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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulação da dinâmica do íon potássio pelo modelo HYDRUS-1D em condições de solo salino / Dynamic simulations of potassium transport under saline soil conditions using HYDRUS-1D

Santos, Rafaelly Suzanye da Silva 18 November 2014 (has links)
A demanda alimentar vem aumentando de acordo com o crescimento populacional e com isso há uma necessidade de que as práticas agrícolas tornem-se cada vez mais intensas e tecnificadas, mediante o incremento, entre outros, da utilização de insumos químicos. Porém, uma vez aplicados de maneira desorganizada, sem a devida preocupação com os possíveis impactos aos recursos naturais, tais produtos podem vir a provocar danos ao solo, contaminação de águas subterrâneas (mediante sua lixiviação) e em alguns casos, podem ser responsáveis pelo aumento da salinidade em alguns solos da região do semiárido do nordeste brasileiro. Nesse sentido, devido ao fato de envolverem processos físicos na natureza, o estudo da dinâmica desses produtos químicos têm motivado diversos pesquisadores a aplicarem ferramentas matemáticas (modelos matemáticos) na área de engenharia de água e solo, buscando entender a correlação entre a dinâmica da água e o movimento de solutos no perfil do solo. Portanto, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo a aplicação do modelo matemático HYDRUS-1D para a simulação do movimento da água e do íon potássio, em condições de laboratório, utilizando-se colunas preenchidas com dois tipos de material de solos salinos e não saturados: Argissolo Amarelo (S1) e Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo (S2). Além disso, buscou-se também avaliar tanto o desempenho do referido modelo, em condições salinas, quanto proceder a uma análise de sensibilidade. Para alcançar tais objetivos, foram conduzidas as seguintes etapas: 1) elaboração de curvas de distribuição de efluentes (Breakthrough Curves - BTC) para obtenção dos parâmetros de transporte do íon potássio, com a aplicação de soluções de 1000 ppm, 2000 ppm e 3000 ppm de concentração de potássio, nos dois tipos de solos salinos, 2) Aplicação dessas soluções de potássio na coluna preenchida com o mesmo material de solo salino não saturado, 3) Simulação dos perfis de água e potássio para os diferentes materiais de solo salino pelo modelo HYDRUS-1D e 4) Avaliação de desempenho e análise de sensibilidade do modelo HYDRUS-1D. A avaliação de desempenho foi feita levando-se em conta os seguintes índices estatísticos: erro máximo, erro absoluto médio, raiz quadrada do erro médio normalizado, coeficiente de massa residual, coeficiente de determinação, eficiência e índice de concordância de Willmott e a análise de sensibilidade foi feita mediante a determinação do erro padrão, por meio de variações positivas (+ 10%, + 20%, + 30%, + 40%, + 50%) e negativas (- 10%, - 20%, - 10%, - 40%, - 50%), dos valores de: umidade volumétrica do solo saturado, condutividade hidráulica e os parâmetros n e ? do modelo de van Genuchten (1980). Diante dos resultados obtidos, pôde-se perceber que os procedimentos experimentais (BTC\'s) para a estimativa dos parâmetros de transporte do íon potássio em condições de solo salino, foram suficientes para descrever a movimentação do íon potássio no solo, gerando informações de entrada precisas para os modelos de simulação. Em termos do modelo HYDRUS-1D, observou-se que o deslocamento do íon potássio acompanhou a frente de molhamento e que o modelo foi eficiente nas simulações de deslocamento do íon potássio e da água para ambos os solos, em condições salinas. A análise de sensibilidade evidenciou que o modelo apresentou-se sensível, às variações negativas dos dados de entrada: umidade volumétrica do solo saturado, condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado e parâmetros \"n\" e \"?\" do modelo de van Genuchten (1980). / The increased demand for food due to population growth requires that agricultural practices become increasingly intensive and very technical, including the increased use of agricultural chemicals (fertilizers). If improperly applied without considering possible impacts on natural resources, agricultural chemicals may lead to soil and groundwater contamination through their leaching from the soil root zone. They may be responsible also for increased salinity in some soils of semiarid regions in northeastern Brazil. Since many transient physical and chemical processes affect their transport in the subsurface, mathematical models have become popular tools in soil and water engineering and management in order to understand the correlation between water dynamics and solute movement in soils. Thus, this research aimed at using the HYDRUS-1D software package to simulate water and potassium movement, under laboratory conditions, in unsaturated saline soil columns filled with two soil types: an Ultisol (S1) and an Oxisol (S2). Comparisons were made with experimental data while also a sensitivity analysis was carried out to evaluate the effect of various parameters on solute transport under saline conditions. For this purpose the following studies were performed: 1) Measurement of solute breakthrough curves (BTCs) to estimate the transport parameters of the potassium ion by applying potassium solutions of 1,000 ppm, 2,000 ppm and 3,000 ppm to both soil types, 2) Application of similar potassium solutions to columns containing the same saline unsaturated soils, 3) Simulation of water and potassium distributions for different saline soil materials using HYDRUS-1D, and 4) Performance evaluation and sensitivity analyses of the HYDRUS-1D numerical model. The performance evaluation was conducted using the following statistical indices: maximum error, mean absolute error, normalized root mean square error, coefficient of residual mass, coefficient of determination, efficiency and Willmott\'s concordance index. The sensitivity analyses considered standard deviations resulting from positive and negative changes (+ 10% + 20% + 30% + 40% + 50%) (-10%, -20%, -10%, -40%, -50%) in the values of the saturated volumetric soil moisture content, the saturated hydraulic conductivity, and the parameters n and ? of van Genuchten\'s (1980) model for the unsaturated soil hydraulic functions. Results indicate that the experimental procedures (BTCs) for estimating the transport parameters of potassium for saline soil conditions were sufficient to describe potassium ion transport in the soils by generating the required input information for the simulation models. Relative to HYDRUS-1D model, the displacement of potassium was found to follow closely the wetting front, with the model providing a very efficient means for simulating the movement of both water and potassium in the two soils during saline conditions. The sensitivity analysis showed that the model was relatively sensitive to negative variations of the input data, notably the saturated water content, the saturated hydraulic conductivity, and the n and ? soil hydraulic parameters.

