Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SUSTAINABLE BUILDING"" "subject:"[enn] SUSTAINABLE BUILDING""
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Interface of a Tool for Buying New Houses Online : An improvement of Design Studio from an environmentally friendly perspectiveSwén, Sanna January 2022 (has links)
This project is a master’s thesis in Industrial Design that has been conducted in the spring of 2022 at Luleå University of Technology. The project is a cooperation with the company Neava and is about improving their online tool Design Studio. The goal of the project is to improve the online tool from an environmentally friendly perspective, i.e., how information is presented regarding material’s impact on the environment and how energy efficient the house will be when all the choices have been made. Today, there are two different interfaces of Design Studio. One that is based on specific requirements from a customer, and another that is designed for sellers. None of these interfaces provides the user with information about how the materials are affecting the environment. Today it is important to think about the materials and energy efficiency when new houses are being built to create a sustainable future. The work has been conducted by the process Design Thinking, which is an iterative process that is performed in five different phases: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. In the first phase, an understanding of the user was created, this was conducted through interviews and a survey. In the second phase, the user was identified, and user needs were established. In the third phase, different ideas and concepts were generated and then evaluated by users. In the fourth phase, a clickable prototype was created in the program Adobe XD. In the fifth phase, the prototype was tested on users and later improved based on the results. The final result is a clickable prototype that informs the user about the available materials and how they are affecting the environment. The materials are categorized into three different groups: red, yellow, and green. If a material is in the red category, it indicates that the material is the worst for the environment. If a material is in the yellow category, it indicates that the material is okay for the environment. If a material is in the green category, it indicates that the material is the best for the environment. These three colors are connected to the environmental meter, the indicator shows the user how environmentally friendly materials the user has selected and how energy efficient the house will be.
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Propuesta de concreto f’c = 280 kg/cm2 con la adición de caucho y microsílice como reemplazo parcial del agregado fino y cemento para la construcción de edificios multifamiliares sostenibles en la ciudad de Lima / Concrete proposal f'c = 280 kg/cm2 with the addition of rubber and microsilica as partial replacement of fine aggregate and cement for the construction of sustainable multifamily buildings in the city of LimaSantos Aybar, Guillermo Nicolás, Román Acuña, Daniel Augusto 07 June 2021 (has links)
En los últimos años, el crecimiento poblacional ha representado un reto ingenieril para brindar calidad de vida a las personas mediante la construcción de edificios multifamiliares elaborados a base de concreto armado. Sin embargo, estos producen el 36% del consumo de energía y el 39% de emisiones de CO2 a nivel mundial. En este sentido, en el Perú en el año 2019, se produjo un estimado de 10,6 millones de toneladas de cemento y un consumo de 74.2 millones de toneladas de arena y piedra, siendo perjudicial para el medio ambiente. Por otro lado, las llantas en desuso se han incrementado en los últimos años, proyectándose para el 2020 un estimado de 50 mil toneladas; una vez desechadas, estas generan efectos perjudiciales para el ambiente, ya sea por desintegración natural o por su incineración. Dicho esto, el proyecto de investigación pretende brindar una propuesta para reducir el impacto ambiental implementando caucho, proveniente del reciclaje de llantas, y microsílice como reemplazos parciales de la arena y el cemento respectivamente, con el fin de obtener diseños de mezcla eco amigable y que cumplan con los requerimientos de resistencia y durabilidad para ser empleados en elementos verticales estructurales.
En esta investigación, se empleó el caucho reciclado en 0, 5, 10 y 15% y la microsílice en 2% como reemplazo parcial de la arena y el cemento respectivamente. De esta manera, se evaluaron 10 diseños de mezcla de concreto en estado fresco, analizando sus propiedades de revenimiento, temperatura, contenido de aire y peso unitario; y en estado endurecido, lo concerniente a su resistencia a la compresión y tracción. Además, se empleó un modelo matemático para determinar su durabilidad en base al grado de permeabilidad al ion cloruro. Por último, se recopilaron los resultados de resistencia y propiedades en estado fresco, se añadió el análisis del costo por m3 de diseño, la cantidad de emisiones de CO2 y en base a estos criterios se realizó un ranking a fin de obtener tres mezclas óptimas.
