Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] TELICITY"" "subject:"[enn] TELICITY""
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An Exo-Skeletal Analysis of Complex-Path Motion Predicates in Taiwan MandarinPin-Hsi Chen (11021115) 23 July 2021 (has links)
This study analyzes the syntactic structure of motion predicates in Mandarin, with a specific focus on how the language expresses paths of motion and telicity. It adopts a generative-constructionist model called the Exo-Skeletal Model. Data were gathered from three native speakers of Mandarin living in Taiwan, using video prompts depicting various types of motion events. Upon seeing a prompt, the speakers produced a sentence or sentences describing the event in the prompt. Based on the data, this study points out a number of syntactic patterns unique to Mandarin, and it proposes an explanatory account of these patterns.
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[pt] Este estudo investiga os comportamentos de processamento de um grupo de
Brasileiros bilíngues instrucionados de português L1 e inglês L2, (n igual a 21), e um grupo
de monolíngues de inglês norte-americano (n igual a 11) durante a sua compreensão de
sentenças no present perfect (vs. simple past) em uma tarefa on-line de leitura auto-monitorada (Self-Paced Reading - SPR). Uma medida off-line, Tarefa de Julgamento
de Aceitabilidade (Acceptability Judgment Task - AJT) foi utilizado como uma linha de
base de conhcimento explícito da estrutura. Os resultados são comparados,
qualitativamente, entre o grupo do monolíngue e bilíngue para investigar a
sensibilidade, de cada grupo, às manipulações experimentais em tempo/aspecto,
correspondência adverbial, e telicidade. O present perfect foi usado para os estímulos,
pois é um tempo verbal do inglês adquirido mais tardiamente o que permite estudar as
estratégias de processamento de bilíngues de nível mais avançado. Ambos os grupos
foram capazes de reconhecer incongruências na atividade off-line. No entanto, o grupo
monolíngue não foi sensível à condição de incongruência adverbial em tempo real, na
atividade SPR. Por outro lado, o grupo bilíngue mostrou-se mais sensível a variável da
incongruência adverbial, apresentando um comportamento que indica uma facilitação
(automatização) de processamento da condição. O grupo monolíngue mostrou
sensibilidade significativo às manipulações de telicidade em várias regiões do sintagma
verbal. Diferenças entre os dois grupos foram observadas nas suas distribuições de
tempos de leitura entre as condições em várias regiões da frase e elas são discutidas em
termos de estratégias de processamento. Os monolíngues apresentaram efeitos de
processamento integrativo no final da frase, os quais não são observados no grupo
bilíngue. Atualmente, não há estudos com condições experimentais semelhantes que
investiguem como os brasileiros bilíngues, avançados em inglês comportam na
compreensão on-line de sentenças em inglês no present perfect. / [en] This study investigates the processing behaviors of a group of Brazilian
bilingual students, instructed, advanced English students (n equal 21), and an English
monolingual control group (n equal 11) during their comprehension of Present Perfect and
Simple Past sentences in an on-line, self-paced reading (SPR) task. An off-line
Acceptability Judgment Task (AJT) provides a baseline measure of explicit knowledge
in order to validate the on-line results. The results are compared, qualitatively, between
the bilingual and monolingual groups in order to investigate their sensitivity to
experimental manipulations in Tense/Aspect, adverbial (Mis)match, and Telicity. The
Present Perfect was used for the stimuli as it is a late-acquired feature of English which
allows for the study of processing strategy of advanced level students. While both
groups were able to recognize Mismatches off-line, monolinguals were not sensitive to
the Mismatch condition in the on-line experiment. Surprisingly, the bilingual group
showed more sensitivity to the adverbial Match variable, showing a processing
facilitation in the Match condition as well as some mismatch sensitivity as well. The
monolingual group showed significant effects for Telicity at multiple sentence regions.
Some qualitative differences were seen between the two groups in their reading-time
contours across the verb phrase. The monolinguals show within-group consistency
across multiple conditions and signs of integrative processing (wrap-up) effects in their
processing patterns which are not seen among the bilingual group. There are currently
no studies with similar experimental conditions which investigate the on-line
comprehension of the English Present Perfect with Brazilian Portuguese-English
bilinguals in comparison to American English monolinguals.