Modellierung von Strömungs- und Stofftransportprozessen bei Kombination der ungesättigten Bodenzone mit technischen Anlagen

Hasan, Issa 10 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die Modellierung von komplexen Systemen, wie dem Untergrund, ist ein Hilfsmittel zur Beschreibung der in der Realität ablaufenden Prozesse. Die Durchführung von Experimenten an einem Modell, um qualitative Aussagen über ein reales System zu erhalten, wird als Simulation bezeichnet. Dabei können vielfältige Modelle, wie z.B. physikalische und mathematische, zum Einsatz kommen. Die ungesättigte Bodenzone (vadose Zone) bezeichnet den Bereich zwischen der Landoberfläche und dem Grundwasserspiegel, innerhalb dessen der Wassergehalt geringer als bei Vollsättigung, und der Druck geringer als der Atmosphärendruck ist. Dieser Bodenbereich hat für die Landwirtschaft, Geobiologie, aerobe Abbauprozesse und Grundwasserneubildung eine große Bedeutung. Für die Nachbildung von Strömungs- und Stofftransportprozessen der ungesättigten Bodenzone existieren numerische Simulationsprogramme. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist eine umfangreiche Validierung des Programms PCSiWaPro® (entwickelt an der TU-Dresden, Institut für Abfallwirtschaft und Altlasten) für unterschiedliche Anwendungsfälle. Ein weiteres Ziel der Arbeit besteht in der Untersuchung der Anwendbarkeit des aktuellen Stands des Simulationsprogramms PCSiWaPro® auf unterschiedliche Praxisfälle bei Kombination der ungesättigten Bodenzone mit technischen Anlagen. Vier Anwendungsfälle mit unterschiedlichen Zielen wurden dafür im Rahmen dieser Arbeit untersucht: die Simulation von dezentraler Abwasserversickerung (Kleinkläranlage - KKA) anhand entsprechender Säulen- und Feldversuche, die Berechnung der Grundwasserneubildung am Beispiel von Lysimetern, der Wasserhaushalt von Erddämmen und die Modellierung von Deponieabdeckungssystemen. Die Anwendungsfälle unterscheiden sich durch den Zweck der Simulation, die Geometrie, die Größe, die festgelegten Anfangs- und Randbedingungen, die Simulationszeit, die Materialien, das Koordinatensystem sowie die Ein- und Ausgabewerte. Die Simulationsergebnisse konnten eindeutig zeigen, dass das Programm PCSiWaPro® für alle im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit untersuchten Fälle, mit unterschiedlichen Strömungsregimen, Stofftransport-Parametern, Randbedingungen, Koordinatensystemen sowie Raum- und Zeitdiskretisierungen anwendbar ist. Die Simulationsergebnisse der Säulenversuche am Beispiel dezentraler Abwasserversickerung zeigten eine sehr gute Übereinstimmung zwischen gemessenen und mittels PCSiWa-Pro® berechneten Werten des Wasser- und Stoffhaushaltes (Druckhöhe, Abfluss und Stoff-konzentration) der untersuchten Bodentypen B3 (schwachschluffiger Sand), B4 (Grobsand) und B5 (mittelschluffiger Sand). Die Wurzel des mittleren quadratischen Fehlers (RMSE) betrug für die Berechnung der Druckhöhe 1,84 cm bei B5, 3,61 cm bei B3 und 1,27 cm bei B4. Die relative Abweichung betrug für die Berechnung der Druckhöhe 2,19 % bei B5, 1,3 % bei B3 und ca. 5,3 % bei B4. Die Durchführung der Sensitivitätsanalyse der für die Modellierung relevanten Parameter zeigte eine sehr hohe Sensitivität der VAN GENUCHTEN-Parameter und der gesättigten hydraulischen Leitfähigkeit des Bodens. Darüber hinaus führten die Parameter nach DIN 4220 und die mithilfe von Pedotransferfunktionen aus Siebanalysen genommenen Parameter zu unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen. Im Rahmen des am Institut für Abfallwirtschaft und Altlasten durchgeführten Projektes EGSIM wurden die Programme SENSIT und ISSOP (in Zusammenarbeit mit DUALIS GmbH IT Solution) entwickelt und zur Parameteridentifikation/-kalibrierung benutzt. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erzielten Ergebnisse konnten nachweisen, unter welchen Bedingungen eine Nachklärung des vollbiologisch gereinigten Abwassers innerhalb der Bodenzone möglich ist, so dass am Ort der Beurteilung (Grundwasseroberfläche) kein unzulässiger Schadstoffeintrag erfolgt. In Bezug auf die KKA-Feldmodelle ist die Anwendung des rotationssymmetrischen Koordinatensystems als Voraussetzung der Realität besser zu entsprechen und nicht als Option zu betrachten. Darüber hinaus wurden anhand der Feldmodelle verschiedene Szenarien mit kontinuierlicher und diskontinuierlicher Versickerung sowie zwei unterschiedlich großen Einleitflächen durchgeführt. Das Programm PCSiWaPro® ist sowohl für ungesättigte als auch für variabel-gesättigte porösen Medien anwendbar. Dies wurde im Rahmen der Simulation des Wasserhaushaltes eines Erddamms nachgewiesen. Die durchschnittliche relative Abweichung zwischen gemessenen und mittels PCSiWaPro® berechneten Wasserständen des entsprechenden Beobachtungspunkts im untersuchten Dammkörper lag bei 0,08 % (entspricht 5,8 cm bei einer Müchtigkeit von ca. 70 m) und das Bestimmtheitsmaß (R2) betrug 0,987. Die Simulation des Wasserhaushaltes unterschiedlicher Deponieabdichtungssystemen mittels PCSiWaPro® zeigte im Allgemeinen ein funktionierendes Ableiten des auf Deponien anfallenden Regenwassers (auch bei Starkregenereignissen). Darüber hinaus haben die durchgeführten Bewuchs-Modelle nachweisen können, dass die Vegetation der Deponieoberflächen den Wassergehalt, durch Pflanzenwurzelentzug bzw. Evapotranspiration, reduzieren können. Die Simulationsergebnisse der durchgeführten Szenarien des Wasserhaushaltes von Lysimetern zur prognostischen Berechnung der Grundwasserneubildung mittels PCSiWaPro® konnten nachweisen, dass das Programm für die Berechnung der Grundwasserneubildungsrate für diesen Zweck anwendbar ist. Die relativen Abweichungen der be-rechneten von den gemessenen Grundwasserneubildungsraten sind auf die verwendeten Materialparameter sowie auf Vernachlässigung der möglicherweise in Lysimetern sich befin-denden Makroporen (duale Porosität) zurückzuführen. / The modelling of complex systems such as the underground is a means to describe the processes occurring in the reality. The conducting of experiments on a model to obtain qualitative evidence about a real system is referred to as a simulation. Thereby, various models (e.g. physical and mathematical models) can be used. The unsaturated zone (vadose zone) is the region between the land surface and the water table, in which the water content is less than full saturation, and the pressure is lower than the atmospheric pressure. The unsaturated zone is very significant for agriculture, geobiology, aerobic degradation processes and groundwater recharge. The processes of water flow and solute transport in the unsaturated zone can be described by means of numerical simulation programs. The aim of the present work is a comprehensive validation of the simulation program PCSiWaPro® (developed at the TU-Dresden, Institute of Waste Management and Contaminated Site Treatment) for different applications. Another aim of this work is to investigate the applicability of the current version of PCSiWaPro® for different cases of a combination between the unsaturated zone and technical facilities. Four application cases with different objectives were investigated within the present work, which are: the simulation of decentralized wastewater infiltration with corresponding column and field experiments, the computation of groundwater recharge by means of lysimeters, the water balance of earth dams and the modelling of landfill covering systems. The application cases differ from each other by the objective of the simulation, the geometry, the size, the specified initial and boundary conditions, the simulation time, the applied materials, the coordinate system, the input and output data. The simulation results clearly showed that PCSiWaPro® is applicable for all investigated cases under consideration of different flow and solute transport regimes, parameters, boundary conditions, spatial and temporal discretization, and coordinate systems. The simulation results of the experimental soil columns for the decentralized treated wastewater infiltration case showed a very good agreement between measured and computed values of water and solute balance (pressure head, flow and solute concentration) of the investigated soil types B3 (slightly silty sand), B4 (coarse sand / gravel) and B5 (medium silty sand). The root of the mean squared error (RMSE) for the computation of the pressure head was 1,84 cm at B5, 3,61 cm at B3 and 1,27 cm at B4. The relative deviation in case of pressure head computation was 2,19 % at B5, 1,3 % at B3 and 5,3 % at B4. The implementation of the sensitivity analysis of the relevant parameters for the modelling showed a very high sensitivity of the VAN GENUCHTEN parameters and the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil. Moreover, the parameters according to DIN 4220 led to different results than the estimated ones according to pedotransfer methods based on sieve analysis. Within the project EGSIM, which was carried out at the Institute for waste management and contaminated sites treatment in collaboration with DUALIS GmbH IT Solution, the programs SENSIT and ISSOP were developed and used for parameter identification/ calibration. The results obtained in this Work showed under which conditions is a secondary treatment of full biologically treated wastewater in the soil possible, so that no unallowable pollutants entry in the groundwater occurs. With regard to the field models of this application the implementation of the rotationally symmetric coordinate system should be considered as a condition and not as an option for a better corresponding to the reality. Furthermore, different scenarios of the field models were carried out with continuous and discontinuous infiltration, as well as under different initiation areas. PCSiWaPro® could be applied for both unsaturated and variably-saturated porous media. This could be proven by the simulation of the water balance in an earth dam. The average relative deviation between measured and simulated water levels of the corresponding observation point in the investigated dam embankment was 0,08 % (corresponding to 5,8 cm at 70 m thickness) and the coefficient of determination (R2) was 0,987. In general, the simulation of the water balance using PCSiWaPro® of different landfill covering systems showed a successful draining of the falling rainwater (even under heavy rainfall). In addition, the implemented vegetation models have proven that the vegetation of the landfill surface can reduce the water content in the landfill by evapotranspiration and water uptake by roots. The water balance simulation results of the scenarios for the computation of groundwater recharge by means of lysimeters showed that the program is applicable for this case. The relative deviation of the simulated from the measured groundwater recharge rates occur due to the implemented material parameters as well as to the neglect of macro pores effects (dual porosity).