Los resultados indican que el concreto con caucho y microsílice en estado fresco aumenta el revenimiento en el tiempo y el contenido de aire, y disminuye la densidad. En estado endurecido disminuye la resistencia a la compresión, tracción y la durabilidad. Además, los costos se incrementan con respecto al convencional hasta en S/ 39.50 y se disminuye la huella de carbono hasta en 56.19 kg CO2 por metro cubico cuando se reemplaza 15% de arena por caucho y 2% de cemento por microsílice. / In recent years, population growth has represented an engineering challenge to provide quality of life to people through the construction of multi-family buildings made of reinforced concrete. However, these produce 36% of energy consumption and 39% of CO2 emissions worldwide. In this way, Peru in 2019, there was an estimated 10.6 million tons of cement and a consumption of 74.2 million tons of sand and stone, being harmful to the environment. On the other hand, disused tires have increased in recent years, with an estimated 50 thousand tons projected for 2020; once discarded, they generate harmful effects for the environment, either by natural disintegration or by burning. That said, the research project aims to provide a proposal to reduce the environmental impact by implementing rubber, from the recycling of tires, and microsilica as a partial replacement for sand and cement respectively, in order to obtain eco-friendly mix designs that comply with the requirements of resistance and durability to be used in vertical structural elements.
In this research, recycled rubber was used in 0, 5, 10 and 15% and microsilica in 2% as a partial replacement for sand and cement respectively. In this way, 10 concrete mix designs were evaluated in a fresh state, analyzing their slump properties, temperature, air content and unit weight; and in the hardened state, concerning its resistance to compression and traction. In addition, a mathematical model was used to determine its durability based on the degree of permeability to chloride ion. Finally, the results of resistance and properties in fresh state were collected, the analysis of the cost per m3 of design, the amount of CO2 emissions was added and based on these criteria a ranking was carried out in order to obtain three optimal mixtures.
The results indicate that concrete with rubber and microsilica in a fresh state increases slump over time and air content and decreases density. In the hardened state, the resistance to compression, traction and durability decrease. In addition, costs with respect to the conventional one by up to S / 39.50 and the carbon footprint is reduced by up to 56.19 kg CO2 per cubic meter when 15% of sand is replaced by rubber and 2% of cement by microsilica. / Tesis
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La construction durable : étude juridique comparative / Maroc-France / Sustainable construction : a comparative legal study / Morocco-FranceBouroubat, Khadija 05 December 2016 (has links)
La présente étude a pour objet de savoir si le Maroc en tant que pays en voie de développement dispose de dispositifs juridiques lui permettant de construire durablement.Le rapport Meadows publié en 1972 annonçant « les limites de la croissance » a incité la communauté internationale à prendre conscience de l’urgence écologique et à agir. Ainsi, plusieurs conférences internationales ont été organisées afin de mettre en place une nouvelle vision de l’avenir de l’humanité. C’est dans ce contexte international marqué par l’accroissement du conflit entre les préoccupations environnementales et le développement économique que la notion de développement durable a vu le jour. Le secteur de la construction parait-il le mieux à pouvoir intégrer ces préoccupations.Un bâtiment durable doit être pensé dès sa conception. Tout le cycle de vie de l’ouvrage a un impact sur l’environnement. C’est pourquoi son développement est subordonné à l’adoption d’un cadre juridique imposant le recours à des matériaux de construction écologique, à la gestion des déchets, à la préservation de la qualité de l’eau, du sol et de l’air et à la réalisation de la performance énergétique. Ces dispositions impliquent de nouvelles exigences qui vont changer les méthodes et pratiques des intervenants et contribuer à une coopération renforcée dans le cadre de la construction. Ainsi, il sera primordial de mettre la lumière sur la responsabilité de ces professionnels. La construction durable a un coût. Son développement doit être appuyé par des règles d’urbanisme, par des incitations financières et par la normalisation et la certification des bâtiments selon les référentiels de l’association haute qualité environnementale. / This study aims to explore the possibility for Morocco as developing country and booming economy to succeed in integrating sustainable development in the construction sector in the same way as his French counterpart.The Meadows report published in 1972 announcing « the limits togrowth » was intended to encourage international community to become aware of the ecological emergency and to act.Thus, a number of international conférences were organized in order to establish a new vision for the future of humanity. It is in this international context marked by the increase conflict between environmental concerns and economic development that the concept of sustainable development was born. The construction fiel dit seems able to integrate these concerns.A sustainable building must be thought fromits conception. All the life cycle of the work has an impact on the environment.That’s whyhis development is subordinated to the adoption of a legal frame work imposing the use of environment-freindly construction materials, waste management, conservation of the quality of the water, the ground and the air and to realization of the energy performance. These rules involve new requirements which are going to change the methods and the practices and contribute to an enhanced coopération gram work or construction. It is there forevery important to shed light on liability of professionals. Sustainable construction has a cost.It’s development must be supported by rules of urban construction, by Financial incentives and by normalization and certification of buildings according to the reference tables of the high quality environmental association.
