survey will be analysed according to social classes. The trend of social mobility will be compared in the periods between 1974/75 to 1989 and 1989 to 2002/03. Results: The descriptive analysis shows an increase in average schooling and height both between the three periods and between cohorts. The decrease in the correlation of schooling of parents and children between periods shows increase in human capital and social mobility among theese periods. The age-period-cohort regressions models point to the positive development in nutritional status, indicating better socioeconomic conditions and health in childhood. Conclusion: The young adults had higher mean nutrition and education than their parents throughout the period, however there was no linearity of this effect over the birth cohorts or in the correlations favorable to social mobility

Aligners, lovers and deceptors : aspirations and strategies of young urban hustlers in the Gambia

Ceesay, Ismaila January 2017 (has links)
This study investigates young Gambians’ social and economic aspirations. It considers how young Gambians’ aspirations are shaped and negotiated, and the strategies they employ to achieve their objectives. Whilst existing research tends to view young Gambians’ social and economic advancement through a lens of international migration, this study focuses on the aspirations and strategies of those who find themselves in a state of ‘involuntary immobility’ – that is, an aspiration to migrate but the inability to do so. The study looks at how two groups of young urban Gambians from low socio-economic backgrounds pursue local livelihoods. Known as ‘beach hustlers’ and ‘chanters’, these youths take advantage of the resources of the tourism sector and of opportunities provided by information and communication technologies (ICT) in an attempt to fulfil their aspirations. Drawing on data collected from multi-sited ethnographic fieldwork conducted between 2013 and 2014 in Kololi, the country’s main tourism hotspot on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean, and Brikama, where internet use in cybercafés has rapidly grown over the past two decades, I use the cases of ‘beach hustlers’ and ‘chanters’ (cyber hustlers) to shed light on the life-trajectories of young Gambians. I discuss how ‘beach hustlers’ take advantage of the Gambia’s booming tourism industry by engaging in diverse informal economic activities. I then consider how ‘chanters’ accumulate wealth by employing various methods and ruses in their interactions with toubabs (white westerners) through internet-mediated encounters. This study shows that the majority of young Gambians who find it increasingly difficult to migrate to the West pursue local livelihoods to fulfil their aspirations of social and economic advancement. The aspirations and strategies of the hustlers in this study are shaped and influenced by intervening social, cultural and religious obligations and expectations. The study argues that the formation of Gambian hustlers’ aspirations is the result of an interplay between familial and societal dynamics; such as generational and gender relations and reciprocal social exchange, and personal desires of upward social mobility. The study further shows that the strategies young Gambians employ are influenced by the structural constraints and opportunities that appear in specific space–time conditions. By doing so, this study contributes to the literature on the aspirations of urban youths in developing countries and the strategies they employ to achieve them, and how young people experience and respond to conditions of ‘involuntary immobility’.

Mobilidade e classes sociais: o fluxo migratório boliviano para São Paulo / Mobilities and social classes: the Bolivian migration flow to São Paulo

