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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Combined Experimental and Numerical Approach to Understanding Quartz Cementation in Sandstones

Williams, Randolph T. 01 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

The Role of Cenozoic Oceanic Plateau Collision in the Tectonic Growth of Western North America

Erin Elizabeth Donaghy (18243379) 15 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This dissertation uses a multidisciplinary basin analysis approach to document the sedimentary, structural, and volcanic response to Cenozoic oceanic plateau collision and translation along the northwestern Cordillera. During this time, two fragments of oceanic plateau accreted in the Pacific Northwest (Siletzia terrane) and in southeastern Alaska (Yakutat terrane). My research aims to test if the Siletzia and Yakutat terranes have an early shared history as the same spreading ridge-centered plateau in the Pacific Northwest and constrain timing of breakup and translation of the Yakutat terrane to southeastern Alaska. Chapter 2 focuses on development of a new U-Pb zircon geochronology technique to aid in a more accurate and precise understanding of sediment routing systems. The goal of developing this technique is to utilize it in pinpointing the source regions along the northwestern Cordillera supplying sediment to the basin on the Yakutat terrane as it made its northward journey to southeastern Alaska. Chapter 3 focuses on creating a regional chronostratigraphy for deep-marine Cenozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the peripheral rock sequence on the northern Olympic Peninsula in Washington. These sedimentary rocks directly overlie the Siletzia plateau and record basin evolution before, during, and following its collision to the continental margin. Chapter 4 uses detailed lithofacies mapping and U-Pb geochronology of metasedimentary and volcanic rocks in the Olympic subduction complex to document the structural response to seamount subduction in the Eocene. Seamount subduction began shortly after collision of the Siletzia oceanic plateau to the Pacific Northwest and played a critical role in development of the early forearc region and Ancestral Cascades arc. Chapter 5 compares the lowermost sedimentary and geochronologic basin record on both Siletzia and Yakutat terranes to test if they have an early shared history in the Pacific Northwest.</p>

The Structure of the Pantano Beds in the Northern Tucson Basin

Abuajamieh, M. M. January 1966 (has links)
A gravimetric survey has proved its usefulness in the Tucson Basin in locating important structural features, their geometric shapes and extensions. Interpretation was made possible through the correlation of available geologic and hydrologic data from water well logs and water table contour maps. Geophysical logs from a recently drilled test well in North Tucson have been interpreted and have confirmed the existence of another promising aquifer, namely, the deformed gravel which underlies the upper basin-fill aquifer. In most cases, it is apparently separated by a thin aquiclude of clay which results in artesian condition in the lower aquifer. Gravity interpretation discloses the presence of buried channels that may be of importance to groundwater exploration. The buried high basement ridges or faulted blocks as interpreted from gravity data add more information to the understanding of the hydrologic behavior of the basin. Deep drilling of test wells, such as the one drilled recently on Orange Grove Road, will be a useful check to the structures interpreted from gravity data. Geophysical logs of bore holes are of utmost importance in correlation of lithologic units and structures in addition to the hydrologic interpretation that is possible from these logs. The Pantano beds as described here are not promising for new groundwater sources that may be used for domestic needs due to the very low permeability and the expected poor quality of the water. Still more information is necessary to determine clear answers to many problems related to the geology and hydrology of this basin.

Nature et structure de l'isthme inter-américain, Panama : implication sur la reconstruction et l'évolution géodynamique de la plaque Caraïbe / Nature and structure of the inter-american isthmus, Panama : implication for the reconstruction and the geodynamic evolution of the Caribbean plate