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Теличност као дистинктивно обележје аспектуалног значења у француском и српском језику / Teličnost kao distinktivno obeležje aspektualnog značenja u francuskom i srpskom jeziku / Telicity as a Distinctive Feature of Aspectual Meaning in French and in SerbianVilić Ivana 24 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Предмет рада је анализа семантичке категорије теличности као дистинктивног обележја аспектуалног значења у француском и српском језику. Теличност представља једно од семантичких, односно инхерентних аспектуалних особина глаголских лексема или синтагми и означава постојање крајње тачке у одвијању глаголске радње. У теорији концептуалне семантике (Jackendoff 1996) теличност се дефинише као ограничење Путање, једне од основних концептуалних категорија, која заједно са категоријама Догађај и Време чини структуру глаголске ситуације.<br />Циљ рада је анализа начина на које теличност учествује у стварању аспектуалног значења у француском и српском језику. У анализи су посматране семантичке класе глагола кретања, као и класе глагола извођења, стварања и трошења код којих важну улогу у изражавању теличности има директни објекат. Примењена метода контрастивне анализе открива да између француског и српског језика у начинима изражавања теличности највећа сличност постоји код глагола кретања: у француском ограниченост осе путање обележавају предлози à и jusque (+à/en), док предлог vers указује на неограниченост путање; у српском, ограниченост путање и достизање циља у току кретања изражавају предлошко-падежне конструкције са акузативом, док предлошко-падежне конструкције са дативом означавају да циљ у току кретања није достигнут и да је путања неограничена. У оба језика уочава се семантичка усклађеност између типа глаголске ситуације и предлога у француском, односно предлошко-падежних конструкција и глаголског вида у српском језику: уз ателичне глаголске ситуације у француском, односно неограниченотрајне глаголе у српском јављају се синтагме уведене предлогом, односно предлошко-падежном конструкцијом који такође означавају неограничену осу путање у процесу кретања (marcher/nager/courir vers – ходати/пливати/трчати према ка); уз глаголе који означавају тренутне радње, у француском теличне глаголске ситуације, а у српском глаголе свршеног вида, јављају се синтагме уведене предлогом, односно предлошко-падежне конструкције које указују да је оса путање у току кретања ограничена (arriver/venir/entrer à – стићи/доћи/ући у). Код семантичких класа глагола извођења, стварања и трошења у француском и српском језику, међутим, уочава се извесна разлика у погледу изражавања теличности. У француском језику концептуализација објекта као ограниченог или неограниченог учествује у изражавању теличности, те се глаголске ситуације у којима је објекат изражен као неограничен интерпретирају као ателичне (lire des romans/écrire des lettres/manger des oranges), док се глаголске ситуације које подразумевају постојање објекта актуализованог као ограниченог, целовитог појма, посматрају као теличне (lire les romans/écrire les lettres/manger les oranges). И у српском језику уочава се улога директног објекта у односу на теличност, али је она у вези са градилачким процесима. Код семантичких класа српских глагола извођења, стварања и трошења телични карактер глаголске ситуације обележава се непостојањем трећег члана видске опозиције у оним случајевима када перфективни облик глагола означава да је радња у потпуности протекла кроз објекат, односно када објекат настане или нестане у целости током глаголске радње (читати – прочитати – *прочитавати / писати – написати – *написавати / трошити – потрошити – *потрошивати). Уколико је објекат модификован или трансформисан, могуће је продужити радњу и тада постоји трећи члан видске опозиције (писати – уписати – уписивати). У оба језика, дакле, на концептуалном нивоу уочавају се истоветне појмовне категорије које се на структурно-језичком плану формализују на различите начине.</p> / <p>Predmet rada je analiza semantičke kategorije teličnosti kao distinktivnog obeležja aspektualnog značenja u francuskom i srpskom jeziku. Teličnost predstavlja jedno od semantičkih, odnosno inherentnih aspektualnih osobina glagolskih leksema ili sintagmi i označava postojanje krajnje tačke u odvijanju glagolske radnje. U teoriji konceptualne semantike (Jackendoff 1996) teličnost se definiše kao ograničenje Putanje, jedne od osnovnih konceptualnih kategorija, koja zajedno sa kategorijama Događaj i Vreme čini strukturu glagolske situacije.