Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] STRESS INTENSITY FACTOR"" "subject:"[enn] STRESS INTENSITY FACTOR""
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Développement d'une méthode de caractérisation 3D des fissures de fatigue à l'aide de la corrélation d'images numériques obtenues par tomographie X / Development of a method for 3D characterisation of fatigue crack using digital volume correlation on X-ray microtomography imagesLachambre, Joël 27 May 2014 (has links)
Ce mémoire présente une méthode mise au point pour caractériser et analyser des fissures de fatigue présentant un fort caractère tridimensionnel dans des matériaux métalliques opaques. L'analyse consiste à déterminer avec précision la position du front de la fissure étudiée et à mesurer des valeurs de facteurs d'intensité des contraintes le long du front par projection sur les séries de Williams du champ de déplacement issu de la corrélation numérique d'images 3D obtenues par tomographie aux rayons X. La corrélation d'images 3D numériques est utilisée afin de mesurer le champ de déplacement en volume lors de la mise sous chargement d'une éprouvette fissurée fatiguée. La corrélation d'images nécessitant un mouchetis, le matériau retenu pour les expériences est la fonte à graphite sphéroïdal car il présente un mouchetis 3D naturel (les nodules de graphites) parfaitement imagé par tomographie aux rayons X. Le cyclage est appliqué à l'aide d'une machine de fatigue in situ permettant d'alterner des phases de propagation de la fissure avec des acquisitions tomographiques sous différentes charges. L'introduction d'un défaut artificiel (une entaille obtenue par usinage laser) permet de maîtriser l'amorçage et la propagation de la fissure in situ. La méthode de corrélation d'images 3D numériques employée dans ces travaux étant basée sur des éléments finis, nous avons cherché à tirer profit de différents outils développés dans le cadre de cette méthode. Les surfaces libres sont spécifiées afin de bien conditionner le maillage et un enrichissement dans l'esprit des X-FEM permet de renseigner la fissure dont la position est repérée grâce à la trace laissée dans le résidu de corrélation entre l'image avant cyclage et la dernière image acquise. Une régularisation mécanique est également introduite dans le calcul sous forme d'un filtre de longueur d'onde choisie. Le champ de déplacement mesuré avec précision est ensuite projeté sur les séries de Williams augmentées des termes correctifs de Leblond et Torlai qui prennent en compte la courbure du front de la fissure. L'annulation du terme super-singulier d'ordre -1 des séries de Williams est utilisée pour détecter la position du front de la fissure. Une procédure itérative a été mise en place afin de concilier l'enrichissement et la courbure du front avec la projection sur les séries de Williams. Une fois la position du front 3D de la fissure déterminée et les valeurs des facteurs d'intensité des contraintes associées calculées, les résultats obtenus sont confrontés à la littérature. / This manuscript describes a methodology used to compute Stress Intensity Factor values along the curved front of a fatigue crack inside a nodular cast iron. An artificial defect is introduced at the surface of a small sample. The initiation and growth of a fatigue crack from this defect during constant amplitude cycling is monitored in situ by laboratory x-ray tomography. The method for processing the 3D images in order to compute SIF values is described in detail. The results obtained show variations of the stress intensity factor values along the crack front.
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Experimentell-numerische Analyse mechanischer Eigenschaften von Aluminium/Magnesium-WerkstoffverbundenLehmann, Thomas 04 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Es werden hydrostatisch stranggepresste Aluminium/Magnesium-Verbunde untersucht. Mittels verschiedener Rissdetektionsmethoden wird die Beschaffenheit des Interface analysiert. Es erfolgt die Bestimmung von Fließkurven der verpressten Einzelwerkstoffe bei Raumtemperatur. Des Weiteren erfolgen Eigenspannungsanalysen mit dem Bohrlochverfahren und einer speziellen numerischen Auswertungsmethode, welche den Entstehungsprozess der Eigenspannungen berücksichtigt. Zur Analyse der Festigkeitseigenschaften und des Deformationsverhaltens des Interface werden Biegeversuche in einem erweiterten Temperaturbereich durchgeführt. Die Deformationsanalyse erfolgt mittels Digital Image Correlation. Des Weiteren finden in den Festigkeitsuntersuchungen Push-Out-Versuche Anwendung. In bruchmechanischen Analysen wird die Interfacerissspitze von speziell entwickelten Proben unter Mode I-Bedingungen, bezogen auf den homogenen Fall, beansprucht. Die bruchmechanischen Größen – kritischer betragsmäßiger Spannungsintensitätsfaktor und kritische Energiefreisetzungsrate – werden auf Basis der Experimente, der numerischen Simulation der Rissspitzenbeanspruchung sowie der für die linear-elastische Bruchmechanik des Interfacerisses geltenden Nahfeldgleichungen berechnet. / Hydrostatic coextruded aluminum/magnesium compounds are analyzed. By means of different methods of crack detection, the quality of the interface is investigated. Plastic behavior of the basic materials at room temperature is determined. Furthermore, residual stress analyses are performed using the hole drilling method and a special numerical evaluation procedure, which considers the formation process of the residual stresses. The strength and deformation behavior of the interface are determined by means of bending tests in an extended temperature range. Digital Image Correlation is used to analyze the deformation. Furthermore, push out tests are performed to determine the interface strength. In the course of fracture mechanical analyses, the crack tip of specially developed specimens is stressed under Mode I conditions (relating to homogeneous material). The fracture mechanical values – critical absolute value of the stress intensity factor and critical energy release rate – are determined by the use of experiments, numerical analyses of the crack tip fields as well as the equations of the linear elastic near field equations of interface fracture mechanics.