Renata Barreto Preturlan 10 January 2013 (has links)
O objeto deste trabalho é o fluxo migratório boliviano para São Paulo. Ele tem como objetivo contribuir para os avanços teóricos sobre as migrações em geral, e para o avanço das teorizações sobre as migrações transnacionais em particular, problematizando a estruturação dos fluxos migratórios pelas diferenças de classes sociais. A pesquisa visa responder em que medida as diferenças e hierarquias de classes sociais constituem uma dimensão relevante para a análise e compreensão de fluxos migratórios, especialmente aqueles marcados por forte mobilidade espacial, como o fluxo boliviano para São Paulo. A hipótese que orientou a investigação é de que a extração de classe dos migrantes e sua situação de classe no local de destino são dimensões centrais para a compreensão dos diferentes perfis dos fluxos migratórios, suas condições de integração e relação com o Estado e o espaço público. Foi adotado o conceito de classe social de Max Weber. A investigação se debruçou sobre as condições que dão origem aos fluxos migratórios bolivianos, incluindo sua inserção no sistema migratório regional vinculado aos setores de confecções da capital paulistana e de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Também é discutida a situação de classe dos migrantes em São Paulo, principalmente a partir de suas principais inserções no mercado de trabalho local (setor de confecções e comércio ambulante). A partir deste diagnóstico, é discutida inserção dos migrantes no espaço público, sua relação com o Estado brasileiro e suas formas de organização e associação. Por fim, a partir de uma análise microssocial, discutem-se as motivações e perspectivas do projeto migratório, e o papel dos objetivos de ascensão social na estruturação das suas trajetórias migratórias e de vida. / his study concerns the Bolivian migration flow to São Paulo. Its objective is to contribute to promote theoretical developments on migrations in general, and to the theories on transnational migrations in particular, discussing the structuring role of social classes differences regarding migration flows. This research seeks to answer the following question: to what extent social classes differences and hierarchies are a relevant dimension to the analysis and comprehension of migration flows, especially those characterized by intense special mobility, such as the Bolivian migration flow to São Paulo? The hypothesis that guided the investigation is that the migrants class extraction and their class situation in the place of settlement are central dimensions to comprehending the different types of migration flows, their conditions of integration and their relationship to the state and public space. Max Webers concept of social classes was adopted in this study. The research focused on the conditions that originate the Bolivian migration flows, including their role in the regional migration system related to the garment industry in São Paulo and Buenos Aires (Argentina). It also discusses the migrants class situation in São Paulo, especially according to their main occupations in the São Paulo labor market (garment industry and street trading). Based on this diagnosis, the study discusses the migrants access to the public space, their relationship to the Brazilian state and their associative initiatives. Lastly, from a micro social perspective, it discusses the motivations and perspectives of the migration project, and the role of the rising social mobility objectives in the structuring of their migration and life trajectories.

Estado nutricional, escolarização e mobilidade social no Brasil / Inequalities, social mobility and health nutrition in Brazil

Larissa Galastri Baraldi 04 October 2010 (has links)
Introdução: A relação entre mobilidade social e saúde tem sido estudada em diversos países. No Brasil, a análise da relação entre saúde e classes sociais é estudada majoritariamente pela ótica da desigualdade concentrando-se, assim, em apenas uma das manifestações dessa complexa relação. A análise das várias possibilidades de movimentação na estrutura socioeconômica e sua associação com a saúde e, mais especificamente, com a nutrição, demanda estudos mais aprofundados e que enfoquem de maneira mais abrangente alguns dos fatores influentes nesse processo e seus vetores. Objetivo: Analisar a associação entre estado nutricional e mobilidade social no Brasil em coortes nascidas no século XX. Métodos: A população de estudo será constituída por jovens e seus pais em três inquéritos nacionais: ENDEF (1974/75), PNSN (1989) e POF (2002-2003). Inicialmente serão descritos o estado nutricional, características socioeconômicas e perfil demográfico dos adultos das coortes reconstituídas a partir dos três inquéritos. A seguir serão analisadas as associações intergerações entre indicadores sociais e antropométricos entre famílias com filhos jovens, segundo estratos sociais. A tendência da mobilidade social será comparada nos períodos 1974/75 a 1989 e 1989 a 2002-2003.Resultado: A análise descritiva mostra que houve aumento na média da escolaridade e da altura tanto entre os três períodos quanto entre as coortes. A queda na correlação da escolaridade de pais e filhos entre os períodos evidencia aumento do capital humano e provável mobilidade social entre os períodos. Em relação à altura de pais e filhos, as regressões com modelos idade-coorte-período apontam o avanço positivo no estado nutricional, indicando melhores condições socioeconômicas e de saúde na infância. Conclusão: Os filhos apresentaram médias superiores de nutrição e escolaridade do que seus pais ao longo dos períodos, contudo não se observou linearidade deste efeito ao longo das coortes de nascimento ou nas correlações favoráveis à mobilidade social / Introduction: The relation between social mobility and health has been studied in many countries. In Brazil,in general, the relation between health and social classes is usually studied from the point of inequality, thereby focusing only in one manifestation of this complex relationship. The analysis of the several possibilities of movement in the socioeconomic structure and their association with health, and more specifically with nutrition, demands further studies which address the influencing factors and their vectors in this process more broadly. Objective: To assess the association between nutritional states and social mobility in Brazil in two different periods between 1970 and 2000. Methodology: The population of study will comprise young adults and their parents in three national surveys: ENDEF (1974/75), PNSN (1989) and POF (2002/03). Firstly, nutritional status socioeconomic characteristics and demographic profile of the families selected from the three surveys will be described. Then, the intergeneration associations between social and anthropometric indicators in each survey will be analysed according to social classes. The trend of social mobility will be compared in the periods between 1974/75 to 1989 and 1989 to 2002/03. Results: The descriptive analysis shows an increase in average schooling and height both between the three periods and between cohorts. The decrease in the correlation of schooling of parents and children between periods shows increase in human capital and social mobility among theese periods. The age-period-cohort regressions models point to the positive development in nutritional status, indicating better socioeconomic conditions and health in childhood. Conclusion: The young adults had higher mean nutrition and education than their parents throughout the period, however there was no linearity of this effect over the birth cohorts or in the correlations favorable to social mobility