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Budova občanské vybavenosti / Civic amenities buildingNetopilíková, Markéta January 2022 (has links)
The aim of master‘s project is to design a new building of the office building in the cadastre area of Rohatec. The project is divided into three parts. The first part deals with the design of environment friendly and sustainable building. The second part is focused on the design of building services and the processing of building energy services. The third part is focused on the modeling of the noise study, the assessment of the soundproofing of the external cladding and the assessment of the reverberation time.
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Kartläggning av problem vid projektering, installation och drift av värmepumpar / Mapping of problems with the design, installation and operation of heat pumpsÅhlander Pettersson, Victoria, Mattsson, Anton January 2018 (has links)
För att kunna utföra energieffektiviserande åtgärder i en befintlig byggnad, och generera ett bra utfall, krävs goda kunskaper om projektet. Detta betyder att alla discipliner måste ha ett gott samarbete och att varje disciplin måste ta sitt ansvar för uppgiften. Det är inte alltid som utfallet blir det optimala. En sammanställning i tabellform kan tydligt påvisa de frekventa problemen. Detta har genom att belysa de problem som uppstår i samband med projektering, installation och drift av värmepumpar i tre olika fall genererat en sammanställd tabell. Resultatet visar att åtta olika problem förekommer och samtliga resultat förklaras och analyseras. Genom att påvisa svagheter, och ge förslag på möjliga åtgärder kan problem med projektering, installation och drift av värmepumpar minska. / In order to be able to perform energy efficiency measures in an existing building, and generate a good outcome, good knowledge of the project is required. This means that all disciplines must have a good cooperation and that each discipline must take responsibility for the task. It is not always that the outcome will be optimal. A summary in tabular form can clearly identify the frequent problems. This is done by highlighting the problems that arise in connection with the design, installation and operation of heat pumps in three different cases, generating a compiled table. The result shows that eight different problems occur and all results are explained and analyzed. By detecting weaknesses, and suggesting possible measures, problems with the design, installation and operation of heat pumps may decrease.
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Kartläggning av barriärer sombromsar EPC-marknadensutveckling : En empirisk studie i SverigePalén, Jennifer January 2018 (has links)
I Sverige står bostad- och servicesektorn för 40 procent av landets totala energianvändningoch utfaller således i en högre förbrukning än både transport- och industrisektorn. Entredjedel av denna energi förbrukas inom de 90 miljoner kvadratmeter ägda av offentligsektor. I dagsläget erbjuder den svenska marknaden ett antal olikaenergieffektiviseringstjänster inom offentlig sektor. Energy Performance Contracting, (EPC), ären av dem. Denna typ av energitjänstemodell bygger på att EPC-leverantören hjälperbeställaren att ta ett helhetsgrepp på fastighetsbeståndets energi- och drifteffektivisering, föratt sedan ingå i ett långsiktigt avtal om energieffektiviseringsåtgärder och garantibesparingar.De formulerade åtgärderna finansieras därmed av framtida garanterade energibesparingar,garantier som undertecknas av EPC-leverantören. Genom att ingå i ett EPC-avtal kankommuners ekonomiska risker minimeras och fastighetsbeståndet uppgraderas samtidigtsom internationella och nationella klimat- och miljömål kan nås.Energibehovet i Sverige ökar ständigt och förutspås fortsätta stiga. Europaparlamentet ochEuropeiska unionens råd beskriver i sina direktiv att takten för energieffektivbyggnadsrenovering fordras öka för att det förhöjda behovet skall kunna möta allt striktaremiljökrav. Den antropogena globala uppvärmningen resulterar i extrema väderförhållandenoch orsakar förödande konsekvenser på olika delar av vår planet. Värmeböljor, ökenbildning,flyktingströmmar och svält är några av de allvarligaste följderna. Hållbar energianvändning ärdärför oerhört viktigt för att jorden skall fortsätta att vara en plats att leva på. 90 procent avde fastigheter vi har idag kommer att finnas kvar år 2050, och energieffektivisering i sambandmed renovering är därför avgörande för minskning av den totala energianvändningen inomsektorn. Trots flertalet goda exempel på nöjda kunder och kalkyler som visar på stor