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One of the most prominent factors affecting the performance and longevity of risers is vortex induced vibration (VIV), which can cause severe fatigue damage, especially in risers used in deep waters. The available approaches for analyzing VIV induced fatigue in risers mainly focus on the VIV aspect of the problem; indeed less attention has been paid on the effect of VIV on a riser’s fatigue life and in prediction of fatigue life using various models.
This dissertation first demonstrates how one can characterize fatigue of pipes and risers using an equivalent plate specimen as opposed to using a pipe specimen, thereby simplifying the task, yet obtaining good accuracy. Actual variable amplitude loadings (VAL) are used to study the fatigue crack growth in risers’ material with a focus on the various influencing parameters. Extensive experimental investigations are performed, followed by analytical and computational nonlinear finite element analyses. It is shown that the higher harmonics do cause significant fatigue damage, thus their influence should not be ignored. The influence of load interaction effects is also investigated, focusing on the fatigue crack growth retardation effects due to tension overloads, as well as the acceleration effects due to compression underloads. The crack closure concept is then used to explore into both the fatigue retardation and acceleration effects within a VAL scenario. An effective method for calculation of the stress intensity factor is proposed, which considers only the tensile portion of the stress range, while proposing another effective approach for accounting for the influence of compressive stress cycles.
Moreover, a two-parameter approach is used in this dissertation, relating the fatigue crack growth rate (FCGR) to the crack tip opening displacement (CTOD). It is shown that the CTOD provides adequate information for calculating the FCGR under VAL, and it can be effectively used to account for the influence of the compressive stress cycles. The experimental investigation also considers the retardation effect resulting from the applied peak tensile overload cycles (TOLC) and the influence of various so-called “clipping” levels, demonstrating the significant influence of the TOLC on crack growth retardation in VAL.
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Novel Compression Fracture Specimens And Analysis of Photoelastic Isotropic PointsKamadi, V N Surendra January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Compression fracture specimens are ideally suited for miniaturization down to tens of microns. Fracture testing of thermal barrier coatings, ceramics and glasses are also best accomplished under compression or indentation. Compression fracture specimen of finite size with constant form factor was not available in the literature. The finite-sized specimen of edge cracked semicircular disk (ECSD) is designed which has the property of constant form factor. The novel ECSD specimen is explored further using weight function concept. This thesis, therefore, is mainly concerned with the design, development and geometric optimization of compression fracture specimen vis a vis their characterization of form factors, weight functions and isotropic points in the uncracked geometry.
Inspired by the Brazilian disk geometry, a novel compression fracture specimen is designed in the form of a semicircular disk with an edge crack which opens up due to the bending moment caused by the compressive load applied along its straight edge. This new design evolved from a set of photoelastic experiments conducted on the Brazilian disk and its two extreme cases. Surprisingly, normalized mode-I stress intensity factor of the semicircular specimen loaded under a particular Hertzian way, is found constant for a wide range of relative crack lengths. This property of constant form factor leads to the development of weight function for ECSD for deeper analysis of the specimen.
The weight function of a cracked geometry does not depend on loading configuration and it relates stress intensity factor to the stress distribution in the corresponding uncracked geometry through a weighted integral. The weight function for the disk specimen is synthesized in two different ways: using the conventional approach which requires crack opening displacement and the dual form factor method which is newly developed. Since stress distribution in the uncracked specimen is required in order to use weight function concept, analytical solution is attempted using linear elasticity theory.