Barat, Flore 16 July 2013 (has links)
L'isthme de Panama se situe en bordure SW de la plaque Caraïbe, à la jonction de trois plaques lithosphériques: les plaques Amérique du Sud, Nazca et Cocos. Cet isthme est constitué de deux arcs volcaniques formant l'Amérique Centrale. Leurs présences reflètent une histoire complexe de convergence, en subduction. L'événement majeur de cette région correspond à la collision de l'Amérique Centrale contre l'Amérique du Sud entre 12-25 Ma. L'objectif de cette thèse est de documenter les déformations avant, pendant et après le processus d'accrétion continentale. Le but est de mieux comprendre comment un arc volcanique s'accrète sur une marge continentale pour reconstruire l'histoire géodynamique de cette région de 70 Ma jusqu'à nos jours. Cette thèse combine: - une étude sédimentologique et paléontologique, - une étude structurale à partir de données spatiales, géophysiques, et de terrain, - une étude thermochronologique (AFT), - et une étude interprétative sismique. Je propose ainsi une accrétion progressive et oblique de l'Amérique Centrale sur l'Amérique du Sud, s'initiant au sud de la région d'Istmina à partir de 40-37 Ma. La plaque Caraïbe, piégée entre l'arc volcanique et la marge continentale sud-américaine, disparaît progressivement sous l'Amérique du Sud. Vers 15 Ma, l'accrétion de l'arc dans la partie colombienne se termine. Au Panama, la convergence continentale se poursuit, mais le système s'inverse. Une nouvelle subduction s'initie : la plaque Caraïbe subducte sous l'isthme. Les déformations compressives engendrées par l'accrétion contrôlent la migration des masses sédimentaires et permettent la surrection progressive de l'isthme créant le pont inter-Amériques. / The Panama Isthmus is located on the SW boundary of the Caribbean plate, at the junction of the South American, Nazca and Cocos plates. The isthmus is composed of two island arcs forming Central America. It formed by a complex history of plate subductions. The major tectonic event in this region is attributed to the accretion of Central America with South America between 12 and 25 Ma. The aim of this thesis is to document the deformation before, during and after the accretionary continental process. The main purpose is to better understand how a volcanic arc collides against a continental margin in order to reconstruct the tectonic history of this region since 70 Ma until today. This thesis combines: - a sedimentological and paleontological studies, - a structural study from spatial, geophysical and field work data, - a thermochronological study (AFT), - and an interpretative seismic study. I propose the initiation of progressive and oblique arc-continent collision during 40-37 Ma. The Caribbean plate, trapped between the arc and the continent, progressively disappeared beneath the South American continent. Around 15 Ma, the Colombian part of Central America was accreted and the convergence of Panama toward the continent progressed and produced a new subduction zone whereby the Caribbean plate subducted beneath the Panama Isthmus. Compressive deformations, caused by the collision, still actively control the migration of sedimentary masses, allowing the progressive emergence of the isthmus and forming the inter-American land bridge.

Evolution phanérozoïque du Craton Ouest Africain et de ses bordures Nord et Ouest / Phanerozoic evolution of the West African Craton and its northern and western boundaries