Numerical modelling of solute transport processes using higher order accurate finite difference schemes : numerical treatment of flooding and drying in tidal flow simulations and higher order accurate finite difference modelling of the advection diffusion equation for solute transport predictions

Chen, Yiping January 1992 (has links)
The modelling of the processes of advection and dispersion-diffusion is the most crucial factor in solute transport simulations. It is generally appreciated that the first order upwind difference scheme gives rise to excessive numerical diffusion, whereas the conventional second order central difference scheme exhibits severe oscillations for advection dominated transport, especially in regions of high solute gradients or discontinuities. Higher order schemes have therefore become increasingly used for improved accuracy and for reducing grid scale oscillations. Two such schemes are the QUICK (Quadratic Upwind Interpolation for Convective Kinematics) and TOASOD (Third Order Advection Second Order Diffusion) schemes, which are similar in formulation but different in accuracy, with the two schemes being second and third order accurate in space respectively for finite difference models. These two schemes can be written in various finite difference forms for transient solute transport models, with the different representations having different numerical properties and computational efficiencies. Although these two schemes are advectively (or convectively) stable, it has been shown that the originally proposed explicit QUICK and TOASOD schemes become numerically unstable for the case of pure advection. The stability constraints have been established for each scheme representation based upon the von Neumann stability analysis. All the derived schemes have been tested for various initial solute distributions and for a number of continuous discharge cases, with both constant and time varying velocity fields. The 1-D QUICKEST (QUICK with Estimated Streaming Term) scheme is third order accurate both in time and space. It has been shown analytically and numerically that a previously derived quasi 2-D explicit QUICKEST scheme, with a reduced accuracy in time, is unstable for the case of pure advection. The modified 2-D explicit QUICKEST, ADI-TOASOD and ADI-QUICK schemes have been developed herein and proved to be numerically stable, with the bility sta- region of each derived 2-D scheme having also been established. All these derived 2-D schemesh ave been tested in a 2-D domain for various initial solute distributions with both uniform and rotational flow fields. They were further tested for a number of 2-D continuous discharge cases, with the corresponding exact solutions having also been derived herein. All the numerical tests in both the 1-D and 2-D cases were compared with the corresponding exact solutions and the results obtained using various other difference schemes, with the higher order schemes generally producing more accurate predictions, except for the characteristic based schemes which failed to conserve mass for the 2-D rotational flow tests. The ADI-TOASOD scheme has also been applied to two water quality studies in the U. K., simulating nitrate and faecal coliform distributions respectively, with the results showing a marked improvement in comparison with the results obtained by the second order central difference scheme. Details are also given of a refined numerical representation of flooding and drying of tidal flood plains for hydrodynamic modelling, with the results showing considerable improvements in comparison with a number of existing models and in good agreement with the field measured data in a natural harbour study.