potentialhar enbart en tredjedel av Sveriges kommuner beslutat om att genomföra ett EPC-projektunder de knappa 20 åren som marknaden funnits. I dagsläget är marknaden nästintillobefintlig.En empirisk studie genomfördes där 20 intervjuer hölls mot beställare, entreprenörer ochområdesexperter för att definiera barriärer som begränsar EPCs utveckling i avsikt attförstärka positionen på marknaden. Studien visade att de mest påtagliga barriärerna för EPCär avsaknad av ansvarskänsla för energieffektivisering hos kommuner följt av frånvaro avincitament att arbeta med de satta målen. Låg beställarkompetens beträffande tekniskbefogenhet och allmän kunskap om energieffektivisering och hållbar energianvändning ledertill problematik att ta till sig EPC och släppa in entreprenör vilket är nästa barriär. Utöver detäven mytspridning som gett EPC dåligt rykte. Genom att likaledes definiera incitament attgenomföra ett EPC-projekt kan en klar bild av ursprungsläget målas upp för att tillsammansmed de konstaterade barriärerna förändra positionen. Intervjuerna visade att drivkrafternaatt genomföra ett EPC projekt kunde sammanfattas till viljan att ta ett helhetsgrepp påeftersatt underhåll och öka tekniknivån samtidigt som man sparar energi. Studien ämnarsåledes åt att förstå vad som saknas för att vilja nå dessa positiva effekter. / The housing and services sector in Sweden constitutes 40 percent of the country’s totalenergy consumption, resulting in higher consumption than both the transport and industrysectors. One third of that energy consumed is utilised throughout the 90 million square meterarea owned by the public sector. There is a number of different companies that currentlyoffers energy efficiency services to the public sector, and Energy Performance Contracting(EPC) is one of them. The EPC model is based on the concept that the property owner obtainshelp from an energy service provider, in order to adopt a holistic approach towards energyefficiency measures and warranty savings. The contractor, which in this case is the EPCsupplier,provides the warranty by signing a long-term agreement on the calculated energyreduction. By committing to an EPC agreement, the municipalities' financial risks can beminimised, properties upgraded as well as contributing towards the attainment ofinternational and national climate and environmental goals.Energy demand is continuously increasing and it is predicted to continue to rise. TheEuropean Parliament and the Council of the European Union state in their directives that thepace of energy efficient property renovation must increase, in order to meet ever morestringent environmental requirements. Anthropogenic global warming has resulted inextreme weather conditions causing devastating consequences to our planet, with heatwaves, desertification, refugee flows and starvation being some of the most serious.Sustainable energy utilization is therefore critical to maintain the earth’s inhabitability. 90percent of the properties we have today will still exist in 2050. That is why energy efficiency inconnection with renovation is crucial for reducing overall energy usage within the sector.Despite many good examples of satisfied customers and economically viable implementationsshowing great potential, only a third of Sweden's municipalities have decided to implementan EPC project. Hence, there is currently no substantial market for EPC projects.To identify what is needed to strengthen EPC's position on the market, an empirical study wasconducted where 20 interviews were held with clients, entrepreneurs and industry experts.The study revealed that the most significant barriers facing the EPC market are the lack ofsense of responsibility for energy efficiency within municipalities, followed by the absence ofmeasures incentivising attainment of the set targets. A further barrier is the customer´s lackof technical competence and general knowledge regarding energy efficiency and sustainableenergy usage resulting in problems in adoption and implementation of EPC, which in turnresults in EPC getting a bad reputation. The interviews demonstrated that the driving forcesencouraging the implementation of an EPC project could be summarized as the desire to takea holistic approach to neglect maintenance and increase the technology standard, whilstsaving energy at the same time. The analysis provides a clear picture of the current state ofthe EPC market, both in terms of barriers to its development and possible incentives requiredin order to encourage implementation of EPC projects. The study aims to provide insight intowhat measures can be taken to increase the market appeal of EPCs.