Since closed form solution for stresses in the uncracked semicircular disk is seldom possible with the available techniques, a new semi-analytical method called partial boundary collocation (PBC), is developed which may be used for solving any 2-D elasticity problem involving a semi-geometry. In the new method, part of the boundary conditions are identically satisfied and remaining conditions are satisfied at discrete boundary points. The classical stress concentration factor for a semi-in finite plate with a semicircular edge notch re-derived using PBC is found to be accurate to the eighth decimal.
To enhance the form factor in order to test high-toughness materials, edge cracked semicircular ring (ECSR) specimen is designed in which bending moment at the crack-tip is increased significantly due to the ring geometry. ECSR is analyzed using nite element method and the corresponding uncracked problem is analyzed by PBC. Constant form factor is found possible for the ring specimen with tiny notch. In order to avoid varying semi-Hertzian angle during practice and thereby ensure consistent loading conditions, the designs are further modified by chopping at the loading zones and analyzed.
Photoelastic isotropic points (IPs) which are a special case of zeroth order fringe (ZOF) are often found in uncracked and cracked specimens. An analytical technique based on Flamant solution is developed for solving any problem involving circular domain loaded at its boundary. Formation of IPs in a circular disk is studied. The coefficients of static friction between the surfaces of disk and loading fixtures, in photoelastic experiments of three-point and four-point loadings, are explored analytically to confirm with experimental results.
The disk under multiple radial loads uniformly spaced on its periphery is found to give rise to one isolated IP at the center. Splitting of this IP into a number of IPs can be observed when the symmetry of normal loading is perturbed. Tangential loading is introduced along with normal loading to capture the effect of the composition on formation of IPs. Bernoulli's lemniscate is found to fit fringe order topology local to multiple IPs. Isotropic points along with other low fringe order zones including ZOF are ideal locations for material removal for weight reduction. Making a small hole in the prospective crack path at the IP location in the uncracked geometry might provide dual benefits: 1. Form factor enhancement; 2. Crack arrestor. Thus, this thesis describes experimental, theoretical and computational investigations for the design, development and calibration of novel compact compression fracture specimens.
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Výpočet dráhy trhliny podle lineární lomové mechaniky / Crack path calculation using linear elastic fracture mechanicsBónová, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the different possible calculations of crack path. Specifically, it focuses on criteria based on maximum tangential stress, minimal strain energy density, crack tip displacement, and local symmetry. These criteria are used for calculations in ANSYS software to estimate possible crack paths on four simple structures. The thesis also contains the codes created in ANSYS. Using these, the crack trajectory of a given structure can be calculated by any of the four criteria described.
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Evaluation of Fracture Mechanical Parameters for Bi-Piezo-Material Notch / Evaluation of Fracture Mechanical Parameters for Bi-Piezo-Material NotchHrstka, Miroslav January 2019 (has links)
Předkládaná dizertační práce se zabývá stanovením hlavních členů Williamsova asymptotického rozvoje popisujícího rovinné elektro-elastické pole v okolí piezoelektrických bi-materiálových vrubů a trhlin na rozhraní za použití rozšířeného Lechnického-Eshelbyho-Strohova formalismu v návaznosti na čistě anizotropní pružnost. Je ukázáno, že rozšířený Lechnického-Eshelbyho-Strohův formalismus představuje spolu s moderními programovacími koncepty v jazyku Python efektivní a také praktický nástroj pro lomovou analýzu piezoelektrických bi-materiálů. Teoretická část práce popisuje aspekty anizotropní pružnosti a její návaznost na piezoelektrické materiály. Základní rovnice zaměřené na speciální typy monoklinických materiálů, které umožňují oddělení rovinného a anti-rovinného problému, jsou vyjádřeny pomocí komplexních potenciálů. V praktické části práce je sestaven problém vlastního hodnot pro bi-materiálový vrub, na jehož základě jsou stanoveny exponenty singularity a pomocí dvoustavového -integrálu také zobecněné faktory intenzity napětí. Veškeré vztahy a numerické procedury jsou následně rozšířeny na problém piezoelektrických bi-materiálových vrubů a podrobně prozkoumány v uvedených příkladech. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována přechodu asymptotického řešení téměř zavřených vrubů a trhlin na rozhraní. Vliv směru polarizace na asymptotické řešení je také zkoumán. Přesnost stanovení zobecněných faktorů intenzity napětí je testována srovnáním asymptotického řešení a řešení získaného pomocí metody konečných prvků s velmi jemnou sítí konečných prvků. Na závěr je formalismus modifikován pro nepiezoelektrické materiály.