Leprêtre, Rémi 08 April 2015 (has links)
La dynamique des cratons reste, encore actuellement, énigmatique dans la mesure où ceux-ci sont souvent considérés comme des domaines stables à l’échelle des temps géologiques. Dans ce travail, nous avons reconstitué l’évolution d’un des plus grands cratons, le Craton Ouest Africain. Nous nous sommes également penchés sur l’étude de ses bordures nord et ouest (Anti-Atlas et marge atlantique respectivement). Cette étude utilise les méthodes de thermochronologie basse-température (traces de fission et (U-Th-Sm)/He sur apatite) ainsi que la géologie structurale. Le choix de ce craton est justifié par les multiples contextes géologiques dont témoignent ses bordures au cours du Phanérozoïque (plateforme, avant-pays distal, marge passive). Ces contextes variés au cours du temps en font donc une cible idéale pour évaluer l’influence des diverses forces susceptibles d’affecter le craton.Tout d’abord, suite à une subsidence importante au cours du Paléozoïque, le craton enregistre un refroidissement important entre le Jurassique supérieur et le Crétacé inférieur, postérieurement à l’ouverture de l’Atlantique Central. Cet événement n’est pas directement lié aux seuls processus affectant les marges passives puisque non seulement la marge est affectée, mais aussi l’intérieur du craton (jusque 800 km à l’intérieur des terres) et le domaine mobile non-cratonique au Nord. Ce refroidissement traduit une phase d’exhumation kilométrique qui permet alors le dépôt d’une épaisse séquence détritique sur la plateforme saharienne. L’hypothèse d’un raccourcissement comme explication n’est pas valide et l’hypothèse d’une anomalie thermique mantellique à cette époque rend mieux compte de cet événement d’érosion majeur. L’hypothèse thermique possède un autre avantage : celui de rendre compte du réchauffement qui suivit à l’Apto-Albien et au début du Crétacé supérieur, à la fois par le craton mais aussi par ses bordures, par le biais de la subsidence thermique.Deuxièmement, à partir du Crétacé supérieur, la tendance générale est au refroidissement dans toute la région étudiée, synchrone avec l’initiation de la convergence Afrique/Europe. La chaîne du Haut Atlas au Maroc représente à ce moment un témoin privilégié des déformations se produisant pendant le Cénozoïque. Nous avons déterminé un calendrier tectonique précis dans l’avant-pays méridional de la chaîne, afin d’avoir un point de comparaison avec l’enregistrement cratonique. Ainsi, une première phase tectonique se déroule à l’Eocène supérieur. Celle-ci fait écho à un événement de déformation de plus grande échelle qui affecte toute le craton, résultant sans doute d’une réorganisation de grande ampleur dans la dynamique de la convergence. La phase récente Plio-Quaternaire est bien décrite à l’échelle de l’Afrique du Nord dans la chaîne Atlasique, mais pourrait s’avérer trop récente pour pouvoir être décelée par nos thermochronomètres à l’intérieur du domaine cratonique. Enfin, une phase de soulèvement spécifique au domaine atlasique marocain est enregistrée pendant le Miocène inférieur-moyen et met en place des nappes dans la chaîne. Les thermochronomètres basse-température ne la détectent pas à l’intérieur du craton, et elle pourrait donc être géographiquement restreinte au domaine atlasique.Ce travail a démontré que l’absence de sédiments au cours du Méso-Cénozoïque, qui en première approche font de ce craton une zone dite « stable », occulte une réalité géologique autre, faite de la succession de plusieurs phases épeirogéniques. Une évaluation des processus à l’œuvre permet de proposer que les phénomènes mantelliques ainsi que les transferts de contraintes sont des acteurs majeurs à l’origine de ces mouvements. Néanmoins, la juste contribution de chacun de ces processus nécessite encore un travail approfondi. / The dynamic evolution of cratonic domains remains enigmatic as they are usually considered as stable through geological times. In this work, we unraveled the evolution of one of the largest cratonic area, the West African Craton (WAC), and its north and west boundaries (Anti-Atlas and Atlantic passive margin, respectively), through low-temperature thermochronology (apatite fission-track and (U-Th)/He thermochronology) and structural geology. The WAC was studied since its boundaries witnessed many different geological settings (platform, distal foreland, passive margin) during the Phanerozoic, making it a good candidate to evaluate the various driving forces acting on the craton.First, after a continuous Paleozoic subsidence, the craton records the most important cooling event between Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, postdating the onset of the Central Atlantic Ocean spreading. This event is unrelated to the sole passive margin in itself and affected both the craton (up to 800 km inland) and the mobile boundary in the north (Anti-Atlas and High Atlas). It represents kilometer-scale erosion that led to the deposition of thick detrital formations, the red beds, across the whole Saharan platform. This event is not characterized by shortening and is better explained through a mantle-related thermal anomaly during this exhumation. The thermal hypothesis explains the subsequent thermal subsidence undergone by the craton and its north boundary during the Aptian-Albian and the early stages of the Late Cretaceous.Second, from Late Cretaceous onward, dominant cooling trend has imprinted the thermal histories of the studied region, coevally with the onset of the Africa/Europe convergence.The High Atlas belt in Morocco is an accurate witness of the deformations occurring during Cenozoic times. We determined the precise tectonic schedule in the southern foreland of the belt and compared this evolution with the cratonic one. We show that the first Eocene tectonic event echoes to a major craton-scale deformation and results probably from a significant geodynamic change in the convergence zone. The Pliocene-Quaternary phase, well known at the North African scale, is only recorded in the Atlas belt, but might be too recent to have significantly imprinted the thermochronological record inside the craton. Finally, another uplift specific to the Moroccan Atlas Belt during Early to Middle Miocene led to the emplacement of tectonic nappes. This event is not recorded by LTT on the craton and may be restricted to its mobile boundary.This work demonstrates that, despite the lack of Mesozoic-Cenozoic sediment record that may advocate for a stable geological history, the West African Craton suffered significant epeirogenies during this period. Deep seated processes as well as stress transmission prove to be good candidates to account for these cratonic motions, although further work is needed to unravel the exact contribution of these various processes.

