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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur låter miljöförstöring? : Självgenererande och slumpmässig musik sprungen ur statistiska data / What does environmental pollution sound like? : Self generative and randomized music interprets data

Wahlström, Gustav January 2020 (has links)
Hur låter miljöförstöring – Självgenererande och slumpmässig sprungen ur statistiska data är ett mastersarbete som fokuserar på hur man kan omvandla data till att kontrollera musik och ljud. Om vi tillåter konstnärliga uttryck, med data som utgångspunkt, kan det få oss att uppleva och förstår original data på ett nytt sätt? Projektets resultat består av sju generativa kompositioner, där parametrar är kontrollerade av olika typer av miljödata, och försöker utforska forskningsområdet sonifikation och generativ musik genom att ställa frågan: Hur låter miljöförstöring? Med generativ musik menas att musiken skapar, utvecklar och förändrar sig själv utifrån de verktyg som bildats inom detta projekt. Texten går också djupare in på metoden av att utveckla dessa verktyg för att möjliggöra liknande kompositioner i framtiden. Med erfarenheter av att använda slumpmässiga parametrar för att manipulera bakgrundsdetaljer, utforskar det här projekt istället möjligheten att utveckla de metoderna och applicera det på hela kompositioner. De sju kompositionerna ligger också till grund för utforskandet av området sonifikation. I tidigare forskning har ämnet främst bemöts ifrån ett vetenskapligt perspektiv. Syftet med det här projektet har istället varit att bemöta det inom ramarna för musikalisk gestaltning och ett konstnärligt perspektiv. Begreppet sonifikation betyder, användandet av icke-talande ljud som uppmärksammar data och statistik, med målet att agera som ett substitut, eller ett komplement, till att visualisera data. Utifrån dessa kompositioner reflekterar sedan texten kring generativ musik i allmänhet, och sonifikation i synnerhet, där bland annat möjligheterna, framtida forskning och autenticiteten inom sonifikation tas upp. / What does environmental pollution sound like? – Self generative and randomized music interprets data is a master thesis focused on transforming data and letting it control music and sounds. If we create artistic outputs out of data, will it allow us to experience and understand the original data in a new way? The core, and the result, of this project where seven compositions, created and controlled by different environmental data which tries to explore the research areas of sonification and generative music by asking the question: What does environmental pollution sound like? Generative music means that the music creates, develops and changes itself based on the established tools that this project provides. This thesis also focuses on the method of developing these tools in order to enable similar productions in the future. With previous experiences in using randomized events, to manipulate details in a production, this project delves deeper into applying the same technique to a whole composition. The seven compositions were formed in order to understand and reflect upon the research areas of sonification. Earlier research tends to approach the subject from a scientific perspective. The purpose of this project was to instead approach it from a more artistic perspective. Sonification means, the use of non-speech audio to perceptualize data which enables the possibilities as an alternative, or complement, to visualize the original data. Drawing from these seven compositions, this thesis also discusses generative music and sonification in general, as well as the opportunities, future research and authenticity of sonification. / <p>Bifogad ljudfil är ett kollage av de sju kompositionerna som arbetet resulterat i, med anledning av att i framtiden kunna publiceras i sin helhet.</p>


Miller, Kevin 21 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Wetnerk: an invitation to engage with local computer networks through sound

Carlsson, Nicole January 2017 (has links)
This paper presents Wetnerk, a Research through Design portable local computer network sonification artifact designed with a Reflective Design approach. Wetnerk explores how we might sonically engage with local computer network characteristics. The aim is to reveal hidden qualities of a local computer network, normally undetectable by human senses. Specifically Wetnerk attempts to invite people to engage in novel ways with their local area network. It does so by probing the network ports, analyzing the result from an information security perspective and subsequently sonifying the results. A preliminary pilot study indicates that people are so unaware of local computer network characteristics that they have trouble perceiving any of its qualities beyond its mere existence. Wetnerk shows promise in supporting people to critically reflect on and question this low awareness. In some cases curiosity is ignited sparking a desire to further engage with qualities of a local network in more novel ways than the current norm.