Estudo dos mecanismos de transporte de sódio, fosfato e amônio em colunas indeformadas de material inconsolidado residual de arenitos da Formação Adamantina / Study of sodium, phosphate and ammonium transport mechanisms in undisturbed columns of unconsolidated residual material of sandstones of the Adamantina Formation

Vanessa Almeida de Godoy 05 September 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresentou um estudo dos mecanismos de transporte de sódio, fosfato e amônio em colunas indeformadas de material inconsolidado residual de arenitos da Formação Adamantina. Em campo foi realizada caracterização táctil visual do material, alem de ensaios de condutividade hidráulica. Em laboratório, realizou-se ensaio de coluna em material indeformado, para que fossem obtidos os parâmetros de fluxo de água: velocidade linear media, velocidade de Darcy, vazão e condutividade hidráulica. Também foram obtidos os coeficientes de dispersão hidrodinâmica dos três íons estudados por meio de quatro métodos. Os fatores de retardamento dos íons foram obtidos por meio de três métodos. Para auxiliar nas analises, o solo foi caracterizado mineralógica, química, física e físico-quimicamente. Adicionalmente foram feitas analises da poro simetria e estudo das trajetórias de transporte. As informações foram integradas para que fosse possível analisar os parâmetros de transporte de solutos no solo. Com esta pesquisa percebeu-se que o uso dos parâmetros de transporte em modelagem do transporte de contaminantes deve ser feito com cautela, observando tanto as características do solo (mineralógicas, físicas, físico-químicas) quanto os modelos conceituais e as limitações dos métodos utilizados. / This research aimed to study the transport mechanisms of sodium, phosphate and ammonium in undisturbed columns of unconsolidated residual material of the sandstones from the Adamantina Formation. At field, visual and tactile characterization of the material were performed as well as hydraulic conductivity tests . At laboratory, there were made column tests in undisturbed samples to obtain the parameters of water flow, i.e., average linear velocity, Darcy velocity, flow rate and hydraulic conductivity. Hydrodynamic dispersion coefficients of every studied ion were determined using four methods. The retardation factors of the three ions were obtained using three methods. To assist the analysis, the soil was mineralogical, chemistry, physically and physic-chemically characterized. We also analyzed the water retention curve, mercury intrusion porosimetry and solute transport trajectories. All available data were integrated for analyzing the parameters of solute transport in soil. The results showed that the use of transport parameters in modeling of contaminant transport should be done with caution, observing soil characteristics, the conceptual models and the limitations of the methods used.

Movimentação hídrica do íon potássio em neossolo quartzarênico sob cana-de-açúcar e vegetação de cerrado / Hidric movement of potassium ion in Quartz-sand Neossols under sugarcane and Cerrado vegetation