Dynamique de formation et de déformation de minibassins en contexte compressif : exemple du bassin de Sivas, Turquie Approche terrain et implications structurales multiéchelles / Evolution of minibasins in compressive setting. The case of the Sivas Basin, Turkey

Kergaravat, Charlie 30 March 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les interactions entre les déformations halocinétiques locales au sein des mini-bassins salifères et les déformations régionales compressives. L’étude s’appuie sur une analyse structurale multi-échelle détaillée d’une province à mini-bassins se développant dans le bassin d’avant pays de Sivas (Turquie). Une analyse de terrain approfondie, associée à une étude de données de subsurface, permet de proposer une révision des cartes géologiques ainsi qu’une évolution tectonosédimentaire identifiant les déformations liées à la tectonique salifère et celles liées à la propagation de la ceinture de plis et de chevauchements dans l’avant-pays. A partir de l’Eocène supérieur, le fluage del’évaporite autochtone, initié et entretenu par le chargement sédimentaire différentiel ainsi que par la déformation compressive, permet la formation d’une première génération de mini-bassins. Ces minibassins, constitués par une formation continentale Oligocène, vont être recouverts par une nappe d’évaporite allochtone accueillant une seconde génération de mini-bassins constitués de formations continentales et marines Oligo-Miocène. L’initiation du domaine de mini-bassins secondaires est caractérisée par une distribution polygonale du réseau de diapirs et de murs d’évaporites. Ces mini-bassins enregistrent localement les effets de la tectonique salifère par le développement d’une grande variété de structures halocinétiques à différentes échelles telles que les séquences halocinétiques unitaires (crochet et éventail), séquences composites (tabulaire ou fuseau) et megaflaps. Une série de modélisation analogique préliminaire amontré que ces structures peuvent se développer avec ou sans l’application d’une compression aux limites. De plus, les analogies géométriques entre les mini-bassins de Sivas et les provinces salifères connues suggèrent que la dynamique de formation de ces mini-bassins est au premier ordre contrôlée par le chargement sédimentaire différentiel, découplé partiellement de la compression régionale. Néanmoins, l’analyse du réseau de fractures et de l’endommagement matriciel souligne l’enregistrement précoce de la déformation compressive régionale lors de l’initiation des mini-bassins.L’influence du raccourcissement sur la structuration de la province à mini-bassins s’exprime de manière croissante par l’écrasement des corps salifères permettant : (i) le développement de dépocentres linéaires préférentiellement perpendiculaire à la direction de raccourcissement, (ii) l’émergence de corps allochtones d’évaporites en surface, ainsi que (iii) la rotation et translation des mini-bassins. Cette province à mini-bassins génère une discontinuité dans la propagation et l’accommodation de la déformation compressive : la déformation compressive est accommodée auniveau du réseau polygonal de murs d’évaporites formant des structures multidirectionnelles. De plus, cette concentration de la déformation par écrasement des structures salifères entraine la remobilisation des évaporites vers l’avant-pays générant alors un nouveau système salifère. / This doctoral work studies the interaction between withdrawal of minibasins and regional shortening during evolution of a foreland fold-and-thrust belt. This is achieved by a multiscale structural analysis of the Sivas Basin (Turkey). Extensive field work and regional seismic lines interpretations helped to build a new and detailed geologic map of the central Sivas Basin and to provide a new tectonosedimentary framework highlighting the influence of salt tectonics and the regional shortening, starting in the Late Eocene by the autochthonous evaporite deposition. This level is remobilized by the northward migrating sedimentary load, shortening and tilting of the basin southern margin during propagation of the foreland fold-and-thrust belt. Evaporite flow is recorded by the withdrawal of a primary generation of continental Oligocene minibasins which are then covered by an evaporite canopy. The canopy extending northward allows the