Auditory Information Design

Barrass, Stephen, stephen.barrass@cmis.csiro.au January 1998 (has links)
The prospect of computer applications making "noises" is disconcerting to some. Yet the soundscape of the real world does not usually bother us. Perhaps we only notice a nuisance? This thesis is an approach for designing sounds that are useful information rather than distracting "noise". The approach is called TaDa because the sounds are designed to be useful in a Task and true to the Data. ¶ Previous researchers in auditory display have identified issues that need to be addressed for the field to progress. The TaDa approach is an integrated approach that addresses an array of these issues through a multifaceted system of methods drawn from HCI, visualisation, graphic design and sound design. A task-analysis addresses the issue of usefulness. A data characterisation addresses perceptual faithfulness. A case-based method provides semantic linkage to the application domain. A rule-based method addresses psychoacoustic control. A perceptually linearised sound space allows transportable auditory specifications. Most of these methods have not been used to design auditory displays before, and each has been specially adapted for this design domain. ¶ The TaDa methods have been built into computer-aided design tools that can assist the design of a more effective display, and may allow less than experienced designers to make effective use of sounds. The case-based method is supported by a database of examples that can be searched by an information analysis of the design scenario. The rule-based method is supported by a direct manipulation interface which shows the available sound gamut of an audio device as a 3D coloured object that can be sliced and picked with the mouse. These computer-aided tools are the first of their kind to be developed in auditory display. ¶ The approach, methods and tools are demonstrated in scenarios from the domains of mining exploration, resource monitoring and climatology. These practical applications show that sounds can be useful in a wide variety of information processing activities which have not been explored before. The sounds provide information that is difficult to obtain visually, and improve the directness of interactions by providing additional affordances.

Routenführung durch Sonifikation für Blinde und Sehbehinderte / Route navigation by sonfication for blind and visually impaired people

Kestel, Johannes 16 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Unbekannte Ziele in öffentlichen Gebäuden zu erreichen, ist ein besonderes Problem für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen. Es gibt elektronische Hilfsmittel, die dieses Problem lösen, aber meist auf sprachlicher Ausgabe basieren. Die non-verbale Ausgabe der Wegführung hat den Vorteil, dass Informationsübertragung durch kürzere Sinnesreize weniger belasten. Die vorliegende Arbeit präsentiert eine Benutzungsschnittstelle zur Routenführung durch Sonifikation. Es wurde dafür ein Set von akustischen Signalen erarbeitet, die durch Tonhöhenunterschiede und Stereopanorama Richtungen angeben. Die Wahl dieser Parameter wurde durch einen Labortest ermittelt. Es wurde untersucht, welche Informationen für eine erfolgreiche Routenführung notwendig sind. Durch eine einfach gehaltene Funktionsweise mit turn-by-turn Anweisungen und ohne große Anforderungen an akustische Schnittstellen ist die Benutzungsschnittstelle leicht auf bestehende Navigationssysteme übertragbar. In einem Pilottest wurde das Führungskonzept in einer realitätsnahen Umgebung auf seine Gebrauchstauglichkeit hin überprüft.

"Spindex" (speech index) enhances menu navigation user experience of touch screen devices in various input gestures: tapping, wheeling, and flicking

Jeon, Myounghoon 11 November 2010 (has links)
In a large number of electronic devices, users interact with the system by navigating through various menus. Auditory menus can complement or even replace visual menus, so research on auditory menus has recently increased with mobile devices as well as desktop computers. Despite the potential importance of auditory displays on touch screen devices, little research has been attempted to enhance the effectiveness of auditory menus for those devices. In the present study, I investigated how advanced auditory cues enhance auditory menu navigation on a touch screen smartphone, especially for new input gestures such as tapping, wheeling, and flicking methods for navigating a one-dimensional menu. Moreover, I examined if advanced auditory cues improve user experience, not only for visuals-off situations, but also for visuals-on contexts. To this end, I used a novel auditory menu enhancement called a "spindex" (i.e., speech index), in which brief audio cues inform the users of where they are in a long menu. In this study, each item in a menu was preceded by a sound based on the item's initial letter. One hundred and twenty two undergraduates navigated through an alphabetized list of 150 song titles. The study was a split-plot design with manipulated auditory cue type (text-to-speech (TTS) alone vs. TTS plus spindex), visual mode (on vs. off), and input gesture style (tapping, wheeling, and flicking). Target search time and subjective workload for the TTS + spindex were lower than those of the TTS alone in all input gesture types regardless of visual type. Also, on subjective ratings scales, participants rated the TTS + spindex condition higher than the plain TTS on being 'effective' and 'functionally helpful'. The interaction between input methods and output modes (i.e., auditory cue types) and its effects on navigation behaviors was also analyzed based on the two-stage navigation strategy model used in auditory menus. Results were discussed in analogy with visual search theory and in terms of practical applications of spindex cues.