Ucker, Fernando Ernesto 17 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Santos (marlene.bc.ufg@gmail.com) on 2016-06-15T20:13:15Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Fernando Ernesto Ucker - 2015.pdf: 2298051 bytes, checksum: d8ba74457fe737b3f2a05b9a4183e681 (MD5) license_rdf: 19874 bytes, checksum: 38cb62ef53e6f513db2fb7e337df6485 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-06-28T12:27:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Fernando Ernesto Ucker - 2015.pdf: 2298051 bytes, checksum: d8ba74457fe737b3f2a05b9a4183e681 (MD5) license_rdf: 19874 bytes, checksum: 38cb62ef53e6f513db2fb7e337df6485 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-28T12:27:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Fernando Ernesto Ucker - 2015.pdf: 2298051 bytes, checksum: d8ba74457fe737b3f2a05b9a4183e681 (MD5) license_rdf: 19874 bytes, checksum: 38cb62ef53e6f513db2fb7e337df6485 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In the state of Goiás sugarcane cultivation has expanded into areas of sandy soil, known as fragile because of their high risk of degradation. Potassium is a vital nutrient used in the cultivation of sugarcane and has been applied to these cultivated soils. Little is known about the mobility of the potassium ion in such soils. This thesis set out to assess the vertical movement of potassium in Quartz-sand Neosols found in an area of the Araucária farm, in the municipality of Mineiros, Goiás, which is under two types of regime: sugarcane cultivation and Cerrado vegetation. The movement of this nutrient was studied on the basis of three experiments: 1st) a laboratory experiment with columns. Soil samples were sent to the Hydraulics Laboratory at the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás where the experiment with columns was performed in triplicate for each type of soil management. Each 100 cm high column was sectioned into rings of 10 cm in height by 7.5 cm in diameter. A total of 105 mg of K2O, in the form of KCl, was applied to the surface layer. Over the next ten days, deionized water was applied to each column, the equivalent of 600 mm precipitation at the end. The leachate effluent was collected periodically and sent for potassium content analysis. At the end of the ten-day period, the columns were dismantled, and the soil in each ring was collected and sent for analysis of potassium, organic matter and pH levels. The mean values of potassium were submitted to descriptive analysis and a t test (α = 0.05); 2nd) a field experiment under two types of water regime, natural and controlled. In the natural water regime, rectangular metal troughs measuring 0.5 m2 were made. Three were installed in soil under sugarcane cultivation and another three in the same soil under Cerrado vegetation. Witness soil samples were collected in November 2013, before the onset of the rainy season in that region. After this initial collection, the equivalent of 120 kg ha-1 of K2O in the form of KCl was applied to the soil, and left for the full wet season, until the end of April of the following year. After that, soil samples were collected from the troughs at each level of 10 cm to a depth of 100 cm. The analysis of potassium movement under the controlled water regime took place in November 2013. The areas assessed were the same as those of the natural water regime. For this study concentric rings were used to delimit the area and ensure a vertical flow of the water applied. The equivalent of 600 mm of water was applied within the internal ring. After 24 hours the same amount of K+ as was applied in the natural regime and water equivalent to 600 mm of accumulated rain were applied. After 48 hours, soil sampling was carried out with a Dutch auger at levels of 10 cm to a depth of 100 cm. The soil samples collected in the field were sent for analysis in terms of total sand, silt, total clay, K+, pH and organic matter, and; 3rd) the field experiment with biennial evaluation of potassium movement. This experiment involved two parallel stretches of Quartz-sand Neosols along a slope, one with Cerrado vegetation and the other with sugarcane cultivation. In each of these stretches a transect with ten sampling points, each 30 m apart, was established and samples were collected at each point. Composite samples were collected in the two areas under study at depths of 0-20, 20-40, 40-60, 100-120 and 160-180 cm. After collection, the samples were bagged and appropriately identified, then forwarded for analysis to the Embrapa Soils Laboratory in Rio de Janeiro. The collections were made in November 2011 and 2012, the beginning of the rainy season in the region under study, and in April 2012 and 2013, the end of the rainy season, yielding a two-year evaluation period. In the laboratory, the samples were analyzed for cation exchange capacity, pH and organic matter, as well as for potassium. It was concluded from the first experiment that in the Quartz-sand Neosols there could be a significant loss of K+ after applying potassium to the soil. An increase of more than 1% in organic matter content could positively influence K+ retention in this type of soil. It was concluded from the second experiment that there was a significant movement of potassium levels to lower layers in the natural water regime after the accumulated rainfall of 1638 mm, both in the soil under cultivation and under Cerrado vegetation. From the third experiment it was concluded that the potassium ion behaved differently in the two soil regimes, sugarcane cultivation and Cerrado vegetation, and an increase in the nutrient was seen in layers of more than 100 cm in depth. / No Estado de Goiás o cultivo da cana-de-açúcar tem se expandido para áreas com solos arenosos, denominados frágeis por seus altos riscos a degradação. Potássio é um importante nutriente utilizado no cultivo da cana-de-açúcar e tem sido aplicado nesses solos sob cultivo. Pouco se conhece sobe a mobilidade do íon potássio em tais solos. Esta tese teve o objetivo de avaliar a movimentação vertical de potássio em Neossolo Quartzarênico encontrado em área da Fazenda Araucária, localizada na região do município de Mineiros-GO, que se encontra sob dois tipos de usos: sob o cultivo de cana-de-açúcar e sob vegetação de Cerrado. A movimentação deste nutriente foi estudada a partir de três experimentos: 1°) experimento laboratorial com colunas. Amostras de solo foram encaminhadas para o Laboratório de Hidráulica da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás onde o experimento com colunas foi realizado em triplicata para cada tipo de uso. Cada coluna possuía 100 cm de altura e foi seccionada em anéis de 10 cm de altura por 7,5 cm de diâmetro. Cada coluna recebeu acima da camada superficial, 105 mg de K+, na forma de KCl. Durante dez dias seguidos foi aplicada água deionizada em cada coluna, representando ao final uma precipitação de 600 mm. O efluente lixiviado foi coletado periodicamente e encaminhado para análise do teor de potássio. Ao final dos dez dias as colunas foram desmontadas e o solo foi coletado em cada anel e encaminhado para análise de teores de potássio, matéria orgânica e pH. As médias dos valores de potássio foram submetidas a análise descritiva e teste t (α = 0,05); 2°) experimento em campo sob dois tipos de regime hídrico, natural e controlado. No regime hídrico natural, calhas metálicas retangulares foram confeccionadas com área de 0,5 m2. Três calhas foram instaladas em solo sob cultivo com cana-de-açúcar e outras três calhas no mesmo solo sob Cerrado. Amostras de solo testemunhas foram coletadas em novembro de 2013, antes do início do período chuvoso na região. Após coleta inicial, foi aplicado sobre o solo o equivalente a 80 kg ha-1 de K+ na forma de KCl, e aguardou-se todo o período chuvoso, com fim em abril do ano seguinte. Após isto, amostras de solo foram coletadas no interior das calhas a cada 10 cm até a profundidade de 100 cm. A avaliação da movimentação de potássio sob regime hídrico controlado foi realizada em novembro de 2013 e as áreas avaliadas foram as mesmas do regime hídrico natural. Para esse estudo foram utilizados anéis concêntricos para delimitação da área e para garantir fluxo vertical da água aplicada. Aplicou-se no interior do anel interno o equivalente a 600 mm de água. Após 24 horas aplicou-se a mesma quantidade de K+ do regime natural e água equivalente a 600 mm de chuva acumulada. Após 48 horas procedeu-se a amostragem do solo a cada 10 cm até a profundidade de 100 cm com uso de trado holandês. As amostras de solo coletadas em campo foram encaminhadas para avaliação quanto aos teores de K+, pH e matéria orgânica e; 3º) experimento em campo com avaliação bianual da movimentação vertical do potássio. Nesse experimento foram considerados como tratamento duas faixas paralelas de um Neossolo Quartzarênico dispostas ao longo da vertente, sendo uma com vegetação de Cerrado e outra com cultivo de cana-de-açúcar. Em cada uma das faixas foi estabelecido um transecto com dez pontos de amostragem, espaçados de 30 m entre si, onde repetiu-se a coleta de amostras em cada ponto. Amostras compostas foram coletadas nas duas áreas estudadas nas profundidades de 0-20, 20-40, 40-60, 100-120 e 160-180 cm. Após a coleta, as amostras foram ensacadas e devidamente identificadas, sendo então encaminhadas ao Laboratório de Solos da Embrapa Solos – RJ para análise. As coletas ocorreram em novembro de 2011 e 2012, período que significa início da estação chuvosa na região de estudo e abril de 2012 e 2013, período correspondente ao final da estação chuvosa, totalizando dois anos de avaliação. Em laboratório, as amostras foram submetidas à análise da capacidade de troca catiônica, pH e matéria orgânica, além de potássio. Do primeiro experimento concluiu-se que em Neossolo Quartzarênico pode haver significativa perda de K+ após aplicação de potássio no solo. O aumento do teor de matéria orgânica acima de 1% pode influenciar positivamente a retenção de K+ neste tipo de solo. Do segundo experimento concluiu-se que houve movimento significativo dos teores de potássio para camadas inferiores em regime hídrico natural após precipitação acumulada de 1.638 mm, tanto no solo sob lavoura quanto no solo sob Cerrado. Já do terceiro experimento concluiu-se que o íon potássio teve comportamento distinto para o solo cultivado com cana-de-açúcar em relação ao solo sob Cerrado, e verificou-se acréscimo do nutriente em camadas superiores a 100 cm de profundidade.