development of second generation of continental to shallow marine mini-basins from Oligocene to Middle Miocene. Secondary minibasins initiation in the central part of the Basin, is characterized by sub-circular minibasins surrounded by polygonal diapirs and walls. Flanking these minibasins, a large variety of halokinetic structures is described: halokinetic sequences (hooks and wedges), composite halokinetic sequences and megaflaps. Preliminary sand-box modeling study suggests the development of thesehalokinetic structures both with and without shortening. Furthermore, minibasins geometries are closely similar to those imaged or mapped in other salt provinces suggesting that mini-basin withdrew is first control by sedimentary load, probably due to decoupling by the salt. However, the fractures and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility analyses suggests the record of shortening since the minibasins initiation. The increase influence of regional shortening on the minibasins domain is expressed by salt walls and diapirs squeezing inducing: (i) the development of linear mini-basins perpendicular to the shortening direction, (ii) salt sheet emplacement and (iii) the translation/rotation of minibasins. The minibasins province produces a discontinuity for the fold-and-thrust belt propagation. Indeed, the minibasins province accommodates the shortening deformation along the polygonal network of salt walls and diapirs forming multidirectional structures. Furthermore, the regional shortening accommodation by salt structures squeezing produce an evaporitic remobilization and migration of a salt canopy toward the foreland basin. / Bu doktora tezi/çalışması, bir önülke kıvrım ve bindirme kuşağının evrimi sırasında minihavzaların çekilmesi ve bölgesel kısalma arasındaki etkileşimi konu edinir. Çoklu ölçekteki bu yapısal analiz Sivas Havzası (Türkiye) ölçeğinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kapsamlı saha çalışması ve bölgesel olarak sismik kesitlerden ortaya çıkarılan yorumlamalar, Sivas Havzası’nın orta kesiminde detaylı bir jeolojik haritalama yapımına yardımcı olmuş ve otokton evaporit depolanmasının başladığı Geç Eosen’den başlayarak havza için tuz tektoniği ve bölgesel kısalmanın etkisindeki yeni bir tektono-sedimanter çatının ortaya çıkarılmasına neden olmuştur. Söz konusu seviye, önülke kıvrım ve bindirme kuşağının ilerlemesisüresince kuzeye doğru sedimanter dolgunun göçüyle birlikte havzanın güney kenarında kısalıma uğrayarak ve eğim kazanarak remobilize olmuştur. Evaporit akışı, kıtasal Oligosen minihavzalarının ilksel olarak oluşumundan sonra çekilmesine bağlı olarak gözlenmiş ve sonrasında evaporit yaygılarıyla örtülmüştür. Kuzeye kadar uzanan bu yaygı, Oligosen-Orta Miyosen arasında kıtasaldan sonra sığ denizel tipteki ikincil minihavzaların gelişimine de neden olmuştur.Havzanın orta kesimindeki ikincil minihavza başlangıcı, poligonal diyapir ve duvarlar tarafından çevrelenen dairesel minihavzalarla karakterize olur. Bu minihavzaların kanatlarında halokinetik yapılar tanımlanmıştır. Kanca (hook) ve kama (wedge) tiplerde olmak üzere halokinetik seriler, kompozit halokinetik seriler ve megaflaplar bu yapılar arasında sayılabilir. Çalışmanın başlangıcında yapılan kum kutusu model deneyi, bu halokinetik yapıların kısalmayla veya kısalma olmaksızın geliştiğini göstermiştir. Buna ek olarak minihavzaların geometrisi, muhtemelen tuzun ayrışmasından dolayı tortul yükün ilkkontrolünden dolayı çekilen diğer tuz bölgelerinde önerilen haritalanmış minihavzalara benzerdir. Bununla birlikte kırık ve manyetik suseptibilite analizleri, minihavzaların başlangıcından itibaren kısalmanın kayıt edilebilmesi hakkında fikir vermektedir. Minihavza bölgelerindeki bölgesel kısalımın artışı, tuz duvarları ve diyapirlerin sıkışmasıyla birlikte(i) kısalma yönüne dik durumdaki çizgisel minihavzaların gelişimi, (ii) tuz örtülerinin yerleşimi ve (iii) minihavzaların yer değiştirmesi veya dönmesiyle açıklanır. Minihavzalar bölgesi, kıvrım ve bindirme kuşağının gelişimi için bir süreksizlik üretir. Aslında, minihavzalar birçok yönde yapılar oluşturarak tuz duvarları ve diyapirlerin polygonal şekildeki yerleşimi boyunca kısalma deformasyonuna eşlik eder. Üstelik, tuz yapılarının eşlik ettiği bölgesel kısalma önülke havzalarına doğru evaporitik bir göçe de neden olmaktadır.