Mobilidade e classes sociais: o fluxo migratório boliviano para São Paulo / Mobilities and social classes: the Bolivian migration flow to São Paulo

Preturlan, Renata Barreto 10 January 2013 (has links)
O objeto deste trabalho é o fluxo migratório boliviano para São Paulo. Ele tem como objetivo contribuir para os avanços teóricos sobre as migrações em geral, e para o avanço das teorizações sobre as migrações transnacionais em particular, problematizando a estruturação dos fluxos migratórios pelas diferenças de classes sociais. A pesquisa visa responder em que medida as diferenças e hierarquias de classes sociais constituem uma dimensão relevante para a análise e compreensão de fluxos migratórios, especialmente aqueles marcados por forte mobilidade espacial, como o fluxo boliviano para São Paulo. A hipótese que orientou a investigação é de que a extração de classe dos migrantes e sua situação de classe no local de destino são dimensões centrais para a compreensão dos diferentes perfis dos fluxos migratórios, suas condições de integração e relação com o Estado e o espaço público. Foi adotado o conceito de classe social de Max Weber. A investigação se debruçou sobre as condições que dão origem aos fluxos migratórios bolivianos, incluindo sua inserção no sistema migratório regional vinculado aos setores de confecções da capital paulistana e de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Também é discutida a situação de classe dos migrantes em São Paulo, principalmente a partir de suas principais inserções no mercado de trabalho local (setor de confecções e comércio ambulante). A partir deste diagnóstico, é discutida inserção dos migrantes no espaço público, sua relação com o Estado brasileiro e suas formas de organização e associação. Por fim, a partir de uma análise microssocial, discutem-se as motivações e perspectivas do projeto migratório, e o papel dos objetivos de ascensão social na estruturação das suas trajetórias migratórias e de vida. / his study concerns the Bolivian migration flow to São Paulo. Its objective is to contribute to promote theoretical developments on migrations in general, and to the theories on transnational migrations in particular, discussing the structuring role of social classes differences regarding migration flows. This research seeks to answer the following question: to what extent social classes differences and hierarchies are a relevant dimension to the analysis and comprehension of migration flows, especially those characterized by intense special mobility, such as the Bolivian migration flow to São Paulo? The hypothesis that guided the investigation is that the migrants class extraction and their class situation in the place of settlement are central dimensions to comprehending the different types of migration flows, their conditions of integration and their relationship to the state and public space. Max Webers concept of social classes was adopted in this study. The research focused on the conditions that originate the Bolivian migration flows, including their role in the regional migration system related to the garment industry in São Paulo and Buenos Aires (Argentina). It also discusses the migrants class situation in São Paulo, especially according to their main occupations in the São Paulo labor market (garment industry and street trading). Based on this diagnosis, the study discusses the migrants access to the public space, their relationship to the Brazilian state and their associative initiatives. Lastly, from a micro social perspective, it discusses the motivations and perspectives of the migration project, and the role of the rising social mobility objectives in the structuring of their migration and life trajectories.