Simulação da dinâmica do íon potássio pelo modelo HYDRUS-1D em condições de solo salino / Dynamic simulations of potassium transport under saline soil conditions using HYDRUS-1D

Rafaelly Suzanye da Silva Santos 18 November 2014 (has links)
A demanda alimentar vem aumentando de acordo com o crescimento populacional e com isso há uma necessidade de que as práticas agrícolas tornem-se cada vez mais intensas e tecnificadas, mediante o incremento, entre outros, da utilização de insumos químicos. Porém, uma vez aplicados de maneira desorganizada, sem a devida preocupação com os possíveis impactos aos recursos naturais, tais produtos podem vir a provocar danos ao solo, contaminação de águas subterrâneas (mediante sua lixiviação) e em alguns casos, podem ser responsáveis pelo aumento da salinidade em alguns solos da região do semiárido do nordeste brasileiro. Nesse sentido, devido ao fato de envolverem processos físicos na natureza, o estudo da dinâmica desses produtos químicos têm motivado diversos pesquisadores a aplicarem ferramentas matemáticas (modelos matemáticos) na área de engenharia de água e solo, buscando entender a correlação entre a dinâmica da água e o movimento de solutos no perfil do solo. Portanto, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo a aplicação do modelo matemático HYDRUS-1D para a simulação do movimento da água e do íon potássio, em condições de laboratório, utilizando-se colunas preenchidas com dois tipos de material de solos salinos e não saturados: Argissolo Amarelo (S1) e Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo (S2). Além disso, buscou-se também avaliar tanto o desempenho do referido modelo, em condições salinas, quanto proceder a uma análise de sensibilidade. Para alcançar tais objetivos, foram conduzidas as seguintes etapas: 1) elaboração de curvas de distribuição de efluentes (Breakthrough Curves - BTC) para obtenção dos parâmetros de transporte do íon potássio, com a aplicação de soluções de 1000 ppm, 2000 ppm e 3000 ppm de concentração de potássio, nos dois tipos de solos salinos, 2) Aplicação dessas soluções de potássio na coluna preenchida com o mesmo material de solo salino não saturado, 3) Simulação dos perfis de água e potássio para os diferentes materiais de solo salino pelo modelo HYDRUS-1D e 4) Avaliação de desempenho e análise de sensibilidade do modelo HYDRUS-1D. A avaliação de desempenho foi feita levando-se em conta os seguintes índices estatísticos: erro máximo, erro absoluto médio, raiz quadrada do erro médio normalizado, coeficiente de massa residual, coeficiente de determinação, eficiência e índice de concordância de Willmott e a análise de sensibilidade foi feita mediante a determinação do erro padrão, por meio de variações positivas (+ 10%, + 20%, + 30%, + 40%, + 50%) e negativas (- 10%, - 20%, - 10%, - 40%, - 50%), dos valores de: umidade volumétrica do solo saturado, condutividade hidráulica e os parâmetros n e ? do modelo de van Genuchten (1980). Diante dos resultados obtidos, pôde-se perceber que os procedimentos experimentais (BTC\'s) para a estimativa dos parâmetros de transporte do íon potássio em condições de solo salino, foram suficientes para descrever a movimentação do íon potássio no solo, gerando informações de entrada precisas para os modelos de simulação. Em termos do modelo HYDRUS-1D, observou-se que o deslocamento do íon potássio acompanhou a frente de molhamento e que o modelo foi eficiente nas simulações de deslocamento do íon potássio e da água para ambos os solos, em condições salinas. A análise de sensibilidade evidenciou que o modelo apresentou-se sensível, às variações negativas dos dados de entrada: umidade volumétrica do solo saturado, condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado e parâmetros \"n\" e \"?\" do modelo de van Genuchten (1980). / The increased demand for food due to population growth requires that agricultural practices become increasingly intensive and very technical, including the increased use of agricultural chemicals (fertilizers). If improperly applied without considering possible impacts on natural resources, agricultural chemicals may lead to soil and groundwater contamination through their leaching from the soil root zone. They may be responsible also for increased salinity in some soils of semiarid regions in northeastern Brazil. Since many transient physical and chemical processes affect their transport in the subsurface, mathematical models have become popular tools in soil and water engineering and management in order to understand the correlation between water dynamics and solute movement in soils. Thus, this research aimed at using the HYDRUS-1D software package to simulate water and potassium movement, under laboratory conditions, in unsaturated saline soil columns filled with two soil types: an Ultisol (S1) and an Oxisol (S2). Comparisons were made with experimental data while also a sensitivity analysis was carried out to evaluate the effect of various parameters on solute transport under saline conditions. For this purpose the following studies were performed: 1) Measurement of solute breakthrough curves (BTCs) to estimate the transport parameters of the potassium ion by applying potassium solutions of 1,000 ppm, 2,000 ppm and 3,000 ppm to both soil types, 2) Application of similar potassium solutions to columns containing the same saline unsaturated soils, 3) Simulation of water and potassium distributions for different saline soil materials using HYDRUS-1D, and 4) Performance evaluation and sensitivity analyses of the HYDRUS-1D numerical model. The performance evaluation was conducted using the following statistical indices: maximum error, mean absolute error, normalized root mean square error, coefficient of residual mass, coefficient of determination, efficiency and Willmott\'s concordance index. The sensitivity analyses considered standard deviations resulting from positive and negative changes (+ 10% + 20% + 30% + 40% + 50%) (-10%, -20%, -10%, -40%, -50%) in the values of the saturated volumetric soil moisture content, the saturated hydraulic conductivity, and the parameters n and ? of van Genuchten\'s (1980) model for the unsaturated soil hydraulic functions. Results indicate that the experimental procedures (BTCs) for estimating the transport parameters of potassium for saline soil conditions were sufficient to describe potassium ion transport in the soils by generating the required input information for the simulation models. Relative to HYDRUS-1D model, the displacement of potassium was found to follow closely the wetting front, with the model providing a very efficient means for simulating the movement of both water and potassium in the two soils during saline conditions. The sensitivity analysis showed that the model was relatively sensitive to negative variations of the input data, notably the saturated water content, the saturated hydraulic conductivity, and the n and ? soil hydraulic parameters.