Structural and volcanic evolution of the Glass Buttes area, High Lava Plains, Oregon

Boschmann, Darrick E. 29 November 2012 (has links)
The Glass Buttes volcanic complex is a cluster of bimodal (basalt-rhyolite), Miocene to Pleistocene age lava flows and domes located in Oregon's High Lava Plains province, a broad region of Cenozoic bimodal volcanism in south-central Oregon. The High Lava Plains is deformed by northwest-striking faults of the Brothers Fault Zone, a diffuse, ~N40°W trending zone of en echelon faults cutting ~250 km obliquely across the High Lava Plains. Individual fault segments within the Brothers Fault Zone are typically <20 km long, strike ~N40°W, have apparent normal separation with 10-100 m throw. A smaller population of ~5-10 km long faults striking ~N30°E exhibits mutually crosscutting relationships with the dominant northwest striking faults. Basaltic volcanic rocks in the Glass Buttes area erupted during the late Miocene and Pleistocene. The oldest and youngest lavas are 6.49±0.03 Ma and 1.39±0.18 Ma, respectively, based on ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar ages of five basaltic units. Numerous small mafic vents both within and around the margins of the main silicic dome complex are commonly localized along northwest-striking faults of the Brothers Fault Zone. These vents erupted a diverse suite of basalt to basaltic andesite lava flows that are here differentiated into 15 stratigraphic units based on hand sample texture and mineralogy as well as major and trace element geochemistry. The structural fabric of the Glass Buttes area is dominated by small displacement, discontinuous, en echelon, northwest-striking fault scarps that result from normal to slightly oblique displacements and are commonly linked by relay ramps. Northwest alignment of basaltic and rhyolitic vents, paleotopography, and cross-cutting relationships suggest these faults have been active since at least 6.49±0.03 Ma, the age of the rhyolite lavas in the eastern Glass Buttes are. Faults displace Quaternary sedimentary deposits indicating these structures continue to be active into the Quaternary. Long-term extension rates across northwest-striking faults calculated from 2-5 km long cross section restorations range from 0.004 – 0.02 mm/yr with an average of 0.12 mm/yr. A subordinate population of discontinuous northeast-striking faults form scarps and exhibit mutually cross-cutting relationships with the dominant northwest-striking population. Cross-cutting relationships indicate faulting on northeast-striking faults ceased sometime between 4.70±0.27 Ma and 1.39±0.18 Ma. Gravity data at Glass Buttes reveals prominent northwest- and northeast-trending gravity gradients that closely parallel the strikes of surface faults. These are interpreted as large, deep-seated, normal faults that express themselves in the young basalts at the surface as the discontinuous, en echelon fault segments seen throughout the study area and BFZ in general. Elevated geothermal gradients are localized along these deep-seated structures at two locations: (1) where northwest- and northeast-striking faults intersect,(2) along a very prominent northwest-striking active normal fault bounding the southwest flank of Glass Butte. High average heat flow and elevated average geothermal gradients across the High Lava Plains, and the presence of hydrothermal alteration motivated geothermal resource exploration at Glass Buttes. Temperature gradient drilling by Phillips Petroleum and others between 1977-1981 to depths of up to 600 m defined a local geothermal anomaly underlying the Glass Buttes volcanic complex with a maximum gradient of 224 °C/km. Stratigraphic constraints indicate that near-surface hydrothermal alteration associated with mercury ores ceased before 4.70±0.27 Ma, and is likely associated with the 6.49±0.03 Ma rhyolite eruptions in the eastern part of Glass Buttes. The modern thermal anomaly is not directly related to the pre-4.70±0.27 Ma hydrothermal system; rather it is likely a result of deep fluid circulation along major extensional faults in the area. / Graduation date: 2013 / Includes accompanying DVD with digital data supplement (8 GB).