<br />Cilj rada je analiza načina na koje teličnost učestvuje u stvaranju aspektualnog značenja u francuskom i srpskom jeziku. U analizi su posmatrane semantičke klase glagola kretanja, kao i klase glagola izvođenja, stvaranja i trošenja kod kojih važnu ulogu u izražavanju teličnosti ima direktni objekat. Primenjena metoda kontrastivne analize otkriva da između francuskog i srpskog jezika u načinima izražavanja teličnosti najveća sličnost postoji kod glagola kretanja: u francuskom ograničenost ose putanje obeležavaju predlozi à i jusque (+à/en), dok predlog vers ukazuje na neograničenost putanje; u srpskom, ograničenost putanje i dostizanje cilja u toku kretanja izražavaju predloško-padežne konstrukcije sa akuzativom, dok predloško-padežne konstrukcije sa dativom označavaju da cilj u toku kretanja nije dostignut i da je putanja neograničena. U oba jezika uočava se semantička usklađenost između tipa glagolske situacije i predloga u francuskom, odnosno predloško-padežnih konstrukcija i glagolskog vida u srpskom jeziku: uz atelične glagolske situacije u francuskom, odnosno neograničenotrajne glagole u srpskom javljaju se sintagme uvedene predlogom, odnosno predloško-padežnom konstrukcijom koji takođe označavaju neograničenu osu putanje u procesu kretanja (marcher/nager/courir vers – hodati/plivati/trčati prema ka); uz glagole koji označavaju trenutne radnje, u francuskom telične glagolske situacije, a u srpskom glagole svršenog vida, javljaju se sintagme uvedene predlogom, odnosno predloško-padežne konstrukcije koje ukazuju da je osa putanje u toku kretanja ograničena (arriver/venir/entrer à – stići/doći/ući u). Kod semantičkih klasa glagola izvođenja, stvaranja i trošenja u francuskom i srpskom jeziku, međutim, uočava se izvesna razlika u pogledu izražavanja teličnosti. U francuskom jeziku konceptualizacija objekta kao ograničenog ili neograničenog učestvuje u izražavanju teličnosti, te se glagolske situacije u kojima je objekat izražen kao neograničen interpretiraju kao atelične (lire des romans/écrire des lettres/manger des oranges), dok se glagolske situacije koje podrazumevaju postojanje objekta aktualizovanog kao ograničenog, celovitog pojma, posmatraju kao telične (lire les romans/écrire les lettres/manger les oranges). I u srpskom jeziku uočava se uloga direktnog objekta u odnosu na teličnost, ali je ona u vezi sa gradilačkim procesima. Kod semantičkih klasa srpskih glagola izvođenja, stvaranja i trošenja telični karakter glagolske situacije obeležava se nepostojanjem trećeg člana vidske opozicije u onim slučajevima kada perfektivni oblik glagola označava da je radnja u potpunosti protekla kroz objekat, odnosno kada objekat nastane ili nestane u celosti tokom glagolske radnje (čitati – pročitati – *pročitavati / pisati – napisati – *napisavati / trošiti – potrošiti – *potrošivati). Ukoliko je objekat modifikovan ili transformisan, moguće je produžiti radnju i tada postoji treći član vidske opozicije (pisati – upisati – upisivati). U oba jezika, dakle, na konceptualnom nivou uočavaju se istovetne pojmovne kategorije koje se na strukturno-jezičkom planu formalizuju na različite načine.</p> / <p>This thesis analyzes the semantic category of telicity as a distinctive feature of aspectual meaning in French and Serbian. Telicity is one of the semantic, or inherent aspectual features of the verb or phrase and indicates the existence of endpoints of a verbal action. In The theory of conceptual semantics (Jackendoff 1996) telicity is defined as boundedness of the Path, one of the basic conceptual categories, which together with the categories of Event and Time, constitute the structure of verb situations.<br />The aim of the thesis is to analyze the ways in which telicity affects the creation of aspectual meaning in French and Serbian. The analysis was applied to the semantic class of verbs of motion, as well as the class of verbs of performance, creation and consumption for which the direct object plays an important role in expressing telicity. The applied method of contrastive analysis reveals that the greatest similarity between French and Serbian exists in the ways of expressing telicity with verbs of motion. In French, boundedness of the path is indicated by the prepositions à and jusque (+ à / en), while the preposition vers indicates boundlessness. In Serbian, boundedness of the path and reaching the goal during movement is expressed by preposition-case constructions with the accusative, while preposition-case constructions with the dative indicate that the goal is not reached during movement, and that the trajectory is unlimited. In both languages semantic consistency between the type of verb situation and preposition in French, or the preposition-case construction and verb aspect in Serbian can be observed. Syntagmatically foreseen prepositions occur with atelic verb situations in French, or durative verbs in Serbian and preposition-case constructions which also indicate the boundlessness of the path in the process of movement (marcher/nager/courir vers – hоdati/plivati/trčati prema ka); verbs that denote punctual actions in French, i.e. telic verb situations, and in Serbian, verbs in the perfect aspect occur with the syntagmatically