Sound perception and design in multimodal environments

Lindborg, PerMagnus January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation is about sound in context. Since sensory processing is inherently multimodal, research in sound is necessarily multidisciplinary. The present work has been guided by principles of systematicity, ecological validity, complementarity of  methods, and integration of science and art. The main tools to investigate the mediating relationship of people and environment through sound have been empiricism and psychophysics. Four of the seven included papers focus on perception. In paper A, urban soundscapes were reproduced in a 3D installation. Analysis of results from an experiment revealed correlations between acoustic features and physiological indicators of stress and relaxation. Paper B evaluated soundscapes of different type. Perceived quality was predicted not only by psychoacoustic descriptors but also personality traits. Sound reproduction quality was manipulated in paper D, causing two effects on source localisation which were explained by spatial and semantic crossmodal correspondences. Crossmodal correspondence was central in paper C, a study of colour association with music. A response interface employing CIE Lab colour space, a novelty in music emotion research, was developed. A mixed method approach supported an emotion mediation hypothesis, evidenced in regression models and participant interviews. Three papers focus on design. Field surveys and acoustic measurements were carried out in restaurants. Paper E charted relations between acoustic, physical, and perceptual features, focussing on designable elements and materials. This investigation was pursued in Paper F where a taxonomy of sound sources was developed. Analysis of questionnaire data revealed perceptual and crossmodal effects. Lastly, paper G discussed how crossmodal correspondences facilitated creation of meaning in music by infusing ecologically founded sonification parameters with visual and spatial metaphors. The seven papers constitute an investigation into how sound affects us, and what sound means to us. / Denna doktorsavhandling handlar om ljud i sammanhang. Eftersom informationsbehandling genom sinnena alltid är multimodal så kräver ljudforskning en tvärvetenskaplig forskningsansats. Arbetet i denna avhandling har vägletts av principer såsom systematik, ekologisk validitet, samspel mellan metoder, och integration av vetenskap och konst. De viktigaste redskapen för att undersöka den ömsesidiga påverkan mellan människa och miljö genom ljud har varit empiri och psykofysik.Fyra artiklar handlar om perception. I artikel A återskapades urbana ljudlandskap i en 3D-ljudinstallation. Analys av experimentresultat avslöjade samband mellan akustiska mått och fysiologiska markörer av stress och avslappning.  Artikel B utvärderade olika typer av ljudlandskap. Upplevd kvalitet kunde prediceras inte bara av psykoakustiska mått utan även av personlighetsdrag. Ljudåtergivningskvalitet manipulerades i artikel D och orsakade två effekter på lokalisering av en ljudkälla vilka förklarades av rumslig och semantisk korsmodala kopplingar. Korsmodalitet var huvudpunkten i artikel C, en studie av färgassociation till musik. Ett användargränssnitt utvecklades som använder färgrymden CIE Lab, en nyhet i forskningfältet musik och känslor. En abduktiv metod stödde hypotesen att känslouttryck medierar korsmodala kopplingar, vilket framgick av regressionsmodeller och intervjuer med försökspersonerna.Tre artiklar handlar om design. Fältundersökningar och ljudmätningar utfördes i restauranger. Artikel E kartlade samband mellan akustiska, fysiska och perceptuella särdrag, med fokus på formbara element och material. Detta arbete fortsattes i artikel F varigenom en taxonomi av ljudkällor utvecklades. Analys av enkätdata avslöjade perceptuella och korsmodala effekter. Slutligen, artikel G diskuterade hur korsmodala kopplingar främjade meningsskapande i musik genom att ekologiskt motiverade sonifikationsparametrar samverkade med visuella och spatiala uttryck. De sju artiklarna utgör landmärken i avhandlingens utforskande av hur ljud påverkar oss, och vad ljud betyder för oss. / <p>QC 20151118</p>