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[pt] Eventos globais como as mudanças climáticas, crescimento populacional e
expansão urbana trazem o foco para a contribuição do ambiente construído na
sustentabilidade das cidades. Visto que o setor da construção civil é um dos
maiores responsáveis pelo consumo de recursos naturais, geração de resíduos e
emissão de poluentes, uma significativa mudança de paradigma no setor se faz
necessária. Por sua vez, o papel dos profissionais do mercado de arquitetura e
urbanismo no desenvolvimento de projetos é estratégico na efetiva
transformação desse cenário. É preciso que os processos de projeto sejam mais
integrados, colaborativos e eficientes para que as edificações desenvolvidas
contemplem soluções multidisciplinares que priorizem a redução do consumo de
recursos naturais, que viabilizem o alto desempenho dos sistemas e garantam o
conforto dos usuários. Ainda que as estratégias e soluções para o
desenvolvimento de edificações sustentáveis sejam diversas e que a arquitetura
integrada aos condicionantes ambientais seja prática comum no processo de
projeto dos escritórios entrevistados, há desafios enfrentados no mercado que
impactam a qualidade ambiental e a eficiência dos projetos. A priorização por
custos iniciais mais baixos, a carência tanto de incentivos fiscais quanto de
regulamentações específicas voltados à construção sustentável e a baixa cultura
de planejamento do mercado nacional foram alguns dos principais desafios
identificados. Apesar dos desafios, a compreensão sobre a importância da
sustentabilidade no ambiente construído é unânime entre os entrevistados,
assim como a atuação efetiva dos mesmos como agentes transformadores do
cenário ambiental através da prática profissional ainda que muito precise ser
realizado. / [en] Global events have been held for decades, with a view at ensuring the collective commitment among countries on planning and carrying out actions to stop and reverse the environmental degradation of the planet.The UN Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm in 1972 and the World Commission on Environment and Development, held in 1983, were some of the main events leading up to the discussion of parameters and goals that culminated in the Agenda 21 (HANDL, 2012; LAYRARGUES, 1997; ONU, 2015), predecessor of the current Agenda 2030, which includes the 17 Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs, launched by the UN in 2015 (MMA, 2020).In the same year, the SDGs were launched and, during the 21st United Nations Climate Change Conference – COP21, the Paris Agreement was set out with main focus on actions to address climate change and its resulting impacts (MMA, 2020).Cities concentrate more than 50 percent of the population of the planet (PNUD BRASIL, 2020) and buildings alone account for 40 percent of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Therefore, architects and other players in the construction sector have a professional and ethical duty” to lead the transformation of such scenario, not only to minimize negative environmental impacts but also to establish robust and resilient solutions to a future of extreme weather events” (RIBA, 2019).The identification of the socio-economic relevance of the construction industry in Brazil (IBGE, 2020), the severity of the long-term environmental impacts generated by buildings (RIBA, 2019) and the design as the starting point of the life cycle of a building (DEGANI & CARDOSO, 2002) leads to the search, in this study, to identify the processes and design strategies that contribute to achieve sustainability in buildings, as well as to understand the role and performance of architecture professionals in this scenario.To do so, a literature review on the subject has been conducted and interviews have been carried out with some of the main architecture offices operating in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, given their importance in the Brazilian scenario.
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Byggnadskonstruktörens möjligheter att påverka valet av trä som stommaterial / The structural engineers possibilities to influence the choice of wood as frame materialCefalk, Rickard, Wetterö, Alva January 2024 (has links)
Syfte - I Sverige står bygg- och fastighetssektorn för cirka en femtedel av de totala växthusgasutsläppen. Detta är ett problem och det är bråttom med åtgärder och lösningar om Sverige ska kunna nå sina klimatmål att år 2045 inte ha några nettoutsläpp av växthusgaser. Tillverkning av byggmaterial är en av de mest bidragande orsakerna för branschens utsläpp. Det finns fler än ett sätt att tackla denna utmaning på, men genom att titta på en byggnads mest klimatpåverkande delar, är den största möjligheten att minska en byggnads klimatpåverkan genom att se över valet av stommaterial. Trots detta byggs fortfarande cirka 80 procent av alla flerbostadshus med betongstomme kontra 14 procent med trä. Det är bevisat att en ökning av användandet av trä skulle kunna sänka koldioxidutsläppen avsevärt. I denna studie undersöks byggnadskonstruktörens möjligheter att påverka valet av stommaterial genom att identifiera i vilket skede beslut tas, vilka de beslutsgrundande faktorerna är och vilka möjligheter och utmaningar som byggnadskonstruktörer upplever påverkar deras inflytande. Metod - Undersökningen är en fallstudie med kvalitativ inriktning där intervjuer och dokumentstudie valdes som datainsamlingstekniker. Intervjuerna genomfördes med beställare, projektledare