foreseen preposition, or preposition-case constructions which indicate that the trajectory during movement is limited (arriver/venir/entrer à – stići/dоći/ući u). In the semantic class of verbs of performance, creation and consumption in French and Serbian, however, we can see certain differences in terms of expressing telicity. In French, conceptualization of the object as limited or unlimited participates in expressing telicity, verb situations in which the object is expressed as an unlimited are interpreted as atelic (lire des romans/écrire des lettres/manger des oranges) while verb situations which imply the existence of the object as a limited, unique concept, are regarded as telic (lire les romans/écrire les lettres/manger les oranges). In Serbian, the role of the direct object in relation to telicity can also be observed, but it is related to derivational processes. With the semantic classes of Serbian verbs of performance, creation and consumption the telic character of the verb situation is marked by the absence of the third member of the aspectual opposition in those cases where the perfective form of the verb indicates that the action completely passed through the object, or when the object is completely created or consumed during the verbal action (čitati – prоčitati – *prоčitavati / pisati – napisati – *napisavati / trоšiti – pоtrоšiti – *pоtrоšivati). If the object has been modified or transformed, the verb action can be prolonged and the aspectual opposition admits the third form (pisati – upisati – upisivati). In both languages the conceptual level, therefore, reveals identical conceptual categories that in the structural-linguistic plan are formalized in different ways.</p>
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The Preverb <i>Eis-</i> and Koine Greek AktionsartShain, Rachel M. 26 June 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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O efeito grau máximo sobre os domínios: como \'todo\' modifica a relação argumento-predicado / The maximal degree effect: how todo modifies the predicationGomes, Ana Paula Quadros 19 February 2009 (has links)
Esta tese investiga o modo de organização dos domínios nominal, verbal e dos adjetivos em Português do Brasil (PB), tendo como guia a aceitabilidade de sentenças com todo. Para o inglês, a natureza do parâmetro orienta a seleção de argumentos por operadores; já para o PB, o que importa é a oposição entre tipos de escala. O PB não tem determinantes que distingam entre nome contável e massivo, como much e many. O operador aspectual progressivo não modifica estados em inglês, mas em PB sim. Em inglês, very seleciona adjetivos de parâmetro relativo. Em PB, muito + adjetivo tem parâmetro relativo, e todo + adjetivo tem parâmetro absoluto. Todo é um operador interdomínios, sensível aos tipos de escala. Todo modifica a relação de predicação. Todo impõe condições (quantitativas) sobre como a saturação de um predicado por certo argumento deve ocorrer. Todo não é nem um modificador nominal, nem um quantificador canônico como cada. Todo não cria, apenas modifica uma relação existente. A distribuição que ocorre em sentenças com todo é uma entre as muitas formas de saturação de um predicado por um argumento: uma relação incremental. Se o argumento for quantizado, o predicado necessariamente também se tornará quantizado. Analisamos uma descrição definida (DD) como um sintagma de medida (SM). O artigo definido torna um predicado nominal em denotação quantizada, mas todo não. Relacionamos ser quantizado a ser argumental, e ser cumulativo a ser predicativo. E associamos sentidos diferentes às posições de todo na sentença. / This thesis takes the distribution of todo as a probe for the structure of nominal, verbal and adjective domains in Brazilian Portuguese (BP). Todo is a Degree Modifier (DM) and is sensitive to scale structure. English DMs (e.g., very) select adjectives by their standards; the BP DMs select adjectives only by their scale structure. However, they produce phrases with standard specialization. Todo + adjective shows absolute standard interpretation. We claim that the domains show the same properties in both languages, but the nature of scale standard matters in a distinct level for each one. We claim that todo is neither a noun modifier nor a true quantifier. Todo is a relation modifier. Todo modifies the way the argument saturates the predicate. A quantized incremental argument will make the predicate quantized as well. Todo is not the true source of distributivity, since incremental relations occur even in its absence. Definite Descriptions are treated as measure phrases. The definite article relates noun predicates to situations. So it will change a bare noun into a quantized denotation, which todo cannot do. Each land site corresponds to a different meaning for floating todo.