Basement fault influence on the Bicorb-Quesa Salt Wall kinematics, insights from Magnetotelluric and Paleomagnetic techniques on Salt Tectonics

Rubinat Cabanas, Marc 27 June 2012 (has links)
El text del Capítol 3 ha estat retirat seguint instruccions de l’autor de la tesi, en existir participació d’empreses, existir conveni de confidencialitat o existeix la possibilitat de generar patents / The text of Chapter 3 has been withdrawn on the instructions of the author, as there is participation of undertakings, confidentiality agreement or the ability to generate patent / The Bicorb-Quesa salt wall is located on the external Prebetics, an excellent natural laboratory to observe the diapir evolution because of their excellent outcrops. This area, located on the limit between the Iberian Massif, the Betic Range and the Valencian Trough; preserves the deformation caused by four deformation stages: two extensional and two extensive phases. The complexity and changing geometry of the salt wall lead us to use different techniques, some of them rarely used on salt tectonics studies, in order to provide significant information on the knowledge of the salt wall kinematics. The Magnetotelluric data shows the wide range of electrical resistivity materials values. This technique allowed us to recognize a basement fault with a vertical throw of 1000 m. which was active during the Triassic to Lower Cretaceous and likewise elucidate about the salt wall shape and the salt location. The Paleomagnetic data provide valuable information about the rotation suffered on the area both the syn-diapiric basins and the diapir, revealing rotation on different areas. This information together with the internal diapir structure and the overburden structure makes possible to interpret the initiation and reactivation of salt wall as driven by thin-skinned contractional deformation of the overburden. These processes were preferentially developed on the top of a pre-existing basement fault. A comprehensive analysis brings into relief the role played by the propagation direction sense of the cover deformation and the dip sense of the basement fault. This thesis contributes on the scientific knowledge of the salt tectonics, in its kinematics and evolution in different tectonic settings. The salt tectonics is also a geological branch very attractive for the oil industry as it generates one of the most important trap sources. / La presència de materials evaporítics condiciona l’estructura que es desenvoluparà en un àrea ja que les propietats reològiques de les evaporites són molt diferents a les d’altres materials. Especialment la sal, que es deforma plàsticament, és menys densa i més dèbil que la majoria dels materials (Jackson i Talbot, 1986; Jackson i Vendeville, 1994). Aquestes propietats permetran la formació de coixins salins, diapirs salins, parets salines, llengües salines, etc. La generació d’aquestes estructures i el fet de que la sal sigui impermeable propicia la formació de trampes per hidrocarburs i la possibilitat d’emmagatzemar CO2 o altres residus. Aquest fet els hi dóna a les estructures salines interès econòmic i facilita l’avenç científic en la matèria, com mostra la publicació d’articles que han millorat el coneixement d’aquestes estructures a partir dels anys ‘90 (ex. Vendeville i Jackson 1992; Jackson 1995; Letouzey et al. 1995; Ge et al. 1997; Rowan et al. 2003; Stewart 2006; Hudec i Jackson 2007, etc.) L’efecte causat a una cobertora fràgil, pel moviment de una falla normal de basament sobre la qual tenim un nivell de desenganxament dúctil ha estat ampliament estudiat (Koyi et al. 1993; Nalpas i Brun 1993; Jackson i Vendeville 1994; Vendeville et al. 1995; Stewart i Clark 1999; Withjack i Callaway 2000; Dooley et al. 2003; 2005). També, amb la mateixa disposició de materials fràgils-dúctils, ha estat investigada la inversió de les falles normals de basament durant una etapa compressiva (Letouzey et al. 1995; Stewart i Clark 1999; Krzywiec 2004; Ferrer et al. 2012). Per altra banda, la deformació de pell prima provocada per una època compressiva a sobre de un nivell de desenganxament també ha estat estudiada (ex. Chapple 1978; Davis i Engelder 1985; Coward i Stewart 1995; Sans i Koyi 2001), i amb la mateixa geometria les conseqüències de una compressió en un diapir previ (Vendeville i Nilsen 1995; Canerot et al 2005; Roca et al 2006; Callot et al. 2007; Dooley et al. 2009). Tanmateix, no hi ha cap estudi previ publicat en revistes científiques internacionals que descrigui la deformació per compressió de la pell prima prèviament afectada per una falla de basament. Per tal d’omplir aquest buit, s’ha estudiat la paret salina de Bicorb-Quesa, molt adequada ja que està localitzada a sobre d’una falla de basament, en una zona afectada per compressió amb deformació de pell prima (Roca et al 1996, 2006).