Transport de soluté biologiquement actif en milieu poreux incluant une phase biofilm : de la modélisation numérique aux perspectives expérimentales / Bioreactive transport of solute in a porous medium hosting a biofilm phase : from numerical modeling to exprimental prospects

Orgogozo, Laurent 03 December 2009 (has links)
Modéliser les phénomènes de transport de solutés organiques en milieux poreux colonisés par des populations bactériennes se développant sous forme de biofilms est un domaine de recherche important pour un certain nombre d’applications environnementales, comme par exemple pour les méthodes de bioremédiation des sols et des eaux contaminés par des polluants organiques (biosparging, bio-barrières …). Les biofilms, qui sont composés principalement de bactéries et de substances polymériques extracellulaires, peuvent se développer sur les parois de grains d’un milieu poreux. Le métabolisme bactérien dégrade les solutés organiques et contribue ainsi à la diminution de la contamination. Le transport bio-réactif de composés organiques dans un milieu poreux incluant un biofilm est un problème fortement multi-échelle (depuis l’échelle de la bactérie jusqu’à l’échelle de l’aquifère) et fortement couplé (avec des phénomènes hydrodynamiques, physico-chimiques et biochimiques). Le soluté organique est transporté par convection et diffusion dans la phase fluide et diffuse dans la phase biofilm, où il est dégradé par le métabolisme bactérien. Le but de ce travail est de développer des modèles de transport bio-réactif définis à l’échelle de Darcy à partir des données disponibles à l’échelle du pore, en adoptant la méthode de changement d’échelle dite de prise de moyenne volumique. Dans le cas général, une telle approche conduit à un modèle macroscopique de transport à deux équations couplées (une équation par phase de transport). En considérant les relations entre les concentrations moyennées dans chaque phase, plusieurs régimes de transport permettant de dégénérer ce modèle en modèle à une seule équation peuvent être identifiés. L’hypothèse d’équilibre de masse local conduit à un tel modèle simplifié. En condition de non-équilibre, deux cas limites permettent également de développer des modèles de transport à une équation : le cas où le taux de biodégradation est contrôlé par le transfert de masse externe et le cas ou il est contrôlé par la cinétique de réaction. L’utilisation de ces quatre modèles implique la résolution numérique de problèmes de fermeture, afin d’évaluer les paramètres macroscopiques de transports (tenseur de dispersion, taux de dégradation …). Des calculs de coefficients effectifs ont été effectués dans différentes conditions de transport afin d’étudier leur comportement. Les résultats de ces modèles ont été comparés avec ceux obtenus par simulations directe à l’échelle microscopique pour une géométrie de pore bidimensionnelle stratifiée. À partir de ces comparaisons, les domaines de validité de chaque modèle ont été identifiés en termes de conditions hydrodynamique et biochimique de transport. (i.e. le nombre de Péclet et le nombre de Damköhler). Le développement d’un modèle expérimental de transport en milieux poreux incluant un biofilm a également été entamé, afin d’une part d’effectuer une validation expérimentale des modèles numériques préalablement développés et d’autre part de fournir un outil supplémentaire pour l’étude des phénomènes considérés / Modeling transport in porous media of organic chemical solute in presence of a bacterial population growing as biofilms is an important area of research for environmental applications, for example for remediation of groundwater contaminated by organic pollutants (biosparging, bio-barriers …). Biofilms, which are composed of bacteria and extracellular organic substances, grow on the pore walls of the porous medium. Bacteria degrade the organic solute by their metabolism and thus may contribute to pollution decrease. Bio-reactive transport of an organic solute in a porous medium including a biofilm phase is a strongly multi-scale (from the bacteria scale to the heterogeneity scale of the aquifer) and coupled (involving hydrodynamic, physicochemical and biochemical phenomena) process. The organic solute is transported by convection and diffusion in the fluid phase and diffuses into the biofilm phase, where it is degraded by bacterial metabolism. The goal of this work is to develop macroscopic models of bio-reactive transport at the Darcy-scale through volume averaging based on the data available at pore-scale. In the general case, the macroscopic system obtained by averaging pore-scale equations is a two coupled equations system (one equation for each phase), called two-equation model. By considering the relation between averaged concentration in the fluid phase and averaged concentration in the biofilm phase, several regimes of transport can be found which allow simplifying this system into a one equation system. The local mass equilibrium assumption leads to such a simplified model. When an equilibrium relationship between phases cannot be considered, a one equation model may though be developed if the biodegration rate is limited by external mass transfer or by the kinetics of bacterial metabolism. The use of these models implies the numerical solving of closure problems, in order to set up the values of the macroscopic transport parameters (dispersion tensor, interfacial flux …). Computations of these effective coefficients have been performed in different situations of mass transport in porous medium in order to study their behaviour. The results of these models have then been compared with direct simulations performed on a simplified geometry representative of a two-dimensional porous medium including a biofilm phase. Based on these comparisons, the validity domain of this model has been identified in terms of hydrodynamic and biochemical conditions of transport (i.e. the Péclet number and the Damköhler number). The set up of an experimental model of transport in a porous media including a biofilm phase has also been started, in order to make experimental validations of the previously developed numerical models and to build up an additional tool to study the considered phenomena