och byggnadskonstruktörer som varit eller är delaktiga i projekt där korslimmat och/eller limträ ingår som konstruktionselement. Dokumentstudien genomfördes på förfrågningsunderlag som syftade till att komplettera studiens mål. Resultat och analys – Kunskapen om trä som stommaterial anses relativt låg. Flera respondenter har mest kunskap inom betong och stål. Vetskapen om hållbart byggande är stor, men det är svårare att realisera det i praktiken. Beslut om stommaterial tas oftast i förstudien eller programskedet. Beställaren har störst inflytande i valet av stommaterial och den ekonomiska faktorn är vanligtvis avgörande. Byggnadskonstruktörens möjligheter att påverka är goda men begränsade och varierar beroende på entreprenadform, projekt och beror även på i vilket skede som konstruktören involveras. För att ge konstruktören ett större inflytande i valet av stommaterial visar resultatet att det krävs högre miljökrav, men även fler politiska initiativ. Diskussion – Resultatet går i linje med tidigare forskning och studiens teoretiska ramverk. Det är träets klimatfördelar som har störst positiv påverkan på användningen av trä men resultatet visar att kostnad är den mest avgörande faktorn. Teorier visar att utmaningar med fukt, brand, akustik och kunskapsbrist bromsar användningen av trä, vilket denna studie samstämmer med. Resultatet går i linje med teorier som belyser att ingenjörer har relativt lågt inflytande i byggvärdekedjan. Beställare och entreprenörer har störst inflytande. Byggnadskonstruktörens möjligheter att påverka är därför begränsade och varierar beroende på entreprenadform och projekt. Teorierna stärker att det krävs högre miljökrav för att gynna användningen av trä. / Purpose – In Sweden, the construction and real estate sector accounts for around one fifth of the total greenhouse gas emissions. This is a problem and requires urgent action and solutions if Sweden is to meet its climate targets of zero net greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. The production of building materials is one of the main contributors to the industry’s emission. There is more than one way to approach this challenge, but by looking at the most climate-impacting parts of a building, it shows that the biggest opportunity to reduce a building’s climate impact is to review the choice of frame material. Despite this, around 80 percent of apartment buildings are still built with a concrete frame and only 14 percent with wood, which has been proven to significantly reduce carbon emissions. This study aims to examine the structural engineer’s ability to influence the choice of frame material by identifying the stage at which decisions are made, what the decision-making factors are, and what opportunities and challenges structural engineers experience that affect their influence. Method – The study is a case-study with qualitative focus where interviews and document study were chosen as data collection techniques. The interviews were conducted with client, project managers and structural engineers who have been or are involved in projects where cross laminated timber and/or glulam are included as structural elements. The document study was carried out on tender documents and aimed to complement the objectives of the study. Results and analysis – Knowledge of wood as a structural material is considered relatively low. Several respondents have most knowledge of concrete and steel. The awareness of sustainable building is high but is considered difficult to put to practice. Results show that decisions on frame materials are usually made in the pre-study or program phase. The client has the greatest influence and role in the choice of frame material and results show that the cost is decisive. The structural engineer’s opportunities to influence are good but limited and vary depending on the type of contract, project and the stage at which the engineer is involved. To give the structural engineer more influence in the choice of frame materials, the results show that more sustainability requirements and political initiatives are needed. Discussion – The results are in line with previous research and the theoretical framework of the study. The climate benefits of wood have the greatest positive impact on the use of wood, while the results show that cost is the biggest obstacle. Theories show that challenges with moisture, fire, acoustics and lack of knowledge slow down the use of wood, which this study agrees with. Results are in line with theories that highlight that engineers have relatively low influence in the construction value chain. Clients and contractors have the greatest influence. The structural engineer’s opportunities to influence are therefore limited and vary depending on the type of contract and project. According to respondents, more sustainability requirements and political initiatives are needed to increase the use of wood and the structural engineers influence in the choice of materials – which is supported by the theory.
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Estudio de la resistencia a la compresión y permeabilidad en unidades de albañilería de tierra reforzada con estiércol de Equus asinus y estearato de calcioCampos Manayay, Ernesto Alonso January 2024 (has links)
La Tierra es uno de los recursos constructivos más empleados globalmente. Sin embargo, su aplicación en áreas propensas a terremotos y su susceptibilidad a la erosión por agua son aspectos que generan inquietud entre los ingenieros.