Ascensão social no romance brasileiro do Segundo Reinado

Boucinhas, André Dutra January 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa buscou mapear a representação do movimento de ascensão social nos romances brasileiros do Segundo Reinado (1840-1889), focando naqueles cujas tramas se passam no Rio de Janeiro. Após o levantamento e a leitura de todas as obras que se encaixam nesse recorte e uma análise seriada dos dados relevantes para o tema em questão, procurou-se estabelecer relações entre o crescimento e complexificação da ascensão social na ficção com as mudanças históricas ocorridas no período e, ao mesmo tempo, comparar a abordagem encontrada na literatura nacional com a dos romances ingleses e franceses mais influentes para os escritores do Brasil. / This research aimed at mapping the representation of the social upward movement in Brazilian novels of the Second Empire (1840-1889), focusing on those whose plots take place in Rio de Janeiro. After surveying and read all the works that fit this cut and a serial analysis of data relevant to the issue at hand, we tried to establish links between growth and complexity of social mobility in fiction with historical changes in the period and at the same time, compare the approach found in our own national literature with British and French most influential novels on Brazilian writers.

Upward Mobility and Authoritarian Stability: Merit-Based Elite Recruitment in China

Liu, Hanzhang January 2019 (has links)
Why does merit-based elite recruitment exist under authoritarianism, notwithstanding its adverse impact on elites' private interests? In my dissertation, I develop an argument that centers on the role of upward mobility in authoritarian regime dynamics. I argue that merit-based elite recruitment provides individuals from non-elite background an opportunity to move into the ruling class by effort; it enhances their perception of upward mobility and thus reduces their discontent with the status quo. An authoritarian ruler, therefore, may deliberately adopt and institutionalize meritocracy in elite recruitment to engineer limited but sustained upward mobility, which co-opts large numbers of non-elites and helps stabilize the regime. Focusing on the case of China and its national civil service examination (NCSE), I draw on qualitative, quantitative, and experimental evidence to triangulate the complex dynamic between the CCP leadership, local officials, and ordinary citizens in merit-based elite recruitment. I employ two survey experiments to demonstrate that, by imposing institutional constraints on local officials, the CCP leadership can make its commitment to merit-based recruitment credible and enforceable. Analyzing data from two national representative surveys, I find that the institutionalization of NCSE forges a widespread and persistent perception of upward mobility among citizens eligible for the exam and weakens their pressure on the regime for income redistribution; it also strengthens public support for local government and contributes to the legitimacy of the CCP regime. These findings contribute to our understanding of the effects of meritocracy under authoritarianism and highlight the importance of upward mobility in relation to regime resilience.

Community colleges as a path to baccalaureate degree attainment and social mobility : are community colleges fulfilling this role?

Button, Christopher John 01 December 2009 (has links)
There is a significant degree of controversy surrounding the transfer mission of community colleges. Specifically, many researchers have suggested that these institutions divert the educational attainments, and thus social mobility, of disadvantaged groups (Brint & Karabel, 1989; Dougherty, 1987, 1992, 1994; Karabel, 1972). Others suggest that community colleges provide disadvantaged individuals, who would have otherwise failed to consider a postsecondary education, with a viable path by which to attain a four-year degree (Cohen & Brawer, 1996; Hilmer, 1997; Pascarella & Terenzini, 2005). This study sought to determine whether the path to social mobility, via educational attainment, differed for bachelor's degree aspirants who commenced their postsecondary education at a community college, versus a four-year institution, in terms of enrollment outcomes three-years later (i.e., at a four-year institution, a selective or highly-selective four-year institution, and/or a privately-controlled four-year institution). Specifically, hierarchical logistic regression analyses were used to determine whether the effect of initial enrollment location on the odds of year-four enrollment outcomes depended on student characteristics (i.e., race/ethnicity, generational status, family income, prior academic achievements, and/or psychosocial factors) among a large representative sample of students who started their postsecondary education at either a community college or a four-year institution in the fall semester of 2003. Results suggest that student characteristics do not detrimentally modify the effect of initial community college enrollment on students' odds of later enrollment outcomes. In addition, the results suggest that after accounting for the effects of initial enrollment location and other predictors, the effect of standardized test scores appears to significantly increase the odds of being enrolled at a selective or highly selective four-year institution for students who initially matriculated to a community college rather than a four-year institution. The findings are discussed in terms of implications for consumers of higher education, vocational psychologists, as well as postsecondary institutions and educational policy.

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