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Aspekt ve verbonominálním predikátu s kategoriálním slovesem / Aspect in French Light Verb ConstructionsVENUŠOVÁ, Alena January 2018 (has links)
The dissertation deals with aspect in light verb constructions in French (LVCs). Light verb predicates such as faire du doublage, faire une découverte, and donner un conseil, constitute a specific kind of verb-noun construction recognizable by two transformational tests i.e., the cancellation test and the argument co-reference test. From the aspectual point of view, there are three parameters to be recognized: the lexical aspect (states, processes, events), grammatical aspect (perfectivity, imperfectivity), and aktionsart (quantity, quality, and phase of action). Being the semantical root of LVCs, the predicative noun is a starting point for aspectual analysis, nevertheless this aspectual interpretation is drawn from the whole sentence and takes account of the whole LVC, as well as of other aspectually relevant components (aspect shifting and aspectual composition). The objective of the research is to clarify the aspectual properties of the predicative noun and examine whether and how the principle of lexical aspect shifting is applied in the context of LCVs with a focus on the role of semantics (creation, motion containing a goal destination), of the predicative noun's complement (its quantization and cumulativity), countability, and determination of the predicative noun. It is observed that countability marked by articles has a crucial effect on the interpretation of the lexical aspect and aktionsart (faire un saut - sauter une fois, faire un emballage - emballer un cadeau, *emballer une fois). The research is based upon a systematic use of real corpora contexts (InterCorp 2018, FrWac, araneum), French lexicon-grammar data (Maurice Gross and his colleagues), and native-speaker competence.
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Subsective gradience in 2nd participles : an aspectual approach to adjectival passives and attributive participles in EnglishAljohani, Samirah January 2018 (has links)
This study investigates the adjectival passive, in accordance with Beedham's (2005, 1982) analysis of the passive as an aspect, with the caveat that telicity is an optimal, not sufficient, condition. The affinity of the adjectival passive with attributive participles and the existence of implicit agents in adjectival passives has divided opinion amongst linguists. The thesis deploys grammaticality judgment questionnaires surveying 1043 2nd participles and a corpus-based study investigating 1035 2nd participles. A subsective gradience (Aarts 2007, 2006, 2004) is modelled on five morpho-syntactic properties of 2nd participles: attributive function without modification, attributive function with modification, adjectival, verbal and prepositional passive, measuring formally the ability of 2nd participles to function like adjectives. The thesis consists of seven chapters. Chapter one introduces the research questions, adjectival passives and theoretical background. Chapter two reviews the aspect analysis, telicity, offers a qualification, and sets the theoretical approach. Chapter three is about the data and methodology. Chapter four discusses the affinity between adjectival passive and attributive participles. Chapter five discusses subsective gradience. Chapter six discusses the implications of the findings. Chapter seven gives a summary and conclusion. The empirical findings in our study provide further evidence in support of a subsective gradience in 2nd participles indicative of how ‘adjectival' a participle can be, on a continuum or gradient ranging from ‘verby' 2nd participles – relatively low compatibility with adjectival properties – to very adjectival 2nd participles. 2nd participles in this study are shown to have an inherent meaning of ‘action + state'. 2nd participles which form adjectival passives function attributively and form verbal passives. However, a 2nd participle functioning attributively does not entail that it will form an adjectival passive. There is evidence that attributive un- participles can host manner adverbials. It was also found that the interpretation of attributive participles goes beyond a simple passive/perfect dichotomy, and there are cases whereby a 2nd participle modifies an NP that is not an argument of the corresponding verb. This study makes a contribution to the wider analysis of the adjectival passive and provides further support for the similarity between adjectival and verbal passives.