MARCELO PEDRUZZI FERRANTI 12 November 2018 (has links)
[pt] A pesquisa propõe uma série de métodos e princípios para explorar o som em um processo projetual de design. Questões relativas aos aspectos sonoros parecem ser negligenciadas durante o processo projetual de design. Como poderia um designer, mesmo sem um treinamento formal acerca do som, utilizar o som em seus projetos de uma forma construtiva, intencional e objetiva? Para responder a essa pergunta, investigamos o impacto das mudanças sofridas pelas paisagens sonoras nas últimas décadas, ocasionadas pela industrialização e mecanização da sociedade. O impacto e a percepção dessas sonoridades pelo indivíduo também são discutidos, utilizando-se, para isso, os conhecimentos provenientes da acústica, psico-acústica e os mecanismos atencionais. Mapeamos, também, o estado da arte, evolução e aplicação desses sons em diferentes campos do saber, tais como a interação homem-computador, sonic interaction design, cinema e a musicologia, com a finalidade de obtermos um recorte teórico acerca do som que seja pertinente ao campo do design. Como resultado dessa exploração, propomos um conjunto de princípios norteadores e de métodos exploratórios sonoros para prototipar o som para o design. Por fim, aplicações e desdobramentos futuros em relação ao uso desses princípios e métodos são sugeridos. / [en] This research proposes a number of methods and principles to explore the sound in a design process. Issues related to sound aspects seems to be neglected during the design process. So, how could a designer, even without a formal sound or musical training, use sound in the projects in a constructive, intentional and objective way? In order to answer this question, we investigated the impact of changes in sound landscapes in the last decades, caused by the industrialization and mechanization of society, which made it possible to dissociate the sound from its emitter, allowing the former one to be manipulated, examined and dissected. The impact and perception of sounds by individuals are also discussed. To do so, the knowledge coming from acoustics, psychoacoustics and attentional mechanisms are used. We also mapped the state of the art, evolution and, application of these sounds in different fields of knowledge, such as human-computer interaction, sonic interaction design, cinema, and musicology, with the purpose of obtaining a relevant contribution to the design field. As a result of this exploration, we propose a set of guiding principles and exploratory methods for sounds as audible affordances for design. Finally, future applications and studies in relation to the use of these principles and methods are suggested.

Nanocompósitos de matriz epóxi reforçados com argilas montmoriloniticas / Nanocompósites of epoxy matrix reinforced clay montmorillonites