Geological and geophysical characterization of accretionary and collisional systems : the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and the Bohemian Massif / Caractérisation géologique et géophysique de système d’accrétion et de collision : application à la ceinture orogénique d’Asie centrale et au Massif de Bohême

Guy, Alexandra 14 December 2012 (has links)
L’architecture crustale d’orogènes d’accrétion et de collision à grande échelle est étudiée en combinant géologie structurale, litho-stratigraphie, géochronologie et pétrologie magmatique avec les données gravimétriques, magnétiques et sismiques. Cette approche pluridisciplinaire permet de caractériser la structure et la composition de la croûte orogénique dans deux systèmes d’accrétion-collision : la Ceinture Orogénique d’Asie Centrale (CAOC) et le Massif de Bohême. La CAOC représente près d’un tiers du continent asiatique actuel. Ce système orogénique s’est construit par une accrétion continue de matériel depuis le Paléozoïque jusqu’au début du Mésozoïque, suivie par une collision durant le Mésozoïque. La comparaison des champs de potentiels avec les données géologiques met en évidence une compartimentation erronée de l’orogène en unités litho-stratigraphiques. Par rapport à la géologie, la géophysique permet une analyse directe des structures de la croûte orogénique sur toute son épaisseur. Le travail de thèse présente une compilation de données géologiques et de traitements gravimétriques et magnétiques inédits, dont la modélisation préliminaire pour contraindre l’architecture de la croûte continentale est proposée. Le Massif de Bohême possède quant à lui un catalogue de données complémentaires plus conséquent, ce qui permet une modélisation géophysique 3D plus précise. Dans cette zone, les données géophysiques mettent en évidence l’existence d’une croûte inférieure allochtone de composition felsique. Ceci indique que la croûte orogénique hercynienne est également le résultat d’une accrétion de portions crustales contrastées. / Large-scale accretionary and collisional crustal orogenic architecture is studied combining structural geology, lithostratigraphy, geochronology and magmatic petrology with gravity, magnetic and seismic data. This multidisciplinary approach allows characterizing the structure and composition of the orogenic crust in two accretionary-collisional systems. The Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) constituting one third of the Asia continent and the Bohemian Massif are two Palaeozoic orogens formed by accretion followed by collision. It is proposed that the CAOB formed by successive Paleozoic accretion of oceanic and continental fragments followed by a late Palaeozoic to early Mesozoic N-S convergence of North Chinese and Siberian Cratons. The comparison between the potential fields and the geological data reveals an incorrect compartmentalization into different lithostratigraphic terranes. In contrast to geology the geophysical approach allows the analysis of the crustal structures on a complete thickness of crustal column. This thesis presents a compilation of geological data combined with unique gravity and magnetic results which are integrated into a preliminary model for the architecture of the continental crust. Conversely, an important collection of complementary data is available for the Bohemian Massif, allow more precise 3D geophysical forward modeling. In this area, geophysical data reveal the occurrence of an allochtonous lower crustal layer with a felsic composition. This indicates that the Variscan orogenic crust actually resulted from the accretion of contrasted crustal fragments.

Vznik kompoziční a texturní zonálnosti mělce uložených granitoidních těles / The Origin of Compositional and Textural Zoning of Shallow-Level Granitoid Plutons

Trubač, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The principal goal of this Ph.D. Thesis is to contribute to the research on formation of compo- sitional and textural zoning in shallow-level plutons. Processes responsible for emplacement of individual plutons/pulses and the origin of compositional zoning in are addressed in a great detail, from the pluton-scale down to the micro-scale. The main emphasis in the more focused part of this text is on a combination of various quanti- tative data sets from two well-selected plutons (the Říčany Pluton in the Central Bohemian Plu- tonic Complex and the Melechov Pluton in the Moldanubian Batholith). These detailed studies are supported by further research on the Štěnovice, Čistá and Ševětín plutons. In this way we cover the evolution of Variscan magmatism in the heart of Bohemian Massif in its entirety, from Late Devonian till Permian. The thesis is based on combining field and structural studies (including the anisotropy of mag- netic susceptibility, AMS), textural analysis, petrological, geochronological and geochemical methods with geophysical investigations. Mathematical approaches have been designed and applied to the interpretation of geochemical data, with potential applications to other igneous systems. I strongly believe that only such comprehensive studies on well-selected case examples have a...

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