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O efeito grau máximo sobre os domínios: como \'todo\' modifica a relação argumento-predicado / The maximal degree effect: how todo modifies the predicationAna Paula Quadros Gomes 19 February 2009 (has links)
Esta tese investiga o modo de organização dos domínios nominal, verbal e dos adjetivos em Português do Brasil (PB), tendo como guia a aceitabilidade de sentenças com todo. Para o inglês, a natureza do parâmetro orienta a seleção de argumentos por operadores; já para o PB, o que importa é a oposição entre tipos de escala. O PB não tem determinantes que distingam entre nome contável e massivo, como much e many. O operador aspectual progressivo não modifica estados em inglês, mas em PB sim. Em inglês, very seleciona adjetivos de parâmetro relativo. Em PB, muito + adjetivo tem parâmetro relativo, e todo + adjetivo tem parâmetro absoluto. Todo é um operador interdomínios, sensível aos tipos de escala. Todo modifica a relação de predicação. Todo impõe condições (quantitativas) sobre como a saturação de um predicado por certo argumento deve ocorrer. Todo não é nem um modificador nominal, nem um quantificador canônico como cada. Todo não cria, apenas modifica uma relação existente. A distribuição que ocorre em sentenças com todo é uma entre as muitas formas de saturação de um predicado por um argumento: uma relação incremental. Se o argumento for quantizado, o predicado necessariamente também se tornará quantizado. Analisamos uma descrição definida (DD) como um sintagma de medida (SM). O artigo definido torna um predicado nominal em denotação quantizada, mas todo não. Relacionamos ser quantizado a ser argumental, e ser cumulativo a ser predicativo. E associamos sentidos diferentes às posições de todo na sentença. / This thesis takes the distribution of todo as a probe for the structure of nominal, verbal and adjective domains in Brazilian Portuguese (BP). Todo is a Degree Modifier (DM) and is sensitive to scale structure. English DMs (e.g., very) select adjectives by their standards; the BP DMs select adjectives only by their scale structure. However, they produce phrases with standard specialization. Todo + adjective shows absolute standard interpretation. We claim that the domains show the same properties in both languages, but the nature of scale standard matters in a distinct level for each one. We claim that todo is neither a noun modifier nor a true quantifier. Todo is a relation modifier. Todo modifies the way the argument saturates the predicate. A quantized incremental argument will make the predicate quantized as well. Todo is not the true source of distributivity, since incremental relations occur even in its absence. Definite Descriptions are treated as measure phrases. The definite article relates noun predicates to situations. So it will change a bare noun into a quantized denotation, which todo cannot do. Each land site corresponds to a different meaning for floating todo.
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Analýza profilů chování iterativních sloves v latině / Analysis of Behavioural Profiles of Iterative Verbs in LatinHrach, Petr January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the group of Latin iterative verbs, i.e. the group that is formally marked with the iterative suffix -t. It deals with the question what was the actual meaning of the iterative suffix -t in classical Latin as reference literature says that in some cases the meaning of iterative verbs in classical Latin was the same as that of the base verb and there are iterative verbs whose base verbs are not attested at all. Also, only iterative verbs often passed into Romance languages. Another question this thesis deals with is the relationship of iterative verbs as a group set off on the basis of the category of aktionsart as it is understood in the Czech linguistic tradition and the categories that are generally referred to as aspect (grammatical aspect, lexical aspect). In this case, the selected method is a corpus-based quantitative method called the "behavioural profiles". In our case, the corpus is limited to selected prosaic works of the classical Latin period of approximately the 1st century b.C. to the 1st century AD. In its first part, the analysis is based on studying the occurrences of selected iterative verb - base verb pairs in the above mentioned corpus, especially focused on the frequency of occurrence, valence and classification of predicates into Vendler's classes,...