Mathematical and Numerical Approaches for Transport Phenomena in Surface Water Networks / 地表水ネットワークにおける輸送現象に対する数理・数値的アプローチ

Yoshioka, Hidekazu 23 March 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(農学) / 乙第13021号 / 論農博第2831号 / 新制||農||1042(附属図書館) / 学位論文||H28||N4967(農学部図書室) / 32949 / 京都大学大学院農学研究科地域環境科学専攻 / (主査)教授 藤原 正幸, 教授 村上 章, 准教授 宇波 耕一 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Numerical modelling of solute transport processes using higher order accurate finite difference schemes. Numerical treatment of flooding and drying in tidal flow simulations and higher order accurate finite difference modelling of the advection diffusion equation for solute transport predictions.

Chen, Yiping January 1992 (has links)
The modelling of the processes of advection and dispersion-diffusion is the most crucial factor in solute transport simulations. It is generally appreciated that the first order upwind difference scheme gives rise to excessive numerical diffusion, whereas the conventional second order central difference scheme exhibits severe oscillations for advection dominated transport, especially in regions of high solute gradients or discontinuities. Higher order schemes have therefore become increasingly used for improved accuracy and for reducing grid scale oscillations. Two such schemes are the QUICK (Quadratic Upwind Interpolation for Convective Kinematics) and TOASOD (Third Order Advection Second Order Diffusion) schemes, which are similar in formulation but different in accuracy, with the two schemes being second and third order accurate in space respectively for finite difference models. These two schemes can be written in various finite difference forms for transient solute transport models, with the different representations having different numerical properties and computational efficiencies. Although these two schemes are advectively (or convectively) stable, it has been shown that the originally proposed explicit QUICK and TOASOD schemes become numerically unstable for the case of pure advection. The stability constraints have been established for each scheme representation based upon the von Neumann stability analysis. All the derived schemes have been tested for various initial solute distributions and for a number of continuous discharge cases, with both constant and time varying velocity fields. The 1-D QUICKEST (QUICK with Estimated Streaming Term) scheme is third order accurate both in time and space. It has been shown analytically and numerically that a previously derived quasi 2-D explicit QUICKEST scheme, with a reduced accuracy in time, is unstable for the case of pure advection. The modified 2-D explicit QUICKEST, ADI-TOASOD and ADI-QUICK schemes have been developed herein and proved to be numerically stable, with the bility sta- region of each derived 2-D scheme having also been established. All these derived 2-D schemesh ave been tested in a 2-D domain for various initial solute distributions with both uniform and rotational flow fields. They were further tested for a number of 2-D continuous discharge cases, with the corresponding exact solutions having also been derived herein. All the numerical tests in both the 1-D and 2-D cases were compared with the corresponding exact solutions and the results obtained using various other difference schemes, with the higher order schemes generally producing more accurate predictions, except for the characteristic based schemes which failed to conserve mass for the 2-D rotational flow tests. The ADI-TOASOD scheme has also been applied to two water quality studies in the U. K., simulating nitrate and faecal coliform distributions respectively, with the results showing a marked improvement in comparison with the results obtained by the second order central difference scheme. Details are also given of a refined numerical representation of flooding and drying of tidal flood plains for hydrodynamic modelling, with the results showing considerable improvements in comparison with a number of existing models and in good agreement with the field measured data in a natural harbour study.

LONGITUDINAL SOLUTE TRANSPORT IN OPEN-CHANNEL FLOW - A Numerical Simulation Study on Longitudinal Dispersion, Surface Storage Effects, Transverse Mixing, Uncertainties and Parameter-Transferring Problems

Zhang, Wei January 2011 (has links)
The longitudinal solute transport modeling is critical in river and stream water quality management, control, and the mitigation of hazardous riverine spills. One of the widely used "deadzone" model is the transient storage model (TSM). TSM is a significant improvement over the advection-dispersion model (ADM), but it cannot simulate the breakthrough curve (BTC) immediately after a large pool. Additionally, the calibration (parameterization) method is challenged by the non-identifiability which is common to all inverse modeling, and it seems TSM cannot be easily used as a predictive tool, more of an interpretive tool of solute transport, i.e., is the parameter set calibrated via inverse modeling transferable? Pools are fundamental stream morphology unit in streams with mixed bed materials in pool-riffle or pool-step sequences. Understanding of how a pool impacts the longitudinal solute transport is the first step towards improving current model such as TSM or developing new models. By introducing a dimensionless group, e= Q/(Dt W) (where, Q is the average volumetric flow rate; Dt is an average transverse dispersion coefficient; W is the channel flow width), derived from non-dimensionalization of the governing equations of one of the most rigorous 2-dimansional (2D) (depth-averaged) model, Mike21, this work presents an alternative way of longitudinal solute transport investigation. Using the 2D fully hydrodynamic Mike21, numerical experiments were conducted on hypothetical streams in this dissertation. Simulation study on hypothetical stream with pool reveals that a pool's effects on longitudinal solute transport are manifested by three aspects: boosting longitudinal spreading (concentration peak attenuation), causing a solute plume delay and increasing solute residence time. These effects fade like a "wake" as the solute plume moves downstream. e provides an insight into the physics of longitudinal transport; it outlines a relative transverse mixing intensity of a stream. The internal transport and mixing condition (including the secondary circulations) in a pool together with the pool's dimensions determine the pool's storage effects especially when e >>1. The BTCs downstream from a pool may be "heavy tailed" (i.e., have enormously slow decaying rate) which cannot be modeled by the TSM. Results also suggest that the falling limb of a BTC more accurately characterizes the pool's storage effects because the corresponding solute has more chance to sample the entire storage area. n a more fundamental perspective, the predictive ability of inverse modeling parameterized model is discussed and conclusion is made about the role of a stream/river system's nonlinearity in determining the predictability; a misleading mis-nomenclature in TSM application is also demonstrated with a numerical experiment. / Civil Engineering

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