Paz, Juliana D avila 27 July 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T17:19:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Juliana Paz.pdf: 1684316 bytes, checksum: 5c2617141f2eaa7e6d38f5e9791c52b5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-07-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Epoxy-clay nanocomposites has been widely studied with interests in their thermal, mechanical and structural. A major breakthrough in research can be no use of solvents when the clay dispersion in epoxy resin, which reduces the environmental impact, although epoxies can not be recycled. This paper presents a study of the thermal properties (by Thermogravimetry, Differential scanning calorimetry and Dilatometry), mechanical (for traction, flexion and K1c) and structural (by Fourier Transform Infrared Microscopy and scanning electron) of epoxy-clay nanocomposites and as a rheological analysis (for viscosity) of the solutions of pre-cured composite at the moment of the load as first dispersion parameter selection of samples for later analyzes mechanical, thermal and structural characteristics. In the analyzes were chosen viscosity samples that had higher values, wherein the cured samples were used in two dispersion conditions, with and without sonication, and variations in concentration of 2, 4, 6 and 8 wt% as a means of comparison to obtain clear results improvements or not the properties of these nanocomposites, which are related to the respective condition dispersion. It is understood that nanocomposites with good dispersion is intercalated / exfoliated since the clay used in this work is called montmorillonite and has lamellar structure with nanometer thickness and large surface area, which results in an interface adhesion between clay and epoxy resin. In this, it is also observed that the condition of non-sonicated dispersion nanocomposites showed improvements in their thermal properties, but structurally the dispersion appears to be more efficient in samples sonificadas. The analysis shows improvements in their mechanical properties in samples with intermediate concentration (mainly 4 wt% clay), depending on the destination of the nanocomposite can indicate these materials for various applications, such as coatings and objects that require low chemical reactivity. / Nanocompósitos epóxi-argila vem sendo largamente estudados com interesses em suas propriedades térmicas, mecânicas e estruturais. Um grande avanço nas pesquisas pode ser a não utilização de solventes no momento da dispersão da argila na resina epóxi, o que diminui o impacto ambiental, apesar de os compostos epoxídicos não poderem ser reciclados. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo das propriedades térmicas (por Termogravimetria, Dilatometria e Calorimetria diferencial exploratória), mecânicas (por Tração, Flexão e K1c) e estruturais (por Infravermelho por Transformada de Fourier e Microscopia eletrônica de varredura) de nanocompósitos epóxi-argila, bem como uma análise reológica (por viscosidade) das soluções pré-curadas dos compósitos no momento da dispersão da carga como primeiro parâmetro de seleção das amostras para posteriores análises mecânicas, térmicas e estruturais. Nas análises de viscosidade foram escolhidas amostras que apresentavam maiores valores, na qual foram utilizadas as amostras curadas em duas condições de dispersão, com e sem sonificação e, em variações de concentração de 2, 4, 6 e 8% em massa como via de comparação para obter-se resultados claros de melhorias ou não das propriedades desses nanocompósitos, sendo estes relacionados com a respectiva condição de dispersão. Entende-se que nanocompósitos com boa dispersão são intercalados/esfoliados, uma vez que a argila utilizada neste trabalho é chamada montmorillonita e apresenta estrutura lamelar com espessura nanométrica e grande área superficial, que resulta numa interface de adesão entre argila e resina epóxi. Neste, observa-se também que a condição de dispersão não-sonificada os nanocompósitos apresentavam melhorias em suas propriedades térmicas, porém, estruturalmente a dispersão parece ser mais eficiente em amostras sonificadas. As análises mecânicas mostras melhorias em suas propriedades em amostras com concentração intermediária (principalmente 4% em massa da argila); dependendo do destino do nanocompósito pode-se indicar esses materiais para diversas aplicações, tais como revestimentos e objetos que necessitem baixa reatividade química.

Tactical network sonification: a listening technique for science and technology studies

El Hajj, Tracey M 07 January 2021 (has links)
Networks are an integral part of everyday life. Today, public concern with the extent to which they influence people’s routines, and how much they affect cultures and societies, has grown substantially. People are thus now engaging in conversations and movements to evaluate and address the biases and discriminatory behaviours to which networks contribute. The media play an important part in this conversation, often directing the discourse towards fears of technology. Although such concerns are very real, the stories that media circulate typically rely on the “magical” nature of networks and therefore accentuate their figurative power. But, for people to participate meaningfully in the conversation, and for them to approach technologies responsibly, they need access to the complexities and technical intricacies of networks, not just their surfaces or metaphors. This dissertation argues that, by listening to networks, people can begin to apprehend, and even comprehend, the complex, ostensibly “magical” nature of their communications. One problem is that listening semantically to networks is incredibly difficult, if not impossible. Networks are very noisy, and they do not, for instance, use alphabetic language for internal or external communication. Yet there are other ways to hear and interpret them. I argue that Michel Chion’s techniques of reduced and causal listening are two such ways, and that they afford a “sensible” and timely method for approaching networks. Of course, network communications must first be rendered audible to hear them. For this purpose, I propose “tactical network sonification” (TNS) as a methodology for Science and Technology Studies (STS). As this dissertation’s primary contribution to the field of STS, TNS focuses on making the materiality of networks sensibly accessible to the general public, especially people who are not technology experts. In so doing, TNS builds on the scholarship of not only Chion but also Beth Coleman, Matthew Kirschenbaum, Henri Lefebvre, Shannon Mattern, Shintaro Miyazaki, Pauline Oliveros, Rita Raley, and Jonathan Sterne in particular. This project finds that TNS results in crowded sound clips that represent the complexity of network infrastructure, through the many overlapping rhythms and layers of sound that each clip contains. It explains that sonifications may assist in creating multimodal network stories, making networks sensible and apprehendable. Finally, this dissertation proposes that using TNS can help understand potential discriminatory distribution of network infrastructure across communities. / Graduate / 2021-12-18

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