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Gestualité : pour la création scripturale : le cas des langues des signes / Gestures : for scriptural creation : in the case for sign languagesDanet, Claire 21 November 2018 (has links)
L’avènement du numérique a déplacé et découplé l’acte d’écriture de sa forme graphique et ainsi ouvert des possibilités de recherche au sujet des performances graphomotrices. Ces dernières peuvent, en particulier, prendre une autre dimension dans le contexte de création d’une écriture. Les langues des signes (LS) n’ont pas trouvé à ce jour de système d’écriture à même de rendre compte de leur spatialité et multidimensionnalité. Elles offrent ainsi des circonstances propices à cette recherche. Notre étude cherche à savoir jusqu’à quel point une part de l’activité du langage oral (gestuelle, corporelle) peut être maintenue dans l’activité du langage écrit et vise à comprendre le lien, en première personne, entre gestes et sens. L’objectif est de préserver une signification profonde pour le locuteur/scripteur. Pour répondre à cette question, nous proposons de réinvestir une gestuelle porteuse de sens dans le cadre de la conception d’un environnement technique favorisant la création scripturale. Dans un premier temps, cette étude pluridisciplinaire explore ce qui peut être transférable d’une sphère gestuelle à l’autre. En d’autres termes, quels éléments de l’oral peuvent être rapportés à l’écriture. Dans un second temps, elle envisage l’instrument permettant ce transfert. Pour cela, nous employons une démarche phénoménologique entendue comme méthodologie descriptive du point de vue en première personne. Cette méthode s’appuie sur des techniques de verbalisation de l’expérience vécue lors d’entretiens. La construction de la méthode adaptée à la LS française permet d’accéder à des descriptions fines des locuteurs sourds sur leur gestuelle. Le corpus de données est ensuite mis en dialogue avec une analyse en troisième personne établie à l’aide d’études linguistiques et kinésiologiques. Les résultats sur les dimensions du geste sémiotique nous amènent à penser les conditions d’une expérience habilitée, dans une perspective d’appropriation et de création scripturale des LS. Nous suivons pour cela la démarche de conception du design d’expérience utilisateur, du design d’énaction et de l’approche instrumentale pour l’immersion et l’interaction. La conception d’un tel dispositif vient non seulement changer le regard des personnes sourdes sur leur langue, mais également de manière plus générale, changer la relation que tout utilisateur a avec sa production gestuelle. / The digital revolution has evolved the act of writing; its forms have changed. From this phenomenon, new Graphomotor oriented research opportunities have emerged. The knowledge gathered by this research introduces a new angle for setting up a new writing system. Until today, no writing system has been able to transcribe the multidimensional nature of sign languages (SL). For that reason, sign languages offer the perfect opportunity for this kind of research. In this study we try to understand the link between gestures and meaning for the speaker and discover what features and how much of signing (gestures, body language) can be kept in the act of writing. Our objective is to maintain the integral meaning of gestures for the signer/writer. To do so, we offer the creation of a technologically advanced scriptural environment in which meaningful gestures can be put into perspective. First, this multidisciplinary research focuses on what can be transferred from the former gestural act (signing) to the latter (writing). Then, we consider the tool that will enable this transfer. To do so, we follow a phenomenological approach, or in other terms, a descriptive methodology from the firstperson point of view. This methodology is built upon signers’ feedback gathered of the experience lived during interviews. Shaping this method to fit the French SL offers precise gestural descriptions from signers themselves. This database is then compared with alinguistic and kinesiological analysis from the third-person point of view. These gestural meaning results enable us to reflect on how to create a guided experience tool enabling the assimilation of SL’s gestural matter and the creation of scriptural forms. To do that, we follow a UX design, an enaction design, and a tool based approach in order to offer immersion and interaction. This kind of device offers a new perspective to signers on their own language and more generally, offers the possibility for any user to form a new relationship with her or his own gestures.
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