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Napjatost v okolí velmi ostrých bimateriálových vrubů / Stress distribution near sharp orthotropic bi-material notch tipsKrepl, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
Presented diploma thesis is concerned with problems of a stress singularity exponent and a generalized stress intensity factor determination, by dint the stress field in the vicinity of the stress concentrator can be consecutively determined. This task is possible to sectionalize into three parts. The first part summarizes basic information about linear anisotropic materials, deals with fundamentals of the linear elastic fracture mechanics and introduces its generalization to the case of the generalized stress intensity factors. The second part is dedicated to a special theory of anisotropic elasticity - Lekhnitskii-Eshelby-Stroh formalism (LES). Furthermore, a theory of the psi-integral is introduced, by dint the stress intensity factor is determined. The final part applies the LES theory and the psi-integral to the concrete material configuration of a crack on the bimaterial interface, a special example of a sharp bimaterial notch. By means of analytical-numerical algorithm in ANSYS and Silverforst FNT95 software the stress singularity exponents and generalised stress intensity factors are consecutively computed.
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Experimentell-numerische Analyse mechanischer Eigenschaften von Aluminium/Magnesium-WerkstoffverbundenLehmann, Thomas 29 June 2012 (has links)
Es werden hydrostatisch stranggepresste Aluminium/Magnesium-Verbunde untersucht. Mittels verschiedener Rissdetektionsmethoden wird die Beschaffenheit des Interface analysiert. Es erfolgt die Bestimmung von Fließkurven der verpressten Einzelwerkstoffe bei Raumtemperatur. Des Weiteren erfolgen Eigenspannungsanalysen mit dem Bohrlochverfahren und einer speziellen numerischen Auswertungsmethode, welche den Entstehungsprozess der Eigenspannungen berücksichtigt. Zur Analyse der Festigkeitseigenschaften und des Deformationsverhaltens des Interface werden Biegeversuche in einem erweiterten Temperaturbereich durchgeführt. Die Deformationsanalyse erfolgt mittels Digital Image Correlation. Des Weiteren finden in den Festigkeitsuntersuchungen Push-Out-Versuche Anwendung. In bruchmechanischen Analysen wird die Interfacerissspitze von speziell entwickelten Proben unter Mode I-Bedingungen, bezogen auf den homogenen Fall, beansprucht. Die bruchmechanischen Größen – kritischer betragsmäßiger Spannungsintensitätsfaktor und kritische Energiefreisetzungsrate – werden auf Basis der Experimente, der numerischen Simulation der Rissspitzenbeanspruchung sowie der für die linear-elastische Bruchmechanik des Interfacerisses geltenden Nahfeldgleichungen berechnet. / Hydrostatic coextruded aluminum/magnesium compounds are analyzed. By means of different methods of crack detection, the quality of the interface is investigated. Plastic behavior of the basic materials at room temperature is determined. Furthermore, residual stress analyses are performed using the hole drilling method and a special numerical evaluation procedure, which considers the formation process of the residual stresses. The strength and deformation behavior of the interface are determined by means of bending tests in an extended temperature range. Digital Image Correlation is used to analyze the deformation. Furthermore, push out tests are performed to determine the interface strength. In the course of fracture mechanical analyses, the crack tip of specially developed specimens is stressed under Mode I conditions (relating to homogeneous material). The fracture mechanical values – critical absolute value of the stress intensity factor and critical energy release rate – are determined by the use of experiments, numerical analyses of the crack tip fields as well as the equations of the linear elastic near field equations of interface fracture mechanics.
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Vyhodnocení lomových testů těles z vybraných stavebních materiálů pomocí modelu Dvojí-K / Evaluation of Fracture Tests on Selected Building Material Specimens via Double-K ModelHavlíková, Ivana January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of dissertation is the analysis of the calculation of fracture parameters using Double-K fracture model for quasi-brittle specimens with the stress concentrator loaded by three-point bending or wedge splitting. To calculation of these parameters was used the developed DKFM_BUT software in Microsoft Excel application with using of Visual Basic programming language. Furthermore, the adequate shape functions and compliance functions were introduced for the selected wedge splitting test configurations. Main part of this dissertation is the series of comprehensively implemented and evaluated fracture experiments on specimens from advanced building materials, while the attention was paid to the analysis of experimental data. Finally, the selected results obtained using mentioned software support were presented and discussed.
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Failure mechanism and reliability prediction for bonded layered structure due to cracks initiating at the interfaceWang, Yaou 27 August 2009 (has links)
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