La investigación se enfocó en integrar estiércol de Equus asinus en la producción de unidades de tierra reforzada con el fin de aumentar su resistencia a la compresión y tracción, además de explorar el efecto de aplicar estearato de calcio en su superficie para disminuir su permeabilidad.
Se llevaron a cabo pruebas tanto en campo como en laboratorio para elegir la cantera de suelo y el agua a emplear. Se analizaron las características mecánicas (compresión y tracción) de los bloques de tierra reforzada según lo estipulado en la norma E.080. Además, se sugirieron pruebas de absorción e inundación simulada para evaluar la permeabilidad.
Los resultados indicaron un aumento del 19% en la resistencia a la compresión y un 50% en la resistencia a la tracción a nivel de unidades, y del 20% y 22% respectivamente a nivel de muros. El uso de estearato de calcio como recubrimiento permitió que las muestras absorbieran temporalmente agua sin desintegrarse, retrasando su deterioro. Por último, se determinó un aumento del 19.20% del precio de asentamiento con unidades de tierra reforzada y recubrimiento con estearato de calcio.
En conclusión, la adición de estiércol de Equus asinus al 6% y el recubrimiento de estearato de calcio mejoran tanto las propiedades mecánicas como las hidrofóbicas de las unidades de tierra reforzada, con un pequeño aumento en su costo de producción. / Earth is one of the most commonly used construction materials. However, its application in earthquake-prone areas and susceptibility to water erosion are concerns for engineers.
This research aimed to enhance the compression and traction resistance of earth units by integrating Equus asinus manure into their production. Additionally, it explored the effectiveness of applying calcium stearate to the surface to reduce permeability.
Field and laboratory tests were conducted to select the soil quarry and water source.
Mechanical properties (compression and traction) of the reinforced earth blocks were analyzed according to the E.080 standard. Furthermore, absorption and simulated flooding tests were suggested to evaluate permeability.
Results indicated a 19% increase in compression resistance and a 50% increase in traction resistance at the unit level, and 20% and 22%, respectively, at the wall level. Coating with calcium stearate allowed samples to temporarily absorb water without disintegration, thus delaying deterioration. Lastly, a 19.20% increase in settlement price was observed with reinforced earth units and calcium stearate coating.
In conclusion, the addition of 6% Equus asinus manure and calcium stearate coating improve both the mechanical and hydrophobic properties of reinforced earth units, albeit with a slight increase in production cost.
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Evaluación de la permeabilidad de los revestimientos de muros de ladrillos incorporando al mortero sulfato de calcio con adición ceniza DelonixMuñoz Chaname, Johan Walter January 2024 (has links)
El proyecto se direcciona a aumentar la característica de revestimientos en muros de ladrillos,
utilizando una mezcla de mortero que incorpora sulfato de calcio con ceniza Delonix. Para
lograr este objetivo, se realizaron pruebas y ensayos para caracterizar las variantes de
dosificaciones del mortero, la resistencia a compresión para espécimen de cúbicos, la
permeabilidad en muretes recubiertos con ceniza Delonix, también un análisis de los costos
unitario para la fabricación. Además, de evaluar los objetivos específicos para evaluar la
resistencia de las perspectivas y encontrar la propuesta más efectiva de la mezcla para mejorar
sus características. Los datos obtenidos de los ensayos se muestran con tablas y se describen
los procedimientos para realizar ensayos de inundación simulada y medir la capacidad de los
muros. En general, el proyecto busca una solución técnica para mejorar la resistencia y la
permeabilidad de los revestimientos de muros de ladrillos en edificios en Perú. / The project is aimed at increasing the coating characteristics of brick walls, using a mortar
mixture that incorporates calcium sulfate with Delonix ash. To achieve this objective, tests and
trials were carried out to characterize the mortar dosage variants, the compressive strength for
50 mm cubic specimen, the permeability in walls coated with Delonix ash, as well as an analysis
of the unit costs for manufacturing. In addition, to evaluate the specific objectives to evaluate
the resistance of the prospects and to find the most effective proposal of the mixture to improve
its characteristics. The data obtained from the tests are shown with tables and the procedures
for performing simulated flood tests and measuring the capacity of the walls are described. In
general, the project seeks a technical solution to improve the strength and permeability of brick
wall cladding in buildings in Peru.
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